Ejemplo n.º 1
require_once "../../interface/globals.php";
require_once "{$srcdir}/forms.inc";
require_once "{$srcdir}/patient.inc";
require_once "{$srcdir}/formatting.inc.php";
require_once "{$srcdir}/encounter_events.inc.php";
$issue = $_GET['issue'];
$createvisit = !empty($_GET['createvisit']);
$today = date('Y-m-d');
$irow = sqlQuery("SELECT title, pid FROM lists WHERE id = ?", array($issue));
$thispid = $irow['pid'];
if (empty($thispid)) {
    die("Error fetching issue {$issue}");
if ($createvisit) {
    // Create a new encounter and give it a title of the issue title.
    $thisenc = todaysEncounter($thispid, $irow['title']);
    // If the encounter is not already linked to the specified issue, link it.
    $tmp = sqlQuery("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM issue_encounter WHERE " . "pid = ? AND list_id = ? AND encounter = ?", array($thispid, $issue, $thisenc));
    if (empty($tmp['count'])) {
        sqlStatement("INSERT INTO issue_encounter " . "( pid, list_id, encounter ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )", array($thispid, $issue, $thisenc));

// alert('pid = <?php 
    echo $pid;
 thispid = <?php 
    echo $thispid;
'); // debugging
Ejemplo n.º 2
// $patdata = getPatientData($pid, 'fname,lname,pubpid');
$patdata = sqlQuery("SELECT " . "p.fname, p.mname, p.lname, p.pubpid, i.copay " . "FROM patient_data AS p " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_data AS i ON " . "i.pid = p.pid AND i.type = 'primary' " . "WHERE p.pid = '{$pid}' ORDER BY i.date DESC LIMIT 1");
$alertmsg = '';
// anything here pops up in an alert box
// If the Save button was clicked...
if ($_POST['form_save']) {
    $form_pid = $_POST['form_pid'];
    $form_method = trim($_POST['form_method']);
    $form_source = trim($_POST['form_source']);
    // Post payments for unbilled encounters.  These go into the billing table.
    if ($_POST['form_upay']) {
        foreach ($_POST['form_upay'] as $enc => $payment) {
            if ($amount = 0 + $payment) {
                if (!$enc) {
                    $enc = todaysEncounter($form_pid);
                addBilling($enc, 'COPAY', sprintf('%.2f', $amount), $form_method, $form_pid, 1, $_SESSION["authUserID"], '', 1, 0 - $amount, '', '');
                frontPayment($form_pid, $enc, $form_method, $form_source, $amount, 0);
    // Post payments for previously billed encounters.  These go to A/R.
    if ($_POST['form_bpay']) {
        foreach ($_POST['form_bpay'] as $enc => $payment) {
            if ($amount = 0 + $payment) {
                if ($INTEGRATED_AR) {
                    $thissrc = '';
                    if ($form_method) {
                        $thissrc .= $form_method;
                        if ($form_source) {