function runcron($cronid = 0) { global $timestamp, $db, $tablepre, $_DCACHE; $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}crons WHERE " . ($cronid ? "cronid='{$cronid}'" : "available>'0' AND nextrun<='{$timestamp}'") . " ORDER BY nextrun LIMIT 1"); if ($cron = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $lockfile = DISCUZ_ROOT . './forumdata/runcron_' . $cron['cronid'] . '.lock'; $cron['filename'] = str_replace(array('..', '/', '\\'), '', $cron['filename']); $cronfile = DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/crons/' . $cron['filename']; if (is_writable($lockfile) && filemtime($lockfile) > $timestamp - 600) { return NULL; } else { @touch($lockfile); } @set_time_limit(1000); @ignore_user_abort(TRUE); $cron['minute'] = explode("\t", $cron['minute']); cronnextrun($cron); extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_SKIP); if (!@(include $cronfile)) { errorlog('CRON', $cron['name'] . ' : Cron script(' . $cron['filename'] . ') not found or syntax error', 0); } @unlink($lockfile); } $query = $db->query("SELECT nextrun FROM {$tablepre}crons WHERE available>'0' ORDER BY nextrun LIMIT 1"); $nextrun = $db->result($query, 0); if (!$nextrun === FALSE) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/cache.func.php'; $_DCACHE['settings']['cronnextrun'] = $db->result($query, 0); updatesettings(); } }
function insenz_onlinestats() { global $timestamp, $db, $tablepre, $_DCACHE; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/cache.func.php'; $_DCACHE['settings']['insenz']['statsnextrun'] = $timestamp + 3600; updatesettings(); $onlinenum = $db->result($db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tablepre}sessions WHERE lastactivity>=({$timestamp}-900)"), 0); $db->query("REPLACE INTO {$tablepre}statvars (type, variable, value) VALUES ('houronlines', '" . gmdate('ymdH', $timestamp + 8 * 3600) . "', '{$onlinenum}')"); }
function insenz_cronnextrun($cronnextrun) { global $_DCACHE; if (empty($_DCACHE['settings']['insenz']['cronnextrun']) || $cronnextrun < $_DCACHE['settings']['insenz']['cronnextrun']) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/cache.func.php'; $_DCACHE['settings']['insenz']['cronnextrun'] = $cronnextrun; updatesettings(); } }
$catlist[0]['type'] = 'group'; $catlist[0]['name'] = $bbname; $catlist[0]['collapseimg'] = 'collapsed_no.gif'; } else { unset($catlist[0]); } if ($whosonlinestatus == 1 || $whosonlinestatus == 3) { $whosonlinestatus = 1; $onlineinfo = explode("\t", $onlinerecord); if (empty($_DCOOKIE['onlineusernum'])) { $onlinenum = $db->result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tablepre}sessions"); if ($onlinenum > $onlineinfo[0]) { $_DCACHE['settings']['onlinerecord'] = $onlinerecord = "{$onlinenum}\t{$timestamp}"; $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}settings SET value='{$onlinerecord}' WHERE variable='onlinerecord'"); require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/cache.func.php'; updatesettings(); $onlineinfo = array($onlinenum, $timestamp); } dsetcookie('onlineusernum', intval($onlinenum), 300); } else { $onlinenum = intval($_DCOOKIE['onlineusernum']); } $onlineinfo[1] = gmdate($dateformat, $onlineinfo[1] + $timeoffset * 3600); $detailstatus = $showoldetails == 'yes' || (!isset($_DCOOKIE['onlineindex']) && !$whosonline_contract || $_DCOOKIE['onlineindex']) && $onlinenum < 500 && !$showoldetails; if ($detailstatus) { @(include language('actions')); $discuz_uid && updatesession(); $membercount = $invisiblecount = 0; $whosonline = array(); $maxonlinelist = $maxonlinelist ? $maxonlinelist : 500; $query = $db->query("SELECT uid, username, groupid, invisible, action, lastactivity, fid FROM {$tablepre}sessions " . (isset($_DCACHE['onlinelist'][7]) ? '' : 'WHERE uid <> 0') . " ORDER BY uid DESC LIMIT " . $maxonlinelist);
function updatecreditsettings($get, $post) { global $_DCACHE; if (!API_UPDATECREDITSETTINGS) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $credit = $get['credit']; $outextcredits = array(); if ($credit) { foreach ($credit as $appid => $credititems) { if ($appid == UC_APPID) { foreach ($credititems as $value) { $outextcredits[] = array('appiddesc' => $value['appiddesc'], 'creditdesc' => $value['creditdesc'], 'creditsrc' => $value['creditsrc'], 'title' => $value['title'], 'unit' => $value['unit'], 'ratiosrc' => $value['ratiosrc'], 'ratiodesc' => $value['ratiodesc'], 'ratio' => $value['ratio']); } } } } require_once $this->appdir . './forumdata/cache/cache_settings.php'; require_once $this->appdir . './include/cache.func.php'; $this->db->query("REPLACE INTO " . $this->tablepre . "settings (variable, value) VALUES ('outextcredits', '" . addslashes(serialize($outextcredits)) . "');", 'UNBUFFERED'); $tmp = array(); foreach ($outextcredits as $value) { $key = $value['appiddesc'] . '|' . $value['creditdesc']; if (!isset($tmp[$key])) { $tmp[$key] = array('title' => $value['title'], 'unit' => $value['unit']); } $tmp[$key]['ratiosrc'][$value['creditsrc']] = $value['ratiosrc']; $tmp[$key]['ratiodesc'][$value['creditsrc']] = $value['ratiodesc']; $tmp[$key]['creditsrc'][$value['creditsrc']] = $value['ratio']; } $_DCACHE['settings']['outextcredits'] = $tmp; updatesettings(); return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; }
function updateapps($get, $post) { global $_DCACHE; if (!API_UPDATEAPPS) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $UC_API = $post['UC_API']; if (empty($post) || empty($UC_API)) { return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; } $cachefile = $this->appdir . './uc_client/data/cache/apps.php'; $fp = fopen($cachefile, 'w'); $s = "<?php\r\n"; $s .= '$_CACHE[\'apps\'] = ' . var_export($post, TRUE) . ";\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $s); fclose($fp); if (is_writeable($this->appdir . './')) { $configfile = trim(file_get_contents($this->appdir . './')); $configfile = substr($configfile, -2) == '?>' ? substr($configfile, 0, -2) : $configfile; $configfile = preg_replace("/define\\('UC_API',\\s*'.*?'\\);/i", "define('UC_API', '{$UC_API}');", $configfile); if ($fp = @fopen($this->appdir . './', 'w')) { @fwrite($fp, trim($configfile)); @fclose($fp); } } global $_DCACHE; require_once $this->appdir . './forumdata/cache/cache_settings.php'; require_once $this->appdir . './include/cache.func.php'; foreach ($post as $appid => $app) { $_DCACHE['settings']['ucapp'][$appid]['viewprourl'] = $app['url'] . $app['viewprourl']; } updatesettings(); return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; }
/** * Simply modifying cache functions * * @param bool $return_config = false */ function ModifyCacheSettings($return_config = false) { global $context, $scripturl, $txt, $helptxt, $cache_enable; // Detect all available optimizers $detected = array(); if (function_exists('eaccelerator_put')) { $detected['eaccelerator'] = $txt['eAccelerator_cache']; } if (function_exists('mmcache_put')) { $detected['mmcache'] = $txt['mmcache_cache']; } if (function_exists('apc_store')) { $detected['apc'] = $txt['apc_cache']; } if (function_exists('output_cache_put') || function_exists('zend_shm_cache_store')) { $detected['zend'] = $txt['zend_cache']; } if (function_exists('memcache_set') || function_exists('memcached_set')) { $detected['memcached'] = $txt['memcached_cache']; } if (function_exists('xcache_set')) { $detected['xcache'] = $txt['xcache_cache']; } // set a message to show what, if anything, we found if (empty($detected)) { $txt['cache_settings_message'] = $txt['detected_no_caching']; } else { $txt['cache_settings_message'] = sprintf($txt['detected_accelerators'], implode(', ', $detected)); } // This is always an option $detected['smf'] = $txt['default_cache']; // Define the variables we want to edit. $config_vars = array(array('', $txt['cache_settings_message'], '', 'desc'), array('cache_enable', $txt['cache_enable'], 'file', 'select', array($txt['cache_off'], $txt['cache_level1'], $txt['cache_level2'], $txt['cache_level3']), 'cache_enable'), array('cache_accelerator', $txt['cache_accelerator'], 'file', 'select', $detected), array('cache_memcached', $txt['cache_memcached'], 'file', 'text', $txt['cache_memcached'], 'cache_memcached'), array('cachedir', $txt['cachedir'], 'file', 'text', 36, 'cache_cachedir')); // some javascript to enable / disable certain settings if the option is not selected $context['settings_post_javascript'] = ' var cache_type = document.getElementById(\'cache_accelerator\'); createEventListener(cache_type); cache_type.addEventListener("change", toggleCache); toggleCache();'; call_integration_hook('integrate_modify_cache_settings', array(&$config_vars)); if ($return_config) { return $config_vars; } // Saving again? if (isset($_GET['save'])) { call_integration_hook('integrate_save_cache_settings'); saveSettings($config_vars); // we need to save the $cache_enable to $modSettings as well updatesettings(array('cache_enable' => (int) $_POST['cache_enable'])); // exit so we reload our new settings on the page redirectexit('action=admin;area=serversettings;sa=cache;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']); } // if its off, allow them to clear it as well // @todo why only when its off ? if (empty($cache_enable)) { loadLanguage('ManageMaintenance'); createToken('admin-maint'); $context['template_layers'][] = 'clean_cache_button'; } $context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=serversettings;sa=cache;save'; $context['settings_title'] = $txt['caching_settings']; $context['settings_message'] = $txt['caching_information']; // Prepare the template. createToken('admin-ssc'); prepareServerSettingsContext($config_vars); }
<!DOCTYPE html> <?php require "functions/admincheck.php"; require "functions/cmum.php"; $counters = explode(";", counter()); if (isset($_POST["bsave"]) && $_POST["bsave"] == "Save Changes") { if (!isset($_POST["def_profiles"])) { $def_profiles = ""; } else { $def_profiles = $_POST["def_profiles"]; } $updnotice = updatesettings($_POST["servername"], $_POST["timeout"], $_POST["rndstring"], $_POST["rndstringlength"], $_POST["loglogins"], $_POST["logactivity"], $_POST["cleanlogin"], $_POST["genxmlkey"], $_POST["genxmllogreq"], $_POST["genxmlusrgrp"], $_POST["genxmldateformat"], $_POST["genxmlintstrexp"], $_POST["def_autoload"], $_POST["def_ipmask"], $def_profiles, $_POST["def_maxconn"], $_POST["def_admin"], $_POST["def_enabled"], $_POST["def_mapexc"], $_POST["def_debug"], $_POST["def_custcspval"], $_POST["def_ecmrate"], $_POST["fetchcsp"], $_POST["cspsrv_ip"], $_POST["cspsrv_port"], $_POST["cspsrv_user"], $_POST["cspsrv_pass"], $_POST["cspsrv_protocol"], $_POST["comptables"], $_POST["extrausrtbl"], $_POST["notstartusrorder"], $_POST["expusrorder"], $_POST["soonexpusrorder"], $_POST["autoupdcheck"], $_POST["usrorderby"], $_POST["usrorder"]); if ($updnotice == "0") { $notice = "toastr.success('Settings saved successfully');"; } } $mysqli = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { errorpage("MYSQL DATABASE ERROR", mysqli_connect_error(), $charset, CMUM_TITLE, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], CMUM_VERSION, CMUM_BUILD, CMUM_MOD); exit; } $sqls = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE id='1'"); $setres = $sqls->fetch_array(); ?> <html> <head> <meta charset="<?php print $charset; ?> "> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge, chrome=1">
/** * Cache settings editing and submission. * * This method handles the display, allows to edit, and saves the result * for _cacheSettings form. */ public function action_cacheSettings_display() { global $context, $scripturl, $txt, $cache_accelerator, $modSettings; // Initialize the form $this->_initCacheSettingsForm(); // Some javascript to enable / disable certain settings if the option is not selected addInlineJavascript(' var cache_type = document.getElementById(\'cache_accelerator\'); createEventListener(cache_type); cache_type.addEventListener("change", toggleCache); toggleCache();', true); $context['settings_message'] = $txt['caching_information']; // Let them know if they may have problems if ($cache_accelerator === 'filebased' && !empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && extension_loaded('Zend OPcache')) { // The opcache will cache the filebased user data files, updating them based on opcache.revalidate_freq // which can cause delays (or prevent) the invalidation of file cache files $opcache_config = @opcache_get_configuration(); if (!empty($opcache_config['directives']['opcache.enable'])) { $context['settings_message'] = $txt['cache_conflict']; } } // Saving again? if (isset($_GET['save'])) { call_integration_hook('integrate_save_cache_settings'); $this->_cacheSettingsForm->save(); // we need to save the $cache_enable to $modSettings as well updatesettings(array('cache_enable' => (int) $_POST['cache_enable'])); // exit so we reload our new settings on the page redirectexit('action=admin;area=serversettings;sa=cache;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']); } loadLanguage('Maintenance'); createToken('admin-maint'); Template_Layers::getInstance()->add('clean_cache_button'); $context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=serversettings;sa=cache;save'; $context['settings_title'] = $txt['caching_settings']; // Prepare the template. createToken('admin-ssc'); // Prepare settings for display in the template. $this->_cacheSettingsForm->prepare_file(); }