} ?> <?php if ($context_menu_item->isCurrent()) { ?> <span class="submenu_current"> <?php } ?> <a href="<?php echo te_link($context_menu_item->node); ?> "><?php echo te_short($context_menu_item->getTitle(), 25); ?> </a><br/> <?php if ($context_menu_item->isCurrent()) { ?> </span> <?php } ?> <?php if ($context_menu_item->node->getLevel() == 3) { ?> </div>
<a class="<?php echo te_get_section_name($my_relation); ?> _sub" href="<?php echo te_link($my_relation); ?> " title="<?php echo $my_relation->getTitle(); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo te_design(); ?> /sources/fleche.gif"> <?php echo te_short($my_relation->getTitle(), 25); ?> </a> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?>
foreach ($breadcrumb->getArray() as $menuitem) { ?> <?php if ($menuitem->isEnd()) { ?> <?php echo te_short($menuitem->getTitle(), 40); ?> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo $menuitem->getUrl(); ?> "><?php echo te_short($menuitem->getTitle(), 20); ?> </a>> <?php } ?> <?php } } ?> <!--Parents > Lectures > Les "temps d'arrêt"--> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr>
?> <div class="intro"> <?php if ($sub_content->get('intro')) { ?> <?php echo te_short($sub_content->get('intro'), 200); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo te_short($sub_content->get('body'), 200); ?> <?php } ?> <br/> <a href="<?php echo te_link($child); ?> " class="link_intro color100">Entrez ></a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php
/*********** handle actions **********/ if ($url->get('action') == 'relate') { //echo 'I must relate'; $target = $url->getObject('target_'); $relation->relate($source, $target); } if ($url->get('action') == 'unrelate') { //echo 'I must relate'; $target = $url->getObject('target_'); $relation->unrelate($source, $target); } $relations = $relation->getRelations($source); if ($relations) { foreach ($relations as $relation_object) { $relation_object->load(); $item['title'] = te_short($relation_object->getTitle(), 50); $item['icon'] = $relation_object->getIcon(); $url->set('action', 'unrelate'); $url->addObject($relation_object, 'target_'); $item['remove_url'] = $url->render(); $out['relation']['data'][] = $item; } } $url = new url(); $url->set('mode', 'relation'); $out['browse_url'] = $url->render('browser.php'); debug($out, 'OUT'); debug($relations); $out['title'] = 'Relations'; // include template file include 'relation.template.php';
} //$nodes[] = $current_node->getChildren(); } } if (isset($nodes) && is_array($nodes)) { $i = 0; foreach ($nodes as $node_item) { // reset node_info for next loop $node_info = false; /********************* Visit link *****************/ $url = new url(); $url->set('node_id', $node_item->getId()); $content = $node_item->getContent(); $content->load(); $node_info['id'] = $node_item->getId(); $node_info['title'] = te_short($node_item->getTitle(), 60); // . ' (' . $node_item->getOrder() . ')'; $node_info['full_title'] = $node_item->getTitle(); //$node_info['title'] .= $node_item->getLevel(); // . ' (' . $node_item->getOrder() . ')'; $node_info['icon'] = $content->getIcon(); $node_info['url'] = $url->render(); $node_info['level'] = $node_item->getLevel() + 1; /********************* Visit link *****************/ // a node can be "visited" only if it is allowed to add something inside it // else users could go inside a node and nothing could be done there if ($node_item->getAllowedItems()) { $url = new url(); $url->set('node_id', $node_item->getId()); $node_info['visit_url'] = $url->render(); } /********************* Delete link *****************/
$class = "tr_on"; } $i++; ?> <tr class="<?php echo $class; ?> "> <td class="power_cell power_cell_border"><img src="<?php echo $item['icon']; ?> "/></td> <td class="power_cell power_cell_border"><?php echo te_short($item['title'], 30); ?> </td> <td class="power_cell power_cell_border"> <a class="action_button" href="<?php echo $item['remove_url']; ?> "> <img src="ressource/image/icon/small/list-remove.png"> <?php echo translate('unrelate'); ?> </a> </td> </tr>
} // build a list of nodes within the current node : // if we are in root if ($we_are_root) { $nodes[] = $current_node; } else { if ($current_node->hasChildren()) { $nodes = $current_node->getChildren(); } } if (isset($nodes) && is_array($nodes)) { $i = 0; foreach ($nodes as $node_item) { $content = $node_item->getContent(); $content->load(); $item['title'] = te_short($content->getTitle(), 40); $item['icon'] = $content->getIcon(); $url = new url(); $url->keep('class'); $url->keep('mode'); $url->set('node_id', $node_item->getId()); $item['visit_url'] = $url->render(); if ($mode == 'relation') { $url->addObject($node_item, 'target_'); $url->set('action', 'relate'); $item['url'] = $url->render('relation.php'); } $out['items'][] = $item; } } }
$root = $thinkedit->newNode(); $root->loadRootNode(); echo '<title>' . strip_tags($root->getTitle()) . '</title>' . "\n"; echo '<link>TODO</link>' . "\n"; $root_content = $root->getContent(); echo '<description><![CDATA[' . "\n" . strip_tags($root_content->get('body')) . "\n" . ']]></description>'; echo ''; $db = $thinkedit->getDb(); $results = $db->select('select * from node where publish = 1 order by created_date desc, id desc limit 1, 20'); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $result) { $node = $thinkedit->newNode(); $node->load($result['id']); echo '<item>' . "\n"; echo '<title>' . ' <![CDATA[' . "\n" . $node->getTitle() . "\n" . ']]>' . '</title>' . "\n"; echo '<link>' . ' <![CDATA[' . "\n" . 'http://' . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . te_link($node) . "\n" . ']]>' . '</link>' . "\n"; $content = $node->getContent(); $content->load(); if ($content->get('intro')) { $intro = $content->get('intro'); } elseif ($content->get('body')) { $intro = te_short($content->get('body'), 200); } else { $intro = 'no description available'; } echo '<description>' . ' <![CDATA[' . "\n" . $intro . "\n" . ']]>' . '</description>' . "\n"; echo '</item>' . "\n"; } } echo '</channel>' . "\n"; echo '</rss>' . "\n";
check_user(); if ($url->get('action') == 'init') { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $session->set('action', 'relate'); $session->set('referrer', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { trigger_error('no referrer found, cannot relate currently'); } } if ($url->get('action') == 'relate') { $session->delete('action'); echo 'I need to do a relation'; } if ($url->get('action') == 'cancel') { } $source = $url->getObject(); debug($source, 'Source'); require_once ROOT . '/class/relation.class.php'; $out['title'] = 'Relations'; $relation = new relation(); $relations = $relation->getRelations($source); if ($relations) { foreach ($relations as $relation_object) { $item['title'] = te_short(20, $relation_object->getTitle()); $item['icon'] = $relation_object->getIcon(); $out['relation']['data'][] = $item; } } debug($out, 'OUT'); debug($relations); die;
if (is_array($sibling_menu->getArray(true))) { ?> <?php foreach ($sibling_menu->getArray(true) as $sibling_menu_item) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $sibling_menu_item->getUrl(); ?> " <?php if ($sibling_menu_item->isCurrent()) { ?> selected="selected"<?php } ?> ><?php echo te_short($sibling_menu_item->getTitle(), 50); ?> </option> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </select> <div style="margin-bottom: 30px;"></div> <?php } } ?>
?> "> <?php } else { ?> <img src="<?php echo te_design(); ?> /sources/vignette.gif"> <?php } ?> <br/> <div class="vignette_title"> <?php echo te_short($sub_content->getTitle(), 25); ?> </div> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php }
<?php if ($sub_content_file): ?> <div class="cover_intro"> <a href="<?php echo te_link($child);?>"> <img src="<?php echo $sub_content_file->getThumbnail(array('w'=>80, 'h'=>80, 'zc'=>1)); ?>"/> </a> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> */ ?> <div class="intro"> <?php echo te_short($sub_content->get('intro'), 120); ?> <br/> <a href="<?php echo te_link($child); ?> " class="link_intro color100">Entrez ></a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div>