Ejemplo n.º 1
$smarty->assign('CALENDAR_SETTINGS', $Calendar_Settings);
$c_mod_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, "Calendar");
$smarty->assign('CMOD', $c_mod_strings);
$smarty->assign('MODULE', $currentModule);
// TODO: Update Single Module Instance name here.
$smarty->assign('SINGLE_MOD', 'SINGLE_' . $currentModule);
$smarty->assign('CATEGORY', $category);
$smarty->assign("THEME", $theme);
$smarty->assign('IMAGE_PATH', "themes/{$theme}/images/");
$smarty->assign('ID', $focus->id);
$smarty->assign('MODE', $focus->mode);
$viewBox = 'hourview';
if ($Calendar4You->CheckPermissions("EDIT")) {
    $smarty->assign('EDIT', 'permitted');
    $hour_startat = timeString(array('hour' => date('H:i', time() + 5 * 60), 'minute' => 0), '24');
    $hour_endat = timeString(array('hour' => date('H:i', time() + 60 * 60), 'minute' => 0), '24');
    $time_arr = getaddITSEventPopupTime($hour_startat, $hour_endat, $Calendar_Settings["hour_format"]);
    $date = new DateTimeField(null);
    //To get date in user selected format
    $temp_date = $date->getDisplayDate();
    if ($current_user->column_fields['is_admin'] == 'on') {
        $Res = $adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_activitytype", array());
    } else {
        $roleid = $current_user->roleid;
        $subrole = getRoleSubordinates($roleid);
        if (count($subrole) > 0) {
            $roleids = $subrole;
            array_push($roleids, $roleid);
        } else {
            $roleids = $roleid;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function generatePDFByResult($result, $targetDirectory, $sectionheader, $extrainfo = "PDF output")
    global $config;
    $body_string = "";
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        $body_string .= latexAppendQuestion($row[0], $row[1], $row[2], $row[3]);
    if ($body_string == "") {
        $body_string = "No content in this application.";
    if (substr($targetDirectory, -1) != "/") {
        //add trailing slash if not present
        $targetDirectory .= "/";
    //make a new file for this submission
    do {
        $outFile = uid(32);
    } while (file_exists($targetDirectory . $outFile));
    //make temporary directory to store the output file
    mkdir($targetDirectory . $outFile . "/");
    $fin = fopen($targetDirectory . "template.tex", 'r');
    $fout = fopen($targetDirectory . $outFile . "/" . $outFile . ".tex", 'w');
    while ($line = fgets($fin)) {
        $line = str_replace('$TIME$', timeString(), $line);
        $line = str_replace('$EXTRAINFO$', $extrainfo, $line);
        $line = str_replace('$ORGANIZATION$', $config['organization_name'], $line);
        $line = str_replace('$SECTIONNAME$', $sectionheader, $line);
        $line = str_replace('$BODY$', $body_string, $line);
        fwrite($fout, $line);
    //make the PDF
    $config = $GLOBALS['config'];
    $cdCommand = "cd " . $targetDirectory . $outFile;
    $pdfCommand = $config['latex_path'] . " --interaction=nonstopmode " . $outFile . ".tex";
    //execute pdf twice for lastpage to work (page # out of n)
    exec($cdCommand . " && " . $pdfCommand . " && " . $pdfCommand);
    if (!file_exists($targetDirectory . $outFile . "/" . $outFile . ".pdf")) {
        //failed; PDF not created
        //delete temp directory
        //delete_directory($targetDirectory . $outFile); //no trailing slash on outFile
        return array(FALSE, "generation failure");
    //move the PDF and delete temporary directory
    rename($targetDirectory . $outFile . "/" . $outFile . ".pdf", $targetDirectory . $outFile . ".pdf");
    delete_directory($targetDirectory . $outFile);
    //no trailing slash on outFile
    return array(TRUE, $outFile);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function get_page($page, $context, $args = array())
    //let pages use some variables
    $config = $GLOBALS['config'];
    $timeString = timeString();
    $basePath = basePath();
    if (!isset($service_id)) {
        $service_id = -1;
    //figure out what tabs to display in navbar
    if ($context == "main") {
        $navbar = array();
    } else {
        if ($context == "ghost") {
            $navbar = array("./?id={$service_id}" => "Status", "config.php?id={$service_id}" => "Configuration", "map.php?id={$service_id}" => "Maps", "mapcfg.php?id={$service_id}" => "Map configurations", "log.php?id={$service_id}" => "Log", "replay.php?id={$service_id}" => "Replays", '../panel/' => 'Back to panel', '../panel/index.php?action=logout' => "Logout");
        } else {
            if ($context == "channel") {
                $navbar = array("./?id={$service_id}" => "Status", "config.php?id={$service_id}" => "Configuration", "log.php?id={$service_id}" => "View log", '../panel/' => 'Back to panel', '../panel/index.php?action=logout' => "Logout");
            } else {
                if ($context == "panel") {
                    $navbar = array('./' => "Home", 'account.php' => "Account", 'services.php' => "Services", 'announce.php' => "Announcements", 'index.php?action=logout' => "Logout");
                } else {
                    if ($context == "database") {
                        $navbar = array("./?id={$service_id}" => "Home", "current.php?id={$service_id}" => 'Running games', "games.php?id={$service_id}" => 'Game log', "bans.php?id={$service_id}" => 'Bans', "admins.php?id={$service_id}" => 'Admins', "execute.php?id={$service_id}" => "Execute command", "cron.php?id={$service_id}" => "Cron", '../panel/' => 'Back to panel', '../panel/index.php?action=logout' => "Logout");
                    } else {
                        if ($context == "minecraft") {
                            $navbar = array("./?id={$service_id}" => "Status", "config.php?id={$service_id}" => "Configuration", "plugin.php?id={$service_id}" => "Plugins", "backup.php?id={$service_id}" => "Backups", "log.php?id={$service_id}" => "Log", "version.php?id={$service_id}" => "Server version", '../panel/' => 'Back to panel', '../panel/index.php?action=logout' => "Logout");
                        } else {
                            if ($context == "garena") {
                                $navbar = array("./?id={$service_id}" => "Status", "config.php?id={$service_id}" => "Configuration", "log.php?id={$service_id}" => "View log", '../panel/' => 'Back to panel', '../panel/index.php?action=logout' => "Logout");
                            } else {
                                if ($context == "admin") {
                                    $navbar = array('./' => "Home", 'accounts.php' => "Accounts", 'status.php' => "Status", 'announce.php' => "Announcements", 'search.php' => "Search", 'index.php?action=logout' => "Logout");
                                } else {
                                    //oops, context should be one of the above
    include "{$basePath}/style/header.php";
    include "{$basePath}/style/{$context}/{$page}.php";
    include "{$basePath}/style/footer.php";
Ejemplo n.º 4
 //lets do this properly
 if ($date_diff > 0) {
     //get all requests
     $query = "SELECT\r\n                                        request.request_date,request.user_id,users.email,users.picture_name\r\n                                      FROM\r\n                                        request\r\n                                      LEFT JOIN\r\n                                        users\r\n                                      ON\r\n                                        request.user_id = users.user_id\r\n                                      WHERE\r\n                                        request.election_id = '{$election_id}'";
     $all_request = $connection1->prepare($query);
     $all_request = $all_request->fetchAll();
     if (count($all_request) > 0) {
         $request_count = count($all_request);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $request_count; $i++) {
             $sender_id = $all_request[$i]["user_id"];
             $sender_email = $all_request[$i]["email"];
             //separate the day from the time
             $request_day = explode(" ", $all_request[$i]["request_date"])[0];
             $request_time = timeString(explode(" ", $all_request[$i]["request_date"])[1]);
             if ($all_request[$i]["picture_name"] != null) {
                 $img_url = '../images/users/' . $all_request[$i]["picture_name"];
             } else {
                 $img_url = '../images/male.gif';
             $specification = $sender_id . '_' . $election_id;
             $request_string .= '<li class="row ';
             $request_string .= $specification;
             $request_string .= '" id="' . $sender_id . '">
                                                                 <span class="col-xs-2">
                                                                     <img class="img-circle preview" src="' . $img_url . '" alt="hey" width="100%" height="100%" >
                                                                 <div class="col-xs-10" id="' . $date_diff . '">
                                                                   <span class="col-xs-8 email">';
             $request_string .= $sender_email;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //no pagename given
        echo "No page field found";
if ($showindex) {
    //show index
    //ARROW makes a database connection to the mysql database (which is from now on the default one)
    $pagesquery = "SELECT pagename, MAX(version) AS version, MAX(lastmodified) AS lastmodified FROM {$wikitable} GROUP BY pagename";
    $pagesresult = mysql_query($pagesquery) or die("Error getting pages: " . mysql_error());
    //echo the table
    echo "<table>\n";
    echo "<tr>\n";
    echo "<th>Name</th><th>view</th><th>Version</th><th>LastUpdate</th>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($pagesresult)) {
        $name = $row['pagename'];
        $time = timeString($row['lastmodified']);
        $version = $row['version'];
        echo "<tr>\n";
        echo "<td><a href=\"wikiadmin.php?function=details&page=" . urlencode($name) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($name) . "</a></td>\n";
        //ARROW ../wiki.php?id= is the base of the link to the added wiki page.
        echo "<td><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$wikiurl}?id=" . urlencode($name) . "\">view</a></td>\n";
        echo "<td>" . $version . "</td>\n";
        echo "<td>" . $time . "</td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
//ARROW closes all html of the header.php
include 'footer.php';
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Function creates HTML To display events in month view
 * @param  array     $cal         - collection of objects and strings
 * @param  string    $slice       - date(eg: 2006-07-13)
 * returns string    $eventlayer  - hmtl in string format
function getmonthEventLayer(&$cal, $slice)
    global $mod_strings, $cal_log, $adb, $current_user, $theme;
    $category = getParentTab();
    $cal_log->debug("Entering getmonthEventLayer() method...");
    $eventlayer = '';
    $arrow_img_name = '';
    $act = $cal['calendar']->month_array[$slice]->activities;
    if (!empty($act)) {
        $no_of_act = count($act);
        if ($no_of_act > 2) {
            $act_row = 2;
            $remin_list = $no_of_act - $act_row;
        } else {
            $act_row = $no_of_act;
            $remin_list = null;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $act_row; $i++) {
            $arrow_img_name = 'event' . $cal['calendar']->month_array[$slice]->start_time->hour . '_' . $i;
            $id = $act[$i]->record;
            $subject = $act[$i]->subject;
            if (strlen($subject) > 10) {
                $subject = substr($subject, 0, 10) . "...";
            $format = $cal['calendar']->hour_format;
            $start_hour = timeString($act[$i]->start_time, $format);
            $end_hour = timeString($act[$i]->end_time, $format);
            $account_name = $act[$i]->accountname;
            $image = vtiger_imageurl($act[$i]->image_name, $theme);
            $color = $act[$i]->color;
            //Added for User Based Customview for Calendar Module
            $visibility_query = $adb->pquery('SELECT visibility from vtiger_activity where activityid=?', array($id));
            $visibility = $adb->query_result($visibility_query, 0, 'visibility');
            $user_query = $adb->pquery("SELECT vtiger_crmentity.smownerid,vtiger_users.user_name from vtiger_crmentity,vtiger_users where crmid=? and vtiger_crmentity.smownerid=vtiger_users.id", array($id));
            $userid = $adb->query_result($user_query, 0, "smownerid");
            $username = $adb->query_result($user_query, 0, "user_name");
            $assigned_role_query = $adb->pquery("select roleid from vtiger_user2role where userid=?", array($userid));
            $assinged_role_id = $adb->query_result($assigned_role_query, 0, "roleid");
            $role_list = $adb->pquery("SELECT * from vtiger_role WHERE parentrole LIKE '" . formatForSqlLike($current_user->column_fields['roleid']) . formatForSqlLike($assinged_role_id) . "'", array());
            $is_shared = $adb->pquery("SELECT * from vtiger_sharedcalendar where userid=? and sharedid=?", array($userid, $current_user->id));
            if ($current_user->column_fields['is_admin'] != 'on' && $adb->num_rows($role_list) == 0 && ($adb->num_rows($is_shared) == 0 && ($visibility == 'Public' || $visibility == 'Private') || $visibility == 'Private') && $current_user->id != $userid) {
                $eventlayer .= '<div class ="event" id="event_' . $cal['calendar']->month_array[$slice]->start_time->hour . '_' . $i . '">
							<nobr><img src="' . $image . '" border="0"></img>&nbsp;' . $username . ' - ' . $mod_strings["LBL_BUSY"] . '</nobr>
            } else {
                $eventlayer .= '<div class ="event" id="event_' . $cal['calendar']->month_array[$slice]->start_time->hour . '_' . $i . '">
							<nobr><img src="' . $image . '" border="0"></img>&nbsp;<a href="index.php?action=DetailView&module=Calendar&record=' . $id . '&activity_mode=Events&viewtype=calendar&parenttab=' . $category . '"><span class="orgTab">' . $start_hour . ' - ' . $end_hour . '</span></a></nobr>
        if ($remin_list != null) {
            $eventlayer .= '<div valign=bottom align=right width=10%>
				<a href="index.php?module=Calendar&action=index&view=' . $cal['calendar']->month_array[$slice]->getView() . '&' . $cal['calendar']->month_array[$slice]->start_time->get_date_str() . '&parenttab=' . $category . '" class="webMnu">
				+' . $remin_list . '&nbsp;' . $mod_strings['LBL_MORE'] . '</a></div>';
        $cal_log->debug("Exiting getmonthEventLayer() method...");
        return $eventlayer;
Ejemplo n.º 7
echo $user_id;
	<td class="top_border"><p><a href="user_detail.php?id=<?php 
echo $user_id;
echo $infoUser[2];
	<td class="top_border"><p><?php 
echo $infoUser[0];
	<td class="top_border"><p><?php 
echo $infoUser[1];
	<td class="top_border"><p><?php 
echo timeString($user[0]);
	<td class="top_border"><input type="submit" name="action" value="reset"></td>
	<td class="top_border"><input type="submit" name="action" value="delete!!"></td>
<? } ?>

echo $dummy2;
" style="display: none;">
                                                <span class="error"><?php 
if (empty($messaging)) {
    echo $end_date_of_electionErr;
                                            <div class="form-group col-xs-12 col-md-6">
                                                <label>End Time of Election</label><br>
echo timeString($this_election['election_time_to']);
                                                <div id="timeEnd" style="display: none">
                                                    <div id="elect_time">
                                                        <!-- enditime -->
                                                        <div class="inner cover indexpicker">
                                                            <div class="time_pick"><input id="timepicker2" class="form-control" type="text" name="end_time" value="<?php 
echo $dummy4;
                                                                <div class="timepicker_wrap " style="display: none;">

                                                                    <div class="time">
                                                                        <div class="prev action-prev"></div>
Ejemplo n.º 9
echo $message[4];
		<td><a href="messaging.php?view=message&box_id=<?php 
echo $box_id;
echo $message[0];
echo $message[5];
echo timeString($message[6]);
	<? } ?>
<? } else if($view == "compose") { ?>
	<form method="post" action="messaging.php?action=send">
	To: <input type="text" name="to" value="<?php 
echo $contents;
" /><br />
	Subject: <input type="text" name="subject" /><br />
	Message: <textarea name="body" rows="7" cols="25"></textarea><br />
	<input type="submit" value="Send" />
Ejemplo n.º 10
function page_advanced_include($target, $context, $args = array())
    //let pages use some variables
    $config = $GLOBALS['config'];
    $timeString = timeString();
    if ($context != "apply" && $context != "root" && $context != "admin") {
        $context = "apply";
        //this should never happen
    //for admin and root areas, add anti-CSRF strings if needed
    $t = '';
    $t_hidden = '';
    $t_get = 't=disabled';
    if ($context == "admin" || $context == "root") {
        if ($config['csrf_token']) {
            $key = "ais";
            if ($context == "root") {
                $key = "ris";
            $t = $_SESSION['t'];
            $t_hidden = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$key}\" value=\"{$t}\" />";
            $t_get = "{$key}={$t}";
    $basePath = basePath();
    $style = getStyle();
    $stylePath = $basePath . "/astyle/{$style}";
    $style_page_include = "{$stylePath}/{$context}/{$target}.php";
    $page_include = $basePath . "/page/{$context}/{$target}.php";
    if (file_exists($style_page_include)) {
        include $style_page_include;
    } else {
        include $page_include;
Ejemplo n.º 11
                    <input type="radio" name="result_display" value="after" required';
if ($display == 'after') {
    $status_string .= ' checked';
$status_string .= '>After Election
                       <input type="radio" name="result_display" value="during" required';
if ($display == 'during') {
    $status_string .= ' checked';
$status_string .= '>During Election
$dummy1 = dateString($this_election["election_start_date"]);
$dummy2 = dateString($this_election["election_end_date"]);
$dummy3 = timeString($this_election["election_time_from"]);
$dummy4 = timeString($this_election["election_time_to"]);
//php code for the update details
if (isset($_POST["update"])) {
    //retain new inputs for date and time
    $dummy1 = $_POST["start_date"];
    $dummy2 = $_POST["end_date"];
    $dummy3 = $_POST["start_time"];
    $dummy4 = $_POST["end_time"];
    //check name was changed
    if ($this_election['election_name'] === $_POST["name_of_election"]) {
        $name_of_election = $this_election['election_name'];
    } else {
        $name_of_election = "";
        if (empty($_POST["name_of_election"])) {
            $name_of_electionErr = "Name of election is required";
        } else {
Ejemplo n.º 12
$row = $view_news_query->fetchAll();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($row); $i++) {
    $adminPhoto = $images_dir . $row1['picture_name'];
    $date_time1 = explode(" ", $row[$i]['date_created']);
    $date1 = getDateInterval($date_time1[0]);
    $time1 = timeString($date_time1[1]);
    $view_posted_news .= "<div class='me' style='margin-bottom:10px; ' >" . "<br>\n                <label style='overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;'>" . $row[$i]['news'] . "</label>\n                <br>" . $date1 . "&nbsp" . $time1 . "<br></div>";
//querying for election name
$election_name = $election_details_test = "";
$row = getElectionDetails($election_id)[0];
$election_name .= $row['election_name'];
$_SESSION['election_name'] = $election_name;
$election_details_test .= "<label>Start Date:</label> " . dateString($row['election_start_date']) . "<br>\n        <label>Start Time:</label> " . timeString($row['election_time_from']) . "<br><label>End Date:</label> &nbsp" . dateString($row['election_end_date']) . "<br><label>End Time:</label> " . timeString($row['election_time_to']) . "<br>\n        <label>Number of Voters: </label> " . count(getAllMembers("joined", ['election_id'], ['election_id', '=', $election_id])) . "<br><label>Number of Contestants: </label> " . count(getAllMembers("contestants", ['contestant_id'], ['election_id', '=', $election_id]));
//getting the user_id for a particular election
$election_admin_details = $election_admin_detail = "";
$images_dir = "../images/users/";
$user_id_result = $row["user_id"];
//querying to get the admin email
$row = getAllMembers("users", ["*"], ["user_id", "=", $user_id_result])[0];
$election_admin_details .= "<div class='col-md-6'><label>Name:</label> " . $row['lname'] . "&nbsp" . $row['fname'] . "\n        <br><label>Username:</label> " . $row['username'] . "<br><label>Email:</label> " . $row['email'] . "<br>\n        <label>Telephone:</label> " . $row['phone'] . "</div>";
$election_admin_detail .= "<div class='col-md-4'><img src=" . $images_dir . $row['picture_name'] . " width='120px'\n        height='auto' style='border-radius:100%;max-height:200px;' class='preview' id='displayedPhoto'></div>";
//checking for the link vote
$hasvoted = hasvoted(user_id($myemail), $election_id);
//determining when to make the view profile link visible or not'
$checkContestant1 = checkContestant(user_id($myemail), $election_id);
if (!empty($checkContestant1)) {
    $profile1 = "<a href='viewprofile.php' class='active'>View Profile</a>";
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 13
$part3 = explode(':', $election_time_to);
$end_hour = $part3[0];
$end_minute = $part3[1];
//getting the election duration
$election_end1 = $election_end_date . " " . $election_time_to;
$election_end = strtotime($election_end1);
$electionStartDateTemp = $election_start_date . " " . $election_time_from;
$electionStartDate = convert_date($electionStartDateTemp);
$string_election = "";
//get number of registered and voted voters
$number_registered = count(getAllMembers('joined', ['joined_id'], ['election_id', '=', $election_id]));
$number_voted = count(getAllMembers('joined', ['joined_id'], ['election_id', '=', $election_id], 0, 'AND', ['has_voted', '=', 1]));
//$string_election.="<div class='col-md-6'><label>Election Start Date:</label> ".dateString($election_start_date)."</div> <div class='col-md-6'><label>Start time: </label> ".timeString($election_time_from)."</div><div class='col-md-6'> <label>Election End Date: </label>".
//dateString($election_end_date)."</div> <div class='col-md-6'><label>End time: </label> ".timeString($election_time_to).'</div>';
$string_election .= "<div class='col-md-6'><label>Number of registered voter(s):</label> " . $number_registered . "</div> <div class='col-md-6'><label>Election End Date: </label> " . dateString($election_end_date) . "</div><div class='col-md-6'> <label>Those that have voted: </label>" . $number_voted . "</div> <div class='col-md-6'><label>End time: </label> " . timeString($election_time_to) . '</div>';
$string = "";
//get all posts for this election
$allPosts = getAllPosts($election_id);
//for each post,get all contestants
$postCon = $display = $string_array = $string_result_array = [];
//let superIndex retain 1D array of all post
$superIndex = [];
$image_dir = "../images/contestants/";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($allPosts); $i++) {
    //let the post by the key to all contestant array in postCon array
    $postCon[$allPosts[$i]['post']] = getAllContestants($allPosts[$i]['post_id']);
    //push each post to the superIndex
    array_push($superIndex, $allPosts[$i]['post']);
//lets go deeper, write Japhet on the wall of eVoting
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * Function creates HTML to display Todos ListView
 * @param array  $todo_list     - collection of strings(Todo Information)
 * @param array  $cal           - collection of objects and strings 
 * return string $list_view     - html tags in string format
function constructTodoListView($todo_list, $cal, $subtab, $navigation_array = '')
    global $mod_strings, $cal_log, $adb, $theme;
    $cal_log->debug("Entering constructTodoListView() method...");
    global $current_user, $app_strings;
    $date_format = $current_user->date_format;
    $format = $cal['calendar']->hour_format;
    $hour_startat = timeString(array('hour' => date('H:i'), 'minute' => 0), '24');
    $hour_endat = timeString(array('hour' => date('H:i', time() + 60 * 60), 'minute' => 0), '24');
    $time_arr = getaddEventPopupTime($hour_startat, $hour_endat, $format);
    $temp_ts = $cal['calendar']->date_time->ts;
    //to get date in user selected date format
    $temp_date = $date_format == 'dd-mm-yyyy' ? date('d-m-Y', $temp_ts) : ($date_format == 'mm-dd-yyyy' ? date('m-d-Y', $temp_ts) : ($date_format == 'yyyy-mm-dd' ? date('Y-m-d', $temp_ts) : ''));
    if ($cal['calendar']->day_start_hour != 23) {
        $endtemp_date = $temp_date;
    } else {
        $endtemp_ts = $temp_ts + 1 * 24 * 60 * 60;
        $endtemp_date = $date_format == 'dd-mm-yyyy' ? date('d-m-Y', $endtemp_ts) : ($date_format == 'mm-dd-yyyy' ? date('m-d-Y', $endtemp_ts) : ($date_format == 'yyyy-mm-dd' ? date('Y-m-d', $endtemp_ts) : ''));
    $list_view = "";
    //labels of listview header
    if ($cal['view'] == 'day') {
        $colspan = 9;
        $header = array('0' => '#', '1' => $mod_strings['LBL_TIME'], '2' => $mod_strings['LBL_LIST_DUE_DATE'], '3' => $mod_strings['LBL_TODO']);
        $header_width = array('0' => '5%', '1' => '10%', '2' => '10%', '3' => '38%');
        /*if(getFieldVisibilityPermission('Calendar',$current_user->id,'parent_id') == '0')
        		if(getFieldVisibilityPermission('Calendar',$current_user->id,'contact_id') == '0')
        if (getFieldVisibilityPermission('Calendar', $current_user->id, 'taskstatus') == '0') {
            array_push($header, $mod_strings['LBL_STATUS']);
            array_push($header_width, '10%');
        if (isPermitted("Calendar", "EditView") == "yes" || isPermitted("Calendar", "Delete") == "yes") {
            array_push($header, $mod_strings['LBL_ACTION']);
            array_push($header_width, '10%');
        array_push($header, $mod_strings['LBL_ASSINGEDTO']);
        array_push($header_width, '15%');
    } else {
        $colspan = 10;
        $header = array('0' => '#', '1' => $mod_strings['LBL_TIME'], '2' => $mod_strings['LBL_START_DATE'], '3' => $mod_strings['LBL_DUE_DATE'], '4' => $mod_strings['LBL_TODO']);
        $header_width = array('0' => '5%', '1' => '10%', '2' => '10%', '3' => '10%', '4' => '28%');
        /*if(getFieldVisibilityPermission('Calendar',$current_user->id,'parent_id') == '0')
        		if(getFieldVisibilityPermission('Calendar',$current_user->id,'contact_id') == '0')
        if (getFieldVisibilityPermission('Calendar', $current_user->id, 'taskstatus') == '0') {
            array_push($header, $mod_strings['LBL_STATUS']);
            array_push($header_width, '10%');
        if (isPermitted("Calendar", "EditView") == "yes" || isPermitted("Calendar", "Delete") == "yes") {
            array_push($header, $mod_strings['LBL_ACTION']);
        array_push($header, $mod_strings['LBL_ASSINGEDTO']);
        array_push($header_width, '15%');
    if ($current_user->column_fields['is_admin'] == 'on') {
        $Res = $adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_activitytype", array());
    } else {
        $roleid = $current_user->roleid;
        $subrole = getRoleSubordinates($roleid);
        if (count($subrole) > 0) {
            $roleids = $subrole;
            array_push($roleids, $roleid);
        } else {
            $roleids = $roleid;
        if (count($roleids) > 1) {
            $Res = $adb->pquery("select distinct activitytype from  vtiger_activitytype inner join vtiger_role2picklist on vtiger_role2picklist.picklistvalueid = vtiger_activitytype.picklist_valueid where roleid in (" . generateQuestionMarks($roleids) . ") and picklistid in (select picklistid from vtiger_activitytype) order by sortid asc", array($roleids));
        } else {
            $Res = $adb->pquery("select distinct activitytype from vtiger_activitytype inner join vtiger_role2picklist on vtiger_role2picklist.picklistvalueid = vtiger_activitytype.picklist_valueid where roleid = ? and picklistid in (select picklistid from vtiger_activitytype) order by sortid asc", array($roleid));
    $eventlist = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($Res); $i++) {
        $eventlist .= $adb->query_result($Res, $i, 'activitytype') . ";";
    $list_view .= "<table align='center' border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' width='98%'>\n\t\t\t<tr><td colspan='3'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
    //checking permission for Create/Edit Operation
    if (isPermitted("Calendar", "EditView") == "yes") {
        $list_view .= "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='calAddButton' onMouseOver='fnAddEvent(this,\"addEventDropDown\",\"" . $temp_date . "\",\"" . $endtemp_date . "\",\"" . $time_arr['starthour'] . "\",\"" . $time_arr['startmin'] . "\",\"" . $time_arr['startfmt'] . "\",\"" . $time_arr['endhour'] . "\",\"" . $time_arr['endmin'] . "\",\"" . $time_arr['endfmt'] . "\",\"\",\"" . $subtab . "\",\"" . $eventlist . "\");'style='border: 1px solid #666666;cursor:pointer;height:30px' align='center' width='10%'>\n                                        " . $mod_strings['LBL_ADD'] . "\n                                        <img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('menuDnArrow.gif', $theme) . "' style='padding-left: 5px;' border='0'>                                                                                                                         </td>";
    } else {
        $list_view .= "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>";
    $list_view .= "<td align='center' width='60%'><span id='total_activities'>" . getTodoInfo($cal, 'listcnt') . "</span>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td align='right' width='28%'>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</table>\n\n\t\t\t<br><table style='background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);' class='small' align='center' border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='1' width='98%'>\n                        ";
    $header_rows = count($header);
    $navigationOutput = getTableHeaderNavigation($navigation_array, $url_string, "Calendar", "index");
    if ($navigationOutput != '') {
        $list_view .= "<tr width=100% bgcolor=white><td align=center colspan={$header_rows}>";
        $list_view .= "<table align=center width='98%'><tr>" . $navigationOutput . "</tr></table></td></tr>";
    $list_view .= "<tr>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $header_rows; $i++) {
        $list_view .= "<td class='lvtCol' width='" . $header_width[$i] . "' nowrap='nowrap'>" . $header[$i] . "</td>";
    $list_view .= "</tr>";
    $rows = count($todo_list);
    if ($rows != 0) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($todo_list); $i++) {
            $list_view .= "<tr style='height: 25px;' bgcolor='white'>";
            foreach ($todo_list[$i] as $key => $entry) {
                $list_view .= "<td>" . $entry . "</td>";
            $list_view .= "</tr>";
    } else {
        $list_view .= "<tr><td style='background-color:#efefef;height:340px' align='center' colspan='" . $colspan . "'>";
        $list_view .= "<div style='border: 3px solid rgb(153, 153, 153); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); width: 45%; position: relative; z-index: 5000;'>\n\t\t\t<table border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' width='98%'>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td rowspan='2' width='25%'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('empty.jpg', $theme) . "' height='60' width='61'></td>\n\t\t\t\t<td style='border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204);' nowrap='nowrap' width='75%'><span class='genHeaderSmall'>" . $app_strings['LBL_NO'] . " " . $app_strings['Todos'] . " " . $app_strings['LBL_FOUND'] . " !</span></td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>";
        //checking permission for Create/Edit Operation
        if (isPermitted("Calendar", "EditView") == "yes") {
            $list_view .= "<td class='small' align='left' nowrap='nowrap'>" . $app_strings['LBL_YOU_CAN_CREATE'] . "&nbsp;" . $app_strings['LBL_A'] . "&nbsp;" . $app_strings['Todo'] . "&nbsp;" . $app_strings['LBL_NOW'] . ".&nbsp;" . $app_strings['LBL_CLICK_THE_LINK'] . "&nbsp;:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t&nbsp;&nbsp;-<a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick='gshow(\"createTodo\",\"todo\",\"" . $temp_date . "\",\"" . $temp_date . "\",\"" . $time_arr['starthour'] . "\",\"" . $time_arr['startmin'] . "\",\"" . $time_arr['startfmt'] . "\",\"" . $time_arr['endhour'] . "\",\"" . $time_arr['endmin'] . "\",\"" . $time_arr['endfmt'] . "\",\"listview\",\"todo\");'>" . $app_strings['LBL_CREATE'] . " " . $app_strings['LBL_A'] . " " . $app_strings['Todo'] . "</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t</td>";
        } else {
            $list_view .= "<td class='small' align='left' nowrap='nowrap'>" . $app_strings['LBL_YOU_ARE_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_CREATE'] . "&nbsp;" . $app_strings['LBL_A'] . "&nbsp;" . $app_strings['Todo'] . "<br></td>";
        $list_view .= "</tr>\n\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t</div>";
        $list_view .= "</td></tr>";
    $list_view .= "</table><br>";
    $cal_log->debug("Exiting constructTodoListView() method...");
    return $list_view;
Ejemplo n.º 15
//check if there is at least one fully public election left
if (count($fully_public) > 0) {
    $public_elections_displayed = "<table id='table_1' class='table table-striped table-bordered' cellspacing='0'>\n                                <thead class='success'>\n                                    <tr>\n                                        <th>Name</th>\n                                        <th>Start Date</th>\n                                        <th>Start Time</th>\n                                        <th>End Date</th>\n                                        <th>End Time</th>\n                                        <th>Pin</th>\n                                        <th></th>\n                                    </tr>\n                                </thead><tbody>";
    $public_index = array('election_name', 'election_start_date', 'election_time_from', 'election_end_date', 'election_time_to', 'election_pin');
    $public_index_number = count($public_index);
    for ($move = 0; $move < count($fully_public); $move++) {
        $public_elections_displayed .= "<tr>";
        for ($index = 0; $index < $public_index_number; $index++) {
            if (count(explode("_", $public_index[$index])) === 3) {
                if (explode("_", $public_index[$index])[2] === 'date') {
                    $public_elections_displayed .= "<td>" . dateString($fully_public[$move][$public_index[$index]]) . "</td>";
                } elseif (explode("_", $public_index[$index])[1] === 'time') {
                    $public_elections_displayed .= "<td>" . timeString($fully_public[$move][$public_index[$index]]) . "</td>";
            } else {
                $public_elections_displayed .= "<td >" . $fully_public[$move][$public_index[$index]] . "</td>";
        $key = wrap($fully_public[$move]['election_id']);
        $public_elections_displayed .= "<td><span class='button btn-default btn-sm pop2' data-bpopup='{\"content\":\"iframe\",\"contentContainer\":\".content\",\"loadUrl\":\"publicElections.php?key=" . $key . "\"}'>View</span></td>";
        // $public_elections_displayed.="<td><a href='#' onclick='Public($key)'>See </a></td>";
        $public_elections_displayed .= "</tr>";
    $public_elections_displayed .= "</tbody></table>";
    $public_adek = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        <td><a href="#" class="info"><?php 
    echo _("Ring Time:");
    echo _("The number of seconds an phone can ring before we consider it a timeout. Max 60 Seconds.");
            <select name="grptime"/>
    $default = $grptime ? $grptime : 20;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 60; $i++) {
        echo '<option value="' . $i . '" ' . ($i == $default ? 'SELECTED' : '') . '>' . timeString($i, true) . '</option>';

			<tr><td colspan="2"><br><h5><?php 
    echo _("Destination if no answer");

    $goto = getargs(ltrim($extdisplay, 'GRP-'), 2, 'ext-group');
			<tr><td colspan="2">
Ejemplo n.º 17
function calcularRitmo($distancia, $tiempo)
    $ritmo = [];
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($tiempo); $i++) {
        $ritmo[] = floor($tiempo[$i] / $distancia);
        if ($i + 1 < count($tiempo)) {
            $tiempo[$i + 1] += $tiempo[$i] % $distancia * 60;
    return $ritmo;
function timeString($vectorTiempo)
    $vectorCadenas = [];
    foreach ($vectorTiempo as $valor) {
        if ($valor < 10) {
            $vectorCadenas[] = "0" . strval($valor);
        } else {
            $vectorCadenas[] = strval($valor);
    return "{$vectorCadenas['0']}:{$vectorCadenas['1']}:{$vectorCadenas['2']}";
$distancia = floatval($_POST['distancia']) / 1000;
$tiempo = parseTiempo($_POST['tiempo']);
$ritmo = calcularRitmo($distancia, $tiempo);
echo "Distancia total de {$distancia} Km";
echo "<br />";
echo "Ritmo: " . timeString($ritmo) . " por Km.";