/** * Function called for changing user attributes * @param $FH FormHandler of the page * @param $mode add or edit mode */ function _ppolicy_changeUser($FH, $mode) { global $result; $uid = $FH->getPostValue("uid"); $updated = False; if ($mode == "edit") { if ($FH->isUpdated("pwdLock")) { if ($FH->getValue("pwdLock") == "on") { lockAccount($uid); } else { unlockAccount($uid); } } } if ($FH->isUpdated("ppolicyname")) { $ppolicyName = $FH->getValue("ppolicyname"); if ($ppolicyName) { updateUserPPolicy($uid, $ppolicyName); $result .= sprintf(_T("Password policy %s applied.", "ppolicy"), $ppolicyName) . "<br />"; } else { removeUserPPolicy($uid); $result .= sprintf(_T("Password policy %s removed.", "ppolicy"), $ppolicyName) . "<br />"; } } /* Handle special pwdReset case, which doesn't require the PPolicy object class */ if ($FH->isUpdated('pwdReset')) { if ($FH->getValue('pwdReset') == "off") { setUserPPolicyAttribut($uid, 'pwdReset', 'FALSE'); } else { setUserPPolicyAttribut($uid, 'pwdReset', 'TRUE'); } $result .= _T("Password policy attributes updated.", "ppolicy") . "<br />"; } return 0; }
if (lg_debug) { $dbMsg .= "userid: " . $userid . "<br>\n"; } if (lg_debug) { $dbMsg .= "email: " . $email . "<br>\n"; } if (lg_debug) { $dbMsg .= "locked: " . $locked . "<br>\n"; } if (lg_debug) { $dbMsg .= "dateLocked: " . $dateLocked . "<br>\n"; } /******************************************************************************************************************* * Unlock the account - set token->Null, dateLocked->Null, locked->0 *******************************************************************************************************************/ unlockAccount($token, $locked, $dateLocked, $id); if (lg_debug) { $dbMsg .= "Unlock account: numAffected " . $numAffected . "<br>\n"; } $message = "<h2>" . lg_phrase_verify_verified . "</h2><br><br>"; $message .= lg_phrase_verify_login . "<br>"; $message .= '<div id="details">' . lg_term_userid . ": " . $userid . "<br>"; $message .= lg_term_email . ": " . $email . "<br>"; //if (lg_debug) { $dbMsg .= "message: ".$message."<br>\n"; } if ($destination != "") { if (lg_debug) { $dbMsg .= "destination not empty: " . $destination . "<br>\n"; } $message .= '<p><a href="' . $destination . '" title="' . lg_phrase_logout_continue . '">' . lg_phrase_logout_continue . "</a></p>"; } else { $message .= '<p><a href="' . lg_loginPage . '" title="' . lg_phrase_logout_continue . '">' . lg_phrase_logout_continue . "</a></p>";