public function frontend() { if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { if ($this->app->make('config')->get('app.debug')) { DB::enableQueryLog(); } } event_trigger('mw.controller.index'); if ($this->render_this_url == false and $this->app->url_manager->is_ajax() == false) { $page_url = $this->app->url_manager->string(); } elseif ($this->render_this_url == false and $this->app->url_manager->is_ajax() == true) { $page_url = $this->app->url_manager->string(1); } else { $page_url = $this->render_this_url; $this->render_this_url = false; } if ($this->page_url != false) { $page_url = $this->page_url; } if (strtolower($page_url) == 'index.php') { $page_url = ''; } if ($this->create_new_page == true and $this->page_url != false) { $page_url = $this->page_url; } $page = false; if ($page == false and !empty($this->page)) { $page = $this->page; } $page_url = rtrim($page_url, '/'); $is_admin = $this->app->user_manager->is_admin(); $page_url_orig = $page_url; $simply_a_file = false; $show_404_to_non_admin = false; 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DS; $page_url_segment_3_str = implode(DS, $page_url_segment_3); if ($page_url_segment_3_str != '') { $page_url_segment_3_str = rtrim($page_url_segment_3_str, DS); $page_url_segment_3_str = rtrim($page_url_segment_3_str, '\\'); $page_url_segment_3_str_copy = $page_url_segment_3_str; $is_ext = get_file_extension($page_url_segment_3_str); if ($is_ext == false or $is_ext != 'php') { $page_url_segment_3_str = $page_url_segment_3_str . '.php'; } $td_f = $td_base . DS . $page_url_segment_3_str; $td_fd = $td_base . DS . $page_url_segment_3_str_copy; $td_fd2 = $td_base . DS . $page_url_segment_3[0]; if (is_file($td_f)) { $the_new_page_file = $page_url_segment_3_str; $simply_a_file = $directly_to_file = $td_f; } else { if (is_dir($td_fd)) { $td_fd_index = $td_fd . DS . 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DS . $fname3; if ($directly_to_file == false and is_dir($td)) { if (is_file($tf1)) { $simply_a_file = $tf1; $the_new_page_file = $fname1; } if (is_file($tf2)) { $simply_a_file = $tf2; $the_new_page_file = $fname2; } if (is_file($tf3)) { $simply_a_file = $tf3; $the_new_page_file = $fname3; } if ($simply_a_file != false) { $simply_a_file = str_replace('..', '', $simply_a_file); $simply_a_file = normalize_path($simply_a_file, false); } } if ($simply_a_file == false) { //$page = $this->app->content_manager->homepage(); $page = false; if (!is_array($page)) { $page = array(); $page['id'] = 0; $page['content_type'] = 'page'; $page['parent'] = '0'; $page['url'] = $this->app->url_manager->string(); // $page['active_site_template'] = $page_url_segment_1; $page['simply_a_file'] = 'clean.php'; $page['layout_file'] = 'clean.php'; $show_404_to_non_admin = true; } if (is_array($page_url_segment_3)) { foreach ($page_url_segment_3 as $mvalue) { if ($found_mod == false and $this->app->modules->is_installed($mvalue)) { $found_mod = true; $page['id'] = 0; $page['content_type'] = 'page'; $page['parent'] = '0'; $page['url'] = $this->app->url_manager->string(); $page['active_site_template'] = $page_url_segment_1; $page['content'] = '<module type="' . $mvalue . 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'index.php'; //$layout_toolbar = file_get_contents($filename); $layout_toolbar = new \Microweber\View($tb); $layout_toolbar = $layout_toolbar->__toString(); if ($layout_toolbar != '') { if (strstr($layout_toolbar, '{head}')) { if ($isolated_head != false) { $layout_toolbar = str_replace('{head}', $isolated_head, $layout_toolbar); } } if (strpos($layout_toolbar, '{content}')) { $l = str_replace('{content}', $l, $layout_toolbar); } //$layout_toolbar = mw()->parser->process($layout_toolbar, $options = array('no_apc' => 1)); } } } $modify_content = event_trigger('on_load', $content); if ($is_editmode == true and !defined('IN_EDIT')) { define('IN_EDIT', true); } if (isset($is_quick_edit) and $is_quick_edit == true and !defined('QUICK_EDIT')) { define('QUICK_EDIT', true); } $l = $this->app->parser->process($l, $options = false); if ($preview_module_id != false) { $_REQUEST['embed_id'] = $preview_module_id; } if (isset($_REQUEST['embed_id'])) { $find_embed_id = trim($_REQUEST['embed_id']); $l = $this->app->parser->get_by_id($find_embed_id, $l); } $apijs_loaded = $this->app->template->get_apijs_url(); //$apijs_loaded = $this->app->template->get_apijs_url() . 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'toolbar.php'; $layout_toolbar = new \Microweber\View($tb); $is_editmode_basic = false; $user_data = $this->app->user_manager->get(); if (isset($user_data['basic_mode']) and trim($user_data['basic_mode'] == 'y')) { $is_editmode_basic = true; } if (isset($is_editmode_basic) and $is_editmode_basic == true) { $layout_toolbar->assign('basic_mode', true); } else { $layout_toolbar->assign('basic_mode', false); } event_trigger('mw.live_edit'); $layout_toolbar = $layout_toolbar->__toString(); if ($layout_toolbar != '') { $layout_toolbar = $this->app->parser->process($layout_toolbar, $options = array('no_apc' => 1)); $c = 1; $l = str_ireplace('</body>', $layout_toolbar . '</body>', $l, $c); } $custom_live_edit = TEMPLATES_DIR . DS . TEMPLATE_NAME . DS . 'live_edit.php'; $custom_live_edit = normalize_path($custom_live_edit, false); if (is_file($custom_live_edit)) { $layout_live_edit = new \Microweber\View($custom_live_edit); $layout_live_edit = $layout_live_edit->__toString(); if ($layout_live_edit != '') { $l = str_ireplace('</body>', $layout_live_edit . '</body>', $l, $c); } } } } elseif ($is_editmode == false and $is_admin == true and mw()->user_manager->session_id() and !(mw()->user_manager->session_all() == false) and mw()->user_manager->session_get('back_to_editmode')) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['isolate_content_field']) and !isset($_REQUEST['content_id'])) { $back_to_editmode = $this->app->user_manager->session_get('back_to_editmode'); if ($back_to_editmode == true) { $tb = mw_includes_path() . DS . 'toolbar' . DS . 'toolbar_back.php'; $layout_toolbar = new \Microweber\View($tb); $layout_toolbar = $layout_toolbar->__toString(); if ($layout_toolbar != '') { $layout_toolbar = $this->app->parser->process($layout_toolbar, $options = array('no_apc' => 1)); $c = 1; $l = str_ireplace('</body>', $layout_toolbar . '</body>', $l, $c); } } } } $l = str_replace('{TEMPLATE_URL}', TEMPLATE_URL, $l); $l = str_replace('{THIS_TEMPLATE_URL}', THIS_TEMPLATE_URL, $l); $l = str_replace('{DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_URL}', DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_URL, $l); $l = str_replace('%7BTEMPLATE_URL%7D', TEMPLATE_URL, $l); $l = str_replace('%7BTHIS_TEMPLATE_URL%7D', THIS_TEMPLATE_URL, $l); $l = str_replace('%7BDEFAULT_TEMPLATE_URL%7D', DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_URL, $l); $meta = array(); $meta['content_image'] = ''; $meta['description'] = ''; if (is_home()) { $meta['content_url'] = site_url(); } else { $meta['content_url'] = $this->app->url_manager->current(1); } $meta['og_description'] = $this->app->option_manager->get('website_description', 'website'); $meta['og_type'] = 'website'; $meta_content_id = PAGE_ID; if (CONTENT_ID > 0) { $meta_content_id = CONTENT_ID; } if ($meta_content_id > 0) { $meta = $this->app->content_manager->get_by_id($meta_content_id); $content_image = $this->app->media_manager->get_picture($meta_content_id); if ($content_image) { $meta['content_image'] = $content_image; } else { $meta['content_image'] = ''; } $meta['content_url'] = $this->app->content_manager->link($meta_content_id); $meta['og_type'] = $meta['content_type']; if ($meta['og_type'] != 'page' and trim($meta['subtype']) != '') { $meta['og_type'] = $meta['subtype']; } if ($meta['description'] != false and trim($meta['description']) != '') { $meta['description'] = $meta['description']; } elseif ($meta['content'] != false and trim($meta['content']) != '') { $meta['description'] = str_replace("\n", ' ', $this->app->format->limit($this->app->format->clean_html(strip_tags($meta['content'])), 500)); } if (isset($meta['description']) and $meta['description'] != '') { $meta['og_description'] = $meta['description']; } else { $meta['og_description'] = trim($this->app->format->limit($this->app->format->clean_html(strip_tags($meta['content'])), 500)); } } else { $meta['title'] = $this->app->option_manager->get('website_title', 'website'); $meta['description'] = $this->app->option_manager->get('website_description', 'website'); $meta['content_meta_keywords'] = $this->app->option_manager->get('website_keywords', 'website'); } $meta['og_site_name'] = $this->app->option_manager->get('website_title', 'website'); if (!empty($meta)) { if (isset($meta['content_meta_title']) and $meta['content_meta_title'] != '') { $meta['title'] = $meta['content_meta_title']; } elseif (isset($meta['title']) and $meta['title'] != '') { } else { $meta['title'] = $this->app->option_manager->get('website_title', 'website'); } if (isset($meta['description']) and $meta['description'] != '') { } else { $meta['description'] = $this->app->option_manager->get('website_description', 'website'); } if (isset($meta['description']) and $meta['description'] != '') { $meta['content_meta_description'] = strip_tags($meta['description']); unset($meta['description']); } elseif (isset($meta['content']) and $meta['content'] != '') { $meta['content_meta_description'] = strip_tags($meta['content']); } elseif (isset($meta['title']) and $meta['title'] != '') { $meta['content_meta_description'] = strip_tags($meta['title']); } if (isset($meta['title']) and $meta['title'] != '') { $meta['content_meta_title'] = strip_tags($meta['title']); } elseif (isset($found_mod) and $found_mod != false) { $meta['content_meta_title'] = ucwords(str_replace('/', ' ', $found_mod)); } else { $meta['content_meta_title'] = ucwords(str_replace('/', ' ', $this->app->url_manager->segment(0))); } if (isset($meta['content_meta_keywords']) and $meta['content_meta_keywords'] != '') { } else { $meta['content_meta_keywords'] = $this->app->option_manager->get('website_keywords', 'website'); } if (is_array($meta)) { foreach ($meta as $key => $item) { if (is_string($item)) { $item = html_entity_decode($item); $item = strip_tags($item); $item = str_replace('&zwnj;', ' ', $item); $item = str_replace('"', ' ', $item); $item = str_replace("'", ' ', $item); $item = str_replace('>', '', $item); $item = str_replace('&quot;', ' ', $item); $item = str_replace('quot;', ' ', $item); $item = str_replace('&', ' ', $item); $item = str_replace('amp;', ' ', $item); $item = str_replace('nbsp;', ' ', $item); $item = str_replace('#039;', ' ', $item); $item = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $item); $item = str_replace('&', ' ', $item); $item = str_replace(';', ' ', $item); $item = str_replace(' ', ' ', $item); $item = str_replace(' ', ' ', $item); $l = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $item, $l); } elseif ($item == false) { $l = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', '', $l); } } } } if ($page != false and empty($this->page)) { $this->page = $page; } $l = execute_document_ready($l); event_trigger('frontend'); $is_embed = $this->app->url_manager->param('embed'); if ($is_embed != false) { $this->isolate_by_html_id = $is_embed; } if ($this->isolate_by_html_id != false) { $id_sel = $this->isolate_by_html_id; $this->isolate_by_html_id = false; require_once MW_PATH . 'Utils' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phpQuery.php'; $pq = \phpQuery::newDocument($l); foreach ($pq['#' . $id_sel] as $elem) { $l = pq($elem)->htmlOuter(); } } if (mw()->user_manager->session_id() and !(mw()->user_manager->session_all() == false) and $is_editmode) { session_set('last_content_id', CONTENT_ID); } if ($output_cache_timeout != false) { $this->app->cache_manager->save($l, $output_cache_id, $output_cache_group); } if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) { if ($this->app->make('config')->get('app.debug')) { $is_admin = $this->app->user_manager->is_admin(); if ($is_admin == true) { include mw_includes_path() . 'debug.php'; } } } if ($show_404_to_non_admin) { $response = \Response::make($l); $response->setStatusCode(404); return $response; } return $l; } else { echo 'Error! Page is not found? Please login in the admin and make a page.'; $this->app->cache_manager->clear(); return; } }
private function _replace_editable_fields($layout, $no_cache = false) { if ($layout != '') { global $mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals; global $mw_parser_nest_counter_level; global $mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals_inner; $mw_parser_nest_counter_level++; $replaced_code_tags = array(); if ($this->_mw_parser_passed_replaces == null) { $this->_mw_parser_passed_replaces = array(); } $mw_found_elems = ''; $mw_found_elems_arr = array(); $mw_elements_array = array('orig', $layout); $cached = false; if (!isset($parser_mem_crc)) { $parser_mem_crc = 'parser_' . crc32($layout) . content_id(); $parser_modules_crc = 'parser_modules' . crc32($layout) . content_id(); } if (isset($this->_mw_parser_passed_replaces[$parser_mem_crc])) { return $this->_mw_parser_passed_replaces[$parser_mem_crc]; } if (isset($mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals[$parser_mem_crc])) { // return false; return $mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals[$parser_mem_crc]; } $script_pattern = "/<pre[^>]*>(.*)<\\/pre>/Uis"; preg_match_all($script_pattern, $layout, $mw_script_matches); if (!empty($mw_script_matches)) { foreach ($mw_script_matches[0] as $key => $value) { if ($value != '') { $v1 = crc32($value); $v1 = '<!-- mw_replace_back_this_pre_' . $v1 . ' -->'; $layout = str_replace($value, $v1, $layout); if (!isset($replaced_code_tags[$v1])) { $replaced_code_tags[$v1] = $value; } } } } $script_pattern = "/<code[^>]*>(.*)<\\/code>/Uis"; preg_match_all($script_pattern, $layout, $mw_script_matches); if (!empty($mw_script_matches)) { foreach ($mw_script_matches[0] as $key => $value) { if ($value != '') { $v1 = crc32($value); $v1 = '<!-- mw_replace_back_this_pre_code_' . $v1 . ' -->'; $layout = str_replace($value, $v1, $layout); if (!isset($replaced_code_tags[$v1])) { $replaced_code_tags[$v1] = $value; } } } } $ch = mw_var($parser_mem_crc); if ($cached != false) { $mw_elements_array = $cached; } else { if ($ch != false) { $layout = $ch; } else { require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phpQuery.php'; $pq = \phpQuery::newDocument($layout); $els = $pq['.edit']; $is_editable = true; foreach ($els as $elem) { // iteration returns PLAIN dom nodes, NOT phpQuery objects $tagName = $elem->tagName; $name = pq($elem)->attr('field'); if (strval($name) == '') { $name = pq($elem)->attr('data-field'); } $rel = pq($elem)->attr('rel'); if ($rel == false) { $rel = pq($elem)->attr('data-rel'); if ($rel == false) { $rel = 'page'; } } $option_group = pq($elem)->attr('data-option_group'); if ($option_group == false) { $option_group = 'editable_region'; } $data_id = pq($elem)->attr('data-id'); if ($data_id == false) { $data_id = pq($elem)->attr('rel-id'); } if ($data_id == false) { $data_id = pq($elem)->attr('rel_id'); } if ($data_id == false) { $data_id = pq($elem)->attr('data-rel-id'); } $option_mod = pq($elem)->attr('data-module'); if ($option_mod == false) { $option_mod = pq($elem)->attr('data-type'); } if ($option_mod == false) { $option_mod = pq($elem)->attr('type'); } $name = trim($name); $get_global = false; $field = $name; $use_id_as_field = $name; if ($rel == 'global') { $get_global = true; } else { $get_global = false; } $try_inherited = false; // if ($rel == 'content') { if (!isset($data_id) or $data_id == false) { $data_id = content_id(); } $get_global = false; $data_id = intval($data_id); $data = $this->app->content_manager->get_by_id($data_id); } else { if ($rel == 'page') { if (!isset($data_id) or $data_id == false) { $data_id = PAGE_ID; } if (!isset($data_id) or $data_id == false) { $data_id = content_id(); } $data = $this->app->content_manager->get_by_id($data_id); $get_global = false; } else { if ($rel == 'post') { $get_global = false; if (!isset($data_id) or $data_id == false) { $data_id = POST_ID; } if (!isset($data_id) or $data_id == false) { $data_id = PAGE_ID; } $data = $this->app->content_manager->get_by_id($data_id); } else { if ($rel == 'inherit') { $get_global = false; if (!isset($data_id) or $data_id == false) { $data_id = PAGE_ID; } $data_inh_check = $this->app->content_manager->get_by_id($data_id); if (isset($data_inh_check['id']) and isset($data_inh_check['layout_file']) and trim($data_inh_check['layout_file']) != '' and $data_inh_check['layout_file'] != 'inherit') { $inh = $data_inh_check['id']; } else { $inh = $this->app->content_manager->get_inherited_parent($data_id); } if ($inh != false and intval($inh) != 0) { $try_inherited = true; $data_id = $inh; $rel = 'content'; $data = $this->app->content_manager->get_by_id($data_id); } else { $rel = 'content'; $data = $this->app->content_manager->get_page($data_id); } } else { if ($rel == 'global') { $get_global = 1; $cont_field = false; } else { if (isset($attr['post'])) { $get_global = false; $data = $this->app->content_manager->get_by_id($attr['post']); if ($data == false) { $data = $this->app->content_manager->get_page($attr['post']); } } else { if (isset($attr['category'])) { $get_global = false; $data = $this->app->category_manager->get_by_id($attr['category']); } else { if (isset($attr['global'])) { $get_global = true; } } } } } } } } $cf = false; $field_content = false; $orig_rel = $rel; $this->_current_parser_rel = $rel; if (!empty($this->filter)) { foreach ($this->filter as $filter) { if (isset($data)) { $new_data = call_user_func($filter, $data, $elem); if (is_array($new_data) and !empty($new_data)) { $data = array_merge($data, $new_data); } } } } if (isset($data[$field])) { if (isset($data[$field])) { $field_content = $data[$field]; } } else { if ($rel == 'page') { $rel = 'content'; } if ($rel == 'post') { $rel = 'content'; } $cont_field = false; if (isset($data_id) and $data_id != 0 and trim($data_id) != '' and trim($field) != '') { $cont_field = $this->app->content_manager->edit_field("rel_type={$rel}&field={$field}&rel_id={$data_id}"); if ($cont_field == false and $try_inherited == true) { $inh = $this->app->content_manager->get_inherited_parent($data_id); if ($inh != false and intval($inh) != 0 and $inh != $data_id) { $data_id = $inh; $cont_field2 = $this->app->content_manager->edit_field("rel_type={$rel}&field={$field}&rel_id={$inh}"); if ($cont_field2 != false) { $rel = 'content'; $data = $this->app->content_manager->get_by_id($inh); $cont_field = $cont_field2; } } } } else { if (isset($data_id) and trim($data_id) != '' and $field_content == false and isset($rel) and isset($field) and trim($field) != '') { $cont_field = $this->app->content_manager->edit_field("rel_type={$rel}&field={$field}&rel_id={$data_id}"); if ($cont_field != false) { $field_content = $cont_field; } } else { $field_content = $cont_field = $this->app->content_manager->edit_field("rel_type={$rel}&field={$field}"); } } if ($cont_field != false) { $field_content = $cont_field; } $mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals[$parser_mem_crc] = $field_content; } if ($rel == 'global') { $field_content = false; $get_global = 1; } // $filter $this->_current_parser_rel = $rel; $no_edit = false; if ($field_content == false) { if ($get_global == true) { if (isset($data_id)) { $cont_field = $this->app->content_manager->edit_field("rel_type={$rel}&field={$field}&rel_id={$data_id}"); } if (isset($cont_field) and !empty($cont_field)) { $cont_field = $this->app->content_manager->edit_field("rel_type={$rel}&field={$field}"); } if ($cont_field == false) { if ($option_mod != false) { $field_content = $this->app->content_manager->edit_field("rel_type={$option_group}&field={$field}"); } else { $field_content = $this->app->content_manager->edit_field("rel_type={$option_group}&field={$field}"); } } else { $field_content = $cont_field; } } else { if ($use_id_as_field != false) { if (isset($data[$use_id_as_field])) { $field_content = $data[$use_id_as_field]; } } if ($field_content == false) { if (isset($data_id) and $data_id != false) { $cont_field = $this->app->content_manager->edit_field("rel_type={$orig_rel}&field={$field}&rel_id={$data_id}"); } else { $cont_field = $this->app->content_manager->edit_field("rel_type={$orig_rel}&field={$field}&rel_id=" . PAGE_ID); } } if (isset($data[$field])) { $field_content = $data[$field]; } else { if (isset($cont_field) and $cont_field != false) { $field_content = $cont_field; } } } if ($field == 'content' and template_var('content') != false) { $field_content = template_var('content'); template_var('content', false); $no_edit = template_var('no_edit'); } if (isset($data_id) and trim($data_id) != '' and $field_content == false and isset($rel) and isset($field) and trim($field) != '') { $cont_field = $this->app->content_manager->edit_field("rel_type={$rel}&field={$field}&rel_id={$data_id}"); if ($cont_field != false) { $field_content = $cont_field; } } else { if ($field_content == false and isset($rel) and isset($field) and trim($field) != '') { $cont_field = $this->app->content_manager->edit_field("rel_type={$rel}&field={$field}"); if ($cont_field != false) { $field_content = $cont_field; } } } } if ($field_content != false and $field_content != '' and is_string($field_content)) { $parser_mem_crc2 = 'parser_field_content_' . $field . $rel . $data_id . crc32($field_content); $ch2 = mw_var($parser_mem_crc); if ($ch2 == false) { $this->_mw_parser_passed_hashes[] = $parser_mem_crc2; if (!isset($mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals[$parser_mem_crc2]) and $field_content != false and $field_content != '') { $mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals[$parser_mem_crc2] = $ch2; $parser_mem_crc3 = 'mw_replace_back_this_editable_' . $parser_mem_crc2 . ''; $mw_found_elems = ',' . $parser_mem_crc2; $mw_found_elems_arr[$parser_mem_crc2] = $field_content; // $rep = pq($elem)->html(); $rep = pq($elem)->html(); if ($no_edit != false or isset($data) and isset($data['no_edit']) and $data['no_edit'] != false) { $is_editable = false; if ($is_editable === false) { pq($elem)->removeClass('edit'); } else { } $is_editable = 1; } $mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals_inner[$parser_mem_crc3] = array('s' => $rep, 'r' => $field_content); } } mw_var($parser_mem_crc2, 1); } } $layout = $pq->htmlOuter(); $pq->__destruct(); $pq = null; unset($pq); if (!empty($mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals_inner)) { $reps_arr = array(); $reps_arr2 = array(); foreach ($mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals_inner as $k => $v) { $repc = 1; if (isset($v['s'])) { $reps_arr[] = $v['s']; $reps_arr2[] = $v['r']; $layout = $this->_str_replace_first($v['s'], $v['r'], $layout, $repc); unset($mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals_inner[$k]); } } // $layout = str_replace($reps_arr, $reps_arr2, $layout,$repc); } mw_var($parser_mem_crc, $layout); if ($mw_found_elems != '') { $mw_elements_array['new'] = $layout; $mw_elements_array['to_replace'] = $mw_found_elems; $mw_elements_array['elems'] = $mw_found_elems_arr; } else { $mw_elements_array['new'] = $layout; } } } } if (isset($mw_elements_array) and !empty($mw_elements_array)) { if (isset($mw_elements_array['elems']) and isset($mw_elements_array['to_replace']) and isset($mw_elements_array['new'])) { $modified_layout = $mw_elements_array['new']; $reps = $mw_elements_array['elems']; $c = 1; foreach ($reps as $elk => $value) { $elk_crc = crc32($elk); $global_holder_hash = 'replaced' . $elk_crc; if (!isset($mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals[$global_holder_hash])) { $this->_mw_parser_passed_replaces[] = $elk_crc; $mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals[$global_holder_hash] = $modified_layout; if ($value != '') { $val_rep = $value; $val_rep = $this->_replace_editable_fields($val_rep, true); $rep = 'mw_replace_back_this_editable_' . $elk . ''; $ct = 1; // $modified_layout = str_replace($rep, $val_rep, $modified_layout,$ct); $modified_layout = $this->_str_replace_first($rep, $val_rep, $modified_layout); } } else { $rep = 'mw_replace_back_this_editable_' . $elk . ''; $modified_layout = $this->_str_replace_first($rep, $value, $modified_layout); // $modified_layout = str_replace($rep, $value, $modified_layout); } } $layout = $modified_layout; $mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals[$parser_mem_crc] = $layout; } if (!empty($replaced_code_tags)) { foreach ($replaced_code_tags as $key => $value) { if ($value != '') { $layout = str_replace($key, $value, $layout); } unset($replaced_code_tags[$key]); } } if ($no_cache == false) { // $this->app->cache_manager->save($layout, $parser_mem_crc, 'content_fields/global/parser'); } } $this->_mw_parser_passed_replaces[$parser_mem_crc] = $layout; $mw_replaced_edit_fields_vals[$parser_mem_crc] = $layout; return $layout; }
<?php template_var($parse_dashboard, array()); ?> <?php foreach ($parse_dashboard as $value) { switch ($value['_TYPE']) { case 'GROUP': ?> <div class="panel panel-primary"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title"><?php echo $value['_LABEL']; ?> </h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <?php $this->load->view('templates/mdi_admin_dashboard_render_t', array('parse_dashboard' => $value['_CHILDREN'])); ?> </div> </div> <?php break; case 'MODEL': ?> <a href="<?php echo $value['_LINK']; ?> " style="text-decoration: none;">
<?php $this->mdi->statics_lazy('js', 'mdi/admin/admin-message.js'); ?> <?php template_var($type, 'info'); template_var($url, ''); template_var($title, ''); template_var($message, ''); template_var($method, 'link'); template_var($data, NULL); ?> <div class="message container"> <div class="alert alert-<?php echo $type; ?> " role="alert"> <strong><?php echo $title; ?> </strong> <?php echo $message; ?> </div> <div class="text-right"> <?php if ($method == 'link') { ?> <a href="<?php
<?php $is_new = template_var('new_page'); $data = array(); $data['id'] = 0; $data['content_type'] = 'page'; $data['title'] = false; $data['content'] = false; $data['url'] = ''; $data['thumbnail'] = ''; $data['is_active'] = 1; $data['is_home'] = 0; $data['is_shop'] = 0; $data['require_login'] = '******'; $data['subtype'] = 'static'; $data['description'] = ''; $data['active_site_template'] = ''; $data['subtype_value'] = ''; $data['parent'] = 0; $data['layout_name'] = ''; $data['layout_file'] = ''; $data['original_link'] = ''; if ($is_new == false) { } else { foreach ($is_new as $k => $v) { $data[$k] = $v; } } if (!isset($title_placeholder)) { $title_placeholder = false; }
<?php template_var($parse_fields, array()); ?> <table class="table table-bordered" style="margin-bottom: 0;"> <tbody> <?php foreach ($parse_fields as $field) { ?> <tr> <?php if (array_key_exists('_REQUIRED', $field) && $field['_REQUIRED']) { $required_text = '* '; } else { $required_text = ''; } ?> <td class="active text-right" style="width: 20%;"> <h4><?php echo $required_text . $field['_LABEL']; ?> </h4> </td> <td> <?php if (array_key_exists('_ERROR', $field)) { ?> <div class="form-group has-error"> <?php } else {