Ejemplo n.º 1
		<footer id="footer" class="clearfix">

			<div id="footer-logo">
if (themify_get('setting-footer_logo') == 'image' && themify_check('setting-footer_logo_image_value')) {
    echo $themify->logo_image('footer_logo');
} else {
				 	<a href="<?php 
    echo home_url();
Ejemplo n.º 2

        wp_link_pages(array('before' => '<p class="post-pagination"><strong>' . __('Pages:', 'themify') . '</strong> ', 'after' => '</p>', 'next_or_number' => 'number'));

        edit_post_link(__('Edit', 'themify'), '[', ']');

				<!-- comments -->
        if (!themify_check('setting-comments_pages') && $themify->query_category == "") {
				<!-- /comments -->

			<!-- /.post-content -->

			</div><!-- /.type-page -->
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Returns the image for the portfolio slider
  * @param int $attachment_id Image attachment ID
  * @param int $width Width of the returned image
  * @param int $height Height of the returned image
  * @param string $size Size of the returned image
  * @return string
  * @since 1.1.0
 function portfolio_image($attachment_id, $width, $height, $size = 'large')
     $size = apply_filters('themify_portfolio_image_size', $size);
     if (themify_check('setting-img_settings_use')) {
         // Image Script is disabled, use WP image
         $html = wp_get_attachment_image($attachment_id, $size);
     } else {
         // Image Script is enabled, use it to process image
         $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_id, $size);
         $html = themify_get_image('ignore=true&src=' . $img[0] . '&w=' . $width . '&h=' . $height);
     return apply_filters('themify_portfolio_image_html', $html, $attachment_id, $width, $height, $size);
  * Check whether image script is in use or not
  * @return boolean
 function is_img_php_disabled()
     if (themify_check('setting-img_settings_use')) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Main shortcode rendering
  * @param array $atts
  * @param $post_type
  * @return string|void
 function shortcode($atts = array(), $post_type)
     // Pagination
     global $paged;
     $paged = get_query_var('paged') ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
     // Parameters to get posts
     $args = array('post_type' => $post_type, 'posts_per_page' => $limit, 'order' => $order, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'suppress_filters' => false, 'paged' => $paged);
     // Category parameters
     $args['tax_query'] = $this->parse_category_args($category, $post_type);
     // Defines layout type
     $cpt_layout_class = $this->post_type . '-multiple clearfix type-multiple';
     $multiple = true;
     // Single post type or many single post types
     if ('' != $id) {
         if (strpos($id, ',')) {
             $ids = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $id));
             foreach ($ids as $string_id) {
                 $int_ids[] = intval($string_id);
             $args['post__in'] = $int_ids;
             $args['orderby'] = 'post__in';
         } else {
             $args['p'] = intval($id);
             $cpt_layout_class = $this->post_type . '-single';
             $multiple = false;
     // Get posts according to parameters
     $portfolio_query = new WP_Query();
     $posts = $portfolio_query->query(apply_filters('themify_' . $post_type . '_shortcode_args', $args));
     // Grid Style
     if ('' == $style) {
         $style = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_layout') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_layout') : 'grid4';
     if (is_singular('portfolio')) {
         if ('' == $image_w) {
             $image_w = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_single_image_post_width') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_image_post_width') : '670';
         if ('' == $image_h) {
             $image_h = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_single_image_post_height') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_image_post_height') : '0';
         if ('' == $post_date) {
             $post_date = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_single_post_date') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_date') : 'yes';
         if ('' == $title) {
             $title = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_single_title') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_title') : 'yes';
         if ('' == $unlink_title) {
             $unlink_title = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_single_unlink_post_title') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_unlink_post_title') : 'no';
         if ('' == $post_meta) {
             $post_meta = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_single_meta') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_meta') : 'yes';
     } else {
         if ('' == $image_w) {
             $image_w = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_image_post_width') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_image_post_width') : '221';
         if ('' == $image_h) {
             $image_h = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_image_post_height') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_image_post_height') : '221';
         if ('' == $title) {
             $title = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_title') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_title') : 'yes';
         if ('' == $unlink_title) {
             $unlink_title = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_unlink_post_title') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_unlink_post_title') : 'no';
         // Reverse logic
         if ('' == $post_date) {
             $post_date = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_date') ? 'no' == themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_date') ? 'yes' : 'no' : 'no';
         if ('' == $post_meta) {
             $post_meta = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_meta_category') ? 'no' == themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_meta_category') ? 'yes' : 'no' : 'no';
     // Collect markup to be returned
     $out = '';
     if ($posts) {
         global $themify;
         $themify_save = clone $themify;
         // save a copy
         // override $themify object
         $themify->hide_title = 'yes' == $title ? 'no' : 'yes';
         $themify->unlink_title = '' == $unlink_title || 'no' == $unlink_title ? 'no' : 'yes';
         $themify->hide_image = 'yes' == $image ? 'no' : 'yes';
         $themify->hide_meta = 'yes' == $post_meta ? 'no' : 'yes';
         $themify->hide_date = 'yes' == $post_date ? 'no' : 'yes';
         if (!$multiple) {
             if ('' == $image_w || get_post_meta($args['p'], 'image_width', true)) {
                 $themify->width = get_post_meta($args['p'], 'image_width', true);
             if ('' == $image_h || get_post_meta($args['p'], 'image_height', true)) {
                 $themify->height = get_post_meta($args['p'], 'image_height', true);
         } else {
             $themify->width = $image_w;
             $themify->height = $image_h;
         $themify->use_original_dimensions = 'yes' == $use_original_dimensions ? 'yes' : 'no';
         $themify->display_content = $display;
         $themify->more_link = $more_link;
         $themify->more_text = $more_text;
         $themify->post_layout = $style;
         $themify->portfolio_instance = $this->instance;
         $out .= '<div class="loops-wrapper shortcode ' . $post_type . ' ' . $style . ' ' . $cpt_layout_class . '">';
         $out .= themify_get_shortcode_template($posts, 'includes/loop-portfolio', 'index');
         $out .= $this->section_link($more_link, $more_text, $post_type);
         $out .= '</div>';
         $themify = clone $themify_save;
         // revert to original $themify state
     return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function shortcode($atts = array(), $post_type)
     // Parameters to get posts
     $args = array('post_type' => $post_type, 'posts_per_page' => $limit, 'order' => $order, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'suppress_filters' => false);
     $args['tax_query'] = $this->parse_category_args($category, $post_type);
     // Defines layout type
     $cpt_layout_class = $this->post_type . '-multiple clearfix type-multiple';
     $multiple = true;
     // Single post type or many single post types
     if ('' != $id) {
         if (strpos($id, ',')) {
             // Multiple ////////////////////////////////////
             $ids = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $id));
             foreach ($ids as $string_id) {
                 $int_ids[] = intval($string_id);
             $args['post__in'] = $int_ids;
             $args['orderby'] = 'post__in';
         } else {
             // Single ///////////////////////////////////////
             $args['p'] = intval($id);
             $cpt_layout_class = $this->post_type . '-single';
             $multiple = false;
     // Get posts according to parameters
     $posts = get_posts(apply_filters('themify_' . $post_type . '_shortcode_args', $args));
     // Collect markup to be returned
     $out = '';
     if ($posts) {
         global $themify;
         // save a copy
         $themify_save = clone $themify;
         // override $themify object
         // set image link
         $themify->unlink_image = '' == $unlink_image || 'no' == $unlink_image ? 'no' : 'yes';
         $themify->hide_image = 'yes' == $image ? 'no' : 'yes';
         // set title link
         $themify->unlink_title = '' == $unlink_title || 'no' == $unlink_title ? 'no' : 'yes';
         $themify->hide_title = 'yes' == $title ? 'no' : 'yes';
         if (!$multiple) {
             if ('' == $image_w || get_post_meta($args['p'], 'image_width', true)) {
                 $themify->width = get_post_meta($args['p'], 'image_width', true);
             if ('' == $image_h || get_post_meta($args['p'], 'image_height', true)) {
                 $themify->height = get_post_meta($args['p'], 'image_height', true);
         } else {
             $themify->width = $image_w;
             $themify->height = $image_h;
         $themify->use_original_dimensions = 'yes' == $use_original_dimensions ? 'yes' : 'no';
         $themify->display_content = $display;
         $themify->more_link = $more_link;
         $themify->more_text = $more_text;
         $themify->post_layout = $style;
         $themify->col_class = $this->column_class($style);
         if (is_singular('team')) {
             $teampre = 'setting-default_team_single_';
             $themify->hide_image = themify_check($teampre . 'hide_image') ? themify_get($teampre . 'hide_image') : 'no';
             $themify->hide_title = themify_check($teampre . 'hide_title') ? themify_get($teampre . 'hide_title') : 'no';
             $themify->unlink_image = themify_check($teampre . 'unlink_image') ? themify_get($teampre . 'unlink_image') : 'no';
             $themify->unlink_title = themify_check($teampre . 'unlink_title') ? themify_get($teampre . 'unlink_title') : 'no';
             $themify->width = themify_check($teampre . 'image_post_width') ? themify_get($teampre . 'image_post_width') : 144;
             $themify->height = themify_check($teampre . 'image_post_height') ? themify_get($teampre . 'image_post_height') : 144;
         $out .= '<div class="loops-wrapper shortcode ' . $post_type . ' ' . $style . ' ' . $cpt_layout_class . '">';
         $out .= themify_get_shortcode_template($posts, 'includes/loop-team', 'index');
         $out .= $this->section_link($more_link, $more_text, $post_type);
         $out .= '</div>';
         $themify = clone $themify_save;
         // revert to original $themify state
     return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Outputs custom post CSS at the end of a post
  * @since 1.0.0
 function themify_theme_custom_post_css()
     global $themify;
     $post_id = '.section-post.post-' . get_the_ID();
     $css = array();
     $style = '';
     if (!isset($themify->google_fonts)) {
         $themify->google_fonts = '';
     $rules = array("{$post_id}, {$post_id} h1, {$post_id} h2, {$post_id} h3, {$post_id} h4, {$post_id} h5, {$post_id} h6" => array(array('prop' => 'font-size', 'key' => array('font_size', 'font_size_unit')), array('prop' => 'font-family', 'key' => 'font_family'), array('prop' => 'color', 'key' => 'font_color')), "{$post_id} .section-title" => array(array('prop' => 'font-size', 'key' => array('title_font_size', 'font_size_unit')), array('prop' => 'font-family', 'key' => 'title_font_family'), array('prop' => 'color', 'key' => 'title_font_color')), $post_id => array(array('prop' => 'background-color', 'key' => 'background_color'), array('prop' => 'background-image', 'key' => 'background_image'), array('prop' => 'background-repeat', 'key' => 'background_repeat'), array('prop' => 'background-position', 'key' => array('background_position_x', 'background_position_y'))), "{$post_id} a" => array(array('prop' => 'color', 'key' => 'link_color')));
     foreach ($rules as $selector => $property) {
         foreach ($property as $val) {
             $prop = $val['prop'];
             $key = $val['key'];
             if (is_array($key)) {
                 if ($prop == 'font-size' && themify_check($key[0])) {
                     $css[$selector][$prop] = $prop . ': ' . themify_get($key[0]) . themify_get($key[1]);
                 if ($prop == 'background-position' && themify_check($key[0])) {
                     $css[$selector][$prop] = $prop . ': ' . themify_get($key[0]) . ' ' . themify_get($key[1]);
             } elseif (themify_check($key) && 'default' != themify_get($key)) {
                 if ($prop == 'color' || stripos($prop, 'color')) {
                     $css[$selector][$prop] = $prop . ': #' . themify_get($key);
                 } elseif ($prop == 'background-image') {
                     $css[$selector][$prop] = $prop . ': url(' . themify_get($key) . ')';
                 } elseif ($prop == 'font-family') {
                     $font = themify_get($key);
                     $css[$selector][$prop] = $prop . ': ' . $font;
                     if (!in_array($font, themify_get_web_safe_font_list(true))) {
                         $themify->google_fonts .= str_replace(' ', '+', $font . '|');
                 } else {
                     $css[$selector][$prop] = $prop . ': ' . themify_get($key);
         if (!empty($css[$selector])) {
             $style .= "{$selector} {\n\t" . implode(";\n\t", $css[$selector]) . "\n}\n";
     if ('' != $style) {
         echo "\n<!-- {$post_id} Style -->\n<style>\n{$style}</style>\n<!-- End {$post_id} Style -->\n";
Ejemplo n.º 8

 * Portfolio Navigation
if (themify_check('setting-portfolio_nav_disable')) {
$same_cat = themify_check('setting-portfolio_nav_same_cat') ? true : false;
$excluded_terms = array();
<!-- post-nav -->
<div class="post-nav clearfix">
previous_post_link('<span class="prev">%link</span>', '<span class="arrow">' . _x('&laquo;', 'Previous entry link arrow', 'themify') . '</span> %title', $same_cat, $excluded_terms, 'portfolio-category');
next_post_link('<span class="next">%link</span>', '%title <span class="arrow">&raquo;</span>', $same_cat, $excluded_terms, 'portfolio-category');
<!-- /post-nav -->
Ejemplo n.º 9
    if ($this->is_img_php_disabled()) {
        $param_image .= $image_size_slider != '' ? '&image_size=' . $image_size_slider : '';
    if (themify_get('external_link') != '') {
        $ext_link = themify_get("external_link");
    } elseif (themify_get('lightbox_link') != '') {
        $ext_link = themify_get("lightbox_link") . '" class="lightbox" rel="prettyPhoto[slider]';
    } else {
        $ext_link = get_permalink();
    if ($hide_feat_img_slider == '' || $hide_feat_img_slider == 'no') {
        $post_image = themify_get_image($param_image);
        if ($post_image || themify_check('video_url') == 1) {
            if (themify_check('video_url')) {
                global $wp_embed;
                $post_image = $wp_embed->run_shortcode('[embed]' . themify_get('video_url') . '[/embed]');
            // Hook
					<figure class="slide-image">
            if ($unlink_feat) {
                echo $post_image;
Ejemplo n.º 10
function themify_post_format_custom_fields($content)
    global $post, $id, $themify_check;
    if (!is_feed() || $themify_check == true) {
        return $content;
    $post_format = themify_get('post_format');
    if (has_post_format('image') && themify_check('post_image')) {
        $content = "<img src='" . themify_get('post_image') . "'><br>" . $content;
    } elseif (has_post_format('quote') && themify_check('quote_author')) {
        $content = '"' . $content . '" ' . themify_get('quote_author') . " - <a href='" . themify_get('quote_author_link') . "'>" . themify_get('quote_author_link') . "</a>";
    } elseif (has_post_format('link') && themify_check('link_url')) {
        $content .= "<a href='" . themify_get('link_url') . "'>" . themify_get('link_url') . "</a>";
    } elseif (has_post_format('audio') && themify_check('audio_url')) {
        $content = "<p><img src='" . themify_get('post_image') . "'></p><br>" . $content;
        $content .= themify_get('audio_url');
    } elseif (has_post_format('video') && themify_check('video_url')) {
        $themify_check = true;
        $content = apply_filters('the_content', themify_get('video_url')) . $content;
    $themify_check = false;
    return $content;
Ejemplo n.º 11

 * Post Navigation Template
 * @package themify
 * @since 1.0.0
$post_type = 'portfolio' == get_post_type() ? 'portfolio' : 'post';
if (!themify_check("setting-{$post_type}_nav_disable")) {
    $in_same_cat = themify_check("setting-{$post_type}_nav_same_cat") ? true : false;
    $this_taxonomy = 'post' == get_post_type() ? 'category' : get_post_type() . '-category';
    $previous = get_previous_post_link('<span class="prev">%link</span>', '<span class="arrow"></span> %title', $in_same_cat, '', $this_taxonomy);
    $next = get_next_post_link('<span class="next">%link</span>', '<span class="arrow"></span> %title', $in_same_cat, '', $this_taxonomy);
    if (!empty($previous) || !empty($next)) {

		<div class="post-nav clearfix">
        echo $previous;
        echo $next;
		<!-- /.post-nav -->

    // empty previous or next
// check setting nav disable
Ejemplo n.º 12
 function template_redirect()
     $post_image_width = themify_get('image_width');
     $post_image_height = themify_get('image_height');
     if (is_singular()) {
         $this->display_content = 'content';
         if ('on' == themify_get('hide_header')) {
             $this->hide_header = 'yes';
         if ('on' == themify_get('hide_footer')) {
             $this->hide_footer = 'yes';
     if (is_page()) {
         $this->page_id = get_the_ID();
         $this->post_layout = themify_get('layout') != "default" && themify_check('layout') ? themify_get('layout') : themify_get('setting-default_post_layout');
         // set default post layout
         if ($this->post_layout == '') {
             $this->post_layout = 'list-post';
     // Setting image width, height
     if ($this->post_layout == 'grid4') {
         $this->width = self::$grid4_width;
         $this->height = self::$grid4_height;
     } elseif ($this->post_layout == 'grid3') {
         $this->width = self::$grid3_width;
         $this->height = self::$grid3_height;
     } elseif ($this->post_layout == 'grid2') {
         $this->width = self::$grid2_width;
         $this->height = self::$grid2_height;
     } elseif ($this->post_layout == 'grid2-thumb') {
         $this->width = self::$grid2_thumb_width;
         $this->height = self::$grid2_thumb_height;
     } elseif ($this->post_layout == 'list-post') {
         $this->width = self::$list_post_width;
         $this->height = self::$list_post_height;
     } else {
         $this->width = self::$list_post_width;
         $this->height = self::$list_post_height;
     if (themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_disable_porto_expand') || is_singular('portfolio')) {
         $this->portfolio_expander = 'no';
     if (is_page()) {
         if (get_query_var('paged')) {
             $this->paged = get_query_var('paged');
         } elseif (get_query_var('page')) {
             $this->paged = get_query_var('page');
         } else {
             $this->paged = 1;
         global $paged;
         $paged = $this->paged;
         $this->layout = themify_get('page_layout') != 'default' && themify_check('page_layout') ? themify_get('page_layout') : themify_get('setting-default_page_layout');
         if ($this->layout == '') {
             $this->layout = 'sidebar1';
         $this->post_layout = themify_get('layout') != 'default' && themify_check('layout') ? themify_get('layout') : themify_get('setting-default_post_layout');
         if ($this->post_layout == '') {
             $this->post_layout = 'list-post';
         $this->page_title = themify_get('hide_page_title') != 'default' && themify_check('hide_page_title') ? themify_get('hide_page_title') : themify_get('setting-hide_page_title');
         $this->hide_title = themify_get('hide_title');
         $this->unlink_title = themify_get('unlink_title');
         $this->media_position = 'default' != themify_get('media_position') && themify_check('media_position') ? themify_get('media_position') : themify_check('setting-default_media_position') ? themify_get('setting-default_media_position') : 'above';
         $this->hide_image = themify_get('hide_image');
         $this->unlink_image = themify_get('unlink_image');
         // Post Meta Values ///////////////////////
         $post_meta_keys = array('_author' => 'post_meta_author', '_category' => 'post_meta_category', '_comment' => 'post_meta_comment', '_tag' => 'post_meta_tag');
         $post_meta_key = 'setting-default_';
         $this->hide_meta = themify_check('hide_meta_all') ? themify_get('hide_meta_all') : themify_get($post_meta_key . 'post_meta');
         foreach ($post_meta_keys as $k => $v) {
             $this->{'hide_meta' . $k} = themify_check('hide_meta' . $k) ? themify_get('hide_meta' . $k) : themify_get($post_meta_key . $v);
         // Standard fields
         $this->display_content = themify_get('display_content');
         $this->post_image_width = themify_get('image_width');
         $this->post_image_height = themify_get('image_height');
         $this->page_navigation = themify_get('hide_navigation');
         // Set custom menu
         $this->custom_menu = themify_get('custom_menu');
         // Post query or portfolio query ///////////////////
         $post_query_category = themify_get('query_category');
         $portfolio_query_category = themify_get('portfolio_query_category');
         $section_query_category = themify_get('section_query_category');
         if ('' != $portfolio_query_category) {
             $this->query_category = $portfolio_query_category;
             $this->query_taxonomy = 'portfolio-category';
             $this->query_post_type = 'portfolio';
             if ('default' != themify_check('portfolio_hide_meta_all')) {
                 $this->hide_meta = themify_get('portfolio_hide_meta_all');
             } else {
                 $this->hide_meta = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_meta_category') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_meta_category') : 'yes';
             if ('default' != themify_get('portfolio_hide_date')) {
                 $this->hide_date = themify_get('portfolio_hide_date');
             } else {
                 $this->hide_date = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_date') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_date') : 'yes';
             $this->post_layout = themify_get('portfolio_layout') ? themify_get('portfolio_layout') : themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_layout');
             if ('' == $this->post_layout) {
                 $this->post_layout = 'list-post';
             $this->hide_title = themify_get('portfolio_hide_title');
             $this->unlink_title = themify_get('portfolio_unlink_title');
             $this->hide_image = themify_get('portfolio_hide_image');
             $this->unlink_image = themify_get('portfolio_unlink_image');
             $this->display_content = themify_get('portfolio_display_content');
             $this->post_image_width = themify_get('portfolio_image_width');
             $this->post_image_height = themify_get('portfolio_image_height');
             $this->page_navigation = themify_get('portfolio_hide_navigation');
             $this->posts_per_page = themify_get('portfolio_posts_per_page');
             $this->order = themify_get('portfolio_order');
             $this->orderby = themify_get('portfolio_orderby');
             if ('' != themify_get('portfolio_image_width')) {
                 $this->width = themify_get('portfolio_image_width');
             } else {
                 $this->width = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_image_post_width') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_image_post_width') : self::$index_portfolio_image_width;
             if ('' != themify_get('portfolio_image_height')) {
                 $this->height = themify_get('portfolio_image_height');
             } else {
                 $this->height = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_image_post_height') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_image_post_height') : self::$index_portfolio_image_height;
             $this->feature = 'gallery' == themify_get('portfolio_feature') ? 'gallery' : 'image';
             $this->portfolio_expander = themify_get('portfolio_expander');
         } elseif ('' != $section_query_category) {
             $this->query_category = $section_query_category;
             $this->query_taxonomy = 'section-category';
             $this->query_post_type = 'section';
             $this->hide_title = themify_get('section_hide_title');
             $this->hide_subtitle = themify_get('section_hide_subtitle');
             $this->posts_per_page = themify_get('section_posts_per_page');
             $this->order = themify_get('section_order');
             $this->orderby = themify_get('section_orderby');
             $this->post_layout = 'list-post';
         } else {
             $this->query_category = $post_query_category;
             $this->query_taxonomy = 'category';
             $this->query_post_type = 'post';
             if (themify_check('posts_per_page')) {
                 $this->posts_per_page = themify_get('posts_per_page');
             $this->order = themify_get('order') && '' != themify_get('order') ? themify_get('order') : (themify_check('setting-index_order') ? themify_get('setting-index_order') : 'DESC');
             $this->orderby = themify_get('orderby') && '' != themify_get('orderby') ? themify_get('orderby') : (themify_check('setting-index_orderby') ? themify_get('setting-index_orderby') : 'date');
             if ('default' != themify_get('hide_date')) {
                 $this->hide_date = themify_get('hide_date');
             } else {
                 $this->hide_date = themify_check('setting-default_post_date') ? themify_get('setting-default_post_date') : 'no';
         if ('' != $post_image_height && '' != $post_image_width) {
             $this->width = $post_image_width;
             $this->height = $post_image_height;
     if (is_tax('portfolio-category') && !is_page()) {
         $this->post_layout = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_layout') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_layout') : 'list-post';
         $this->layout = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_layout') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_layout') : 'sidebar-none';
         $this->hide_meta = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_meta_category') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_meta_category') : 'yes';
         $this->hide_date = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_date') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_post_date') : 'yes';
         $this->width = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_index_image_post_width') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_image_post_width') : self::$index_portfolio_image_width;
         $this->height = themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_image_post_height') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_index_image_post_height') : self::$index_portfolio_image_height;
     if (is_tax('section-category') && !is_page()) {
         $this->post_layout = themify_check('setting-default_section_index_post_layout') ? themify_get('setting-default_section_index_post_layout') : 'list-post';
         $this->layout = themify_check('setting-default_section_index_layout') ? themify_get('setting-default_section_index_layout') : 'sidebar-none';
         $this->hide_meta = themify_check('setting-default_section_index_post_meta_category') ? themify_get('setting-default_section_index_post_meta_category') : 'yes';
         $this->hide_date = themify_check('setting-default_section_index_post_date') ? themify_get('setting-default_section_index_post_date') : 'yes';
     if (is_singular('post') || is_singular('portfolio')) {
         $this->hide_title = themify_get('hide_post_title') != 'default' && themify_check('hide_post_title') ? themify_get('hide_post_title') : themify_get('setting-default_page_post_title');
         $this->unlink_title = themify_get('unlink_post_title') != 'default' && themify_check('unlink_post_title') ? themify_get('unlink_post_title') : themify_get('setting-default_page_unlink_post_title');
         $this->unlink_image = themify_get('unlink_post_image') != 'default' && themify_check('unlink_post_image') ? themify_get('unlink_post_image') : themify_get('setting-default_page_unlink_post_image');
         $this->hide_date = themify_get('hide_post_date') != 'default' && themify_check('hide_post_date') ? themify_get('hide_post_date') : themify_get('setting-default_page_post_date');
         // Media Position
         $this->media_position = themify_check('media_position') ? themify_get('media_position') : 'default';
         //themify_get('media_position') : (false) ? 'default1' : 'default2';//themify_check('setting-default_page_post_media_position') ? themify_get('setting-default_page_post_media_position') : 'above';
         if ($this->media_position == 'default') {
             $this->media_position = themify_check('setting-default_page_post_media_position') ? themify_get('setting-default_page_post_media_position') : 'above';
         if (is_singular('post')) {
             // set default layout
             if (themify_get('layout') == 'sidebar-none' || themify_get('layout') == 'sidebar1' || themify_get('layout') == 'sidebar1 sidebar-left' || themify_get('layout') == 'sidebar2') {
                 $this->layout = themify_get('layout');
             } elseif (themify_check('setting-default_page_post_layout')) {
                 $this->layout = themify_get('setting-default_page_post_layout');
             } else {
                 $this->layout = 'sidebar1';
             // Post Meta Values ///////////////////////
             $post_meta_keys = array('_author' => 'post_meta_author', '_category' => 'post_meta_category', '_comment' => 'post_meta_comment', '_tag' => 'post_meta_tag');
             $post_meta_key = is_singular('portfolio') ? 'setting-default_portfolio_single_' : 'setting-default_page_';
             $this->hide_meta = themify_check('hide_meta_all') ? themify_get('hide_meta_all') : themify_get($post_meta_key . 'post_meta');
             foreach ($post_meta_keys as $k => $v) {
                 $this->{'hide_meta' . $k} = themify_check('hide_meta' . $k) ? themify_get('hide_meta' . $k) : themify_get($post_meta_key . $v);
         } elseif (is_singular('portfolio')) {
             if (themify_check('hide_meta_all')) {
                 $this->hide_meta = themify_get('hide_meta_all');
             } else {
                 $this->hide_meta = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_single_post_meta_category') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_post_meta_category') : 'yes';
             $this->layout = 'sidebar-none';
             $this->hide_title = themify_get('hide_post_title') != 'default' && themify_check('hide_post_title') ? themify_get('hide_post_title') : themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_title');
             $this->unlink_title = themify_get('unlink_post_title') != 'default' && themify_check('unlink_post_title') ? themify_get('unlink_post_title') : themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_unlink_post_title');
             $this->unlink_image = themify_get('unlink_post_image') != 'default' && themify_check('unlink_post_image') ? themify_get('unlink_post_image') : themify_get('setting-default_page_unlink_post_image');
             $this->hide_date = themify_get('hide_post_date') != 'default' && themify_check('hide_post_date') ? themify_get('hide_post_date') : themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_post_date');
             $this->post_image_width = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_single_image_post_width') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_image_post_width') : self::$single_portfolio_image_width;
             $this->post_image_height = themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_image_post_height') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_image_post_height') : self::$single_portfolio_image_height;
         $this->hide_image = themify_get('hide_post_image') != 'default' && themify_check('hide_post_image') ? themify_get('hide_post_image') : themify_get('setting-default_page_post_image');
         $this->unlink_image = themify_get('unlink_post_image') != 'default' && themify_check('unlink_post_image') ? themify_get('unlink_post_image') : themify_get('setting-default_page_unlink_post_image');
         $this->display_content = '';
         $this->post_image_width = themify_get('image_width');
         $this->post_image_height = themify_get('image_height');
         // Set Default Image Sizes for Single
         self::$content_width = self::$single_content_width;
         self::$sidebar1_content_width = self::$single_sidebar1_content_width;
         if ('' == $post_image_height && '' == $post_image_width) {
             if (is_singular('portfolio')) {
                 $this->width = themify_check('setting-default_portfolio_single_image_post_width') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_image_post_width') : self::$single_portfolio_image_width;
                 $this->height = themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_image_post_height') ? themify_get('setting-default_portfolio_single_image_post_height') : self::$single_portfolio_image_height;
             } else {
                 $this->width = self::$single_image_width;
                 $this->height = self::$single_image_height;
         } else {
             $this->width = $post_image_width;
             $this->height = $post_image_height;
     if (is_singular('team')) {
         $teampre = 'setting-default_team_single_';
         if (themify_check($teampre . 'layout')) {
             $this->layout = themify_get($teampre . 'layout');
         } else {
             $this->layout = 'sidebar1';
     if (!is_singular()) {
         if ($this->layout == 'sidebar1' || $this->layout == 'sidebar1 sidebar-left') {
             $ratio = $this->width / self::$content_width;
             $aspect = $this->height / $this->width;
             if (!is_singular('portfolio')) {
                 $this->width = round($ratio * self::$sidebar1_content_width);
             if ($this->height != '' && $this->height != 0) {
                 $this->height = round($this->width * $aspect);
     if (is_single() && $this->hide_image != 'yes') {
         $this->image_align = themify_get('setting-image_post_single_align');
         $this->image_setting = 'setting=image_post_single&';
     } elseif ($this->query_category != '' && $this->hide_image != 'yes') {
         $this->image_align = '';
         $this->image_setting = '';
     } else {
         $this->image_align = themify_get('setting-image_post_align');
         $this->image_setting = 'setting=image_post&';
Ejemplo n.º 13
 function template_redirect()
     $post_image_width = themify_get('image_width');
     $post_image_height = themify_get('image_height');
     if (is_page()) {
         $this->post_layout = themify_get('layout') != "default" && themify_check('layout') ? themify_get('layout') : themify_get('setting-default_post_layout');
         // set default post layout
         if ($this->post_layout == '') {
             $this->post_layout = 'list-post';
     // Setting image width, height
     if ($this->post_layout == 'grid4') {
         $this->width = self::$grid4_width;
         $this->height = self::$grid4_height;
     } elseif ($this->post_layout == 'grid3') {
         $this->width = self::$grid3_width;
         $this->height = self::$grid3_height;
     } elseif ($this->post_layout == 'grid2') {
         $this->width = self::$grid2_width;
         $this->height = self::$grid2_height;
     } elseif ($this->post_layout == 'list-large-image') {
         $this->width = self::$list_large_image_width;
         $this->height = self::$list_large_image_height;
     } elseif ($this->post_layout == 'list-thumb-image') {
         $this->width = self::$list_thumb_image_width;
         $this->height = self::$list_thumb_image_height;
     } elseif ($this->post_layout == 'grid2-thumb') {
         $this->width = self::$grid2_thumb_width;
         $this->height = self::$grid2_thumb_height;
     } elseif ($this->post_layout == 'list-post') {
         $this->width = self::$list_post_width;
         $this->height = self::$list_post_height;
     } else {
         $this->width = self::$list_post_width;
         $this->height = self::$list_post_height;
     if (is_page()) {
         if (get_query_var('paged')) {
             $this->paged = get_query_var('paged');
         } elseif (get_query_var('page')) {
             $this->paged = get_query_var('page');
         } else {
             $this->paged = 1;
         $this->query_category = themify_get('query_category');
         $this->layout = themify_get('page_layout') != 'default' && themify_check('page_layout') ? themify_get('page_layout') : themify_get('setting-default_page_layout');
         if ($this->layout == '') {
             $this->layout = 'sidebar1';
         $this->post_layout = themify_get('layout') != 'default' && themify_check('layout') ? themify_get('layout') : themify_get('setting-default_post_layout');
         if ($this->post_layout == '') {
             $this->post_layout = 'list-post';
         $this->page_title = themify_get('hide_page_title') != 'default' && themify_check('hide_page_title') ? themify_get('hide_page_title') : themify_get('setting-hide_page_title');
         $this->hide_title = themify_get('hide_title');
         $this->unlink_title = themify_get('unlink_title');
         $this->hide_image = themify_get('hide_image');
         $this->unlink_image = themify_get('unlink_image');
         $this->hide_meta = themify_get('hide_meta');
         $this->hide_date = themify_get('hide_date');
         $this->display_content = themify_get('display_content');
         $this->post_image_width = themify_get('image_width');
         $this->post_image_height = themify_get('image_height');
         $this->page_navigation = themify_get('hide_navigation');
         $this->posts_per_page = themify_get('posts_per_page');
         if ('' != $post_image_height && '' != $post_image_width) {
             $this->width = $post_image_width;
             $this->height = $post_image_height;
     if (is_single()) {
         $this->hide_title = themify_get('hide_post_title') != 'default' && themify_check('hide_post_title') ? themify_get('hide_post_title') : themify_get('setting-default_page_post_title');
         $this->unlink_title = themify_get('unlink_post_title') != 'default' && themify_check('unlink_post_title') ? themify_get('unlink_post_title') : themify_get('setting-default_page_unlink_post_title');
         $this->hide_date = themify_get('hide_post_date') != 'default' && themify_check('hide_post_date') ? themify_get('hide_post_date') : themify_get('setting-default_page_post_date');
         $this->hide_meta = themify_get('hide_post_meta') != 'default' && themify_check('hide_post_meta') ? themify_get('hide_post_meta') : themify_get('setting-default_page_post_meta');
         $this->hide_image = themify_get('hide_post_image') != 'default' && themify_check('hide_post_image') ? themify_get('hide_post_image') : themify_get('setting-default_page_post_image');
         $this->unlink_image = themify_get('unlink_post_image') != 'default' && themify_check('unlink_post_image') ? themify_get('unlink_post_image') : themify_get('setting-default_page_unlink_post_image');
         $this->layout = themify_get('layout') == 'sidebar-none' || themify_get('layout') == 'sidebar1' || themify_get('layout') == 'sidebar1 sidebar-left' || themify_get('layout') == 'sidebar2' ? themify_get('layout') : themify_get('setting-default_page_post_layout');
         // set default layout
         if ($this->layout == '') {
             $this->layout = 'sidebar1';
         $this->display_content = '';
         $this->post_image_width = themify_get('image_width');
         $this->post_image_height = themify_get('image_height');
         // Set Default Image Sizes for Single
         self::$content_width = self::$single_content_width;
         self::$sidebar1_content_width = self::$single_sidebar1_content_width;
         if ('' == $post_image_height && '' == $post_image_width) {
             $this->width = self::$single_image_width;
             $this->height = self::$single_image_height;
         } else {
             $this->width = $post_image_width;
             $this->height = $post_image_height;
     $this->height = '' == $this->height ? 0 : $this->height;
     if ($this->layout == 'sidebar1' || $this->layout == 'sidebar1 sidebar-left') {
         $ratio = $this->width / self::$content_width;
         $aspect = $this->height / $this->width;
         $this->width = round($ratio * self::$sidebar1_content_width);
         if ($this->height != '' && $this->height != 0) {
             $this->height = round($this->width * $aspect);
     if (is_single() && $this->hide_image != 'yes') {
         $this->image_align = themify_get('setting-image_post_single_align');
         $this->image_setting = 'setting=image_post_single&';
     } elseif ($this->query_category != '' && $this->hide_image != 'yes') {
         $this->image_align = '';
         $this->image_setting = '';
     } else {
         $this->image_align = themify_get('setting-image_post_align');
         $this->image_setting = 'setting=image_post&';
  * Main shortcode rendering
  * @param array $atts
  * @param $post_type
  * @return string|void
 function shortcode($atts = array(), $post_type)
     // Parameters to get posts
     $args = array('post_type' => $post_type, 'posts_per_page' => $limit, 'order' => $order, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'suppress_filters' => false);
     $args['tax_query'] = $this->parse_category_args($category, $post_type);
     // Defines layout type
     $cpt_layout_class = $this->post_type . '-multiple clearfix type-multiple';
     $multiple = true;
     // Single post type or many single post types
     if ('' != $id) {
         if (strpos($id, ',')) {
             $ids = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $id));
             foreach ($ids as $string_id) {
                 $int_ids[] = intval($string_id);
             $args['post__in'] = $int_ids;
             $args['orderby'] = 'post__in';
         } else {
             $args['p'] = intval($id);
             $cpt_layout_class = $this->post_type . '-single';
             $multiple = false;
     // Get posts according to parameters
     $posts = get_posts(apply_filters('themify_' . $post_type . '_shortcode_args', $args));
     // Collect markup to be returned
     $out = '';
     if ($posts) {
         global $themify;
         $themify_save = clone $themify;
         // save a copy
         // override $themify object
         $themify->hide_title = $title;
         $themify->hide_image = $image;
         if (!$multiple) {
             if ('' == $image_w || get_post_meta($args['p'], 'image_width', true)) {
                 $themify->width = get_post_meta($args['p'], 'image_width', true);
             if ('' == $image_h || get_post_meta($args['p'], 'image_height', true)) {
                 $themify->height = get_post_meta($args['p'], 'image_height', true);
         } else {
             $themify->width = $image_w;
             $themify->height = $image_h;
         $themify->use_original_dimensions = 'yes' == $use_original_dimensions ? 'yes' : 'no';
         $themify->display_content = $display;
         $themify->more_link = $more_link;
         $themify->more_text = $more_text;
         $themify->post_layout = $style;
         $slider_id = 'slider' == $style ? 'id="testimonial-slider-' . $this->instance . '"' : '';
         $out .= '<div ' . $slider_id . ' class="loops-wrapper shortcode ' . $post_type . ' ' . $style . ' ' . $cpt_layout_class . '">';
         if ('slider' == $style) {
             $option = 'setting-testimonial_slider';
             $out .= sprintf('<div class="slideshow-wrap"><ul class="slideshow" data-id="testimonial-slider-%s" data-autoplay="%s" data-effect="%s" data-speed="%s">', $this->instance, themify_check($option . '_autoplay') ? themify_get($option . '_autoplay') : '4000', themify_check($option . '_effect') ? themify_get($option . '_effect') : 'scroll', themify_check($option . '_transition_speed') ? themify_get($option . '_transition_speed') : '500');
         $out .= themify_get_shortcode_template($posts, 'includes/loop-testimonial', 'index');
         if ('slider' == $style) {
             $out .= '</ul></div>';
         $out .= $this->section_link($more_link, $more_text, $post_type);
         $out .= '</div>';
         $themify = clone $themify_save;
         // revert to original $themify state
     return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        if (themify_get('setting-custom_feed_url') != "") {
            echo themify_get('setting-custom_feed_url');
        } else {
					<!-- /.social-widget -->
    if (!themify_check('setting-exclude_search_form')) {

    // If there's a header background slider, show it.
    global $themify_bg_gallery;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * Default Single Post Layout
 * @param array $data Theme settings data
 * @return string Markup for module.
 * @since 1.0.0
function themify_default_post_layout($data = array())
    $data = themify_get_data();
     * Theme Settings Option Key Prefix
     * @var string
    $prefix = 'setting-default_page_';
     * Tertiary options <blank>|yes|no
     * @var array
    $default_options = array(array('name' => '', 'value' => ''), array('name' => __('Yes', 'themify'), 'value' => 'yes'), array('name' => __('No', 'themify'), 'value' => 'no'));
     * Sidebar placement options
     * @var array
    $sidebar_location_options = array(array('value' => 'sidebar1', 'img' => 'images/layout-icons/sidebar1.png', 'selected' => true, 'title' => __('Sidebar Right', 'themify')), array('value' => 'sidebar1 sidebar-left', 'img' => 'images/layout-icons/sidebar1-left.png', 'title' => __('Sidebar Left', 'themify')), array('value' => 'sidebar-none', 'img' => 'images/layout-icons/sidebar-none.png', 'title' => __('No Sidebar', 'themify')));
     * Image alignment options
     * @var array
    $alignment_options = array(array('name' => '', 'value' => ''), array('name' => __('Left', 'themify'), 'value' => 'left'), array('name' => __('Right', 'themify'), 'value' => 'right'));
     * Module markup
     * @var string
    $output = '';
     * Post sidebar placement
    $output .= '<p>
					<span class="label">' . __('Post Sidebar Option', 'themify') . '</span>';
    $val = themify_get($prefix . 'post_layout');
    foreach ($sidebar_location_options as $option) {
        if (($val == '' || !$val || !isset($val)) && $option['selected']) {
            $val = $option['value'];
        if ($val == $option['value']) {
            $class = 'selected';
        } else {
            $class = '';
        $output .= '<a href="#" class="preview-icon ' . $class . '" title="' . $option['title'] . '"><img src="' . THEME_URI . '/' . $option['img'] . '" alt="' . $option['value'] . '"  /></a>';
    $output .= '	<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . 'post_layout" class="val" value="' . $val . '" />
     * Hide Post Title
    $output .= '<p>
					<span class="label">' . __('Hide Post Title', 'themify') . '</span>
					<select name="' . $prefix . 'post_title">' . themify_options_module($default_options, $prefix . 'post_title') . '
     * Unlink Post Title
    $output .= '<p>
					<span class="label">' . __('Unlink Post Title', 'themify') . '</span>
					<select name="' . $prefix . 'unlink_post_title">' . themify_options_module($default_options, $prefix . 'unlink_post_title') . '
     * Hide Post Meta
    $output .= themify_post_meta_options($prefix . 'post_meta', $data);
     * Hide Post Date
    $output .= '<p>
					<span class="label">' . __('Hide Post Date', 'themify') . '</span>
					<select name="' . $prefix . 'post_date">' . themify_options_module($default_options, $prefix . 'post_date') . '
     * Hide Featured Image
    $output .= '<p>
					<span class="label">' . __('Hide Featured Image', 'themify') . '</span>
					<select name="' . $prefix . 'post_image">' . themify_options_module($default_options, $prefix . 'post_image') . '
     * Unlink Featured Image
    $output .= '<p>
					<span class="label">' . __('Unlink Featured Image', 'themify') . '</span>
					<select name="' . $prefix . 'unlink_post_image">' . themify_options_module($default_options, $prefix . 'unlink_post_image') . '
     * Featured Image Sizes
    $output .= themify_feature_image_sizes_select('image_post_single_feature_size');
     * Image dimensions
    $output .= '<p>
			<span class="label">' . __('Image Size', 'themify') . '</span>
					<input type="text" class="width2" name="setting-image_post_single_width" value="' . themify_get('setting-image_post_single_width') . '" /> ' . __('width', 'themify') . ' <small>(px)</small>
					<input type="text" class="width2" name="setting-image_post_single_height" value="' . themify_get('setting-image_post_single_height') . '" /> ' . __('height', 'themify') . ' <small>(px)</small>
					<br /><span class="pushlabel"><small>' . __('Enter height = 0 to disable vertical cropping with img.php enabled', 'themify') . '</small></span>
     * Disable comments
    $pre = 'setting-comments_posts';
    $comments_posts_checked = themify_check($pre) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
    $output .= '<p><span class="label">' . __('Post Comments', 'themify') . '</span><label for="' . $pre . '"><input type="checkbox" id="' . $pre . '" name="' . $pre . '" ' . $comments_posts_checked . ' /> ' . __('Disable comments in all Posts', 'themify') . '</label></p>';
     * Show author box
    $pre = 'setting-post_author_box';
    $author_box_checked = themify_check($pre) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
    $output .= '<p><span class="label">' . __('Show Author Box', 'themify') . '</span><label for="' . $pre . '"><input type="checkbox" id="' . $pre . '" name="' . $pre . '" ' . $author_box_checked . ' /> ' . __('Show author box in all Posts', 'themify') . '</label></p>';
     * Remove Post Navigation
    $pre = 'setting-post_nav_';
    $output .= '<p>
					<span class="label">' . __('Post Navigation', 'themify') . '</span>
					<label for="' . $pre . 'disable">
						<input type="checkbox" id="' . $pre . 'disable" name="' . $pre . 'disable" ' . checked(themify_get($pre . 'disable'), 'on', false) . '/> ' . __('Remove Post Navigation', 'themify') . '
					<span class="pushlabel vertical-grouped">
						<label for="' . $pre . 'same_cat">
							<input type="checkbox" id="' . $pre . 'same_cat" name="' . $pre . 'same_cat" ' . checked(themify_get($pre . 'same_cat'), 'on', false) . '/> ' . __('Show only posts in the same category', 'themify') . '
    return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        wp_link_pages(array('before' => '<p class="post-pagination"><strong>Pages:</strong> ', 'after' => '</p>', 'next_or_number' => 'number'));

        get_template_part('includes/author-box', 'single');
        if (!themify_check('setting-comments_posts')) {
		<!--/content -->
Ejemplo n.º 18

/** Themify Default Variables
 *  @var object */
global $themify;
if (themify_check('setting-post_author_box')) {

	<div class="clearfix author-box" itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Person">
		<p class="author-avatar">
    echo get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('user_email'), $themify->avatar_size, '');

		<div class="author-bio">
			<h4 class="author-name">
				<span itemprop="name">
    // Check whether user url exists or not
    if (get_the_author_meta('user_url')) {
						<a href="<?php 
        echo get_the_author_meta('user_url');
" itemprop="url"><?php 
        echo get_the_author_meta('first_name') . ' ' . get_the_author_meta('last_name');
Ejemplo n.º 19
                $link = themify_get_featured_image_link();

							<div class='slide-feature-image'>
								<a href="<?php 
                echo $link;
" title="<?php 
                $auto_featured_image = themify_check('setting-auto_featured_image') ? '' : 'field_name=feature_image, post_image, image, wp_thumb&';
                themify_image($auto_featured_image . "ignore=true&w={$img_width}&h={$img_height}&class=feature-img");
						<!-- /.slide-feature-image -->

						<div class="slide-content-wrap">

                if (themify_get('setting-header_slider_hide_title') != 'yes') {
								<h3 class="slide-post-title"><a href="<?php 
                    echo $link;
" title="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 20
     * Module to specify additional characters subsets
     * @param array Themify data
     * @return string Module markup
     * @since 1.3.9
    function themify_webfonts_subsets($data = array())
        $html = '';
        // List of fonts, recommended or full
        $key = 'setting-webfonts_list';
        $html .= '<p>
					<span class="label">' . __('Google Fonts List', 'themify') . '</span>';
        // Recommended list
        $html .= '<label for="' . esc_attr($key . '_recommended') . '">
					<input ' . checked(themify_check($key) ? themify_get($key) : 'recommended', 'recommended', false) . ' type="radio" id="' . esc_attr($key . '_recommended') . '" name="' . esc_attr($key) . '" value="recommended" /> ' . __('Show recommended Google Fonts only', 'themify') . '</label><br/>';
        // Full list
        $html .= '<span class="pushlabel">
					<label for="' . esc_attr($key . '_full') . '">
					<input ' . checked(themify_check($key) ? themify_get($key) : '', 'full', false) . ' type="radio" id="' . esc_attr($key . '_full') . '" name="' . esc_attr($key) . '" value="full" /> ' . __('Show all Google Fonts (showing all fonts will take longer to load)', 'themify') . '</label>
        // Filter by character subset
        $key = 'setting-webfonts_subsets';
        $html .= '<p>
					<span class="label">' . __('Character Subsets', 'themify') . '</span> <input type="text" class="width10" name="' . esc_attr($key) . '" value="' . esc_attr(themify_get($key)) . '" /> <br />
					<span class="pushlabel">
					<br/><small>' . __('Enter the additional character subsets you need to use from Google Fonts separated by commas. Example: latin-ext,cyrillic', 'themify') . '</small></span>
        $html .= '<p>
					<span class="pushlabel"><a href="#" class="refresh-webfonts button">' . __('Refresh List', 'themify') . '</a><br/><small>' . __('If you made any changes to these settings, refresh the list.', 'themify') . '</small></span>
        return $html;
        } elseif ($display_testimonial == 'none') {
        } else {

            the_content(themify_check('setting-default_more_text') ? themify_get('setting-default_more_text') : __('More &rarr;', 'themify'));
        //display content
        edit_post_link(__('Edit', 'themify'), '[', ']');

				<p class="testimonial-author">
        echo $BuilderTestimonial->author_name($post, 'yes');
Ejemplo n.º 22
    function widget($args, $instance)
        /* User-selected settings. */
        $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
        /* Before widget (defined by themes). */
        echo $before_widget;
        /* Title of widget (before and after defined by themes). */
        if ($title) {
            echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
        $data = themify_get_data();
        $pre = 'setting-link_';
        $out = '';
        $field_ids = isset($data[$pre . 'field_ids']) ? json_decode($data[$pre . 'field_ids']) : '';
        if (is_array($field_ids) || is_object($field_ids)) {
            $show_link_name = isset($instance['show_link_name']) && $instance['show_link_name'] ? true : false;
            $open_new_window = isset($instance['open_new_window']) && $instance['open_new_window'] ? true : false;
            $new_window_attr = $open_new_window ? 'target="_blank"' : '';
            $icon_type = themify_check($pre . 'icon_type') ? themify_get($pre . 'icon_type') : 'image-icon';
            // Icon Size
            $icon_size = isset($instance['icon_size']) && '' != $instance['icon_size'] ? $instance['icon_size'] : 'icon-medium';
            // Orientation
            $orientation = isset($instance['orientation']) && '' != $instance['orientation'] ? $instance['orientation'] : 'horizontal';
            $out .= '<ul class="social-links ' . $orientation . '">';
            foreach ($field_ids as $key => $fid) {
                $type_val = isset($data[$pre . 'type_' . $fid]) ? $data[$pre . 'type_' . $fid] : '';
                if ($type_val != $icon_type) {
                $title_name = $pre . 'title_' . $fid;
                if (function_exists('icl_t')) {
                    $title_val = icl_t('Themify', $title_name, $data[$title_name]);
                } else {
                    $title_val = isset($data[$title_name]) ? $data[$title_name] : '';
                $link_name = $pre . 'link_' . $fid;
                $link_val = isset($data[$link_name]) ? trim($data[$link_name]) : '';
                if ('' == $link_val) {
                // Image Icon
                $img_name = $pre . 'img_' . $fid;
                $img_val = !isset($data[$img_name]) || '' == $data[$img_name] ? '' : '<img src="' . $data[$img_name] . '" />';
                // Font Icon
                $font_icon = '';
                if ($font_icon_class = themify_get($pre . 'ficon_' . $fid)) {
                    $fi_style = '';
                    $font_icon_class = 'fa ' . $font_icon_class;
                    if (stripos($font_icon_class, 'icon-') !== false) {
                        $font_icon_class = str_replace('icon-', 'fa-', $font_icon_class);
                    if ($font_icon_color = themify_get($pre . 'ficolor_' . $fid)) {
                        $fi_style .= 'color: #' . $font_icon_color . ';';
                    if ($font_icon_bgcolor = themify_get($pre . 'fibgcolor_' . $fid)) {
                        $fi_style .= 'background-color: #' . $font_icon_bgcolor . ';';
                    if ('' != $fi_style) {
                        $fi_style = 'style="' . $fi_style . '"';
                    $font_icon = '<i class="' . $font_icon_class . '" ' . $fi_style . '></i>';
                if ('' != $link_val) {
                    $out .= sprintf('
							<li class="social-link-item %s %s %s">
								<a href="%s" title="%s" %s>%s %s %s</a>
							<!-- /themify-link-item -->', sanitize_title($title_val), $icon_type, $icon_size, esc_attr($link_val), $title_val, $new_window_attr, $font_icon, $img_val, $show_link_name ? $title_val : '');
            $out .= '</ul>';
        echo $out;
        /* After widget (defined by themes). */
        echo $after_widget;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 * Checks the area design setting and returns 'none' or a design option.
 * @since 2.1.3
 * @param string $key Main prefix for setting and field.
 * @param array $args
 * @return mixed
function themify_area_design($key = 'header', $args = array())
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('setting' => 'setting-' . $key . '_design', 'field' => $key . '_design', 'default' => $key . '-horizontal', 'values' => array('header-horizontal', 'header-block', 'none')));
    $is_shop = themify_is_woocommerce_active() && is_shop() ? true : false;
    if (is_singular() || $is_shop) {
        global $post;
        if ($is_shop && is_object($post)) {
            $temp_post = $post;
            $post = get_post(get_option('woocommerce_shop_page_id'));
        $single = themify_get($args['field']);
        if ($is_shop && is_object($post)) {
            $post = $temp_post;
        if (in_array($single, $args['values'])) {
            $design = $single;
    if (empty($design) || 'default' == $design) {
        $design = themify_check($args['setting']) ? themify_get($args['setting']) : $args['default'];
    return $design;
Ejemplo n.º 24
     * Add transition effect
     * FlyIn/FadeIn/disabled
     * @return string
    function themify_transition_effect()
        $data = themify_get_data();
        $prefix = 'setting-transition_effect_';
        $fadein_checked = '';
        $mobile_checked = '';
        $disabled_checked = '';
        $mobile_options = array(array('name' => __('Off', 'themify'), 'value' => 'off'), array('name' => __('On', 'themify'), 'value' => 'on'));
        if (themify_check($prefix . 'fadein')) {
            $fadein_checked = "checked='checked'";
        if (themify_check($prefix . 'mobile_exclude')) {
            $mobile_checked = "checked='checked'";
        if (themify_check($prefix . 'all_disabled')) {
            $disabled_checked = "checked='checked'";
        $output = '<p>
						<span class="label" style="width:400px;">' . __('Turn off fly-in animation on mobile/tablet for better performance', 'themify') . '</span> 
						<select name="' . $prefix . 'mobile_exclude">';
        foreach ($mobile_options as $mobile_option) {
            $output .= '<option ' . selected(themify_get($prefix . 'mobile_exclude'), $mobile_option['value'], false) . ' value="' . $mobile_option['value'] . '">' . $mobile_option['name'] . '</option>';
        $output .= '	</select>
        $output .= '<p><label for="' . $prefix . 'fadein"><input type="checkbox" id="' . $prefix . 'fadein" name="' . $prefix . 'fadein" ' . $fadein_checked . '/> ' . __('Use fade-in transition effect instead of fly-in', 'themify') . '</label></p>';
        $output .= '<p><label for="' . $prefix . 'all_disabled"><input type="checkbox" id="' . $prefix . 'all_disabled" name="' . $prefix . 'all_disabled" ' . $disabled_checked . '/> ' . __('Disable all transition effect', 'themify') . '</label></p>';
        return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * Outputs Image Script module in theme settings.
function themify_img_settings($data = array())
    $feature_sizes = themify_get_image_sizes_list();
    $checked_use = '';
    if (themify_check('setting-img_settings_use')) {
        $checked_use = "checked='checked'";
    $output = '
		<div class="module">
			<div class="themify-info-link">' . sprintf(__('The image script is used to generate images dynamically in any dimension. For more info about the image script, refer to the <a href="%s">Image Script</a> documentation.', 'themify'), 'http://themify.me/docs/image-script') . '
			<div class="label">' . __('Disable', 'themify') . '</div> 
			<div class="row">
				<label for="setting-img_settings_use"><input type="checkbox" id="setting-img_settings_use" name="setting-img_settings_use" class="disable_img_php" ' . $checked_use . '/> ' . __('Disable image script globally', 'themify') . '</label><br/>
				<small>' . __('Default WordPress image sizes or original images will be used.', 'themify') . '</small>
			<div class="show_if_disabled_img_php">
				<div class="label">' . __('Default Featured Image Size', 'themify') . '</div>
				<div class="show_if_disabled_img_php row">
					<select name="setting-global_feature_size">';
    foreach ($feature_sizes as $option) {
        if ($option['value'] == themify_get('setting-global_feature_size')) {
            $output .= '<option value="' . $option['value'] . '" selected="selected">';
            $output .= $option['name'];
            $output .= '</option>';
        } else {
            $output .= '<option value="' . $option['value'] . '">' . $option['name'] . '</option>';
    $output .= '
			<!-- BEGIN Show if image script is enabled -->
			<div class="show_if_enabled_img_php">
					<span class="label">' . __('Retina Images', 'themify') . '</span>
					<div class="row">
						<label for="setting-enable_retina_desktop"><input type="checkbox" id="setting-enable_retina_desktop" name="setting-enable_retina_desktop" ' . checked(themify_check('setting-enable_retina_desktop'), 1, false) . '/> ' . __('Enable Retina Image on desktop devices.', 'themify') . '</label><br/>
						<label for="setting-enable_retina_mobile" class="pushlabel"><input type="checkbox" id="setting-enable_retina_mobile" name="setting-enable_retina_mobile" ' . checked(themify_check('setting-enable_retina_mobile'), 1, false) . '/> ' . __('Enable Retina Image on mobile devices.', 'themify') . '</label><br/>
						<span class="pushlabel"><small>' . __('When Retina Image is enabled, it will display 2-times resolution images to the devices that have retina display (eg. if the image is 200x200px, retina image would be 400x400px).', 'themify') . '</small></span>
			<!-- END Show if image script is enabled -->
    return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 26
function themify_img_settings($data = array())
    /*** Img.php Crop Option Array ***/
    $options = array(array("value" => "c", "name" => __('Center', 'themify')), array("value" => "t", "name" => __('Top', 'themify')), array("value" => "tr", "name" => __('Top Right', 'themify')), array("value" => "tl", "name" => __('Top Left', 'themify')), array("value" => "b", "name" => __('Bottom', 'themify')), array("value" => "br", "name" => __('Bottom Right', 'themify')), array("value" => "bl", "name" => __('Bottom Left', 'themify')), array("value" => "l", "name" => __('Left', 'themify')), array("value" => "r", "name" => __('Right', 'themify')));
    $options_vertical = array(array('name' => '', 'value' => ''), array('name' => __('Yes', 'themify'), 'value' => 'yes'), array('name' => __('No', 'themify'), 'value' => 'no'));
    $feature_sizes = array(array('value' => 'blank', 'name' => ''), array('value' => 'thumbnail', 'name' => __('Thumbnail', 'themify')), array('value' => 'medium', 'name' => __('Medium', 'themify')), array('value' => 'large', 'name' => __('Large', 'themify')), array('value' => 'full', 'name' => __('Original Image', 'themify')));
    if (themify_check('setting-img_settings_use')) {
        $checked_use = "checked='checked'";
    if (themify_check('setting-img_settings_legacy')) {
        $checked_legacy = "checked='checked'";
    $output = '<div class="module">
				<div class="label">img.php</div> 
				<div class="row">
					<input type="checkbox" class="disable_img_php" name="setting-img_settings_use" ' . $checked_use . '/> ' . __('Disable img.php globally', 'themify') . '<br/>
					<small>' . __('(WordPress Featured Image or original images will be used)', 'themify') . '</small>
			<!-- BEGIN Show if img.php is enabled -->
			<div class="show_if_enabled_img_php">
				<div class="label">' . __('Image Quality', 'themify') . '</div> 
				<div class="row">
					<input class="width2" type="text" name="setting-img_settings_quality" value="' . themify_get('setting-img_settings_quality') . '"> <small>' . __('max 100 (higher = better quality, but bigger file size)', 'themify') . '</small>

				<div class="label">' . __('Cropping Alignment', 'themify') . '</div> 
				<div class="row">
					<select name="setting-img_settings_crop_option"><option></option>';
    foreach ($options as $option) {
        if ($option['value'] == themify_get('setting-img_settings_crop_option')) {
            $output .= '<option value="' . $option['value'] . '" selected="selected">' . $option['name'] . '</option>';
        } else {
            $output .= '<option value="' . $option['value'] . '">' . $option['name'] . '</option>';
    $output .= '</select></div>
				 <div class="label">' . __('Vertical Cropping', 'themify') . '</div> 
				<div class="row">
					<select name="setting-img_settings_vertical_crop_option">';
    foreach ($options_vertical as $option_vertical) {
        if ($option_vertical['value'] == themify_get('setting-img_settings_vertical_crop_option')) {
            $output .= '<option value="' . $option_vertical['value'] . '" selected="selected">' . $option_vertical['name'] . '</option>';
        } else {
            $output .= '<option value="' . $option_vertical['value'] . '">' . $option_vertical['name'] . '</option>';
    $output .= '</select> <small>' . __('(Select \'no\' to disable vertical cropping globally)', 'themify') . '</small></div>
		<!-- END Show if img.php is enabled -->
    return $output;
function themify_img_settings($data = array())
    /*** Img.php Crop Option Array ***/
    $options = array(array("value" => "c", "name" => "Center"), array("value" => "t", "name" => "Top"), array("value" => "tr", "name" => "Top Right"), array("value" => "tl", "name" => "Top Left"), array("value" => "b", "name" => "Bottom"), array("value" => "br", "name" => "Bottom Right"), array("value" => "bl", "name" => "Bottom Left"), array("value" => "l", "name" => "Left"), array("value" => "r", "name" => "Right"));
    $options_vertical = array(array('name' => '', 'value' => ''), array('name' => 'Yes', 'value' => 'yes'), array('name' => 'No', 'value' => 'no'));
    if (themify_check('setting-img_settings_use')) {
        $checked_use = "checked='checked'";
    if (themify_check('setting-img_settings_legacy')) {
        $checked_legacy = "checked='checked'";
    $output = '<div class="module">
				<div class="label">img.php</div> 
				<div class="row">
					<input type="checkbox" name="setting-img_settings_use" ' . $checked_use . '/> Disable img.php globally<br>
					<small>(original source images will be used)</small>
				<div class="label">Image Quality</div> 
				<div class="row">
					<input class="width2" type="text" name="setting-img_settings_quality" value="' . themify_get('setting-img_settings_quality') . '"> <small>max 100 (higher = better quality, but bigger file size)</small>
				<div class="label">Cropping Alignment</div> 
				<div class="row">
					<select name="setting-img_settings_crop_option"><option></option>';
    foreach ($options as $option) {
        if ($option['value'] == themify_get('setting-img_settings_crop_option')) {
            $output .= '<option value="' . $option['value'] . '" selected="selected">' . $option['name'] . '</option>';
        } else {
            $output .= '<option value="' . $option['value'] . '">' . $option['name'] . '</option>';
    $output .= '</select></div>
				 <div class="label">Vertical Cropping</div> 
				<div class="row">
					<select name="setting-img_settings_vertical_crop_option">';
    foreach ($options_vertical as $option_vertical) {
        if ($option_vertical['value'] == themify_get('setting-img_settings_vertical_crop_option')) {
            $output .= '<option value="' . $option_vertical['value'] . '" selected="selected">' . $option_vertical['name'] . '</option>';
        } else {
            $output .= '<option value="' . $option_vertical['value'] . '">' . $option_vertical['name'] . '</option>';
    $output .= '</select> <small>(Select \'no\' to disable vertical cropping globally)</small></div>
    return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 * Function that checks if meta data exists and retrieves it, otherwise checks theme setting and retrieves it instead.
 * If it still doesn't exist, uses the default provided.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param string $meta
 * @param string $default
 * @param string $theme_setting
 * @return mixed
function themify_theme_get($meta, $default = '', $theme_setting = '')
    global $themify;
    $post_type = '';
    // If it's a singular view or a query page, try to get the post meta data first
    if (themify_is_query_page()) {
        // Let's check now prefixing with post type since it's a query post type page
        // Check without checking for custom post type
        $value = get_post_meta($themify->page_id, $meta, true);
        if ('' != $themify->query_post_type && 'post' != $themify->query_post_type) {
            $post_type = $themify->query_post_type . '_';
            $cpt_meta = $post_type . $meta;
            $value = get_post_meta($themify->page_id, $cpt_meta, true);
        } else {
        if ($value && '' != $value && 'default' != $value) {
            return $value;
    } elseif (is_singular()) {
        // Check first without checking for custom post type
        $value = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), $meta, true);
        if ($value && '' != $value && 'default' != $value) {
            return $value;
        // Let's check now prefixing with post type
        if ('post' != get_post_type() && 'page' != get_post_type()) {
            $post_type = get_post_type() . '_';
        $cpt_meta = $post_type . $meta;
        $value = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), $cpt_meta, true);
        if ($value && '' != $value && 'default' != $value) {
            return $value;
    // If there is no post meta data or is '' (default), prepare to fetch theme setting
    if (empty($theme_setting)) {
        if (themify_is_query_page() && '' != $themify->query_post_type && 'post' != $themify->query_post_type) {
            $post_type = $themify->query_post_type . '_';
        } elseif (is_singular() && ('post' != get_post_type() && 'page' != get_post_type())) {
            $post_type = get_post_type() . '_';
        $theme_setting = 'setting-' . $post_type . $meta;
    // Check theme setting (if there's a special setting like for portfolios it will be checked)
    if (themify_check($theme_setting)) {
        return themify_get($theme_setting);
    // Prepare to check non special setting stripping out the post type from setting key
    if ('post' != $post_type) {
        $theme_setting = str_replace($post_type, '', $theme_setting);
    // Check regular setting (like portfolios that rely in default layouts setting)
    if (themify_check($theme_setting)) {
        return themify_get($theme_setting);
    // No luck so return default
    return $default;
     $cat = "&cat=" . themify_get('setting-header_slider_posts_category');
 } else {
     $cat = "";
 if (themify_check('setting-header_slider_posts_slides')) {
     $num_posts = "showposts=" . themify_get('setting-header_slider_posts_slides') . "&";
 } else {
     $num_posts = "showposts=5&";
 if (themify_check('setting-header_slider_display') && themify_get('setting-header_slider_display') == "images") {
     $options = array("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten");
     foreach ($options as $option) {
         if (themify_check('setting-header_slider_images_' . $option . '_image')) {
             echo "<li>";
             if (themify_check('setting-header_slider_images_' . $option . '_link')) {
                 $title = themify_check('setting-header_slider_images_' . $option . '_title') ? '<h3 class="feature-post-title">' . themify_get('setting-header_slider_images_' . $option . '_title') . '</h3>' : '';
                 $link = themify_get('setting-header_slider_images_' . $option . '_link');
                 $image = themify_get('setting-header_slider_images_' . $option . '_image');
                 themify_image("src=" . $image . "&setting=header_slider&ignore=true&w=145&h=120&before=<a href='" . urlencode($link) . "' title='" . urlencode($link) . "'>&after=</a>&alt=" . urlencode($link) . "&class=feature-img");
                 echo $title;
             } else {
                 $image = themify_get('setting-header_slider_images_' . $option . '_image');
                 themify_image("src=" . $image . "&setting=header_slider&ignore=true&w=145&h=120&alt=" . $image . "&class=feature-img");
                 echo $title;
             echo "</li>";
 } else {
     query_posts($num_posts . $cat);
     if (have_posts()) {
Ejemplo n.º 30

 * Post Navigation Template
 * @package themify
 * @since 1.0.0
if (!themify_check('setting-post_nav_disable')) {
    $in_same_cat = themify_check('setting-post_nav_same_cat') ? true : false;
	<!-- post-nav -->
	<div class="post-nav clearfix"> 
    previous_post_link('<span class="prev">%link</span>', '<span class="arrow">&lt;</span> %title', $in_same_cat);
    next_post_link('<span class="next">%link</span>', '<span class="arrow">&gt;</span> %title', $in_same_cat);
	<!-- /post-nav -->