  * [doFetchUpdates description]
  * @return [type] [description]
 public function doFetchUpdates()
     // Pull Projects
     $projects = update_get_projects();
     // Fetch Updates
     foreach ($projects as $project) {
         $res = _update_process_fetch_task($project);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Obtains release info for all installed projects via update.module.
  * @see update_get_available().
  * @see update_manual_status().
 protected function getAvailableReleases()
     // Force to invalidate some caches that are only cleared
     // when visiting update status report page. This allow to detect changes in
     // .info files.
     // From update_get_available(): Iterate all projects and create a fetch task
     // for those we have no information or is obsolete.
     $available = _update_get_cached_available_releases();
     module_load_include('inc', 'update', 'update.compare');
     $update_projects = update_get_projects();
     foreach ($update_projects as $key => $project) {
         if (empty($available[$key])) {
         if ($project['info']['_info_file_ctime'] > $available[$key]['last_fetch']) {
             $available[$key]['fetch_status'] = UPDATE_FETCH_PENDING;
         if (empty($available[$key]['releases'])) {
             $available[$key]['fetch_status'] = UPDATE_FETCH_PENDING;
         if (!empty($available[$key]['fetch_status']) && $available[$key]['fetch_status'] == UPDATE_FETCH_PENDING) {
     // Set a batch to process all pending tasks.
     $batch = array('operations' => array(array('update_fetch_data_batch', array())), 'finished' => 'update_fetch_data_finished', 'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'update') . '/update.fetch.inc');
     // Clear any error set by a failed update fetch task. This avoid rollbacks.
     // Calculate update status data.
     $available = _update_get_cached_available_releases();
     return $available;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Tests updates with a hidden base theme.
 function testUpdateHiddenBaseTheme()
     module_load_include('compare.inc', 'update');
     // Enable the subtheme.
     // Add a project and initial state for base theme and subtheme.
     $system_info = array('update_test_basetheme' => array('project' => 'update_test_basetheme', 'hidden' => TRUE), 'update_test_subtheme' => array('project' => 'update_test_subtheme', 'hidden' => FALSE));
     \Drupal::config('update_test.settings')->set('system_info', $system_info)->save();
     $projects = update_get_projects();
     $theme_data = system_rebuild_theme_data();
     $project_info = new ProjectInfo();
     $project_info->processInfoList($projects, $theme_data, 'theme', TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($projects['update_test_basetheme']), 'Valid base theme (update_test_basetheme) was found.');
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @param string $extension
  * @return array Context result generated by Drupal.
  * @throws Oxygen_Exception
  * @see update_authorize_run_update()
 public function updateExtension($extension)
     module_load_include('inc', 'update', 'update.manager');
     $directory = _update_manager_extract_directory();
     $projectLocation = $directory . '/' . $extension;
     $updater = Updater::factory($projectLocation);
     $projectRealLocation = drupal_realpath($projectLocation);
     // If the owner of the directory we extracted is the same as the
     // owner of our configuration directory (e.g. sites/default) where we're
     // trying to install the code, there's no need to prompt for FTP/SSH
     // credentials. Instead, we instantiate a FileTransferLocal and invoke
     // update_authorize_run_install() directly.
     if (fileowner($projectRealLocation) !== fileowner(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . conf_path())) {
         throw new Oxygen_Exception(Oxygen_Exception::PROJECT_MANAGER_FILE_SYSTEM_NOT_WRITABLE, array('projectOwner' => fileowner($projectRealLocation), 'siteOwner' => fileowner(conf_path())));
     module_load_include('inc', 'update', 'update.authorize');
     // @TODO: Implement other file transfer types.
     $fileTransfer = new FileTransferLocal(DRUPAL_ROOT);
     update_authorize_batch_copy_project($extension, get_class($updater), $projectRealLocation, $fileTransfer, $context);
     // Reset the cache for this extension only, so we may immediately update the dashboard.
     // Hacky way to do it, but most efficient.
     module_load_include('inc', 'update', 'update.fetch');
     module_load_include('inc', 'update', 'update.compare');
     $projects = update_get_projects();
     return $context;
 public function doInstallUpdate($update_row)
     // Pull Projects
     $projects = update_get_projects();
     // Pull Available Releases
     $packages = db_select('cache_update', 'cu')->fields('cu')->condition('cid', 'available_releases::%', 'LIKE')->execute()->fetchAllAssoc('cid');
     // Find & Process Package
     foreach ($packages as $package) {
         // Unserialize Store
         $package->data = unserialize($package->data);
         $project = isset($projects[$package->data['short_name']]) ? $projects[$package->data['short_name']] : null;
         $package_update = reset($package->data['releases']);
         $package_uid = $project['project_type'] . ':' . $project['name'] . ':' . $package_update['version'];
         // Match Package
         if ($update_row->update_id == $package_uid) {
             // Type Switch
             switch ($update_row->type) {
                 case 'core':
                     $this->caller->out(' - Error: Core Updates Not Supported');
                 case 'module':
                 case 'theme':
                     // Download Package
                     if (!($local_cache = update_manager_file_get($package_update['download_link']))) {
                         $this->caller->out(' - Error: Failed to download ' . $project['name'] . ' from ' . $package_update['download_link']);
                         return false;
                     // Extract it.
                     $extract_directory = _update_manager_extract_directory();
                     try {
                         update_manager_archive_extract($local_cache, $extract_directory);
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         $this->caller->out(' - Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
                         return false;
                     // Verify it.
                     $archive_errors = update_manager_archive_verify($project['name'], $local_cache, $extract_directory);
                     if (!empty($archive_errors)) {
                         foreach ($archive_errors as $key => $error) {
                             $this->caller->out(' - Error: ' . $error);
                         return false;
                     // Load Updater
                     $project_folder = $extract_directory . '/' . $project['name'];
                     try {
                         $updater = Updater::factory($project_folder);
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         $this->caller->out(' - Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
                         return false;
                     $context = array('results' => array());
                     // Run Updater
                     update_authorize_batch_copy_project($project['name'], get_class($updater), drupal_realpath($project_folder), new FileTransferLocal(DRUPAL_ROOT), $context);
                     // Verify
                     if (empty($context['finished'])) {
                         $message = isset($context['results']['log'][$project['name']]) ? reset($context['results']['log'][$project['name']])['message'] : 'Unknown Installer Error';
                         $this->caller->out(' - Error: ' . $message);
                         return false;
                     } else {
                         $this->caller->out(' - ' . ucfirst($update_row->type) . ' installed successfully');
     // Return
     return true;
 public function content()
     $config = \Drupal::config('nagios.settings');
     // Disable cache
     $args = func_get_args();
     // Module to run checks for.
     $module = array_shift($args);
     // ID to run checks for.
     $id = array_shift($args);
     $codes = nagios_status();
     // Check the unique ID string and access permissions first.
     $ua = $config->get('nagios.ua');
     $request_code = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
     // Check if HTTP GET variable "unique_id" is used and the usage is allowed.
     if (isset($_GET['unique_id'])) {
         if ($config->get('nagios.statuspage.getparam') == TRUE) {
             $request_code = $_GET['unique_id'];
     if (\Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('administer site configuration') || $request_code == $ua) {
         // Authorized so calling other modules
         if ($module) {
             // A specific module has been requested.
             $nagios_data = array();
             $nagios_data[$module] = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invoke($module, 'nagios', $id);
         } else {
             $nagios_data = nagios_invoke_all('nagios');
     } else {
         // This is not an authorized unique id or uer, so just return this default status.
         $nagios_data = array('nagios' => array('DRUPAL' => array('status' => NAGIOS_STATUS_UNKNOWN, 'type' => 'state', 'text' => t('Unauthorized'))));
     // Find the highest level to be the overall status
     $severity = NAGIOS_STATUS_OK;
     $min_severity = $config->get('nagios.min_report_severity');
     foreach ($nagios_data as $module_name => $module_data) {
         foreach ($module_data as $key => $value) {
             if (is_array($value) && array_key_exists('status', $value) && $value['status'] >= $min_severity) {
                 $severity = max($severity, $value['status']);
     // Identifier that we check on the other side
     $output = "\n" . 'nagios=' . $codes[$severity] . ', ';
     $output_state = array();
     $output_perf = array();
     foreach ($nagios_data as $module_name => $module_data) {
         foreach ($module_data as $key => $value) {
             switch ($value['type']) {
                 case 'state':
                     // If status is larger then minimum severity
                     if ($value['status'] >= $min_severity) {
                         $tmp_state = $key . ':' . $codes[$value['status']];
                     } else {
                         $tmp_state = $key . ':' . $codes[NAGIOS_STATUS_OK];
                     if (!empty($value['text'])) {
                         $tmp_state .= '=' . $value['text'];
                     if ($config->get('nagios.show_outdated_names') && $key == 'ADMIN' && $value['text'] == 'Module and theme update status') {
                         $tmp_projects = update_calculate_project_data(update_get_projects());
                         $nagios_ignored_modules = $config->get('nagios.ignored_modules') ?: array();
                         $nagios_ignored_themes = $config->get('nagios.ignored_themes') ?: array();
                         $nagios_ignored_projects = $nagios_ignored_modules + $nagios_ignored_themes;
                         $outdated_count = 0;
                         $tmp_modules = '';
                         foreach ($tmp_projects as $projkey => $projval) {
                             if (!isset($nagios_ignored_projects[$projkey])) {
                                 if ($projval['status'] < UPDATE_CURRENT && $projval['status'] >= UPDATE_NOT_SECURE) {
                                     switch ($projval['status']) {
                                         case UPDATE_NOT_SECURE:
                                             $tmp_projstatus = t('NOT SECURE');
                                         case UPDATE_REVOKED:
                                             $tmp_projstatus = t('REVOKED');
                                         case UPDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED:
                                             $tmp_projstatus = t('NOT SUPPORTED');
                                         case UPDATE_NOT_CURRENT:
                                             $tmp_projstatus = t('NOT CURRENT');
                                             $tmp_projstatus = $projval['status'];
                                     $tmp_modules .= ' ' . $projkey . ':' . $tmp_projstatus;
                         if ($outdated_count > 0) {
                             $tmp_modules = trim($tmp_modules);
                             $tmp_state .= " ({$tmp_modules})";
                     $output_state[] = $tmp_state;
                 case 'perf':
                     $output_perf[] = $key . '=' . $value['text'];
     $output .= implode(', ', $output_state) . ' | ' . implode(';', $output_perf) . "\n";
     $response = new Response($output, Response::HTTP_OK, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain']);
     // Disable browser cache
     return $response;