Ejemplo n.º 1
function trusttext_prepare_edit(&$text, &$format, $usehtmleditor, $context)
    global $CFG;
    $options = new object();
    $options->smiley = false;
    $options->filter = false;
    if (!empty($CFG->enabletrusttext) and has_capability('moodle/site:trustcontent', $context) and trusttext_present($text)) {
        $options->noclean = true;
    } else {
        $options->noclean = false;
    $text = trusttext_strip($text);
    if ($usehtmleditor) {
        $text = format_text($text, $format, $options);
        $format = FORMAT_HTML;
    } else {
        if (!$options->noclean) {
            $text = clean_text($text, $format);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 //Use highlight() with nonsense tags to spot search terms in the
 //actual text content first.          fiedorow - 9/2/2005
 $missing_terms = "";
 // Hack for posts of format FORMAT_PLAIN. Otherwise html tags added by
 // the highlight() call bellow get stripped out by forum_print_post().
 if ($post->format == FORMAT_PLAIN) {
     $post->message = stripslashes_safe($post->message);
     $post->message = rebuildnolinktag($post->message);
     $post->message = str_replace(' ', '  ', $post->message);
     $post->message = nl2br($post->message);
     $post->format = FORMAT_HTML;
 $options = new object();
 $options->trusttext = true;
 // detect TRUSTTEXT marker before first call to format_text
 if (trusttext_present($post->message)) {
     $ttpresent = true;
 } else {
     $ttpresent = false;
 $message = highlight($strippedsearch, format_text($post->message, $post->format, $options, $course->id), 0, '<fgw9sdpq4>', '</fgw9sdpq4>');
 foreach ($searchterms as $searchterm) {
     if (preg_match("/{$searchterm}/i", $message) && !preg_match('/<fgw9sdpq4>' . $searchterm . '<\\/fgw9sdpq4>/i', $message)) {
         $missing_terms .= " {$searchterm}";
 // now is the right time to strip the TRUSTTEXT marker, we will add it later if needed
 $post->message = trusttext_strip($post->message);
 $message = str_replace('<fgw9sdpq4>', '<span class="highlight">', $message);
 $message = str_replace('</fgw9sdpq4>', '</span>', $message);
 if ($missing_terms) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
function glossary_print_entry_definition($entry)
    $definition = $entry->definition;
    // always detect and strip TRUSTTEXT marker before processing and add+strip it afterwards!
    if (trusttext_present($definition)) {
        $ttpresent = true;
        $definition = trusttext_strip($definition);
    } else {
        $ttpresent = false;
    //Calculate all the strings to be no-linked
    //First, the concept
    $GLOSSARY_EXCLUDECONCEPTS = array($entry->concept);
    //Now the aliases
    if ($aliases = get_records('glossary_alias', 'entryid', $entry->id)) {
        foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
            $GLOSSARY_EXCLUDECONCEPTS[] = trim($alias->alias);
    $options = new object();
    $options->para = false;
    $options->trusttext = true;
    // reconstruct the TRUSTTEXT properly after processing
    if ($ttpresent) {
        $definition = trusttext_mark($definition);
    } else {
        $definition = trusttext_strip($definition);
        //make 100% sure TRUSTTEXT marker was not created
    $text = format_text($definition, $entry->format, $options);
    // Stop excluding concepts from autolinking
    if (!empty($entry->highlight)) {
        $text = highlight($entry->highlight, $text);
    if (isset($entry->footer)) {
        // Unparsed footer info
        $text .= $entry->footer;
    echo $text;
Ejemplo n.º 4
function glossary_print_entry_definition($entry)
    $definition = $entry->definition;
    // always detect and strip TRUSTTEXT marker before processing and add+strip it afterwards!
    if (trusttext_present($definition)) {
        $ttpresent = true;
        $definition = trusttext_strip($definition);
    } else {
        $ttpresent = false;
    $links = array();
    $tags = array();
    $urls = array();
    $addrs = array();
    //Calculate all the strings to be no-linked
    //First, the concept
    $term = preg_quote(trim($entry->concept), '/');
    $pat = '/(' . $term . ')/is';
    $doNolinks[] = $pat;
    //Now the aliases
    if ($aliases = get_records('glossary_alias', 'entryid', $entry->id)) {
        foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
            $term = preg_quote(trim($alias->alias), '/');
            $pat = '/(' . $term . ')/is';
            $doNolinks[] = $pat;
    //Extract <a>..><a> tags from definition
    preg_match_all('/<a[^>]+?>(.*?)<\\/a>/is', $definition, $list_of_a);
    //Save them into links array to use them later
    foreach (array_unique($list_of_a[0]) as $key => $value) {
        $links['<#' . $key . '#>'] = $value;
    //Take off every link from definition
    if ($links) {
        $definition = str_replace($links, array_keys($links), $definition);
    //Extract all tags from definition
    preg_match_all('/(<.*?>)/is', $definition, $list_of_tags);
    //Save them into tags array to use them later
    foreach (array_unique($list_of_tags[0]) as $key => $value) {
        $tags['<@' . $key . '@>'] = $value;
    //Take off every tag from definition
    if ($tags) {
        $definition = str_replace($tags, array_keys($tags), $definition);
    //Extract all URLS with protocol (http://domain.com) from definition
    preg_match_all('/([[:space:]]|^|\\(|\\[)([[:alnum:]]+):\\/\\/([^[:space:]]*)([[:alnum:]#?\\/&=])/is', $definition, $list_of_urls);
    //Save them into urls array to use them later
    foreach (array_unique($list_of_urls[0]) as $key => $value) {
        $urls['<*' . $key . '*>'] = $value;
    //Take off every url from definition
    if ($urls) {
        $definition = str_replace($urls, array_keys($urls), $definition);
    //Extract all WEB ADDRESSES (www.domain.com) from definition
    preg_match_all('/([[:space:]]|^|\\(|\\[)www\\.([^[:space:]]*)([[:alnum:]#?\\/&=])/is', $definition, $list_of_addresses);
    //Save them into addrs array to use them later
    foreach (array_unique($list_of_addresses[0]) as $key => $value) {
        $addrs['<+' . $key . '+>'] = $value;
    //Take off every addr from definition
    if ($addrs) {
        $definition = str_replace($addrs, array_keys($addrs), $definition);
    //Put doNolinks (concept + aliases) enclosed by <nolink> tag
    $definition = preg_replace($doNolinks, '<span class="nolink">$1</span>', $definition);
    //Restore addrs
    if ($addrs) {
        $definition = str_replace(array_keys($addrs), $addrs, $definition);
    //Restore urls
    if ($urls) {
        $definition = str_replace(array_keys($urls), $urls, $definition);
    //Restore tags
    if ($tags) {
        $definition = str_replace(array_keys($tags), $tags, $definition);
    //Restore links
    if ($links) {
        $definition = str_replace(array_keys($links), $links, $definition);
    $options = new object();
    $options->para = false;
    $options->trusttext = true;
    // reconstruct the TRUSTTEXT properly after processing
    if ($ttpresent) {
        $definition = trusttext_mark($definition);
    } else {
        $definition = trusttext_strip($definition);
        //make 100% sure TRUSTTEXT marker was not created
    $text = format_text($definition, $entry->format, $options);
    if (!empty($entry->highlight)) {
        $text = highlight($entry->highlight, $text);
    if (isset($entry->footer)) {
        // Unparsed footer info
        $text .= $entry->footer;
    echo $text;