<img src="header.png"> <table class="features-table"> <thead> <tr> <td align='right'></td> <?php //$deviceSensorList = json_decode($jsonSensors, TRUE); //Print table header columns foreach ($deviceSensorList['sensors'] as $key => $val) { $tmpList = $sensors->get_sensor_area($val['sensorID']); foreach ($tmpList as $row) { $typeName = $row['moredesc']; } $tmpList = $sensors->get_sensorupdate_time($val['sensorID']); foreach ($tmpList as $row) { $dateUpdate = unixtime2Date($row['datetime']); } $stringSensors = implode(":", $val['sensorList']); echo '<td><b>' . $typeName . '</b><br><font size="1" color="gray">' . $dateUpdate . '</td>'; } echo '</tr></thead>'; //select sensors which sensorID are necessary to display, and put them to $sensoridDisplay array. $displaySensorList = []; foreach ($SensorsList as $sensorType) { $sensoridDisplay = []; foreach ($deviceSensorList['sensors'] as $key => $val) { if (in_array($sensorType, $val['sensorList'])) { $sensoridDisplay[$val['sensorIndex']] = $val['sensorID']; } } $displaySensorList[$sensorType] = $sensoridDisplay;
require "../conn/pdo.php"; require "../conn/conninfo.php"; require "functions.php"; $sensors = new conninfo($pdo); $lastMinutes = trim($_GET["min"]); $typeSensor = trim($_GET["type"]); $endDate = time(); $startDate = $endDate - 60 * $lastMinutes; $arrayDATA = []; $arrayLABLE = []; $tmpList = $sensors->get_sensordata_range($typeSensor, $startDate, $endDate); $counts = count($tmpList); $i = 0; if ($counts > 0) { foreach ($tmpList as $row) { $i++; //$arrayLABLE = $arrayLABLE . "'" . unixtime2Date($row['datetime']) . "'"; //$arrayDATA = $arrayDATA . $row['txtdata']; //$unit = $row['unit']; array_push($arrayDATA, (int) $row['txtdata']); array_push($arrayLABLE, "'" . unixtime2Date($row['datetime']) . "'"); /* if($i<$counts) { $arrayDATA = $arrayDATA . ', '; $arrayLABLE = $arrayLABLE . ', '; } */ } echo '{ "labels": "[' . implode(", ", $arrayLABLE) . ']", "data": "[' . implode(", ", $arrayDATA) . ']" }'; }