function umc_skyblock_abandon()
    global $UMC_USER;
    $player = $UMC_USER['username'];
    $args = $UMC_USER['args'];
    if (!isset($args[2])) {
    } else {
        $lot = umc_sanitize_input($args[2], 'lot');
        $check = umc_check_lot_exists('skyblock', $lot);
        if (!$check) {
            umc_error("The lot you entered does not exist!");
        if ($lot == 'block_k11') {
            umc_error('You cannot warp to that lot!');
    //check if the user abandoned already
    $abandon_id = umc_get_worldguard_id('user', '_abandoned_');
    $abandon_sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_worldguard.region_players WHERE region_id = '{$lot}' AND Owner=1 AND user_id={$abandon_id};";
    $D3 = umc_mysql_fetch_all($abandon_sql);
    $num = count($D3);
    if ($num > 0) {
        umc_error("You abandoned the entry {$lot} already!");
    // make sure the user actually owns this enrty
    $user_id = umc_get_worldguard_id('user', strtolower($player));
    // find out if the user can have additional contest entries in this contest
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM LEFT JOIN minecraft_worldguard.region ON\r\n        LEFT JOIN minecraft_worldguard.region_cuboid ON\r\n        LEFT JOIN minecraft_worldguard.region_players ON region_cuboid.region_id=region_players.region_id\r\n        LEFT JOIN minecraft_worldguard.user ON\r\n        WHERE LIKE '{$lot}' AND Owner=1 AND{$user_id}";
    $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql);
    if (count($D) != 1) {
        umc_error("You do not own the lot {$lot} in skyblock!");
    } else {
        $row = $D[0];
    $world_id = $row['world_id'];
    $ins_user_sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_worldguard.region_players (region_id, world_id, user_id, Owner)\r\n        VALUES ('{$lot}', {$world_id}, {$abandon_id}, 1);";
    umc_mysql_query($ins_user_sql, true);
    umc_ws_cmd('region load -w skyblock', 'asConsole');
    umc_echo("You have succcessfully abandoned the lot {$lot}! It will be reset with the next reboot. You can then register a new one!");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Remove all members/Owners and all flags from a region
 * part of the standard lot reset process
 * @param type $lot
 * @return boolean
function umc_lot_remove_all($lot)
    XMPP_ERROR_trace(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args());
    $world = umc_get_lot_world($lot);
    $world_id = umc_get_worldguard_id('world', $world);
    if ($world_id === null || !umc_check_lot_exists($world_id, $lot)) {
        // echo "World $world or lot $lot could not be found!;";
        return false;
    //  Remove all players
    $sql1 = "DELETE FROM minecraft_worldguard.region_players WHERE region_id = '{$lot}' AND world_id = {$world_id}";
    umc_mysql_query($sql1, true);
    $sql2 = "DELETE FROM minecraft_worldguard.region_flag WHERE region_id = '{$lot}' AND world_id = {$world_id}";
    umc_mysql_query($sql2, true);
    umc_log('lot_manager', 'remove all', "All users and flags have been removed from lot {$lot}");
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function umc_lot_addrem()
    global $UMC_USER;
    $player = $UMC_USER['username'];
    $args = $UMC_USER['args'];
    /// /lotmember lot world add target
    if (count($args) <= 3) {
        umc_echo("{red}Not enough arguments given");
    $addrem = $args[1];
    $lot = strtolower($args[2]);
    $action = $args[3];
    $worlds = array('emp' => 'empire', 'fla' => 'flatlands', 'dar' => 'darklands', 'aet' => 'aether', 'kin' => 'kingdom', 'dra' => 'draftlands', 'blo' => 'skyblock', 'con' => 'aether');
    $world_abr = substr($lot, 0, 3);
    if (!isset($worlds[$world_abr])) {
        umc_error("Your used an invalid lot name!");
    $world = $worlds[$world_abr];
    if ($player == '@Console') {
        $player = 'uncovery';
    $user_id = umc_get_worldguard_id('user', strtolower($player));
    if (!$user_id) {
        umc_error("Your user id cannot be found!");
    $player_group = umc_get_userlevel($player);
    $world_id = umc_get_worldguard_id('world', $world);
    if (!$world_id) {
        umc_error("The lot '{$lot}' cannot be found in any world!");
    if (!umc_check_lot_exists($world_id, $lot)) {
        umc_error("There is no lot {$lot} in world {$world}!");
    if ($action == 'snow' || $action == 'ice') {
        // check if the user has DonatorPlus status.
        if ($player_group !== 'Owner') {
            if (!stristr($player_group, 'DonatorPlus')) {
                umc_error("You need to be DonatorPlus level to use the snow/ice features!;");
            $owner_switch = 0;
            // check if player is Owner of lot
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_worldguard.region_players WHERE region_id='{$lot}' AND world_id={$world_id} AND user_id={$user_id} and Owner=1;";
            $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql);
            $num = count($D);
            if ($num != 1) {
                umc_error("It appears you {$player} ({$user_id}) are not Owner of lot {$lot} in world {$world}!");
        // get the current status of the flags
        if ($addrem == 'add') {
            $flag = 'allow';
            umc_echo("Allowing {$action} forming on lot {$lot}... ");
        } else {
            if ($addrem == 'rem') {
                $flag = 'deny';
                umc_echo("Preventing {$action} forming on lot {$lot}... ");
            } else {
        if ($action == 'snow') {
            $flagname = 'snow-fall';
        } else {
            if ($action == 'ice') {
                $flagname = 'ice-form';
        // does flag exist?
        $check_sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_worldguard.region_flag WHERE region_id='{$lot}' AND world_id={$world_id} AND flag='{$flagname}';";
        $D2 = umc_mysql_fetch_all($check_sql);
        $count = count($D2);
        if ($count == 0) {
            // insert
            $ins_sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_worldguard.region_flag (region_id, world_id, flag, value) VALUES ('{$lot}', {$world_id}, '{$flagname}', '{$flag}');";
            umc_mysql_query($ins_sql, true);
        } else {
            // update
            $upd_sql = "UPDATE minecraft_worldguard.region_flag SET value='{$flag}' WHERE region_id='{$lot}' AND world_id={$world_id} AND flag='{$flagname}';";
            umc_mysql_query($upd_sql, true);
        umc_log('lot', 'addrem', "{$player} changed {$action} property of {$lot}");
    } else {
        if ($action == 'owner' || $action == 'give') {
            if ($player != 'uncovery' && $player != '@Console') {
                umc_error("Nice try, {$player}. Think I am stupid? Want to get banned?");
            $owner_switch = 1;
        } else {
            if ($action == 'member') {
                $user_id = umc_get_worldguard_id('user', strtolower($player));
                if (!$user_id && $player !== 'uncovery') {
                    umc_error("Your user id cannot be found!");
                $owner_switch = 0;
                // check if player is Owner of lot
                if ($player_group !== 'Owner') {
                    $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_worldguard.region_players WHERE region_id='{$lot}' AND world_id={$world_id} AND user_id={$user_id} and Owner=1;";
                    $D3 = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql);
                    $count = count($D3);
                    if ($count != 1) {
                        umc_error("It appears you ({$player} {$user_id}) are not Owner of lot {$lot} in world {$world}!");
            } else {
                umc_echo("Action {$action} not recognized!");
        // get list of active users
        $active_users = umc_get_active_members();
        for ($i = 4; $i < count($args); $i++) {
            $target = strtolower($args[$i]);
            // check if target player exists
            $target_id = umc_get_worldguard_id('user', strtolower($target));
            if (!$target_id) {
                umc_error("The user {$target} does not exist in the database. Please check spelling of username");
            if ($player != 'uncovery') {
                $targ_group = umc_get_userlevel($target);
                if ($targ_group == 'Guest') {
                    umc_error("You cannnot add Guests to your lot!;");
                } else {
                    if (!in_array($target, $active_users)) {
                        XMPP_ERROR_trigger("{$player} tried to add {$target} to his lot {$lot}, but {$target} is not an active member!");
                        umc_error("{$target} is not an active user! You can only add people who have their own lot! See FAQ entry #32 please.");
            // add / remove target player from lot
            if ($addrem == 'add') {
                // make sure target is not already there
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_worldguard.region_players WHERE region_id='{$lot}' AND world_id={$world_id} AND user_id={$target_id};";
                $D3 = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql);
                $num = count($D3);
                if ($num == 1) {
                    umc_error("It appears {$target} is already member of lot {$lot} in world {$world}!");
                // add to the lot
                umc_lot_add_player($target, $lot, 0);
                umc_echo("Added {$target} to {$lot} in the {$world}!");
            } else {
                if ($addrem == 'rem') {
                    // check if target is there at all
                    $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_worldguard.region_players WHERE region_id='{$lot}' AND world_id={$world_id} AND user_id={$target_id} AND Owner={$owner_switch} LIMIT 1;";
                    $D3 = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql);
                    $num = count($D3);
                    if ($num !== 1) {
                        umc_error("It appears user {$target} is not a member of lot {$lot} in world {$world}!");
                    umc_lot_rem_player($target, $lot, 0);
                    umc_echo("Removed {$target} from {$lot} in the {$world}!");
                } else {
                    if ($addrem == 'give') {
                        // remove all members and owners
                        umc_lot_add_player($target, $lot, 1);
                        umc_echo("Gave {$lot} to {$target} in the {$world}! All other user removed!");
                        // logfile entry
                        umc_log('lot', 'addrem', "{$player} gave lot to {$target}");
                    } else {
    umc_ws_cmd("region load -w {$world}", 'asConsole');
 * returns false if lot does not exist
 * returns array of Owners if lot is occupied
 * returns empty array if lot unoccupied
 * @param type $world_id ID or name
 * @param type $lot name
 * @return boolean
function umc_region_check_Owners($world_id, $lot)
    if (!is_numeric($world_id)) {
        $world_id = umc_get_worldguard_id('world', $world_id);
    if (umc_check_lot_exists($world_id, $lot)) {
        $sql = "SELECT as user_name\r\n            FROM minecraft_worldguard.region\r\n            LEFT JOIN minecraft_worldguard.region_players ON = region_players.region_id\r\n            LEFT JOIN minecraft_worldguard.user ON = region_players.user_id\r\n            WHERE region.world_id = {$world_id} AND = '{$lot}' AND Owner=1;";
        // echo $sql;
        $rst = mysql_query($sql);
        $owners = array();
        if (mysql_num_rows($rst) > 0) {
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rst, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
                $owners[] = strtolower($row['user_name']);
        return $owners;
    } else {
        return false;