function error_handler($ibid) { opentable(); echo "<p class=\"errorhandler\" align=\"center\">" . adm_translate("Merci d'entrer l'information en fonction des spécifications") . "<br /><br />"; echo "{$ibid}<br /><a href=\"admin.php?op=mod_authors\" class=\"noir\">" . adm_translate("Retour en arrière") . "</a></p>"; closetable(); } switch ($op) { case 'mod_authors': displayadmins(); break; case 'modifyadmin': modifyadmin($chng_aid); break; case 'UpdateAuthor': updateadmin($chng_aid, $chng_name, $chng_email, $chng_url, $chng_radminfilem, $chng_radminsuper, $chng_pwd, $chng_pwd2, $temp_system_md5); break; case 'AddAuthor': if (!($add_aid && $add_name && $add_email && $add_pwd)) { global $hlpfile; include "header.php"; GraphicAdmin($hlpfile); echo error_handler(adm_translate("Vous devez remplir tous les Champs") . "<br />"); include "footer.php"; return; } if ($system_md5) { $add_pwdX = crypt($add_pwd, $add_pwdX); } $result = sql_query("INSERT INTO " . $NPDS_Prefix . "authors VALUES ('{$add_aid}', '{$add_name}', '{$add_url}', '{$add_email}', '{$add_pwdX}', '0','{$add_radminfilem}', '{$add_radminsuper}')"); updatedroits($add_aid);
if ($admin_n) { $pwSQL['forumadmin'] = ',' . implode(',', $admin_n) . ','; } else { $pwSQL['forumadmin'] = ''; } $errorname = array_merge($errorname, array_diff($admin_a, $admin_n)); } if ($order[$foruminfo['fid']] != $foruminfo['vieworder']) { $pwSQL['vieworder'] = $order[$foruminfo['fid']]; } if ($pwSQL) { $db->update("UPDATE pw_forums SET" . pwSqlSingle($pwSQL) . "WHERE fid=" . pwEscape($foruminfo['fid'], false)); } } updatecache_f(); updateadmin(); $errorname && ($errorname = implode(',', $errorname)); adminmsg($errorname ? 'user_not_exists' : 'operate_success'); } elseif ($action == 'delete') { InitGP(array('fid')); if (empty($_POST['step'])) { include PrintEot('setforum'); exit; } else { $count = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM pw_forums WHERE fup=" . pwEscape($fid) . " AND type<>'category'"); if ($count) { adminmsg('forum_havesub'); } delforum($fid); P_unlink(D_P . 'data/bbscache/c_cache.php'); updatecache_f();
echo "<br>"; OpenTable(); echo "<center><b>Not Authorized</b><br><br>" . "Unauthorized editing of authors detected<br><br>" . "" . _GOBACK . ""; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; } } switch ($op) { case "mod_authors": displayadmins(); break; case "modifyadmin": modifyadmin($chng_aid); break; case "UpdateAuthor": updateadmin($chng_aid, $chng_name, $chng_email, $chng_url, $chng_radminsuper, $chng_pwd, $chng_pwd2, $chng_admlanguage, $adm_aid, $auth_modules); break; case "AddAuthor": $add_aid = strtolower(substr("{$add_aid}", 0, 25)); $add_name = substr("{$add_name}", 0, 25); if (!($add_aid && $add_name && $add_email && $add_pwd)) { include "header.php"; GraphicAdmin(); OpenTable(); echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>" . _AUTHORSADMIN . "</b></font></center>"; CloseTable(); echo "<br>"; OpenTable(); echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _CREATIONERROR . "</b></font><br><br>" . "" . _COMPLETEFIELDS . "<br><br>" . "" . _GOBACK . "</center>"; CloseTable(); include "footer.php";