  * Sends a PM notification
  * @param cbmypmsproTable $pm
  * @param null|string     $message
 private function sendNotification($pm, $message = null)
     if (!$pm->get('id')) {
     $itemId = uddeIMgetItemid($this->uddeIMConfigRAW);
     if (!uddeIMexistsEMN($pm->get('toid'))) {
         uddeIMinsertEMNdefaults($pm->get('toid'), $this->uddeIMConfigRAW);
     $emailNotify = $this->uddeIMConfig->get('allowemailnotify', 0);
     $isModerated = uddeIMgetEMNmoderated($pm->get('fromid'));
     $isReply = stristr($pm->get('message'), $this->uddeIMConfig->get('quotedivider'), '__________');
     $isOnline = uddeIMisOnline($pm->get('toid'));
     // Strip the html and bbcode as uddeim supports neither in its notification:
     $message = strip_tags(uddeIMbbcode_strip($message ? $message : $pm->get('message'), $this->uddeIMConfigRAW));
     if (!$isModerated) {
         if ($emailNotify == 1 || $emailNotify == 2 && Application::User($pm->get('toid'))->isSuperAdmin()) {
             $status = uddeIMgetEMNstatus($pm->get('toid'));
             if ($status == 1 || $status == 2 && !$isOnline || $status == 10 && !$isReply || $status == 20 && !$isOnline && !$isReply) {
                 uddeIMdispatchEMN($pm->get('id'), $itemId, 0, $pm->get('fromid'), $pm->get('toid'), $message, 0, $this->uddeIMConfigRAW);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function uddeIMreminderDispatch($item_id, $config) {
	$database = uddeIMgetDatabase();
	// send reminder if forgetmenot is activated
	if ($config->longwaitingemail && $config->longwaitingdays>0) {
		if(!$config->forgetmenotstart) {
		// $sql="SELECT * FROM #__uddeim WHERE toread=0 AND totrash=0 AND datum<".$sincewhen;
		// $sql="SELECT * FROM #__uddeim WHERE toread=0 AND totrash=0 AND datum<".$sincewhen. " AND datum>".$config->forgetmenotstart;
		// select only messages from users which still exist in the database (public users and deleted users have no inbox and so we do not send forgetmenot mails)
		// only messages before "$sincewhen" can be forgetmenot messages
		// $sql = "SELECT a.* FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b WHERE a.fromid=b.id AND a.toread=0 AND a.totrash=0 AND a.datum<".$sincewhen." AND a.datum>".$config->forgetmenotstart;
		$sql = "SELECT a.* FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b WHERE a.toid=b.id AND a.toread=0 AND a.totrash=0 AND a.datum<".$sincewhen." AND a.datum>".$config->forgetmenotstart;

		$next = (int)$config->longwaitingdays*86400;
		$sql = "SELECT min(a.id) AS mid, a.toid, b.name, a.cryptmode "
			 . "FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b, #__uddeim_emn AS c "
			 . "WHERE a.toid=b.id AND a.toid=c.userid AND "
			 . "a.toread=0 AND a.totrash=0 AND b.block=0 AND "
			 . "a.datum<".$sincewhen." AND a.datum>".$config->forgetmenotstart." AND "
			 . "c.remindersent+".$next."<".$rightnow." "
			 . "GROUP BY a.toid";
		if (!$castaways)
			$castaways = Array();
		foreach($castaways as $castaway) {
			// has this user already received a reminder?
//			$var_remindersent = uddeIMgetEMNremindersent($castaway->toid);
//			$next_remindersent=$var_remindersent+($config->longwaitingdays*86400);
//			if ($next_remindersent < $rightnow) { // send only if no reminder has already been sent
				// =1 means: send forgetmenot message, fromid=0 uses sysmessage as sender name
				uddeIMdispatchEMN($castaway->mid, $item_id, $castaway->cryptmode, 0, $castaway->toid, $var_message, 1, $config);
//			}
			// new: never send more than 25 forgetmenot e-mails in one script call to avoid too many mails to be sent out at once
			if ($loopcounter>=25) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
	function sendNewSysMessage($fromid, $recipients, $message, $systemmsg=0, $validfor=0, $sendnotification=0, $forceembedded=0) {
		$database = uddeIMgetDatabase();

		if ($systemmsg) {		// system message
			$sendername = $this->config->sysm_username;
			$savesysflag = addslashes($sendername); 			// system message
			$savedisablereply = 1; 								// and users can't reply to them
			$emn_fromid = 0;									// for email notifications set userid 0
		} else {
			$sendername = uddeIMgetNameFromID($fromid, $this->config);
			$savesysflag = addslashes($sendername);
			$savedisablereply = 0;
			$emn_fromid = $fromid;

		$savedatum = uddetime($this->config->timezone);
		if ($validfor>0) {
			$now = uddetime($this->config->timezone);
			$validuntil = $now+($validfor*3600);
		} else {
			$validuntil = 0;

		if ($this->config->cryptmode>=1) {	// because of encoding do not use slashes
			$savemessage = strip_tags($message);
		} else {
			$savemessage = addslashes(strip_tags($message));   // original 0.6+

		getAdditonalGroups($add_special, $add_admin, $config);
		if (uddeIMcheckJversion()>=2) {		// J1.6
			if ($recipients=="all") {
				$sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0";
			} elseif($recipients=="online") {
				$sql="SELECT a.id, b.userid FROM #__users AS a, #__session AS b WHERE block=0 AND a.id=b.userid";
			} elseif($recipients=="special") {
				$sql="SELECT DISTINCT u.id FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON u.id=um.user_id) 
							INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON um.group_id=g.id 
							WHERE u.block=0 AND g.id IN (3,4,5,6,7,8".$add_admin.$add_special.")";
			} elseif($recipients=="admins") {
				$sql="SELECT DISTINCT u.id FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON u.id=um.user_id) 
							INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON um.group_id=g.id 
							WHERE u.block=0 AND g.id IN (7,8".$add_admin.")";
			} else {
				$sql="SELECT DISTINCT u.id FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON u.id=um.user_id) 
							INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON um.group_id=g.id 
							WHERE u.block=0 AND g.id=".(int)$recipients;
		} else {
			if ($recipients=="all") {
				$sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0";
			} elseif($recipients=="online") {
				$sql="SELECT a.id, b.userid FROM #__users AS a, #__session AS b WHERE block=0 AND a.id=b.userid";
			} elseif($recipients=="special") {
				$sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND gid IN (19,20,21,23,24,25".$add_admin.")";
			} elseif($recipients=="admins") {
				$sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND gid IN (24,25".$add_admin.")";
			} else {
				$sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND gid=".(int)$recipients;

		if (!count($receivers)) {
			return 1;

		foreach($receivers as $receiver) {
			$toid = $receiver->id;

			$themode = 0;
			if ($this->config->cryptmode==1 || $this->config->cryptmode==2 || $this->config->cryptmode==4) {
				$themode = 1;
				$cm = uddeIMencrypt($savemessage,$this->config->cryptkey,CRYPT_MODE_BASE64);
				$sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, message, datum, expires, systemmessage, systemflag, disablereply, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox, cryptmode, crypthash) VALUES (".(int)$fromid.", ".(int)$toid.", '".$cm."', ".$savedatum.", ".$validuntil.", '".$savesysflag."', 1,".$savedisablereply.", 1, ".$savedatum.",1,'".md5($this->config->cryptkey)."')";
			} elseif ($this->config->cryptmode==3) {
				$themode = 3;
				$cm = uddeIMencrypt($savemessage,"",CRYPT_MODE_STOREBASE64);
				$sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, message, datum, expires, systemmessage, systemflag, disablereply, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox, cryptmode) VALUES (".(int)$fromid.", ".(int)$toid.", '".$cm."', ".$savedatum.", ".$validuntil.", '".$savesysflag."', 1,".$savedisablereply.", 1, ".$savedatum.",3)";
			} else {
				$sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, message, datum, expires, systemmessage, systemflag, disablereply, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox) VALUES (".(int)$fromid.", ".(int)$toid.", '".$savemessage."', ".$savedatum.", ".$validuntil.", '".$savesysflag."', 1,".$savedisablereply.", 1,".$savedatum.")";
			if (!$database->query()) {
				die("SQL error when attempting to save a message" . $database->stderr(true));
			$insID = $database->insertid();

			if ($sendnotification) {
				// Check if E-Mail notification or popups are enabled by default, if so create a record for the receiver.
				if ($this->config->notifydefault>0 || $this->config->popupdefault>0 || $this->config->pubfrontenddefault>0 || $this->config->autoresponder>0 || $this->config->autoforward>0) {
					if (!uddeIMexistsEMN($toid))
						uddeIMinsertEMNdefaults($toid, $this->config);

			// ##################################################################################################
			// email notification
			// ##################################################################################################

			if ($sendnotification) {
				$currentlyonline = uddeIMisOnline($toid);

				if ($this->config->cryptmode>=1) {
					$email = stripslashes($savemessage);
				} else {
					$email = stripslashes(stripslashes($savemessage));

				$type = 0;
				if ($forceembedded)
					$type = 2;
				if ($this->config->allowemailnotify==1) {
					$ison = uddeIMgetEMNstatus($toid);
					if (($ison==1) || ($ison==2 && !$currentlyonline) || $ison==10 || ($ison==20 && !$currentlyonline)) {
						uddeIMdispatchEMN($insID, $item_id, $themode, $emn_fromid, $toid, $email, $type, $this->config);
				} elseif($this->config->allowemailnotify==2) {
					$gid = uddeIMgetGID((int)$toid);
					if (uddeIMisAdmin($gid) || uddeIMisAdmin2($gid, $this->config)) {
						$ison = uddeIMgetEMNstatus($toid);
						if (($ison==1) || ($ison==2 && !$currentlyonline) || $ison==10 || ($ison==20 && !$currentlyonline)) {
							uddeIMdispatchEMN($insID, $item_id, $themode, $emn_fromid, $toid, $email, $type, $this->config);
		return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
function uddeIMsaveSysgm($myself, $to_name, $to_id, $pmessage, $tobedeleted, $tobedeletedsent, $forceembedded, $item_id, $messageid, $sysgm_sys, $sysgm_nonotify, $sysgm_universe, $sysgm_validfor, $sysgm_really, $cryptpass, $config) {
	$database = uddeIMgetDatabase();

	$to_name = stripslashes($to_name);

	$my_gid = $config->usergid;
	if ($config->allowsysgm==0 || 
	   ($config->allowsysgm==1 && !uddeIMisAdmin($my_gid) && !uddeIMisAdmin2($my_gid, $config)) ||
	   ($config->allowsysgm==2 && !uddeIMisManager($my_gid)) ) {
		uddeJSEFredirect("index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=inbox&Itemid=".$item_id, $mosmsg);

	// what is username of sender?
	$sendername = uddeIMgetNameFromID($myself, $config);
	if ($sysgm_sys)

	if (!$sysgm_really) {
		// send not confirmed. ask for confirmation

		// CAPTCHA (first check for all other errors and then the CAPTCHA)
		if (!uddeIMcheckCAPTCHA($my_gid, $config)) {
			uddeIMprintMenu($myself, 'new', $item_id, $config);
			echo "<div id='uddeim-m'>\n";
			uddeIMdrawWriteform($myself, $my_gid, $item_id, "", $to_name, $pmessage, 0, 0, 7, 1, $config);
			echo "</div>\n<div id='uddeim-bottomborder'></div>\n";

		if (!uddeIMcheckCSRF($config)) {
			uddeIMprintMenu($myself, 'new', $item_id, $config);
			echo "<div id='uddeim-m'>\n";
			uddeIMdrawWriteform($myself, $my_gid, $item_id, "", $to_name, $pmessage, 0, 0, 15, 1, $config);
			echo "</div>\n<div id='uddeim-bottomborder'></div>\n";

		uddeIMprintMenu($myself, 'new', $item_id, $config);
		echo "<div id='uddeim-m'>\n";

		echo "<div id='uddeim-toplines'><p>"._UDDEIM_SYSGM_PLEASECONFIRM."</p></div>\n";
		echo "<div id='uddeim-message'><table cellpadding='7' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>\n";
		$usql="";	// send to unblocked users only

		getAdditonalGroups($add_special, $add_admin, $config);
		if (uddeIMcheckJversion()>=2) {		// J1.6
			if ($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toall") {
				$usql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__users WHERE block=0";
			} elseif ($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toalllogged") {
				$usql="SELECT count(a.id) FROM #__users AS a, #__session AS b WHERE a.block=0 AND a.id=b.userid";
			} elseif ($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toallspecial") {
				$usql="SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT u.id FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON u.id=um.user_id) 
						INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON um.group_id=g.id 
						WHERE u.block=0 AND g.id IN (3,4,5,6,7,8".$add_admin.$add_special.")) AS aTable";
			} elseif ($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toalladmins") {
				$usql="SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT u.id FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON u.id=um.user_id) 
						INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON um.group_id=g.id 
						WHERE u.block=0 AND g.id IN (7,8".$add_admin.")) AS aTable";
			} elseif ($config->showgroups) {
				$aclsql = "SELECT title AS name FROM #__usergroups WHERE id=".(int)$sysgm_universe;
				$usql="SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT u.id
						FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON u.id=um.user_id) 
						INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON um.group_id=g.id 
						WHERE g.id=".(int)$sysgm_universe.") AS aTable";
		} else {
			if ($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toall") {
				$usql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__users WHERE block=0";
			} elseif ($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toalllogged") {
				$usql="SELECT count(a.id) FROM #__users AS a, #__session AS b WHERE a.block=0 AND a.id=b.userid";
			} elseif ($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toallspecial") {
				$usql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND gid IN (19,20,21,23,24,25".$add_admin.")";
			} elseif ($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toalladmins") {
				$usql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND gid IN (24,25".$add_admin.")";
			} else {
				if ($config->showgroups) {
					if (uddeIMcheckJversion()>=1)
						$aclsql = "SELECT name FROM  #__core_acl_aro_groups WHERE id=".(int)$sysgm_universe;
						$aclsql = "SELECT name FROM  #__core_acl_aro_groups WHERE group_id=".(int)$sysgm_universe;
					$usql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND gid=".(int)$sysgm_universe;
		if (!$universe) {
			$mosmsg=_UDDEIM_UNEXPECTEDERROR_QUIT." No recipients selected";
			uddeJSEFredirect("index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=inbox&Itemid=".$item_id, $mosmsg);

		if ($usql) {
			$rf = (int)$database->loadResult();
			$universe.=" (".$rf." ".$rft.")";

		// We have checked that everything is ok, now do the file uploads
		$uploadfile_temppathname = array();
		$uploadfile_original = array();
		$uploadfile_id = array(); 
		$uploadfile_size = array(); 
		$uploadfile_error = array();
		if( $config->enableattachment && uddeIMisAttachmentAllowed($my_gid, $config)) {
			$noerror = uddeIMhandleAttachments($uploadfile_temppathname, $uploadfile_original, $uploadfile_id, $uploadfile_size, $uploadfile_error, $config);
			if (!$noerror) { // something goes wrong
				// BUGBUG: that is not the best error handling possible but is will do the work
				// iterate through all errorcodes and show the first error found, rest of data will be lost
				// ==> delete all files that were uploaded ok
				while (list($key, $value) = each( $uploadfile_temppathname )) {
					if (file_exists($value))
				while (list($key, $value) = each( $uploadfile_error )) {
					if ($value==-1) {	// upload failed
						uddeIMprintMenu($myself, 'new', $item_id, $config);
						echo "<div id='uddeim-m'>\n";
						uddeIMdrawWriteform($myself, $my_gid, $item_id, "", $to_name, $pmessage, 0, 0, 18, 1, $config);
					if ($value==-2) {	// file size exceeded
						uddeIMprintMenu($myself, 'new', $item_id, $config);
						echo "<div id='uddeim-m'>\n";
						uddeIMdrawWriteform($myself, $my_gid, $item_id, "", $to_name, $pmessage, 0, 0, 19, 1, $config);
					if ($value==-3) {	// file type not allowed
						uddeIMprintMenu($myself, 'new', $item_id, $config);
						echo "<div id='uddeim-m'>\n";
						uddeIMdrawWriteform($myself, $my_gid, $item_id, "", $to_name, $pmessage, 0, 0, 20, 1, $config);
				$uploadfile_temppathname = array();		// should never been reached when an error occurs but neverthless destroy old arrays
				$uploadfile_original = array();
				$uploadfile_id = array(); 
				$uploadfile_size = array(); 
				$uploadfile_error = array();
			} else {
				uddeIMpreSaveAttachments($uploadfile_temppathname, $uploadfile_original, $uploadfile_id, $uploadfile_size, $savedatum, $config);
		// The uploaded file is stored in "$uploadfile_tempname" (with path) ad the original name in "$uploadfile_original" (without path) and an Id for the file.
		// When we reach this line we can store these fileames in the DB.

		$udde_infoheader = $universe."<br />";
		$udde_infoheader .= _UDDEIM_SYSGM_WILLSENDAS_1.$sendername._UDDEIM_SYSGM_WILLSENDAS_2."<br />";
		if($sysgm_sys) {
			$udde_infoheader .= _UDDEIM_SYSGM_WILLDISABLEREPLY."<br />";
		if($forceembedded && !$sysgm_nonotify) {
			$udde_infoheader .= _UDDEIM_SYSGM_FORCEEMBEDDED."<br />";
		if($sysgm_nonotify) {
			$udde_infoheader .= _UDDEIM_SYSGM_NONOTIFY."<br />";
		if($sysgm_validfor>0) {
			$validuntil=date("Y-m-d H:i", $validuntil_timestamp);
			$udde_infoheader .= _UDDEIM_SYSGM_WILLEXPIRE." ".$validuntil."<br />";

		echo "\t<tr class='sectiontableentry1'>\n\t\t<td>".$udde_infoheader."</td></tr>\n";

		// strip any HTML from message but don't add slashes yet
		$hmessage=htmlspecialchars($dmessage, ENT_QUOTES, $config->charset);

		$containslink=stristr($dmessage, "[url");
		// parse bb code if it is a sysgm
		$dmessage=uddeIMbbcode_replace($dmessage, $config);
		$dmessage=uddeIMsmile_replace($dmessage, $config);

		echo "\t<tr class='sectiontableentry2'>\n\t\t\n\t\t<td>".nl2br($dmessage)."</td></tr>\n"; // to do
		echo "</table></div>\n";

		echo "<div id='uddeim-writeform'>\n";
		echo "<form method='post' action='".uddeIMsefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=savesysgm&Itemid=".$item_id)."'><input type='hidden' name='sysgm_sys' value='".$sysgm_sys."' />\n";
		echo "<span style='display: none'>\n";

		if ($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toall") {
			echo "<input type='hidden' name='sysgm_universe' value='sysgm_toall' />\n";
		} elseif ($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toallspecial") {
			echo "<input type='hidden' name='sysgm_universe' value='sysgm_toallspecial' />\n";
		} elseif ($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toalladmins") {
			echo "<input type='hidden' name='sysgm_universe' value='sysgm_toalladmins' />\n";
		} elseif ($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toalllogged") {
			echo "<input type='hidden' name='sysgm_universe' value='sysgm_toalllogged' />\n";
		} elseif ($config->showgroups) { 
			echo "<input type='hidden' name='sysgm_universe' value='".$sysgm_universe."' />\n";
		echo "<input type='hidden' name='sysgm_validfor' value='".(int)$sysgm_validfor."' />\n";
		echo "<textarea style='visibility: hidden;' name='pmessage' class='inputbox' rows='1' cols='60'>".$jmessage."</textarea>\n";
		echo "<input type='hidden' name='sysgm_really' value='1' />\n";
		echo "<input type='hidden' name='forceembedded' value='".(int)$forceembedded."' />\n";
		echo "<input type='hidden' name='sysgm_nonotify' value='".(int)$sysgm_nonotify."' />\n";
		echo "<span id='divpass' style='visibility:hidden;'><input type='hidden' name='cryptpass' value='".$cryptpass."' /></span>\n";

		if( $config->enableattachment && uddeIMisAttachmentAllowed($my_gid, $config)) {
			while (list($key, $value) = each( $uploadfile_temppathname )) {
				echo "<input type='hidden' name='uploadfile_temppathname[". $key ."]' value=". $database->Quote($uploadfile_temppathname[$key]) ." />\n";
				echo "<input type='hidden' name='uploadfile_original[". $key ."]' value=". $database->Quote($uploadfile_original[$key]) ." />\n";
				echo "<input type='hidden' name='uploadfile_id[". $key ."]' value=". $database->Quote($uploadfile_id[$key]) ." />\n";
				echo "<input type='hidden' name='uploadfile_size[". $key ."]' value=". $database->Quote($uploadfile_size[$key]) ." />\n";

		echo "</span>\n";
		echo "<input type='submit' name='reply' class='button' value='"._UDDEIM_SUBMIT."' />\n";
		echo "<input type='button' class='button' value='".htmlspecialchars(_UDDEIM_DONTSEND, ENT_QUOTES, $config->charset)."' onclick='history.go(-1); return false;' />";
		echo "</form>";
		echo "</div>";

		if ($containslink) {
			echo "<div id='uddeim-bottomlines'><p>"._UDDEIM_SYSGM_CHECKLINK."</p>\n</div>\n";

		echo "</div>\n<div id='uddeim-bottomborder'>".uddeIMcontentBottomborder($myself, $item_id, 'standard', 'none', $config)."</div>\n";

	} else { // sysgm_really is set to true, send is confirmed. Now send it.

		$uploadfile_temppathname = uddeIMmosGetParam ($_POST, 'uploadfile_temppathname', array());
		$uploadfile_original = uddeIMmosGetParam ($_POST, 'uploadfile_original', array());
		$uploadfile_id = uddeIMmosGetParam ($_POST, 'uploadfile_id', array());
		$uploadfile_size = uddeIMmosGetParam ($_POST, 'uploadfile_size', array());

		if($sysgm_validfor>0) {
		} else {
		if($sysgm_sys) {
			$savesysflag=addslashes($config->sysm_username); 	// system message
			$savedisablereply=1; 								// and users can't reply to them
		} else {

		if ($config->cryptmode>=1) {	// because of encoding do not use slashes
		} else {
			$savemessage=addslashes(strip_tags($pmessage));   // original 0.6+
		// strip XSS code
		$savemessage = uddeIMRemoveXSS($savemessage);

		getAdditonalGroups($add_special, $add_admin, $config);
		if (uddeIMcheckJversion()>=2) {		// J1.6
			// who shall get the message?
			if($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toall") {
				$sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0";
			} elseif($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toalllogged") {
				$sql="SELECT a.id, b.userid FROM #__users AS a, #__session AS b WHERE block=0 AND a.id=b.userid";
			} elseif($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toallspecial") {
				$sql="SELECT DISTINCT u.id FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON u.id=um.user_id) 
							INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON um.group_id=g.id 
							WHERE u.block=0 AND g.id IN (3,4,5,6,7,8".$add_admin.$add_special.")";
			} elseif($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toalladmins") {
				$sql="SELECT DISTINCT u.id FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON u.id=um.user_id) 
							INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON um.group_id=g.id 
							WHERE u.block=0 AND g.id IN (7,8".$add_admin.")";
			} elseif ($config->showgroups) {
				$sql="SELECT DISTINCT u.id FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON u.id=um.user_id) 
							INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON um.group_id=g.id 
							WHERE u.block=0 AND g.id=".(int)$sysgm_universe;
		} else {
			// who shall get the message?
			if($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toall") {
				$sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0";
			} elseif($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toalllogged") {
				$sql="SELECT a.id, b.userid FROM #__users AS a, #__session AS b WHERE block=0 AND a.id=b.userid";
			} elseif($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toallspecial") {
				$sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND gid IN (19,20,21,23,24,25".$add_admin.")";
			} elseif($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toalladmins") {
				$sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND gid IN (24,25".$add_admin.")";
			} elseif ($config->showgroups) {
				$sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND gid=".(int)$sysgm_universe;
		// query the database

		if (!count($receivers)) {
			// when there are temporary files, remove them and the markers
			uddeJSEFredirect("index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=sysgm&Itemid=".$item_id, $mosmsg);
		// we have all we need, now save it

		// when we have reached that, we can remove the temporary attachment markers since the files will be referenced later
		if( $config->enableattachment && uddeIMisAttachmentAllowed($my_gid, $config))

		foreach($receivers as $receiver) {

			// it is a systemmsg to "toid", so assume that the message has already been trashed in the senders outbox (remember: system messages are not shown in the outbox)
			// so set totrashoutbox=1, totrashdateoutbox=uddetime($config->timezone)
			// CRYPT
			$themode = 0;
			if ($config->cryptmode==1) {
				$themode = 1;
				$cm = uddeIMencrypt($savemessage,$config->cryptkey,CRYPT_MODE_BASE64);
				$sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, message, datum, expires, systemmessage, systemflag, disablereply, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox, cryptmode, crypthash) VALUES (".(int)$savefromid.", ".(int)$savetoid.", '".$cm."', ".$savedatum.", ".$validuntil.", '".$savesysflag."', 1,".$savedisablereply.", 1, ".$savedatum.",1,'".md5($config->cryptkey)."')";
			} elseif ($config->cryptmode==2) {
				$themode = 2;
				if (!$thepass) {	// no password entered, then fallback to obfuscating
					$themode = 1;
				$cm = uddeIMencrypt($savemessage,$thepass,CRYPT_MODE_BASE64);
				$sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, message, datum, expires, systemmessage, systemflag, disablereply, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox, cryptmode, crypthash) VALUES (".(int)$savefromid.", ".(int)$savetoid.", '".$cm."', ".$savedatum.", ".$validuntil.", '".$savesysflag."', 1,".$savedisablereply.", 1, ".$savedatum.", ".$themode.",'".md5($thepass)."')";
			} elseif ($config->cryptmode==3) {
				$themode = 3;
				$cm = uddeIMencrypt($savemessage,"",CRYPT_MODE_STOREBASE64);
				$sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, message, datum, expires, systemmessage, systemflag, disablereply, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox, cryptmode) VALUES (".(int)$savefromid.", ".(int)$savetoid.", '".$cm."', ".$savedatum.", ".$validuntil.", '".$savesysflag."', 1,".$savedisablereply.", 1, ".$savedatum.",3)";
			} elseif ($config->cryptmode==4) {
				$themode = 4;
				$cipher = CRYPT_MODE_3DESBASE64;
				if (!$thepass) {	// no password entered, then fallback to obfuscating
					$themode = 1;
					$cipher = CRYPT_MODE_BASE64;
				$cm = uddeIMencrypt($savemessage,$thepass,$cipher);
				$sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, message, datum, expires, systemmessage, systemflag, disablereply, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox, cryptmode, crypthash) VALUES (".(int)$savefromid.", ".(int)$savetoid.", '".$cm."', ".$savedatum.", ".$validuntil.", '".$savesysflag."', 1,".$savedisablereply.", 1, ".$savedatum.", ".$themode.",'".md5($thepass)."')";
			} else {
				$sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, message, datum, expires, systemmessage, systemflag, disablereply, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox) VALUES (".(int)$savefromid.", ".(int)$savetoid.", '".$savemessage."', ".$savedatum.", ".$validuntil.", '".$savesysflag."', 1,".$savedisablereply.", 1,".$savedatum.")";
			if (!$database->query()) {
				die("SQL error when attempting to save a message" . $database->stderr(true));
			$insID = $database->insertid();

			// Now save the uploads
			if( $config->enableattachment && uddeIMisAttachmentAllowed($my_gid, $config))
				uddeIMsaveAttachments($insID, $uploadfile_temppathname, $uploadfile_original, $uploadfile_id, $uploadfile_size, $savedatum, $config);


			// Check if E-Mail notification or popups are enabled by default, if so create a record for the receiver.
			if ($config->modnewusers>0 || $config->notifydefault>0 || $config->popupdefault>0 || $config->pubfrontenddefault>0 || $config->autoresponder>0 || $config->autoforward>0) {
				if (!uddeIMexistsEMN($savetoid))
					uddeIMinsertEMNdefaults($savetoid, $config);

			// Check if notifications are not disabled temporary
			if (!$sysgm_nonotify) {

				// e-mail notification code
				// is the receiver currently online?
				$currentlyonline = uddeIMisOnline($savetoid);

				if ($config->cryptmode>=1) {
				} else {
					$email=stripslashes(stripslashes($savemessage));	// without encoding remove the safety slashes

				$type = 0; 			// 0=normal message, 1=forgetmenot, 2=admin forces text
				if ($forceembedded)
					$type = 2;		// admin forces
				if($config->allowemailnotify==1) {
					$ison = uddeIMgetEMNstatus($savetoid);
					if($sysgm_sys) {
						$emn_fromid = 0;
					} else {
						$emn_fromid = $savefromid;
					if (($ison==1) || ($ison==2 && !$currentlyonline) || ($ison==10) || ($ison==20 && !$currentlyonline))  {
						uddeIMdispatchEMN($insID, $item_id, $themode, $emn_fromid, $savetoid, $email, $type, $config);
						// 0 stands for normal (not forgetmenot)
				} elseif($config->allowemailnotify==2) {
					$my_gid = uddeIMgetGID($savetoid);
					if (uddeIMisAdmin($my_gid) || uddeIMisAdmin2($my_gid, $config)) {
						$ison = uddeIMgetEMNstatus($savetoid);
						if($sysgm_sys) {
							$emn_fromid = 0;
						} else {
							$emn_fromid = $savefromid;
						if (($ison==1) || ($ison==2 && !$currentlyonline) || ($ison==10) || ($ison==20 && !$currentlyonline))  {
							uddeIMdispatchEMN($insID, $item_id, $themode, $emn_fromid, $savetoid, $email, $type, $config);
							// 0 stands for normal (not forgetmenot)
		uddeJSEFredirect("index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=inbox&Itemid=".$item_id, $mosmsg);