public function deleteuser() { $user_id = url_decrypt($this->uri->segment(3)); if (!$user_id || empty($user_id) || !is_numeric($user_id)) { show_404(); } if ($this->ion_auth->delete_user($user_id)) { $this->session->set_flashdata('success_notify', 'User has been deleted.'); } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('error_notify', $this->ion_auth->messages()); } redirect('users/lists'); }
exit; } else { if (!isset($_GET['q'])) { // must be at homepage - should we redirect somewhere else? if (Config::get('index_redirect')) { // redirect to... header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found"); header("Location: " . Config::get('index_redirect')); } else { echo render_template("./templates/main.php", array('version' => Proxy::VERSION)); } exit; } } // decode q parameter to get the real URL $url = url_decrypt($_GET['q']); $proxy = new Proxy(); // load plugins foreach (Config::get('plugins', array()) as $plugin) { $plugin_class = $plugin . 'Plugin'; if (file_exists('./plugins/' . $plugin_class . '.php')) { // use user plugin from /plugins/ require_once './plugins/' . $plugin_class . '.php'; } else { if (class_exists('\\Proxy\\Plugin\\' . $plugin_class)) { // does the native plugin from php-proxy package with such name exist? $plugin_class = '\\Proxy\\Plugin\\' . $plugin_class; } } // otherwise plugin_class better be loaded already through composer.json and match namespace exactly \\Vendor\\Plugin\\SuperPlugin $proxy->getEventDispatcher()->addSubscriber(new $plugin_class());