$avatar_path = 'addons_icon'; } else { if ($chat['post_user'] == $lang_system) { $avatar_path = "{$icon_path}"; } else { $avatar_path = 'avatar'; } } } $uavatar = $chat['avatar']; if ($uavatar == '' || $uavatar == 'default_avatar_tumb.png') { $uavatar = 'default_avatar_tumb.png'; $avatar_path = "{$icon_path}"; } $avatar = "<img class=\"avatar_chat\" src=\"{$avatar_path}/{$uavatar}\"/>"; $message = emoprocess(uprocess($me, $me2, $chat['post_message'])); if ($setting['allow_link'] == 1) { $message = emoticon(linking($message, $icon_set)); } else { $message = emoticon($message); } if (!strpos(strtolower($user['user_ignore']), strtolower($chat['post_user']))) { if ($user['user_rank'] >= 3) { if (strtolower($chat['post_target']) == strtolower($user['user_name']) && $chat['post_user'] != "{$lang_system}") { $clogs .= "<li class=\"ch_logs {$lcolor} " . $chat['type'] . "\"><div value=\"" . $chat['post_user'] . "\" class=\"my_avatar chat_avatar_wrap\">{$avatar}</div><div class=\"my_text\"><p><span class=\"username " . $chat['post_color'] . "\">" . $chat['post_user'] . "</span> : {$message}<span class=\"private_reply\" value=\"" . $chat['post_user'] . "\">reply</span><span class=\"logs_date\">" . date("M j G:i", $chat['post_date']) . "</span></p></div><div class=\"clear\"></div></li>\n"; } else { if ($chat['type'] == 'me') { $clogs .= "<li class=\"ch_logs {$lcolor} " . $chat['type'] . "\"><div value=\"" . $chat['post_user'] . "\" class=\"my_avatar chat_avatar_wrap\">{$avatar}</div><div class=\"my_text\"><p><span class=\"username " . $chat['post_color'] . "\">" . $chat['post_user'] . "</span> {$message}<span class=\"logs_date\">" . date("M j G:i", $chat['post_date']) . "</span><span class=\"delete_log\" value=\"" . $chat['post_id'] . "\">x</span></p></div><div class=\"clear\"></div></li>\n"; } else { $clogs .= "<li class=\"ch_logs {$lcolor} " . $chat['type'] . "\"><div value=\"" . $chat['post_user'] . "\" class=\"my_avatar chat_avatar_wrap\">{$avatar}</div><div class=\"my_text\"><p><span class=\"username " . $chat['post_color'] . "\">" . $chat['post_user'] . "</span> : {$message}<span class=\"logs_date\">" . date("M j G:i", $chat['post_date']) . "</span><span class=\"delete_log\" value=\"" . $chat['post_id'] . "\">x</span></p></div><div class=\"clear\"></div></li>\n"; }
* @author www.myboomchat.com * @copyright 2015 * @terms any use of this script without a legal license is prohibited * all the content of Boomchat is the propriety of BoomCoding and Cannot be * used for another project. */ $load_setting = 'timezone, allow_theme, default_theme, language, log_history'; $load_user = '******'; require_once "config_lite.php"; require_once "content_process.php"; $me = $user['user_name']; $history_lenght = $setting['log_history']; echo "<ul id=\"ul_history\" class=\"background_box\">"; if ($user['user_access'] == 1 || $user['user_access'] == 4) { $user_room = $user['user_roomid']; $history = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM `chat` WHERE `post_message` LIKE '%{$me}%' AND `post_roomid` = {$user_room} AND `post_user` != '{$me}' OR `post_target` = '{$me}' \r\n\t\tAND `type` = 'private' ORDER BY `post_id` DESC LIMIT 50"); while ($log = $history->fetch_assoc()) { $myself = $user['user_name']; $myself2 = strtolower($myself); $message = emoprocess(uprocess($myself, $myself2, $log['post_message'])); $message = emoticon(linking($message, $icon_set)); if ($log['type'] == 'me') { echo "<li class=\"{$log["type"]}\"><span class='datechat'>{$log["post_time"]} </span> <span class='username {$log["post_color"]}'>{$log["post_user"]}</span> {$message}</li>\n"; } else { echo "<li class=\"{$log["type"]}\"><span class='datechat'>{$log["post_time"]} </span> <span class='username {$log["post_color"]}'>{$log["post_user"]}</span> : {$message}</li>\n"; } } } else { echo "{$lang_error}"; } echo "</ul>";