public function doMobileMypage() { global $_W, $_GPC; $foo = $_GPC['foo']; $openid = $_W['openid']; if (!empty($openid)) { $user = pdo_fetch('SELECT * FROM' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " WHERE openid = :openid", array(':openid' => $openid)); } if ($foo == 'show') { if (!empty($openid)) { $pageIndex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $pageSize = 10; $total = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . tablename($this->tab_items) . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; $listall = pdo_fetchall('SELECT,img,summary,voice,t2.nickname,t1.openid FROM' . tablename($this->tab_items) . " AS t1 JOIN " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " AS t2 ON t1.openid = t2.openid WHERE t1.uniacid = {$uniacid} AND t1.openid = '{$openid}' LIMIT " . ($pageIndex - 1) * $pageSize . ',' . $pageSize); $result = array(); $result['isok'] = true; if ($total - $pageSize * $pageIndex < 0) { $result['hasMore'] = false; } else { $result['hasMore'] = true; } foreach ($listall as $key => $value) { $tempList[] = array('index' => $key, 'id' => $value['id'], 'face' => toimage($value['img']), 'voicePath' => toimage($value['voice'])); } $result['list'] = $tempList; return json_encode($result); } } include $this->template('mypage'); }
public function fieldsFormDisplay($rid = 0) { global $_W; if ($rid) { $activity = pdo_fetch("SELECT id, title, photo, smalltext FROM " . tablename('feng_dialect') . " WHERE rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $rid)); $activity['photo'] = toimage($activity['photo']); } include $this->template('form'); }
public function respond() { $content = $this->message['content']; //这里定义此模块进行消息处理时的具体过程, 请查看微赞文档来编写你的代码 $rid = $this->rule; $rule = pdo_fetch('select * from ' . tablename($this->modulename . '_rule') . " where rid='{$rid}'"); if (!empty($rule)) { return $this->respNews(array(array('title' => $rule['stitle'], 'description' => $rule['sdesc'], 'picurl' => toimage($rule['sthumb']), 'url' => $this->createMobileUrl('index', array('rid' => $rid))))); } }
public function respond() { global $_W; $rid = $this->rule; $from = $this->message['from']; $weid = $_W['uniacid']; //当前公众号ID //推送分享图文内容 $sql = "SELECT title,description,start_time,end_time,picture,status FROM " . tablename($this->table_reply) . " WHERE `rid`=:rid LIMIT 1"; $row = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':rid' => $rid)); if ($row == false) { return $this->respText("活动已取消..."); } //查询是否被屏蔽 $lists = pdo_fetch("SELECT status FROM " . tablename($this->table_list) . " WHERE from_user = '******' and weid = '" . $weid . "' and rid= '" . $rid . "' order by `status` asc"); if (!empty($lists)) { //查询是否有记录 if ($lists['status'] == 0) { $message = "亲," . $row['title'] . "活动中您可能有作弊行为已被管理员暂停了!请联系" . $_W['account']['name'] . ""; return $this->respText($message); } } //查询是否被屏蔽 //查询是否中奖 $lists = pdo_fetch("SELECT zhongjiang FROM " . tablename($this->table_list) . " WHERE from_user = '******' and weid = '" . $weid . "' and rid= '" . $rid . "' order by `zhongjiang` desc"); if (!empty($lists)) { if ($lists['zhongjiang'] == 1) { $zhongjiang = "亲!恭喜中奖了,请点击查看!"; } } //查询是否中奖 //查询是否开始活动 $now = time(); if ($now < $row['start_time']) { $message = "亲," . $row['title'] . "还没有开始,请于" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row['start_time']) . "参加活动"; return $this->respText($message); } //查询是否开始活动 //查询是否结束 if ($now > $row['end_time']) { $zhongjiang .= "亲," . $row['title'] . "活动已结束了!"; } //查询是否结束 //查询是否暂停 if ($row['status'] == 0) { $zhongjiang .= "亲," . $row['title'] . "活动暂停了!"; } //查询是否暂停 //转换图片路径 $picture = toimage($row['picture']); //转换图片路径 //显示图文回复内容 return $this->respNews(array('Title' => $row['title'], 'Description' => htmlspecialchars_decode($row['description']) . $zhongjiang, 'PicUrl' => $picture, 'Url' => $this->createMobileUrl('chailihe', array('rid' => $rid, 'chufa' => 1, 'from_user' => base64_encode(authcode($from, 'ENCODE')))))); }
function site_slide_search($params = array()) { global $_GPC, $_W; extract($params); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename('site_slide') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$limit}"; $list = pdo_fetchall($sql); if (!empty($list)) { foreach ($list as &$row) { $row['url'] = strexists($row['url'], 'http') ? $row['url'] : $_W['siteroot'] . $row['url']; $row['thumb'] = toimage($row['thumb']); } } return $list; }
public function respond() { $content = $this->message['content']; //这里定义此模块进行消息处理时的具体过程, 请查看微赞文档来编写你的代码 $reply = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('album_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $this->rule)); if (!empty($reply)) { foreach ($reply as $row) { $albumids[$row['albumid']] = $row['albumid']; } $album = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id, title, thumb, content FROM " . tablename('album') . " WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $albumids) . ")", array(), 'id'); $response = array(); foreach ($reply as $row) { $row = $album[$row['albumid']]; $response[] = array('title' => $row['title'], 'description' => $row['content'], 'picurl' => toimage($row['thumb']), 'url' => $this->buildSiteUrl($this->createMobileUrl('detail', array('id' => $row['id'])))); } return $this->respNews($response); } }
public function respond() { global $_W; $rid = $this->rule; $from_user = $this->message['from']; $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; //查询活动 $sql = "SELECT title,description,start_picurl,isshow,starttime,endtime,end_title,end_description,end_picurl FROM " . tablename('stonefish_chailihe_reply') . " WHERE `uniacid` = :uniacid and `rid` = :rid LIMIT 1"; $row = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':rid' => $rid)); if ($row == false) { return $this->respText("活动已取消..."); } if ($row['isshow'] == 0) { return $this->respText($row['title'] . "-活动暂停,请稍后..."); } if ($row['starttime'] > time()) { return $this->respText("活动未开始,请等待...请于" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row['starttime']) . "参加活动"); } //查询活动 //查询是否被屏蔽 $lists = pdo_fetch("SELECT status,zhongjiang FROM " . tablename('stonefish_chailihe_fans') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid and rid= :rid and from_user = :from_user", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':rid' => $rid, ':from_user' => $from_user)); if (!empty($lists)) { //查询是否有记录 if ($lists['status'] == 0) { $message = "亲," . $row['title'] . "活动中您可能有作弊行为已被管理员暂停了!请联系[" . $_W['account']['name'] . "]管理员"; return $this->respText($message); } } //查询是否被屏蔽 //查询是否中奖 if (!empty($lists)) { if ($lists['zhongjiang'] >= 1) { $zhongjiang = "亲!恭喜中奖了!"; } } //查询是否中奖 //推送分享图文内容 if ($row['endtime'] < time()) { return $this->respNews(array('Title' => $row['end_title'], 'description' => $row['end_description'] . $zhongjiang, 'PicUrl' => toimage($row['end_picurl']), 'Url' => $this->createMobileUrl('entry', array('rid' => $rid, 'entrytype' => 'index')))); } else { return $this->respNews(array('Title' => $row['title'], 'description' => $row['description'] . $zhongjiang, 'PicUrl' => toimage($row['start_picurl']), 'Url' => $this->createMobileUrl('entry', array('rid' => $rid, 'entrytype' => 'index')))); } //推送分享图文内容 }
public function doWebQuery() { global $_W, $_GPC; $kwd = $_GPC['keyword']; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('ewei_exam_paper') . ' WHERE `weid`=:weid AND `title` LIKE :title'; $params = array(); $params[':weid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $params[':title'] = "%{$kwd}%"; $ds = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params); foreach ($ds as &$row) { $r = array(); $r['id'] = $row['id']; $r['title'] = $row['title']; $r['content'] = cutstr($row['description'], 30, '...'); $r['thumb'] = toimage($row['thumb']); $row['entry'] = $r; } include $this->template('query'); }
public function doMobileList() { global $_GPC, $_W; $weid = $_W['uniacid']; $set = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('fineness_sysset') . " WHERE weid=:weid limit 1", array(':weid' => $weid)); $cid = intval($_GPC['cid']); $category = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('fineness_article_category') . " WHERE id = '{$cid}'"); $advlist = pdo_fetchall('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('fineness_adv') . " WHERE weid=:weid and pid ='{$cid}' ", array(':weid' => $weid)); $result = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('fineness_article_category') . " WHERE uniacid ={$weid} AND parentid = {$cid} ORDER BY displayorder ASC, id ASC "); //独立选择分类模板 $title = $category['name']; $op = $_GPC['op']; if (!empty($category['thumb'])) { $shareimg = toimage($category['thumb']); } else { $shareimg = IA_ROOT . '/addons/amouse_article/icon.jpg'; } $childid = $_GPC['childid']; $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('fineness_article') . " WHERE weid={$weid} AND pcate={$cid} AND ccate={$childid} ORDER BY displayorder ASC "); $url = $_W['siteroot'] . "app/" . substr($this->createMobileUrl('Index', array('cid' => $cid, 'uniacid' => $weid), true), 2); include $this->template('themes/list14'); }
public function respond() { global $_W; $rid = $this->rule; $sql = "SELECT title,description,start_picurl,isshow,starttime,endtime,end_theme,end_instruction,end_picurl FROM " . tablename('bigwheel_reply') . " WHERE `rid`=:rid LIMIT 1"; $row = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':rid' => $rid)); if ($row == false) { return $this->respText("活动已取消..."); } if ($row['isshow'] == 0) { return $this->respText("活动暂停,请稍后..."); } if ($row['starttime'] > time()) { return $this->respText("活动未开始,请等待..."); } $endtime = $row['endtime'] + 68399; if ($endtime < time()) { return $this->respNews(array('Title' => $row['end_theme'], 'Description' => $row['end_instruction'], 'PicUrl' => toimage($row['end_picurl']), 'Url' => $this->createMobileUrl('index', array('id' => $rid)))); } else { return $this->respNews(array('Title' => $row['title'], 'Description' => $row['description'], 'PicUrl' => toimage($row['start_picurl']), 'Url' => $this->createMobileUrl('index', array('id' => $rid)))); } }
public function respond() { global $_W; $rid = $this->rule; $from_user = $this->message['from']; $sql = "SELECT title,description,start_picurl,isshow,starttime,endtime,end_theme,end_instruction,end_picurl FROM " . tablename('stonefish_planting_reply') . " WHERE `rid`=:rid LIMIT 1"; $row = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':rid' => $rid)); if ($row == false) { return $this->respText("活动已取消..."); } if ($row['isshow'] == 0) { return $this->respText("活动暂停,请稍后..."); } if ($row['starttime'] > time()) { return $this->respText("活动未开始,请等待..."); } $endtime = $row['endtime']; if ($endtime < time()) { return $this->respNews(array('Title' => $row['end_theme'], 'Description' => $row['end_instruction'], 'PicUrl' => toimage($row['end_picurl']), 'Url' => $this->createMobileUrl('index', array('rid' => $rid, 'from_user' => base64_encode(authcode($from_user, 'ENCODE')))))); } else { return $this->respNews(array('Title' => $row['title'], 'Description' => $row['description'], 'PicUrl' => toimage($row['start_picurl']), 'Url' => $this->createMobileUrl('index', array('rid' => $rid, 'from_user' => base64_encode(authcode($from_user, 'ENCODE')))))); } }
public function doMobileDetail() { global $_GPC, $_W; $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $weid = $_W['uniacid']; $set = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('fineness_sysset') . " WHERE weid=:weid limit 1", array(':weid' => $weid)); $detail = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('fineness_article') . " WHERE `id`=:id and weid=:weid", array(':id' => $id, ':weid' => $weid)); $shareimg = toimage($detail['thumb']); $url = $_W['siteroot'] . "app/" . substr($this->createMobileUrl('detail', array('id' => $id, 'uniacid' => $weid), true), 2); if ($detail['bg_music_switch'] == 1) { if (strexists($detail['musicurl'], 'http://') || strexists($detail['musicurl'], 'https://')) { $detail['musicurl'] = $detail['musicurl']; } else { $detail['musicurl'] = $_W['attachurl'] . $detail['musicurl']; } } if (!empty($detail['outLink'])) { if (strtolower(substr($detail['outLink'], 0, 4)) != 'tel:' && !strexists($detail['outLink'], 'http://') && !strexists($detail['outLink'], 'https://')) { $detail['outLink'] = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $detail['outLink']; } header('Location: ' . $detail['outLink']); exit; } $op = $_GPC['op']; if ($op == 'wemedia') { $wechat = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('account_wechats') . " WHERE acid=:acid AND uniacid=:uniacid limit 1", array(':acid' => $weid, ':uniacid' => $weid)); include $this->template('themes/detail5'); exit; } $wechat = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('account_wechats') . " WHERE acid=:acid AND uniacid=:uniacid limit 1", array(':acid' => $weid, ':uniacid' => $weid)); if (!empty($detail['template'])) { include $this->template($detail['templatefile']); exit; } include $this->template('detail'); }
function tpl_form_field_image($name, $value = '', $default = './resource/image/module-nopic-small.jpg') { $s = ''; if (!defined('INCLUDE_KINDEDITOR')) { $s = ' <script type="text/javascript" src="./resource/script/kindeditor/kindeditor-min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="./resource/script/kindeditor/lang/zh_CN.js"></script> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="./resource/script/kindeditor/themes/default/default.css" />'; } if (strexists($name, '[')) { $id = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '_', $name); } else { $id = $name; } $val = $default; if (!empty($value)) { $val = toimage($value); } $s .= ' <div style="display:block; margin-top:5px;" class="input-append"> <input type="text" value="' . $value . '" name="' . $name . '" id="upload-image-url-' . $id . '" class="span3" autocomplete="off"> <input type="hidden" value="" name="' . $name . '_old" id="upload-image-url-' . $id . '-old"> <button class="btn" type="button" id="upload-image-' . $id . '">选择图片</button> </div> <div id="upload-image-preview-' . $id . '" style="margin-top:10px;"><img src="' . $val . '" width="100" onload="thumb(this)" /></div> <script type="text/javascript"> function thumb(obj) { if (obj.height > obj.width) { = "100px"; = "auto"} } var editor = KindEditor.editor({ allowFileManager : true, uploadJson : "./index.php?act=attachment&do=upload", fileManagerJson : "./index.php?act=attachment&do=manager", afterUpload : function(url, data) { } }); $("#upload-image-' . $id . '").click(function() { editor.loadPlugin("image", function() { editor.plugin.imageDialog({ tabIndex : 1, imageUrl : $("#upload-image-url-' . $id . '").val(), clickFn : function(url) { editor.hideDialog(); var val = url; if(url.toLowerCase().indexOf("http://") == -1 && url.toLowerCase().indexOf("https://") == -1) { var filename = /images(.*)/.exec(url); if(filename && filename[0]) { val = filename[0]; } } $("#upload-image-url-' . $id . '-old").val($("#upload-image-url-' . $id . '").val()); $("#upload-image-url-' . $id . '").val(val); $("#upload-image-preview-' . $id . '").html(\'<img src="\'+url+\'" width="100" onload="thumb(this)" />\'); } }); }); }); </script>'; define('INCLUDE_KINDEDITOR', true); return $s; }
$now = time(); if ($now - $reply['xuninum_time'] > $reply['xuninumtime']) { pdo_update($this->table_reply, array('xuninum_time' => $now, 'xuninum' => $reply['xuninum'] + mt_rand($reply['xuninuminitial'], $reply['xuninumending'])), array('rid' => $rid)); } //虚拟人数据配置 //参与活动人数 $totals = $reply['xuninum'] + pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename($this->table_users) . ' WHERE uniacid=:uniacid and rid=:rid', array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':rid' => $rid)); //参与活动人数 //查询分享标题以及内容变量 $reply['sharetitle'] = $this->get_share($uniacid, $rid, $from_user, $reply['sharetitle']); $reply['sharecontent'] = $this->get_share($uniacid, $rid, $from_user, $reply['sharecontent']); //整理数据进行页面显示 $myavatar = $avatar; $mynickname = $nickname; $shareurl = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $this->createMobileUrl('shareuserview', array('rid' => $rid, 'duli' => '1', 'fromuser' => $from_user, 'tfrom_user' => $tfrom_user)); //分享URL $shouquan = base64_encode($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . 'anquan_ma_photosvote'); //$title = $unrname . ' 的投票详情!'; $unrname = !empty($user['realname']) ? $user['realname'] : $user['nickname']; $title = $unrname . '正在参加' . $reply['title'] . ',快来为' . $unrname . '投票及拉票吧!'; $sharetitle = $unrname . '正在参加' . $reply['title'] . ',快来为' . $unrname . '投票及拉票吧!'; $sharecontent = $unrname . '正在参加' . $reply['title'] . ',快来为' . $unrname . '投票及拉票吧!'; $picture = toimage($reply['sharephoto']); $_share['link'] = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $this->createMobileUrl('shareuserview', array('rid' => $rid, 'duli' => '1', 'fromuser' => $from_user, 'tfrom_user' => $tfrom_user)); //分享URL $_share['title'] = $unrname . '正在参加' . $reply['title'] . ',快来为' . $unrname . '投票及拉票吧!'; $_share['content'] = $unrname . '正在参加' . $reply['title'] . ',快来为' . $unrname . '投票及拉票吧!'; //$_share['imgUrl'] = !empty($user['photo']) ? toimage($user['photo']) : toimage($user['avatar']); $_share['imgUrl'] = !empty($user['avatar']) ? toimage($user['avatar']) : toimage($user['photo']); $toye = $this->_stopllq('tuser'); include $this->template($toye);
"sendFriendLink": "<?php echo $loclurl; ?> ", "fTitle": "<?php echo $reply['title']; ?> ", "fContent": "<?php echo $reply['description']; ?> " }; var shareData = { "imgUrl" : '<?php echo toimage($reply['share_txt']); ?> ', "link" : window.eso_shareData.sendFriendLink, "title" : '<?php echo $reply['share_title']; ?> ', "desc" : '<?php echo $reply['share_desc']; ?> ' }; if (!shareData.imgUrl) { shareData.imgUrl = window.eso_shareData.imgUrl; }
/** * 女神来了模块定义 * * @author 微赞科技 * @url */ defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied'); header('Content-type: application/json'); $fmmid = random(16); $now = time(); $udata = array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'rid' => $rid, 'from_user' => $from_user, 'fmmid' => $fmmid, 'mediaid' => $_POST['serverId'], 'timelength' => $_GPC['timelength'], 'ip' => getip(), 'createtime' => $now); if ($udata['mediaid']) { $voice = $this->downloadVoice($udata['mediaid'], $fmmid); if ($qiniu['isqiniu']) { $nfilename = 'FMVOICE' . date('YmdHis') . random(16) . '.amr'; $upurl = toimage($voice); $username = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_users_name) . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid and from_user = :from_user and rid = :rid", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user, ':rid' => $rid)); $audiotype = 'voice'; $qiniuaudios = $this->fmqnaudios($nfilename, $qiniu, $upurl, $audiotype, $username); $nfilenamefop = $qiniuaudios['nfilenamefop']; if ($qiniuaudios['success'] == '-1') { // var_dump($err); $fmdata = array("success" => -1, "msg" => $qiniuaudios['msg']); echo json_encode($fmdata); exit; } else { $insertdata = array(); if ($qiniuaudios['success'] == '-2') { //var_dump($err); $fmdata = array("success" => -1, "msg" => $qiniuaudios['msg']); echo json_encode($fmdata);
;url=<?php echo $this->createMobileUrl('index', array('rid' => $rid)); ?> "> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=yes;" /> <meta content="yes" name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" /> <meta content="black" name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" /> <meta content="telephone=no" name="format-detection" /> <meta content="email=no" name="format-detection" /> </head> <style> body{background:<?php echo $reply['bgcolor']; ?> ;color:<?php echo $reply['textcolor']; ?> ;} img{max-width:100%!important;} body,div{margin:0; padding:0;} </style> <body> <div style="position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%; z-index:-1"><img style="position:fixed;" src="<?php echo toimage($reply['homepic']); ?> " width="100%" height="100%" /></div> <?php !empty($this) && $this instanceof WeModuleSite ? include $this->template('jssdkhide', TEMPLATE_INCLUDEPATH) : (include template('jssdkhide', TEMPLATE_INCLUDEPATH)); ?> </body> </html>
$acid = $_W['acid']; $account = $uniaccount = array(); $uniaccount = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('uni_account') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid", array(':uniacid' => $weid)); $acid = !empty($acid) ? $acid : $uniaccount['default_acid']; $account = account_fetch($acid); $detail = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('fineness_article') . " WHERE `id`=:id and weid=:weid", array(':id' => $id, ':weid' => $weid)); $where = " WHERE `aid`={$id} and weid={$weid} "; if ($set && $set['iscomment'] == 1) { //不开启审核 $where .= " and status=1 "; } $cList = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('fineness_comment') . $where); if (!empty($detail)) { pdo_update('fineness_article', array('clickNum' => $detail['clickNum'] + 1), array('id' => $detail['id'])); } $shareimg = toimage($detail['thumb']); $url = $_W['siteroot'] . "app/" . substr($this->createMobileUrl('detail', array('id' => $id, 'uniacid' => $weid), true), 2); if ($detail['bg_music_switch'] == 1) { if (strexists($detail['musicurl'], 'http://') || strexists($detail['musicurl'], 'https://')) { $detail['musicurl'] = $detail['musicurl']; } else { $detail['musicurl'] = $_W['attachurl'] . $detail['musicurl']; } } if (!empty($detail['outLink'])) { if (strtolower(substr($detail['outLink'], 0, 4)) != 'tel:' && !strexists($detail['outLink'], 'http://') && !strexists($detail['outLink'], 'https://')) { $detail['outLink'] = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $detail['outLink']; } header('Location: ' . $detail['outLink']); exit; }
<?php /** * 女神来了模块定义 * * @author 微赞科技 * @url */ defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied'); $status = $_GPC['status']; if ($status == '-1') { $title = $reply['title'] . ' 即将开始哦 - '; $stopbg = toimage($reply['nostart']); } elseif ($status == '0') { $title = $reply['title'] . ' 暂停中哦 - '; $stopbg = toimage($reply['stopping']); } elseif ($status == '1') { $title = $reply['title'] . ' 已经停止了,期待下一次吧!'; $stopbg = toimage($reply['end']); } $toye = $this->_stopllq('stop'); include $this->template($toye);
public function getdefaultfullviewpic($type, $picurl) { global $_W; switch ($type) { case 1: if (empty($picurl)) { $img_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'addons/lxy_buildpro/template/img/qian.jpg'; } else { $img_url = toimage($picurl); } break; case 2: if (empty($picurl)) { $img_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'addons/lxy_buildpro/template/img/hou.jpg'; } else { $img_url = toimage($picurl); } break; case 3: if (empty($picurl)) { $img_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'addons/lxy_buildpro/template/img/zuo.jpg'; } else { $img_url = toimage($picurl); } break; case 4: if (empty($picurl)) { $img_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'addons/lxy_buildpro/template/img/you.jpg'; } else { $img_url = toimage($picurl); } break; case 5: if (empty($picurl)) { $img_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'addons/lxy_buildpro/template/img/shang.jpg'; } else { $img_url = toimage($picurl); } break; case 6: if (empty($picurl)) { $img_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'addons/lxy_buildpro/template/img/xia.jpg'; } else { $img_url = toimage($picurl); } break; default: $img_url = ''; } return $img_url; }
</div> <!--修改 by 场景应用--> <div class="m-storeDetail-con f-mag-t-20" style="margin-left:20px;"> <div class="con-left m-cardScan" style="left: 0;"> <div class="u-listShow f-card"> <div class="item-top"> <img alt="<?php echo $app['title']; ?> " src="<?php echo toimage($app['thumb']); ?> " /> <span></span> <p class='f-tc'><img src="<?php echo toimage($app['qrcode']); ?> " alt="二维码" /></p> </div> <div class="item-bottom s-bg-fff"> <div class="tit"> <h4 title="<?php echo $app['title']; ?> "><?php echo $app['title']; ?> </h4> <p title="<?php echo $app['author']; ?>
public function respond() { global $_GPC, $_W; $rid = $this->rule; $message = $this->message; $content = $message['content']; //触发的内容 $openid = $message['from']; //用户的openid $createtime = $message['createtime']; //消息发送的时间 $msgtype = $message['msgtype']; //消息类型 $reply = pdo_fetch('SELECT * FROM' . tablename($this->tab_reply) . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND rid = :rid", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':rid' => $rid)); $tabid = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT tabid FROM' . tablename($this->tab_tabs) . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND openid = :openid", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':openid' => $openid)); if (empty($reply)) { return $this->respText('您要参加的活动还没开始哦..请旁边玩会儿..O(∩_∩)O哈哈~'); } if ($this->inContext) { if ($content == $reply['quit']) { $this->endContext(); if (empty($tabid)) { return $this->respText('一定要再回来制作一张留声卡哦..'); } return $this->respText('真棒,您的留声卡已经制作喽..<a href="' . $this->createMobileUrl('index') . '">点击查看</a>'); } if ($msgtype == 'image' && empty($tabid)) { $img = $this->copyMedia('IMG', $message['picurl']); $insert = array('img' => $img, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'openid' => $openid, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); pdo_insert($this->tab_items, $insert); $id = pdo_insertid(); pdo_insert($this->tab_tabs, array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'tabid' => $id, 'openid' => $openid)); $this->refreshContext(60 * 5); //刷新过期时间 return $this->respText($reply['txt_note'] . "\n" . $reply['voc_note'] . "完成制作请按\"" . $reply['quit'] . "\""); } if ($msgtype == 'text' && !empty($tabid)) { pdo_update($this->tab_items, array('summary' => $content), array('id' => $tabid)); $this->refreshContext(60 * 5); //刷新过期时间 return $this->respText($reply['voc_note'] . "完成制作请按\"" . $reply['quit'] . "\""); } if ($msgtype == 'voice' && !empty($tabid)) { $filename = $this->copyMedia('VOX', $message['mediaid']); $amrurl = toimage($filename); pdo_update($this->tab_items, array('amr' => $amrurl), array('id' => $tabid)); if (!empty($amrurl)) { $mp3 = $this->amrTomp3($amrurl); pdo_update($this->tab_items, array('voice' => $mp3), array('id' => $tabid)); } pdo_delete($this->tab_tabs, array('id' => $tabid)); $this->endContext(); return $this->respText('真棒,您的留声卡已经制作喽..<a href="' . $this->createMobileUrl('index') . '">点击查看</a>'); } return $this->respText($reply['welcome'] . "\n" . "完成制作请按\"" . $reply['quit'] . "\""); } else { pdo_delete($this->tab_tabs, array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'openid' => $openid)); $this->beginContext(60 * 5); //开启上下文模式默认设置为5分钟.. return $this->respText($reply['welcome'] . "完成制作请按\"" . $reply['quit'] . "\""); } }
/** * 查看好友的钱包 */ public function doMobileUserRedEnvelope() { global $_W, $_GPC; $uid = $_GPC['uid']; $rid = $_GPC['rid']; $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_redenvelope_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid)); if ($reply == false) { message('抱歉,活动已经结束,下次再来吧!', '', 'error'); } $fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_redenvelope_fans') . " WHERE rid = '" . $rid . "' and id='" . $uid . "'"); $acid = $_W['acid']; if (empty($acid)) { $acid = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT share_acid FROM " . tablename('stonefish_redenvelope_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid)); } $share = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_redenvelope_share') . " WHERE rid = :rid AND acid = :acid", array(':rid' => $rid, ':acid' => $acid)); //分享信息 $sharelink = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $this->createMobileUrl('share', array('rid' => $rid, 'uid' => $uid)); $sharetitle = empty($share['share_title']) ? '欢迎参加全民抢红包活动' : $share['share_title']; $sharedesc = empty($share['share_desc']) ? '亲,欢迎参加全民抢红包活动,祝您好运哦!!' : str_replace("\r\n", " ", $share['share_desc']); $sharetitle = $this->get_share($uniacid, $rid, $fans['from_user'], $sharetitle); $sharedesc = $this->get_share($uniacid, $rid, $fans['from_user'], $sharedesc); if (!empty($share['share_imgurl'])) { $shareimg = toimage($share['share_imgurl']); } else { $shareimg = toimage($reply['start_picurl']); } include $this->template("userredenvelope"); }
public function doMobileviewlihe() { //分享页面显示。 global $_GPC, $_W; $weid = $_W['uniacid']; //当前公众号ID $rid = $_GPC['rid']; //当前规则ID $fromuser = authcode(base64_decode($_GPC['fromuser']), 'DECODE'); $page_fromuser = $_GPC['fromuser']; $uid = $_GPC['info-prize2']; //礼盒分享人ID //活动规则 if (!empty($rid)) { $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_reply) . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid)); $picture = toimage($reply['picture']); $picbg01 = toimage($reply['picbg01']); $bgcolor = $reply['bgcolor']; $text01color = $reply['text01color']; $text02color = $reply['text02color']; $text03color = $reply['text03color']; $text04color = $reply['text04color']; $text05color = $reply['text05color']; $picnojiang = toimage($reply['picnojiang']); if ($reply['status'] == 0) { $statpraisetitle = '<h1>活动暂停!请稍候再试!</h1>'; } if (time() < $reply['start_time']) { //判断活动是否已经开始 $statpraisetitle = '<h1>活动未开始!</h1>'; } elseif (time() > $reply['end_time']) { //判断活动是否已经结束 $statpraisetitle = '<h1>活动已结束!</h1>'; } } //虚拟人数据配置 $now = time(); if ($now - $reply['xuninum_time'] > $reply['xuninumtime']) { pdo_update($this->table_reply, array('xuninum_time' => $now, 'xuninum' => $reply['xuninum'] + mt_rand($reply['xuninuminitial'], $reply['xuninumending'])), array('rid' => $rid)); } //虚拟人数据配置 //判断是否还可以领取礼盒 if (!empty($fromuser)) { $giftnum = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . tablename($this->table_list) . " WHERE weid=" . $weid . " AND rid= " . $rid . " AND from_user='******'"); //领取礼盒数总数 $todaytimestamp = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); $daygiftnum = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . tablename($this->table_list) . " WHERE weid=" . $weid . " AND rid= " . $rid . " AND from_user='******' AND datatime >= '" . $todaytimestamp . "'"); //领取礼盒数今日数 $gift_num = $reply['number_num'] - $giftnum; //总数还有多少次机会 $gift_num_day = $reply['number_num_day'] - $daygiftnum; //今日还有多少次机会 $giftlihe = 0; //默认没有机会 if ($gift_num >= 1) { if ($gift_num_day >= 1) { if ($gift_num < $gift_num_day) { $giftlihe = $gift_num; } else { $giftlihe = $gift_num_day; } } } //查询是否可以重复中奖,不允许时中奖用户即使有领取礼盒机会也不能中领取礼盒 if ($reply['repeatzj'] == 0) { $zhongjiangnum = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename($this->table_list) . ' WHERE weid= :weid and rid= :rid and zhongjiang>=1 and from_user= :from_user', array(':weid' => $weid, ':rid' => $rid, ':from_user' => $fromuser)); if ($zhongjiangnum >= 1) { $giftlihe = 0; //只能中奖一次,已没有机会了 } } //查询是否可以重复中奖,不允许时中奖用户即使有领取礼盒机会也不能中领取礼盒 } //中奖礼盒信息 $lihegift = pdo_fetch('SELECT a.zhongjiang,a.mikaid,b.* FROM ' . tablename($this->table_list) . ' as a left join ' . tablename($this->table_gift) . ' as b on WHERE', array(':id' => $uid)); $zhongjiang = $lihegift['zhongjiang']; //查询是是否为密卡类开始 if ($lihegift['inkind'] == 0 && $zhongjiang == 1 && $lihegift['mikaid'] >= 1) { $mikaid = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_giftmika) . " WHERE id=:id", array(':id' => $lihegift['mikaid'])); } //查询是是否为密卡类完成 //兑奖地点区域选择 if ($reply['awarding'] == 1) { } else { } $lihegift['awardpic'] = empty($lihegift['awardpic']) ? "../addons/stonefish_chailihe/template/images/award.jpg" : $lihegift['awardpic']; $awardpic = toimage($lihegift['awardpic']); $againreglihe = $_W['siteroot'] . "app/" . substr($this->createMobileUrl('reglihe', array('rid' => $rid, 'fromuser' => $page_fromuser), true), 2); $shareurl = $_W['siteroot'] . "app/" . substr($this->createMobileUrl('shareuserview', array('rid' => $rid), true), 2); $liheduijiang = $_W['siteroot'] . "app/" . substr($this->createMobileUrl('duijiang', array('rid' => $rid, 'fromuser' => $page_fromuser), true), 2); $mylihe = $_W['siteroot'] . "app/" . substr($this->createMobileUrl('mylihe', array('rid' => $rid, 'fromuser' => $page_fromuser), true), 2); $gohome = $_W['siteroot'] . "app/" . substr($this->createMobileUrl('chailihe', array('rid' => $rid, 'from_user_oauth' => $page_fromuser), true), 2); $gotoduijiang = $_W['siteroot'] . "app/" . substr($this->createMobileUrl('viewlihe', array('rid' => $rid, 'info-prize2' => $uid, 'fromuser' => $page_fromuser), true), 2); //查询分享标题以及内容变量 $reply['sharetitle'] = $this->get_share($weid, $rid, $fromuser, $reply['sharetitle'], $lihegift['id']); $reply['sharecontent'] = $this->get_share($weid, $rid, $fromuser, $reply['sharecontent'], $lihegift['id']); //判断是否被屏蔽 $mystatus = pdo_fetch("SELECT status FROM " . tablename($this->table_list) . " WHERE from_user = '******' and weid = '" . $weid . "' and rid= '" . $rid . "' order by `status` asc"); if (!empty($mystatus)) { //查询是否有记录 if ($mystatus['status'] == 0) { $message = "亲," . $reply['title'] . "活动中您可能有作弊行为已被管理员暂停了!请联系" . $_W['account']['name']; include $this->template('reminds'); exit; } } //判断是否被屏蔽 //查询是否需要重新填写中奖资料 if ($reply['isrealname']) { $userinfos .= 'realname,'; } if ($reply['ismobile']) { $userinfos .= 'mobile,'; } if ($reply['isqq']) { $userinfos .= 'qq,'; } if ($reply['isemail']) { $userinfos .= 'email,'; } if ($reply['isaddress']) { $userinfos .= 'address,'; } $userinfos = substr($userinfos, 0, strlen($userinfos) - 1); $userinfo = pdo_fetchall("SELECT " . $userinfos . " FROM " . tablename($this->table_list) . " WHERE from_user = '******' and weid = '" . $weid . "' and rid= '" . $rid . "'"); foreach ($userinfo as $userinfolist) { if ($reply['isrealname']) { if (empty($userinfolist['realname'])) { $isinfo = true; break; } } if ($reply['ismobile']) { if (empty($userinfolist['mobile'])) { $isinfo = true; break; } } if ($reply['isqq']) { if (empty($userinfolist['qq'])) { $isinfo = true; break; } } if ($reply['isemail']) { if (empty($userinfolist['email'])) { $isinfo = true; break; } } if ($reply['isaddress']) { if (empty($userinfolist['address'])) { $isinfo = true; break; } } } $userinfosave = $_W['siteroot'] . "app/" . substr($this->createMobileUrl('userinfosave', array('rid' => $rid, 'uid' => $uid, 'fromuser' => $page_fromuser), true), 2); //查询是否需要重新填写中奖资料 $serverapp = $_W['account']['level']; //是否为高级号 if ($serverapp == 4) { $fromuser_my = $fromuser; //取用户资料 $fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT uid,follow FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " Where openid=:openid and uniacid=:uniacid ORDER BY `fanid` DESC", array(":openid" => $fromuser_my, ":uniacid" => $weid)); $profile = mc_fetch($fans['uid'], array('avatar', 'nickname', 'realname', 'mobile', 'qq', 'email', 'address', 'gender', 'telephone', 'idcard', 'company', 'occupation', 'position')); } else { $fromuser_my = $_COOKIE["chailihe_chufa_openid"]; if (empty($fromuser_my)) { $userinfo = pdo_fetch("SELECT from_user,qq,realname,mobile,nickname,address,email FROM " . tablename($this->table_list) . " WHERE weid= :weid AND rid= :rid AND from_user= :fromuser", array(':weid' => $weid, ':rid' => $rid, ':fromuser' => $fromuser)); if (!empty($userinfo)) { $fromuser_my = $userinfo['from_user']; $profile = $userinfo; $fans['follow'] = 1; } } else { //取用户资料 $fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT uid,follow FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " Where openid=:openid and uniacid=:uniacid ORDER BY `fanid` DESC", array(":openid" => $fromuser_my, ":uniacid" => $weid)); $profile = mc_fetch($fans['uid'], array('avatar', 'nickname', 'realname', 'mobile', 'qq', 'email', 'address', 'gender', 'telephone', 'idcard', 'company', 'occupation', 'position')); } } $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (strpos($user_agent, 'MicroMessenger') === false) { //echo "本页面仅支持微信访问!非微信浏览器禁止浏览!"; include $this->template('remindnotweixin'); } else { include $this->template('openlihe'); } }
public function respond() { global $_W; $rid = $this->rule; $from_user = $this->message['from']; $tag = $this->message['content']; $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; //当前公众号ID load()->func('communication'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_reply) . " WHERE `rid`=:rid LIMIT 1"; $row = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':rid' => $rid)); if (empty($row['id'])) { if (!$this->inContext && ($this->message['type'] == 'image' || $this->message['type'] == 'voice' || $this->message['type'] == 'video')) { $message = "请按活动规则参与活动,谢谢您的支持!"; } else { $message = "亲,您还没有设置完成关键字或者未添加活动!"; } return $this->respText($message); } $qiniu = iunserializer($row['qiniu']); if ($row['status'] == 0) { $message = "亲," . $row['title'] . "活动暂停了!您可以\n"; $message .= "1、<a href='" . $_W['siteroot'] . "app/index.php?i=" . $_W['uniacid'] . "&j=" . $_W['acid'] . "&c=entry&rid=" . $rid . "&m=fm_photosvote&do=paihang&uniacid=" . $uniacid . "'>看看排行榜</a>\n"; if ($row['ishuodong'] == 1 && !empty($row['huodongurl'])) { $message .= "2、<a href='" . $row['huodongurl'] . "'>" . $row['huodongname'] . "</a>"; } return $this->respText($message); } $now = time(); if ($now >= $row['start_time'] && $now <= $row['end_time']) { if ($row['status'] == 0) { $message = "亲," . $row['title'] . "活动暂停了!"; return $this->respText($message); } else { $command = $row['command']; $ckcommand = $row['ckcommand']; if (empty($command)) { $zjrets = preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,5}$/i', $tag); if ($_SESSION['ok'] != 1) { if (!$zjrets && !is_numeric($this->message['content'])) { $picture = $row['picture']; if (substr($picture, 0, 6) == 'images') { $picture = $_W['attachurl'] . $picture; } else { $picture = $_W['siteroot'] . $picture; } return $this->respNews(array('Title' => $row['title'], 'Description' => htmlspecialchars_decode($row['description']), 'PicUrl' => $picture, 'Url' => $this->createMobileUrl('photosvoteview', array('rid' => $rid)))); } $this->beginContext(60); //锁定60秒 $_SESSION['ok'] = 1; $_SESSION['content'] = $this->message['content']; $_SESSION['code'] = random(4, true); return $this->respText("为防止恶意刷票,请回复验证码:" . $_SESSION["code"]); } else { if ($this->message['content'] != $_SESSION['code']) { $_SESSION['code'] = random(4, true); return $this->respText("验证码错误,请重新回复验证码:" . $_SESSION['code']); } else { $tag = $_SESSION['content']; //$rets = preg_match('/'.$command.'/i', $tag); //$ckrets = preg_match('/'.$ckcommand.'/i', $tag); $this->endContext(); if ($zjrets) { if ($now <= $row['tstart_time']) { return $this->respText($row['ttipstart']); } if ($now >= $row['tend_time']) { return $this->respText($row['ttipend']); } $starttime = mktime(0, 0, 0); //当天:00:00:00 $endtime = mktime(23, 59, 59); //当天:23:59:59 $times = ''; $times .= ' AND createtime >=' . $starttime; $times .= ' AND createtime <=' . $endtime; $where .= " AND id = '" . $tag . "'"; $t = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_users) . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid and rid = :rid " . $where . " LIMIT 1", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':rid' => $rid)); if (empty($t)) { $message = '未找到参赛者编号为 ' . $tag . ' 的用户,请重新输入!'; $message .= "1、<a href='" . $_W['siteroot'] . "app/index.php?i=" . $_W['uniacid'] . "&j=" . $_W['acid'] . "&c=entry&rid=" . $rid . "&m=fm_photosvote&do=photosvoteview'>活动首页</a>\n"; if ($row['ishuodong'] == 1 && !empty($row['huodongurl'])) { $message .= "2、<a href='" . $row['huodongurl'] . "'>" . $row['huodongname'] . "</a>"; } return $this->respText($message); } if ($t['status'] != '1') { $message = '您投票的用户编号为 ' . $tag . '还未通过审核,请稍后再试,您可以:'; $message .= "1、<a href='" . $_W['siteroot'] . "app/index.php?i=" . $_W['uniacid'] . "&j=" . $_W['acid'] . "&c=entry&rid=" . $rid . "&m=fm_photosvote&do=photosvoteview&uniacid=" . $uniacid . "'>活动首页</a>\n"; if ($row['ishuodong'] == 1 && !empty($row['huodongurl'])) { $message .= "2、<a href='" . $row['huodongurl'] . "'>" . $row['huodongname'] . "</a>"; } return $this->respText($message); } if ($row['isdaojishi']) { $votetime = $reply['votetime'] * 3600 * 24; $isvtime = $now - $t['createtime']; if ($isvtime >= $votetime) { $message = empty($row['ttipvote']) ? $t['nickname'] . ' 的投票时间已经结束' : $row['ttipvote']; return $this->respText($message); } } $tfrom_user = $t['from_user']; $daytpxz = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename($this->table_log) . ' WHERE uniacid= :uniacid AND from_user = :from_user AND rid = :rid ' . $times . ' ORDER BY createtime DESC', array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user, ':rid' => $rid)); $fansmostvote = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename($this->table_log) . ' WHERE uniacid= :uniacid AND from_user = :from_user AND rid = :rid ORDER BY createtime DESC', array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user, ':rid' => $rid)); //总共可以投几次 if ($fansmostvote < $row['fansmostvote']) { if ($daytpxz >= $row['daytpxz']) { $message = '您当前最多可以投' . $row['daytpxz'] . '个参赛选手,您当天的次数已经投完,请明天再来'; return $this->respText($message); } else { if ($tfrom_user == $from_user) { //message('您不能为自己投票',referer(),'error'); $message = '您不能为自己投票'; return $this->respText($message); } else { $dayonetp = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename($this->table_log) . ' WHERE uniacid= :uniacid AND from_user = :from_user AND tfrom_user = :tfrom_user AND rid = :rid ' . $times . ' ORDER BY createtime DESC', array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user, ':tfrom_user' => $tfrom_user, ':rid' => $rid)); $allonetp = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename($this->table_log) . ' WHERE uniacid= :uniacid AND from_user = :from_user AND tfrom_user = :tfrom_user AND rid = :rid ORDER BY createtime DESC', array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user, ':tfrom_user' => $tfrom_user, ':rid' => $rid)); if ($allonetp >= $row['allonetp']) { $message = "您总共可以给她投票" . $row['allonetp'] . "次,您已经投完!您还可以:\n"; $message .= "1、<a href='" . $_W['siteroot'] . "app/index.php?i=" . $_W['uniacid'] . "&j=" . $_W['acid'] . "&c=entry&tfrom_user="******"&rid=" . $rid . "&m=fm_photosvote&do=tuserphotos&uniacid=" . $uniacid . "'>查看她的投票</a>\n"; if ($row['ishuodong'] == 1 && !empty($row['huodongurl'])) { $message .= "2、<a href='" . $row['huodongurl'] . "'>" . $row['huodongname'] . "</a>"; } return $this->respText($message); } else { if ($dayonetp >= $row['dayonetp']) { $message = "您当天最多可以给她投票" . $row['dayonetp'] . "次,您已经投完,请明天再来。您还可以:\n"; $message .= "1、<a href='" . $_W['siteroot'] . "app/index.php?i=" . $_W['uniacid'] . "&j=" . $_W['acid'] . "&c=entry&tfrom_user="******"&rid=" . $rid . "&m=fm_photosvote&do=tuserphotos&uniacid=" . $uniacid . "'>查看她的投票</a>\n"; if ($row['ishuodong'] == 1 && !empty($row['huodongurl'])) { $message .= "2、<a href='" . $row['huodongurl'] . "'>" . $row['huodongname'] . "</a>"; } return $this->respText($message); //exit; } else { $atype = 'weixin'; $token = $_W['account']['access_token']['token']; $urls = sprintf("", $token, $from_user); $contents = ihttp_get($urls); $dats = $contents['content']; $re = @json_decode($dats, true); $nickname = $re['nickname']; $avatar = $re['headimgurl']; $votedate = array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'rid' => $rid, 'tptype' => '2', 'avatar' => $avatar, 'nickname' => $nickname, 'from_user' => $from_user, 'afrom_user' => $_COOKIE["user_fromuser_openid"], 'tfrom_user' => $tfrom_user, 'ip' => getip(), 'createtime' => time()); $votedate['iparr'] = $this->getiparr($votedate['ip']); pdo_insert($this->table_log, $votedate); pdo_update($this->table_users, array('hits' => $t['hits'] + 1, 'photosnum' => $t['photosnum'] + 1), array('rid' => $rid, 'from_user' => $tfrom_user, 'uniacid' => $uniacid)); //message('您成功的为Ta投了一票!',referer(),'success'); if (!empty($t['realname'])) { $tname = '姓名为: ' . $t['realname']; } else { $tname = '昵称为: ' . $t['nickname']; } $message = "恭喜您成功的为编号为: " . $t['id'] . " , " . $tname . " 的参赛者投了一票!"; //$message .= "1、<a href='".$_W['siteroot']."app/index.php?i=".$_W['uniacid']."&j=".$_W['acid']."&c=entry&rid=".$rid."&m=fm_photosvote&do=tuserphotos&tfrom_user="******"'>查看她的投票</a>\n"; //return $this->respText($message); $rowtp = array(); $rowtp['title'] = $message; $rowtp['description'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($message); $rowtp['picurl'] = !empty($t['photo']) ? toimage($t['photo']) : toimage($t['avatar']); $rowtp['url'] = $this->createMobileUrl('tuserphotos', array('rid' => $rid, 'tfrom_user' => $tfrom_user)); $news[] = $rowtp; if ($row['isindex'] == 1) { $advs = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_advs) . " WHERE enabled=1 AND ismiaoxian = 0 AND uniacid= '{$uniacid}' AND rid= '{$rid}' ORDER BY displayorder ASC LIMIT 6"); foreach ($advs as $c) { $rowadv = array(); $rowadv['title'] = $c['advname']; $rowadv['description'] = $c['description']; $rowadv['picurl'] = toimage($c['thumb']); $rowadv['url'] = empty($c['link']) ? $this->createMobileUrl('photosvoteview', array('rid' => $rid)) : $c['link']; $news[] = $rowadv; } } $huodong = iunserializer($row['huodong']); if ($huodong['ishuodong'] == 1 && !empty($huodong['huodongurl'])) { $rowhd = array(); $rowhd['title'] = $huodong['huodongname']; $rowhd['description'] = $huodong['huodongdes']; $rowhd['picurl'] = toimage($huodong['hhhdpicture']); $rowhd['url'] = $huodong['huodongurl'] . "&from=fm_photosvote&oid=" . $from_user; $news[] = $rowhd; } return $this->respNews($news); } } } } //end daytpxz } else { $message = '在此活动期间,你总共可以投 ' . $row['fansmostvote'] . ' 票,目前你已经投完!'; return $this->respText($message); } } //end zjrets } } } else { switch ($this->message['type']) { case 'text': if ($this->message['content'] == $command) { //报名判断 if (empty($_SESSION['bmstart'])) { $isuser = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_users) . " WHERE uniacid = '{$uniacid}' AND `from_user` = '{$from_user}' AND rid = '{$rid}' "); if (!empty($isuser)) { if ($row['isindex'] == 1) { $advs = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_advs) . " WHERE enabled=1 AND ismiaoxian = 0 AND uniacid= '{$uniacid}' AND rid= '{$rid}' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1"); } else { $advs = array(); $advs['advname'] = $isuser['description']; $advs['thumb'] = $isuser['photo']; } return $this->respNews(array('Title' => '您已经报过名了,点击以完善信息', 'Description' => $advs['advname'], 'PicUrl' => toimage($advs['thumb']), 'Url' => $this->createMobileUrl('tuser', array('rid' => $rid, 'tfrom_user' => $from_user)))); } $this->beginContext(1800); $_SESSION['bmstart'] = $this->message['content']; //$_SESSION['mediaid']= $this->message['mediaid']; //$_SESSION['ok']= 1; $msg = "欢迎参加" . $row['title'] . "的活动,现在开始报名\n\n" . "请按下面的顺序报名:\n"; $msg .= " 上传封面\n"; if ($row['mediatype']) { $msg .= " 上传相册照片\n"; } if ($row['mediatypem']) { $msg .= " 录制好声音\n"; } if ($row['mediatypev']) { $msg .= " 录制视频\n"; } $msg .= " 根据提示,填写报名资料\n\n"; $msg .= $_W['account']['name'] . "感谢您的参与!\n"; return $this->respText($msg); } else { $_SESSION['bmstart'] = $this->message['content']; $msg = "帮助信息:\n--------------\n\n" . "请按下面的顺序报名:\n"; $msg .= " 上传封面\n"; if ($row['mediatype']) { $msg .= " 上传相册照片\n"; } if ($row['mediatypem']) { $msg .= " 录制好声音\n"; } if ($row['mediatypev']) { $msg .= " 录制视频\n"; } $msg .= " 根据提示,填写报名资料\n\n"; $msg .= $_W['account']['name'] . "感谢您的参与!\n"; return $this->respText($msg); } } else { if ($this->inContext && !empty($_SESSION['bmstart'])) { if ($this->message['content'] == 't') { $this->endContext(); return $this->respText('退出成功!'); } if ($this->message['content'] == "n" || $this->message['content'] == "N") { $_SESSION['imageid'] = ''; $_SESSION['imageurl'] = ''; load()->func('file'); file_delete($_SESSION['imageurl']); $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请重新重新上传的封面\n"; return $this->respText($msg); } if ($_SESSION['imageok'] != 1) { $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请先上传封面\n"; return $this->respText($msg); } if ($row['mediatype']) { if ($_SESSION['imagesok'] != 1) { $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请上传相册照片\n"; return $this->respText($msg); } } if ($row['mediatypem']) { if ($_SESSION['voiceok'] != 1) { $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请录制好声音\n"; return $this->respText($msg); } } if ($row['mediatypev']) { if ($_SESSION['videook'] != 1) { $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请录制视频\n"; return $this->respText($msg); } } } if (!$this->inContext || empty($_SESSION['bmstart'])) { $zjrets = preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,5}$/i', $tag); if ($_SESSION['ok'] != 1) { if (!$zjrets && !is_numeric($this->message['content'])) { $picture = $row['picture']; if (substr($picture, 0, 6) == 'images') { $picture = $_W['attachurl'] . $picture; } else { $picture = $_W['siteroot'] . $picture; } return $this->respNews(array('Title' => $row['title'], 'Description' => htmlspecialchars_decode($row['description']), 'PicUrl' => $picture, 'Url' => $this->createMobileUrl('photosvoteview', array('rid' => $rid)))); } $this->beginContext(60); //锁定60秒 $_SESSION['ok'] = 1; $_SESSION['content'] = $this->message['content']; $_SESSION['code'] = random(4, true); return $this->respText("为防止恶意刷票,请回复验证码:" . $_SESSION["code"]); } else { if ($this->message['content'] != $_SESSION['code']) { $_SESSION['code'] = random(4, true); return $this->respText("验证码错误,请重新回复验证码:" . $_SESSION['code']); } else { $tag = $_SESSION['content']; //$rets = preg_match('/'.$command.'/i', $tag); //$ckrets = preg_match('/'.$ckcommand.'/i', $tag); $this->endContext(); if ($zjrets) { if ($now <= $row['tstart_time']) { return $this->respText($row['ttipstart']); } if ($now >= $row['tend_time']) { return $this->respText($row['ttipend']); } $starttime = mktime(0, 0, 0); //当天:00:00:00 $endtime = mktime(23, 59, 59); //当天:23:59:59 $times = ''; $times .= ' AND createtime >=' . $starttime; $times .= ' AND createtime <=' . $endtime; $where .= " AND id = '" . $tag . "'"; $t = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_users) . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid and rid = :rid " . $where . " LIMIT 1", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':rid' => $rid)); if (empty($t)) { $message = '未找到参赛者编号为 ' . $tag . ' 的用户,请重新输入!'; $message .= "1、<a href='" . $_W['siteroot'] . "app/index.php?i=" . $_W['uniacid'] . "&j=" . $_W['acid'] . "&c=entry&rid=" . $rid . "&m=fm_photosvote&do=photosvoteview'>活动首页</a>\n"; if ($row['ishuodong'] == 1 && !empty($row['huodongurl'])) { $message .= "2、<a href='" . $row['huodongurl'] . "'>" . $row['huodongname'] . "</a>"; } return $this->respText($message); } if ($t['status'] != '1') { $message = '您投票的用户编号为 ' . $tag . '还未通过审核,请稍后再试,您可以:'; $message .= "1、<a href='" . $_W['siteroot'] . "app/index.php?i=" . $_W['uniacid'] . "&j=" . $_W['acid'] . "&c=entry&rid=" . $rid . "&m=fm_photosvote&do=photosvoteview&uniacid=" . $uniacid . "'>活动首页</a>\n"; if ($row['ishuodong'] == 1 && !empty($row['huodongurl'])) { $message .= "2、<a href='" . $row['huodongurl'] . "'>" . $row['huodongname'] . "</a>"; } return $this->respText($message); } if ($row['isdaojishi']) { $votetime = $reply['votetime'] * 3600 * 24; $isvtime = $now - $t['createtime']; if ($isvtime >= $votetime) { $message = empty($row['ttipvote']) ? $t['nickname'] . ' 的投票时间已经结束' : $row['ttipvote']; return $this->respText($message); } } $tfrom_user = $t['from_user']; $daytpxz = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename($this->table_log) . ' WHERE uniacid= :uniacid AND from_user = :from_user AND rid = :rid ' . $times . ' ORDER BY createtime DESC', array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user, ':rid' => $rid)); $fansmostvote = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename($this->table_log) . ' WHERE uniacid= :uniacid AND from_user = :from_user AND rid = :rid ORDER BY createtime DESC', array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user, ':rid' => $rid)); //总共可以投几次 if ($fansmostvote < $row['fansmostvote']) { if ($daytpxz >= $row['daytpxz']) { $message = '您当前最多可以投' . $row['daytpxz'] . '个参赛选手,您当天的次数已经投完,请明天再来'; return $this->respText($message); } else { if ($tfrom_user == $from_user) { //message('您不能为自己投票',referer(),'error'); $message = '您不能为自己投票'; return $this->respText($message); } else { $dayonetp = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename($this->table_log) . ' WHERE uniacid= :uniacid AND from_user = :from_user AND tfrom_user = :tfrom_user AND rid = :rid ' . $times . ' ORDER BY createtime DESC', array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user, ':tfrom_user' => $tfrom_user, ':rid' => $rid)); $allonetp = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename($this->table_log) . ' WHERE uniacid= :uniacid AND from_user = :from_user AND tfrom_user = :tfrom_user AND rid = :rid ORDER BY createtime DESC', array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user, ':tfrom_user' => $tfrom_user, ':rid' => $rid)); if ($allonetp >= $row['allonetp']) { $message = "您总共可以给她投票" . $row['allonetp'] . "次,您已经投完!您还可以:\n"; $message .= "1、<a href='" . $_W['siteroot'] . "app/index.php?i=" . $_W['uniacid'] . "&j=" . $_W['acid'] . "&c=entry&tfrom_user="******"&rid=" . $rid . "&m=fm_photosvote&do=tuserphotos&uniacid=" . $uniacid . "'>查看她的投票</a>\n"; if ($row['ishuodong'] == 1 && !empty($row['huodongurl'])) { $message .= "2、<a href='" . $row['huodongurl'] . "'>" . $row['huodongname'] . "</a>"; } return $this->respText($message); } else { if ($dayonetp >= $row['dayonetp']) { $message = "您当天最多可以给她投票" . $row['dayonetp'] . "次,您已经投完,请明天再来。您还可以:\n"; $message .= "1、<a href='" . $_W['siteroot'] . "app/index.php?i=" . $_W['uniacid'] . "&j=" . $_W['acid'] . "&c=entry&tfrom_user="******"&rid=" . $rid . "&m=fm_photosvote&do=tuserphotos&uniacid=" . $uniacid . "'>查看她的投票</a>\n"; if ($row['ishuodong'] == 1 && !empty($row['huodongurl'])) { $message .= "2、<a href='" . $row['huodongurl'] . "'>" . $row['huodongname'] . "</a>"; } return $this->respText($message); //exit; } else { $atype = 'weixin'; $token = $_W['account']['access_token']['token']; $urls = sprintf("", $token, $from_user); $contents = ihttp_get($urls); $dats = $contents['content']; $re = @json_decode($dats, true); $nickname = $re['nickname']; $avatar = $re['headimgurl']; $votedate = array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'rid' => $rid, 'tptype' => '2', 'avatar' => $avatar, 'nickname' => $nickname, 'from_user' => $from_user, 'afrom_user' => $_COOKIE["user_fromuser_openid"], 'tfrom_user' => $tfrom_user, 'ip' => getip(), 'createtime' => time()); $votedate['iparr'] = $this->getiparr($votedate['ip']); pdo_insert($this->table_log, $votedate); pdo_update($this->table_users, array('hits' => $t['hits'] + 1, 'photosnum' => $t['photosnum'] + 1), array('rid' => $rid, 'from_user' => $tfrom_user, 'uniacid' => $uniacid)); //message('您成功的为Ta投了一票!',referer(),'success'); if (!empty($t['realname'])) { $tname = '姓名为: ' . $t['realname']; } else { $tname = '昵称为: ' . $t['nickname']; } $message = "恭喜您成功的为编号为: " . $t['id'] . " , " . $tname . " 的参赛者投了一票!"; //$message .= "1、<a href='".$_W['siteroot']."app/index.php?i=".$_W['uniacid']."&j=".$_W['acid']."&c=entry&rid=".$rid."&m=fm_photosvote&do=tuserphotos&tfrom_user="******"'>查看她的投票</a>\n"; //return $this->respText($message); $rowtp = array(); $rowtp['title'] = $message; $rowtp['description'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($message); $rowtp['picurl'] = !empty($t['photo']) ? toimage($t['photo']) : toimage($t['avatar']); $rowtp['url'] = $this->createMobileUrl('tuserphotos', array('rid' => $rid, 'tfrom_user' => $tfrom_user)); $news[] = $rowtp; if ($row['isindex'] == 1) { $advs = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_advs) . " WHERE enabled=1 AND ismiaoxian = 0 AND uniacid= '{$uniacid}' AND rid= '{$rid}' ORDER BY displayorder ASC LIMIT 6"); foreach ($advs as $c) { $rowadv = array(); $rowadv['title'] = $c['advname']; $rowadv['description'] = $c['description']; $rowadv['picurl'] = toimage($c['thumb']); $rowadv['url'] = empty($c['link']) ? $this->createMobileUrl('photosvoteview', array('rid' => $rid)) : $c['link']; $news[] = $rowadv; } } $huodong = iunserializer($row['huodong']); if ($huodong['ishuodong'] == 1 && !empty($huodong['huodongurl'])) { $rowhd = array(); $rowhd['title'] = $huodong['huodongname']; $rowhd['description'] = $huodong['huodongdes']; $rowhd['picurl'] = toimage($huodong['hhhdpicture']); $rowhd['url'] = $huodong['huodongurl'] . "&from=fm_photosvote&oid=" . $from_user; $news[] = $rowhd; } return $this->respNews($news); } } } } //end daytpxz } else { $message = '在此活动期间,你总共可以投 ' . $row['fansmostvote'] . ' 票,目前你已经投完!'; return $this->respText($message); } } //end zjrets } } } } $isuser = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_users) . " WHERE uniacid = '{$uniacid}' AND `from_user` = '{$from_user}' AND rid = '{$rid}' "); if (!empty($isuser)) { if ($row['isindex'] == 1) { $advs = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_advs) . " WHERE enabled=1 AND ismiaoxian = 0 AND uniacid= '{$uniacid}' AND rid= '{$rid}' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1"); } else { $advs = array(); $advs['advname'] = $isuser['description']; $advs['thumb'] = $isuser['photo']; } return $this->respNews(array('Title' => '您已经报过名了,点击以完善信息', 'Description' => $advs['advname'], 'PicUrl' => toimage($advs['thumb']), 'Url' => $this->createMobileUrl('tuser', array('rid' => $rid, 'tfrom_user' => $from_user)))); } if (empty($_SESSION['photoname'])) { $_SESSION['photoname'] = $this->message['content']; $_SESSION['photonameok'] = 1; $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请回复主题介绍:"; //$_SESSION['imageok']= 1; return $this->respText($msg); } if (empty($_SESSION['description'])) { $_SESSION['description'] = $this->message['content']; $_SESSION['descriptionok'] = 1; $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请回复真实姓名:"; //$_SESSION['imageok']= 1; return $this->respText($msg); } if (empty($_SESSION['realname'])) { $_SESSION['realname'] = $this->message['content']; $_SESSION['realnameok'] = 1; $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请回复手机号码:"; //$_SESSION['imageok']= 1; return $this->respText($msg); } if (empty($_SESSION['mobile'])) { $_SESSION['mobile'] = $this->message['content']; $_SESSION['mobileok'] = 1; } $sql = 'SELECT uid FROM ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' WHERE `uniacid`=:uniacid AND `openid`=:openid'; $pars = array(); $pars[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $pars[':openid'] = $from_user; $uid = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, $pars); $fan = pdo_fetch("SELECT avatar,nickname FROM " . tablename('mc_members') . " WHERE uniacid = '{$uniacid}' AND `uid` = '{$uid}'"); if (!empty($fan)) { $avatar = $fan['avatar']; $nickname = $fan['nickname']; } $data = array('rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid, 'from_user' => $from_user, 'avatar' => $avatar, 'nickname' => $nickname, 'photo' => $_SESSION["imageurl"], 'music' => $_SESSION["voiceurl"], 'voice' => $_SESSION["voiceurl"], 'vedio' => $_SESSION["videourl"], 'picarr_1' => $_SESSION["imagesurl1"], 'picarr_2' => $_SESSION["imagesurl2"], 'picarr_3' => $_SESSION["imagesurl3"], 'picarr_4' => $_SESSION["imagesurl4"], 'picarr_5' => $_SESSION["imagesurl5"], 'picarr_6' => $_SESSION["imagesurl6"], 'picarr_7' => $_SESSION["imagesurl7"], 'picarr_8' => $_SESSION["imagesurl8"], 'description' => $_SESSION["description"], 'photoname' => $_SESSION["photoname"], 'realname' => $_SESSION["realname"], 'mobile' => $_SESSION["mobile"], 'photosnum' => '0', 'xnphotosnum' => '0', 'hits' => '1', 'xnhits' => '1', 'yaoqingnum' => '0', 'status' => $row['tpsh'] == 1 ? '0' : '1', 'createip' => getip(), 'lastip' => getip(), 'lasttime' => time(), 'sharetime' => time(), 'createtime' => time()); $data['iparr'] = $this->getiparr($data['lastip']); pdo_insert($this->table_users, $data); $this->endContext(); //$msg = $_W['account']['name']." 提请您:\n恭喜您报名成功!"; $_SESSION['bmsuccess'] = 1; return $this->respNews(array('Title' => '恭喜' . $nickname . '报名成功!', 'Description' => '点击以完善信息', 'PicUrl' => toimage($avatar), 'Url' => $this->createMobileUrl('tuser', array('rid' => $rid, 'tfrom_user' => $from_user)))); //return $this->respText($msg); break; case 'image': $fmmid = random(16); if (empty($_SESSION['imageid'])) { $_SESSION['imageid'] = $this->message['mediaid']; if ($row['mediatypev']) { $info = " 请开始录制您的视频"; } if ($row['mediatypem']) { $info = " 请开始录制您的好声音"; } if ($row['mediatype']) { $info = " 请开始上传相册照片"; } if (!$row['mediatypev'] && !$row['mediatypem'] && !$row['mediatype']) { $info = " 请回复您的照片主题宣言:"; } $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n我们已经收到您的封面\n" . " 如果满意," . $info . "\n" . " 如果不满意,请回复:n\n"; $imageurl = $this->downloadMedia($_SESSION['imageid'], $fmmid, 'images'); //$imageurl = str_replace("../attachment/", '', $imageurl); $_SESSION['imageurl'] = $imageurl; if ($qiniu['isqiniu']) { $nfilename = 'FMFetchiHH' . date('YmdHis') . random(16) . '.jpeg'; $qiniu['upurl'] = $_W['siteroot'] . 'attachment/' . $_SESSION['imageurl']; $mid = 0; $username = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_users_name) . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid and from_user = :from_user and rid = :rid", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user, ':rid' => $rid)); $qiniuimages = $this->fmqnimages($nfilename, $qiniu, $mid, $username); if ($qiniuimages['success'] == '-1') { $fmdata = array("success" => -1, "msg" => $qiniuimages['msg']); return $this->respText($fmdata['msg']); } else { if ($username) { $insertdataname = array(); $insertdataname['photoname'] = $nfilename; pdo_update($this->table_users_name, $insertdataname, array('from_user' => $from_user, 'rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid)); } else { $insertdataname = array('rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid, 'from_user' => $from_user, 'photoname' => $nfilename); pdo_insert($this->table_users_name, $insertdataname); } } $_SESSION['imageurl'] = $qiniuimages['imgurl']; //return $this->respText($_SESSION['imageurl']); } //$msg .= "封面地址" . "\n" . toimage($_SESSION['imageurl']); $_SESSION['imageok'] = 1; return $this->respText($msg); } else { if ($_SESSION['realnameok'] == 1) { $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请回复您的手机号码\n" . $_SESSION['voiceid']; return $this->respText($msg); } if ($_SESSION['descriptionok'] == 1) { $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请回复您的真实姓名\n" . $_SESSION['voiceid']; return $this->respText($msg); } if ($_SESSION['photonameok'] == 1) { $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请回复您的主题介绍\n" . $_SESSION['voiceid']; return $this->respText($msg); } if ($row['mediatypev']) { if ($_SESSION['videook'] == 1) { $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请回复您的照片主题宣言\n" . $_SESSION['voiceid']; return $this->respText($msg); } } if ($row['mediatypem']) { if ($_SESSION['voiceok'] == 1) { $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请录制您的视频\n" . $_SESSION['voiceid']; return $this->respText($msg); } } } for ($i = 1; $i <= $row['tpxz']; $i++) { if (empty($_SESSION['imagesid' . $i])) { if ($row['mediatype']) { $_SESSION['imagesid' . $i] = $this->message['mediaid']; if ($row['mediatypev']) { $info = " 请开始录制您的视频"; } if ($row['mediatypem']) { $info = " 请开始录制您的好声音"; } if (!$row['mediatypev'] && !$row['mediatypem']) { $info = " 请回复您的照片主题宣言:"; } $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n我们已经收到您的相册照片,您总共可以上传" . $row['tpxz'] . "张相册照片\n" . "您已经上了" . $i . "张相册照片\n" . "如果您只想上传到当前的照片数," . $info; $imagesurl = $this->downloadMedia($_SESSION['imagesid' . $i], $fmmid, 'images'); //$imagesurl = str_replace("../attachment/", '', $imagesurl); $_SESSION['imagesurl' . $i] = $imagesurl; if ($qiniu['isqiniu']) { $nfilename = 'FMFetchiHH' . date('YmdHis') . random(16) . '.jpeg'; //$qiniu['upurl'] = $_SESSION['imagesurl'.$i]; $qiniu['upurl'] = $_W['siteroot'] . 'attachment/' . $_SESSION['imagesurl' . $i]; $mid = $i; $username = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_users_name) . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid and from_user = :from_user and rid = :rid", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user, ':rid' => $rid)); $qiniuimages = $this->fmqnimages($nfilename, $qiniu, $mid, $username); if ($qiniuimages['success'] == '-1') { $fmdata = array("success" => -1, "msg" => $qiniuimages['msg']); return $this->respText($fmdata['msg']); } else { if ($username) { $insertdataname = array(); $insertdataname['picarr_' . $mid . '_name'] = $nfilename; pdo_update($this->table_users_name, $insertdataname, array('from_user' => $from_user, 'rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid)); } else { $insertdataname = array('rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid, 'from_user' => $from_user); $insertdataname['picarr_' . $mid . '_name'] = $nfilename; pdo_insert($this->table_users_name, $insertdataname); } } $_SESSION['imagesurl' . $i] = $qiniuimages['imgurl']; } //$msg .= "\n相册图片地址" . $i . "\n" . toimage($_SESSION['imagesurl'.$i]); $_SESSION['imagesok'] = 1; return $this->respText($msg); } else { $_SESSION['imagesok'] = 0; $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n本次活动未开启相册功能,请回复”报名“,按其顺序(要求)上传资料报名\n" . $_W['account']['name'] . "感谢您的支持!"; return $this->respText($msg); } } } //for ($i = 1; $i <= $row['tpxz']; $i++) { //if (!empty($_SESSION['imagesid'.$i])) { if (!$row['mediatype']) { $_SESSION['imagesok'] = 0; $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n本次活动未开启相册功能,请回复”报名“,按其顺序(要求)上传资料报名\n" . $_W['account']['name'] . "感谢您的支持!"; return $this->respText($msg); } if ($_SESSION['realnameok'] == 1) { $info = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请回复您的手机号码\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } if ($_SESSION['descriptionok'] == 1) { $info = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请回复您的真实姓名\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } if ($_SESSION['photonameok'] == 1) { $info = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请回复您的主题介绍\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } if ($row['mediatypev'] == 1) { if ($_SESSION['videook']) { $info = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请回复您的照片主题宣言\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } } if ($row['mediatypem'] == 1) { if ($_SESSION['voiceok']) { $info = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请录制您的视频\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } } if ($row['mediatype'] == 1) { if ($_SESSION['imagesok']) { $info = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n 请录制您的好声音\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } } $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n我们已经收到您的相册照片,您总共可以上传" . $row['tpxz'] . "张相册照片\n" . "您已经上了" . $row['tpxz'] . "张相册照片\n" . "" . $info; //$_SESSION['imagesok']= 1; return $this->respText($msg); //} break; case 'voice': $fmmid = random(16); if (empty($_SESSION['voiceid'])) { $_SESSION['voiceid'] = $this->message['mediaid']; if ($row['mediatypev']) { $info = " 请开始录制您的视频"; } else { $info = " 请回复您的照片主题宣言:"; } $voiceurl = $this->downloadMedia($_SESSION['voiceid'], $fmmid, 'voice'); $_SESSION['voiceurl'] = $voiceurl; if ($qiniu['isqiniu']) { $nfilename = 'FMVOICEHH' . date('YmdHis') . random(16) . '.amr'; $upurl = tomedia($_SESSION['voiceurl']); $username = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_users_name) . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid and from_user = :from_user and rid = :rid", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user, ':rid' => $rid)); $audiotype = 'voice'; $qiniuaudios = $this->fmqnaudios($nfilename, $qiniu, $upurl, $audiotype, $username); $nfilenamefop = $qiniuaudios['nfilenamefop']; if ($qiniuaudios['success'] == '-1') { // var_dump($err); $fmdata = array("success" => -1, "msg" => $qiniuaudios['msg']); return $this->respText($fmdata['msg']); } else { $insertdata = array(); if ($qiniuaudios['success'] == '-2') { //var_dump($err); $fmdata = array("success" => -1, "msg" => $qiniuaudios['msg']); return $this->respText($fmdata['msg']); } else { $voice = $qiniuaudios[$audiotype]; //$udata[$audiotype] = $qiniuaudios[$audiotype]; //pdo_insert($this->table_users_voice, $udata); //pdo_update($this->table_users, array('fmmid' => $fmmid,'mediaid' =>$_POST['serverId'],'lastip' => getip(),'lasttime' => $now,'voice' => $voice,'timelength' => $_GPC['timelength']), array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'rid' => $rid, 'from_user' => $from_user)); if ($username) { $insertdataname = array(); $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'name'] = $nfilename; $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'namefop'] = $nfilenamefop; pdo_update($this->table_users_name, $insertdataname, array('from_user' => $from_user, 'rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid)); } else { $insertdataname = array('rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid, 'from_user' => $from_user); $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'name'] = $nfilename; $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'namefop'] = $nfilenamefop; pdo_insert($this->table_users_name, $insertdataname); } } } $_SESSION['voiceurl'] = $voice; } $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n我们已经收到您录制的好声音\n" . " 如果满意," . $info . "\n" . " 如果不满意,请重新录制好声音\n"; //$msg .= "\n好声音地址" . "\n" . tomedia($_SESSION['voiceurl']); $_SESSION['voiceok'] = 1; return $this->respText($msg); } else { $_SESSION['voiceid'] = $this->message['mediaid']; if ($_SESSION['realnameok']) { $info = " 请回复您的手机号码\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } if ($_SESSION['descriptionok']) { $info = " 请回复您的真实姓名\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } if ($_SESSION['photonameok']) { $info = " 请回复您的主题介绍\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } if ($row['mediatypev']) { if ($_SESSION['videook']) { $info = " 请回复您的照片主题宣言\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } } if ($row['mediatypem']) { if ($_SESSION['voiceok']) { $info = " 请录制您的视频\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } } $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n我们已经收到您重新录制的好声音\n" . " 如果满意," . $info . "\n" . " 如果不满意,请再次重新录制好声音\n"; $voiceurl = $this->downloadMedia($_SESSION['voiceid'], $fmmid, 'voice'); load()->func('file'); file_delete($_SESSION['voiceurl']); $_SESSION['voiceurl'] = $voiceurl; //return $this->respText($qiniu); if ($qiniu['isqiniu']) { $nfilename = 'FMVOICEHH' . date('YmdHis') . random(16) . '.amr'; $upurl = tomedia($_SESSION['voiceurl']); $username = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_users_name) . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid and from_user = :from_user and rid = :rid", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user, ':rid' => $rid)); $audiotype = 'voice'; $qiniuaudios = $this->fmqnaudios($nfilename, $qiniu, $upurl, $audiotype, $username); $nfilenamefop = $qiniuaudios['nfilenamefop']; if ($qiniuaudios['success'] == '-1') { // var_dump($err); $fmdata = array("success" => -1, "msg" => $qiniuaudios['msg']); return $this->respText($fmdata['msg']); } else { $insertdata = array(); if ($qiniuaudios['success'] == '-2') { //var_dump($err); $fmdata = array("success" => -1, "msg" => $qiniuaudios['msg']); return $this->respText($fmdata['msg']); } else { $voice = $qiniuaudios[$audiotype]; //$udata[$audiotype] = $qiniuaudios[$audiotype]; //pdo_insert($this->table_users_voice, $udata); //pdo_update($this->table_users, array('fmmid' => $fmmid,'mediaid' =>$_POST['serverId'],'lastip' => getip(),'lasttime' => $now,'voice' => $voice,'timelength' => $_GPC['timelength']), array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'rid' => $rid, 'from_user' => $from_user)); if ($username) { $insertdataname = array(); $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'name'] = $nfilename; $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'namefop'] = $nfilenamefop; pdo_update($this->table_users_name, $insertdataname, array('from_user' => $from_user, 'rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid)); } else { $insertdataname = array('rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid, 'from_user' => $from_user); $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'name'] = $nfilename; $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'namefop'] = $nfilenamefop; pdo_insert($this->table_users_name, $insertdataname); } } } $_SESSION['voiceurl'] = $voice; } //$msg .= "\n好声音地址" . "\n" . tomedia($_SESSION['voiceurl']); $_SESSION['voiceok'] = 1; return $this->respText($msg); } break; case 'video': $fmmid = random(16); if (empty($_SESSION['videoid'])) { $_SESSION['videoid'] = $this->message['mediaid']; $videourl = $this->downloadMedia($_SESSION['videoid'], $fmmid, 'video'); $_SESSION['videourl'] = $videourl; if ($qiniu['isqiniu']) { //开启七牛存储 $audiotype = 'vedio'; $nfilename = 'FMHH' . date('YmdHis') . random(8) . 'hhvideo.mp4'; $upmediatmp = toimage($_SESSION['videourl']); $qiniuaudios = $this->fmqnaudios($nfilename, $qiniu, $upmediatmp, $audiotype, $username); $nfilenamefop = $qiniuaudios['nfilenamefop']; if ($qiniuaudios['success'] == '-1') { // var_dump($err); $fmdata = array("success" => -1, "msg" => $qiniuaudios['msg']); return $this->respText($fmdata['msg']); } else { $insertdata = array(); if ($qiniuaudios['success'] == '-2') { //var_dump($err); $fmdata = array("success" => -1, "msg" => $err); return $this->respText($fmdata['msg']); } else { //var_dump($ret); $insertdata[$audiotype] = $qiniuaudios[$audiotype]; //pdo_update($this->table_users, $insertdata, array('from_user'=>$from_user, 'rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid)); if ($username) { $insertdataname = array(); $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'name'] = $nfilename; $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'namefop'] = $nfilenamefop; pdo_update($this->table_users_name, $insertdataname, array('from_user' => $from_user, 'rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid)); } else { $insertdataname = array('rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid, 'from_user' => $from_user); $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'name'] = $nfilename; $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'namefop'] = $nfilenamefop; pdo_insert($this->table_users_name, $insertdataname); } } } $_SESSION['videourl'] = $qiniuaudios[$audiotype]; } $_SESSION['videook'] = 1; $info = " 请回复您的照片主题宣言:"; $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n我们已经收到您录制的视频\n" . " 如果满意," . $info . "\n" . " 如果不满意,请重新录制视频\n"; //$msg .= "\n视频地址" . "\n" . tomedia($_SESSION['videourl']); return $this->respText($msg); } else { //$this->istip('video'); $_SESSION['videoid'] = $this->message['mediaid']; load()->func('file'); file_delete($_SESSION['videourl']); $videourl = $this->downloadMedia($_SESSION['videoid'], $fmmid, 'video'); $_SESSION['videourl'] = $videourl; if ($qiniu['isqiniu']) { //开启七牛存储 $audiotype = 'vedio'; $nfilename = 'FMHH' . date('YmdHis') . random(8) . 'hhvideo.mp4'; $upmediatmp = toimage($_SESSION['videourl']); $qiniuaudios = $this->fmqnaudios($nfilename, $qiniu, $upmediatmp, $audiotype, $username); $nfilenamefop = $qiniuaudios['nfilenamefop']; if ($qiniuaudios['success'] == '-1') { // var_dump($err); $fmdata = array("success" => -1, "msg" => $qiniuaudios['msg']); return $this->respText($fmdata['msg']); } else { $insertdata = array(); if ($qiniuaudios['success'] == '-2') { //var_dump($err); $fmdata = array("success" => -1, "msg" => $err); return $this->respText($fmdata['msg']); } else { //var_dump($ret); $insertdata[$audiotype] = $qiniuaudios[$audiotype]; if ($username) { $insertdataname = array(); $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'name'] = $nfilename; $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'namefop'] = $nfilenamefop; pdo_update($this->table_users_name, $insertdataname, array('from_user' => $from_user, 'rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid)); } else { $insertdataname = array('rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid, 'from_user' => $from_user); $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'name'] = $nfilename; $insertdataname[$audiotype . 'namefop'] = $nfilenamefop; pdo_insert($this->table_users_name, $insertdataname); } } } $_SESSION['videourl'] = $qiniuaudios[$audiotype]; } if ($_SESSION['realnameok']) { $info = " 请回复您的手机号码\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } if ($_SESSION['descriptionok']) { $info = " 请回复您的真实姓名\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } if ($_SESSION['photonameok']) { $info = " 请回复您的主题介绍\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } if ($row['mediatypev']) { if ($_SESSION['videook']) { $info = " 请回复您的照片主题宣言\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } } $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n我们已经收到您重新录制的视频\n" . " 如果满意," . $info . "\n" . " 如果不满意,请再次重新录制视频\n"; //$msg .= "\n视频地址" . "\n" . tomedia($_SESSION['videourl']); $_SESSION['videook'] = 1; return $this->respText($msg); } break; case 'shortvideo': $fmmid = random(16); if (empty($_SESSION['videoid'])) { $_SESSION['videoid'] = $this->message['mediaid']; $videourl = $this->downloadMedia($_SESSION['videoid'], $fmmid, 'video'); $_SESSION['videourl'] = $videourl; $_SESSION['videook'] = 1; $info = " 请回复您的照片主题宣言:"; $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n我们已经收到您录制的视频\n" . " 如果满意," . $info . "\n" . " 如果不满意,请重新录制视频\n"; //$msg .= "\n视频地址" . "\n" . tomedia($_SESSION['videourl']); return $this->respText($msg); } else { //$this->istip('video'); $_SESSION['videoid'] = $this->message['mediaid']; load()->func('file'); file_delete($_SESSION['videourl']); $videourl = $this->downloadMedia($_SESSION['videoid'], $fmmid, 'video'); $_SESSION['videourl'] = $videourl; if ($_SESSION['realnameok']) { $info = " 请回复您的手机号码\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } if ($_SESSION['descriptionok']) { $info = " 请回复您的真实姓名\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } if ($_SESSION['photonameok']) { $info = " 请回复您的主题介绍\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } if ($row['mediatypev']) { if ($_SESSION['videook']) { $info = " 请回复您的照片主题宣言\n"; //return $this->respText($msg); } } $msg = $_W['account']['name'] . " 提请您:\n我们已经收到您重新录制的视频\n" . " 如果满意," . $info . "\n" . " 如果不满意,请再次重新录制视频\n"; //$msg .= "\n视频地址" . "\n" . tomedia($_SESSION['videourl']); $_SESSION['videook'] = 1; return $this->respText($msg); } break; default: break; } } } //总的结束 } else { if ($now <= $row['start_time']) { $message = "亲," . $row['title'] . "活动将在" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row['start_time']) . "时准时开放投票,您可以:\n"; $message .= "1、<a href='" . $_W['siteroot'] . "app/index.php?i=" . $_W['uniacid'] . "&j=" . $_W['acid'] . "&c=entry&rid=" . $rid . "&m=fm_photosvote&do=photosvoteview&uniacid=" . $uniacid . "'>先睹为快</a>\n"; if ($row['ishuodong'] == 1 && !empty($row['huodongurl'])) { $message .= "2、<a href='" . $row['huodongurl'] . "'>" . $row['huodongname'] . "</a>"; } } elseif ($now >= $row['end_time']) { $message = "亲," . $row['title'] . "活动已经于" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row['end_time']) . "时结束,您可以:\n"; $message .= "1、<a href='" . $_W['siteroot'] . "app/index.php?i=" . $_W['uniacid'] . "&j=" . $_W['acid'] . "&c=entry&rid=" . $rid . "&m=fm_photosvote&do=paihang&uniacid=" . $uniacid . "'>看看排行榜</a>\n"; if ($row['ishuodong'] == 1 && !empty($row['huodongurl'])) { $message .= "2、<a href='" . $row['huodongurl'] . "'>" . $row['huodongname'] . "</a>"; } } return $this->respText($message); } }
public function fm_qrcode($value = '', $filename = '', $pathname = '', $logo, $scqrcode = array('errorCorrectionLevel' => 'H', 'matrixPointSize' => '4', 'margin' => '5')) { global $_W; $uniacid = !empty($_W['uniacid']) ? $_W['uniacid'] : $_W['acid']; require_once '../framework/library/qrcode/phpqrcode.php'; load()->func('file'); $filename = empty($filename) ? date("YmdHis") . '' . random(10) : date("YmdHis") . '' . random(istrlen($filename)); if (!empty($pathname)) { $dfileurl = 'attachment/images/' . $uniacid . '/qrcode/cache/' . date("Ymd") . '/' . $pathname; $fileurl = '../' . $dfileurl; } else { $dfileurl = 'attachment/images/' . $uniacid . '/qrcode/cache/' . date("Ymd"); $fileurl = '../' . $dfileurl; } mkdirs($fileurl); $fileurl = empty($pathname) ? $fileurl . '/' . $filename . '.png' : $fileurl . '/' . $filename . '.png'; QRcode::png($value, $fileurl, $scqrcode['errorCorrectionLevel'], $scqrcode['matrixPointSize'], $scqrcode['margin']); $dlogo = $_W['attachurl'] . 'headimg_' . $uniacid . '.jpg?uniacid=' . $uniacid; if (!$logo) { $logo = toimage($dlogo); } $QR = $_W['siteroot'] . $dfileurl . '/' . $filename . '.png'; if ($logo !== FALSE) { $QR = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($QR)); $logo = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($logo)); $QR_width = imagesx($QR); $QR_height = imagesy($QR); $logo_width = imagesx($logo); $logo_height = imagesy($logo); $logo_qr_width = $QR_width / 5; $scale = $logo_width / $logo_qr_width; $logo_qr_height = $logo_height / $scale; $from_width = ($QR_width - $logo_qr_width) / 2; imagecopyresampled($QR, $logo, $from_width, $from_width, 0, 0, $logo_qr_width, $logo_qr_height, $logo_width, $logo_height); } if (!empty($pathname)) { $dfileurllogo = 'attachment/images/' . $uniacid . '/qrcode/fm_qrcode/' . date("Ymd") . '/' . $pathname; $fileurllogo = '../' . $dfileurllogo; } else { $dfileurllogo = 'attachment/images/' . $uniacid . '/qrcode/fm_qrcode'; $fileurllogo = '../' . $dfileurllogo; } mkdirs($fileurllogo); $fileurllogo = empty($pathname) ? $fileurllogo . '/' . $filename . '_logo.png' : $fileurllogo . '/' . $filename . '_logo.png'; imagepng($QR, $fileurllogo); return $fileurllogo; }
$ljtp = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename($this->table_log) . " WHERE rid= " . $rid . "") + pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT sum(xnphotosnum) FROM " . tablename($this->table_users) . " WHERE rid= " . $rid . ""); //累计投票 $cyrs = $csrs + $reply['hits'] + pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT sum(hits) FROM " . tablename($this->table_users) . " WHERE rid= " . $rid . "") + pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT sum(xnhits) FROM " . tablename($this->table_users) . " WHERE rid= " . $rid . "") + $reply['xuninum']; //参与人数 if (!empty($from_user)) { $mygift = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_users) . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid and from_user = :from_user and rid = :rid", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user, ':rid' => $rid)); //此处更新一下分享量和邀请量 } $reply['sharetitle'] = $this->get_share($uniacid, $rid, $from_user, $reply['sharetitle']); $reply['sharecontent'] = $this->get_share($uniacid, $rid, $from_user, $reply['sharecontent']); //整理数据进行页面显示 $myavatar = $avatar; $mynickname = $nickname; $shareurl = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $this->createMobileUrl('shareuserview', array('rid' => $rid, 'fromuser' => $from_user)); //分享URL $regurl = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $this->createMobileUrl('reg', array('rid' => $rid)); //关注或借用直接注册页 $guanzhu = $reply['shareurl']; //没有关注用户跳转引导页 $lingjiangurl = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $this->createMobileUrl('lingjiang', array('rid' => $rid)); //领奖URL $mygifturl = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $this->createMobileUrl('photosvoteview', array('rid' => $rid)); //我的页面 $title = $reply['title']; $_share['link'] = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $this->createMobileUrl('shareuserview', array('rid' => $rid, 'fromuser' => $from_user)); //分享URL $_share['title'] = $reply['sharetitle']; $_share['content'] = $reply['sharecontent']; $_share['imgUrl'] = toimage($reply['sharephoto']); $toye = $this->_stopllq('des'); include $this->template($toye);
if ($qiniu['videologo']) { $qiniu['videologo'] = toimage($qiniu['videologo']); } if ($upmediatmp) { $ext = $_FILES[$audiotype]["type"]; $nfilename = 'FM' . date('YmdHis') . random(8) . $_FILES[$audiotype]["name"]; $updir = '../attachment/audios/' . $uniacid . '/' . date("Y") . '/' . date("m") . '/'; mkdirs($updir); if ($mygift[$audiotype]) { file_delete($mygift[$audiotype]); } $music = file_upload($_FILES[$audiotype], 'audio'); $videopath = $music['path']; if ($qiniu['isqiniu']) { //开启七牛存储 $upmediatmp = toimage($videopath); $qiniuaudios = $this->fmqnaudios($nfilename, $qiniu, $upmediatmp, $audiotype, $username); $nfilenamefop = $qiniuaudios['nfilenamefop']; if ($qiniuaudios['success'] == '-1') { // var_dump($err); $fmdata = array("success" => -1, "msg" => $qiniuaudios['msg']); echo json_encode($fmdata); exit; } else { $insertdata = array(); if ($qiniuaudios['success'] == '-2') { //var_dump($err); $fmdata = array("success" => -1, "msg" => $err); echo json_encode($fmdata); exit; } else {
$cid = $_GPC['cid']; //如果是从人脉页面跳转过来的,则没有cid if ($op == 'renmai') { $cid = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT id FROM " . tablename('amouse_weicard_card') . " WHERE mid=" . $id); if (empty($cid)) { message('名片不存在!'); } } $member = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('amouse_weicard_member') . " WHERE id=" . $id); $card = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('amouse_weicard_card') . " WHERE id=" . $cid); $guanzhuUrl = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT guanzhuUrl FROM " . tablename('amouse_weicard_sysset') . " WHERE weid=" . $_W['uniacid']); //生成二维码图片 $linkUrl = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $this->createMobileUrl('share', array('id' => $member['id'], 'cid' => $card['id'], 'wid' => $member['openid']), true); //生成二维码图片 $imgName = $member['id'] . "amouseerweima_" . $_W['uniacid'] . ".png"; $shareimg = toimage($member['headimg']); $path = "/addons/amouse_eicard"; $filename = IA_ROOT . $path . "/data/" . $imgName; $imgUrl = "addons/amouse_ecard/data/{$imgName}"; $a = $this->CreateQRImage($imgName, $linkUrl, $imgUrl); $isCompany = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT id FROM " . tablename('amouse_weicard_companyinfo') . " WHERE mid=" . $member['id']); $isPhoto = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT id FROM " . tablename('amouse_weicard_photo') . " WHERE mid=" . $member['id']); $ispresence = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT id FROM " . tablename('amouse_weicard_presence') . " WHERE mid=" . $member['id']); //背景音乐 $isbjyy = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT musicid FROM " . tablename('amouse_weicard_bjyy') . " WHERE mid=" . $member['id']); if (!empty($isbjyy)) { $musicUrl = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT musicUrl FROM " . tablename('amouse_weicard_music') . " WHERE id=" . $isbjyy); if (strexists($musicUrl, 'http://') || strexists($musicUrl, 'https://')) { $musicUrl = $musicUrl; } else { $musicUrl = $_W['attachurl'] . $musicUrl;
public function doMobiledetail() { global $_W, $_GPC; $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($id)) { message('参数错误', 'refresh', 'error'); } if ($_W['isajax']) { if ($_GPC['op'] == 'share') { pdo_query("UPDATE " . tablename($this->dialect) . " SET share_num=share_num+1 WHERE id=" . $id); } else { pdo_query("UPDATE " . tablename($this->dialect) . " SET people=people+1 WHERE id=" . $id); } } // 访问人数 pdo_query("UPDATE " . tablename($this->dialect) . " SET viewnum=viewnum+1 WHERE id=" . $id); $r = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->dialect) . " WHERE id={$id} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); // 问题 if ($r['questions']) { $questions = iunserializer($r['questions']); unset($r['questions']); } // 评分 if ($r['scoretext']) { $scoretext = iunserializer($r['scoretext']); unset($r['scoretext']); } $setting = $this->module['config']; $setting['thumb'] = toimage($setting['thumb']); include $this->template('detail'); }