function template_portal_below()
    global $context, $modSettings;
    if (!empty($context['SPortal']['blocks'][3])) {
        if (empty($context['SPortal']['on_portal']) || !empty($context['SPortal']['blocks'][2]) || !empty($modSettings['articleactive'])) {
            echo '
				<br class="sp_side_clear" />';
        foreach ($context['SPortal']['blocks'][3] as $block) {
    echo '
    if (!empty($modSettings['showright']) && !empty($context['SPortal']['blocks'][4])) {
        echo '
			<td id="sp_right"', !empty($modSettings['rightwidth']) ? ' width="' . $modSettings['rightwidth'] . '"' : '', $context['SPortal']['sides'][4]['collapsed'] && empty($modSettings['sp_disable_side_collapse']) ? ' style="display: none;"' : '', '>';
        foreach ($context['SPortal']['blocks'][4] as $block) {
        echo '
    echo '
    if (!empty($context['SPortal']['blocks'][6])) {
        echo '
	<div id="sp_footer">';
        foreach ($context['SPortal']['blocks'][6] as $block) {
        echo '
	<br />';
 * Used to edit a blocks details when using the block on the portal
function template_block_edit()
    global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt, $helptxt, $modSettings;
    // Want to take a look before you save?
    if (!empty($context['SPortal']['preview'])) {
        if (!empty($context['SPortal']['error'])) {
            echo '
	<div class="errorbox">', $context['SPortal']['error'], '</div>';
        echo '
	<div class="sp_auto_align" style="width: ', $context['widths'][$context['SPortal']['block']['column']], ';">';
        echo '
    echo '
	<div id="sp_edit_block">
		<form id="admin_form_wrapper" name="sp_edit_block_form" id="sp_edit_block_form" action="', $scripturl, '?action=admin;area=portalblocks;sa=edit" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" onsubmit="submitonce(this);">
			<h3 class="category_header">
				<a class="hdicon cat_img_helptopics help" href="', $scripturl, '?action=quickhelp;help=sp-blocks', $context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? 'Add' : 'Edit', '" onclick="return reqOverlayDiv(this.href);" title="', $txt['help'], '"></a>
				', $context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? $txt['sp-blocksAdd'] : $txt['sp-blocksEdit'], '
			<div class="windowbg">
				<div class="sp_content_padding">
					<dl class="sp_form">
							', $txt['sp-adminColumnType'], ':
							', $context['SPortal']['block']['type_text'], '
							<label for="block_name">', $txt['sp-adminColumnName'], ':</label>
							<input type="text" name="block_name" id="block_name" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['label'], '" size="30" class="input_text" />
							<label for="block_permissions">', $txt['sp_admin_blocks_col_permissions'], ':</label>
							<select name="permissions" id="block_permissions">';
    foreach ($context['SPortal']['block']['permission_profiles'] as $profile) {
        echo '
									<option value="', $profile['id'], '"', $profile['id'] == $context['SPortal']['block']['permissions'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $profile['label'], '</option>';
    echo '
    // Display any options that are available for this block
    foreach ($context['SPortal']['block']['options'] as $name => $type) {
        if (empty($context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name])) {
            $context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name] = '';
        echo '
        if (!empty($helptxt['sp_param_' . $context['SPortal']['block']['type'] . '_' . $name])) {
            echo '
							<a class="help" href="', $scripturl, '?action=quickhelp;help=sp_param_', $context['SPortal']['block']['type'], '_', $name, '" onclick="return reqOverlayDiv(this.href);">
								<img class="icon" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/helptopics.png" alt="', $txt['help'], '" />
        echo '
							<label for="', $type == 'bbc' ? 'bbc_content' : $name, '">', $txt['sp_param_' . $context['SPortal']['block']['type'] . '_' . $name], ':</label>
        if ($type == 'bbc') {
            echo '
					<div id="sp_rich_editor">
						<div id="sp_rich_bbc"></div>
						<div id="sp_rich_smileys"></div>
						', template_control_richedit($context['SPortal']['bbc'], 'sp_rich_smileys', 'sp_rich_bbc'), '
						<input type="hidden" name="bbc_name" value="', $name, '" />
						<input type="hidden" name="bbc_parameter" value="', $context['SPortal']['bbc'], '" />
					<dl class="sp_form">';
        } elseif ($type == 'boards' || $type == 'board_select') {
            echo '
							<input type="hidden" name="parameters[', $name, ']" value="" />';
            if ($type == 'boards') {
                echo '
							<select name="parameters[', $name, '][]" id="', $name, '" size="7" multiple="multiple">';
            } else {
                echo '
							<select name="parameters[', $name, '][]" id="', $name, '">';
            foreach ($context['SPortal']['block']['board_options'][$name] as $option) {
                echo '
								<option value="', $option['value'], '"', $option['selected'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', ' >', $option['text'], '</option>';
            echo '
        } elseif ($type == 'int') {
            echo '
							<input type="text" name="parameters[', $name, ']" id="', $name, '" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name], '" size="7" class="input_text" />';
        } elseif ($type == 'text') {
            echo '
							<input type="text" name="parameters[', $name, ']" id="', $name, '" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name], '" size="25" class="input_text" />';
        } elseif ($type == 'check') {
            echo '
							<input type="checkbox" name="parameters[', $name, ']" id="', $name, '"', !empty($context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name]) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_check" />';
        } elseif ($type == 'select') {
            $options = explode('|', $txt['sp_param_' . $context['SPortal']['block']['type'] . '_' . $name . '_options']);
            echo '
							<select name="parameters[', $name, ']" id="', $name, '">';
            foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
                echo '
								<option value="', $key, '"', $context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name] == $key ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $option, '</option>';
            echo '
        } elseif (is_array($type)) {
            echo '
							<select name="parameters[', $name, ']" id="', $name, '">';
            foreach ($type as $key => $option) {
                echo '
								<option value="', $key, '"', $context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name] == $key ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $option, '</option>';
            echo '
        } elseif ($type == 'textarea') {
            echo '
					<div id="sp_text_editor">
						<textarea name="parameters[', $name, ']" id="', $name, '" cols="45" rows="10">', $context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name], '</textarea>
						<input type="button" class="button_submit" value="-" onclick="document.getElementById(\'', $name, '\').rows -= 10" />
						<input type="button" class="button_submit" value="+" onclick="document.getElementById(\'', $name, '\').rows += 10" />
					<dl class="sp_form">';
        if ($type != 'bbc') {
            echo '
    if (empty($context['SPortal']['block']['column'])) {
        echo '
							<label for="block_column">', $txt['sp-blocksColumn'], ':</label>
							<select id="block_column" name="block_column">';
        $block_sides = array(5 => 'Header', 1 => 'Left', 2 => 'Top', 3 => 'Bottom', 4 => 'Right', 6 => 'Footer');
        foreach ($block_sides as $id => $side) {
            echo '
								<option value="', $id, '">', $txt['sp-position' . $side], '</option>';
        echo '
    if (count($context['SPortal']['block']['list_blocks']) > 1) {
        echo '
							', $txt['sp-blocksRow'], ':
							<select id="order" name="placement"', !$context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? ' onchange="this.form.block_row.disabled = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value == \'\';"' : '', '>
								', !$context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? '<option value="nochange">' . $txt['sp-placementUnchanged'] . '</option>' : '', '
								<option value="before"', !empty($context['SPortal']['block']['placement']) && $context['SPortal']['block']['placement'] == 'before' ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $txt['sp-placementBefore'], '...</option>
								<option value="after"', !empty($context['SPortal']['block']['placement']) && $context['SPortal']['block']['placement'] == 'after' ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $txt['sp-placementAfter'], '...</option>
							<select id="block_row" name="block_row"', !$context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '', '>';
        foreach ($context['SPortal']['block']['list_blocks'] as $block) {
            if ($block['id'] != $context['SPortal']['block']['id']) {
                echo '
								<option value="', $block['row'], '"', !empty($context['SPortal']['block']['row']) && $context['SPortal']['block']['row'] == $block['row'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $block['label'], '</option>';
        echo '
    if ($context['SPortal']['block']['type'] != 'sp_boardNews') {
        echo '
							<label for="block_force">', $txt['sp-blocksForce'], ':</label>
							<input type="checkbox" name="block_force" id="block_force" value="1"', $context['SPortal']['block']['force_view'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_check" />
    echo '
							<label for="block_active">', $txt['sp-blocksActive'], ':</label>
							<input type="checkbox" name="block_active" id="block_active" value="1"', $context['SPortal']['block']['state'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_check" />
					<div class="sp_button_container">
						<input type="submit" name="preview_block" value="', $txt['sp-blocksPreview'], '" class="right_submit" />
						<input type="submit" name="add_block" value="', !$context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? $txt['sp-blocksEdit'] : $txt['sp-blocksAdd'], '" class="right_submit" />
    if (!empty($context['SPortal']['block']['column'])) {
        echo '
			<input type="hidden" name="block_column" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['column'], '" />';
    echo '
			<input type="hidden" name="block_type" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['type'], '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="block_id" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['id'], '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="', $context['session_var'], '" value="', $context['session_id'], '" />';
    // Display Options is integrated
    if (!empty($modSettings['sp_enableIntegration'])) {
        echo '
			<br />
			<h3 class="category_header">
				<a class="hdicon cat_img_helptopics help" href="', $scripturl, '?action=quickhelp;help=sp-blocksDisplayOptions" onclick="return reqOverlayDiv(this.href);" title="', $txt['help'], '"></a>
				', $txt['sp-blocksDisplayOptions'], '
			<div class="windowbg2">
				<div class="sp_content_padding">
					<span class="floatright">', $txt['sp-blocksAdvancedOptions'], '<input type="checkbox" name="display_advanced" id="display_advanced" onclick="$(\'#sp_display_advanced\').slideToggle(300); document.getElementById(\'display_simple\').disabled = this.checked;" ', empty($context['SPortal']['block']['display_type']) ? '' : ' checked="checked"', ' class="input_check" /></span>
					', $txt['sp-blocksShowBlock'], '
					<select name="display_simple" id="display_simple"', empty($context['SPortal']['block']['display_type']) ? '' : ' disabled="disabled"', '>';
        foreach ($context['simple_actions'] as $action => $label) {
            echo '
						<option value="', $action, '"', in_array($action, $context['SPortal']['block']['display']) ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $label, '</option>';
        echo '
					<div id="sp_display_advanced"', empty($context['SPortal']['block']['display_type']) ? ' style="display: none;"' : '', '>';
        $display_types = array('actions', 'boards', 'pages');
        foreach ($display_types as $type) {
            if (empty($context['display_' . $type])) {
            echo '
						<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="sp_collapseObject(\'', $type, '\')">
							<img id="sp_collapse_', $type, '" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/selected_open.png" alt="*" />
						</a> ', $txt['sp-blocksSelect' . ucfirst($type)], '
						<ul id="sp_object_', $type, '" class="reset sp_display_list" style="display: none;">';
            foreach ($context['display_' . $type] as $index => $action) {
                echo '
								<input type="checkbox" name="display_', $type, '[]" id="', $type, $index, '" value="', $index, '"', in_array($index, $context['SPortal']['block']['display']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_check" />
								<label for="', $type, $index, '">', $action, '</label>
            echo '
								<input type="checkbox" onclick="invertAll(this, this.form, \'display_', $type, '[]\');" class="input_check" /> <em>', $txt['check_all'], '</em>
						<br />';
        echo '
						<a class="help" href="', $scripturl, '?action=quickhelp;help=sp-blocksCustomDisplayOptions" onclick="return reqOverlayDiv(this.href);">
							<img class="icon" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/helptopics.png" alt="', $txt['help'], '" />
						<label for="display_custom">', $txt['sp_display_custom'], ': </label>
						<input class="input_text" type="text" name="display_custom" id="display_custom" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['display_custom'], '" />
					<div class="sp_button_container">
						<input type="submit" name="add_block" value="', !$context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? $txt['sp-blocksEdit'] : $txt['sp-blocksAdd'], '" class="right_submit" />
    $style_sections = array('title' => 'left', 'body' => 'right');
    $style_types = array('default' => 'DefaultClass', 'class' => 'CustomClass', 'style' => 'CustomStyle');
    $style_parameters = array('title' => array('category_header', 'secondary_header'), 'body' => array('portalbg', 'portalbg2', 'information', 'roundframe'));
    // Style options for the block, but not boardNews
    if ($context['SPortal']['block']['type'] != 'sp_boardNews') {
        echo '
			<br />
			<h3 class="category_header">
				<a class="hdicon cat_img_helptopics help" href="', $scripturl, '?action=quickhelp;help=sp-blocksStyleOptions" onclick="return reqOverlayDiv(this.href);" title="', $txt['help'], '"></a>
				', $txt['sp-blocksStyleOptions'], '
			<div class="windowbg2">
				<div class="sp_content_padding">';
        foreach ($style_sections as $section => $float) {
            echo '
					<dl id="sp_edit_style_', $section, '" class="sp_form sp_float_', $float, '">';
            foreach ($style_types as $type => $label) {
                echo '
							', $txt['sp-blocks' . ucfirst($section) . $label], ':
                if ($type == 'default') {
                    echo '
							<select name="', $section, '_default_class" id="', $section, '_default_class">';
                    foreach ($style_parameters[$section] as $class) {
                        echo '
								<option value="', $class, '"', $context['SPortal']['block']['style'][$section . '_default_class'] == $class ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $class, '</option>';
                    echo '
                } else {
                    echo '
							<input type="text" name="', $section, '_custom_', $type, '" id="', $section, '_custom_', $type, '" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['style'][$section . '_custom_' . $type], '" class="input_text" />';
                echo '
            echo '
							', $txt['sp-blocksNo' . ucfirst($section)], ':
							<input type="checkbox" name="no_', $section, '" id="no_', $section, '" value="1"', !empty($context['SPortal']['block']['style']['no_' . $section]) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'onclick="check_style_options();" class="input_check" />
        echo '
					<script><!-- // --><![CDATA[
					// ]]></script>
					<div class="sp_button_container">
						<input type="submit" name="add_block" value="', !$context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? $txt['sp-blocksEdit'] : $txt['sp-blocksAdd'], '" class="right_submit" />
    echo '
function template_block_edit()
    global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt, $helptxt, $modSettings;
    if (!empty($context['SPortal']['preview'])) {
        echo '
	<div class="sp_auto_align" style="width: ', $context['widths'][$context['SPortal']['block']['column']], ';">';
        echo '
    echo '
	<div id="sp_edit_block">
		<form name="sp_edit_block_form" id="sp_edit_block_form" action="', $scripturl, '?action=admin;area=portalblocks;sa=edit" method="post" accept-charset="', $context['character_set'], '" onsubmit="submitonce(this);">
			<div class="cat_bar">
				<h3 class="catbg">
					<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=helpadmin;help=sp-blocks', $context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? 'Add' : 'Edit', '" onclick="return reqWin(this.href);" class="help"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/helptopics.gif" alt="', $txt['help'], '" class="icon" /></a>
					', $context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? $txt['sp-blocksAdd'] : $txt['sp-blocksEdit'], '
			<div class="windowbg2">
				<span class="topslice"><span></span></span>
				<div class="sp_content_padding">
					<dl class="sp_form">
							', $txt['sp-adminColumnType'], ':
							', $context['SPortal']['block']['type_text'], '
							<label for="block_name">', $txt['sp-adminColumnName'], ':</label>
							<input type="text" name="block_name" id="block_name" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['label'], '" size="30" class="input_text" />
							<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=helpadmin;help=sp_permissions" onclick="return reqWin(this.href);" class="help"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/helptopics.gif" alt="', $txt['help'], '" class="icon" /></a>
							', $txt['sp_admin_blocks_col_permissions'], ':
							<select name="permission_set" id="block_permission_set" onchange="sp_update_permissions();">';
    $permission_sets = array(1 => 'guests', 2 => 'members', 3 => 'everyone', 0 => 'custom');
    foreach ($permission_sets as $id => $label) {
        echo '
								<option value="', $id, '"', $id == $context['SPortal']['block']['permission_set'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $txt['sp_admin_blocks_permissions_set_' . $label], '</option>';
    echo '
						<dt id="block_custom_permissions_label">
							', $txt['sp_admin_blocks_col_custom_permissions'], ':
						<dd id="block_custom_permissions_input">
									<th>', $txt['sp_admin_blocks_custom_permissions_membergroup'], '</td>
									<th title="', $txt['sp_admin_blocks_custom_permissions_allowed'], '">', $txt['sp_admin_blocks_custom_permissions_allowed_short'], '</th>
									<th title="', $txt['sp_admin_blocks_custom_permissions_disallowed'], '">', $txt['sp_admin_blocks_custom_permissions_disallowed_short'], '</th>
									<th title="', $txt['sp_admin_blocks_custom_permissions_denied'], '">', $txt['sp_admin_blocks_custom_permissions_denied_short'], '</th>
    foreach ($context['SPortal']['block']['groups'] as $id => $label) {
        $current = 0;
        if (in_array($id, $context['SPortal']['block']['groups_allowed'])) {
            $current = 1;
        } elseif (in_array($id, $context['SPortal']['block']['groups_denied'])) {
            $current = -1;
        echo '
									<td>', $label, '</td>
									<td><input type="radio" name="membergroups[', $id, ']" value="1"', $current == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_radio"></td>
									<td><input type="radio" name="membergroups[', $id, ']" value="0"', $current == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_radio"></td>
									<td><input type="radio" name="membergroups[', $id, ']" value="-1"', $current == -1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_radio"></td>
    echo '
    foreach ($context['SPortal']['block']['options'] as $name => $type) {
        if (empty($context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name])) {
            $context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name] = '';
        echo '
        if (!empty($helptxt['sp_param_' . $context['SPortal']['block']['type'] . '_' . $name])) {
            echo '
							<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=helpadmin;help=sp_param_', $context['SPortal']['block']['type'], '_', $name, '" onclick="return reqWin(this.href);" class="help"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/helptopics.gif" alt="', $txt['help'], '" class="icon" /></a>';
        echo '
							<label for="', $type == 'bbc' ? 'bbc_content' : $name, '">', $txt['sp_param_' . $context['SPortal']['block']['type'] . '_' . $name], ':</label>
        if ($type == 'bbc') {
            echo '
					<div id="sp_rich_editor">
						<div id="sp_rich_bbc"></div>
						<div id="sp_rich_smileys"></div>
						', template_control_richedit($context['SPortal']['bbc'], 'sp_rich_smileys', 'sp_rich_bbc'), '
						<input type="hidden" name="bbc_name" value="', $name, '" />
						<input type="hidden" name="bbc_parameter" value="', $context['SPortal']['bbc'], '" />
					<dl class="sp_form">';
        } elseif ($type == 'boards' || $type == 'board_select') {
            echo '
							<input type="hidden" name="parameters[', $name, ']" value="" />';
            if ($type == 'boards') {
                echo '
							<select name="parameters[', $name, '][]" id="', $name, '" size="7" multiple="multiple">';
            } else {
                echo '
							<select name="parameters[', $name, '][]" id="', $name, '">';
            foreach ($context['SPortal']['block']['board_options'][$name] as $option) {
                echo '
								<option value="', $option['value'], '"', $option['selected'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', ' >', $option['text'], '</option>';
            echo '
        } elseif ($type == 'int') {
            echo '
							<input type="text" name="parameters[', $name, ']" id="', $name, '" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name], '" size="7" class="input_text" />';
        } elseif ($type == 'text') {
            echo '
							<input type="text" name="parameters[', $name, ']" id="', $name, '" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name], '" size="25" class="input_text" />';
        } elseif ($type == 'check') {
            echo '
							<input type="checkbox" name="parameters[', $name, ']" id="', $name, '"', !empty($context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name]) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_check" />';
        } elseif ($type == 'select') {
            $options = explode('|', $txt['sp_param_' . $context['SPortal']['block']['type'] . '_' . $name . '_options']);
            echo '
							<select name="parameters[', $name, ']" id="', $name, '">';
            foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
                echo '
								<option value="', $key, '"', $context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name] == $key ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $option, '</option>';
            echo '
        } elseif (is_array($type)) {
            echo '
							<select name="parameters[', $name, ']" id="', $name, '">';
            foreach ($type as $key => $option) {
                echo '
								<option value="', $key, '"', $context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name] == $key ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $option, '</option>';
            echo '
        } elseif ($type == 'textarea') {
            echo '
					<div id="sp_text_editor">
						<textarea name="parameters[', $name, ']" id="', $name, '" cols="45" rows="10">', $context['SPortal']['block']['parameters'][$name], '</textarea>
						<input type="button" class="button_submit" value="-" onclick="document.getElementById(\'', $name, '\').rows -= 10" />
						<input type="button" class="button_submit" value="+" onclick="document.getElementById(\'', $name, '\').rows += 10" />
					<dl class="sp_form">';
        if ($type != 'bbc') {
            echo '
    if (empty($context['SPortal']['block']['column'])) {
        echo '
							<label for="block_column">', $txt['sp-blocksColumn'], ':</label>
							<select id="block_column" name="block_column">';
        $block_sides = array(5 => 'Header', 1 => 'Left', 2 => 'Top', 3 => 'Bottom', 4 => 'Right', 6 => 'Footer');
        foreach ($block_sides as $id => $side) {
            echo '
								<option value="', $id, '">', $txt['sp-position' . $side], '</option>';
        echo '
    if (count($context['SPortal']['block']['list_blocks']) > 1) {
        echo '
							', $txt['sp-blocksRow'], ':
							<select id="order" name="placement"', !$context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? ' onchange="this.form.block_row.disabled = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value == \'\';"' : '', '>
								', !$context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? '<option value="nochange">' . $txt['sp-placementUnchanged'] . '</option>' : '', '
								<option value="before">', $txt['sp-placementBefore'], '...</option>
								<option value="after">', $txt['sp-placementAfter'], '...</option>
							<select id="block_row" name="block_row"', !$context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '', '>';
        foreach ($context['SPortal']['block']['list_blocks'] as $block) {
            if ($block['id'] != $context['SPortal']['block']['id']) {
                echo '
								<option value="', $block['row'], '">', $block['label'], '</option>';
        echo '
    if ($context['SPortal']['block']['type'] != 'sp_boardNews') {
        echo '
							<label for="block_force">', $txt['sp-blocksForce'], ':</label>
							<input type="checkbox" name="block_force" id="block_force" value="1"', $context['SPortal']['block']['force_view'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_check" />
    echo '
							<label for="block_active">', $txt['sp-blocksActive'], ':</label>
							<input type="checkbox" name="block_active" id="block_active" value="1"', $context['SPortal']['block']['state'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_check" />
					<div class="sp_button_container">
						<input type="submit" name="preview_block" value="', $txt['sp-blocksPreview'], '" class="button_submit" /> <input type="submit" name="add_block" value="', !$context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? $txt['sp-blocksEdit'] : $txt['sp-blocksAdd'], '" class="button_submit" />
				<span class="botslice"><span></span></span>
    if (!empty($context['SPortal']['block']['column'])) {
        echo '
			<input type="hidden" name="block_column" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['column'], '" />';
    echo '
			<input type="hidden" name="block_type" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['type'], '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="block_id" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['id'], '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="', $context['session_var'], '" value="', $context['session_id'], '" />';
    if (!empty($modSettings['sp_enableIntegration'])) {
        echo '
			<br />
			<div class="cat_bar">
				<h3 class="catbg">
					<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=helpadmin;help=sp-blocksDisplayOptions" onclick="return reqWin(this.href);" class="help"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/helptopics.gif" alt="', $txt['help'], '" class="icon" /></a>
					', $txt['sp-blocksDisplayOptions'], '
			<div class="windowbg2">
				<span class="topslice"><span></span></span>
				<div class="sp_content_padding">
					<span class="sp_float_right">', $txt['sp-blocksAdvancedOptions'], '<input type="checkbox" name="display_advanced" id="display_advanced" onclick="document.getElementById(\'sp_display_advanced\').style.display = this.checked ? \'block\' : \'none\'; document.getElementById(\'display_simple\').disabled = this.checked;" ', empty($context['SPortal']['block']['display_type']) ? '' : ' checked="checked"', ' class="input_check" /></span>
					', $txt['sp-blocksShowBlock'], '
					<select name="display_simple" id="display_simple"', empty($context['SPortal']['block']['display_type']) ? '' : ' disabled="disabled"', '>';
        foreach ($context['simple_actions'] as $action => $label) {
            echo '
						<option value="', $action, '"', in_array($action, $context['SPortal']['block']['display']) ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $label, '</option>';
        echo '
					<div id="sp_display_advanced"', empty($context['SPortal']['block']['display_type']) ? ' style="display: none;"' : '', '>';
        $display_types = array('actions', 'boards', 'pages');
        foreach ($display_types as $type) {
            if (empty($context['display_' . $type])) {
            echo '
						<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="sp_collapseObject(\'', $type, '\')"><img id="sp_collapse_', $type, '" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/expand.gif" alt="*" /></a> ', $txt['sp-blocksSelect' . ucfirst($type)], '
						<ul id="sp_object_', $type, '" class="reset sp_display_list" style="display: none;">';
            foreach ($context['display_' . $type] as $index => $action) {
                echo '
							<li><input type="checkbox" name="display_', $type, '[]" id="', $type, $index, '" value="', $index, '"', in_array($index, $context['SPortal']['block']['display']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_check" /> <label for="', $type, $index, '">', $action, '</label></li>';
            echo '
							<li><input type="checkbox" onclick="invertAll(this, this.form, \'display_', $type, '[]\');" class="input_check" /> <em>', $txt['check_all'], '</em></li>
						<br />';
        echo '
						<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=helpadmin;help=sp-blocksCustomDisplayOptions" onclick="return reqWin(this.href);" class="help"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/helptopics.gif" alt="', $txt['help'], '" class="icon" /></a> <label for="display_custom">', $txt['sp_display_custom'], ':</label> <input type="text" name="display_custom" id="display_custom" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['display_custom'], '" class="input_text" />
					<div class="sp_button_container">
						<input type="submit" name="add_block" value="', !$context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? $txt['sp-blocksEdit'] : $txt['sp-blocksAdd'], '" class="button_submit" />
				<span class="botslice"><span></span></span>
    $style_sections = array('title' => 'left', 'body' => 'right');
    $style_types = array('default' => 'DefaultClass', 'class' => 'CustomClass', 'style' => 'CustomStyle');
    $style_parameters = array('title' => array('catbg', 'catbg2', 'catbg3', 'titlebg', 'titlebg2'), 'body' => array('windowbg', 'windowbg2', 'windowbg3', 'information', 'roundframe'));
    if ($context['SPortal']['block']['type'] != 'sp_boardNews') {
        echo '
			<br />
			<div class="cat_bar">
				<h3 class="catbg">
					<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=helpadmin;help=sp-blocksStyleOptions" onclick="return reqWin(this.href);" class="help"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/helptopics.gif" alt="', $txt['help'], '" class="icon" /></a>
					', $txt['sp-blocksStyleOptions'], '
			<div class="windowbg2">
				<span class="topslice"><span></span></span>
				<div class="sp_content_padding">';
        foreach ($style_sections as $section => $float) {
            echo '
					<dl id="sp_edit_style_', $section, '" class="sp_form sp_float_', $float, '">';
            foreach ($style_types as $type => $label) {
                echo '
							', $txt['sp-blocks' . ucfirst($section) . $label], ':
                if ($type == 'default') {
                    echo '
							<select name="', $section, '_default_class" id="', $section, '_default_class">';
                    foreach ($style_parameters[$section] as $class) {
                        echo '
								<option value="', $class, '"', $context['SPortal']['block']['style'][$section . '_default_class'] == $class ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $class, '</option>';
                    echo '
                } else {
                    echo '
							<input type="text" name="', $section, '_custom_', $type, '" id="', $section, '_custom_', $type, '" value="', $context['SPortal']['block']['style'][$section . '_custom_' . $type], '" class="input_text" />';
                echo '
            echo '
							', $txt['sp-blocksNo' . ucfirst($section)], ':
							<input type="checkbox" name="no_', $section, '" id="no_', $section, '" value="1"', !empty($context['SPortal']['block']['style']['no_' . $section]) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' onclick="document.getElementById(\'', $section, '_default_class\').disabled', $section == 'title' ? ' = document.getElementById(\'title_custom_class\').disabled = document.getElementById(\'title_custom_style\').disabled' : '', ' = this.checked;" class="input_check" />
        echo '
					<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
						document.getElementById("title_default_class").disabled = document.getElementById("no_title").checked;
						document.getElementById("title_custom_class").disabled = document.getElementById("no_title").checked;
						document.getElementById("title_custom_style").disabled = document.getElementById("no_title").checked;
						document.getElementById("body_default_class").disabled = document.getElementById("no_body").checked;
					// ]]></script>
					<div class="sp_button_container">
						<input type="submit" name="add_block" value="', !$context['SPortal']['is_new'] ? $txt['sp-blocksEdit'] : $txt['sp-blocksAdd'], '" class="button_submit" />
				<span class="botslice"><span></span></span>
    echo '
	<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[

		function sp_update_permissions()
			var new_state = document.getElementById("block_permission_set").value;
			document.getElementById("block_custom_permissions_label").style.display = new_state != 0 ? "none" : "";
			document.getElementById("block_custom_permissions_input").style.display = new_state != 0 ? "none" : "";
	// ]]></script>';
 * Display below blocks, this includes our right, bottom and footer blocks
function template_portal_below()
    global $context, $modSettings;
    // Close the top block section, begin the bottom
    echo '
				<div id="sp_bottom_div" class="sp_column">';
    // Output all the Bottom blocks
    if (!empty($context['SPortal']['blocks'][3])) {
        if (empty($context['SPortal']['on_portal']) || !empty($context['SPortal']['blocks'][2]) || !empty($modSettings['sp_articles_index'])) {
            echo '
					<br class="sp_side_clear" />';
        foreach ($context['SPortal']['blocks'][3] as $block) {
            template_block($block, 3);
    echo '
    // And now all the Right Blocks
    if (!empty($modSettings['showright']) && !empty($context['SPortal']['blocks'][4])) {
        echo '
			<td id="sp_right"', !empty($modSettings['rightwidth']) ? ' style="width:' . $modSettings['rightwidth'] . 'px"' : '', $context['SPortal']['sides'][4]['collapsed'] && empty($modSettings['sp_disable_side_collapse']) ? ' style="display: none;"' : '', '>
				<div id="sp_right_div" class="sp_column">';
        foreach ($context['SPortal']['blocks'][4] as $block) {
            template_block($block, 4);
        echo '
    echo '
    // Footer Blocks
    if (!empty($context['SPortal']['blocks'][6])) {
        echo '
	<div id="sp_footer" class="sp_column">';
        foreach ($context['SPortal']['blocks'][6] as $block) {
            template_block($block, 6);
        echo '
Ejemplo n.º 5
function template_portal_below()
    global $context, $modSettings, $settings;
    if (!empty($context['SPortal']['blocks'][3])) {
        if (empty($context['SPortal']['on_portal']) || !empty($context['SPortal']['blocks'][2]) || !empty($modSettings['articleactive'])) {
            echo '
				<br class="sp_side_clear" />';
        echo '
				<div class="', !empty($settings['sphidepanels']) ? ' whide' : '', '">';
        foreach ($context['SPortal']['blocks'][3] as $block) {
        echo '</div>';
    echo '
    if (!empty($modSettings['showright']) && !empty($context['SPortal']['blocks'][4])) {
        echo '
			<div id="sp_right" class="bwcol w', !empty($settings['sprightwidth']) ? $settings['sprightwidth'] : '4', '" ', $context['SPortal']['sides'][4]['collapsed'] && empty($modSettings['sp_disable_side_collapse']) ? 'style="display: none;"' : '', '>
				<div class="gutter_right', !empty($settings['spgutter']) ? $settings['spgutter'] : 0, '">';
        foreach ($context['SPortal']['blocks'][4] as $block) {
        echo '
    echo '
    if (!empty($context['SPortal']['blocks'][6])) {
        echo '
	<div id="sp_footer" class="', !empty($settings['sphidepanels']) ? ' whide' : '', '">';
        foreach ($context['SPortal']['blocks'][6] as $block) {
        echo '
	<br />';