Ejemplo n.º 1
function showscores($questions, $attempts, $testsettings)
    global $isdiag, $allowregen, $isreview, $noindivscores, $scores, $bestscores, $qi, $superdone, $timelimitkickout, $reviewatend;
    $total = 0;
    $lastattempttotal = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($bestscores); $i++) {
        if (getpts($bestscores[$i]) > 0) {
            $total += getpts($bestscores[$i]);
        if (getpts($scores[$i]) > 0) {
            $lastattempttotal += getpts($scores[$i]);
    $totpossible = totalpointspossible($qi);
    $average = round(100 * (double) $total / (double) $totpossible, 1);
    $doendredirect = false;
    $outmsg = '';
    if ($testsettings['endmsg'] != '') {
        $endmsg = unserialize($testsettings['endmsg']);
        $redirecturl = '';
        if (isset($endmsg['msgs'])) {
            foreach ($endmsg['msgs'] as $sc => $msg) {
                //array must be reverse sorted
                if ($endmsg['type'] == 0 && $total >= $sc || $endmsg['type'] == 1 && $average >= $sc) {
                    $outmsg = $msg;
            if ($outmsg == '') {
                $outmsg = $endmsg['def'];
            if (!isset($endmsg['commonmsg'])) {
                $endmsg['commonmsg'] = '';
            if (strpos($outmsg, 'redirectto:') !== false) {
                $redirecturl = trim(substr($outmsg, 11));
                echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"", _('Continue'), "\" onclick=\"window.location.href='{$redirecturl}'\"/>";
                return false;
    if ($isdiag) {
        global $userid;
        $query = "SELECT * from imas_users WHERE id='{$userid}'";
        $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error());
        $userinfo = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
        echo "<h3>{$userinfo['LastName']}, {$userinfo['FirstName']}: ";
        echo substr($userinfo['SID'], 0, strpos($userinfo['SID'], '~'));
        echo "</h3>\n";
    echo "<h3>", _('Scores:'), "</h3>\n";
    if (!$noindivscores && !$reviewatend) {
        echo "<table class=scores>";
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($scores); $i++) {
            echo "<tr><td>";
            if ($bestscores[$i] == -1) {
                $bestscores[$i] = 0;
            if ($scores[$i] == -1) {
                $scores[$i] = 0;
                echo _('Question') . ' ' . ($i + 1) . ': </td><td>';
                echo _('Last attempt: ');
                echo _('Not answered');
                echo "</td>";
                echo "<td>  ", _('Score in Gradebook: ');
                echo printscore($bestscores[$i], $i);
                echo "</td>";
                echo "</tr>\n";
            } else {
                echo _('Question') . ' ' . ($i + 1) . ': </td><td>';
                echo _('Last attempt: ');
                echo printscore($scores[$i], $i);
                echo "</td>";
                echo "<td>  ", _('Score in Gradebook: ');
                echo printscore($bestscores[$i], $i);
                echo "</td>";
                echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "</table>";
    global $testid;
    if ($testsettings['testtype'] != "NoScores") {
        echo "<p>", sprintf(_('Total Points on Last Attempts:  %d out of %d possible'), $lastattempttotal, $totpossible), "</p>\n";
        //if ($total<$testsettings['minscore']) {
        if ($testsettings['minscore'] < 10000 && $total < $testsettings['minscore'] || $testsettings['minscore'] > 10000 && $total < ($testsettings['minscore'] - 10000) / 100 * $totpossible) {
            echo "<p><b>", sprintf(_('Total Points Earned:  %d out of %d possible: '), $total, $totpossible);
        } else {
            echo "<p><b>", sprintf(_('Total Points in Gradebook: %d out of %d possible: '), $total, $totpossible);
        echo "{$average} % </b></p>\n";
        if ($outmsg != '') {
            echo "<p style=\"color:red;font-weight: bold;\">{$outmsg}</p>";
            if ($endmsg['commonmsg'] != '' && $endmsg['commonmsg'] != '<p></p>') {
                echo $endmsg['commonmsg'];
        //if ($total<$testsettings['minscore']) {
        if ($testsettings['minscore'] < 10000 && $total < $testsettings['minscore'] || $testsettings['minscore'] > 10000 && $total < ($testsettings['minscore'] - 10000) / 100 * $totpossible) {
            if ($testsettings['minscore'] < 10000) {
                $reqscore = $testsettings['minscore'];
            } else {
                $reqscore = $testsettings['minscore'] - 10000 . '%';
            echo "<p><span style=\"color:red;\"><b>", sprintf(_('A score of %s is required to receive credit for this assessment'), $reqscore), "<br/>", _('Grade in Gradebook: No Credit (NC)'), "</span></p> ";
    } else {
        echo "<p><b>", _('Your scores have been recorded for this assessment.'), "</b></p>";
    //if timelimit is exceeded
    $now = time();
    if (!$timelimitkickout && $testsettings['timelimit'] > 0 && $now - $GLOBALS['starttime'] > $testsettings['timelimit']) {
        $over = $now - $GLOBALS['starttime'] - $testsettings['timelimit'];
        echo "<p>", _('Time limit exceeded by'), " ";
        if ($over > 60) {
            $overmin = floor($over / 60);
            echo "{$overmin} ", _('minutes'), ", ";
            $over = $over - $overmin * 60;
        echo "{$over} ", _('seconds'), ".<br/>\n";
        echo _('Grade is subject to acceptance by the instructor'), "</p>\n";
    if (!$superdone) {
        // $total < $totpossible &&
        if ($noindivscores) {
            echo "<p>", _('<a href="showtest.php?reattempt=all">Reattempt assessment</a> on questions allowed (note: where reattempts are allowed, all scores, correct and incorrect, will be cleared)'), "</p>";
        } else {
            if (canimproveany()) {
                echo "<p>", _('<a href="showtest.php?reattempt=canimprove">Reattempt assessment</a> on questions that can be improved where allowed'), "</p>";
            if (hasreattemptsany()) {
                echo "<p>", _('<a href="showtest.php?reattempt=all">Reattempt assessment</a> on all questions where allowed'), "</p>";
        if ($allowregen) {
            echo "<p>", _('<a href="showtest.php?regenall=missed">Try similar problems</a> for all questions with less than perfect scores where allowed.'), "</p>";
            echo "<p>", _('<a href="showtest.php?regenall=all">Try similar problems</a> for all questions where allowed.'), "</p>";
    if ($testsettings['testtype'] != "NoScores") {
        $hascatset = false;
        foreach ($qi as $qii) {
            if ($qii['category'] != '0') {
                $hascatset = true;
        if ($hascatset) {
            include "../assessment/catscores.php";
            catscores($questions, $bestscores, $testsettings['defpoints'], $testsettings['defoutcome'], $testsettings['courseid']);
    if ($reviewatend) {
        global $testtype, $scores, $saenddate, $isteacher, $istutor, $seeds, $attempts, $rawscores, $noraw;
        $showa = false;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($questions); $i++) {
            echo '<div>';
            if (!$noraw) {
                if (strpos($rawscores[$i], '~') !== false) {
                    $col = explode('~', $rawscores[$i]);
                } else {
                    $col = array($rawscores[$i]);
            } else {
                $col = scorestocolors($noraw ? $scores[$i] : $rawscores[$i], $qi[$questions[$i]]['points'], $qi[$questions[$i]]['answeights'], $noraw);
            displayq($i, $qi[$questions[$i]]['questionsetid'], $seeds[$i], $showa, false, $attempts[$i], false, false, false, $col);
            echo "<div class=review>", _('Question') . " " . ($i + 1) . ". ", _('Last Attempt:');
            echo printscore($scores[$i], $i);
            echo '<br/>', _('Score in Gradebook: ');
            echo printscore($bestscores[$i], $i);
            echo '</div>';
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function recordtestdata($limit = false)
    global $isreview, $questions, $bestquestions, $bestscores, $bestattempts, $bestseeds, $bestlastanswers, $scores, $attempts, $seeds, $lastanswers, $testid, $testsettings, $sessiondata, $reattempting, $timesontask, $lti_sourcedid, $qi, $noraw, $rawscores, $bestrawscores, $firstrawscores;
    if ($noraw) {
        $bestscorelist = implode(',', $bestscores);
    } else {
        $bestscorelist = implode(',', $bestscores) . ';' . implode(',', $bestrawscores) . ';' . implode(',', $firstrawscores);
    $bestattemptslist = implode(',', $bestattempts);
    $bestseedslist = implode(',', $bestseeds);
    $bestlastanswers = str_replace('~', '', $bestlastanswers);
    $bestlalist = implode('~', $bestlastanswers);
    $bestlalist = addslashes(stripslashes($bestlalist));
    if ($noraw) {
        $scorelist = implode(',', $scores);
    } else {
        $scorelist = implode(',', $scores) . ';' . implode(',', $rawscores);
    $attemptslist = implode(',', $attempts);
    $seedslist = implode(',', $seeds);
    $lastanswers = str_replace('~', '', $lastanswers);
    $lalist = implode('~', $lastanswers);
    $lalist = addslashes(stripslashes($lalist));
    $timeslist = implode(',', $timesontask);
    $reattemptinglist = implode(',', $reattempting);
    $questionlist = implode(',', $questions);
    $bestquestionlist = implode(',', $bestquestions);
    if ($questionlist != $bestquestionlist) {
        $questionlist .= ';' . $bestquestionlist;
    $now = time();
    if ($isreview) {
        if ($limit) {
            $query = "UPDATE imas_assessment_sessions SET reviewlastanswers='{$lalist}' ";
        } else {
            $query = "UPDATE imas_assessment_sessions SET reviewscores='{$scorelist}',reviewattempts='{$attemptslist}',reviewseeds='{$seedslist}',reviewlastanswers='{$lalist}',";
            $query .= "reviewreattempting='{$reattemptinglist}' ";
    } else {
        if ($limit) {
            $query = "UPDATE imas_assessment_sessions SET lastanswers='{$lalist}',timeontask='{$timeslist}' ";
        } else {
            $query = "UPDATE imas_assessment_sessions SET scores='{$scorelist}',attempts='{$attemptslist}',seeds='{$seedslist}',lastanswers='{$lalist}',";
            $query .= "bestseeds='{$bestseedslist}',bestattempts='{$bestattemptslist}',bestscores='{$bestscorelist}',bestlastanswers='{$bestlalist}',";
            $query .= "endtime={$now},reattempting='{$reattemptinglist}',timeontask='{$timeslist}',questions='{$questionlist}' ";
        if (isset($lti_sourcedid) && strlen($lti_sourcedid) > 0 && $sessiondata['ltiitemtype'] == 0) {
            //update lti record.  We only do this for single assessment placements
            require_once "../includes/ltioutcomes.php";
            $total = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($bestscores); $i++) {
                if (getpts($bestscores[$i]) > 0) {
                    $total += getpts($bestscores[$i]);
            $totpossible = totalpointspossible($qi);
            $grade = round($total / $totpossible, 4);
            $res = updateLTIgrade('update', $lti_sourcedid, $testsettings['id'], $grade);
    if ($testsettings['isgroup'] > 0 && $sessiondata['groupid'] > 0 && !$isreview) {
        $query .= "WHERE agroupid='{$sessiondata['groupid']}' AND assessmentid='{$testsettings['id']}'";
    } else {
        $query .= "WHERE id='{$testid}' LIMIT 1";
    mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : {$query} " . mysql_error());