function toArray($type, $content)
    //standardize on \n for eol character
    $content = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r|\n/m", "\n", trim($content));
    $cues = explode("\n\n", $content);
    $n = 0;
    // counter of kept cues
    if (sizeof($cues) > 1) {
        if (trim(strtoupper($cues[0])) == 'WEBVTT') {
            //spec requires WEBVTT on the first line
            $i = 1;
            while ($i < sizeof($cues)) {
                $cue = explode("\n", $cues[$i]);
                if (sizeof($cue) >= 2) {
                    // this seems to be a valid cue. Keep it
                    $times = explode(' --> ', $cue[0]);
                    $c['type'][$n] = $type;
                    $c['start'][$n] = toSeconds(trim($times[0]));
                    $c['end'][$n] = toSeconds(trim($times[1]));
                    $cueText = $cue[1];
                    if (sizeof($cue) > 2) {
                        // this is a multi-line cue
                        $j = 2;
                        while ($j < sizeof($cue)) {
                            // ensure there's one space between cues, but not more than one
                            $cueText .= ' ' . trim($cue[$j]);
                    $c['text'][$n] = $cueText;
        } else {
            echo '2';
            // this is not a WebVTT file
    } else {
        echo '3';
        // too few cues were found
    return $c;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with; if not, write to the Free Software
	Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA */
require_once "config.php";
require_once "connect_db.php";
require_once "functions.php";
$update_status = "disabled";
// Resets app to the index page if timeout is reached. This function is implemented in functions.php
if (isset($_POST["action_"])) {
    $booking_start = dateFormat($_POST["start_date"], "", "Y-m-d") . " " . $_POST["start_hour"] . "00";
    $booking_duration = toSeconds($_POST["duration_days"], $_POST["duration_hours"], $_POST["duration_minutes"]);
    $booking_end = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("+" . $booking_duration . " seconds", $booking_start));
    switch ($_POST["action_"]) {
        case "insert_booking":
            insertBooking("insert", $_POST["book_id"], $_POST["booker_id"], $_POST["object_id"], $booking_start, $booking_end, $_POST["misc_info"], $validated);
        case "update_booking":
            insertBooking("update", $_POST["book_id"], $_POST["booker_id"], $_POST["object_id"], $booking_start, $booking_end, $_POST["misc_info"], $validated);
} else {
    $sql = "SELECT activity_start, activity_end, activity_step FROM rs_data_objects WHERE object_id = " . $_REQUEST["object_id"] . ";";
    $object = db_query($database_name, $sql, "no", "no");
    $object_ = fetch_array($object);
    $activity_step = $object_["activity_step"];
    if ($_REQUEST["book_id"] == "0") {

<div class="container-fluid">
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-md-12">
			@if ($project->title)

				<h1>{{ $project->title }}</h1>

$timing = projectPhaseTracker($project->id);
if ($timing != "Task not started") {
    $elapseTime = secondsToTimeSimple(toSeconds($timing));
} else {
    $elapseTime = "0 : 00 : 00 s";

					<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar blue" aria-hidden="true"></span> {{ $project->created_at->diffForHumans() }}

					<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time blue" aria-hidden="true"></span>
					 @if($elapseTime != "0 : 00 : 00 s" )
		             	Elapsed Time:  {{ $elapseTime }}
Ejemplo n.º 4
function calculNoturnas($noturno, $h_not_noite)
    /*$tempo_noturno = 0;
    	$temp_old = 0;
    	foreach($noturno->result() as $row)
    		$continu = true;
    		$temp = toSeconds($row->horas);
    		$dia = date($row->dia);
    		if($temp < MANHA_NOT && $temp > LAST_TIME_SEC)
    			$tempo_noturno += MANHA_NOT - $temp;
    			$temp_old = 0;
    			$continu = false;
    		if($h_not_noite < $temp  && $temp < (LAST_TIME_SEC + 86400) && $continu)
    			if($temp_old != 0)
    				//se o dia é o mesmo é que faço isso
    				if(strtotime($dia) > strtotime($old_dia))
    					$tempo_noturno += $temp - $temp_old;
    					$tempo_noturno += $temp - $temp_old - ($temp_old - $h_not_noite);
    				$temp_old = $temp;
    				$continu = false;	
    				$tempo_noturno += $temp - $h_not_noite;	
    				$temp_old = $temp;
    				$continu = false;
    		if($temp < LAST_TIME_SEC && $temp_old != 0 && $continu)
    			$tempo_noturno += ($temp + 86400) - $temp_old;	
    			$temp_old = $temp + 86400;
    			$continu = false;
    			$temp_old = 0;
    		$old_dia = $dia;					
    $tempo_noturno = 0;
    $i = true;
    $picagem_number = 0;
    $ar_picnum = array(3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25);
    $tempoinf = 0;
    $temposup = 0;
    $newdia = false;
    $old_dia = '';
    foreach ($noturno->result() as $row) {
        //$dia = new DateTime($row->dia);
        $dia = date($row->dia);
        $cont_cal = true;
        if (strtotime($dia) > strtotime($old_dia) && $old_dia != '' && toSeconds($row->horas) > LAST_TIME_SEC) {
            $newdia = true;
        //echo ' av '.var_export($newdia);
        if ($newdia) {
            //echo ' ENTREI ';
            $tempoinf = 0;
            $temposup = 0;
            $i = true;
            $picagem_number = 0;
            $newdia = false;
        //echo ' dp '.var_export($newdia);
        if ($i) {
            /*echo ' '.$row->horas.' ';*/
            $tempoinf = toSeconds($row->horas);
            $i = false;
            if ($tempoinf > $temposup && $temposup != 0 && $dia > $old_dia) {
                $temposup = 0;
                $picagem_number = 1;
                $cont_cal = false;
            /*echo ' dia '.$dia.' ';
            		echo ' old '.$old_dia.' ';
            		if(strtotime($dia) > strtotime($old_dia)) echo ' supppppppppppp ';*/
            if ($cont_cal && $tempoinf < $temposup && strtotime($dia) > strtotime($old_dia) && $old_dia != '') {
                //echo ' '.$picagem_number.' ';
                /*echo ' '.$row->horas.' ';
                		echo $tempoinf.' ';*/
                $temposup = 0;
                $picagem_number = 1;
                $cont_cal = false;
        } else {
            $temposup = toSeconds($row->horas);
            $i = true;
            //aqui vou fazer como se fosse para mudar de dia
            if ($temposup < $tempoinf && $temposup < LAST_TIME_SEC) {
                //aqui acrescento 24h
                $temposup = $temposup + 86400;
                $newdia = true;
        if ($temposup != 0) {
            if ($temposup > $h_not_noite || $tempoinf > $h_not_noite) {
                if (in_array($picagem_number, $ar_picnum)) {
                    //se é uma picagem a verificar
                    if ($tempoinf - $temposup < PAUSA) {
                        //$tempo_noturno += $tempoinf - $temposup;
                        /*if($tempoinf > $h_not_noite)
                        if ($temposup > $h_not_noite) {
                            $tempo_noturno += $tempoinf - $temposup;
                        } else {
                            $tempo_noturno += $tempoinf - $h_not_noite;
                        			$tempo_noturno += $temposup - $h_not_noite;	
                } else {
                    if ($tempoinf > $h_not_noite) {
                        $tempo_noturno += $temposup - $tempoinf;
                    } else {
                        $tempo_noturno += $temposup - $h_not_noite;
        } else {
            //aqui é para contar as horas da manha caso seja o caso
            if ($tempoinf < MANHA_NOT && $tempoinf > LAST_TIME_SEC) {
                $tempo_noturno += MANHA_NOT - $tempoinf;
        $old_dia = $dia;
    return toTime($tempo_noturno);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function picagemResumosemanal()
     $datefirst = $this->input->post('datefirst');
     $datesecond = $this->input->post('datesecond');
     $departamento = $this->input->post('departamento');
     $result = $this->picagem_model->getresumopicagem($departamento, $datefirst, $datesecond);
     if ($result) {
         $message_tb_head = '<table class="table table-hover picagens display" id="picagens"><thead><tr><th>Nº</th><th>Nome</th><th>Dias Trab.</th><th>Contracto</th><th>Horas Trab.</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
         $message = '';
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             $result2 = $this->user_model->get($row['Userid']);
             if ($row['Name'] != 'Total') {
                 if ($result2['Contracto'] == '') {
                     $message .= '<tr><td>' . $row['Userid'] . '</td><td>' . $row['Name'] . '</td><td>' . $row['Dias'] . '</td><td>Não Foi Preenchido</td><td class="text-center">' . $row['HTrabalhadas'] . '</td></tr>';
                 } else {
                     $hcontracto = intval($result2['Contracto']) * 3600;
                     if ($row['HTrabalhadas'] == 'Faltam picagens') {
                         $htrab = 'Faltam Picagens';
                     } else {
                         $htrab = toSeconds($row['HTrabalhadas']);
                     if ($htrab == 'Faltam Picagens') {
                         $message .= '<tr><td>' . $row['Userid'] . '</td><td>' . $row['Name'] . '</td><td>' . $row['Dias'] . '</td><td>' . $result2['Contracto'] . ' h</td><td class="text-center text-danger">' . $row['HTrabalhadas'] . '</td></tr>';
                     } else {
                         if ($htrab < $hcontracto - 900 || $htrab > $hcontracto + 3600) {
                             $message .= '<tr><td>' . $row['Userid'] . '</td><td>' . $row['Name'] . '</td><td>' . $row['Dias'] . '</td><td>' . $result2['Contracto'] . ' h</td><td class="text-center text-danger">' . $row['HTrabalhadas'] . '</td></tr>';
                         } else {
                             $message .= '<tr><td>' . $row['Userid'] . '</td><td>' . $row['Name'] . '</td><td>' . $row['Dias'] . '</td><td>' . $result2['Contracto'] . ' h</td><td class="text-center">' . $row['HTrabalhadas'] . '</td></tr>';
         $message = $message_tb_head . $message . '</tbody></table>';
         $return = array('return' => 'success', 'message' => $message);
         echo json_encode($return);
         return true;
     } else {
         $return = array('return' => 'error', 'message' => 'Não foi possível obter dados, se o problema persistir contactar o administrador');
         echo json_encode($return);
         return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function viewPicagens($firstdate, $seconddate, $result, $userid)
     $message = '';
     $olddate = '';
     $datefirst = date_create($firstdate . '00:00:00.000');
     $datesecond = date_create($seconddate . '00:00:00.000');
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $newdate = date_create($row['CheckTime']);
         $hora = toSeconds(date_format($newdate, 'H:i:s'));
         while (date_format($datefirst, 'y-m-d') < date_format($newdate, 'y-m-d')) {
             if (date('w', strtotime(date_format($datefirst, 'Ymd'))) == 0) {
                 $message .= '<tr class="danger" onclick="corrigirPicagens(' . date_format($datefirst, 'Ymd') . ')"><td>' . date_format($datefirst, 'd-m-y') . '</td><td></td></tr>';
             } else {
                 $message .= '<tr onclick="corrigirPicagens(' . date_format($datefirst, 'Ymd') . ')"><td>' . date_format($datefirst, 'd-m-y') . '</td><td></td></tr>';
             $datefirst->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
         if ($olddate == '' && date_format($datefirst, 'y-m-d') == date_format($newdate, 'y-m-d')) {
             if (date('w', strtotime(date_format($datefirst, 'Ymd'))) == 0) {
                 $message .= '<tr class="danger" onclick="corrigirPicagens(' . date_format($newdate, 'Ymd') . ')"><td>' . date_format($newdate, 'd-m-y') . '</td>';
             } else {
                 $message .= '<tr onclick="corrigirPicagens(' . date_format($newdate, 'Ymd') . ')"><td>' . date_format($newdate, 'd-m-y') . '</td>';
             $datefirst->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
         if ($olddate != '' && date_format($newdate, 'y-m-d') > date_format($olddate, 'y-m-d') && date_format($datefirst, 'y-m-d') == date_format($newdate, 'y-m-d')) {
             if ($hora < LAST_TIME_SEC) {
                 $message .= '<td>' . date_format($newdate, 'H:i:s') . '</td>';
                 if (date('w', strtotime(date_format($datefirst, 'Ymd'))) == 0) {
                     $message .= '</tr><tr class="danger" onclick="corrigirPicagens(' . date_format($newdate, 'Ymd') . ')"><td>' . date_format($newdate, 'd-m-y') . '</td>';
                 } else {
                     $message .= '</tr><tr onclick="corrigirPicagens(' . date_format($newdate, 'Ymd') . ')"><td>' . date_format($newdate, 'd-m-y') . '</td>';
             } else {
                 if (date('w', strtotime(date_format($datefirst, 'Ymd'))) == 0) {
                     $message .= '</tr><tr class="danger" onclick="corrigirPicagens(' . date_format($newdate, 'Ymd') . ')"><td>' . date_format($newdate, 'd-m-y') . '</td>';
                 } else {
                     $message .= '</tr><tr onclick="corrigirPicagens(' . date_format($newdate, 'Ymd') . ')"><td>' . date_format($newdate, 'd-m-y') . '</td>';
                 $message .= '<td>' . date_format($newdate, 'H:i:s') . '</td>';
             $datefirst->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
         } else {
             /*if($olddate != '')
             $message .= '<td>' . date_format($newdate, 'H:i:s') . '</td>';
             			$message .= date_format($newdate,'H:i:s'); 
         $olddate = $newdate;
     while (date_format($datefirst, 'y-m-d') <= date_format($datesecond, 'y-m-d')) {
         if (date('w', strtotime(date_format($datefirst, 'Ymd'))) == 0) {
             $message .= '<tr onclick="corrigirPicagens(' . date_format($datefirst, 'Ymd') . ')"><td>' . date_format($datefirst, 'd-m-y') . '</td><td></td></tr>';
         } else {
             $message .= '<tr onclick="corrigirPicagens(' . date_format($datefirst, 'Ymd') . ')"><td>' . date_format($datefirst, 'd-m-y') . '</td><td></td></tr>';
         $datefirst->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
     return $message;
function finalTime($date1, $date2, $date3)
    if ($date1 != 'Task not started' && $date2 != 'Task not started' && $date3 != 'Task not started') {
        return toSeconds($date1) + toSeconds($date2) + toSeconds($date3);
    if ($date1 == 'Task not started' && $date2 != 'Task not started' && $date3 != 'Task not started') {
        return toSeconds($date2) + toSeconds($date3);
    if ($date1 != 'Task not started' && $date2 != 'Task not started' && $date3 == 'Task not started') {
        return toSeconds($date1) + toSeconds($date2);
    if ($date1 != 'Task not started' && $date2 == 'Task not started' && $date3 != 'Task not started') {
        return toSeconds($date1) + toSeconds($date3);
    if ($date1 == 'Task not started' && $date2 == 'Task not started' && $date3 != 'Task not started') {
        return toSeconds($date3);
    if ($date1 == 'Task not started' && $date2 != 'Task not started' && $date3 == 'Task not started') {
        return toSeconds($date2);
    if ($date1 != 'Task not started' && $date2 == 'Task not started' && $date3 == 'Task not started') {
        return toSeconds($date1);