$sql = "SELECT * FROM `activity_logs` WHERE `log` LIKE '%" . $_POST["text_search"] . "%' ORDER BY `activity_logs`.`timestamp` DESC"; } $sql_result = mysql_query($sql); $sql_num_results = mysql_num_rows($sql_result); for ($i = 0; $i < $sql_num_results; $i++) { $sql_row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result); $body_string .= '<tr> <td class="style2"><p style="width:162px;">[ ' . $sql_row["timestamp"] . ' ]<br>' . unix_timestamp_to_human($sql_row["timestamp"]) . '</p></td> <td class="style2"><p style="word-wrap:break-word; width:425px;">' . $sql_row["log"] . '</p></td> <td class="style2">' . $sql_row["attribute"] . '</td></tr>'; } $body_string .= '</table> <FORM ACTION="index.php?menu=tools&logs=clear" METHOD="post" onclick="return confirm(\'Clear All Logs?\');"> <table border="0"><tr><td style="width:650px" align="right"><input type="submit" name="clear_logs" value="Clear All Logs" /></td></tr></table></FORM></div>'; } $text_bar = tools_bar(); $quick_info = '<strong>History Walk</strong> will manually test all transactions starting at the specified cycle and give a status for each cycle.<br><br> <strong>Check</strong> will schedule Timekoin to check and repair the specified cycle.<br><br> <strong>Repair</strong> will force Timekoin to recalculate all verification hashes from the specified cycle to now.<br><br> <strong>Check DB</strong> will check the data integrity of all tables in the database.<br><br> <strong>Optimize DB</strong> will optimize all tables & indexes in the database.<br><br> <strong>Repair DB</strong> will attempt to repair all tables in the database.<br><br> <strong>Clear Foundation</strong> will purge all transaction foundation hashes resulting in a database rebuild.<br><br> <strong>Clear Banlist</strong> will wipe all recently banned IP address.<br><br> <strong>Clear Gen</strong> will empty both the current generation list & election queue list.<br><br>'; home_screen('Tools - Database Utilities - Server Logs', $text_bar, $body_string, $quick_info); exit; } //**************************************************************************** if ($_GET["menu"] == "backup") { if ($_GET["dorestore"] == "private" && empty($_POST["restore_private_key"]) == FALSE) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `activity_logs` WHERE `log` LIKE '%" . $_POST["text_search"] . "%' ORDER BY `activity_logs`.`timestamp` DESC"; } $sql_result = mysql_query($sql); $sql_num_results = mysql_num_rows($sql_result); for ($i = 0; $i < $sql_num_results; $i++) { $sql_row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result); $body_string .= '<tr> <td class="style2"><p style="width:162px;">[ ' . $sql_row["timestamp"] . ' ]<br>' . unix_timestamp_to_human($sql_row["timestamp"], $user_timezone) . '</p></td> <td class="style2"><p style="word-wrap:break-word; width:425px;">' . $sql_row["log"] . '</p></td> <td class="style2">' . $sql_row["attribute"] . '</td></tr>'; } $body_string .= '</table> <FORM ACTION="index.php?menu=tools&logs=clear" METHOD="post" onclick="return confirm(\'Clear All Logs?\');"> <table border="0"><tr><td style="width:650px" align="right"><input type="submit" name="clear_logs" value="Clear All Logs" /></td></tr></table></FORM></div>'; } $text_bar = tools_bar($_POST["walk_history"]); $quick_info = '<strong>History Walk</strong> will manually test all transactions starting at the specified cycle and give a status for each cycle.<br><br> <strong>Check</strong> will schedule Timekoin to check and repair the specified cycle.<br><br> <strong>Repair</strong> will force Timekoin to recalculate all verification hashes from the specified cycle to now.<br><br> <strong>Check DB</strong> will check the data integrity of all tables in the database.<br><br> <strong>Optimize DB</strong> will optimize all tables & indexes in the database.<br><br> <strong>Repair DB</strong> will attempt to repair all tables in the database.<br><br> <strong>Clear Foundation</strong> will purge all transaction foundation hashes resulting in a database rebuild.<br><br> <strong>Clear Banlist</strong> will wipe all recently banned IP address.<br><br> <strong>Clear Gen</strong> will empty both the current generation list & election queue list.<br><br>'; home_screen('Tools - Database Utilities - Server Logs', $text_bar, $body_string, $quick_info); exit; } //**************************************************************************** if ($_GET["menu"] == "backup") { if ($_GET["dorestore"] == "private" && empty($_POST["restore_private_key"]) == FALSE) {