function SendSite($yname, $ymail, $fname, $fmail, $random_num = "0", $gfx_check) { global $sitename, $slogan, $nukeurl, $module_name, $gfx_chk, $sitekey; if (empty($fname) or empty($fmail) or empty($yname) or empty($ymail)) { include "header.php"; title("{$sitename} - " . _RECOMMEND . ""); OpenTable(); echo "<center>" . _SENDSITEERROR . "<br><br>" . _GOBACK . ""; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; die; } $fname = removecrlf(filter($fname, "nohtml")); $fmail = validate_mail(removecrlf(filter($fmail, "nohtml"))); $yname = removecrlf(filter($yname, "nohtml")); $ymail = validate_mail(removecrlf(filter($ymail, "nohtml"))); $datekey = date("F j"); $rcode = hexdec(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $sitekey . $random_num . $datekey)); $code = substr($rcode, 2, 3); if (extension_loaded("gd") and $code != $gfx_check and $gfx_chk != 0) { $mess = 1; Header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&op=RecommendSite&mess={$mess}"); } else { $subject = "" . _INTSITE . " {$sitename}"; $message = "" . _HELLO . " {$fname}:\n\n" . _YOURFRIEND . " {$yname} " . _OURSITE . " {$sitename} " . _INTSENT . "\n\n\n" . _FSITENAME . " {$sitename}\n{$slogan}\n" . _FSITEURL . " {$nukeurl}\n"; mail($fmail, $subject, $message, "From: \"{$yname}\" <{$ymail}>\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion()); update_points(3); Header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&op=SiteSent&fname={$fname}"); } }
function SendSite($yname, $ymail, $fname, $fmail) { global $sitename, $slogan, $nukeurl, $module_name; $fname = stripslashes(FixQuotes(check_html(removecrlf($fname)))); $fmail = stripslashes(FixQuotes(check_html(removecrlf($fmail)))); $yname = stripslashes(FixQuotes(check_html(removecrlf($yname)))); $ymail = stripslashes(FixQuotes(check_html(removecrlf($ymail)))); $subject = "" . _INTSITE . " {$sitename}"; $message = "" . _HELLO . " {$fname}:\n\n" . _YOURFRIEND . " {$yname} " . _OURSITE . " {$sitename} " . _INTSENT . "\n\n\n" . _FSITENAME . " {$sitename}\n{$slogan}\n" . _FSITEURL . " {$nukeurl}\n"; mail($fmail, $subject, $message, "From: \"{$yname}\" <{$ymail}>\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion()); update_points(3); Header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&op=SiteSent&fname={$fname}"); }
function SendStory($sid, $yname, $ymail, $fname, $fmail) { global $sitename, $nukeurl, $prefix, $db, $module_name; $fname = removecrlf(filter($fname, "nohtml")); $fmail = removecrlf(filter($fmail, "nohtml")); $yname = removecrlf(filter($yname, "nohtml")); $ymail = removecrlf(filter($ymail, "nohtml")); $sid = intval($sid); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT title, time, topic FROM " . $prefix . "_stories WHERE sid='{$sid}'")); $title = filter($row['title'], "nohtml"); $time = $row['time']; $topic = intval($row['topic']); $row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT topictext FROM " . $prefix . "_topics WHERE topicid='{$topic}'")); $topictext = filter($row2['topictext'], "nohtml"); $subject = "" . _INTERESTING . " {$sitename}"; $message = "" . _HELLO . " {$fname}:\n\n" . _YOURFRIEND . " {$yname} " . _CONSIDERED . "\n\n\n{$title}\n(" . _FDATE . " {$time})\n" . _FTOPIC . " {$topictext}\n\n" . _URL . ": {$nukeurl}/modules.php?name={$module_name}&file=article&sid={$sid}\n\n" . _YOUCANREAD . " {$sitename}\n{$nukeurl}"; mail($fmail, $subject, $message, "From: \"{$yname}\" <{$ymail}>\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion()); update_points(6); $title = urlencode($title); $fname = urlencode($fname); Header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&file=friend&op=StorySent&title={$title}&fname={$fname}"); }
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. */ /************************************************************************/ if (!eregi("modules.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { die("You can't access this file directly..."); } require_once "mainfile.php"; $module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__)); get_lang($module_name); $pagetitle = "- " . _USERSJOURNAL . ""; include "header.php"; include "modules/{$module_name}/functions.php"; cookiedecode($user); $username = $cookie[1]; $htime = date(h); $mtime = date(i); $ntime = date(a); $mtime = "{$htime}:{$mtime} {$ntime}"; $mdate = date(m); $ddate = date(d); $ydate = date(Y); $ndate = "{$mdate}-{$ddate}-{$ydate}"; startjournal($sitename, $user); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "_journal_comments VALUES ('','{$rid}','{$username}','{$comment}','{$ndate}','{$mtime}')"; $db->sql_query($sql); update_points(2); echo "<br>"; openTable(); echo "<div align=center>" . _COMMENTPOSTED . "<br><br>"; echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&file=display&jid={$rid}\">" . _RETURNJOURNAL2 . "</a><br><br><div class=title>" . _THANKS . "</div></div>"; closeTable(); journalfoot();
$username = $cookie[1]; $user = filter($user, "nohtml"); $username = filter($username, "nohtml"); $sitename = filter($sitename, "nohtml"); $title = filter($title, "nohtml"); $title = addslashes($title); if (isset($mood)) { $mood = filter($mood, "nohtml"); } else { $mood = ""; } $jbodytext = kses(ADVT_stripslashes($jbodytext), $allowed); $jbodytext = addslashes($jbodytext); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "_journal (jid,aid,title,bodytext,mood,pdate,ptime,status,mtime,mdate) VALUES (NULL,'{$username}','{$title}','{$jbodytext}','{$mood}','{$pdate}','{$ptime}','{$status}','{$mtime}','{$ndate}')"; $db->sql_query($sql); update_points(1); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_journal_stats WHERE joid = '{$username}'"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $row_count = $db->sql_numrows($result); if ($row_count == 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "_journal_stats (id,joid,nop,ldp,ltp,micro) VALUES ('','{$username}','1',now(),'{$mtime}',now())"; $db->sql_query($query); } else { $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $nnop = $row['nop']; $nnnop = $nnop + 1; $micro = date("U"); $nnnop = filter($nnnop, "nohtml"); $ndate = filter($ndate, "nohtml"); $mtime = filter($mtime, "nohtml"); $micro = filter($micro, "nohtml");
function broadcast($the_message, $who) { global $prefix, $db, $broadcast_msg, $module_name, $cookie, $user, $userinfo, $user_prefix; cookiedecode($user); getusrinfo($user); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT karma FROM " . $user_prefix . "_users WHERE user_id = '" . intval($cookie[0]) . "'")); if ($row['karma'] == 2 or $row['karma'] == 3) { Header("Location: modules.php?name=" . $module_name); die; } if (is_user($user) and strtolower($who) == strtolower($cookie[1]) and strtolower($userinfo['username']) == strtolower($cookie[1]) and $userinfo['user_password'] == $cookie[2]) { $who = $cookie[1]; $the_message = filter($the_message, "nohtml", 1); if ($broadcast_msg == 1) { include "header.php"; title("" . _BROADCAST . ""); OpenTable(); $numrows = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_public_messages WHERE who='{$who}'")); if (!empty($the_message) and $numrows == 0) { $the_time = time(); $who = filter($who, "nohtml", 1); $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "_public_messages VALUES (NULL, '{$the_message}', '{$the_time}', '{$who}')"); update_points(20); echo "<center>" . _BROADCASTSENT . "<br><br>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}\">" . _RETURNPAGE . "</a> ]</center>"; } else { echo "<center>" . _BROADCASTNOTSENT . "<br><br>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}\">" . _RETURNPAGE . "</a> ]</center>"; } CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; } else { echo "I don't like you..."; } } }
function CreateTopic($xanonpost, $subject, $comment, $pid, $sid, $host_name, $mode, $order, $thold) { global $module_name, $user, $userinfo, $EditedMessage, $cookie, $AllowableHTML, $ultramode, $user_prefix, $prefix, $anonpost, $articlecomm, $db, $sitename; cookiedecode($user); getusrinfo($user); $sid = intval($sid); $pid = intval($pid); $author = filter($author, "nohtml", 1); $subject = filter($subject, "nohtml", 1); $comment = format_url($comment); $comment = filter($comment, "", 1); if (empty($subject) or empty($comment)) { include "header.php"; title("{$sitename} - " . _COMMENTSSYSTEM . ""); OpenTable(); echo "<center>" . _COMMENTPOSTERROR . "<br><br>" . _GOBACK . "</center>"; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; fdie(); } //$comment = filter($comment); if (is_user($user) and !$xanonpost) { $name = $userinfo['username']; $email = $userinfo['femail']; $url = $userinfo['user_website']; $score = 1; } else { $name = ""; $email = ""; $url = ""; $score = 0; } if (!isset($ip)) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $fake = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_stories WHERE sid='{$sid}'")); $comment = trim($comment); $comment = filter($comment, "", 1); if ($fake == 1 and $articlecomm == 1) { if ($anonpost == 0 and is_user($user) or $anonpost == 1) { if (is_user($user)) { $krow = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT karma FROM " . $user_prefix . "_users WHERE username='******'")); $koptions = ""; $koptions .= "&mode=" . $mode; $koptions .= "&order=" . $order; $koptions .= "&thold=" . $thold; if ($krow['karma'] == 2) { $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "_comments_moderated VALUES (NULL, '{$pid}', '{$sid}', now(), '{$name}', '{$email}', '{$url}', '{$ip}', '{$subject}', '{$comment}', '{$score}', '0', '0')"); include "header.php"; title(_MODERATEDTITLE); OpenTable(); echo "<center>" . _COMMENTMODERATED . ""; echo "<br><br><a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&file=article&sid={$sid}{$koptions}\">" . _MODERATEDRETURN . "</a>"; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; fdie(); } elseif ($krow['karma'] == 3) { Header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&file=article&sid={$sid}{$koptions}"); fdie(); } } $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "_comments VALUES (NULL, '{$pid}', '{$sid}', now(), '{$name}', '{$email}', '{$url}', '{$ip}', '{$subject}', '{$comment}', '{$score}', '0', '0')"); $db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_stories SET comments=comments+1 WHERE sid='{$sid}'"); update_points(5); if ($ultramode) { ultramode(); } } else { die("Nice try.."); } } else { include "header.php"; echo "According to my records, the topic you are trying " . "to reply to does not exist. If you're just trying to be " . "annoying, well then too bad."; include "footer.php"; fdie(); } $options = ""; $options .= "&mode=" . $mode; $options .= "&order=" . $order; $options .= "&thold=" . $thold; Header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&file=article&sid={$sid}{$options}"); }
function addrating($ratinglid, $ratinguser, $rating, $ratinghost_name, $ratingcomments) { global $prefix, $db, $cookie, $user, $module_name; $passtest = "yes"; include "header.php"; include "modules/{$module_name}/d_config.php"; $ratinglid = intval($ratinglid); completevoteheader(); if (is_user($user)) { $user2 = base64_decode($user); $user2 = addslashes($user2); $cookie = explode(":", $user2); cookiedecode($user); $ratinguser = $cookie[1]; } else { if ($ratinguser == "outside") { $ratinguser = "******"; } else { $ratinguser = "******"; } } $results3 = $db->sql_query("SELECT title FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE lid='{$ratinglid}'"); while (list($title) = $results3->fetch_row()) { $ttitle = filter($title, "nohtml"); } $title = filter($title, "nohtml"); /* Make sure only 1 anonymous from an IP in a single day. */ $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']; if (empty($ip)) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } /* Check if Rating is Null */ if ($rating == "--") { $error = "nullerror"; completevote($error); $passtest = "no"; } /* Check if Download POSTER is voting (UNLESS Anonymous users allowed to post) */ if ($ratinguser != $anonymous && $ratinguser != "outside") { $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT submitter FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE lid='{$ratinglid}'"); while (list($ratinguserDB) = $result->fetch_row()) { if ($ratinguserDB == $ratinguser) { $error = "postervote"; completevote($error); $passtest = "no"; } } } /* Check if REG user is trying to vote twice. */ if ($ratinguser != $anonymous && $ratinguser != "outside") { $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT ratinguser FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_votedata WHERE ratinglid='{$ratinglid}'"); while (list($ratinguserDB) = $result->fetch_row()) { if ($ratinguserDB == $ratinguser) { $error = "regflood"; completevote($error); $passtest = "no"; } } } /* Check if ANONYMOUS user is trying to vote more than once per day. */ if ($ratinguser == $anonymous) { $yesterdaytimestamp = time() - 86400 * $anonwaitdays; $ytsDB = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $yesterdaytimestamp); $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_votedata WHERE ratinglid='{$ratinglid}' AND ratinguser='******' AND ratinghostname = '{$ip}' AND TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(ratingtimestamp) < '{$anonwaitdays}'"); $anonvotecount = $db->sql_numrows($result); if ($anonvotecount >= 1) { $error = "anonflood"; completevote($error); $passtest = "no"; } } /* Check if OUTSIDE user is trying to vote more than once per day. */ if ($ratinguser == "outside") { $yesterdaytimestamp = time() - 86400 * $outsidewaitdays; $ytsDB = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $yesterdaytimestamp); $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_votedata WHERE ratinglid='{$ratinglid}' AND ratinguser='******' AND ratinghostname = '{$ip}' AND TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(ratingtimestamp) < '{$outsidewaitdays}'"); $outsidevotecount = $db->sql_numrows($result); if ($outsidevotecount >= 1) { $error = "outsideflood"; completevote($error); $passtest = "no"; } } /* Passed Tests */ if ($passtest == "yes") { $ratingcomments = filter($ratingcomments); if (!empty($ratingcomments)) { update_points(19); } update_points(18); /* All is well. Add to Line Item Rate to DB. */ $ratinglid = intval($ratinglid); $rating = intval($rating); $ratingcomments = filter($ratingcomments, "", 1); if ($rating > 10 || $rating < 1) { header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=ratedownload&lid={$ratinglid}"); die; } $db->sql_query("INSERT into " . $prefix . "_downloads_votedata values (NULL,'{$ratinglid}', '{$ratinguser}', '{$rating}', '{$ip}', '{$ratingcomments}', now())"); /* All is well. Calculate Score & Add to Summary (for quick retrieval & sorting) to DB. */ /* NOTE: If weight is modified, ALL downloads need to be refreshed with new weight. */ /* Running a SQL statement with your modded calc for ALL downloads will accomplish this. */ $voteresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT rating, ratinguser, ratingcomments FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_votedata WHERE ratinglid = '{$ratinglid}'"); $totalvotesDB = $db->sql_numrows($voteresult); include "modules/{$module_name}/voteinclude.php"; $finalrating = intval($finalrating); $totalvotesDB = intval($totalvotesDB); $truecomments = intval($truecomments); $ratinglid = intval($ratinglid); $db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads SET downloadratingsummary='{$finalrating}',totalvotes='{$totalvotesDB}',totalcomments='{$truecomments}' WHERE lid = '{$ratinglid}'"); $error = "none"; completevote($error); } completevotefooter($ratinglid, $ratinguser); include "footer.php"; }
function rate_article($sid, $score) { global $prefix, $db, $ratecookie, $sitename, $r_options; $score = intval($score); $sid = intval($sid); if ($score) { if ($score > 5) { $score = 5; } if ($score < 1) { $score = 1; } if ($score != 1 and $score != 2 and $score != 3 and $score != 4 and $score != 5) { Header("Location: index.php"); die; } if (isset($ratecookie)) { $rcookie = base64_decode($ratecookie); $rcookie = addslashes($rcookie); $r_cookie = explode(":", $rcookie); } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($r_cookie); $i++) { if ($r_cookie[$i] == $sid) { $a = 1; } } if ($a == 1) { Header("Location: modules.php?name=News&op=rate_complete&sid={$sid}&rated=1"); } else { $result = $db->sql_query("update " . $prefix . "_stories set score=score+{$score}, ratings=ratings+1 where sid='{$sid}'"); $info = base64_encode("{$rcookie}{$sid}:"); setcookie("ratecookie", "{$info}", time() + 3600); update_points(7); Header("Location: modules.php?name=News&op=rate_complete&sid={$sid}{$r_options}"); } } else { include "header.php"; title("{$sitename}: " . _ARTICLERATING . ""); OpenTable(); echo "<center>" . _DIDNTRATE . "<br><br>" . "" . _GOBACK . "</center>"; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; } }
function broadcast($the_message, $who) { global $prefix, $db, $broadcast_msg, $module_name, $cookie, $user, $userinfo; cookiedecode($user); getusrinfo($user); if (is_user($user) and strtolower($who) == strtolower($cookie[1]) and strtolower($userinfo['username']) == strtolower($cookie[1]) and $userinfo['user_password'] == $cookie[2]) { $who = $cookie[1]; $the_message = htmlentities($the_message); if ($broadcast_msg == 1) { include "header.php"; title("" . _BROADCAST . ""); OpenTable(); $numrows = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_public_messages WHERE who='{$who}'")); $the_message = FixQuotes(filter_text($the_message, "nohtml")); if ($the_message != "" and $numrows == 0) { $the_time = time(); $who = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($who)); $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "_public_messages VALUES (NULL, '{$the_message}', '{$the_time}', '{$who}')"); update_points(20); echo "<center>" . _BROADCASTSENT . "<br><br>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}\">" . _RETURNPAGE . "</a> ]</center>"; } else { echo "<center>" . _BROADCASTNOTSENT . "<br><br>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}\">" . _RETURNPAGE . "</a> ]</center>"; } CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; } else { echo "I don't like you..."; } } }
function pollCollector($pollID, $voteID, $forwarder) { global $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, $prefix, $db; /* Fix for lamers that like to cheat on polls */ if (empty($ip)) { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } $pollID = intval($pollID); $voteID = intval($voteID); $past = time() - 1800; $db->sql_query("DELETE FROM " . $prefix . "_poll_check WHERE time < '{$past}'"); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT ip FROM " . $prefix . "_poll_check WHERE (ip='{$ip}') AND (pollID='{$pollID}')")); $ips = $row['ip']; $ctime = time(); if ($ip == $ips) { $voteValid = 0; } else { $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "_poll_check (ip, time, pollID) VALUES ('{$ip}', '{$ctime}', '{$pollID}')"); $voteValid = "1"; } /* Fix end */ /* update database if the vote is valid */ if ($voteValid > 0) { $db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_poll_data SET optionCount=optionCount+1 WHERE pollID='{$pollID}' AND voteID='{$voteID}'"); if ($voteID != "") { $db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_poll_desc SET voters=voters+1 WHERE pollID='{$pollID}'"); update_points(8); } Header("Location: {$forwarder}"); } else { Header("Location: {$forwarder}"); } /* a lot of browsers can't handle it if there's an empty page */ echo "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"; }
} elseif (ereg("SunOS", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { $os = "SunOS"; } elseif (ereg("IRIX", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { $os = "IRIX"; } elseif (ereg("BeOS", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { $os = "BeOS"; } elseif (ereg("OS/2", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { $os = "OS/2"; } elseif (ereg("AIX", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { $os = "AIX"; } else { $os = "Other"; } /* Save on the databases the obtained values */ $db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_counter SET count=count+1 WHERE (type='total' AND var='hits') OR (var='{$browser}' AND type='browser') OR (var='{$os}' AND type='os')"); update_points(13); /* Start Detailed Statistics */ $dot = date("d-m-Y-H"); $now = explode("-", $dot); $nowHour = $now[3]; $nowYear = $now[2]; $nowMonth = $now[1]; $nowDate = $now[0]; $sql = "SELECT year FROM " . $prefix . "_stats_year WHERE year='{$nowYear}'"; $resultyear = $db->sql_query($sql); $jml = $db->sql_numrows($resultyear); if ($jml <= 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "_stats_year VALUES ('{$nowYear}','0')"; $db->sql_query($sql); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "_stats_month VALUES ('{$nowYear}','{$i}','0')");
function savecomment($xanonpost, $uname, $id, $score, $comments) { global $anonymous, $user, $cookie, $prefix, $db, $module_name, $user_prefix, $anonpost; if (!is_user($user) && $anonpost == 0) { include "header.php"; title("{$module_name}"); OpenTable(); echo "<center><b>" . _RESTRICTEDAREA . "</b><br><br>" . _MODULEUSERS . ""; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; die; } if ($xanonpost) { $uname = $anonymous; } $comments = filter($comments, "", 1); $uname = filter($uname, "nohtml"); $id = intval($id); $score = intval($score); if (is_user($user)) { $krow = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT karma FROM " . $user_prefix . "_users WHERE username='******'")); if ($krow['karma'] == 2) { $db->sql_query("insert into " . $prefix . "_reviews_comments_moderated values (NULL, '{$id}', '{$uname}', now(), '{$comments}', '{$score}')"); include "header.php"; title("" . _MODERATEDTITLE . ""); OpenTable(); echo "<center>" . _COMMENTMODERATED . ""; echo "<br><br><a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&rop=showcontent&id={$id}\">" . _MODERATEDTITLE . "</a>"; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; die; } elseif ($krow['karma'] == 3) { Header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&rop=showcontent&id={$id}"); die; } } $db->sql_query("insert into " . $prefix . "_reviews_comments values (NULL, '{$id}', '{$uname}', now(), '{$comments}', '{$score}')"); update_points(12); Header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&rop=showcontent&id={$id}"); }
function CreateTopic($xanonpost, $subject, $comment, $pid, $sid, $host_name, $mode, $order, $thold, $posttype) { global $module_name, $user, $userinfo, $EditedMessage, $cookie, $AllowableHTML, $ultramode, $prefix, $anonpost, $articlecomm, $db; cookiedecode($user); $author = FixQuotes($author); $subject = FixQuotes(filter_text($subject, "nohtml")); $comment = format_url($comment); if ($posttype == "exttrans") { $comment = FixQuotes(nl2br(htmlspecialchars(check_words($comment)))); } elseif ($posttype == "plaintext") { $comment = FixQuotes(nl2br(filter_text($comment))); } else { $comment = FixQuotes(filter_text($comment)); } if (is_user($user)) { getusrinfo($user); } if (is_user($user) && !$xanonpost) { getusrinfo($user); $name = $userinfo[username]; $email = $userinfo[femail]; $url = $userinfo[user_website]; $score = 1; } else { $name = ""; $email = ""; $url = ""; $score = 0; } $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_HOST"]; if (empty($ip)) { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } $fake = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_stories WHERE sid='{$sid}'")); $comment = trim($comment); $comment = stripslashes($comment); if ($fake == 1 and $articlecomm == 1) { if ($anonpost == 0 and is_user($user) or $anonpost == 1) { $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "_comments VALUES (NULL, '{$pid}', '{$sid}', now(), '{$name}', '{$email}', '{$url}', '{$ip}', '{$subject}', '{$comment}', '{$score}', '0')"); $db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_stories SET comments=comments+1 WHERE sid='{$sid}'"); update_points(5); if ($ultramode) { ultramode(); } } else { echo "Nice try..."; die; } } else { include "header.php"; echo "According to my records, the topic you are trying " . "to reply to does not exist. If you're just trying to be " . "annoying, well then too bad."; include "footer.php"; die; } if (isset($cookie[4])) { $options .= "&mode={$cookie['4']}"; } else { $options .= "&mode=thread"; } if (isset($cookie[5])) { $options .= "&order={$cookie['5']}"; } else { $options .= "&order=0"; } if (isset($cookie[6])) { $options .= "&thold={$cookie['6']}"; } else { $options .= "&thold=0"; } Header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&file=article&sid={$sid}{$options}"); }
function viewbanner() { global $prefix, $db, $admin, $sitename, $adminmail, $nukeurl; if (paid()) { return; } $numrows = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_banner WHERE type='0' AND active='1'")); /* Get a random banner if exist any. */ /* More efficient random stuff, thanks to Cristian Arroyo from */ if ($numrows > 1) { $numrows = $numrows - 1; mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $bannum = mt_rand(0, $numrows); } else { $bannum = 0; } $sql = "SELECT bid, impmade, imageurl, clickurl, alttext FROM " . $prefix . "_banner WHERE type='0' AND active='1' LIMIT {$bannum},1"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $bid = $row[bid]; $imageurl = $row[imageurl]; $clickurl = $row[clickurl]; $alttext = $row[alttext]; if (!is_admin($admin)) { $db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_banner SET impmade=impmade+1 WHERE bid='{$bid}'"); } update_points(21); if ($numrows > 0) { $sql2 = "SELECT cid, imptotal, impmade, clicks, date FROM " . $prefix . "_banner WHERE bid='{$bid}'"; $result2 = $db->sql_query($sql2); $row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2); $cid = $row2[cid]; $imptotal = $row2[imptotal]; $imptotal = intval($imptotal); $impmade = $row2[impmade]; $impmade = intval($impmade); $clicks = $row2[clicks]; $clicks = intval($clicks); $date = $row2[date]; /* Check if this impression is the last one and print the banner */ if ($imptotal <= $impmade and $imptotal != 0) { $db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_banner SET active='0' WHERE bid='{$bid}'"); $sql3 = "SELECT name, contact, email FROM " . $prefix . "_bannerclient WHERE cid='{$cid}'"; $result3 = $db->sql_query($sql3); $row3 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result3); $c_name = $row3[name]; $c_contact = $row3[contact]; $c_email = $row3[email]; if ($c_email != "") { $from = "{$sitename} <{$adminmail}>"; $to = "{$c_contact} <{$c_email}>"; $message = "" . _HELLO . " {$c_contact}:\n\n"; $message .= "" . _THISISAUTOMATED . "\n\n"; $message .= "" . _THERESULTS . "\n\n"; $message .= "" . _TOTALIMPRESSIONS . " {$imptotal}\n"; $message .= "" . _CLICKSRECEIVED . " {$clicks}\n"; $message .= "" . _IMAGEURL . " {$imageurl}\n"; $message .= "" . _CLICKURL . " {$clickurl}\n"; $message .= "" . _ALTERNATETEXT . " {$alttext}\n\n"; $message .= "" . _HOPEYOULIKED . "\n\n"; $message .= "" . _THANKSUPPORT . "\n\n"; $message .= "- {$sitename} " . _TEAM . "\n"; $message .= "{$nukeurl}"; $subject = "{$sitename}: " . _BANNERSFINNISHED . ""; mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: {$from}\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion()); } } echo "<center><a href=\"banners.php?op=click&bid={$bid}\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"{$imageurl}\" border=\"0\" alt='{$alttext}' title='{$alttext}'></a></center>"; } }
function rate_article($sid, $score, $random_num = "0", $gfx_check) { global $prefix, $db, $ratecookie, $sitename, $r_options, $sitekey, $gfx_chk, $module_name; if (isset($random_num)) { $datekey = date("F j"); $rcode = hexdec(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $sitekey . $random_num . $datekey)); $code = substr($rcode, 2, 3); if (extension_loaded("gd") and $code != $gfx_check and $gfx_chk != 0) { mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $maxran = 1000000; $random_num = mt_rand(0, $maxran); include "header.php"; title("{$sitename}: " . _ARTICLERATING . ""); OpenTable(); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT title FROM " . $prefix . "_stories WHERE sid='{$sid}'")); $row['title'] = filter($row['title'], "nohtml"); echo "<center><a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&file=article&sid={$sid}{$r_options}\"><b>" . $row['title'] . "</b></a><br>" . _ARTICLERATING . ": <img src=\"images/articles/stars-{$score}.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$score}/5\" title=\"{$score}/5\"> ({$score}/5)<br><br>"; echo "" . _TOFINISHRATINGERROR . "<br><br>"; echo "<form action=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}\" method=\"post\">"; echo "" . _SECURITYCODE . ":<br><img src='?gfx=gfx_little&random_num={$random_num}' border='1' alt='" . _SECURITYCODE . "' title='" . _SECURITYCODE . "'><br><br>\n"; echo "" . _TYPESECCODE . ":<br><input type=\"text\" NAME=\"gfx_check\" SIZE=\"3\" MAXLENGTH=\"3\"><br>\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"random_num\" value=\"{$random_num}\"><br>\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"score\" value=\"{$score}\"><br>\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sid\" value=\"{$sid}\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"rate_article\">"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _CASTMYVOTE . "\"></font></center></form>"; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; fdie(); } else { $score = intval($score); $sid = intval($sid); if ($score) { if ($score > 5) { $score = 5; } if ($score < 1) { $score = 1; } if ($score != 1 and $score != 2 and $score != 3 and $score != 4 and $score != 5) { Header("Location: index.php"); fdie(); } $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $num = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_stories WHERE sid='{$sid}' AND rating_ip='{$ip}'")); if ($num != 0) { Header("Location: modules.php?name=News&op=rate_complete&sid={$sid}&rated=1"); fdie(); } if (isset($ratecookie)) { $rcookie = base64_decode($ratecookie); $rcookie = addslashes($rcookie); $r_cookie = explode(":", $rcookie); } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($r_cookie); $i++) { if ($r_cookie[$i] == $sid) { $a = 1; } } if ($a == 1) { Header("Location: modules.php?name=News&op=rate_complete&sid={$sid}&rated=1"); fdie(); } else { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $result = $db->sql_query("update " . $prefix . "_stories set score=score+{$score}, ratings=ratings+1, rating_ip='{$ip}' where sid='{$sid}'"); $info = base64_encode("{$rcookie}{$sid}:"); setcookie("ratecookie", "{$info}", time() + 86400); update_points(7); Header("Location: modules.php?name=News&op=rate_complete&sid={$sid}&score={$score}"); } } else { include "header.php"; title("{$sitename}: " . _ARTICLERATING . ""); OpenTable(); echo "<center>" . _DIDNTRATE . "<br><br>" . "" . _GOBACK . "</center>"; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; } } } else { mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $maxran = 1000000; $random_num = mt_rand(0, $maxran); if (extension_loaded("gd") and $gfx_chk != 0) { include "header.php"; title("{$sitename}: " . _ARTICLERATING . ""); OpenTable(); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT title FROM " . $prefix . "_stories WHERE sid='{$sid}'")); echo "<center><a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&file=article&sid={$sid}{$r_options}\"><b>" . $row['title'] . "</b></a><br>" . _ARTICLERATING . ": <img src=\"images/articles/stars-{$score}.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$score}/5\" title=\"{$score}/5\"> ({$score}/5)<br><br>"; echo "" . _TOFINISHRATING . "<br><br>"; echo "<form action=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}\" method=\"post\">"; echo "" . _SECURITYCODE . ":<br><img src='?gfx=gfx_little&random_num={$random_num}' border='1' alt='" . _SECURITYCODE . "' title='" . _SECURITYCODE . "'><br><br>\n"; echo "" . _TYPESECCODE . ":<br><input type=\"text\" NAME=\"gfx_check\" SIZE=\"3\" MAXLENGTH=\"3\"><br>\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"random_num\" value=\"{$random_num}\"><br>\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"score\" value=\"{$score}\"><br>\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sid\" value=\"{$sid}\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"rate_article\">"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _CASTMYVOTE . "\"></font></center></form>"; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; } else { $random_num = "{$random_num}"; $gfx_check = "{$code}"; Header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&op=rate_article&sid={$sid}&score={$score}&random_num={$random_num}"); } } }
/* */ /* */ /* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. */ /************************************************************************/ require_once "mainfile.php"; global $prefix, $db, $admin_file; if (isset($op) and $op == "ad_click" and isset($bid)) { $bid = intval($bid); $sql = "SELECT clickurl FROM " . $prefix . "_banner WHERE bid='{$bid}'"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); list($clickurl) = $result->fetch_row(); $clickurl = filter($clickurl, "nohtml"); $db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_banner SET clicks=clicks+1 WHERE bid='{$bid}'"); update_points(21); Header("Location: " . htmlentities($clickurl)); die; } $modpath = ''; define('MODULE_FILE', true); $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = "modules.php"; $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT main_module from " . $prefix . "_main")); $name = $row['main_module']; define('HOME_FILE', true); if (isset($url) and is_admin($admin)) { $url = urldecode($url); echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url={$url}\">"; die; } if ($httpref == 1) {
function CreateTopic($xanonpost, $subject, $comment, $pid, $pollID, $host_name, $mode, $order, $thold, $posttype) { global $user, $userinfo, $EditedMessage, $cookie, $prefix, $pollcomm, $anonpost, $db, $module_name; $author = FixQuotes($author); $subject = FixQuotes(filter_text($subject, "nohtml")); $comment = format_url($comment); if ($posttype == "exttrans") { $comment = FixQuotes(nl2br(htmlspecialchars(check_words($comment)))); } elseif ($posttype == "plaintext") { $comment = FixQuotes(nl2br(filter_text($comment))); } else { $comment = FixQuotes(filter_text($comment)); } if (is_user($user)) { getusrinfo($user); } if (is_user($user) && !$xanonpost) { getusrinfo($user); $name = $userinfo[username]; $email = $userinfo[femail]; $url = $userinfo[user_website]; $score = 1; } else { $name = ""; $email = ""; $url = ""; $score = 0; } $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_HOST"]; if (empty($ip)) { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } $pollID = intval($pollID); $result = $db->sql_query("select count(*) from " . $prefix . "_poll_desc where pollID='{$pollID}'"); $fake = $db->sql_numrows($result); if ($fake == 1) { if ($anonpost == 0 and is_user($user) or $anonpost == 1) { $db->sql_query("insert into " . $prefix . "_pollcomments values (NULL, '{$pid}', '{$pollID}', now(), '{$name}', '{$email}', '{$url}', '{$ip}', '{$subject}', '{$comment}', '{$score}', '0')"); update_points(9); } else { echo "Nice try..."; die; } } else { include "header.php"; echo "According to my records, the topic you are trying " . "to reply to does not exist. If you're just trying to be " . "annoying, well then too bad."; include "footer.php"; die; } if ($pollcomm == 1) { if (isset($cookie[4])) { $options .= "&mode={$cookie['4']}"; } else { $options .= "&mode=thread"; } if (isset($cookie[5])) { $options .= "&order={$cookie['5']}"; } else { $options .= "&order=0"; } if (isset($cookie[6])) { $options .= "&thold={$cookie['6']}"; } else { $options .= "&thold=0"; } } else { $options = ""; } Header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&op=results&pollID={$pollID}{$options}"); }
function addrating($ratinglid, $ratinguser, $rating, $ratinghost_name, $ratingcomments) { global $prefix, $db, $cookie, $user, $module_name; $passtest = "yes"; include "header.php"; include "modules/{$module_name}/l_config.php"; $ratinglid = intval($ratinglid); completevoteheader(); if (is_user($user)) { $user2 = base64_decode($user); $user2 = addslashes($user2); $cookie = explode(":", $user2); cookiedecode($user); $ratinguser = $cookie[1]; } else { if ($ratinguser == "outside") { $ratinguser = "******"; } else { $ratinguser = "******"; } } $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT title FROM " . $prefix . "_links_links WHERE lid='{$ratinglid}'"); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $title = stripslashes(check_html($row['title'], "nohtml")); $ttitle = $title; /* Make sure only 1 anonymous from an IP in a single day. */ $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_HOST"]; if (empty($ip)) { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } /* Check if Rating is Null */ if ($rating == "--") { $error = "nullerror"; completevote($error); $passtest = "no"; } /* Check if Link POSTER is voting (UNLESS Anonymous users allowed to post) */ if ($ratinguser != $anonymous && $ratinguser != "outside") { $result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT submitter from " . $prefix . "_links_links where lid='{$ratinglid}'"); while ($row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)) { $ratinguserDB = $row2['submitter']; if ($ratinguserDB == $ratinguser) { $error = "postervote"; completevote($error); $passtest = "no"; } } } /* Check if REG user is trying to vote twice. */ if ($ratinguser != $anonymous && $ratinguser != "outside") { $result3 = $db->sql_query("SELECT ratinguser from " . $prefix . "_links_votedata where ratinglid='{$ratinglid}'"); while ($row3 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result3)) { $ratinguserDB = $row3['ratinguser']; if ($ratinguserDB == $ratinguser) { $error = "regflood"; completevote($error); $passtest = "no"; } } } /* Check if ANONYMOUS user is trying to vote more than once per day. */ if ($ratinguser == $anonymous) { $yesterdaytimestamp = time() - 86400 * $anonwaitdays; $ytsDB = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $yesterdaytimestamp); $result4 = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_links_votedata WHERE ratinglid='{$ratinglid}' AND ratinguser='******' AND ratinghostname = '{$ip}' AND TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(ratingtimestamp) < '{$anonwaitdays}'"); $anonvotecount = $db->sql_numrows($result4); if ($anonvotecount >= 1) { $error = "anonflood"; completevote($error); $passtest = "no"; } } /* Check if OUTSIDE user is trying to vote more than once per day. */ if ($ratinguser == "outside") { $yesterdaytimestamp = time() - 86400 * $outsidewaitdays; $ytsDB = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $yesterdaytimestamp); $result5 = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_links_votedata WHERE ratinglid='{$ratinglid}' AND ratinguser='******' AND ratinghostname = '{$ip}' AND TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(ratingtimestamp) < '{$outsidewaitdays}'"); $outsidevotecount = $db->sql_numrows($result5); if ($outsidevotecount >= 1) { $error = "outsideflood"; completevote($error); $passtest = "no"; } } /* Passed Tests */ if ($passtest == "yes") { $comment = stripslashes($comment); if ($comment != "") { update_points(16); } update_points(15); /* All is well. Add to Line Item Rate to DB. */ $ratinglid = intval($ratinglid); $rating = intval($rating); $db->sql_query("INSERT into " . $prefix . "_links_votedata values (NULL,'{$ratinglid}', '{$ratinguser}', '{$rating}', '{$ip}', '{$ratingcomments}', now())"); /* All is well. Calculate Score & Add to Summary (for quick retrieval & sorting) to DB. */ /* NOTE: If weight is modified, ALL links need to be refreshed with new weight. */ /* Running a SQL statement with your modded calc for ALL links will accomplish this. */ $voteresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT rating, ratinguser, ratingcomments FROM " . $prefix . "_links_votedata WHERE ratinglid = '{$ratinglid}'"); $totalvotesDB = $db->sql_numrows($voteresult); include "modules/{$module_name}/voteinclude.php"; $lid = intval($lid); $db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_links_links SET linkratingsummary='{$finalrating}',totalvotes='{$totalvotesDB}',totalcomments='{$truecomments}' WHERE lid = '{$ratinglid}'"); $error = "none"; completevote($error); } } completevotefooter($ratinglid, $ttitle, $ratinguser); include "footer.php"; }
function CreateTopic($xanonpost, $subject, $comment, $pid, $pollID, $host_name, $mode, $order, $thold) { global $userinfo, $user, $userinfo, $EditedMessage, $cookie, $prefix, $pollcomm, $anonpost, $db, $module_name, $user_prefix; if (!isset($mode) or empty($mode)) { if (isset($userinfo['umode'])) { $mode = $userinfo['umode']; } else { $mode = "thread"; } } if (!isset($order) or empty($order)) { if (isset($userinfo['uorder'])) { $order = $userinfo['uorder']; } else { $order = 0; } } if (!isset($thold) or empty($thold)) { if (isset($userinfo['thold'])) { $thold = $userinfo['thold']; } else { $thold = 0; } } $pollID = intval($pollID); $pid = intval($pid); $author = filter($author, "nohtml", 1); $subject = filter($subject, "nohtml", 1); $comment = format_url($comment); $comment = filter($comment, "", 1); if (is_user($user) && !$xanonpost) { $name = $userinfo['username']; $email = $userinfo['femail']; $url = $userinfo['user_website']; $score = 1; } else { $name = ""; $email = ""; $url = ""; $score = 0; } if (!isset($ip)) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $pollID = intval($pollID); $result = $db->sql_query("select count(*) from " . $prefix . "_poll_desc where pollID='{$pollID}'"); $fake = $db->sql_numrows($result); if ($fake == 1) { if ($anonpost == 0 and is_user($user) or $anonpost == 1) { if (is_user($user)) { $krow = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT karma FROM " . $user_prefix . "_users WHERE username='******'")); $koptions = "&mode=" . $mode . "&order=" . $order . "&thold=" . $thold; if ($krow['karma'] == 2) { $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "_pollcomments_moderated VALUES (NULL, '{$pid}', '{$pollID}', now(), '{$name}', '{$email}', '{$url}', '{$ip}', '{$subject}', '{$comment}', '{$score}', '0', '0')"); include_once "header.php"; title("" . _MODERATEDTITLE . ""); OpenTable(); echo "<center>" . _COMMENTMODERATED . ""; echo "<br><br><a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&op=results&pollID={$pollID}{$koptions}\">" . _MODERATEDTITLE . "</a>"; CloseTable(); include_once "footer.php"; die; } elseif ($krow['karma'] == 3) { Header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&op=results&pollID={$pollID}{$koptions}"); die; } } $db->sql_query("insert into " . $prefix . "_pollcomments values (NULL, '{$pid}', '{$pollID}', now(), '{$name}', '{$email}', '{$url}', '{$ip}', '{$subject}', '{$comment}', '{$score}', '0', '0')"); $db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_poll_desc SET comments=comments+1 WHERE pollID='{$pollID}'"); update_points(9); } else { die("Nice try..."); } } else { include_once "header.php"; echo "According to my records, the topic you are trying " . "to reply to does not exist. If you're just trying to be " . "annoying, well then too bad."; include_once "footer.php"; die; } if ($pollcomm == 1) { $options = "&mode=" . $mode . "&order=" . $order . "&thold=" . $thold; Header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&op=results&pollID={$pollID}{$options}"); } }
function user_notification($mode, &$post_data, &$topic_title, &$forum_id, &$topic_id, &$post_id, &$notify_user) { global $board_config, $lang, $db, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; global $userdata, $user_ip; $current_time = time(); if ($mode == 'delete') { $delete_sql = !$post_data['first_post'] && !$post_data['last_post'] ? " AND user_id = " . $userdata['user_id'] : ''; $sql = "DELETE FROM " . TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE . " WHERE topic_id = '{$topic_id}'" . $delete_sql; if (!$db->sql_query($sql)) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not change topic notify data', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } } else { if ($mode == 'reply') { update_points(11); $sql = "SELECT ban_userid\r\n FROM " . BANLIST_TABLE; if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain banlist', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $user_id_sql = ''; while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if (isset($row['ban_userid']) && !empty($row['ban_userid'])) { $user_id_sql .= ', ' . $row['ban_userid']; } } $sql = "SELECT u.user_id, u.user_email, u.user_lang\r\n FROM " . TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE . " tw, " . USERS_TABLE . " u\r\n WHERE tw.topic_id = '{$topic_id}'\r\n AND tw.user_id NOT IN (" . $userdata['user_id'] . ", " . ANONYMOUS . $user_id_sql . ")\r\n AND tw.notify_status = " . TOPIC_WATCH_UN_NOTIFIED . "\r\n AND u.user_id = tw.user_id"; if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain list of topic watchers', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $update_watched_sql = ''; $bcc_list_ary = array(); if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { // Sixty second limit @set_time_limit(60); do { if ($row['user_email'] != '') { $bcc_list_ary[$row['user_lang']][] = $row['user_email']; } $update_watched_sql .= $update_watched_sql != '' ? ', ' . $row['user_id'] : $row['user_id']; } while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)); // // Let's do some checking to make sure that mass mail functions // are working in win32 versions of php. // if (preg_match('/[c-z]:\\\\.*/i', getenv('PATH')) && !$board_config['smtp_delivery']) { $ini_val = @phpversion() >= '4.0.0' ? 'ini_get' : 'get_cfg_var'; // We are running on windows, force delivery to use our smtp functions // since php's are broken by default $board_config['smtp_delivery'] = 1; $board_config['smtp_host'] = @$ini_val('SMTP'); } if (sizeof($bcc_list_ary)) { include "includes/emailer.php"; $emailer = new emailer($board_config['smtp_delivery']); $script_name = preg_replace('/^\\/?(.*?)\\/?$/', '\\1', trim($board_config['script_path'])); $script_name = 'modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic'; $server_name = trim($board_config['server_name']); $server_protocol = $board_config['cookie_secure'] ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $server_port = $board_config['server_port'] != 80 ? ':' . trim($board_config['server_port']) . '/' : '/'; $orig_word = array(); $replacement_word = array(); obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replacement_word); $emailer->from($board_config['board_email']); $emailer->replyto($board_config['board_email']); $topic_title = count($orig_word) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, unprepare_message($topic_title)) : unprepare_message($topic_title); @reset($bcc_list_ary); while (list($user_lang, $bcc_list) = each($bcc_list_ary)) { $emailer->use_template('topic_notify', $user_lang); for ($i = 0; $i < count($bcc_list); $i++) { $emailer->bcc($bcc_list[$i]); } // The Topic_reply_notification lang string below will be used // if for some reason the mail template subject cannot be read // ... note it will not necessarily be in the posters own language! $emailer->set_subject($lang['Topic_reply_notification']); // This is a nasty kludge to remove the username var ... till (if?) // translators update their templates $emailer->msg = preg_replace('#[ ]?{USERNAME}#', '', $emailer->msg); $emailer->assign_vars(array('EMAIL_SIG' => !empty($board_config['board_email_sig']) ? str_replace('<br />', "\n", "-- \n" . $board_config['board_email_sig']) : '', 'SITENAME' => $board_config['sitename'], 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $topic_title, 'U_TOPIC' => $server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $script_name . '&' . POST_POST_URL . "={$post_id}#{$post_id}", 'U_STOP_WATCHING_TOPIC' => $server_protocol . $server_name . $server_port . $script_name . '&' . POST_TOPIC_URL . "={$topic_id}&unwatch=topic")); $emailer->send(); $emailer->reset(); } } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if ($update_watched_sql != '') { $sql = "UPDATE " . TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE . "\r\n SET notify_status = " . TOPIC_WATCH_NOTIFIED . "\r\n WHERE topic_id = '{$topic_id}'\r\n AND user_id IN ({$update_watched_sql})"; $db->sql_query($sql); } } $sql = "SELECT topic_id\r\n FROM " . TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE . "\r\n WHERE topic_id = '{$topic_id}'\r\n AND user_id = " . $userdata['user_id']; if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain topic watch information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); if (!$notify_user && !empty($row['topic_id'])) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE . "\r\n WHERE topic_id = '{$topic_id}'\r\n AND user_id = " . $userdata['user_id']; if (!$db->sql_query($sql)) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not delete topic watch information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } } else { if ($notify_user && empty($row['topic_id'])) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE . " (user_id, topic_id, notify_status)\r\n VALUES (" . $userdata['user_id'] . ", '{$topic_id}', '0')"; if (!$db->sql_query($sql)) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not insert topic watch information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } } } } }
function savecomment($xanonpost, $uname, $id, $score, $comments) { global $anonymous, $user, $cookie, $prefix, $db, $module_name; if ($xanonpost) { $uname = $anonymous; } $comments = stripslashes(FixQuotes(check_html($comments))); $id = intval($id); $score = intval($score); $db->sql_query("insert into " . $prefix . "_reviews_comments values (NULL, '{$id}', '{$uname}', now(), '{$comments}', '{$score}')"); update_points(12); Header("Location: modules.php?name={$module_name}&rop=showcontent&id={$id}"); }