Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Register Member
 public function register_member()
     // Do we allow new member registrations?
     if (ee()->config->item('allow_member_registration') == 'n') {
         return FALSE;
     // Is user banned?
     if (ee()->session->userdata('is_banned') === TRUE) {
         return ee()->output->show_user_error('general', array(lang('not_authorized')));
     // Blacklist/Whitelist Check
     if (ee()->blacklist->blacklisted == 'y' && ee()->blacklist->whitelisted == 'n') {
         return ee()->output->show_user_error('general', array(lang('not_authorized')));
     // -------------------------------------------
     // 'member_member_register_start' hook.
     //  - Take control of member registration routine
     //  - Added EE 1.4.2
     if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) {
     // -------------------------------------------
     // Set the default globals
     $default = array('username', 'password', 'password_confirm', 'email', 'screen_name', 'url', 'location');
     foreach ($default as $val) {
         if (!isset($_POST[$val])) {
             $_POST[$val] = '';
     if ($_POST['screen_name'] == '') {
         $_POST['screen_name'] = $_POST['username'];
     // Instantiate validation class
     if (!class_exists('EE_Validate')) {
         require APPPATH . 'libraries/Validate.php';
     $VAL = new EE_Validate(array('member_id' => '', 'val_type' => 'new', 'fetch_lang' => TRUE, 'require_cpw' => FALSE, 'enable_log' => FALSE, 'username' => trim_nbs($_POST['username']), 'cur_username' => '', 'screen_name' => trim_nbs($_POST['screen_name']), 'cur_screen_name' => '', 'password' => $_POST['password'], 'password_confirm' => $_POST['password_confirm'], 'cur_password' => '', 'email' => trim($_POST['email']), 'cur_email' => ''));
     // Do we have any custom fields?
     $query = ee()->db->select('m_field_id, m_field_name, m_field_label, m_field_type, m_field_list_items, m_field_required')->where('m_field_reg', 'y')->get('member_fields');
     $cust_errors = array();
     $cust_fields = array();
     if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
         foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) {
             $field_name = 'm_field_id_' . $row['m_field_id'];
             // Assume we're going to save this data, unless it's empty to begin with
             $valid = isset($_POST[$field_name]) && $_POST[$field_name] != '';
             // Basic validations
             if ($row['m_field_required'] == 'y' && !$valid) {
                 $cust_errors[] = lang('mbr_field_required') . ' ' . $row['m_field_label'];
             } elseif ($row['m_field_type'] == 'select' && $valid) {
                 // Ensure their selection is actually a valid choice
                 $options = explode("\n", $row['m_field_list_items']);
                 if (!in_array(htmlentities($_POST[$field_name]), $options)) {
                     $valid = FALSE;
                     $cust_errors[] = lang('mbr_field_invalid') . ' ' . $row['m_field_label'];
             if ($valid) {
                 $cust_fields[$field_name] = ee()->security->xss_clean($_POST[$field_name]);
     if (isset($_POST['email_confirm']) && $_POST['email'] != $_POST['email_confirm']) {
         $cust_errors[] = lang('mbr_emails_not_match');
     if (ee()->config->item('use_membership_captcha') == 'y') {
         if (!isset($_POST['captcha']) or $_POST['captcha'] == '') {
             $cust_errors[] = lang('captcha_required');
     if (ee()->config->item('require_terms_of_service') == 'y') {
         if (!isset($_POST['accept_terms'])) {
             $cust_errors[] = lang('mbr_terms_of_service_required');
     // -------------------------------------------
     // 'member_member_register_errors' hook.
     //  - Additional error checking prior to submission
     //  - Added EE 2.5.0
     ee()->extensions->call('member_member_register_errors', $this);
     if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) {
     // -------------------------------------------
     $errors = array_merge($VAL->errors, $cust_errors, $this->errors);
     // Display error is there are any
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         return ee()->output->show_user_error('submission', $errors);
     // Do we require captcha?
     if (ee()->config->item('use_membership_captcha') == 'y') {
         $query = ee()->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM exp_captcha WHERE word='" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['captcha']) . "' AND ip_address = '" . ee()->input->ip_address() . "' AND date > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-7200");
         if ($query->row('count') == 0) {
             return ee()->output->show_user_error('submission', array(lang('captcha_incorrect')));
         ee()->db->query("DELETE FROM exp_captcha WHERE (word='" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['captcha']) . "' AND ip_address = '" . ee()->input->ip_address() . "') OR date < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-7200");
     // Assign the base query data
     $data = array('username' => trim_nbs(ee()->input->post('username')), 'password' => sha1($_POST['password']), 'ip_address' => ee()->input->ip_address(), 'unique_id' => ee()->functions->random('encrypt'), 'join_date' => ee()->localize->now, 'email' => trim_nbs(ee()->input->post('email')), 'screen_name' => trim_nbs(ee()->input->post('screen_name')), 'url' => prep_url(ee()->input->post('url')), 'location' => ee()->input->post('location'), 'language' => ee()->config->item('deft_lang') ? ee()->config->item('deft_lang') : 'english', 'date_format' => ee()->config->item('date_format') ? ee()->config->item('date_format') : '%n/%j/%y', 'time_format' => ee()->config->item('time_format') ? ee()->config->item('time_format') : '12', 'include_seconds' => ee()->config->item('include_seconds') ? ee()->config->item('include_seconds') : 'n', 'timezone' => ee()->config->item('default_site_timezone'));
     // Set member group
     if (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'manual' or ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'email') {
         $data['group_id'] = 4;
         // Pending
     } else {
         if (ee()->config->item('default_member_group') == '') {
             $data['group_id'] = 4;
             // Pending
         } else {
             $data['group_id'] = ee()->config->item('default_member_group');
     // Optional Fields
     $optional = array('bio' => 'bio', 'language' => 'deft_lang', 'timezone' => 'server_timezone', 'date_format' => 'date_format', 'time_format' => 'time_format', 'include_seconds' => 'include_seconds');
     foreach ($optional as $key => $value) {
         if (isset($_POST[$value])) {
             $data[$key] = $_POST[$value];
     // We generate an authorization code if the member needs to self-activate
     if (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'email') {
         $data['authcode'] = ee()->functions->random('alnum', 10);
     // Insert basic member data
     ee()->db->query(ee()->db->insert_string('exp_members', $data));
     $member_id = ee()->db->insert_id();
     // Insert custom fields
     $cust_fields['member_id'] = $member_id;
     ee()->db->query(ee()->db->insert_string('exp_member_data', $cust_fields));
     // Create a record in the member homepage table
     // This is only necessary if the user gains CP access,
     // but we'll add the record anyway.
     ee()->db->query(ee()->db->insert_string('exp_member_homepage', array('member_id' => $member_id)));
     // Mailinglist Subscribe
     $mailinglist_subscribe = FALSE;
     if (isset($_POST['mailinglist_subscribe']) && is_numeric($_POST['mailinglist_subscribe'])) {
         // Kill duplicate emails from authorizatin queue.
         ee()->db->where('email', $_POST['email'])->delete('mailing_list_queue');
         // Validate Mailing List ID
         $query = ee()->db->select('COUNT(*) as count')->where('list_id', $_POST['mailinglist_subscribe'])->get('mailing_lists');
         // Email Not Already in Mailing List
         $results = ee()->db->select('COUNT(*) as count')->where('email', $_POST['email'])->where('list_id', $_POST['mailinglist_subscribe'])->get('mailing_list');
         // INSERT Email
         if ($query->row('count') > 0 && $results->row('count') == 0) {
             $mailinglist_subscribe = TRUE;
             $code = ee()->functions->random('alnum', 10);
             if (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'email') {
                 // Activated When Membership Activated
                 ee()->db->query("INSERT INTO exp_mailing_list_queue (email, list_id, authcode, date)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['email']) . "', '" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['mailinglist_subscribe']) . "', '" . $code . "', '" . time() . "')");
             } elseif (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'manual') {
                 // Mailing List Subscribe Email
                 ee()->db->query("INSERT INTO exp_mailing_list_queue (email, list_id, authcode, date)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['email']) . "', '" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['mailinglist_subscribe']) . "', '" . $code . "', '" . time() . "')");
                 $action_id = ee()->functions->fetch_action_id('Mailinglist', 'authorize_email');
                 $swap = array('activation_url' => ee()->functions->fetch_site_index(0, 0) . QUERY_MARKER . 'ACT=' . $action_id . '&id=' . $code, 'site_name' => stripslashes(ee()->config->item('site_name')), 'site_url' => ee()->config->item('site_url'));
                 $template = ee()->functions->fetch_email_template('mailinglist_activation_instructions');
                 $email_tit = ee()->functions->var_swap($template['title'], $swap);
                 $email_msg = ee()->functions->var_swap($template['data'], $swap);
                 // Send email
                 ee()->email->wordwrap = true;
                 ee()->email->mailtype = 'plain';
                 ee()->email->priority = '3';
                 ee()->email->from(ee()->config->item('webmaster_email'), ee()->config->item('webmaster_name'));
             } else {
                 // Automatically Accepted
                 ee()->db->query("INSERT INTO exp_mailing_list (list_id, authcode, email, ip_address)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  VALUES ('" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['mailinglist_subscribe']) . "', '" . $code . "', '" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['email']) . "', '" . ee()->db->escape_str(ee()->input->ip_address()) . "')");
     // Update
     if (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'none') {
     // Send admin notifications
     if (ee()->config->item('new_member_notification') == 'y' && ee()->config->item('mbr_notification_emails') != '') {
         $name = $data['screen_name'] != '' ? $data['screen_name'] : $data['username'];
         $swap = array('name' => $name, 'site_name' => stripslashes(ee()->config->item('site_name')), 'control_panel_url' => ee()->config->item('cp_url'), 'username' => $data['username'], 'email' => $data['email']);
         $template = ee()->functions->fetch_email_template('admin_notify_reg');
         $email_tit = $this->_var_swap($template['title'], $swap);
         $email_msg = $this->_var_swap($template['data'], $swap);
         // Remove multiple commas
         $notify_address = reduce_multiples(ee()->config->item('mbr_notification_emails'), ',', TRUE);
         // Send email
         ee()->email->wordwrap = true;
         ee()->email->from(ee()->config->item('webmaster_email'), ee()->config->item('webmaster_name'));
     // -------------------------------------------
     // 'member_member_register' hook.
     //  - Additional processing when a member is created through the User Side
     //  - $member_id added in 2.0.1
     ee()->extensions->call('member_member_register', $data, $member_id);
     if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) {
     // -------------------------------------------
     // Send user notifications
     if (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'email') {
         $action_id = ee()->functions->fetch_action_id('Member', 'activate_member');
         $name = $data['screen_name'] != '' ? $data['screen_name'] : $data['username'];
         $board_id = ee()->input->get_post('board_id') !== FALSE && is_numeric(ee()->input->get_post('board_id')) ? ee()->input->get_post('board_id') : 1;
         $forum_id = ee()->input->get_post('FROM') == 'forum' ? '&r=f&board_id=' . $board_id : '';
         $add = $mailinglist_subscribe !== TRUE ? '' : '&mailinglist=' . $_POST['mailinglist_subscribe'];
         $swap = array('name' => $name, 'activation_url' => ee()->functions->fetch_site_index(0, 0) . QUERY_MARKER . 'ACT=' . $action_id . '&id=' . $data['authcode'] . $forum_id . $add, 'site_name' => stripslashes(ee()->config->item('site_name')), 'site_url' => ee()->config->item('site_url'), 'username' => $data['username'], 'email' => $data['email']);
         $template = ee()->functions->fetch_email_template('mbr_activation_instructions');
         $email_tit = $this->_var_swap($template['title'], $swap);
         $email_msg = $this->_var_swap($template['data'], $swap);
         // Send email
         ee()->email->wordwrap = true;
         ee()->email->from(ee()->config->item('webmaster_email'), ee()->config->item('webmaster_name'));
         $message = lang('mbr_membership_instructions_email');
     } elseif (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'manual') {
         $message = lang('mbr_admin_will_activate');
     } else {
         // Log user in (the extra query is a little annoying)
         $member_data_q = ee()->db->get_where('members', array('member_id' => $member_id));
         $incoming = new Auth_result($member_data_q->row());
         $message = lang('mbr_your_are_logged_in');
     // Build the message
     if (ee()->input->get_post('FROM') == 'forum') {
         $query = $this->_do_form_query();
         $site_name = $query->row('board_label');
         $return = $query->row('board_forum_url');
     } else {
         $site_name = ee()->config->item('site_name') == '' ? lang('back') : stripslashes(ee()->config->item('site_name'));
         $return = ee()->config->item('site_url');
     $data = array('title' => lang('mbr_registration_complete'), 'heading' => lang('thank_you'), 'content' => lang('mbr_registration_completed') . "\n\n" . $message, 'redirect' => '', 'link' => array($return, $site_name));
  * Validate Email
  * Checks if the submitted email is valid
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @param	string	update / new
  * @return	bool
 function valid_user_email($str, $type)
     if (!$type) {
         $type = 'update';
     $str = trim_nbs($str);
     // Is email valid?
     if (!$this->valid_email($str)) {
         $this->set_message('valid_user_email', $this->CI->lang->line('invalid_email_address'));
         return FALSE;
     if ($current = $this->old_value('email')) {
         if ($current != $str) {
             $type = 'new';
     if ($type == 'new') {
         // Is email banned?
         if ($this->CI->session->ban_check('email', $str)) {
             $this->set_message('valid_user_email', $this->CI->lang->line('email_taken'));
             return FALSE;
         // Duplicate emails?
         $this->CI->db->where('email', $str);
         $count = $this->CI->db->count_all_results('members');
         if ($count > 0) {
             $this->set_message('valid_user_email', $this->CI->lang->line('email_taken'));
             return FALSE;
     return $str;
  *	Registration Form Processing
  *	@access		public
  *	@param		bool
  *	@return		string
 public function reg($remote = FALSE)
     // For prep_url();
     $key_id = '';
     //	Do we allow new member registrations?
     if (ee()->config->item('allow_member_registration') == 'n') {
         return $this->_output_error('general', array(ee()->lang->line('registration_not_enabled')));
     //  Allowed to Register
     if (ee()->session->userdata('member_id') != 0) {
         if ($this->_param('admin_register') !== 'yes' or ee()->session->userdata['group_id'] != 1 and ee()->session->userdata['can_admin_members'] !== 'y') {
             return $this->_output_error('general', array(ee()->lang->line('mbr_you_are_registered')));
     //	2.2.0 Auth lib
     if (APP_VER >= '2.2.0') {
         // This should go in the auth lib.
         if (!ee()->auth->check_require_ip()) {
             return $this->_output_error('general', array(ee()->lang->line('not_authorized')));
     //	Is user banned?
     if (ee()->session->userdata('is_banned') == TRUE) {
         return $this->_output_error('general', array(ee()->lang->line('not_authorized')));
     //	Blacklist/Whitelist Check
     if (isset(ee()->blacklist)) {
         if (ee()->blacklist->blacklisted == 'y' && ee()->blacklist->whitelisted == 'n') {
             return $this->_output_error('general', array(ee()->lang->line('not_authorized')));
     //	Clean the post
     //need to protect passwords from this because they get hashed anyway
     $temp_pass = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : FALSE;
     $temp_pass2 = isset($_POST['password_confirm']) ? $_POST['password_confirm'] : $temp_pass;
     $_POST = ee()->security->xss_clean($_POST);
     //make sure the password is actually set
     if (!in_array($temp_pass, array(FALSE, ''), TRUE)) {
         $_POST['password'] = $temp_pass;
     //make sure the password is actually set
     if (!in_array($temp_pass2, array(FALSE, ''), TRUE)) {
         $_POST['password_confirm'] = $temp_pass2;
     //  Email as Username Preference
     $wquery = ee()->db->query("SELECT preference_value \n\t\t\t FROM \texp_user_preferences \n\t\t\t WHERE \tpreference_name = 'email_is_username'");
     $this->preferences['email_is_username'] = $wquery->num_rows() == 0 ? 'n' : $wquery->row('preference_value');
     //	Check email is username
     $this->_email_is_username('0', 'new');
     //	Empty email?
     if (!ee()->input->get_post('email')) {
         return $this->_output_error('general', array(ee()->lang->line('email_required')));
     // 'user_register_start' hook.
     //  - Take control of member registration routine
     if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('user_register_start') === TRUE) {
         $edata = ee()->extensions->universal_call('user_register_start', $this);
         if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) {
     //	Set the default globals
     $default = array_merge(array('username', 'password', 'password_confirm', 'email', 'screen_name'), $this->standard);
     foreach ($default as $val) {
         if (!isset($_POST[$val])) {
             $_POST[$val] = '';
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Check screen name override
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Handle alternate username / screen name
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if (ee()->input->post('username') == '' and $this->preferences['email_is_username'] == 'y') {
         $_POST['username'] = ee()->input->get_post('email');
     if (!ee()->input->get_post('screen_name') or ee()->input->get_post('screen_name') == '') {
         $_POST['screen_name'] = $_POST['username'];
     // -------------------------------------
     //	EE 2.3+ trims username and screenname
     // -------------------------------------
     if (APP_VER >= '2.3.0') {
         if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
             $_POST['username'] = trim_nbs($_POST['username']);
         if (isset($_POST['screen_name'])) {
             $_POST['screen_name'] = trim_nbs($_POST['screen_name']);
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Check prohibited usernames
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if (ee()->session->ban_check('username', $_POST['username'])) {
         return $this->_output_error('general', array(ee()->lang->line('prohibited_username')));
     if ($this->_param('exclude_username') != '' and in_array($_POST['username'], explode('|', $this->_param('exclude_username')))) {
         return $this->_output_error('general', array(ee()->lang->line('prohibited_username')));
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**   Required Fields
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if ($this->_param('required') !== FALSE) {
         $missing = array();
         $required = preg_split("/,|\\|/", $this->_param('required'));
         foreach ($required as $req) {
             if ($req == 'all_required') {
                 foreach ($this->mfields as $key => $val) {
                     if (!ee()->input->get_post($key) and $val['required'] == 'y') {
                         $missing[] = $this->mfields[$key]['label'];
             } elseif (!ee()->input->get_post($req)) {
                 if (isset($this->mfields[$req])) {
                     $missing[] = $this->mfields[$req]['label'];
                 } elseif (in_array($req, $this->standard)) {
                     if (in_array($req, array('bday_d', 'bday_m', 'bday_y'))) {
                         $missing[] = ee()->lang->line('mbr_birthday');
                     } elseif ($req == 'daylight_savings') {
                         $missing[] = ee()->lang->line('daylight_savings_time');
                     } elseif (in_array($req, array('aol_im', 'yahoo_im', 'msn_im', 'icq', 'signature'))) {
                         $missing[] = ee()->lang->line($req);
                     } else {
                         $missing[] = ee()->lang->line('mbr_' . $req);
         /**	----------------------------------------
         			/**	Anything missing?
         			/**	----------------------------------------*/
         if (count($missing) > 0) {
             $missing = implode("</li><li>", $missing);
             $str = str_replace("%fields%", $missing, ee()->lang->line('missing_fields'));
             return $this->_output_error('general', $str);
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Instantiate validation class
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     $validate_config = array('member_id' => '', 'val_type' => 'new', 'fetch_lang' => TRUE, 'require_cpw' => FALSE, 'enable_log' => FALSE, 'username' => $_POST['username'], 'cur_username' => '', 'screen_name' => stripslashes($_POST['screen_name']), 'cur_screen_name' => '', 'password' => $_POST['password'], 'password_confirm' => $_POST['password_confirm'], 'cur_password' => '', 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'cur_email' => '');
     ee()->load->library('validate', $validate_config, 'validate');
     if ($this->preferences['email_is_username'] != 'n' and ($key = array_search(ee()->lang->line('username_password_too_long'), ee()->validate->errors)) !== FALSE) {
         if (strlen(ee()->validate->username) <= 50) {
         } else {
             ee()->validate->errors[$key] = str_replace('32', '50', ee()->validate->errors[$key]);
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Do we have any custom fields?
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     $cust_errors = array();
     $cust_fields = array();
     $fields = '';
     if (count($this->_mfields()) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->mfields as $key => $val) {
             if ($val['required'] == 'y' and !ee()->input->get_post($key)) {
                 $fields .= "<li>" . $val['label'] . "</li>";
             if (isset($_POST[$key])) {
                 /**	----------------------------------------
                 				/**	Handle arrays
                 				/**	----------------------------------------*/
                 if (is_array($_POST[$key])) {
                     $cust_fields['m_field_id_' . $val['id']] = implode("\n", $_POST[$key]);
                 } else {
                     $cust_fields['m_field_id_' . $val['id']] = $_POST[$key];
         if ($fields != '') {
             $cust_errors[] = str_replace("%s", $fields, ee()->lang->line('user_field_required'));
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Assemble custom fields
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     $cfields = array();
     foreach ($this->_mfields() as $key => $val) {
         if (isset($_POST[$key])) {
             /**	----------------------------------------
             				/**	Handle arrays
             				/**	----------------------------------------*/
             if (is_array($_POST[$key])) {
                 $cfields['m_field_id_' . $val['id']] = implode("\n", $_POST[$key]);
             } else {
                 $cfields['m_field_id_' . $val['id']] = $_POST[$key];
     if (ee()->config->item('use_membership_captcha') == 'y') {
         if (ee()->config->item('captcha_require_members') == 'y' or ee()->config->item('captcha_require_members') == 'n' and ee()->session->userdata('member_id') == 0) {
             // Hidden configuration!  Disables CAPTCHA on Remote Registrations.
             if ($remote === TRUE && ee()->config->item('user_disable_remote_captcha') == 'y') {
                 // Nothing...
             } elseif (!isset($_POST['captcha']) or $_POST['captcha'] == '') {
                 $cust_errors[] = ee()->lang->line('captcha_required');
     if (ee()->config->item('require_terms_of_service') == 'y') {
         if (!isset($_POST['accept_terms'])) {
             $cust_errors[] = ee()->lang->line('mbr_terms_of_service_required');
     $errors = array_merge(ee()->validate->errors, $cust_errors);
     /** --------------------------------------------
     		/**	 'user_register_error_checking' Extension Hook
     		/**		- Error checking
     		/**		- Added User 2.0.9
     	   /** --------------------------------------------*/
     if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('user_register_error_checking') === TRUE) {
         $errors = ee()->extensions->universal_call('user_register_error_checking', $this, $errors);
         if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) {
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	 Output Errors
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         return $this->_output_error('submission', $errors);
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Do we require a key?
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if ($this->_param('require_key') == 'yes' or $this->_param('key_email_match') == 'yes') {
         /**	----------------------------------------
         			/**	No key?
         			/**	----------------------------------------*/
         if (!ee()->input->post('key')) {
             return $this->_output_error('submission', array(ee()->lang->line('key_required')));
         /**	----------------------------------------
         			/**	Key and email match required?
         			/**	----------------------------------------*/
         if ($this->_param('key_email_match') == 'yes' and !ee()->input->get_post('email')) {
             return $this->_output_error('submission', array(ee()->lang->line('key_email_match_required')));
         /**	----------------------------------------
         			/**	Query
         			/**	----------------------------------------*/
         $sql = "SELECT \tkey_id \n\t\t\t\t\tFROM \texp_user_keys \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \tmember_id = '0' \n\t\t\t\t\tAND \thash = '" . ee()->db->escape_str(ee()->input->get_post('key')) . "'";
         if ($this->_param('key_email_match') == 'yes') {
             $sql .= " AND email = '" . ee()->db->escape_str(ee()->input->get_post('email')) . "'";
         $query = ee()->db->query($sql);
         if ($query->num_rows() == 0) {
             $query = ee()->db->query("SELECT preference_value \n\t\t\t\t\t FROM \texp_user_preferences \n\t\t\t\t\t WHERE \tpreference_name = 'key_expiration' \n\t\t\t\t\t LIMIT  1");
             $exp = $query->num_rows() > 0 ? $query->row('preference_value') : $exp;
             return $this->_output_error('submission', array(str_replace("%s", $exp, ee()->lang->line('key_incorrect'))));
         $key_id = $query->row('key_id');
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Set member group
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'manual' or ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'email') {
         $this->insert_data['group_id'] = 4;
         // Pending
     } else {
         if (ee()->config->item('default_member_group') == '') {
             $this->insert_data['group_id'] = 4;
             // Pending
         } else {
             $this->insert_data['group_id'] = ee()->config->item('default_member_group');
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Override member group if hard coded
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if ($this->_param('group_id') and is_numeric($this->_param('group_id')) and $this->_param('group_id') != '1') {
         // Email and Manual Activation will use the exp_user_activation_group table to change group.
         if (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') != 'email' and ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') != 'manual') {
             $this->insert_data['group_id'] = $this->_param('group_id');
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Override member group if invitation
     		/**	code provided and valid.
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if ($key_id != '' and $key_id != '1') {
         $key = ee()->db->query("SELECT k.group_id \n\t\t\t\t FROM \texp_user_keys AS k \n\t\t\t\t JOIN \texp_member_groups AS g \n\t\t\t\t ON \tg.group_id = k.group_id \n\t\t\t\t WHERE \tk.key_id = '" . ee()->db->escape_str($key_id) . "' \n\t\t\t\t AND \tk.group_id NOT IN (0, 1)");
         if ($key->num_rows() > 0) {
             if (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'email' or ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'manual') {
                 $this->params['group_id'] = $key->row('group_id');
             } else {
                 $this->insert_data['group_id'] = $key->row('group_id');
     /** --------------------------------------------
     		/**  Submitted Group ID, Restricted by allowed_groups=""
     		/** --------------------------------------------*/
     if (ee()->input->post('group_id') !== FALSE and ctype_digit(ee()->input->post('group_id')) and $this->_param('allowed_groups')) {
         $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT group_id \n\t\t\t\t\tFROM \texp_member_groups\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \tgroup_id \n\t\t\t\t\tNOT IN \t(1,2,3,4) \n\t\t\t\t\tAND \tgroup_id = '" . ee()->db->escape_str(ee()->input->post('group_id')) . "' " . ee()->functions->sql_andor_string($this->_param('allowed_groups'), 'group_id');
         $mquery = ee()->db->query($sql);
         if ($mquery->num_rows() > 0) {
             if (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'email' or ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'manual') {
                 $this->params['group_id'] = $mquery->row('group_id');
             } else {
                 $this->insert_data['group_id'] = $mquery->row('group_id');
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Double check that member group is real
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     $query = ee()->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count \n\t\t\t FROM \texp_member_groups\n\t\t\t WHERE  group_id != '1' \n\t\t\t AND \tgroup_id = '" . ee()->db->escape_str($this->insert_data['group_id']) . "'");
     if ($query->row('count') == 0) {
         return $this->_output_error('submission', array(ee()->lang->line('invalid_member_group')));
     /** --------------------------------------------
     		/**  Test Image Uploads
     		/** --------------------------------------------*/
     $this->_upload_images(0, TRUE);
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Do we require captcha?
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if (ee()->config->item('use_membership_captcha') == 'y') {
         if (ee()->config->item('captcha_require_members') == 'y' or ee()->config->item('captcha_require_members') == 'n' and ee()->session->userdata('member_id') == 0) {
             // Hidden configuration!  Disables CAPTCHA on Remote Registrations.
             if ($remote === TRUE && ee()->config->item('user_disable_remote_captcha') == 'y') {
                 // Nothing...
             } else {
                 $query = ee()->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count \n\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM \texp_captcha \n\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE  word='" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['captcha']) . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t AND \tip_address = '" . ee()->input->ip_address() . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t AND \tdate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-7200");
                 if ($query->row('count') == 0) {
                     return $this->_output_error('submission', array(ee()->lang->line('captcha_incorrect')));
                 ee()->db->query("DELETE FROM exp_captcha \n\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE \t(word='" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['captcha']) . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND \tip_address = '" . ee()->input->ip_address() . "') \n\t\t\t\t\t\t OR date < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-7200");
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Secure Mode Forms?
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if (ee()->config->item('secure_forms') == 'y') {
         $query = ee()->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count \n\t\t\t\t FROM \texp_security_hashes \n\t\t\t\t WHERE \thash='" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['XID']) . "' \n\t\t\t\t AND \tip_address = '" . ee()->input->ip_address() . "'\n\t\t\t\t AND \tdate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-7200");
         if ($query->row('count') == 0) {
             return $this->_output_error('general', array(ee()->lang->line('not_authorized')));
         //	Delete secure hash?
         //	The reg() function is also assisting the
         //	remote_registration routine. That
         //	routine receives form submissions from
         //	comment and rating forms. If we delete
         //	the secure hash now, those forms will fail
         //	when they do their security check.
         //	So we don't delete in the case of remote reg.
         if ($remote === FALSE) {
             ee()->db->query("DELETE FROM exp_security_hashes \n\t\t\t\t\t WHERE (hash='" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['XID']) . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ip_address = '" . ee()->input->ip_address() . "') \n\t\t\t\t\t OR date < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-7200");
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Assign the base query data
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     $this->insert_data['username'] = $_POST['username'];
     if (APP_VER < '2.2.0') {
         $this->insert_data['password'] = ee()->functions->hash(stripslashes($_POST['password']));
     } else {
         $pass_data = ee()->auth->hash_password(stripslashes($_POST['password']));
         $this->insert_data['password'] = $pass_data['password'];
         $this->insert_data['salt'] = $pass_data['salt'];
     $this->insert_data['ip_address'] = ee()->input->ip_address();
     $this->insert_data['unique_id'] = ee()->functions->random('encrypt');
     $this->insert_data['join_date'] = ee()->localize->now;
     $this->insert_data['email'] = $_POST['email'];
     $this->insert_data['screen_name'] = $_POST['screen_name'];
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Optional Fields
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     $optional = array('language' => 'deft_lang', 'timezone' => 'server_timezone', 'time_format' => 'time_format');
     foreach ($optional as $key => $value) {
         if (isset($_POST[$value])) {
             $this->insert_data[$key] = $_POST[$value];
     foreach ($this->standard as $key) {
         if (isset($_POST[$key])) {
             $this->insert_data[$key] = $_POST[$key];
     $this->insert_data['url'] = prep_url($_POST['url']);
     $this->insert_data['daylight_savings'] = ee()->input->post('daylight_savings') == 'y' ? 'y' : 'n';
     // We generate an authorization code if the member needs to self-activate
     if (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'email') {
         $this->insert_data['authcode'] = ee()->functions->random('alpha', 10);
     // Default timezone
     if (!isset($this->insert_data['timezone'])) {
         $this->insert_data['timezone'] = 'UTC';
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Insert basic member data
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     ee()->db->query(ee()->db->insert_string('exp_members', $this->insert_data));
     $member_id = ee()->db->insert_id();
     //running a second time to get the member_id correct
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Insert custom fields
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     $cust_fields['member_id'] = $member_id;
     ee()->db->query(ee()->db->insert_string('exp_member_data', $cust_fields));
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Member Group Override on Activation
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if ($this->_param('group_id') and is_numeric($this->_param('group_id')) and $this->_param('group_id') != '1') {
         if (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'email' or ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'manual') {
             ee()->db->query(ee()->db->insert_string('exp_user_activation_group', array('member_id' => $member_id, 'group_id' => $this->_param('group_id'))));
     /** ---------------------------------
     		/**	Fetch categories
     		/** ---------------------------------*/
     if (isset($_POST['category'])) {
         if (is_array($_POST['category'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['category'] as $cat_id) {
                 $this->cat_parents[] = $cat_id;
         } elseif (is_numeric($_POST['category'])) {
             $this->cat_parents = $_POST['category'];
     if (count($this->cat_parents) > 0) {
         if (ee()->config->item('auto_assign_cat_parents') == 'y') {
     ee()->db->query("DELETE FROM exp_user_category_posts \n\t\t\t WHERE \tmember_id = '" . $member_id . "'");
     foreach ($this->cat_parents as $cat_id) {
         ee()->db->query(ee()->db->insert_string('exp_user_category_posts', array('member_id' => $member_id, 'cat_id' => $cat_id)));
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Handle image uploads
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Update key table
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if ($key_id != '') {
         ee()->db->query(ee()->db->update_string('exp_user_keys', array('member_id' => $member_id), array('key_id' => $key_id)));
     //	Create a record in the member
     //	homepage table
     // This is only necessary if the user gains
     // CP access, but we'll add the record anyway.
     ee()->db->query(ee()->db->insert_string('exp_member_homepage', array('member_id' => $member_id)));
     //  Set Language Variable
     if (isset($_POST['language']) and preg_match("/^[a-z]+\$/", $_POST['language'])) {
         ee()->session->userdata['language'] = $_POST['language'];
     //	Mailinglist Subscribe
     $mailinglist_subscribe = FALSE;
     if (isset($_POST['mailinglist_subscribe']) and (is_array($_POST['mailinglist_subscribe']) or is_numeric($_POST['mailinglist_subscribe']))) {
         // Kill duplicate emails from authorizatin queue.
         ee()->db->query("DELETE FROM \texp_mailing_list_queue \n\t\t\t\t WHERE \t\t\temail = '" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['email']) . "'");
         $lists = is_array($_POST['mailinglist_subscribe']) ? $_POST['mailinglist_subscribe'] : array($_POST['mailinglist_subscribe']);
         foreach ($lists as $list_id) {
             // Validate Mailing List ID
             $query = ee()->db->query("SELECT list_title\n\t\t\t\t\t FROM \texp_mailing_lists \n\t\t\t\t\t WHERE \tlist_id = '" . ee()->db->escape_str($list_id) . "'");
             // Email Not Already in Mailing List
             $results = ee()->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count \n\t\t\t\t\t FROM \texp_mailing_list \n\t\t\t\t\t WHERE \temail = '" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['email']) . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t AND \tlist_id = '" . ee()->db->escape_str($list_id) . "'");
             //	INSERT Email
             if ($query->num_rows() > 0 and $results->row('count') == 0) {
                 $code = ee()->functions->random('alpha', 10);
                 // 	The User module still does member
                 //	activation through the Member module,
                 // 	which does not allow one to activate
                 //	MORE THAN ONE Mailing List subscription
                 // 	per registration.  So, what we do is if
                 //	member activation is not automatic
                 // 	AND there is more than one mailing list
                 //	being subscribed to, then we require
                 // 	activation of mailing list subscription
                 //	on an individual basis through the
                 // 	Mailing List module.
                 if (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'email' and count($lists) == 1) {
                     $mailinglist_subscribe = TRUE;
                     // Activated When Membership Activated
                     ee()->db->query("INSERT INTO exp_mailing_list_queue (email, list_id, authcode, date) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t VALUES \t('" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['email']) . "', '" . ee()->db->escape_str($list_id) . "', '" . $code . "', '" . time() . "')");
                     //we will notify the admin of the mailing list join as soon as the member
                     //hits thier activation key email2
                 } elseif (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'manual' or ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'email') {
                     // Mailing List Subscribe Email
                     ee()->db->query("INSERT INTO exp_mailing_list_queue (email, list_id, authcode, date) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t VALUES ('" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['email']) . "', '" . ee()->db->escape_str($list_id) . "', '" . $code . "', '" . time() . "')");
                     $this->mailing_list_email($query->row('list_title'), ee()->input->post('email', TRUE), $code);
                 } else {
                     // Automatically Accepted
                     ee()->db->query("INSERT INTO exp_mailing_list (user_id, list_id, authcode, email) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t VALUES \t('', '" . ee()->db->escape_str($list_id) . "', '" . $code . "', '" . ee()->db->escape_str($_POST['email']) . "')");
                     $this->notify_mailinglist_admin($query->row('list_title'), ee()->input->post('email', TRUE));
     // End Mailing Lists inserts...
     //	Send admin notifications
     $notify = $this->_param('notify') ? $this->_param('notify') : '';
     if (ee()->config->item('new_member_notification') == 'y' and ee()->config->item('mbr_notification_emails') != '' or $notify != '') {
         $name = $this->insert_data['screen_name'] != '' ? $this->insert_data['screen_name'] : $this->insert_data['username'];
         $swap = array('name' => $name, 'site_name' => stripslashes(ee()->config->item('site_name')), 'control_panel_url' => ee()->config->item('cp_url'), 'username' => $this->insert_data['username'], 'email' => $this->insert_data['email']);
         $template = ee()->functions->fetch_email_template('admin_notify_reg');
         $email_tit = $this->_var_swap($template['title'], $swap);
         $email_msg = $this->_var_swap($template['data'], $swap);
         $notify_address = $notify != '' ? $notify : ee()->config->item('mbr_notification_emails');
         $notify_address = reduce_multiples($notify_address, ',', TRUE);
         /**	----------------------------------------
         			/**	Send email
         			/**	----------------------------------------*/
         ee()->email->wordwrap = true;
         ee()->email->from(ee()->config->item('webmaster_email'), ee()->config->item('webmaster_name'));
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/*	'user_register_end' hook.
     		/*	- Additional processing when a member is created through the User Side
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('user_register_end') === TRUE) {
         $edata = ee()->extensions->universal_call('user_register_end', $this, $member_id);
         if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) {
     /**	----------------------------------------*/
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Send user notifications
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     $message = '';
     if (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'email') {
         $qs = ee()->config->item('force_query_string') == 'y' ? '' : '?';
         $action_id = ee()->functions->fetch_action_id('User', 'activate_member');
         if (APP_VER < 2.0) {
             $action_id = ee()->functions->insert_action_ids($action_id);
         $name = $this->insert_data['screen_name'] != '' ? $this->insert_data['screen_name'] : $this->insert_data['username'];
         $forum_id = ee()->input->get_post('FROM') == 'forum' ? '&r=f' : '';
         $add = $mailinglist_subscribe !== TRUE ? '' : '&mailinglist=' . $list_id;
         $swap = array('name' => $name, 'activation_url' => ee()->functions->fetch_site_index(0, 0) . $qs . 'ACT=' . $action_id . '&id=' . $this->insert_data['authcode'] . $forum_id . $add, 'site_name' => stripslashes(ee()->config->item('site_name')), 'site_url' => ee()->config->item('site_url'), 'username' => $this->insert_data['username'], 'email' => $this->insert_data['email']);
         $template = ee()->functions->fetch_email_template('mbr_activation_instructions');
         $email_tit = $this->_var_swap($template['title'], $swap);
         $email_msg = $this->_var_swap($template['data'], $swap);
         /**	----------------------------------------
         			/**	Send email
         			/**	----------------------------------------*/
         ee()->email->wordwrap = true;
         ee()->email->from(ee()->config->item('webmaster_email'), ee()->config->item('webmaster_name'));
         $message = ee()->lang->line('mbr_membership_instructions_email');
     } elseif (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'manual') {
         $message = ee()->lang->line('mbr_admin_will_activate');
     } elseif ($this->_param('admin_register') != 'yes') {
         // Kill old sessions
         ee()->session->gc_probability = 100;
         /**	----------------------------------------
         			/**	Log user in
         			/**	----------------------------------------*/
         $expire = 60 * 60 * 24 * 182;
         //	As of 2.2.0, auth is different
         // 1.x/2.1.5b or below gets old auth
         if (APP_VER < '2.2.0') {
             ee()->functions->set_cookie(ee()->session->c_expire, time() + $expire, $expire);
             ee()->functions->set_cookie(ee()->session->c_uniqueid, $this->insert_data['unique_id'], $expire);
             ee()->functions->set_cookie(ee()->session->c_password, $this->insert_data['password'], $expire);
             //	Create a new session
             if (ee()->config->item('user_session_type') == 'cs' or ee()->config->item('user_session_type') == 's') {
                 ee()->session->sdata['session_id'] = ee()->functions->random();
                 ee()->session->sdata['member_id'] = $member_id;
                 ee()->session->sdata['last_activity'] = ee()->localize->now;
                 // ee()->functions->set_cookie(ee()->session->c_session ,
                 // ee()->db->query(ee()->db->insert_string('exp_sessions', ee()->session->sdata));
             //	Update existing session variables
             ee()->session->userdata['username'] = $this->insert_data['username'];
             ee()->session->userdata['email'] = $this->insert_data['email'];
             ee()->session->userdata['screen_name'] = $this->insert_data['screen_name'];
             ee()->session->userdata['url'] = $this->insert_data['url'];
             ee()->session->userdata['location'] = $this->insert_data['location'];
             ee()->session->userdata['member_id'] = $member_id;
             ee()->session->userdata['group_id'] = $this->insert_data['group_id'];
             //	Update stats
             if ($this->EE->config->item('enable_online_user_tracking') == 'y' && $this->EE->config->item('disable_all_tracking') == 'n') {
                 $cutoff = ee()->localize->now - 15 * 60;
                 ee()->db->query("DELETE FROM exp_online_users \n\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE (ip_address = '" . ee()->db->escape_str(ee()->input->ip_address()) . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND member_id = '0') \n\t\t\t\t\t\t OR \tdate < {$cutoff}");
                 $data = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'name' => ee()->session->userdata['screen_name'] == '' ? ee()->session->userdata['username'] : ee()->session->userdata['screen_name'], 'ip_address' => ee()->input->ip_address(), 'date' => ee()->localize->now, 'anon' => 'y');
                 ee()->db->query(ee()->db->update_string('exp_online_users', $data, array("ip_address" => ee()->input->ip_address(), "member_id" => $member_id)));
         } else {
             $member = ee()->db->get_where('members', array('member_id' => $member_id));
             $session = new Auth_result($member->row());
             if (APP_VER >= '2.4.0') {
                 $session->remember_me(60 * 60 * 24 * 182);
             // Update system stats
             if (!$this->check_no(ee()->config->item('enable_online_user_tracking'))) {
         $message = ee()->lang->line('mbr_your_are_logged_in');
     /** --------------------------------------------
     		/**  Welcome Email!
     		/** --------------------------------------------*/
     if (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') == 'manual') {
         // Put in a Table and Send Later!
         ee()->db->query(ee()->db->insert_string('exp_user_welcome_email_list', array('member_id' => $member_id, 'group_id' => $this->insert_data['group_id'])));
     } elseif (ee()->config->item('req_mbr_activation') != 'email') {
         $this->insert_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	 Override Return
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if ($this->_param('override_return') !== FALSE and $this->_param('override_return') != '' and $this->is_ajax_request() === FALSE) {
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Set return
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     if (ee()->input->get_post('return') !== FALSE and ee()->input->get_post('return') != '') {
         $return = ee()->input->get_post('return');
     } elseif (ee()->input->get_post('RET') !== FALSE and ee()->input->get_post('RET') != '') {
         $return = ee()->input->get_post('RET');
     } else {
         $return = ee()->config->item('site_url');
     if (preg_match("/" . LD . "\\s*path=(.*?)" . RD . "/", $return, $match)) {
         $return = ee()->functions->create_url($match['1']);
     // --------------------------------------------
     //  AJAX Response
     // --------------------------------------------
     if ($this->is_ajax_request()) {
         $this->send_ajax_response(array('success' => TRUE, 'heading' => lang('user_successful_submission'), 'message' => lang('mbr_registration_completed') . "\n\n" . $message, 'content' => lang('mbr_registration_completed') . "\n\n" . $message));
     /**	----------------------------------------
     		/**	Return
     		/**	----------------------------------------*/
     $return = $this->_chars_decode($return);
     if ($remote === FALSE) {