Ejemplo n.º 1
							<h3>' . _T("site_index_thumbnail_link") . '</h3>
								<div class="code_box"><label for="codelbb">' . _T("site_index_bbcode") . ':</label> <input type="text" id="codelbb" value="' . $links[$countThumb]['thumb_mid_bbcode'] . '" onclick="javascript:this.focus();this.select();" readonly="true" class="text_input long" /></div>
								<div class="code_box"><label for="codehtml"><a href="' . $thumb_mid_link . '" title="' . $alt . '" >' . _T("site_index_html_code") . '</a> :</label> <input type="text" id="codehtml" value="' . $links[$countThumb]['thumb_mid_html'] . '" onclick="javascript:this.focus();this.select();" readonly="true" class="text_input long" /></div>
							<h3>' . _T("site_index_image_link") . '</h3>
							<div class="code_box"><label for="codebb">' . _T("site_index_bbcode") . ':</label> <input type="text" id="codebb" value="' . $links[$countThumb]['image_bbcode'] . '" onclick="javascript:this.focus();this.select();" readonly="true" class="text_input long" /></div>
							<div class="code_box"><label for="codedirect">' . _T("site_index_direct_link") . '</label> <input type="text" id="codedirect" value="' . $links[$countThumb]['image_direct'] . '" onclick="javascript:this.focus();this.select();" readonly="true" class="text_input long" /></div>';
                $thumbHtml .= '</div>';
                $thumbHtml .= '<div style="clear: both;"></div>';
            } else {
                user_feedback('error', _T("site_index_thumbs_page_err"), 'admin_bulkupload_thumbs');
    // end uploaded loop
// end show uploaded images
if (isset($_SESSION['upload'])) {
    user_feedback('success', _T('admin_bulk_upload_success', count($_SESSION['upload'])), 'upload_images');
    if (isset($_SESSION['show_image'])) {
// make image list to upload
if (isset($_POST['bupload'])) {
    if ($handle = opendir(CFBULKUPLOADPATH)) {
        $i = 0;
        while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
            if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
                $path = CFBULKUPLOADPATH . $file;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 *   Used For:     Admin ADs page
 *   Last edited:  19/12/2012
if (isset($_POST['changeads'])) {
    $makeFile = '<?php if(!defined(\'cfih\') or !cfih) exit("Direct access not permitted.");
	$ads[\'header\'] = \'' . safe_slash_html($_POST['ad1']) . '\';
	$ads[\'index\'] = "' . safe_slash_html($_POST['ad2']) . '";
	$ads[\'thumb\'] = "' . safe_slash_html($_POST['ad3']) . '";
	$ads[\'gallery\'] = "' . safe_slash_html($_POST['ad4']) . '";
	$ads[\'footer\'] = "' . safe_slash_html($_POST['ad5']) . '";';
    if ($fp = fopen(CFDATAPATH . 'ads.php', 'w+')) {
        fwrite($fp, $makeFile);
    } else {
        user_feedback('error', 'Error: Saving file', 'admin_ads_saving_file');
// page settings
$page['id'] = 'ads';
$page['title'] = _T("admin_ad_page_title");
$page['description'] = '';
$page['tipsy'] = true;
require CFADMINPATH . 'admin_page_header.php';
<!-- admin settings -->
		<div id="msg"></div>
					<div class="ibox full">
echo _T("admin_ad_page_title");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * report_img($id)
 * used to update the database about a image being reported
function report_img($id)
    global $settings;
    $id = cl($id);
    if (db_addReport($id)) {
        user_feedback('success', _T("site_gallery_report_suc"), 'image_report');
        if (check_set('SET_EMAIL_REPORT') && $settings['SET_CONTACT'] != '') {
            $subject = "Image Reported on " . $settings['SET_TITLE'];
            $message = "reported image id: " . $id . " \r\n";
            $message .= "reported on : " . $settings['SET_TITLE'] . " \r\n";
            $message .= "Admin Panel : " . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . "/admin.php \r\n";
            $headers = "From:" . $settings['SET_CONTACT'] . " <" . $settings['SET_CONTACT'] . ">";
            mail($settings['SET_CONTACT'], $subject, $message, $headers);
        return true;
    user_feedback('error', _T("site_gallery_report_err_find"), 'report_img');
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    $settings['SET_IMAGE_WIDGIT'] = cl($_POST['setImageWidgit']) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
    $settings['SET_NODUPLICATE'] = cl($_POST['setNoDuplicate']) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
    $settings['SET_RESIZE_IMG_ON'] = cl($_POST['setResizeImg']) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
    $settings['SET_ADDTHIS'] = cl($_POST['setAddThis']);
    //Short url settings
    $settings['SET_SHORT_URL_API'] = cl($_POST['setSUrlApi']);
    $settings['SET_SHORT_URL_API_URL'] = cl($_POST['setSUrlApiUrl']);
    $settings['SET_SHORT_URL_PASS'] = cl($_POST['setSUrlApiPass']);
    $settings['SET_SHORT_URL_USER'] = cl($_POST['setSUrlApiUesr']);
    // save settings
    if (!is_feedback('error')) {
        if (saveSettings(CFINCPATH . 'set.php', $settings)) {
            user_feedback('success', _T("admin_set_suc_update"), 'saveing_settings');
        } else {
            user_feedback('error', _T("admin_set_err_saveing_settings"), 'admin_set_saveing_settings');
// page settings
$page['id'] = 'set';
$page['title'] = 'Admin Settings page';
$page['description'] = '';
$page['tipsy'] = true;
$page['fancybox'] = true;
require CFROOTPATH . 'admin/admin_page_header.php';
<!-- admin settings -->
		<div id="msg"></div>
		<form method="POST" action="admin.php?act=set">
			<div class="tabs">
Ejemplo n.º 5
            // save image to upload array to be sent to thumb page
            $_SESSION['upload'][] = array('id' => $image['id'], 'did' => $image['did']);
            // count images uploaded
            if ($imgCount >= $settings['SET_MAX_UPLOAD'] && !isset($admin_upload)) {
                // break upload loop as you have updated max number of images in one go...
        } else {
            user_feedback('error', '<b>' . $image['name'] . '</b> ' . _T("site_index_delete_image_err_db"), 'savedb');
    // end image upload loop
} elseif (!isset($_SESSION['err'])) {
    user_feedback('error', _T("site_upload_err") . ' ...', 'unknown_error');
// remove temp images
if (isset($removeList)) {
    foreach ($removeList as $tempImg) {
        // remove old file
        if (file_exists($tempImg)) {
// send to page
// admin bulk uploader
if (isset($admin_upload)) {
    header('Location: ' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . 'admin.php?act=bulk');
Ejemplo n.º 6
                } else {
                    user_feedback('error', _T("admin_set_err_password_wrong"), 'admin_log_password_wrong');
                    $reset_password = true;
            } else {
                user_feedback('error', _T("admin_set_err_password_both"), 'admin_log_password_both');
                $reset_password = true;
        } else {
            // end check code
            user_feedback('error', _T("admin_log_forgot_password_err"), 'admin_log_forgot_password_3');
    } else {
        // end check file
        user_feedback('error', _T("admin_log_forgot_password_err"), 'admin_log_forgot_password_4');
if (!checklogin()) {
    $page['id'] = 'logon';
    $page['title'] = _T("admin_log_title");
    $page['description'] = '';
    require CFADMINPATH . 'admin_page_header.php';
    echo "<!-- admin login -->";
    if (!$reset_password) {
        // LOGIN PAGE
		<div class="tabs">
Ejemplo n.º 7
    $banDescription = cl($_POST['banDes']);
    if ($banIp != '') {
        if (db_ban_user($banIp, $banDescription)) {
            user_feedback('success', _T("admin_ban_suc", $banIp), 'banned');
        } else {
            user_feedback('error', _T("admin_ban_err_save_db"), 'admin_ban_saving_ban');
    } else {
        user_feedback('error', _T("admin_ban_err_no_ip"), 'admin_ban_no_ip');
//unban user
$ip_to_unban = isset($_GET['ip']) ? cl($_GET['ip']) : '';
if ($ip_to_unban != '') {
    if (db_remove_ban($ip_to_unban)) {
        user_feedback('success', _T("admin_ban_suc_unbanned", $ip_to_unban), 'unban');
// find ip from image ID
$id_to_ban = isset($_GET['id']) ? cl($_GET['id']) : '';
if ($id_to_ban != '') {
    $BAN_IP = db_get_image($id_to_ban);
    $BAN_IP = $BAN_IP['ip'];
// List Banned IP's
$banned_list = '';
if ($banList = db_list_banned_uers()) {
    foreach ($banList as $k => $v) {
        $odd_class = empty($odd_class) ? ' class="odd"' : '';
        $banned_list .= '<tr' . $odd_class . '>
								<td class="textleft">
Ejemplo n.º 8
function download_backup($file)
    if (!file_exists(CFBACKUPPATH . $file)) {
        user_feedback('error', _T('admin_db_backup_not_found'), 'download_backup');
        return false;
    downloadFile(CFBACKUPPATH . $file);
Ejemplo n.º 9
$gallery->setNumberOfImagesToShow($imgOnGalleryRow * theme_setting('gallery_rows', $settings['SET_IMG_ROWS']));
$galleryList = $gallery->galleryList();
// make gallery
// check for search
if (isset($search)) {
    if (!$search || !$gallery->imagesFound) {
        $Err['searchErr'] = $search;
        $searchHeader = '<h4 class="search">' . _T("site_search_no_results") . ' <span class="search_for">' . $gallery->searchFor . '</span></h4><p class="search_sug">' . _T("site_search_suggestions") . '</p>';
        $pageSet['image_widgit'] = true;
    } else {
        $searchHeader = '<h4 class="search">' . _T("site_search_results", '<span class="search_for">' . $gallery->imagesFound . '</span>') . ' <span class="search_for">' . $gallery->searchFor . '</span></h4>';
// check gallery for images
if (empty($galleryList) && !isset($search)) {
    user_feedback('error', _T("site_gallery_err_no_image"), 'gallery_search_no_image');
// header page var
$pageSet['id'] = 'gallery';
$pageSet['title'] = ' - ' . _T("site_gallery_page_title") . ' ' . $gallery->pageNmber;
$pageSet['description'] = 'Free Image Hosting, Online image gallery of uploaded images';
$pageSet['keywords'] = 'gallery, images, photos, image gallery, photo gallery, free image hosting';
// load header
require CFROOTPATH . 'header.php';
// print search Header to page if needed
echo isset($searchHeader) ? $searchHeader : '';
// check gallery has images to list
if (!empty($galleryList)) {
    foreach ($galleryList as $k => $image) {
        echo !($k % $imgOnGalleryRow) ? '<ul class="gallery">' : '';
        // start new row
Ejemplo n.º 10
    $adminMenu = '<div id="admin_bar">
		<div class="title">Admin Menu</div>
		<ul class="nav">
			<li><a href="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . '/admin.php?act=logout" title="' . _T("admin_menu_logout") . '">' . _T("admin_menu_logout") . '</a></li>
			<li><a href="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . '/admin.php?act=set" title="' . _T("admin_menu_settings") . '">' . _T("admin_menu_settings") . '</a></li>
			<li><a href="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . '/admin.php?act=ban" title="' . _T("admin_menu_banned") . '">' . _T("admin_menu_banned") . '</a></li>
			<li><a href="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . '/admin.php?act=db" title="' . _T("admin_menu_database") . '">' . _T("admin_menu_database") . '</a></li>
			<li><a href="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . '/admin.php?act=images" title="' . _T("admin_menu_image_list") . '">' . _T("admin_menu_image_list") . '</a></li>
			<li><a href="' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . '/admin.php" title="' . _T("admin_menu_home") . '">' . _T("admin_menu_home") . '</a></li>
// 404 page error
if (isset($_GET['err'])) {
    $page_error = error_header($_GET['err']);
    user_feedback('error', $page_error, 'page_error');
<!doctype html>
<html lang="<?php 
echo _T("site_lang_code");
	<meta charset="<?php 
echo _T("site_charset");
Ejemplo n.º 11
 *   You should have received a full copy of the LICENSE AGREEMENT along with
 *   Codefuture Image Hosting Script. If not, see http://codefuture.co.uk/projects/imagehost/license/.
 *   ABOUT THIS PAGE -----
 *   Used For:     Admin Edit Image Info
 *   Last edited:  11/01/2012
// Get Image ID
$edit_img_id = cl($_GET['id']);
// Update Image Info If Needed
if (isset($_POST['update'])) {
    $pam = array('alt' => cl($_POST['setAlt']), 'private' => cl($_POST['setPrivate']) == 1 ? true : false);
    if (db_update($edit_img_id, $pam)) {
        user_feedback('success', _T("admin_iep_suc"), 'edit_image');
// get image info
$edit_image = db_get_image($edit_img_id);
$cdb = db_imageCounterList(null, $edit_img_id);
// page settings
$page['id'] = 'edit';
$page['title'] = _T("admin_iep_title");
$page['description'] = '';
$page['tipsy'] = true;
$page['lightbox'] = true;
require CFADMINPATH . 'admin_page_header.php';
<!-- admin image edit -->
			<div class="ibox top_img"><a href="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 12
 *   You should have received a full copy of the LICENSE AGREEMENT along with
 *   Codefuture Image Hosting Script. If not, see http://codefuture.co.uk/projects/imagehost/license/.
 *   ABOUT THIS PAGE -----
 *   Used For:     Admin Dashboard
 *   Last edited:  19/12/2012
// Image Report List
if ($act == "report" && cl($_GET['id']) != '') {
    if (db_remove_from_report(cl($_GET['id']))) {
        user_feedback('success', _T("admin_home_report_remove_suc"), 'image_report_remove');
    } else {
        user_feedback('error', _T("admin_home_report_remove_err"), 'admin_home_report_remove');
// set any header hooks
add_code_line('admin-footer', '<script type= "text/javascript">
		$(document).ready(function() {
			$("#overview").load(\'admin/ajax/admin_dashboard_ajax.php' . (!$ADMIN_DASHBOARD_FULL ? '?t=b' : '') . '\', function(response, status, xhr) {
				if (status == "error") {
					// handle error
					' . ($settings['SET_ALLOW_REPORT'] ? '
					$("#report").load(\'admin/ajax/admin_report_ajax.php\', function() {
					});' : '') . '
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
include 'lib/requirements-check.php';
$user_feedback_requirements_check = new User_Feedback_Requirements_Check(array('title' => 'User Feedback', 'php' => '5.3', 'wp' => '4.0', 'file' => __FILE__));
if ($user_feedback_requirements_check->passes()) {
    if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) {
        include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
     * Get the User Feedback controller instance.
     * @return \Required\User_Feedback\Controller
    function user_feedback()
        static $controller = null;
        if (null === $controller) {
            $controller = new \Required\User_Feedback\Controller();
        return $controller;
    // Initialize the plugin.
    add_action('plugins_loaded', function () {