Ejemplo n.º 1
 * 图片字段表单组合处理
 * @param type $field 字段名
 * @param type $value 字段内容
 * @param type $fieldinfo 字段配置
 * @return type
function image($field, $value, $fieldinfo)
    $errortips = $fieldinfo['errortips'];
    if ($fieldinfo['minlength']) {
        $this->formValidateRules['info[' . $field . ']'] = array("required" => true);
        $this->formValidateMessages['info[' . $field . ']'] = array("required" => $errortips ? $errortips : $fieldinfo['name'] . "不能为空!");
    $setting = unserialize($fieldinfo['setting']);
    $width = $setting['width'] ? $setting['width'] : 180;
    $html = '';
    if (defined('IN_ADMIN') && IN_ADMIN) {
        $html = " <input type=\"button\" class=\"btn\" onclick=\"crop_cut_" . $field . "(\$('#{$field}').val());return false;\" value=\"裁减图片\"> \n            <input type=\"button\"  class=\"btn\" onclick=\"\$('#" . $field . "_preview').attr('src','" . CONFIG_SITEURL_MODEL . "statics/images/icon/upload-pic.png');\$('#" . $field . "').val('');return false;\" value=\"取消图片\"><script type=\"text/javascript\">\n            function crop_cut_" . $field . "(id){\n\tif ( id =='' || id == undefined ) { \n                      isalert('请先上传缩略图!');\n                      return false;\n                    }\n                    var catid = \$('input[name=\"info[catid]\"]').val();\n                    if(catid == '' ){\n                        isalert('请选择栏目ID!');\n                        return false;\n                    }\n                    Wind.use('artDialog','iframeTools',function(){\n                      art.dialog.open(GV.DIMAUB+'index.php?a=public_imagescrop&m=Content&g=Contents&catid='+catid+'&picurl='+encodeURIComponent(id)+'&input={$field}&preview=" . ($setting['show_type'] && defined('IN_ADMIN') ? $field . "_preview" : '') . "', {\n                        title:'裁减图片', \n                        id:'crop',\n                        ok: function () {\n                            var iframe = this.iframe.contentWindow;\n                            if (!iframe.document.body) {\n                                 alert('iframe还没加载完毕呢');\n                                 return false;\n                            }\n                            iframe.uploadfile();\n                            return false;\n                        },\n                        cancel: true\n                      });\n                    });\n            };\n</script>";
    $module = in_array(GROUP_NAME, array("Contents", "contents")) ? 'Contents' : GROUP_NAME;
    $authkey = upload_key("1,{$setting['upload_allowext']},{$setting['isselectimage']},{$setting['images_width']},{$setting['images_height']},{$setting['watermark']}");
    if ($setting['show_type']) {
        $preview_img = $value ? $value : CONFIG_SITEURL_MODEL . 'statics/images/icon/upload-pic.png';
        return $str . "<div  style=\"text-align: center;\"><input type='hidden' name='info[{$field}]' id='{$field}' value='{$value}'>\n\t\t\t<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick=\"flashupload('{$field}_images', '附件上传','{$field}',thumb_images,'1,{$setting['upload_allowext']},{$setting['isselectimage']},{$setting['images_width']},{$setting['images_height']},{$setting['watermark']}','{$module}','{$this->catid}','{$authkey}');return false;\">\n\t\t\t<img src='{$preview_img}' id='{$field}_preview' width='135' height='113' style='cursor:hand' /></a>\n                       <br/> " . $html . "\n                   </div>";
    } else {
        return $str . "<input type='text' name='info[{$field}]' id='{$field}' value='{$value}' style='width:{$width}px;' class='input' />  <input type='button' class='button' onclick=\"flashupload('{$field}_images', '附件上传','{$field}',submit_images,'1,{$setting['upload_allowext']},{$setting['isselectimage']},{$setting['images_width']},{$setting['images_height']},{$setting['watermark']}','{$module}','{$this->catid}','{$authkey}')\"/ value='上传图片'>" . $html;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	 * swfupload上传附件
	public function swfupload(){
		$grouplist = getcache('grouplist','member');
			if( $_POST['swf_auth_key'] != md5(pc_base::load_config('system','auth_key').$_POST['SWFUPLOADSESSID']) || ($_POST['isadmin']==0 && !$grouplist[$_POST['groupid']]['allowattachment'])) exit();
			$attachment = new attachment($_POST['module'],$_POST['catid'],$_POST['siteid']);
			$siteid = get_siteid();
			$site_setting = get_site_setting($siteid);
			$site_allowext = $site_setting['upload_allowext'];
			$aids = $attachment->upload('Filedata',$site_allowext,'','',array($_POST['thumb_width'],$_POST['thumb_height']),$_POST['watermark_enable']);
			if($aids[0]) {
				$filename= (strtolower(CHARSET) != 'utf-8') ? iconv('gbk', 'utf-8', $attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filename']) : $attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filename'];
				if($attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['isimage']) {
					echo $aids[0].','.$this->upload_url.$attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filepath'].','.$attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['isimage'].','.$filename;
				} else {
					$fileext = $attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['fileext'];
					if($fileext == 'zip' || $fileext == 'rar') $fileext = 'rar';
					elseif($fileext == 'doc' || $fileext == 'docx') $fileext = 'doc';
					elseif($fileext == 'xls' || $fileext == 'xlsx') $fileext = 'xls';
					elseif($fileext == 'ppt' || $fileext == 'pptx') $fileext = 'ppt';
					elseif ($fileext == 'flv' || $fileext == 'swf' || $fileext == 'rm' || $fileext == 'rmvb') $fileext = 'flv';
					else $fileext = 'do';
					echo $aids[0].','.$this->upload_url.$attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filepath'].','.$fileext.','.$filename;
			} else {
				echo '0,'.$attachment->error();

		} else {
			if($this->isadmin==0 && !$grouplist[$this->groupid]['allowattachment']) showmessage(L('att_no_permission'));
			$args = $_GET['args'];
			$authkey = $_GET['authkey'];
			if(upload_key($args) != $authkey) showmessage(L('attachment_parameter_error'));
			$siteid = $this->get_siteid();
			$site_setting = get_site_setting($siteid);
			$file_size_limit = sizecount($site_setting['upload_maxsize']*1024);		
			$att_not_used = param::get_cookie('att_json');
			if(empty($att_not_used) || !isset($att_not_used)) $tab_status = ' class="on"';
			if(!empty($att_not_used)) $div_status = ' hidden';
			$att = $this->att_not_used();
			$userid_flash=sys_auth($this->userid, 'ENCODE');
			include $this->admin_tpl('swfupload');
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * 单文件上传字段表单组合处理
 * @param type $field 字段名
 * @param type $value 字段内容
 * @param type $fieldinfo 字段配置
 * @return type
function downfile($field, $value, $fieldinfo)
    $errortips = $fieldinfo['errortips'];
    if ($fieldinfo['minlength']) {
        $this->formValidateRules['info[' . $field . ']'] = array("required" => true);
        $this->formValidateMessages['info[' . $field . ']'] = array("required" => $errortips ? $errortips : $fieldinfo['name'] . "不能为空!");
    $setting = unserialize($fieldinfo['setting']);
    $width = $setting['width'] ? $setting['width'] : 300;
    //生成上传附件验证 //同时允许的上传个数, 允许上传的文件类型, 是否允许从已上传中选择
    $authkey = upload_key("1,{$setting['upload_allowext']},{$setting['isselectimage']}");
    $module = MODULE_NAME;
    return "<input type='text' name='info[{$field}]' id='{$field}' value='{$value}' style='width:{$width}px;' class='input' />  <input type='button' class='button' onclick=\"flashupload('{$field}_downfile', '附件上传','{$field}',submit_attachment,'1,{$setting['upload_allowext']},{$setting['isselectimage']}','{$module}','{$this->catid}','{$authkey}')\"/ value='上传文件'>";
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * 多图片字段类型表单组合处理
 * @param type $field 字段名
 * @param type $value 字段内容
 * @param type $fieldinfo 字段值
 * @return string
function images($field, $value, $fieldinfo)
    $errortips = $fieldinfo['errortips'];
    if ($fieldinfo['minlength']) {
        $this->formValidateRules['info[' . $field . ']'] = array("required" => true);
        $this->formValidateMessages['info[' . $field . ']'] = array("required" => $errortips ? $errortips : $fieldinfo['name'] . "不能为空!");
    $setting = unserialize($fieldinfo['setting']);
    $list_str = '';
    if ($value) {
        $value = unserialize(html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES));
        if (is_array($value)) {
            foreach ($value as $_k => $_v) {
                $list_str .= "<div id='image_{$field}_{$_k}' style='padding:1px'><input type='text' name='{$field}_url[]' value='{$_v['url']}' style='width:310px;' ondblclick='image_priview(this.value);' class='input'> <input type='text' name='{$field}_alt[]' value='{$_v['alt']}' style='width:160px;' class='input'> <a href=\"javascript:remove_div('image_{$field}_{$_k}')\">移除</a></div>";
    } else {
        $list_str .= "<center><div class='onShow' id='nameTip'>您最多每次可以同时上传 <font color='red'>{$setting['upload_number']}</font> 张</div></center>";
    $string = '<input name="info[' . $field . ']" type="hidden" value="1">
		<fieldset class="blue pad-10">
    $string .= $list_str;
    $string .= '<div id="' . $field . '" class="picList"></div>
		<div class="bk10"></div>
    $module = MODULE_NAME;
    $authkey = upload_key("{$setting['upload_number']},{$setting['upload_allowext']},{$setting['isselectimage']},,,{$setting['watermark']}");
    $string .= $str . "<a herf='javascript:void(0);' onclick=\"javascript:flashupload('{$field}_images', '图片上传','{$field}',change_images,'{$setting['upload_number']},{$setting['upload_allowext']},{$setting['isselectimage']},,,{$setting['watermark']}','{$module}','{$this->catid}','{$authkey}')\" class=\"btn\"><span class=\"add\"></span>选择图片 </a>";
    return $string;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * @param string $name 表单名称
  * @param int $id 表单id
  * @param string $value 表单默认值
  * @param string $moudle 模块名称
  * @param int $catid 栏目id
  * @param int $size 表单大小
  * @param string $class 表单风格
  * @param string $ext 表单扩展属性 如果 js事件等
  * @param string $alowexts 允许图片格式
  * @param array $file_setting 
 public static function upfiles($name, $id = '', $value = '', $moudle = '', $catid = '', $size = 50, $class = '', $ext = '', $alowexts = '', $file_setting = array())
     if (!$id) {
         $id = $name;
     if (!$size) {
         $size = 50;
     if (!empty($file_setting) && count($file_setting)) {
         $file_ext = $file_setting[0] . ',' . $file_setting[1];
     } else {
         $file_ext = ',';
     if (!$alowexts) {
         $alowexts = 'jpg|gif';
     if (!defined('UPFILES_INIT')) {
         $str = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . CONFIG_SITEURL_MODEL . 'statics/js/content_addtop.js"></script>';
         define('UPFILES_INIT', 1);
     //1, 允许上传的文件类型, 是否允许从已上传中选择, 图片高度, 图片宽度,是否添加水印1是
     $authkey = upload_key("1,{$alowexts},1,{$file_ext}");
     return $str . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"{$name}\" id=\"{$id}\" value=\"{$value}\" size=\"{$size}\" class=\"{$class}\" {$ext}/>  <input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"javascript:flashupload('{$id}_files', '附件上传','{$id}',submit_attachment,'1,{$alowexts},1,{$file_ext}','{$moudle}','{$catid}','{$authkey}')\"/ value=\"上传文件\">";
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * @param string $name 表单名称
  * @param int $id 表单id
  * @param string $value 表单默认值
  * @param string $moudle 模块名称
  * @param int $catid 栏目id
  * @param int $size 表单大小
  * @param string $class 表单风格
  * @param string $ext 表单扩展属性 如果 js事件等
  * @param string $alowexts 允许上传的文件格式
  * @param array $file_setting 
 public static function upfiles($name, $id = '', $value = '', $moudle = '', $catid = '', $size = 50, $class = '', $ext = '', $alowexts = '', $file_setting = array())
     if (!$id) {
         $id = $name;
     if (!$size) {
         $size = 50;
     if (!empty($file_setting) && count($file_setting)) {
         $file_ext = $file_setting[0] . ',' . $file_setting[1];
     } else {
         $file_ext = ',';
     if (!$alowexts) {
         $alowexts = 'rar|zip';
     if (!defined('IMAGES_INIT')) {
         $str = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . JS_PATH . 'swfupload/swf2ckeditor.js"></script>';
         define('IMAGES_INIT', 1);
     $authkey = upload_key("1,{$alowexts},1,{$file_ext}");
     return $str . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"{$name}\" id=\"{$id}\" value=\"{$value}\" size=\"{$size}\" class=\"{$class}\" {$ext}/>  <input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"javascript:flashupload('{$id}_files', '" . L('attachmentupload') . "','{$id}',submit_attachment,'1,{$alowexts},1,{$file_ext}','{$moudle}','{$catid}','{$authkey}')\"/ value=\"" . L('filesupload') . "\">";
                <script type="text/javascript">
                var editorURL = GV.DIMAUB;
                <script type="text/javascript"  src="<?php 
                <script type="text/javascript"  src="<?php 
<script type="text/javascript">
$authkey = upload_key("10,,1,,,0");
    var editorcontent;
                        UE.commands['attachments'] = {
                            execCommand : function(cmd){
                                flashupload('flashupload', '附件上传','content',ueAttachment,'10,,1,,,0','Web','10','<?php 
echo $authkey;
                            queryCommandState : function(){
                                return this.highlight ? -1 :0;
                        var editor_config_content = {
Ejemplo n.º 8
    function images($field, $value, $fieldinfo)
        $list_str = '';
        if ($value) {
            $value = string2array(new_html_entity_decode($value));
            if (is_array($value)) {
                foreach ($value as $_k => $_v) {
                    $list_str .= "<li id='image{$_k}' style='padding:1px'><input type='text' name='{$field}_url[]' value='{$_v[url]}' style='width:310px;' ondblclick='image_priview(this.value);' class='input-text'> <input type='text' name='{$field}_alt[]' value='{$_v[alt]}' style='width:160px;' class='input-text'> <a href=\"javascript:remove_div('image{$_k}')\">" . L('remove') . "</a></li>";
        } else {
            //$list_str .= "<input type='hidden' name='{$field}_url[]' value='0'>";
            $list_str .= "<center><div class='onShow' id='nameTip'>" . L('max_upload_num') . " <font color='red'>{$upload_number}</font> " . L('zhang') . "</div></center>";
        $string = '<input name="info[' . $field . ']" type="hidden" value="1">
		<fieldset class="blue pad-10">
        <legend>' . L('picutre_list') . '</legend>';
        $string .= $list_str;
        $string .= '<ul id="' . $field . '" class="picList"></ul>
		<div class="bk10"></div>
        if (!defined('IMAGES_INIT')) {
            $str = '<script type="text/javascript" src="statics/js/swfupload/swf2ckeditor.js"></script>';
            define('IMAGES_INIT', 1);
        } else {
            $str = '';
        $authkey = upload_key("{$upload_number},{$upload_allowext},{$isselectimage}");
        $string .= $str . "<div class='picBut cu'><a herf='javascript:void(0);' onclick=\"javascript:flashupload('{$field}_images', '" . L('attachment_upload') . "','{$field}',change_images,'{$upload_number},{$upload_allowext},{$isselectimage}','member','','{$authkey}')\"/> " . L('select_picture') . " </a></div>";
        return $string;
Ejemplo n.º 9
	var charset = '<?php echo CHARSET?>';
	var uploadurl = '<?php echo pc_base::load_config('system','upload_url')?>';
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo JS_PATH?>content_addtop.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo JS_PATH?>colorpicker.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo JS_PATH?>cookie.js"></script>
<form name="myform" id="myform" action="?m=special&c=content&a=edit&specialid=<?php echo $_GET['specialid']?>&id=<?php echo $_GET['id']?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="addContent">
<div class="crumbs"><?php echo L('edit_pos_info')?></div>
<div class="col-right">
    	<div class="col-1">
        	<div class="content pad-6">
	<h6> <?php echo L('content_thumb')?></h6>
	 <div class="upload-pic img-wrap"><div class="bk10"></div><input type="hidden" name="info[thumb]" value="<?php echo $info['thumb']?>" id="thumb">
						<a href="javascript:;" onclick="javascript:flashupload('thumb_images', '<?php echo L('file_upload')?>','thumb',thumb_images,'1,jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|png,300,300','content','39','<?php echo upload_key('1,jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|png,300,300')?>')"><img src="<?php if($info['thumb']) { echo $info['thumb']; } else {?>statics/images/icon/upload-pic.png<?php }?>" id="thumb_preview" width="135" height="113" style="cursor:hand" /></a><input type="button" style="width: 66px;" class="button" onclick="crop_cut($('#thumb').val());return false;" value="<?php echo L('crop_thumb')?>"><script type="text/javascript">function crop_cut(id){
	if (id=='') { alert('<?php echo L('please_upload_thumb')?>');return false;}
	window.top.art.dialog({title:'<?php echo L('crop_thumb')?>', id:'crop', iframe:'index.php?m=content&c=content&a=public_crop&module=ZLCMS&picurl='+encodeURIComponent(id)+'&input=thumb&preview=thumb_preview', width:'680px', height:'480px'}, 	function(){var d = window.top.art.dialog({id:'crop'}).data.iframe;
	d.uploadfile();return false;}, function(){window.top.art.dialog({id:'crop'}).close()});
	<h6> <?php echo L('author')?></h6>
	 <input type="text" name="data[author]" value="<?php echo $data['author']?>" size="30"> 
	<h6> <?php echo L('islink')?></h6>
	 <input type="text" name="linkurl" id="linkurl" value="<?php if($info['islink']) { echo $info['url']; }?>" size="30" maxlength="255"<?php if($info['islink']) {?> disabled<?php }?>> <input name="info[islink]" type="checkbox" id="islink" value="1"<?php if($info['islink']) {?> checked<?php }?> onclick="ruselinkurl();" > <font color="red"><?php echo L('islink')?></font> 
	<h6> <?php echo L('inputtime')?></h6> <?php echo form::date('info[inputtime]', format::date($info['inputtime'], 1) , 1);?>
	<h6> <?php echo L('template_style')?></h6> <?php echo form::select($template_list, $data['style'], 'name="data[style]" id="style" onchange="load_file_list(this.value)"', L('please_select'))?>
	<h6> <?php echo L('show_template')?></h6> <span id="show_template"><?php echo '<script type="text/javascript">$.getJSON(\'?m=zl_admin&c=category&a=public_tpl_file_list&style='.$style.'&id='.$data['show_template'].'&module=special&templates=show&name=data\', function(data){$(\'#show_template\').html(data.show_template);});</script>'?></span>
    <div class="col-auto">
  * swfupload 上传 
  * 通过swf上传成功以后回调处理时会调用swfupload_json方法增加cookies!
 public function swfupload()
     $Member_group = F("Member_group");
     if (IS_POST) {
         if ($_POST['swf_auth_key'] != md5(C("AUTHCODE") . $_POST['SWFUPLOADSESSID'])) {
         $isadmin = (int) $this->_post("isadmin");
         if ($isadmin == 0) {
             $Member_group = F("Member_group");
             if ((int) $Member_group[$this->groupid]['allowattachment'] < 1) {
         $Callback = false;
         $upuserid = (int) $this->_post("uid");
         $catid = $this->_post("catid");
         $module = strtolower($this->_post("module"));
         $upload = new UploadFile();
         $Attachment = service("Attachment", array("module" => $module, "catid" => $catid, "isadmin" => $isadmin));
         //如果允许上传的文件类型为空,启用网站配置的 uploadallowext
         if ($isadmin) {
             $allowExts = CONFIG_UPLOADALLOWEXT;
         } else {
             $allowExts = CONFIG_QTUPLOADALLOWEXT;
         $upload->allowExts = explode("|", $allowExts);
         if ($isadmin) {
             $upload->maxSize = (int) CONFIG_UPLOADMAXSIZE * 1024;
         } else {
             $upload->maxSize = (int) CONFIG_QTUPLOADMAXSIZE * 1024;
         if ($this->_post("thumb_width") && $this->_post("thumb_height")) {
             $upload->thumb = true;
             $upload->thumbRemoveOrigin = true;
         //是否添加水印  post:watermark_enable 等于1也需要加水印
         if ((int) $this->_post('watermark_enable')) {
             $Callback = array(array("AttachmentsAction", "water"), array());
         $upload->thumbMaxWidth = $this->_post("thumb_width");
         $upload->thumbMaxHeight = $this->_post("thumb_height");
         //上传目录 可以单独写个方法,根据栏目ID生成相对于栏目目录附件
         $this->filepath = $upload->savePath = $Attachment->FilePath();
         if ($upload->upload($Callback)) {
             $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo();
             $status = $Attachment->FileData($info[0]);
             if ($status) {
                 if (in_array($info[0]['extension'], array("jpg", "png", "jpeg", "gif"))) {
                     // 附件ID 附件网站地址 图标(图片时为1) 文件名
                     echo "{$status}," . $Attachment->filehttp . ",1," . str_replace(array("\\", "/"), "", $info[0]['name']);
                 } else {
                     $fileext = $info[0]['extension'];
                     if ($fileext == 'zip' || $fileext == 'rar') {
                         $fileext = 'rar';
                     } elseif ($fileext == 'doc' || $fileext == 'docx') {
                         $fileext = 'doc';
                     } elseif ($fileext == 'xls' || $fileext == 'xlsx') {
                         $fileext = 'xls';
                     } elseif ($fileext == 'ppt' || $fileext == 'pptx') {
                         $fileext = 'ppt';
                     } elseif ($fileext == 'flv' || $fileext == 'swf' || $fileext == 'rm' || $fileext == 'rmvb') {
                         $fileext = 'flv';
                     } else {
                         $fileext = 'do';
                     echo "{$status}," . $Attachment->filehttp . "," . $fileext . "," . str_replace(array("\\", "/"), "", $info[0]['name']);
             } else {
                 @unlink($info[0]['savepath'] . $info[0]['savename']);
         } else {
             exit("0," . $upload->getErrorMsg());
     } else {
         $args = $this->_get('args');
         $authkey = $this->_get('authkey');
         $module = $this->_get("module");
         if ($this->module_list[ucwords($module)]) {
             $this->module = strtolower($module);
         if (empty($args) || upload_key($args) != $authkey) {
         if (!$this->isadmin) {
             $Member_group = F("Member_group");
             if ((int) $Member_group[$this->groupid]['allowattachment'] < 1) {
         $info = explode(",", $args);
         $this->catid = $this->_get('catid');
         $att_not_used = cookie('att_json');
         if (empty($att_not_used)) {
             $tab_status = ' class="on"';
         if (!empty($att_not_used)) {
             $div_status = ' hidden';
         if (empty($info[1])) {
             //如果允许上传的文件类型为空,启用网站配置的 uploadallowext
             if ($this->isadmin) {
                 $info[1] = CONFIG_UPLOADALLOWEXT;
             } else {
                 $info[1] = CONFIG_QTUPLOADALLOWEXT;
         $att = $this->att_not_used();
         $this->assign("initupload", initupload($this->module, $this->catid, $args, $this->upuserid, $this->groupid, $this->isadmin));
         $this->assign("file_types", implode(",", explode("|", $info[1])));
         $this->assign("file_size_limit", $this->isadmin ? CONFIG_UPLOADMAXSIZE : CONFIG_QTUPLOADMAXSIZE);
         $this->assign("file_upload_limit", (int) $info[0]);
         $this->assign("att", $att);
         $this->assign("tab_status", $tab_status);
         $this->assign("div_status", $div_status);
         $this->assign("att_not_used", $att_not_used);
         $this->assign("watermark_enable", (int) $info[5]);
         $group = defined('GROUP_NAME') ? GROUP_NAME . '/' : '';
Ejemplo n.º 11

defined('IN_ADMIN') or exit('No permission resources.');
//$show_header = $show_validator = $show_scroll = 1;
$show_dialog = $show_header = 1;
include $this->admin_tpl('header', 'admin');
$thisExt = isset($this->M['ext']) ? $this->M['ext'] : '';
$authkey = upload_key('1,' . $thisExt . ',1');
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo JS_PATH;
formvalidator.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo JS_PATH;
formvalidatorregex.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>

<div class="subnav">
    <div class="content-menu ib-a blue line-x">
if (isset($big_menu)) {
    echo '<a class="add fb" href="' . $big_menu[0] . '"><em>' . $big_menu[1] . '</em></a> ';
echo admin::submenu($_GET['menuid'], $big_menu);
<span>|</span><a href="javascript:window.top.art.dialog({id:'setting',iframe:'?m=poster&c=space&a=setting', title:'<?php 
echo L('module_setting');
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * 检查是否可以上传
  * @param string $module 模块名
  * @param type $args 上传参数
  * @param type $authkey 验证参数
  * @return boolean|string
 public function isUpload($module, $args, $authkey)
     if (ucwords($module) == 'User' || ucwords($module) == 'Works' || ucwords($module) == 'System' || ucwords($module) == 'News' || ucwords($module) == 'Advert' || ucwords($module) == 'Worksimg') {
         $this->module = strtolower($module);
     } else {
         return false;
     if (empty($args) || upload_key($args) != $authkey) {
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * @param string $name 表单名称
  * @param int $id 表单id
  * @param string $value 表单默认值
  * @param string $moudle 模块名称
  * @param int $catid 栏目id
  * @param int $size 表单大小
  * @param string $class 表单风格
  * @param string $ext 表单扩展属性 如果 js事件等
  * @param string $alowexts 允许上传的文件格式
  * @param array $file_setting
 public static function upfiles($name, $id = '', $value = '', $moudle = '', $catid = '', $size = 50, $class = '', $ext = '', $alowexts = '', $file_setting = array())
     if (!$id) {
         $id = $name;
     if (!$size) {
         $size = 50;
     if (!empty($file_setting) && count($file_setting)) {
         $file_ext = $file_setting[0] . ',' . $file_setting[1];
     } else {
         $file_ext = ',';
     if (!$alowexts) {
         $alowexts = 'rar|zip';
     $authkey = upload_key("1,{$alowexts},1,{$file_ext}");
     return $str . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"{$name}\" id=\"{$id}\" value=\"{$value}\" size=\"{$size}\" class=\"{$class}\" {$ext}/>  <input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"javascript:flashupload('{$id}_files', '附件上传','{$id}',submit_attachment,'1,{$alowexts},1,{$file_ext}','{$moudle}','{$catid}','{$authkey}')\"/ value=\"上传文件\">";
Ejemplo n.º 14
 protected function isUpload($module, $args, $authkey)
     if ('content' == $module) {
         $module = 'contents';
     $Module_list = F("Module");
     if ($Module_list[ucwords($module)]) {
         $this->module = strtolower($module);
     } else {
         return '该模块未安装,不允许上传!';
     if (empty($args) || upload_key($args) != $authkey) {
         return '参数非法!';
     if ($this->isadmin == 0) {
         $Member_group = F("Member_group");
         if ((int) $Member_group[$this->groupid]['allowattachment'] < 1) {
             return "所在的用户组没有附件上传权限!";
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
            <th width="100">广告有效期</th>
            <input type="test" name="sta_date" class="input J_date date" value="{$sta_date}" >-
            <input type="test" name="end_date" class="input J_date date" value="{$end_date}">
            <th width="100">广告图片</th>
$authkey = upload_key("1,jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp,1,,,1");
		<input type='hidden' name='thumb' id='thumb' value='{$ad_img}'>
	     <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick="flashupload('thumb_images',
	   '附件上传','thumb',thumb_images,'1,jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp,1,,,1','Web','10','{$authkey}');return false;">
	   <img src='{$ad_img}' id='thumb_preview' width='135' height='113' style='cursor:hand' />
                        <input type="button" value="裁减图片" onclick="crop_cut_thumb($('#thumb').val());return false;" class="btn"> 
            <input type="button" value="取消图片" onclick="$('#thumb_preview').attr('src','__ROOT__/statics/images/icon/upload-pic.png');$('#thumb').val('');return false;" class="btn">
            <script type="text/javascript">
            function crop_cut_thumb(id){
	if ( id =='' || id == undefined ) { 
Ejemplo n.º 16
 function yf_image_copy($name, $id = '', $value = '', $moudle = '', $alowexts = '', $thumb_ext = '', $thumb_setting = array(), $watermark_setting = 0)
     if (!$alowexts) {
         $alowexts = 'jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|png';
     $html = '';
     $authkey = upload_key("1,{$alowexts},1,{$thumb_ext},{$watermark_setting}");
     if (empty($value)) {
         $preview_img = CONFIG_SITEURL_MODEL . 'static/images/icon/upload-pic.png';
     } else {
         $preview_img = $value;
     $url = "/index.php?a=yf_sign&c=Files&m=Upload&args=" . "1,{$alowexts},1,{$thumb_ext},{$watermark_setting}" . "&module=" . $moudle . "&authkey=" . $authkey;
     $html .= "<img src='{$preview_img}' class='yf_insert_copy' data-url='{$url}' data-title='上传图片' style='cursor:hand' /><input type='hidden' name='image' value='{$value}'>";
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function init()
     $show_header = $show_dialog = $show_pc_hash = '';
     if (isset($_GET['catid']) && $_GET['catid'] && $this->categorys[$_GET['catid']]['siteid'] == $this->siteid) {
         $catid = $_GET['catid'] = intval($_GET['catid']);
         $category = $this->categorys[$catid];
         $modelid = $category['modelid'];
         $model_arr = getcache('model', 'commons');
         $MODEL = $model_arr[$modelid];
         $admin_username = param::get_cookie('admin_username');
         $setting = string2array($category['setting']);
         $workflowid = $setting['workflowid'];
         $workflows = getcache('workflow_' . $this->siteid, 'commons');
         $workflows = $workflows[$workflowid];
         $workflows_setting = string2array($workflows['setting']);
         $admin_privs = array();
         foreach ($workflows_setting as $_k => $_v) {
             if (empty($_v)) {
             foreach ($_v as $_value) {
                 if ($_value == $admin_username) {
                     $admin_privs[$_k] = $_k;
         $workflow_steps = $workflows['steps'];
         $workflow_menu = '';
         $steps = isset($_GET['steps']) ? intval($_GET['steps']) : 0;
         if ($_SESSION['roleid'] != 1 && $steps && !in_array($steps, $admin_privs)) {
         if ($this->db->table_name == $this->db->db_tablepre) {
         $status = $steps ? $steps : 99;
         if (isset($_GET['reject'])) {
             $status = 0;
         $where = 'catid=' . $catid . ' AND status=' . $status;
         if (isset($_GET['start_time']) && $_GET['start_time']) {
             $start_time = strtotime($_GET['start_time']);
             $where .= " AND `inputtime` > '{$start_time}'";
         if (isset($_GET['end_time']) && $_GET['end_time']) {
             $end_time = strtotime($_GET['end_time']);
             $where .= " AND `inputtime` < '{$end_time}'";
         if ($start_time > $end_time) {
         if (isset($_GET['keyword']) && !empty($_GET['keyword'])) {
             $type_array = array('title', 'description', 'username');
             $searchtype = intval($_GET['searchtype']);
             if ($searchtype < 3) {
                 $searchtype = $type_array[$searchtype];
                 $keyword = strip_tags(trim($_GET['keyword']));
                 $where .= " AND `{$searchtype}` like '%{$keyword}%'";
             } elseif ($searchtype == 3) {
                 $keyword = intval($_GET['keyword']);
                 $where .= " AND `id`='{$keyword}'";
         if (isset($_GET['posids']) && !empty($_GET['posids'])) {
             $posids = $_GET['posids'] == 1 ? intval($_GET['posids']) : 0;
             $where .= " AND `posids` = '{$posids}'";
         $datas = $this->db->listinfo($where, 'id desc', $_GET['page']);
         $pages = $this->db->pages;
         $pc_hash = $_SESSION['pc_hash'];
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $workflow_steps; $i++) {
             if ($_SESSION['roleid'] != 1 && !in_array($i, $admin_privs)) {
             $current = $steps == $i ? 'class=on' : '';
             $r = $this->db->get_one(array('catid' => $catid, 'status' => $i));
             $newimg = $r ? '<img src="' . IMG_PATH . 'icon/new.png" style="padding-bottom:2px" onclick="window.location.href=\'?m=content&c=content&a=&menuid=' . $_GET['menuid'] . '&catid=' . $catid . '&steps=' . $i . '&pc_hash=' . $pc_hash . '\'">' : '';
             $workflow_menu .= '<a href="?m=content&c=content&a=&menuid=' . $_GET['menuid'] . '&catid=' . $catid . '&steps=' . $i . '&pc_hash=' . $pc_hash . '" ' . $current . ' ><em>' . L('workflow_' . $i) . $newimg . '</em></a><span>|</span>';
         if ($workflow_menu) {
             $current = isset($_GET['reject']) ? 'class=on' : '';
             $workflow_menu .= '<a href="?m=content&c=content&a=&menuid=' . $_GET['menuid'] . '&catid=' . $catid . '&pc_hash=' . $pc_hash . '&reject=1" ' . $current . ' ><em>' . L('reject') . '</em></a><span>|</span>';
         //$ = 153fc6d28dda8ca94eaa3686c8eed857;获取模型的thumb字段配置信息
         $model_fields = getcache('model_field_' . $modelid, 'model');
         $setting = string2array($model_fields['thumb']['setting']);
         $args = '1,' . $setting['upload_allowext'] . ',' . $setting['isselectimage'] . ',' . $setting['images_width'] . ',' . $setting['images_height'] . ',' . $setting['watermark'];
         $authkey = upload_key($args);
         $template = $MODEL['admin_list_template'] ? $MODEL['admin_list_template'] : 'content_list';
         include $this->admin_tpl($template);
     } else {
         include $this->admin_tpl('content_quick');
Ejemplo n.º 18
    function video($field, $value, $fieldinfo)
        $value_data = '';
        pc_base::load_app_class('ku6api', 'video', 0);
        $setting = getcache('video', 'video');
        if (empty($setting)) {
            return L('please_input_video_setting');
        $ku6api = new ku6api($setting['sn'], $setting['skey']);
        $flash_info = $ku6api->flashuploadparam();
        $key = 0;
        $list_str = "<div style='padding:1px'><ul class=\"tbsa\" id=\"video_{$field}_list\">";
        if ($value) {
            $video_content_db = pc_base::load_model('video_content_model');
            $video_store_db = pc_base::load_model('video_store_model');
            $videos = $video_content_db->select(array('contentid' => $this->id), 'videoid, listorder', '', '`listorder` ASC', '', 'videoid');
            if (!empty($videos)) {
                $videoids = '';
                foreach ($videos as $v) {
                    $videoids .= $v['videoid'] . ',';
                $videoids = substr($videoids, 0, -1);
                $result = $video_store_db->select("`videoid` IN({$videoids})", '`videoid`, `title`, `picpath`', '', '', '', 'videoid');
                if (is_array($result)) {
                    foreach ($videos as $_vid => $v) {
                        $new_result[] = $result[$_vid];
                    unset($result, $_vid, $v);
                    foreach ($new_result as $_k => $r) {
                        $key = $_k + 1;
                        $picpath = $r['picpath'] ? $r['picpath'] : IMG_PATH . 'nopic.gif';
                        $list_str .= "<li class=\"ac\" id=\"video_{$field}_{$key}\"><div class=\"r1\"><img src=\"{$r['picpath']}\" onerror=\"" . IMG_PATH . "nopic.jpg\" width=\"132\" height=\"75\"><input type='text' name='{$field}_video[{$key}][title]' value='" . $r['title'] . "' class=\"input-text ipt_box\"><input type='hidden' name='{$field}_video[{$key}][videoid]' value='{$r[videoid]}'><div class=\"r2\"><span class=\"l\"><label>" . L('listorder') . "</label><input type='text' name='{$field}_video[{$key}][listorder]' value='" . $videos[$r['videoid']]['listorder'] . "' class=\"input-text\"></span><span class=\"r\"> <a href=\"javascript:remove_div('video_{$field}_{$key}')\">" . L('delete') . "</a></span></li>";
        $list_str .= "</ul></div>";
        $data = '';
        if (!defined('SWFOBJECT_INIT')) {
            $data .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . JS_PATH . 'video/swfobject2.js"></script>';
            $data .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . JS_PATH . 'video/vod2ckedit.js"></script>';
            define('SWFOBJECT_INIT', 1);
            $data .= '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">


var js4swf = {

    onInit: function(list)


        // 初始化时调用, 若 list.length > 0 代表有可续传文件

        // [{file}, {file}]

if(list.length > 0) {

    var length = list.length-1;

$("#list_name").html("' . L('file', '', 'video') . '"+list[length].name+"' . L('failed_uplaod_choose_again', '', 'video') . '");


        this.showMessage("init", list);


    onSelect: function(files)


        // 选中文件后调用, 返回文件列表

        // [{file}, {file}]

        this.showMessage("select", files);


    onSid: function(evt)


        // 获得 sid 后返回, 更新 sid 用 (key, sid, name, type, size)

		var ku6vid = evt.vid;
		$.get(\'index.php\', {m:\'video\', c:\'vid\', a:\'check\', vid:ku6vid});
        this.showMessage("sid", evt);


    onStart: function()


        // 开始上传 (选择文件后自动开始)



    onCancel: function()


        // 上传取消事件



    onProgress: function(evt)


        // 上传进度事件 (bytesLoaded, bytesTotal, speed) m=1 时没有这事件

        this.showMessage("progress", evt);


    onComplete: function(evt)


        // 上传完成事件 (包含文件信息和完成后返回数据(data))
var video_num = parseInt($("#key").val()) + 1;
var title = $("#video_title").val();
var vid = $("#vid").val();
var html = "<li id=\\"video_' . $field . '_"+video_num+"\\"><div class=\\"r1\\"><img src=\\"' . IMG_PATH . 'nopic.jpg\\" width=\\"132\\" height=\\"75\\"><input type=\\"text\\" name=\\"' . $field . '_video["+video_num+"][title]\\" value=\\""+title+"\\" class=\\"input-text\\"><input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"' . $field . '_video["+video_num+"][vid]\\" value=\\""+vid+"\\"><div class=\\"r2\\"><span class=\\"l\\"><label>' . L('listorder') . '</label><input type=\\"text\\" class=\\"input-text\\" name=\\"' . $field . '_video["+video_num+"][listorder]\\" value=\\""+video_num+"\\" ></span><span class=\\"r\\"> <a href=\\"javascript:remove_div(\'video_' . $field . '_"+video_num+"\')\\">' . L('delete') . '</a></span></li>";

$("#video_' . $field . '_list").append(html);

swfobject.embedSWF("' . $flash_info['flashurl'] . '", "ku6uploader", "450", "45", "10.0.0", null, flashvars, params, attributes);


        this.showMessage("complete", evt);



    onWarn: function(evt)


        // 报错事件 (key, message)

        //this.showMessage("warn", evt);



    showMessage: function()






<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = { m: "1", u: "' . $flash_info['userid'] . '", ctime: "' . $flash_info['passport_ctime'] . '", sig:"' . $flash_info['passport_sig'] . '", c: "vms", t: "1", n: "js4swf", k: "190000" ,ms:"39",s: "8000000"};
var params = { allowScriptAccess: "always" , wmode: "transparent"};
var attributes = { };
//swfobject.embedSWF("http://player.ku6cdn.com/default/podcast/upload/201104261840/ku6uploader.swf", "ku6uploader", "450", "45", "10.0.0", null, flashvars, params, attributes);
swfobject.embedSWF("' . $flash_info['flashurl'] . '", "ku6uploader", "450", "45", "10.0.0", null, flashvars, params, attributes);
        $authkey = upload_key("{$upload_number},{$upload_allowext},{$isselectimage}");
        $video_store_sel = defined('IN_ADMIN') ? '<div class="picBut cu video_btn" style="float:right; margin-top:10px;"><a herf="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:video_store_select(\'' . $field . '_videoes\', \'' . L('choose_videoes') . '\',\'video_' . $field . '_list\',change_videoes, \'' . $_GET['pc_hash'] . '\')"> ' . L('videoes_store') . ' </a></div>' : '';
        $vms_str = $flash_info['allow_upload_to_vms'] ? '<label class="ib cu" style="width:125px"><input type="radio" name="channelid" value="2">' . L('upload_to_ku6vms', '', 'video') . ' </label>' : '';
        return $data . '<input name="info[' . $field . ']" type="hidden" value="1"><input type="hidden" id="key" value="' . $key . '"><fieldset class="blue pad-10">
        <legend>' . L('videoes_lists') . '</legend><center><div class="onShow" id="nameTip">' . L('videoes_num') . '</center><div id="videoes" class="picList">' . $list_str . '</div>
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" class="tbb">
      <td width="15%" height="40">' . L('select_upload_channel', '', 'video') . '</td>
      <td height="40"><label class="ib cu" style="width:125px"><input type="radio" name="channelid" value="1" checked> ' . L('upload_to_ku6') . ' </label>' . $vms_str . '
      <td width="15%" height="40"><div align="right" ><input class="input_style" type="text" value="' . L('video_title', '', 'video') . '" name="video_title" id="video_title" size="10"></div></td>
      <td height="40">
	  ' . $video_store_sel . '
	  <div id="ku6uploader"></div><BR><span id="list_name" style="color:red"></span></td><input type="hidden" id="vid" name="vid" value="">
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * swfupload上传附件
 public function swfupload()
     $grouplist = S('member/grouplist');
     if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) {
         if ($_POST['swf_auth_key'] != md5(C('config', 'auth_key') . $_POST['SWFUPLOADSESSID']) || $_POST['isadmin'] == 0 && !$grouplist[$_POST['groupid']]['allowattachment']) {
         $catid = isset($_POST['catid']) ? intval($_POST['catid']) : 0;
         $attachment = new Attachment($_POST['application'], $catid);
         $aids = $attachment->upload('Filedata', $_POST['filetype_post'], '', '', array($_POST['thumb_width'], $_POST['thumb_height']), $_POST['watermark_enable']);
         if ($aids[0]) {
             $filename = strtolower(CHARSET) != 'utf-8' ? iconv('gbk', 'utf-8', $attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filename']) : '';
             if ($attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['isimage']) {
                 echo $aids[0] . ',' . $this->upload_url . $attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filepath'] . ',' . $attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['isimage'] . ',' . $filename;
             } else {
                 $fileext = $attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['fileext'];
                 if ($fileext == 'zip' || $fileext == 'rar') {
                     $fileext = 'rar';
                 } elseif ($fileext == 'doc' || $fileext == 'docx') {
                     $fileext = 'doc';
                 } elseif ($fileext == 'xls' || $fileext == 'xlsx') {
                     $fileext = 'xls';
                 } elseif ($fileext == 'ppt' || $fileext == 'pptx') {
                     $fileext = 'ppt';
                 } elseif ($fileext == 'flv' || $fileext == 'swf' || $fileext == 'rm' || $fileext == 'rmvb') {
                     $fileext = 'flv';
                 } else {
                     $fileext = 'do';
                 echo $aids[0] . ',' . $this->upload_url . $attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filepath'] . ',' . $fileext . ',' . $filename;
         } else {
             echo '0,' . $attachment->error();
     } else {
         if ($this->isadmin == 0 && !$grouplist[$this->groupid]['allowattachment']) {
         $args = $_GET['args'];
         $authkey = $_GET['authkey'];
         if (upload_key($args) != $authkey) {
         $file_size_limit = byte_format(C('attachment', 'maxsize') * 1024);
         $att_not_used = cookie('att_json');
         if (empty($att_not_used) || !isset($att_not_used)) {
             $tab_status = ' class="on"';
         if (!empty($att_not_used)) {
             $div_status = ' hidden';
         // 获取临时未处理文件列表
         $att = $this->att_not_used();
         include $this->view('swfupload');
Ejemplo n.º 20
function downfiles($field, $value, $fieldinfo)
    $errortips = $this->fields[$field]['errortips'];
    if ($minlength) {
        $this->formValidateRules['info[' . $field . ']'] = array("required" => true);
        $this->formValidateMessages['info[' . $field . ']'] = array("required" => $errortips ? $errortips : $name . "不能为空!");
    $list_str = '';
    if ($value) {
        $value = unserialize(html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES));
        if (defined("IN_ADMIN") && IN_ADMIN) {
            $Member_group = F("Member_group");
            foreach ($Member_group as $v) {
                if (in_array($v['groupid'], array("1", "7", "8"))) {
                $group[$v['groupid']] = $v['name'];
        if (is_array($value)) {
            foreach ($value as $_k => $_v) {
                if (defined("IN_ADMIN") && IN_ADMIN) {
                    $list_str .= "<div id='multifile{$_k}'><input type='text' name='{$field}_fileurl[]' value='{$_v[fileurl]}' style='width:310px;' class='input'> <input type='text' name='{$field}_filename[]' value='{$_v[filename]}' style='width:160px;' class='input'> 权限:" . Form::select($group, $_v['groupid'], 'name="' . $field . '_groupid[]"', '游客') . " 点数:<input type='text' name='{$field}_point[]' value='" . $_v['point'] . "' style='width:60px;' class='input'> <a href=\"javascript:remove_div('multifile{$_k}')\">移除</a></div>";
                } else {
                    $list_str .= "<div id='multifile{$_k}'><input type='text' name='{$field}_fileurl[]' value='{$_v[fileurl]}' style='width:310px;' class='input'> <input type='text' name='{$field}_filename[]' value='{$_v[filename]}' style='width:160px;' class='input'> <a href=\"javascript:remove_div('multifile{$_k}')\">移除</a></div>";
    $string = '<input name="info[' . $field . ']" type="hidden" value="1">
		<fieldset class="blue pad-10">
    $string .= $list_str;
    $string .= '<ul id="' . $field . '" class="picList"></ul>
		<div class="bk10"></div>
    $authkey = upload_key("{$upload_number},{$upload_allowext},{$isselectimage}");
    if (defined("IN_ADMIN") && IN_ADMIN) {
        $Member_group = F("Member_group");
        foreach ($Member_group as $v) {
            if (in_array($v['groupid'], array("1", "7", "8"))) {
            $group[$v['groupid']] = $v['name'];
        $js = '<script type="text/javascript">
function change_multifile_admin(uploadid, returnid) {
    var d = uploadid.iframe.contentWindow;
    var in_content = d.$("#att-status").html().substring(1);
    var in_filename = d.$("#att-name").html().substring(1);
    var str = \'\';
    var contents = in_content.split(\'|\');
    var filenames = in_filename.split(\'|\');
    var group = \'权限:' . Form::select($group, $id, 'name="\' + returnid + \'_groupid[]"', '游客') . '\';
    $(\'#\' + returnid + \'_tips\').css(\'display\', \'none\');
    if (contents == \'\') return true;
    $.each(contents, function (i, n) {
        var ids = parseInt(Math.random() * 10000 + 10 * i);
        var filename = filenames[i].substr(0, filenames[i].indexOf(\'.\'));
        str += "<li id=\'multifile" + ids + "\'><input type=\'text\' name=\'" + returnid + "_fileurl[]\' value=\'" + n + "\' style=\'width:310px;\' class=\'input\'> <input type=\'text\' name=\'" + returnid + "_filename[]\' value=\'" + filename + "\' style=\'width:160px;\' class=\'input\' onfocus=\\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = \'\'\\" onblur=\\"if(this.value.replace(\' \',\'\') == \'\') this.value = this.defaultValue;\\"> "+group+" 点数:<input type=\'text\' name=\'" + returnid + "_point[]\' value=\'0\' style=\'width:60px;\' class=\'input\'> <a href=\\"javascript:remove_div(\'multifile" + ids + "\')\\">移除</a> </li>";
    $(\'#\' + returnid).append(str);

function add_multifile_admin(returnid) {
    var ids = parseInt(Math.random() * 10000);
    var group = \'权限:' . Form::select($group, $id, 'name="\' + returnid + \'_groupid[]"', '游客') . '\';
    var str = "<li id=\'multifile" + ids + "\'><input type=\'text\' name=\'" + returnid + "_fileurl[]\' value=\'\' style=\'width:310px;\' class=\'input\'> <input type=\'text\' name=\'" + returnid + "_filename[]\' value=\'附件说明\' style=\'width:160px;\' class=\'input\'> "+group+"  点数:<input type=\'text\' name=\'" + returnid + "_point[]\' value=\'0\' style=\'width:60px;\' class=\'input\'>  <a href=\\"javascript:remove_div(\'multifile" + ids + "\')\\">移除</a> </li>";
    $(\'#\' + returnid).append(str);
        $string .= $str . "<a herf='javascript:void(0);' class=\"btn\"  onclick=\"javascript:flashupload('{$field}_multifile', '附件上传','{$field}',change_multifile_admin,'{$upload_number},{$upload_allowext},{$isselectimage}','content','{$this->catid}','{$authkey}')\"><span class=\"add\"></span>多文件上传</a>    <a  class=\"btn\" herf='javascript:void(0);'  onclick=\"add_multifile_admin('{$field}')\"><span class=\"add\"></span>添加远程地址</a>{$js}";
    } else {
        $string .= $str . "<a herf='javascript:void(0);'  class=\"btn\" onclick=\"javascript:flashupload('{$field}_multifile', '附件上传','{$field}',change_multifile,'{$upload_number},{$upload_allowext},{$isselectimage}','content','{$this->catid}','{$authkey}')\"><span class=\"add\"></span>多文件上传</a>    <a herf='javascript:void(0);' class=\"btn\" onclick=\"add_multifile('{$field}')\"><span class=\"add\"></span>添加远程地址</a>";
    return $string;
Ejemplo n.º 21
    function downfiles($field, $value, $fieldinfo)
        $list_str = '';
        if ($value) {
            $value = string2array(html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES));
            if (is_array($value)) {
                foreach ($value as $_k => $_v) {
                    $list_str .= "<div id='multifile{$_k}'><input type='text' name='{$field}_fileurl[]' value='{$_v[fileurl]}' style='width:310px;' class='input-text'> <input type='text' name='{$field}_filename[]' value='{$_v[filename]}' style='width:160px;' class='input-text'> <a href=\"javascript:remove_div('multifile{$_k}')\">" . L('remove_out') . "</a></div>";
        $string = '<input name="info[' . $field . ']" type="hidden" value="1">
		<fieldset class="blue pad-10">
        <legend>' . L('file_list') . '</legend>';
        $string .= $list_str;
        $string .= '<ul id="' . $field . '" class="picList"></ul>
		<div class="bk10"></div>
        if (!defined('IMAGES_INIT')) {
            $str = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . JS_PATH . 'swfupload/swf2ckeditor.js"></script>';
            define('IMAGES_INIT', 1);
        $authkey = upload_key("{$upload_number},{$upload_allowext},{$isselectimage}");
        $string .= $str . "<input type=\"button\"  class=\"button\" value=\"" . L('multiple_file_list') . "\" onclick=\"javascript:flashupload('{$field}_multifile', '" . L('attachment_upload') . "','{$field}',change_multifile,'{$upload_number},{$upload_allowext},{$isselectimage}','content','{$this->catid}','{$authkey}')\"/>    <input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"" . L('add_remote_url') . "\" onclick=\"add_multifile('{$field}')\">";
        return $string;
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public function video($field, $value, $fieldinfo)
        $textheight = $textheight ? $textheight : 100;
        $list_str = '';
        if ($value && !empty($value)) {
            $value = string2array(html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES));
            if (is_array($value)) {
                foreach ($value as $_k => $_v) {
                    $list_str .= "<li id='image{$_k}' style='padding:1px'><input type='text' name='{$field}_url[]' value='{$_v[url]}' style='width:310px;' ondblclick='image_priview(this.value);' class='input-text'> <input type='text' name='{$field}_alt[]' value='{$_v[alt]}' style='width:160px;' class='input-text'> <a href=\"javascript:remove_div('image{$_k}')\">" . L('remove_out', '', 'content') . "</a></li>";
        } else {
            $list_str .= "<center><div class='onShow' id='nameTip'>" . L('upload_pic_max', '', 'content') . " <font color='red'>{$upload_number}</font> " . L('tips_pics', '', 'content') . "</div></center>";
        $list_str .= "<textarea style='width:98%;height:" . $textheight . "px;' name='" . $field . "'></textarea>";
        $string = '<input name="info[' . $field . ']" type="hidden" value="1">
		<fieldset class="blue pad-10">
		<legend>' . $field . '列表</legend>';
        $string .= $list_str;
        $string .= '<ul id="' . $field . '" class="picList"></ul>
		<div class="bk10"></div>
        if (!defined('IMAGES_INIT')) {
            $str = '<script type="text/javascript" src="statics/js/swfupload/swf2ckeditor.js"></script>';
            define('IMAGES_INIT', 1);
        $authkey = upload_key("{$upload_number},{$upload_allowext},{$isselectimage}");
        $string .= $str . "<div class='picBut cu'><a herf='javascript:void(0);' onclick=\"javascript:flashupload('{$field}_images', '" . L('attachment_upload') . "','{$field}',change_images,'{$upload_number},{$upload_allowext},{$isselectimage}','content','{$this->catid}','{$authkey}')\"/> 选择" . $field . " </a></div>";
        // add player
        $playerlists = array('0' => '请选择默认播放器');
        $playerlist = S('common/player');
        foreach ((array) $playerlist as $k => $v) {
            $playerlists[$v['playerid']] = $v['subject'];
        $string .= Form::select($playerlists, $_v['p'] ? $_v['p'] : $defaultplayer, 'name="' . $field . '_defaultplayer"');
        return $string;
Ejemplo n.º 23

defined('IN_ADMIN') or exit('No permission resources.');
//$show_header = $show_validator = $show_scroll = 1;
$show_dialog = $show_header = 1;
include $this->admin_tpl('header', 'admin');
$authkey = upload_key('1,' . $this->M['ext'] . ',1');
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo JS_PATH;
formvalidator.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo JS_PATH;
formvalidatorregex.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>
<div class="subnav">
    <div class="content-menu ib-a blue line-x">
if (isset($big_menu)) {
    echo '<a class="add fb" href="' . $big_menu[0] . '"><em>' . $big_menu[1] . '</em></a>¡¡';
echo admin::submenu($_GET['menuid'], $big_menu);
<span>|</span><a href="javascript:window.top.art.dialog({id:'setting',iframe:'?m=poster&c=space&a=setting', title:'<?php 
echo L('module_setting');
', width:'540', height:'320'}, function(){var d = window.top.art.dialog({id:'setting'}).data.iframe;var form = d.document.getElementById('dosubmit');form.click();return false;}, function(){window.top.art.dialog({id:'setting'}).close()});void(0);"><em><?php 
  * 检查是否可以上传
  * @param string $module 模块名
  * @param type $args 上传参数
  * @param type $authkey 验证参数
  * @return boolean|string
 protected function isUpload($module, $args, $authkey)
     $module_list = cache('Module');
     if ($module_list[ucwords($module)] || ucwords($module) == 'Content') {
         $this->module = strtolower($module);
     } else {
         return false;
     if (empty($args) || upload_key($args) != $authkey) {
         return false;
     if ($this->isadmin == 0) {
         $member_group = cache('Member_group');
         if ((int) $member_group[$this->groupid]['allowattachment'] < 1) {
             return "所在的用户组没有附件上传权限!";
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
<div class="col-right">
    	<div class="col-1">
        	<div class="content pad-6">
	<h6> <?php 
echo L('content_thumb');
	 <div class="upload-pic img-wrap"><div class="bk10"></div><input type="hidden" name="info[thumb]" value="<?php 
echo $info['thumb'];
" id="thumb">
						<a href="javascript:;" onclick="javascript:flashupload('thumb_images', '<?php 
echo L('file_upload');
echo upload_key('1,jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|png,300,300');
')"><img src="<?php 
if ($info['thumb']) {
    echo $info['thumb'];
} else {
" id="thumb_preview" width="135" height="113" style="cursor:hand" /></a><input type="button" style="width: 66px;" class="button" onclick="crop_cut($('#thumb').val());return false;" value="<?php 
echo L('crop_thumb');
"><script type="text/javascript">function crop_cut(id){
	if (id=='') { alert('<?php 
echo L('please_upload_thumb');
Ejemplo n.º 26
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--

var j=<?php echo isset($total) ? $total : 0?>;
function add_line() {
	for (var i=1; i<= $('#linenum').val(); i++) {
		$('#table_form').append('<tr><td><div class="contents" id="content_'+j+'"></div><div class="forms" style="display:block" id="form_'+j+'"><?php echo L('title')?>:<input type="text" id="title_'+j+'" name="title[]" class="input-text">  <?php echo L('link')?>:<input type="text" id="url_'+j+'" name="url[]"  class="input-text"> <?php echo L('thumb')?>:<input type="hidden" name="thumb[]" id="thumb_'+j+'"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="flashupload(\'thumb_images\', \'<?php echo L('attachment_upload')?>\',\'thumb_'+j+'\',submit_images,\'1,jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|png,1\',\'block\', \'\', \'<?php echo upload_key('1,jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|png,1')?>\')"><?php echo L('pic_upload')?></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="$(\'#thumb_'+j+'\').val(\'\')"><?php echo L('delete_image')?></a><br /><?php echo L('desc')?>:<textarea id="desc_'+j+'" name="desc[]" rows="10" cols="80"></textarea><br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" value="<?php echo L('submit')?>" class="button" onclick="form_submit('+j+')" /></div></td><td width="80"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="arrowhead" onclick="moveUp(this);" title="<?php echo L('up')?>"></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="moveDown(this);" class="arrowhead-b"  title="<?php echo L('down')?>"></a><a  href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="edit_form('+j+')"><img src="<?php echo IMG_PATH?>icon/m_2.png" alt="<?php echo L('edit')?>" /></a><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="$(this).parent().parent().remove();" class="close" title="<?php echo L('delete')?>"></a></td></tr>');

function insert_forms(obj) {
	eval("var d = "+obj+";");
$('#table_form').append('<tr><td><div class="contents" id="content_'+j+'"></div><div class="forms" style="display:block" id="form_'+j+'"><?php echo L('title')?>:<input type="text" id="title_'+j+'" name="title[]" class="input-text" value="'+d.title+'" >  <?php echo L('link')?>:<input type="text" id="url_'+j+'" name="url[]" value="'+d.url+'"  class="input-text"> <?php echo L('thumb')?>:<input type="hidden" name="thumb[]"  value="'+d.thumb+'" id="thumb_'+j+'"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="flashupload(\'thumb_images\', \'<?php echo L('attachment_upload')?>\',\'thumb_'+j+'\',submit_images,\'1,jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|png,1,200,200\',\'block\',\'\',\'<?php echo upload_key('1,jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|png,1,200,200')?>\')"><?php echo L('pic_upload')?></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="$(\'#thumb_'+j+'\').val(\'\')"><?php echo L('delete_image')?></a><br /><?php echo L('desc')?>:<textarea id="desc_'+j+'" name="desc[]" rows="10" cols="80">'+d.desc+'</textarea><br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" value="<?php echo L('submit')?>" class="button" onclick="form_submit('+j+')" /></div></td><td width="80"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="arrowhead" onclick="moveUp(this);" title="<?php echo L('up')?>"></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="moveDown(this);" class="arrowhead-b"  title="<?php echo L('down')?>"></a><a  href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="edit_form('+j+')"><img src="<?php echo IMG_PATH?>icon/m_2.png" alt="<?php echo L('edit')?>" /></a><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="$(this).parent().parent().remove();" class="close" title="<?php echo L('delete')?>"></a></td></tr>');

function block_view(id) {
	var old_action = $('#myform').attr('action');
	$('#myform').attr('action', '?m=block&c=block_admin&a=public_view&id='+id);
	$('#myform').attr('target', 'view');
	$('#myform').attr('action', old_action);
	$('#myform').attr('target', '');

function showblock(id, html){
	if (parent.right) {