Ejemplo n.º 1
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'multiple', array('btnPinWestId' => array('value' => 'West', 'icon' => 'bullet'), 'btnPinEastId' => array('value' => 'East', 'state' => 'disabled', 'icon' => 'bullet')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();

echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('btnCloseWestId' => array('value' => 'West', 'align' => 'right', 'icon' => 'triangle-1-w'), 'btnOpenWestId' => array('value' => 'West', 'state' => 'active', 'align' => 'right', 'icon' => 'triangle-1-e')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();

echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('btnOpenEastId' => array('value' => 'East', 'align' => 'right', 'icon' => 'triangle-1-w'), 'btnCloseEastId' => array('value' => 'East', 'state' => 'active', 'align' => 'right', 'icon' => 'triangle-1-e')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();

echo ui_menu_init('toolbarMenuId', 'Search engines', array('node1' => array('id' => 'node1', 'value' => 'Node 1', 'actions' => 'myAlertFuntion()', 'items' => array('node11' => array('id' => 'node11', 'value' => 'Node 1.1', 'items' => array('node111' => array('id' => 'node111', 'value' => 'Node 1.1.1', 'items' => array('node1111' => array('id' => 'node1111', 'url' => url_for('jqueryui_demo/dialog'), 'value' => 'Node'))))))), 'separator1' => array('type' => 'separator'), 'node2' => array('id' => 'node12', 'icon' => 'newwin', 'value' => 'Node 2', 'url' => 'http://www.google.com')));

echo ui_toolbar_end();

Ejemplo n.º 2

  progressbar2: <h1>25%</h1>
ui_progressbar_create('progressbar2', array('value' => 30));
</div><!-- End demo -->

<div class="demo-description">
<p>Default progress bar.</p>
</div><!-- End demo-description -->
<fieldset><legend>Actions buttons for ui.dialog</legend>
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('btnDestroyProgressbar' => array('value' => 'Destroy Progressbar'), 'btnDisableProgressbar' => array('value' => 'Disable Progressbar'), 'btnEnableProgressbar' => array('value' => 'Enable Progressbar'), 'btnSetValueProgressbar' => array('value' => 'Set Random value'), 'btnGetValueProgressbar' => array('value' => 'Get value'), 'btnAnimateProgressbar' => array('value' => 'Init Animation Progressbar 2')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();

 * Add jQuery support to the buttons above
 * **click event**
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDestroyProgressbar", 'click', like_function(ui_progressbar_destroy('#progressbar')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDisableProgressbar", 'click', like_function(ui_progressbar_disable('#progressbar')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnEnableProgressbar", 'click', like_function(ui_progressbar_enable('#progressbar')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnSetValueProgressbar", 'click', like_function('changeValue()'));
Ejemplo n.º 3
<div id="droppable" class="ui-widget-header" style="width: 150px; height: 150px; padding: 0.5em; float: left; margin: 10px;">
	<p>Drop here</p>

ui_droppable_support_to('#droppable', array('drop' => like_function("\$(this).addClass('ui-state-highlight').find('p').html('Dropped!');"), 'deactivate' => like_function('alert("Deactivete successful")'), 'accept' => '#draggable', 'activeClass' => 'ui-state-active', 'addClasses' => true, 'greedy' => true, 'tolerance' => 'touch', 'hoverClass' => 'ui-state-hover'));
</div><!-- End demo -->
<div class="demo-description">
<p>Enable any DOM element to be droppable, a target for draggable elements.</p>
</div><!-- End demo-description -->

<legend> Example: Actions buttons for ui.draggable </legend>
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('btnDestroyDrag' => array('value' => 'Destroy Drag'), 'btnBuildDrag' => array('value' => 'Do Draggable'), 'btnDisableDrag' => array('value' => 'Disable Draggable'), 'btnEnableDrag' => array('value' => 'Enable Draggable'), 'btnSetDragOption' => array('value' => 'Set option'), 'btnGetDragOption' => array('value' => 'Get option')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();

 * Add jQuery support to the buttons above
 * **click event**
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDestroyDrag", 'click', like_function(ui_draggable_destroy('#draggable')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnBuildDrag", 'click', like_function(ui_draggable_build('#draggable')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDisableDrag", 'click', like_function(ui_draggable_disable('#draggable')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnEnableDrag", 'click', like_function(ui_draggable_enable('#draggable')));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting
  industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text
  ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type
  and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not
  only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting,
  remaining essentially unchanged.
  It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset
  sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with
  desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions
  of Lorem Ipsum.

<fieldset><legend>Actions buttons for ui.dialog</legend>
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('btnDestroyDialog' => array('value' => 'Destroy Dialog'), 'btnBuildDialog' => array('value' => 'Build Dialog'), 'btnDisableDialog' => array('value' => 'Disable Dialog'), 'btnEnableDialog' => array('value' => 'Enable Dialog'), 'btnCloseDialog' => array('value' => 'Close Dialog'), 'btnOpenDialog' => array('value' => 'Open Dialog'), 'btnMoveToTopDialog' => array('value' => 'Move to top Dialog'), 'btnIsOpenDialog' => array('value' => 'Is open')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();


 * Add jQuery support to the buttons above
 * **click event**
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDestroyDialog", 'click', like_function(ui_dialog_destroy('#anotherDialog')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnBuildDialog", 'click', like_function(ui_dialog_build('#anotherDialog', array('title' => 'What is Lorem ipsum?'))));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDisableDialog", 'click', like_function(ui_dialog_disable('#anotherDialog')));
Ejemplo n.º 5
                                     $(".ui-selected", this).each(function(event,ui){
                                          var index = $("#selectable li").index(this);
                                          result.append(" #" + (index + 1));
                                          //result.append(" #" + (index + 1));

echo ui_disable_selection('#selectable li');
</div><!-- End demo -->

<fieldset><legend>Actions buttons for ui.selectable</legend>
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('btnDetroySelectable' => array('value' => 'Destroy selectable'), 'btnBuildSelectable' => array('value' => 'Build selectable'), 'btnDisableSelectable' => array('value' => 'Disable'), 'btnEnableSelectable' => array('value' => 'Enable'), 'btnGetSelectableOption' => array('value' => 'Get option'), 'btnSetSelectableOption' => array('value' => 'Set option')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();
* Add jQuery support to the buttons above
* **click event**
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDetroySelectable", 'click', like_function(ui_selectable_destroy('#selectable')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnBuildSelectable", 'click', like_function(ui_selectable_build('#selectable')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDisableSelectable", 'click', like_function(ui_selectable_disable('#selectable')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnEnableSelectable", 'click', like_function(ui_selectable_enable('#selectable')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnGetSelectableOption", 'click', like_function("getOption()"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
echo ui_link_button(array('value' => 'Enable button', 'id' => 'enableBtnId'));
echo ui_link_button(array('value' => 'Disable button', 'id' => 'disableBtnId'));

echo add_jquery_support('#enableLnkBtnId', 'click', like_function(ui_enable_button('#lnkBtnId', 'linkEnableAndDisableToggleFunction')));
echo add_jquery_support('#disablelnkBtnId', 'click', like_function(ui_disable_link_button('#lnkBtnId')));

echo add_jquery_support('#enableBtnId', 'click', like_function(ui_enable_button('#btnId')));
echo add_jquery_support('#disableBtnId', 'click', like_function(ui_disable_button('#btnId')));

echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('idBtn1' => array('value' => 'Hello', 'icon' => 'newwin'), 'idBtn2' => array('value' => 'World', 'icon' => 'newwin')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'multiple', array('idBtn3' => array('title' => 'B', 'value' => '<b>B</b>'), 'idBtn4' => array('title' => 'I', 'value' => '<i>I</i>'), 'idBtn5' => array('title' => 'U', 'value' => '<u>U</u>')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        <tr id="14645597">
          <td>Rossana Suarez</td>
		<div id="myOptions">
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('disableItems' => array('value' => 'Disable Cut/Copy'), 'enableItems' => array('value' => 'Enable Cut/Copy')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('disableMenus' => array('value' => 'Disable Context Menus'), 'enableMenus' => array('value' => 'Enable Context Menus')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();

echo ui_context_menu_init('menuId', array('node1' => array('id' => 'node1', 'value' => 'Value node1', 'icon' => 'newwin', 'url' => 'http://www.google.com', 'actions' => 'my_alert_function()'), 'node11' => array('id' => 'node11', 'icon' => 'pencil', 'value' => 'Value node1.1', 'actions' => array('click' => "alert('Hello world')")), 'separator1' => array('type' => 'separator'), 'node12' => array('id' => 'node12', 'icon' => 'disk', 'value' => 'Value node1.2', 'url' => 'http://www.google.com')));

echo ui_context_menu_init('menuId', array());

Ejemplo n.º 8

<style type="text/css">
	.ui-resizable-helper { border: 1px dotted gray; }

echo link_to('jquery UI (resizable) documentation', 'http://jqueryui.com/demos/resizable');

<fieldset><legend>Actions buttons for ui.resizable</legend>
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('btnDetroyResizable' => array('value' => 'Destroy resizable'), 'btnBuildResizable' => array('value' => 'Build resizable'), 'btnDisableResize' => array('value' => 'Disable'), 'btnEnableResize' => array('value' => 'Enable'), 'btnGetResizableOption' => array('value' => 'Get option'), 'btnSetResizableOption' => array('value' => 'Set option')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();
* Add jQuery support to the buttons above
* **click event**
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDetroyResizable", 'click', like_function(ui_resizable_destroy('#resizablePanel')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnBuildResizable", 'click', like_function(ui_resizable_build('#resizablePanel')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDisableResize", 'click', like_function(ui_resizable_disable('#resizablePanel')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnEnableResize", 'click', like_function(ui_resizable_enable('#resizablePanel')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnGetResizableOption", 'click', like_function("getOption()"));
Ejemplo n.º 9
echo ui_button_pane_end();

echo ui_effects_switch_class('#testSwitchClass', array('listener' => array('selector' => '#btnExecuteSwitchClass', 'event' => 'click'), 'remove' => 'ui-widget-content', 'add' => 'ui-widget-header', 'duration' => 'slow'));


echo add_jquery_support('document', 'ready', like_function(jquery_toggle_event('#btnAnimate', array(like_function(jquery_execute_effect('.divToAnimate', 'animate', array('options' => array('backgroundColor' => '#aa0000', 'color' => '#fff', 'width' => 500), 'speed' => 1000))), like_function(jquery_execute_effect('.divToAnimate', 'animate', array('options' => array('backgroundColor' => '#fff', 'color' => '#000', 'width' => 240), 'speed' => 1000)))))));

<div class="divToAnimate" style="width:250px">
    <p>Etiam libero neque, luctus a, eleifend nec, semper at, lorem. Sed pede. Nulla lorem metus, adipiscing ut, luctus sed, hendrerit vitae, mi.

echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('btnAnimate' => array('value' => 'Animate')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();

echo link_to('jquery UI (effects) documentation', 'http://jqueryui.com/docs/Effects/Methods');
Ejemplo n.º 10
          sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with
          desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions
          of Lorem Ipsum.

<div class="demo-description">
  <p>Click tabs to swap between content that is broken into logical sections.</p>
</div><!-- End demo-description -->
<fieldset><legend>Actions buttons for ui.tabs</legend>
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('btnDestroyTabs' => array('value' => 'Destroy Tab Panel'), 'btnBuildTabs' => array('value' => 'Build Tab Panel'), 'btnSortableTabs' => array('value' => 'Sortable support'), 'btnCountTabs' => array('value' => 'Count Tabs'), 'btnDisableTab' => array('value' => 'Disable Tab'), 'btnEnableTab' => array('value' => 'Enable Tab'), 'btnRemoveTab' => array('value' => 'Remove Tab'), 'btnAddTab' => array('value' => 'Add Tab'), 'btnSelectTab' => array('value' => 'Select Tab 2'), 'btnSetOption' => array('value' => 'Get Option'), 'btnGetOption' => array('value' => 'Set option'), 'btnInitRotate' => array('value' => 'Init Rotate'), 'btnEndRotate' => array('value' => 'End Rotate')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();

 * Add jQuery support to the buttons above
 * **click event**
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDestroyTabs", 'click', like_function(ui_tabs_destroy_panel('#tabPanelId')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnBuildTabs", 'click', like_function(ui_tabs_build_panel('#tabPanelId')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnSortableTabs", 'click', like_function(ui_tabs_sortable('#tabPanelId')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnCountTabs", 'click', like_function('getTabsCount()'));
Ejemplo n.º 11
ui_slider_create('sliderId6', array('orientation' => 'vertical', 'range' => 'max', 'value' => 70), 'style="height:120px; float:left; margin:15px"');
echo ui_end_content_panel();

</div><!-- End demo -->
<div class="demo-description">
    <p>Combine horizontal and vertical sliders, each with their own options, to create the UI for a music player.</p>
</div><!-- End demo-description -->

<fieldset><legend>Example - Actions buttons for ui.slider</legend>
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('btnDestroySlider' => array('value' => 'Destroy Slider'), 'btnDisableSlider' => array('value' => 'Disable Slider'), 'btnEnableSlider' => array('value' => 'Enable Slider'), 'btnSetValueSlider' => array('value' => 'Set Slider1 value  = 50'), 'btnSetValuesSlider' => array('value' => 'set Slider2[0] value = 15')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();
 * Add jQuery support to the buttons above
 * **click event**
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDestroySlider", 'click', like_function(ui_slider_destroy('#slider1')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDisableSlider", 'click', like_function(ui_slider_disable('#slider1')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnEnableSlider", 'click', like_function(ui_slider_enable('#slider1')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnSetValueSlider", 'click', like_function(ui_slider_value('#slider1', 50)));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnSetValuesSlider", 'click', like_function(ui_slider_values('#slider2', 0, 15)));
Ejemplo n.º 12
  <ul id="sortable2">
    <li class="ui-state-default" id="foo_1">Item 1 </li>
    <li class="ui-state-default ui-state-disabled" id="foo_2">(I'm not sortable)</li>
    <li class="ui-state-default ui-state-disabled" id="foo_3">(I'm not sortable)</li>
    <li class="ui-state-default" id="foo_4">Item 4</li>
  </div><!-- End demo -->

echo ui_disable_selection('#sortable1 li, #sortable2 li');

<fieldset><legend>Actions buttons for ui.sortable</legend>
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('btnDetroySortable' => array('value' => 'Destroy sortable'), 'btnBuildSortable' => array('value' => 'Build sortable'), 'btnDisableSortable' => array('value' => 'Disable'), 'btnEnableSortable' => array('value' => 'Enable'), 'btnSerializeSortable' => array('value' => 'Serialize'), 'btnToArraySortable' => array('value' => 'To Array'), 'btnCancelSortable' => array('value' => 'Cancel'), 'btnGetSortableOption' => array('value' => 'Get option'), 'btnSetSortableOption' => array('value' => 'Set option')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();
* Add jQuery support to the buttons above
* **click event**
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDetroySortable", 'click', like_function(ui_sortable_destroy('#sortable2')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnBuildSortable", 'click', like_function(ui_sortable_build('#sortable2')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDisableSortable", 'click', like_function(ui_sortable_disable('#sortable2')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnEnableSortable", 'click', like_function(ui_sortable_enable('#sortable2')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnSerializeSortable", 'click', like_function("serializeList()"));
Ejemplo n.º 13
echo ui_button_pane_end();
echo ui_toolbar_end();


echo ui_toolbar_init(true, 'style="float:right"');
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('idBtn1' => array('title' => 'Open', 'icon' => 'folder-open'), 'idBtn2' => array('title' => 'Save', 'icon' => 'disk'), 'idBtn3' => array('title' => 'Delete', 'icon' => 'trash')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'any', array('idBtn1' => array('value' => 'Print', 'icon' => 'print'), 'idBtn2' => array('value' => 'Mail', 'icon' => 'mail-closed')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('idBtn1' => array('value' => 'Edit', 'noTitle' => true, 'state' => 'disabled'), 'idBtn2' => array('title' => 'My Title', 'value' => 'View'), 'idBtn3' => array('value' => 'Priority', 'priority' => 'secondary')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();
echo ui_toolbar_end();

Ejemplo n.º 14
        remaining essentially unchanged.
        It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset
        sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with
        desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions
        of Lorem Ipsum.

<legend> Example: Actions buttons for ui.accordions </legend>
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('btnDestroyAccordion' => array('value' => 'Destroy Accordion'), 'btnBuildAccordion' => array('value' => 'Build Accordion'), 'btnDisableAccordion' => array('value' => 'Disable Accordion'), 'btnEnableAccordion' => array('value' => 'Enable Accordion'), 'btnActivateAccordion' => array('value' => 'Activate Section[0]'), 'btnGetAccordionOption' => array('value' => 'Get option'), 'btnSetAccordionOption' => array('value' => 'Set option')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();

 * Add jQuery support to the buttons above
 * **click event**
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDestroyAccordion", 'click', like_function(ui_accordion_destroy('#accordionId')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnBuildAccordion", 'click', like_function(ui_accordion_build('#accordionId', array('event' => 'mouseover'))));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDisableAccordion", 'click', like_function(ui_accordion_disable('#accordionId')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnEnableAccordion", 'click', like_function(ui_accordion_enable('#accordionId')));
Ejemplo n.º 15

  Default in-line:
ui_datepicker_create('listenerDatepicker', array('listener' => array('selector' => '#btnDatepickerListener', 'event' => 'click', 'after' => like_function(ui_datepicker_regional('#listenerDatepicker', 'uk')))));

<div id="datepickerDiv"></div>

<legend> Example: Actions buttons for ui.datepicker </legend>
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('btnDestroyDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Destroy'), 'btnBuildDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Build'), 'btnDisableDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Disable'), 'btnEnableDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Enable'), 'btnGetDatepickerOption' => array('value' => 'Get option'), 'btnSetDatepickerOption' => array('value' => 'Set option'), 'btnIsDisabledDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Is disabled'), 'btnHideDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Hide'), 'btnShowDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Show'), 'btnGetDatepickerDate' => array('value' => 'Get Date'), 'btnSetDatepickerDate' => array('value' => 'Set Date'), 'btnDialogDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Dialog'), 'btnl18nDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Localizaction[es]')));
echo ui_button_pane_end();

 * Add jQuery support to the buttons above
 * **click event**
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDestroyDatepicker", 'click', like_function(ui_datepicker_destroy('#listenerDatepicker')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnBuildDatepicker", 'click', like_function(ui_datepicker_build('#datepickerDiv')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnDisableDatepicker", 'click', like_function(ui_datepicker_disable('#listenerDatepicker')));
echo add_jquery_support("#btnEnableDatepicker", 'click', like_function(ui_datepicker_enable('#listenerDatepicker')));