Ejemplo n.º 1
if (trav_is_multi_currency()) {
					<li class="ribbon">
						<a href="#" title=""><?php 
    echo esc_html(trav_get_user_currency());
						<ul class="menu mini">
    $all_currencies = trav_get_all_available_currencies();
    if (!empty($all_currencies)) {
        foreach (array_filter($trav_options['site_currencies']) as $key => $content) {
            $class = "";
            if (trav_get_user_currency() == $key) {
                $class = ' class="active"';
            $params = $_GET;
            $params['selected_currency'] = $key;
            $paramString = http_build_query($params, '', '&amp;');
            echo '<li' . wp_kses_post($class) . '><a href="' . esc_url(strtok($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') . '?' . $paramString) . '" title="' . esc_attr($all_currencies[$key]) . '">' . esc_html(strtoupper($key)) . '</a></li>';
Ejemplo n.º 2
Redux::setArgs($opt_name, $args);
$tabs = array(array('id' => 'redux-help-tab-1', 'title' => __('Theme Information', 'trav'), 'content' => __('<p>If you have any question please check documentation <a href="http://soaptheme.net/document/travelo-wp/">Documentation</a>. And that are beyond the scope of documentation, please feel free to contact us.</p>', 'trav')));
Redux::setHelpTab($opt_name, $tabs);
// Set the help sidebar
$content = __('<p></p>', 'trav');
Redux::setHelpSidebar($opt_name, $content);
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Basic Settings', 'trav'), 'id' => 'basic-settings', 'icon' => 'el el-home', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'welcome_txt', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Welcome Text', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Set welcome text on login and signup page', 'trav'), 'default' => 'Welcome to Travelo!'), array('id' => 'signup_desc', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Agreement Content', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __("Set agreement content for signup. ( in signup modal )", 'trav'), 'default' => "By signing up, I agree to Travelo's Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Guest Refund Policy, and Host Guarantee Terms"), array('id' => 'copyright', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Copyright Text', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Set copyright text in footer', 'trav'), 'default' => '2015 Travelo'), array('id' => 'email', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('E-Mail Address', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Set email address text in header( in header7 )', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Leave blank to hide e-mail field', 'trav'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'phone_no', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Phone Number', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Set phone number text in header( in header2 & header7 )', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Leave blank to hide phone number field', 'trav'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'pace_loading', 'type' => 'switch', 'title' => __('Page Load Progress Bar', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Enable page load progress bar while page loading', 'trav'), 'default' => true), array('id' => 'modal_login', 'type' => 'switch', 'title' => __('Modal Login/Sign Up', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Enable modal login and modal signup.', 'trav'), 'default' => true), array('id' => 'ajax_pagination', 'type' => 'switch', 'title' => __('Ajax Pagination', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Enable ajax pagination.', 'trav'), 'default' => false), array('id' => 'sticky_menu', 'type' => 'switch', 'title' => __('Sticky Menu', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Enable Sticky Menu', 'trav'), 'default' => true), array('id' => 'date_format', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Date Format', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Please select a date format for datepicker.', 'trav'), 'options' => array('mm/dd/yy' => 'mm/dd/yy', 'dd/mm/yy' => 'dd/mm/yy', 'yy-mm-dd' => 'yy-mm-dd'), 'default' => 'mm/dd/yy'))));
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Styling Options', 'trav'), 'id' => 'styling-settings', 'icon' => 'el el-brush'));
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Logo & Favicon', 'trav'), 'id' => 'logo-settings', 'subsection' => true, 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'favicon', 'type' => 'media', 'url' => true, 'title' => __('Favicon'), 'compiler' => 'true', 'desc' => '', 'subtitle' => __('Set a 16x16 ico image for your favicon', 'trav'), 'default' => array('url' => TRAV_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_URI . "/images/favicon.ico")), array('id' => 'logo', 'type' => 'media', 'url' => true, 'title' => __('Logo Image'), 'compiler' => 'true', 'desc' => '', 'subtitle' => __('Set an image file for your logo', 'trav'), 'default' => array('url' => TRAV_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_URI . "/images/logo.png")), array('id' => 'logo_height_header', 'type' => 'dimensions', 'units' => 'px', 'units_extended' => 'false', 'title' => __('Header Logo Height', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Set height of logo in header', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Leave blank to use default value that supported by each header style', 'trav'), 'width' => false, 'default' => array()), array('id' => 'logo_height_footer', 'type' => 'dimensions', 'units' => 'px', 'units_extended' => 'false', 'title' => __('Footer Logo Height', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Set height of logo in footer', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Leave blank to use default value that supported by each footer style', 'trav'), 'width' => false, 'default' => array()), array('id' => 'logo_height_loading', 'type' => 'dimensions', 'units' => 'px', 'units_extended' => 'false', 'title' => __('Loading Page Logo Height', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Set height of logo in loading page', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Leave blank to use default value that supported by theme', 'trav'), 'width' => false, 'default' => array()), array('id' => 'logo_height_404', 'type' => 'dimensions', 'units' => 'px', 'units_extended' => 'false', 'title' => __('404 Page Logo Height', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Set height of logo in 404', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Leave blank to use default value that supported by theme', 'trav'), 'width' => false, 'default' => array()), array('id' => 'logo_height_chaser', 'type' => 'dimensions', 'units' => 'px', 'units_extended' => 'false', 'title' => __('Chaser Menu Logo Height', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Set height of logo in chaser menu ( fixed menu bar at the top while scrolling. ). ', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Leave blank to use default value that supported by theme', 'trav'), 'width' => false, 'default' => array()))));
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Header & Footer', 'trav'), 'id' => 'hf-settings', 'subsection' => true, 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'header_style', 'type' => 'image_select', 'title' => __('Header Style', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Select header style', 'trav'), 'options' => array('header' => array('alt' => 'header0', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/header/h-def.jpg'), 'header1' => array('alt' => 'header1', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/header/h1.jpg'), 'header2' => array('alt' => 'header2', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/header/h2.jpg'), 'header3' => array('alt' => 'header3', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/header/h3.jpg'), 'header4' => array('alt' => 'header4', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/header/h4.jpg'), 'header5' => array('alt' => 'header5', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/header/h5.jpg'), 'header6' => array('alt' => 'header6', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/header/h6.jpg'), 'header7' => array('alt' => 'header7', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/header/h7.jpg')), 'default' => 'header'), array('id' => 'footer_skin', 'type' => 'image_select', 'title' => __('Footer Style', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Select footer style', 'trav'), 'options' => array('style-def' => array('alt' => 'style-def', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/footer/style-def.jpg'), 'style1' => array('alt' => 'style1', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/footer/style1.jpg'), 'style2' => array('alt' => 'style2', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/footer/style2.jpg'), 'style3' => array('alt' => 'style3', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/footer/style3.jpg'), 'style4' => array('alt' => 'style4', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/footer/style4.jpg'), 'style5' => array('alt' => 'style5', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/footer/style5.jpg'), 'style6' => array('alt' => 'style6', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/footer/style6.jpg')), 'default' => 'style-def'))));
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Site Skin & Layout', 'trav'), 'id' => 'skin-settings', 'subsection' => true, 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'skin', 'type' => 'image_select', 'title' => __('Site Skin', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Select a Site Skin', 'trav'), 'options' => array('style-light-blue' => array('alt' => 'light blue', 'title' => 'Light-Blue', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/skin/light-blue.jpg'), 'style-dark-blue' => array('alt' => 'dark blue', 'title' => 'Dark-Blue', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/skin/dark-blue.jpg'), 'style-sea-blue' => array('alt' => 'sea blue', 'title' => 'Sea-Blue', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/skin/sea-blue.jpg'), 'style-sky-blue' => array('alt' => 'sky blue', 'title' => 'Sky-Blue', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/skin/sky-blue.jpg'), 'style-dark-orange' => array('alt' => 'dark orange', 'title' => 'Dark-Orange', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/skin/dark-orange.jpg'), 'style-light-orange' => array('alt' => 'light orange', 'title' => 'Light-Orange', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/skin/light-orange.jpg'), 'style-light-yellow' => array('alt' => 'light yellow', 'title' => 'Light-Yellow', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/skin/light-yellow.jpg'), 'style-orange' => array('alt' => 'orange', 'title' => 'Orange', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/skin/orange.jpg'), 'style-purple' => array('alt' => 'purple', 'title' => 'Purple', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/skin/purple.jpg'), 'style-red' => array('alt' => 'red', 'title' => 'Red', 'img' => TRAV_IMAGE_URL . '/admin/skin/red.jpg')), 'default' => 'style-light-blue'), array('id' => 'boxed_version', 'type' => 'switch', 'title' => __('Boxed Layout', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Enable Boxed Layout', 'trav'), 'default' => false), array('id' => 'body_background', 'type' => 'background', 'required' => array('boxed_version', '=', true), 'output' => array('body'), 'title' => __('Body Background', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Body background with image, color, etc.', 'trav'), 'default' => '#FFFFFF'))));
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Social Sharing Links', 'trav'), 'id' => 'social-settings', 'subsection' => true, 'fields' => array(array('title' => __('Facebook', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Insert your custom link to show the Facebook icon. Leave blank to hide icon.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'facebook', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Twitter', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Insert your custom link to show the Twitter icon. Leave blank to hide icon.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'twitter', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Google+', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Insert your custom link to show the Google+ icon. Leave blank to hide icon.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'googleplus', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('LinkedIn', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Insert your custom link to show the LinkedIn icon. Leave blank to hide icon.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'linkedin', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('YouTube', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Insert your custom link to show the YouTube icon. Leave blank to hide icon.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'youtube', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Vimeo', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Insert your custom link to show the Vimeo icon. Leave blank to hide icon.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'vimeo', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Pinterest', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Insert your custom link to show the Pinterest icon. Leave blank to hide icon.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'pinterest', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Skype', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Insert your custom link to show the Skype icon. Leave blank to hide icon.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'skype', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Instagram', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Insert your custom link to show the Instagram icon. Leave blank to hide icon.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'instagram', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Dribbble', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Insert your custom link to show the Dribbble icon. Leave blank to hide icon.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'dribble', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Flickr', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Insert your custom link to show the Flickr icon. Leave blank to hide icon.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'flickr', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Tumblr', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Insert your custom link to show the Tumblr icon. Leave blank to hide icon.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tumblr', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Behance', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('Insert your custom link to show the Behance icon. Leave blank to hide icon.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'behance', 'type' => 'text'))));
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Custom JS & CSS', 'trav'), 'id' => 'custom-code', 'subsection' => true, 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'custom_css', 'type' => 'ace_editor', 'title' => __('Custom CSS Code', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Paste your CSS code here.', 'trav'), 'mode' => 'css', 'theme' => 'chrome', 'default' => ""), array('id' => 'custom_js', 'type' => 'ace_editor', 'title' => __('Custom Javascript Code', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Paste your Javascript code here.', 'trav'), 'mode' => 'javascript', 'theme' => 'chrome', 'default' => ""))));
$desc = __('All price fields in admin panel will be considered in this currency', 'trav');
require_once TRAV_INC_DIR . '/functions/currency.php';
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Currency Settings', 'trav'), 'id' => 'currency-settings', 'icon' => 'el el-usd', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'def_currency', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Default Currency', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Select default currency', 'trav'), 'desc' => apply_filters('trav_options_def_currency_desc', $desc), 'options' => trav_get_all_available_currencies(), 'default' => 'usd'), array('id' => 'site_currencies', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => __('Available Currencies', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('You can select currencies that this site support. You can manage currency list <a href="admin.php?page=currencies">here</a>', 'trav'), 'desc' => '', 'options' => trav_get_all_available_currencies(), 'default' => trav_get_default_available_currencies()), array('id' => 'cs_pos', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('Currency Symbol Position', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __("Select a Curency Symbol Position for Frontend", 'trav'), 'desc' => '', 'options' => array('before' => __('Before Price', 'trav'), 'after' => __('After Price', 'trav')), 'default' => 'before'), array('id' => 'desimal_prec', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Decimal Precision', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Please choose desimal precision', 'trav'), 'desc' => '', 'options' => array('0' => '0', '1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3'), 'default' => '2'), array('id' => 'currency_format', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Currency Display Format', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Please choose currency display format', 'trav'), 'desc' => '', 'options' => array('nodelimit-point' => '####.##', 'nodelimit-comma' => '####,##', 'cdelimit-point' => '#,###.##', 'pdelimit-comma' => '#.###,##', 'cbdelimit-point' => "#, ###.##", 'bdelimit-point' => '# ###.##', 'bdelimit-comma' => '# ###,##', 'qdelimit-point' => "#'###.##"), 'default' => 'nodelimit-point'))));
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Main Page Settings', 'trav'), 'id' => 'main-page-settings', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'dashboard_page', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Dashboard Page', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('User Dashboard Page.', 'trav'), 'desc' => '', 'options' => $options_pages, 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'login_page', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Login Page', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('You can leave this field blank if you don\'t need Custom Login Page', 'trav'), 'desc' => __('If you set wrong page you should be unable to login. In that case you can login with /wp-login.php?no_redirect=1', 'trav'), 'options' => $options_pages, 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'redirect_page', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Page to Redirect to on login', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Select a Page to Redirect to on login.', 'trav'), 'options' => $options_pages, 'default' => ''))));
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Accommodation', 'trav'), 'id' => 'accommodation-settings'));
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Accommodation Main Settings', 'trav'), 'id' => 'accommodation-main-settings', 'subsection' => true, 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'disable_acc', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('Enable/Disable accommodation feature.', 'trav'), 'default' => 0, 'options' => array('0' => __('Enable', 'trav'), '1' => __('Disable', 'trav'))), array('id' => 'acc_booking_page', 'type' => 'select', 'required' => array('disable_acc', '=', '0'), 'title' => __('Accommodation Booking Page', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('This sets the base page of your accommodation booking.', 'trav'), 'options' => $options_pages), array('id' => 'acc_booking_confirmation_page', 'type' => 'select', 'required' => array('disable_acc', '=', '0'), 'title' => __('Accommodation Booking Confirmation Page', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('This sets the accommodation booking confirmation page.', 'trav'), 'options' => $options_pages), array('id' => 'terms_page', 'type' => 'select', 'required' => array('disable_acc', '=', '0'), 'title' => __('Terms & Conditions Page', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Booking Terms and Conditions Page.', 'trav'), 'options' => $options_pages), array('id' => 'acc_posts', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => array('disable_acc', '=', '0'), 'title' => __('Accommodations per page', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Select a number of accommodations to show on Search Accommodation Result Page', 'trav'), 'default' => '12'), array('id' => "acc_price_filter_max", 'type' => 'text', 'required' => array('disable_acc', '=', '0'), 'title' => "Price Filter Max Value", 'subtitle' => __("Set a max price value for price search filter", 'trav'), 'default' => "200"), array('id' => "acc_price_filter_step", 'type' => 'text', 'required' => array('disable_acc', '=', '0'), 'title' => "Price Filter Step", 'subtitle' => __("Set a price step value for price search filter", 'trav'), 'default' => "50"), array('id' => 'vld_captcha', 'type' => 'switch', 'required' => array('disable_acc', '=', '0'), 'title' => __('Captcha validation on booking', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Use captcha validation while booking.', 'trav'), 'default' => true))));
// add-on compatibility
$acc_add_on_settings = apply_filters('trav_options_acc_addon_settings', array());
if (!empty($acc_add_on_settings)) {
    Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Accommodation Add-On Settings', 'trav'), 'id' => 'accommodation-add-settings', 'subsection' => true, 'fields' => array($acc_add_on_settings)));
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Accommodation Email Settings', 'trav'), 'id' => 'accommodation-email-settings', 'subsection' => true, 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'acc_confirm_email_start', 'type' => 'section', 'title' => __('Customer Email Setting', 'trav'), 'indent' => true), array('title' => __('Enable Icalendar', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Send icalendar with booking confirmation email.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_confirm_email_ical', 'default' => true, 'type' => 'switch'), array('title' => __('Booking Confirmation Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Accommodation booking confirmation email subject.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_confirm_email_subject', 'default' => 'Your booking at [accommodation_name]', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Booking Confirmation Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Accommodation booking confirmation email description.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_confirm_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/acc_confirm_email_description.htm'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('title' => __('Update Booking Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Accommodation update booking email subject.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_update_email_subject', 'default' => 'Your booking at [accommodation_name] is now updated.', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Update Booking Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Accommodation update booking email description.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_update_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/acc_update_email_description.htm'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('title' => __('Cancel Booking Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Accommodation cancel booking email subject.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_cancel_email_subject', 'default' => 'Your booking at [accommodation_name] is now canceled.', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Cancel Booking Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Accommodation cancel booking email description.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_cancel_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/acc_cancel_email_description.htm'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('id' => 'acc_confirm_email_end', 'type' => 'section', 'indent' => false), array('id' => 'acc_admin_email_start', 'type' => 'section', 'title' => __('Admin Notification Setting', 'trav'), 'indent' => true), array('title' => __('Administrator Notification', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('enable individual booked email notification to site administrator.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_booked_notify_admin', 'default' => 'true', 'type' => 'switch'), array('title' => __('Administrator Booking Notification Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Administrator Notification Email Subject for Accommodation Booking.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_admin_email_subject', 'default' => 'Received a booking at [accommodation_name]', 'required' => array('acc_booked_notify_admin', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Administrator Booking Notification Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Administrator Notification Email Description for Accommodation Booking.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_admin_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/acc_admin_email_description.htm'), 'required' => array('acc_booked_notify_admin', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('title' => __('Administrator Booking Update Notification Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Administrator notification email subject for accommodation booking update.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_update_admin_email_subject', 'default' => 'A booking at [accommodation_name] is updated.', 'required' => array('acc_booked_notify_admin', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Administrator Booking Update Notification Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Administrator notification email description for accommodation booking update.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_update_admin_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/acc_update_admin_email_description.htm'), 'required' => array('acc_booked_notify_admin', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('title' => __('Administrator Booking Cancel Notification Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Administrator notification email subject for accommodation booking cancel.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_cancel_admin_email_subject', 'default' => 'A booking at [accommodation_name] is canceled.', 'required' => array('acc_booked_notify_admin', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Administrator Booking Cancel Notification Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Administrator notification email description for accommodation booking cancel.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_cancel_admin_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/acc_cancel_admin_email_description.htm'), 'required' => array('acc_booked_notify_admin', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('id' => 'acc_admin_email_end', 'type' => 'section', 'indent' => false), array('id' => 'acc_bowner_email_start', 'type' => 'section', 'title' => __('Accommodation Onwer Notification Setting', 'trav'), 'indent' => true), array('title' => __('Accommodation Owner Notification', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('enable individual booked email notification to accommodation owner.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_booked_notify_bowner', 'default' => 'true', 'type' => 'switch'), array('title' => __('Accommodation Owner Notification Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Accommodation Owner Notification Email Subject for Accommodation Booking.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_bowner_email_subject', 'default' => 'Received a booking at [accommodation_name]', 'required' => array('acc_booked_notify_bowner', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Accommodation Owner Notification Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Accommodation Owner Notification Email Description for Accommodation Booking.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_bowner_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/acc_bowner_email_description.htm'), 'required' => array('acc_booked_notify_bowner', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('title' => __('Accommodation Owner Booking Update Notification Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Accommodation Owner notification email subject for accommodation booking update.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_update_bowner_email_subject', 'default' => 'A booking at [accommodation_name] is updated.', 'required' => array('acc_booked_notify_bowner', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Accommodation Owner Booking Update Notification Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Accommodation Owner notification email description for accommodation booking update.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_update_bowner_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/acc_update_bowner_email_description.htm'), 'required' => array('acc_booked_notify_bowner', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('title' => __('Accommodation Owner Booking Cancel Notification Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Accommodation Owner notification email subject for accommodation booking cancel.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_cancel_bowner_email_subject', 'default' => 'A booking at [accommodation_name] is canceled.', 'required' => array('acc_booked_notify_bowner', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Accommodation Owner Booking Cancel Notification Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Accommodation Owner notification email description for accommodation booking cancel.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'acc_cancel_bowner_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/acc_cancel_bowner_email_description.htm'), 'required' => array('acc_booked_notify_bowner', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('id' => 'acc_bowner_email_end', 'type' => 'section', 'indent' => false))));
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Tour', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour-settings'));
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Tour Main Settings', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour-main-settings', 'subsection' => true, 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'disable_tour', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('Enable/Disable tour feature.', 'trav'), 'default' => 0, 'options' => array('0' => __('Enable', 'trav'), '1' => __('Disable', 'trav'))), array('id' => 'tour_booking_page', 'type' => 'select', 'required' => array('disable_tour', '=', '0'), 'title' => __('Tour Booking Page', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('This sets the base page of your tour booking.', 'trav'), 'options' => $options_pages), array('id' => 'tour_booking_confirmation_page', 'type' => 'select', 'required' => array('disable_tour', '=', '0'), 'title' => __('Tour Booking Confirmation Page', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('This sets the tour booking confirmation page.', 'trav'), 'options' => $options_pages), array('id' => 'tour_terms_page', 'type' => 'select', 'required' => array('disable_tour', '=', '0'), 'title' => __('Terms & Conditions Page', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Booking Terms and Conditions Page.', 'trav'), 'options' => $options_pages), array('id' => 'tour_posts', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => array('disable_tour', '=', '0'), 'title' => __('Tours per page', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Select a number of tours to show on Search Tour Result Page', 'trav'), 'default' => '12'), array('id' => "tour_price_filter_max", 'type' => 'text', 'required' => array('disable_tour', '=', '0'), 'title' => "Price Filter Max Value", 'subtitle' => __("Set a max price value for price search filter", 'trav'), 'default' => "200"), array('id' => "tour_price_filter_step", 'type' => 'text', 'required' => array('disable_tour', '=', '0'), 'title' => "Price Filter Step", 'subtitle' => __("Set a price step value for price search filter", 'trav'), 'default' => "50"), array('id' => 'tour_vld_captcha', 'type' => 'switch', 'required' => array('disable_tour', '=', '0'), 'title' => __('Captcha validation on booking', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Use captcha validation while booking.', 'trav'), 'default' => true))));
Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Tour Email Settings', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour-email-settings', 'subsection' => true, 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'tour_confirm_email_start', 'type' => 'section', 'title' => __('Customer Email Setting', 'trav'), 'indent' => true), array('title' => __('Booking Confirmation Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Tour booking confirmation email subject.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour_confirm_email_subject', 'default' => 'Your booking at [tour_name]', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Booking Confirmation Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Tour booking confirmation email description.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour_confirm_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/tour_confirm_email_description.htm'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('title' => __('Cancel Booking Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Tour cancel booking email subject.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour_cancel_email_subject', 'default' => 'Your booking at [tour_name] is now canceled.', 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Cancel Booking Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Tour cancel booking email description.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour_cancel_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/tour_cancel_email_description.htm'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('id' => 'tour_confirm_email_end', 'type' => 'section', 'indent' => false), array('id' => 'tour_admin_email_start', 'type' => 'section', 'title' => __('Admin Notification Setting', 'trav'), 'indent' => true), array('title' => __('Administrator Notification', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('enable individual booked email notification to site administrator.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour_booked_notify_admin', 'default' => 'true', 'type' => 'switch'), array('title' => __('Administrator Booking Notification Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Administrator Notification Email Subject for Tour Booking.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour_admin_email_subject', 'default' => 'Received a booking at [tour_name]', 'required' => array('tour_booked_notify_admin', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Administrator Booking Notification Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Administrator Notification Email Description for Tour Booking.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour_admin_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/tour_admin_email_description.htm'), 'required' => array('tour_booked_notify_admin', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('title' => __('Administrator Booking Cancel Notification Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Administrator notification email subject for tour booking cancel.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour_cancel_admin_email_subject', 'default' => 'A booking at [tour_name] is canceled.', 'required' => array('tour_booked_notify_admin', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Administrator Booking Cancel Notification Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Administrator notification email description for tour booking cancel.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour_cancel_admin_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/tour_cancel_admin_email_description.htm'), 'required' => array('tour_booked_notify_admin', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('id' => 'tour_admin_email_end', 'type' => 'section', 'indent' => false), array('id' => 'tour_bowner_email_start', 'type' => 'section', 'title' => __('Tour Onwer Notification Setting', 'trav'), 'indent' => true), array('title' => __('Tour Owner Notification', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('enable individual booked email notification to tour owner.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour_booked_notify_bowner', 'default' => 'true', 'type' => 'switch'), array('title' => __('Tour Owner Notification Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Tour Owner Notification Email Subject for Tour Booking.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour_bowner_email_subject', 'default' => 'Received a booking at [tour_name]', 'required' => array('tour_booked_notify_bowner', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Tour Owner Notification Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Tour Owner Notification Email Description for Tour Booking.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour_bowner_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/tour_bowner_email_description.htm'), 'required' => array('tour_booked_notify_bowner', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('title' => __('Tour Owner Booking Cancel Notification Email Subject', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Tour Owner notification email subject for tour booking cancel.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour_cancel_bowner_email_subject', 'default' => 'A booking at [tour_name] is canceled.', 'required' => array('tour_booked_notify_bowner', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'text'), array('title' => __('Tour Owner Booking Cancel Notification Email Description', 'trav'), 'subtitle' => __('Tour Owner notification email description for tour booking cancel.', 'trav'), 'id' => 'tour_cancel_bowner_email_description', 'default' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/tour_cancel_bowner_email_description.htm'), 'required' => array('tour_booked_notify_bowner', '=', '1'), 'type' => 'editor'), array('id' => 'tour_bowner_email_end', 'type' => 'section', 'indent' => false))));
// add-on compatibility
$tour_add_on_settings = apply_filters('trav_options_tour_addon_settings', array());
if (!empty($tour_add_on_settings)) {