function url_for($route, $vars = 0) { global $_routes; $og_route = $route; $route = url_explode($_routes[$route]['url']); foreach ($route as $key => $val) { # Check if the current route iteration is that of a wildcard. # We'll modify our $route array to include any passed values. # E.g. /this/:var will return this/passedVar if (is_route_wildcard($val)) { $r = str_replace(':', '', $val); if ($vars[$r]) { $route[$key] = $vars[$r]; } else { die('missing var!'); } } } # Return the URL. return '/' . implode('/', $route); }
function lists() { //$this->output->enable_profiler(false); if (in_array("q", $this->seg_exp)) { $arr_key = array_keys($this->seg_exp, "q"); $arr_val = $arr_key[0] + 1; if (@$this->seg_exp[$arr_val]) { $search_word = $this->seg_exp[$arr_val]; } else { $search_word = '검색어없음/'; } $arr_key1 = array_keys($this->seg_exp, "sfl"); if (@$arr_key1[0]) { $arr_val1 = $arr_key1[0] + 1; } else { $arr_val1 = 10; } if (@$this->seg_exp[$arr_val1]) { $sfl = $this->seg_exp[$arr_val1]; } else { $sfl = 'subject'; } $post = array('method' => $sfl, 's_word' => urldecode($search_word)); } else { $post = ''; } if ($this->session->userdata('auth_code') == 'ADMIN' or $this->session->userdata('auth_code') >= 0 or $this->list_perm == 1) { if (in_array("page", $this->seg_exp)) { $arr_key = array_keys($this->seg_exp, "page"); $arr_val = $arr_key[0] + 1; if (@$this->seg_exp[$arr_val]) { $data['page_account'] = $page = $this->seg_exp[$arr_val]; } else { $data['page_account'] = $page = 1; } } else { $data['page_account'] = $page = 1; } $data['division'] = $post['division'] = urldecode(url_explode($this->seg_exp, 'division')); $data['list_total'] = $total = $this->board_m->load_list_total($post, MENU_ID); $data['page_entry'] = $post['page_entry'] = url_explode($this->seg_exp, 'page_entry'); if ($data['page_entry']) { $rp = $data['page_entry']; } else { $rp = 20; } $limit = 9; if (!is_numeric($page)) { $page = 1; } $start = ($page - 1) * $rp; //print_r($this->seg_exp); $this->url_seg = $this->seg_exp; $arr_s = array_search('page', $this->url_seg); if ($arr_s) { array_splice($this->url_seg, $arr_s, 2); } $urls = implode('/', $this->url_seg); $data['pagination_links'] = pagination($urls . "/page", paging($page, $rp, $total, $limit)); $data['list'] = $this->board_m->load_list($start, $rp, $post, MENU_ID); $this->load->view('board/default/lists_v', $data); } else { if (!$this->session->userdata('userid')) { $rpath = str_replace("index.php/", "", $this->input->server('PHP_SELF')); $data['rpath_encode'] = strtr(base64_encode(addslashes(gzcompress(serialize($rpath), 9))), '+/=', '-_.'); $this->load->view('login_view_v', $data); } else { $data['perm'] = "권한이 없습니다.."; $this->load->view('perm_view_v', $data); } } }
<?php require 'lib/system.config.php'; require 'lib/system.functions.php'; require 'lib/plugins.functions.php'; require 'user/config/routes.php'; require 'user/config/app.php'; require 'user/config/user.php'; # Define an array for controller's vars. $_controller = array(); $_controller['current_url'] = curr_url(); $_url_match = 0; # Check and see if we have a route match foreach ($_routes as $_route) { $_controller['route_url'] = url_explode($_route['url']); # Check for an array size match between the current url and the current stored url iteration. if (count($_controller['current_url']) == count($_controller['route_url'])) { log_me("Looks like we've got a url count match on -- " . implode('/', $_controller['route_url'])); $size = count($_controller['current_url']); # Compare the urls for ($i = 0; $i < $size; ++$i) { # Let's catch the route wildcards if (is_route_wildcard($_controller['route_url'][$i])) { # We know we're dealing with a wildcard--let's find out if it's a module or action if ($_controller['route_url'][$i] == ':module') { $_module = str_replace(':', '', $_controller['current_url'][$i]); log_me("The following module wildcard was found -- " . $_module); } if ($_controller['route_url'][$i] == ':action') { $_action = str_replace(':', '', $_controller['current_url'][$i]); log_me("The following action wildcard was found -- " . $_action);
public function contact() { if (url_explode($this->seg_exp, 'page')) { $page = url_explode($this->seg_exp, 'page'); } else { $page = 1; } $condition = array('page' => $page, 'scope' => $this->input->get('scope'), 'keyword' => $this->input->get('keyword')); $data['lists'] = $this->client_m->get_contact_lists($condition, $page, 20, '3'); //vdd($data['lists']); $data['list_count'] = $this->client_m->get_contact_lists_count($condition, '3'); $data['condition'] = $condition; $this->_getPaginationLinks($data, $this->seg_exp, $data['list_count'], $page); $this->load->view('/admin/client/contact_list_v', $data); }