Ejemplo n.º 1
function getactiveusers()
    global $pref;
    $r_user = thwb_query("SELECT count(userid) AS usercount FROM " . $pref . "user WHERE userlastpost > " . (time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 31));
    $user = mysql_fetch_array($r_user);
    return $user['usercount'];
Ejemplo n.º 2
function is_firstpost($threadid, $postid)
    global $pref;
    $r_post = thwb_query("SELECT postid FROM {$pref}" . "post WHERE threadid='{$threadid}' ORDER BY posttime ASC");
    $post = mysql_fetch_array($r_post);
    if ($post['postid'] == $postid) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function prevent_pm_flood()
    global $g_user, $P, $pref, $config;
    if ($P->has_permission(P_NOFLOODPROT)) {
    $r_lastpm = thwb_query("SELECT pmtime FROM " . $pref . "pm WHERE pmfromid='{$g_user['userid']}' ORDER BY pmtime DESC LIMIT 1");
    if (!mysql_num_rows($r_lastpm)) {
    $a_lastpm = mysql_fetch_array($r_lastpm);
    if ($a_lastpm['pmtime'] >= time() - $config['postdelay']) {
        message("Fehler", "Sie können nur alle {$config['postdelay']} Sekunden eine PM verschicken.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 for (; $i <= 9; $i++) {
     $name[$i] = 'n/a';
     $value[$i] = 'n/a';
 $stats_top10_row .= "<br>";
 /** top 10 threads (by views) **/
 $data['title'] = 'Top 10 Threads (nach Views)';
 $name = array();
 $value = array();
 $a_viewthreads = array();
 $i = 0;
 $r_viewthreads = thwb_query("SELECT t.threadviews, t.threadtopic, t.threadid, t.boardid, b.boardname FROM {$pref}" . "thread AS t LEFT OUTER JOIN {$pref}" . "board AS b ON t.boardid = b.boardid ORDER BY threadviews DESC LIMIT 10");
 while ($a_viewthreads = mysql_fetch_array($r_viewthreads)) {
     if (!$P->has_permission(P_VIEW)) {
     $name[$i] = '<a href="' . build_link('showtopic.php?threadid=' . $a_viewthreads['threadid']) . '">' . parse_code($a_viewthreads['threadtopic']) . '</a> (Board: <a href="' . build_link('board.php?boardid=' . $a_viewthreads['boardid']) . '">' . $a_viewthreads['boardname'] . '</a>)';
     $value[$i] = $a_viewthreads['threadviews'];
 for (; $i <= 9; $i++) {
     $name[$i] = 'n/a';
     $value[$i] = 'n/a';
Ejemplo n.º 5
    message('Fehler', 'R&#xE4;nge wurden vom Administrator deaktiviert.');
$r_user = thwb_query("SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM {$pref}" . "user");
list($usercount) = mysql_fetch_row($r_user);
while (list($i, $rank) = each($a_rank)) {
    // users for this rank
    if (isset($a_rank[$i - 1])) {
        $r_user = thwb_query("SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM {$pref}" . "user WHERE\n            userposts >= " . $rank['rankposts'] . " AND userposts < " . $a_rank[$i - 1]['rankposts']);
        list($rankusers) = mysql_fetch_row($r_user);
        $r_user = thwb_query("SELECT userid, username FROM {$pref}" . "user WHERE\n            userposts >= " . $rank['rankposts'] . " AND userposts < " . $a_rank[$i - 1]['rankposts'] . " ORDER BY userposts DESC LIMIT 1");
        $user = mysql_fetch_array($r_user);
    } else {
        $r_user = thwb_query("SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM {$pref}" . "user WHERE\n            userposts >= " . $rank['rankposts']);
        list($rankusers) = mysql_fetch_row($r_user);
        $r_user = thwb_query("SELECT userid, username FROM {$pref}" . "user WHERE\n            userposts >= " . $rank['rankposts'] . " ORDER BY userposts DESC LIMIT 1");
        $user = mysql_fetch_array($r_user);
    if ($rank['rankimage']) {
        $rank['rankimage'] = '<img src="' . $rank['rankimage'] . '">';
    } else {
        $rank['rankimage'] = '&nbsp;';
    $prozent = intval($rankusers / $usercount * 100);
    $width = intval($rankusers / $usercount * 120);
    if (!$width) {
        $width = 1;
    $invwidth = 120 - $width;
Ejemplo n.º 6
function log_action($action)
    global $g_user, $post, $REMOTE_ADDR, $PHP_SELF, $pref;
    thwb_query("INSERT INTO " . $pref . "adminlog (logtype, logtime, loguser, logip, logscript,\n    logaction, lognotes) VALUES ('LOG_MOD',\n    " . time() . ",\n    '{$g_user['username']}',\n    '{$REMOTE_ADDR}',\n    '" . basename($PHP_SELF) . "',\n    '" . addslashes($action) . "',\n    'post id: {$post['postid']}')");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        // override notify
        $post['postemailnotify'] = 0;
        $g_user['username'] = $config['guestprefix'] . $post['postguestname'];
        $post['postguestname'] = $config['guestprefix'] . addslashes($post['postguestname']);
    } else {
        $post['postguestname'] = '';
    if ($config['uppercase_prot']) {
        $thread['threadtopic'] = killshout($thread['threadtopic']);
    // Autoclose & delete
    if (isset($config['auto_close']) && $config['auto_close'] > 0) {
        thwb_query("UPDATE  " . $pref . "thread SET threadclosed = '1' WHERE threadtime < '" . (time() - ($config['auto_close'] + 1) * 86400) . "'");
    if (isset($config['auto_delete']) && $config['auto_delete'] > 0) {
        thwb_query("DELETE FROM " . $pref . "thread WHERE threadtime < " . (time() - $config['auto_delete'] * 86400) . "");
    // die neue nachricht abspeichern in dem topics table
    thwb_query("INSERT INTO " . $pref . "thread (threadtime, threadtopic, threadauthor, boardid,\n        threadlastreplyby, threadiconid, threadcreationtime)\n        VALUES('{$time}',\n        '" . addslashes(preparse_code($thread['threadtopic'])) . "',\n        '" . addslashes($g_user['username']) . "',\n        '{$board['boardid']}',\n        '" . addslashes($g_user['username']) . "',\n        '" . intval($thread['threadiconid']) . "',\n        '{$time}')");
    $thread['threadid'] = mysql_insert_id();
    // die neue nachricht abspeichern in dem messages table
    thwb_query("INSERT INTO " . $pref . "post (posttime, posttext, userid, threadid, postemailnotify, postip, postsmilies,\n        postcode, postguestname)\n        VALUES('{$time}',\n        '" . addslashes(preparse_code($post['posttext'])) . "',\n        '{$g_user['userid']}',\n        '{$thread['threadid']}',\n        '{$post['postemailnotify']}',\n        '" . addslashes($REMOTE_ADDR) . "',\n        '" . ($post['postsmilies'] ? 1 : 0) . "',\n        '" . ($post['postcode'] ? 1 : 0) . "',\n        '" . addslashes($post['postguestname']) . "')");
    // Den topics-count-wert des board erh&ouml;hen
    thwb_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "board SET\n    boardthreads=boardthreads+1,\n    boardlastpost='{$time}',\n    boardposts=boardposts+1,\n    boardlastpostby='" . addslashes($g_user['username']) . "',\n    boardthreadtopic='" . addslashes(preparse_code($thread['threadtopic'])) . "',\n    boardthreadid={$thread['threadid']}\n        WHERE boardid='{$board['boardid']}'");
    if ($g_user['userid']) {
        // Den postings wert des postenden users erh&ouml;hen
        thwb_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "user SET userlastpost={$time}, userposts=userposts+1 WHERE userid='{$g_user['userid']}'");
    header("Location: " . build_link("showtopic.php?threadid={$thread['threadid']}", true));
Ejemplo n.º 8
    $user['useravatar'] = "";
// check signature length.
if ($config['sig_restrict']) {
    if (!check_siglen(preparse_code($user['usersignature']))) {
        $err_msg .= 'Ihre Signatur enth&auml;lt zuviele Zeichen (max. ' . $config['sig_maxlen'] . ') oder besteht aus zu vielen Zeilen (max. ' . $config['sig_maxlines'] . ').';
if (!$user['userpassword']) {
    $err_msg .= 'Bitte geben Sie ein Passwort an';
if (strlen($err_msg) > 0) {
    message("Fehler", "Es sind leider folgende Fehler aufgetreten:<br><br><font color='{$style['color_err']}'>{$err_msg}</font>");
} else {
    if ($user['userhomepage'] == 'http://') {
        $user['userhomepage'] = '';
    if ($user['userbday_day'] == 0 || $user['userbday_month'] == 0 || $user['userbday_year'] == 0) {
        $user['userbday'] = '0000-00-00';
    } else {
        $user['userbday'] = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $user['userbday_year'], $user['userbday_month'], $user['userbday_day']);
    if (!thwb_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "user SET\n        userpassword='******'userpassword']) . "',\n        userhomepage='" . addslashes($user['userhomepage']) . "',\n        userlocation='" . addslashes($user['userlocation']) . "',\n        usericq='" . addslashes($user['usericq']) . "',\n        useraim='" . addslashes($user['useraim']) . "',\n        usermsn='" . addslashes($user['usermsn']) . "',\n        userbday='" . addslashes($user['userbday']) . "',\n        useroccupation='" . addslashes($user['useroccupation']) . "',\n        useravatar='" . addslashes($user['useravatar']) . "',\n        userinterests='" . addslashes($user['userinterests']) . "',\n        usersignature='" . addslashes(preparse_code($user['usersignature'])) . "',\n        userhideemail='" . intval($user['userhideemail']) . "',\n        userinvisible='" . intval($user['userinvisible']) . "',\n        usernoding='" . intval($user['usernoding']) . "',\n        styleid='" . intval($user['styleid']) . "',\n        userhidesig='" . intval($user['userhidesig']) . "' WHERE userid='{$g_user['userid']}'")) {
        message("Fehler", "Interner Fehler!");
// *try* to reset password
if ($user['usernewpassword'] || $user['usernewpassword2']) {
    setcookie("thwb_cookie", $user['userpassword'] . $g_user['userid'], time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
message("Update erfolgreich!", "Das Update war erfolgreich!");
Ejemplo n.º 9
    message("Nur f&uuml;r Mitglieder", "Diese Funktion ist nur f&uuml;r Mitglieder. Sie k&ouml;nnen sich <a href=\"register.php\">hier</a> kostenlos registrieren.");
if (!$config['use_email']) {
    message('Funktion nicht verf&uuml;gbar', 'Diese Funktion wurde vom Administrator deaktiviert.');
$Tframe = new Template("templates/" . $style['styletemplate'] . "/frame.html");
$TTopics = new Template("templates/" . $style['styletemplate'] . "/markedlist.html");
$TTopicrow = new Template("templates/" . $style['styletemplate'] . "/markedrow.html");
if (!empty($do_delthreads) && $do_delthreads) {
    if (empty($delthreads) || !count($delthreads)) {
        message('Fehler', 'Sie m&uuml;ssen ein Thema ausw&auml;hlen.');
    thwb_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "post SET postemailnotify='0' WHERE userid='" . $g_user['userid'] . "' AND threadid IN (" . join(',', $delthreads) . ")");
    message('Themen abbestellt', 'Die markierten Themen wurden abbestellt.');
$r_usermarkedthreads = thwb_query("SELECT DISTINCT threadid FROM " . $pref . "post WHERE postemailnotify = '1' AND userid = '" . $g_user['userid'] . "' GROUP BY threadid");
$i = 0;
if (!mysql_num_rows($r_usermarkedthreads)) {
    $TTopicrow = new Template('./templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/board_nothreads.html');
} else {
    while ($a_thread = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_usermarkedthreads)) {
        $i % 2 > 0 ? $thisrowbg = $style['CellB'] : ($thisrowbg = $style['CellA']);
        $r_thread = mysql_query("SELECT threadid, threadauthor, threadtopic, threadviews, threadreplies, threadtime, boardid, threadlastreplyby FROM " . $pref . "thread WHERE threadid = '" . $a_thread['threadid'] . "'");
        if (mysql_num_rows($r_thread) != 0) {
            $thread = mysql_fetch_array($r_thread);
            $r_board = mysql_query("SELECT boardname FROM " . $pref . "board WHERE boardid = '" . $thread['boardid'] . "'");
            $board = mysql_fetch_array($r_board);
            $thread['threadtopic'] .= "<BR><span style=\"color:" . $style['color1'] . "\">" . $style['smallfont'] . "Forum: " . $board['boardname'] . $style['smallfontend'] . "</span>";
Ejemplo n.º 10
 function Permission($groupids, $boardid = -1)
     global $pref;
     if ($groupids === '') {
         $groupids = '-1';
     $this->a_group = array();
     $r_group = thwb_query("SELECT groupid, accessmask FROM {$pref}" . "group WHERE groupid IN(" . $groupids . ")");
     while ($group = mysql_fetch_array($r_group)) {
         $this->a_group[$group['groupid']] = $group['accessmask'];
     $this->a_groupboard = array();
     if ($boardid == -1) {
         $r_groupboard = thwb_query("SELECT groupid, boardid, accessmask FROM {$pref}" . "groupboard WHERE groupid IN (" . $groupids . ")");
     } else {
         $r_groupboard = thwb_query("SELECT groupid, boardid, accessmask FROM {$pref}" . "groupboard WHERE boardid='{$boardid}' AND groupid IN (" . $groupids . ")");
     while ($groupboard = mysql_fetch_array($r_groupboard)) {
         $this->a_groupboard[$groupboard['boardid']][$groupboard['groupid']] = $groupboard['accessmask'];
Ejemplo n.º 11
if ($user['userinvisible'] == 1) {
    $invisibleyes = ' checked';
    $invisibleno = '';
} else {
    $invisibleyes = '';
    $invisibleno = ' checked';
if ($user['usernoding'] == 1) {
    $nodingno = '';
    $nodingyes = ' checked';
} else {
    $nodingno = ' checked';
    $nodingyes = '';
$styleoptions = '';
$r_style = thwb_query("SELECT styleid, stylename FROM " . $pref . "style WHERE styleispublic=1");
if (mysql_num_rows($r_style) > 0) {
    $styleoptions = '<option value="0">-----------------------------</option>';
    while ($tstyle = mysql_fetch_array($r_style)) {
        $styleoptions .= "<option value=\"{$tstyle['styleid']}\"" . ($tstyle['styleid'] == $user['styleid'] ? " selected" : "") . ">{$tstyle['stylename']}</option>\n";
// birthday stuff
$a_month = array(1 => 'Januar', 2 => 'Februar', 3 => 'M&auml;rz', 4 => 'April', 5 => 'Mai', 6 => 'Juni', 7 => 'Juli', 8 => 'August', 9 => 'September', 10 => 'Oktober', 11 => 'November', 12 => 'Dezember');
$bdayform = '';
$user['userbday_year'] = (int) substr($user['userbday'], 0, 4);
$user['userbday_month'] = (int) substr($user['userbday'], 5, 2);
$user['userbday_day'] = (int) substr($user['userbday'], 8, 2);
// day
$bdayform .= '<select name="user[userbday_day]" class="tbselect"><option value="0"></option>';
for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
Ejemplo n.º 12
    if ($bm) {
        message('Ung&uuml;ltige E-Mailadresse', 'Die von Ihnen gew&auml;hlte E-Mailadresse ist leider nicht erlaubt.');
if (isset($errmsg) && strlen($errmsg) > 0) {
    message("Fehler", "Es sind leider folgende Fehler aufgetreten:<br><br><font color='{$style['color_err']}'>{$errmsg}</font>");
// ready to register
if ($register['userpassword'] != $register['userpassword2']) {
    message('Fehler', 'Das Passwort und die Passwortwiederholung unterscheiden sich, bitte &uuml;berpr&uuml;fen Sie ihre Angaben.');
if (!$register['userpassword']) {
    message('Fehler', 'Bitte geben Sie ein Passwort an');
$time = time();
$register['hash'] = md5($time);
thwb_query("INSERT INTO " . $pref . "user (username, userjoin, useremail, userpassword, groupids, useractivate)\n    VALUES('" . addslashes($register['username']) . "', '" . $time . "',\n    '" . addslashes($register['useremail']) . "',    '" . md5($register['userpassword']) . "', ',{$config['default_groupid']},', " . ($config['use_email'] ? 1 : 0) . ")");
$register['userid'] = mysql_insert_id();
possible_flood(FLOOD_REGISTER, $register['userid']);
if ($config['use_email']) {
    $email = '';
    $TRegistermail = new Template("./templates/mail/register.mail");
    @mail($register['useremail'], $config['board_name'] . " - Registrierung", $email, "From: {$config['board_admin']}");
    message("Registrierung erfolgreich!", "Der neue User wurde angelegt.<br>Sie erhalten in K&uuml;rze eine Email mit einem Best&auml;tigungslink zur Aktivierung ihres Accounts.<br><strong>Achtung: Bei AOL ist davon auszugehen, dass die Email vom Spamfilter abgefangen wird.</strong>");
} else {
    $s = new_session();
    $g_user['have_cookie'] = false;
    setcookie("thwb_cookie", md5($register['userpassword']) . $register['userid'], time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
    message('Registrierung erfolgreich!', 'Sie wurden soeben erfolgreich registriert und eingeloggt. Viel Spa&szlig;!');
Ejemplo n.º 13
    } else {
        $replytext = '';
    if ($config['smilies']) {
        $smilies_on_off = "AN";
    } else {
        $smilies_on_off = "AUS";
    if ($config['use_email']) {
        $notifyavailable = '';
    } else {
        $notifyavailable = ' (Derzeit nicht verf&uuml;gbar)';
    if ($g_user['userid']) {
        $replyusername = "******"" . build_link('logout.php?uid=' . $g_user['userid']) . "\">Logout</a> ]{$style['smallfontend']}";
    } else {
        if ($g_user['userid'] == 0 && $P->has_permission(P_REPLY)) {
            $replyusername = '******' . $style['smallfont'] . ' (Minimal ' . $config['min_usernamelength'] . ', maximal ' . $config['max_usernamelength'] . ' Zeichen, keine Sonderzeichen) <b>Das Forum speichert ihre IP-Addresse!</b>' . $style['smallfontend'];
        } else {
            $replyusername = '';
    $Treply = new Template("./templates/" . $style['styletemplate'] . "/replyform.html");
thwb_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "thread SET threadviews=threadviews+1 WHERE threadid='{$thread['threadid']}'");
$JUMP_MENU = jumpmenu($board['boardid']);
$navpath .= 'Threadansicht';
$titleprepend = htmlspecialchars($thread['threadtopic']) . ' - ';
Ejemplo n.º 14
        $TChangeemail = new Template('./templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/changeemail.html');
        $t_changewarning = '';
        if ($config['use_email']) {
            $TChangeemail_warning = new Template('./templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/changeemail_warning.html');
    } else {
        $r_user = thwb_query("SELECT userpassword, username FROM " . $pref . "user WHERE userid='{$g_user['userid']}'");
        $dbuser = mysql_fetch_array($r_user);
        if (!$user['useroldpassword'] || $dbuser['userpassword'] != md5($user['useroldpassword'])) {
            message('Fehler', 'Das Passwort ist leider nicht korrekt.');
        } else {
            if (!check_email($user['usernewemail'])) {
                message('Fehler', 'Sie haben keine g&uuml;ltige E-Mailadresse angegeben!<br>Eine g&uuml;ltige E-Mailadresse hat das Format <b>name@example.com</b> .');
            } else {
                if ($config['use_email']) {
                    $email = '';
                    $TRegistermail = new Template("./templates/mail/change_mail.mail");
                    @mail($user['usernewemail'], $config['board_name'] . " - Email-Adressenaenderung", $email, "From: {$config['board_admin']}");
                    message("&Auml;nderung erfolgreich!", "Sie erhalten in K&uuml;rze eine Email mit einem Best&auml;tigungslink zur &Auml;nderung ihrer Email-Adresse.");
                } else {
                    thwb_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "user SET useremail='{$user['usernewemail']}'\n                    WHERE userid={$g_user['userid']}");
                    message('Hinweis', 'Ihre Email-Adresse wurde erfolgreich ge&auml;ndert.');
Ejemplo n.º 15
        $resultcount = '</b>Es wurden sehr viele Suchergebnisse gefunden, bitte versuchen Sie, die Suche weiter einzuschr&auml;nken.<br><b>' . $resultcount;
} else {
    // select boards
    $a_board = array();
    $r_board = thwb_query("SELECT boardname, boardid, categoryid FROM {$pref}" . "board WHERE boarddisabled='0' ORDER BY boardorder ASC");
    while ($board = mysql_fetch_array($r_board)) {
        if ($P->has_permission(P_VIEW)) {
            $a_board[$board['categoryid']][] = $board;
    $boards = '';
    $r_category = thwb_query("SELECT categoryname, categoryid FROM " . $pref . "category ORDER BY categoryorder ASC");
    while ($category = mysql_fetch_array($r_category)) {
        if (isset($a_board[$category['categoryid']])) {
            $boards .= '<option value="-' . $category['categoryid'] . '">' . $category['categoryname'] . '</option>';
            while (list(, $board) = @each($a_board[$category['categoryid']])) {
                $boards .= '<option value="' . $board['boardid'] . '">- ' . $board['boardname'] . '</option>';
    $getdate = getdate(time());
    $Tframe = new Template("templates/" . $style['styletemplate'] . "/frame.html");
    $Tsearchform = new Template("templates/" . $style['styletemplate'] . "/searchform.html");
    $navpath .= ' &raquo; Sucheinstellungen';
Ejemplo n.º 16
 function getcachedstats($s, $e, $u)
     global $pref;
     $r_query = thwb_query("SELECT stat_month as month, stat_auser as auser, stat_nuser as nuser, stat_nthread as nthread, stat_npost as npost FROM " . $pref . "statcache WHERE stat_stime = {$s} AND stat_etime = {$e} AND stat_uid = {$u} DESC LIMIT 1");
     return mysql_fetch_array($r_query);
Ejemplo n.º 17
    $r_user = thwb_query("SELECT userjoin, useractivate FROM " . $pref . "user WHERE userid='" . intval($userid) . "'");
    if (!mysql_num_rows($r_user)) {
        message("Fehler", "Der angegebene Benutzer existiert nicht.");
    $a_user = mysql_fetch_array($r_user);
    if (!$a_user['useractivate']) {
        message("Fehler", "Der angegebene Benutzer ist bereits aktiviert.");
    if ($hash != md5($a_user['userjoin'])) {
        message("Fehler", "Die angegebene Aktivierungs-ID stimmt nicht.");
    thwb_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "user SET useractivate='0' WHERE userid='" . intval($userid) . "'");
    message("Registrierung erfolgreich!", "Ihre Registrierung ist nun abgeschlossen. Sie k&ouml;nnen sich <a href=\"login.php\">hier</a> einloggen. Viel Spa&szlig;!");
} else {
    if ($action == 'change_email') {
        $r_user = thwb_query("SELECT userid, userpassword FROM " . $pref . "user WHERE userid='" . intval($userid) . "'");
        if (!mysql_num_rows($r_user)) {
            message("Fehler", "Der angegebene Benutzer existiert nicht.");
        $a_user = mysql_fetch_array($r_user);
        if ($a_user['userpassword'] != $hash) {
            message("Fehler", "Die Pr&uuml;fsumme ist nicht korrekt.");
        if (!check_email($email)) {
            message("Fehler", "Die Email-Adresse ist ung&uuml;ltig.");
        thwb_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "user SET useremail='" . addslashes($email) . "' WHERE userid='" . intval($userid) . "'");
        message("A&uml;nderung abgeschlossen!", "Ihre Email-Adresse wurde erfolgreich ge&auml;ndert.");
Ejemplo n.º 18
          (c) 2000-2004 by ThWboard Development Group
          download the latest version:
          This  program is  free  software;  you can
          redistribute it and/or modify it under the
          terms of the GNU General Public License as
          published by the Free Software Foundation;
          either  version 2 of  the License,  or (at
          your option) any later version.
include "./inc/header.inc.php";
if (!$P->has_permission(P_CEVENT)) {
    message('Fehlende Berechtigung', 'Fehler: Sie haben nicht die ben&ouml;tigte Berechtigung, um diese Seite zu benützen.');
$a_errmsg = array();
if (!strlen(trim($event['subject']))) {
    $a_errmsg[] = 'Sie haben kein Subject angegeben.';
if (!strlen(trim($event['text']))) {
    $a_errmsg[] = 'Sie haben keinen Text definiert.';
if (!checkdate($event['month'], $event['day'], $event['year'])) {
    $a_errmsg[] = 'Sie haben ein ungültiges Datum angegeben.';
if (array_count_values($a_errmsg)) {
    message('Fehler bei der Eingabe', $style['stdfont'] . 'Folgende Fehler sind bei der Eingabe aufgetreten:<br>' . implode($a_errmsg, '<br>') . '<br>Gehen Sie mit dem Zur&uuml;ck-Button Ihres Browsers zur vorherigen Seite, um die Angaben zu korrigieren.' . $style['stdfontend']);
thwb_query("INSERT INTO " . $pref . "calendar (eventtime,eventsubject,eventtext,eventactive,userid) VALUES ('{$event['year']}-{$event['month']}-{$event['day']}','" . addslashes($event['subject']) . "','" . addslashes($event['text']) . "','1',{$g_user['userid']});");
message_redirect("Eintrag erfolgreich", "calendar.php?month={$event['month']}&amp;year={$event['year']}");
Ejemplo n.º 19

          ThWboard - PHP/MySQL Bulletin Board System
          (c) 2000-2004 by ThWboard Development Group
          download the latest version:
          This  program is  free  software;  you can
          redistribute it and/or modify it under the
          terms of the GNU General Public License as
          published by the Free Software Foundation;
          either  version 2 of  the License,  or (at
          your option) any later version.
require './inc/header.inc.php';
if ($g_user['userid'] && (empty($uid) || $uid != $g_user['userid'])) {
    message('Fehler', 'Die User-ID ist ung&uuml;ltig.');
$g_user['issession'] = false;
$g_user['have_cookie'] = false;
!empty($g_user['userid']) && thwb_query("DELETE FROM {$pref}" . "online WHERE userid='{$g_user['userid']}'");
header("Location: index.php");
//message_redirect('Sie wurden erfolgreich ausgeloggt, bitte warten ...', 'index.php');
Ejemplo n.º 20
if ($config["usebwordprot"] >= BWORD_POST) {
    $post["posttext"] = check_banned($post["posttext"]);
if (isset($config['auto_close']) && $config['auto_close'] > 0) {
    thwb_query("UPDATE  " . $pref . "thread SET threadclosed = '1' WHERE threadtime < '" . (time() - ($config['auto_close'] + 1) * 86400) . "'");
if (isset($config['auto_delete']) && $config['auto_delete'] > 0) {
    thwb_query("DELETE FROM " . $pref . "thread WHERE threadtime < " . (time() - $config['auto_delete'] * 86400) . "");
// neue nachricht posten
thwb_query("INSERT INTO " . $pref . "post (posttime, posttext, userid, threadid, postemailnotify, postsmilies, postcode, postip, postguestname)\n    VALUES('{$ctime}',\n    '" . addslashes(preparse_code($post['posttext'])) . "',\n    '{$g_user['userid']}',\n    '{$thread['threadid']}',\n    '" . ($post['postemailnotify'] ? 1 : 0) . "',\n    '" . ($post['postsmilies'] ? 1 : 0) . "',\n    '" . ($post['postcode'] ? 1 : 0) . "',\n    '" . addslashes($REMOTE_ADDR) . "',\n    '" . $post['postguestname'] . "')");
// Replys um 1 erh&ouml;hen in der board datenbank
thwb_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "board SET\n    boardlastpost='{$ctime}',\n    boardposts=boardposts+1,\n    boardlastpostby='" . addslashes($g_user['username']) . "',\n    boardthreadtopic='" . addslashes($thread['threadtopic']) . "',\n    boardthreadid={$thread['threadid']} WHERE boardid='{$board['boardid']}'");
if ($g_user['userid']) {
    // Den postings wert des postenden users erh&ouml;hen
    thwb_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "user SET userlastpost={$ctime}, userposts=userposts+1 WHERE userid='{$g_user['userid']}'");
// Replys um 1 erh&ouml;hen in der topic datenbank + time aktualisieren
thwb_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "thread SET threadtime='{$ctime}', threadreplies=threadreplies+1,\n    threadlastreplyby='" . addslashes($g_user['username']) . "' WHERE threadid='{$thread['threadid']}'");
// email zeug
if ($config['use_email']) {
    $TRegmail = new Template("./templates/mail/newreply.mail");
    $r_email = thwb_query("SELECT DISTINCT\n        user.useremail as useremail, thread.threadtopic as threadtopic\n    FROM\n        " . $pref . "post as post, " . $pref . "user as user, " . $pref . "thread as thread\n    WHERE\n        thread.threadid={$thread['threadid']} AND\n        post.threadid={$thread['threadid']} AND\n        post.userid=user.userid AND\n        post.postemailnotify=1 AND\n        user.userid<>{$g_user['userid']}");
    while ($email = mysql_fetch_array($r_email)) {
        $text = '';
        @mail($email['useremail'], $config['board_name'] . " - Neue Antwort", $text, "From: {$config['board_admin']}");
header("Location: " . build_link("showtopic.php?threadid={$thread['threadid']}&time={$time}&pagenum=lastpage#bottom", true));
Ejemplo n.º 21
    $pagenum = 1;
if (!empty($time)) {
    $lastvisited = $time;
if (!empty($lastvisited)) {
    $lastvisited = intval($lastvisited);
    $TIME_STRING = "&amp;time=" . $lastvisited;
} else {
    $TIME_STRING = '';
$r_thread = thwb_query("SELECT threadid, threadtopic, threadtime, threadauthor,\n    threadreplies, threadclosed, threadtop, threadlastreplyby, threadiconid, threadlink,\n    threadviews FROM " . $pref . "thread WHERE\n    boardid='" . intval($board['boardid']) . "'\n    ORDER BY threadtop DESC, threadtime DESC LIMIT\n    " . intval(($pagenum - 1) * $config['vars_t_amount']) . ", {$config['vars_t_amount']}");
$i = 0;
$topicicon[0] = 'fullalpha';
$r_news = thwb_query("SELECT newsid, newstopic, newstime FROM " . $pref . "news WHERE boardid LIKE '%;" . intval($board['boardid']) . ";%' ORDER BY newstime DESC LIMIT 1");
if (mysql_num_rows($r_news) > 0) {
    $TNewsrow = new Template('./templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/newstopicrow.html');
    $news = mysql_fetch_array($r_news);
    $news['newstopic'] = parse_code($news['newstopic']);
    $news['newstime'] = form_date($news['newstime'], 0);
if (mysql_num_rows($r_thread) < 1) {
    $TTopicrow = new Template('./templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/board_nothreads.html');
while ($thread = mysql_fetch_array($r_thread)) {
    $i % 2 > 0 ? $thisrowbg = $style['CellB'] : ($thisrowbg = $style['CellA']);
    $thread['threadauthor'] = parse_code($thread['threadauthor']);
    $thread['threadlastreplyby'] = parse_code($thread['threadlastreplyby']);
Ejemplo n.º 22
$style = mysql_fetch_array($r_style);
$style['smallfont'] = '<span class="smallfont">';
$style['smallfontend'] = '</span>';
$style['font'] = $style['stdfont'];
$style['stdfont'] = '<span class="stdfont">';
$style['stdfontend'] = '</span>';
Quicklinks[hack] By Morpheus
$quicklinks = '';
$t_quicklinks = '';
if ($config['enable_quicklinks']) {
    $TQuicklinks = new Template('./templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/quicklinks.html');
    $r_qlink = thwb_query("SELECT linkid, linkalt, linkcaption FROM " . $pref . "qlink");
    while ($qlink = mysql_fetch_array($r_qlink)) {
        $quicklinks .= "<A HREF=\"qlinks.php?id={$qlink['linkid']}\" title=\"{$qlink['linkalt']}\" target=_blank>[ {$qlink['linkcaption']} ]</a> ";
global $P;
if (isset($board['boardid'])) {
    $P = new Permission($g_user['groupids'], $board['boardid']);
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 23
if (!isset($login_cookie)) {
    $login_cookie = 0;
$msg = '';
if (!isset($login_password)) {
    $login_password = '';
$navpath .= "Login";
if (!$login_name) {
    $msg .= "Sie haben vergessen einen Usernamen anzugeben.<br>";
if (!$login_password) {
    $msg .= "Sie haben vergessen ein Passwort anzugeben.<br>";
$r_user = thwb_query("SELECT userid, userpassword, useractivate FROM " . $pref . "user WHERE username='******'");
if (mysql_num_rows($r_user) < 1) {
    $msg .= "Der Angegebene Benutzername existiert nicht.<br>";
$user = mysql_fetch_array($r_user);
if ($user['userpassword'] != md5($login_password)) {
    $msg .= "Das Passwort ist leider falsch.<br>";
if ($user['useractivate']) {
    $msg .= "Sie haben ihren Account noch nicht aktiviert.";
if (isset($msg) && strlen($msg) > 0) {
    message("Fehler", "Es sind leider Fehler aufgetreten:<font color='{$style['color_err']}'><br><br>{$msg}</font>");
global $g_user, $s;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        $a_stats['admin_board_text'] = $a_stats['admin_kategorien_text'] = $a_stats['admin_themen_text'] = $a_stats['admin_views_text'] = $a_stats['admin_beitrag_text'] = '';
    // create $a_stats['admins']
    $r_stats = thwb_query("SELECT userid, username FROM " . $pref . "user WHERE userisadmin = 1 AND usernodelete = 0 ORDER BY username ASC");
    $a_stats['admins'] = '';
    while ($datarow = mysql_fetch_array($r_stats)) {
        $a_stats['admins'] .= '<a href="v_profile.php?userid=' . $datarow['userid'] . '" target="_blank">' . $datarow['username'] . '</a>, ';
    $a_stats['admins'] = substr($a_stats['admins'], 0, -2);
    // create $a_stats['uradmins']
    $r_stats = thwb_query("SELECT userid, username FROM " . $pref . "user WHERE userisadmin = 1 AND usernodelete = 1 ORDER BY username ASC");
    $a_stats['uradmins'] = '';
    while ($datarow = mysql_fetch_array($r_stats)) {
        $a_stats['uradmins'] .= '<a href="' . build_link('v_profile.php?userid=' . $datarow['userid']) . '" target="_blank">' . $datarow['username'] . '</a>, ';
    $a_stats['uradmins'] = substr($a_stats['uradmins'], 0, -2);
    // create $a_stats['newmember']
    $r_stats = thwb_query("SELECT userid, username FROM " . $pref . "user ORDER BY userjoin DESC LIMIT 5");
    $a_stats['newmember'] = '';
    while ($datarow = mysql_fetch_array($r_stats)) {
        $a_stats['newmember'] .= '<a href="' . build_link('v_profile.php?userid=' . $datarow['userid']) . '" target="_blank">' . $datarow['username'] . '</a>, ';
    $a_stats['newmember'] = substr($a_stats['newmember'], 0, -2);
Ejemplo n.º 25
if ($imax > $pages) {
    $imax = $pages;
for ($i; $i <= $imax; $i++) {
    if ($i == $page) {
        $pagesstring .= "&gt;" . $i . "&lt; ";
    } else {
        $pagesstring .= "[<a class=\"hefo\" href=\"" . build_link("memberlist.php?orderby={$orderby}&amp;ordertype={$ordertype}&amp;search=" . urlencode($search) . "&amp;char={$char}&amp;page={$i}") . "\">" . $i . "</a>] ";
// letzte seite
if ($page + PADDING < $pages) {
    $pagesstring .= '... [<a class="hefo" href="' . build_link('memberlist.php?orderby=' . $orderby . '&amp;char=' . $char . '&amp;ordertype=' . $ordertype . '&amp;search=' . urlencode($search) . '&amp;page=' . $pages) . '">Letzte Seite</a>]';
$r_user = thwb_query("SELECT userid, username, useremail, usericq, userhomepage, userjoin, userposts, userlocation,\n    userhideemail, userlastpost FROM " . $pref . "user " . $where . " ORDER BY {$orderby} {$ordertype} LIMIT " . intval($page - 1) * $config['userperpage'] . ", " . $config['userperpage']);
if (!mysql_num_rows($r_user)) {
    $MEMBER_ROWS = '<tr bgcolor="' . $style['CellA'] . '">
          <td align="center" class="stdfont" colspan="8">Keine User gefunden!</td>
    $pages = 1;
    $pagesstring = "&gt;1&lt;";
} else {
    while ($user = mysql_fetch_array($r_user)) {
        $i % 2 == 0 ? $user['bgcolor'] = $style['CellA'] : ($user['bgcolor'] = $style['CellB']);
        $user['userjoin'] = form_date($user['userjoin']);
        $user['userlastpost'] = form_date($user['userlastpost']);
        $user['userlocation'] = chopstring(parse_code($user['userlocation']), 50);
        if ($user['userhomepage'] == "http://") {
            $user['userhomepage'] = '';
Ejemplo n.º 26
    $lastyear = $year - 1;
} else {
    $lastyear = $year;
// Fetching all user bdays...
$a_birthdays = array();
$r_user = thwb_query("SELECT username, userid, userbday FROM " . $pref . "user\n    WHERE SUBSTRING(userbday,6,2)=LPAD('{$month}',2,'0') AND userbday<>'00-00-0000'\n    ORDER BY userbday, username");
while ($user = mysql_fetch_array($r_user)) {
    $bday_year = $year - substr($user['userbday'], 0, 4);
    if ($bday_year > 0) {
        $a_birthdays[intval(substr($user['userbday'], 8, 2)) - 1][] = "<a href=\"" . build_link("v_profile.php?userid={$user['userid']}") . "\">{$user['username']}</a> ({$bday_year})";
// Fetching all events...
$a_events = array();
$r_events = thwb_query("SELECT * FROM " . $pref . "calendar\n    WHERE eventtime>='{$year}-{$month}-01' AND eventtime<='{$year}-{$month}-{$lastday}'\n    AND eventactive='1'\n    ORDER BY eventtime, eventtext");
while ($event = mysql_fetch_array($r_events)) {
    $a_events[intval(substr($event['eventtime'], 8, 2)) - 1][] = $event;
// Creating Eventbox
$eventbox = '';
$r_calendar = mysql_query("SELECT eventid, eventtime, eventsubject FROM " . $pref . "calendar WHERE eventtime >= '{$a_current['year']}-{$a_current['month']}-{$a_current['day']}' ORDER BY eventtime LIMIT 1");
if (mysql_num_rows($r_calendar) > 0) {
    $calendar = mysql_fetch_array($r_calendar);
    $calendar['eventtime'] = make_date($calendar['eventtime']);
    $calendar['eventsubject'] = parse_code($calendar['eventsubject']);
$boxcount = $lastday + $firstday - 1;
if ($boxcount % 7 > 0) {
    $boxcount += 7 - $boxcount % 7;
Ejemplo n.º 27
// Hier kann die maximale Anzahl der Avatar-Bilder pro
// Zeile eingestellt werden, einfach die vorgegebene
// Nummer durch die gewünschte Zahl ersetzen:
$maxpics = 5;
// ===================================================
define('THWB_NOSESSION_PAGE', true);
include "./inc/header.inc.php";
$navpath .= 'Alle Avatare auflisten';
$Tframe = new Template("templates/" . $style['styletemplate'] . "/frame.html");
$Tavatar = new Template("templates/" . $style['styletemplate'] . "/listavatar.html");
if (isset($sortbyname) && $sortbyname) {
    $avatar_sort = "{$style['stdfont']}<a href=\"" . build_link("listavatar.php") . "\">Nach Avatar-Nummer sortieren</a>{$style['stdfontend']}";
    $orderby = "avatarname";
} else {
    $avatar_sort = "{$style['stdfont']}<a href=\"" . build_link("listavatar.php?sortbyname=1") . "\">Nach Namen sortieren</a>{$style['stdfontend']}";
    $orderby = "avatarid";
$start = $e = 0;
$r_avatar = thwb_query("SELECT avatarid, avatarname, avatarurl FROM " . $pref . "avatar ORDER BY {$orderby}");
$avatar_rows = '';
while ($avatar_data = mysql_fetch_array($r_avatar)) {
    $avatar_rows .= "<td" . ($e % 2 == 0 ? ' bgcolor="' . $style['CellA'] . '"' : ' bgcolor="' . $style['CellB'] . '"') . "><img src=\"{$avatar_data['avatarurl']}\" border=\"0\"><br><b>" . $style['smallfont'] . "{$avatar_data['avatarid']}. {$avatar_data['avatarname']}</font></b></td>\n";
    if ($start == $maxpics) {
        $avatar_rows .= "</tr><tr>";
        $start = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
$a_group = array();
$group_ids = '';
$r_group = thwb_query("SELECT\n        groupid,\n        title\n    FROM\n        {$pref}" . "group\n        WHERE\n                SUBSTRING(accessmask, " . (P_INTEAM + 1) . ", 1)\n    ORDER BY\n        titlepriority DESC");
if (mysql_num_rows($r_group) < 1) {
    message('Info', 'Kein Staff vorhanden.');
while ($group = mysql_fetch_array($r_group)) {
    $a_group[] = $group;
    $group_ids .= "OR INSTR(groupids, ',{$group['groupid']},')>0 ";
$group_ids = substr($group_ids, 3);
$r_user = thwb_query("SELECT userid, username, useremail, userhideemail, usertitle, userinvisible, groupids FROM {$pref}" . "user WHERE {$group_ids} ORDER BY username ASC");
while ($user = mysql_fetch_array($r_user)) {
    $user['username'] = parse_code($user['username']);
    if ($user['usertitle']) {
        $user['userlevel'] = $user['usertitle'];
    } else {
        // group titling..
        while (list(, $group) = each($a_group)) {
            if (strstr($user['groupids'], ',' . $group['groupid'] . ',')) {
                $user['userlevel'] = $group['title'];
    $user['useremail'] = get_email($user, true);
Ejemplo n.º 29
} else {
    $user['userage'] = (int) $user['userage'];
if ($user['usericq'] == 0) {
    $user['usericq'] = "";
if ($config['showpostslevel'] == 0) {
    $user['userposts'] = "- (Vom Administrator deaktiviert)";
} elseif ($config['showpostslevel'] == 1 && $g_user['userid'] != $user['userid']) {
    if ($g_user['userisadmin']) {
        $user['userposts'] = '- (Versteckt)' . $style['smallfont'] . ' [Admin: Postcount = ' . $user['userposts'] . ' ]' . $style['smallfontend'];
    } else {
        $user['userposts'] = '- (Versteckt)';
$user['useremail'] = get_email($user);
$user['username'] = parse_code($user['username']);
$user['userip'] = '';
if ($g_user['userisadmin']) {
    $r_online = thwb_query("SELECT onlineip FROM {$pref}" . "online WHERE userid='{$user['userid']}' AND onlinetime > " . (time() - $config['session_timeout']));
    if (mysql_num_rows($r_online) > 0) {
        $online = mysql_fetch_array($r_online);
        $user['userip'] = $style['smallfont'] . ' [Admin: IP = ' . $online['onlineip'] . ', Hostname = ' . gethostbyaddr($online['onlineip']) . ' ]' . $style['smallfontend'];
$user['useraim'] = parse_code($user['useraim']);
$user['usermsn'] = parse_code($user['usermsn']);
$userurlname = rawurlencode($user['username']);
$navpath .= 'Profilansicht';
Ejemplo n.º 30
     * do not output anything, simply return the data to the parent page
    ${$THWB_NEWS_OUTPUT} = parse_code($a_threads, 1);
} else {
    if (empty($_GET['type']) || $_GET['type'] == 'html') {
         * html output
         * ... and for that, we need $style set.
        if (!ALLOW_HTML) {
            print '<pre><strong>Fehler</strong>
              HTML-Ausgabe deaktiviert.</pre>';
        $r_style = thwb_query("SELECT styleid, styletemplate, colorbg, color1, CellA, CellB, color4, colorbgfont, col_he_fo_font, color_err,\n        col_link, col_link_v, col_link_hover, stdfont,\n        boardimage, newtopicimage, border_col FROM\n        " . $pref . "style WHERE styleisdefault=1");
        $style = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_style);
        $style['smallfont'] = '<span class="smallfont">';
        $style['smallfontend'] = '</span>';
        $style['font'] = $style['stdfont'];
        $style['stdfont'] = '<span class="stdfont">';
        $style['stdfontend'] = '</span>';
        $TFrame = new Template($incpref . '/templates/default/thwbnews.html');
        $Trow = new Template($incpref . '/templates/default/thwbnewsrow.html');
        $CONTENT = '';
        foreach ($a_threads as $post) {
            $post['posttime'] = form_date($post['posttime']);
            $post['posttext'] = parse_code($post['posttext'], 1, 1, 1);