Ejemplo n.º 1
 function bp_enqueue_defaults_init()
     global $cssPath;
     // Load the theme's BuddyPress CSS file
     theme_register_css('buddypress', $cssPath . 'buddypress.css', 1);
     // Load the default BuddyPress javascript
     wp_enqueue_script('bp-ajax-js', BP_PLUGIN_URL . '/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/global.js', array('jquery'), bp_get_version());
     // Add words that we need to use in JS to the end of the page so they can be translated and still used.
     $params = array('my_favs' => __('My Favorites', 'buddypress'), 'accepted' => __('Accepted', 'buddypress'), 'rejected' => __('Rejected', 'buddypress'), 'show_all_comments' => __('Show all comments for this thread', 'buddypress'), 'show_all' => __('Show all', 'buddypress'), 'show_x_comments' => __('Show all %d comments', 'buddypress'), 'comments' => __('comments', 'buddypress'), 'close' => __('Close', 'buddypress'), 'view' => __('View', 'buddypress'), 'mark_as_fav' => __('Favorite', 'buddypress'), 'remove_fav' => __('Remove Favorite', 'buddypress'));
     wp_localize_script('bp-ajax-js', 'BP_DTheme', $params);
Ejemplo n.º 2
*	theme_register_css( $handle, $src, $priority (optional), $id (optional), $class (optional) );
*	You must include the following paramaters:
*		$handle	- string or plain text name for registering the file
*		$src	- the path to the file
theme_register_css('base', $cssPath . 'base.css', 1);
// Base CSS styles for browsers
theme_register_css('default', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style-default.css', 2);
// Default theme styles
theme_register_css('colorbox', $cssPath . 'colorbox.css');
// Lightbox styles
theme_register_css('fontawesome', $cssPath . 'font-awesome.min.css');
// Icons (FontAwesome)
theme_register_css('qtip', $cssPath . 'qtip.css');
// Tool tip styles
// Disabled (scheduled for v1.2 release)
// theme_register_css( 'videoplayer', $cssPath.'videoplayer.css' );							// Video player styles
# Enqueue required scripts
if (!function_exists('bp_core_register_common_scripts_patch')) {
    function bp_core_register_common_scripts_patch()
        $min = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
        $url = buddypress()->plugin_url . 'bp-core/js/';
        $scripts = apply_filters('bp_core_register_common_scripts', array('bp-confirm' => array('file' => "{$url}confirm{$min}.js", 'dependencies' => array('jquery')), 'bp-widget-members' => array('file' => "{$url}widget-members{$min}.js", 'dependencies' => array('jquery')), 'bp-jquery-query' => array('file' => "{$url}jquery-query{$min}.js", 'dependencies' => array('jquery')), 'bp-jquery-cookie' => array('file' => "{$url}jquery-cookie{$min}.js", 'dependencies' => array('jquery')), 'jquery-caret' => array('file' => "{$url}jquery.caret{$min}.js", 'dependencies' => array('jquery')), 'jquery-atwho' => array('file' => "{$url}jquery.atwho{$min}.js", 'dependencies' => array('jquery', 'jquery-caret'))));
        $version = bp_get_version();
        foreach ($scripts as $id => $script) {
            wp_register_script($id, $script['file'], $script['dependencies'], $version);
Ejemplo n.º 3

# bbPress Forums Related Functions
// Add support - tells bbPress the theme has templates and own styles
// Include bbPress JS and CSS functions
// bbPress CSS files. These provide the base styles, theme specific styling in main theme CSS and skin specific CSS files.
if (is_rtl()) {
    theme_register_css('bbPress-rtl', $cssPath . 'bbpress-rtl.css', 1);
    // bbPress base styles (RTL)
} else {
    theme_register_css('bbPress', $cssPath . 'bbpress.css', 1);
    // bbPress base styles
// bbPress scripts
if (bbp_is_single_topic()) {
    wp_enqueue_script('bbp_topic', $jsPath . 'bbPress-topic.js', array('wp-lists'), '20110921');
if (bbp_is_single_user_edit()) {
// bbPress - Enqueue theme script localization
// bbPress - Output some extra JS in the <head>
if (!function_exists('bbPress_head_scripts')) {
    function bbPress_head_scripts()