Ejemplo n.º 1
function plugin_help()
    $name = gps('name');
    $help = $name ? safe_field('help', 'txp_plugin', "name = '" . doSlash($name) . "'") : '';
    echo startTable('edit') . tr(tda($help, ' width="600"')) . endTable();
Ejemplo n.º 2
function sec_section_list($message = '')
    pagetop(gTxt('sections'), $message);
    global $wlink;
    $pageslist = safe_column("name", "txp_page", "1=1");
    $styleslist = safe_column("name", "txp_css", "1=1");
    $out[] = tr(tdcs(strong(gTxt('section_head')) . popHelp('section_category'), 3));
    $out[] = tr(tdcs(form(fInput('text', 'name', '', 'edit', '', '', 10) . fInput('submit', '', gTxt('Create'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_create')), 3));
    $defrow = safe_row("page, css", "txp_section", "name like 'default'");
    $out[] = form(tr(td(gTxt('default')) . td(startTable('edit', 'left', '') . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pageslist, $defrow['page']) . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline')) . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styleslist, $defrow['css']) . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline')) . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox'), ' colspan="2" style="border:0"')) . endTable()) . td()) . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('name', 'default'));
    $rs = safe_rows_start("*", "txp_section", "name!='' order by name");
    if ($rs) {
        while ($a = nextRow($rs)) {
            if ($name == 'default') {
            $deletelink = dLink('section', 'section_delete', 'name', $name, '', 'type', 'section');
            $form = startTable('edit') . stackRows(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_name') . ':') . fInputCell('name', $name, 1, 20), fLabelCell(gTxt('section_longtitle') . ':') . fInputCell('title', $title, 1, 20), fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pageslist, $page) . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styleslist, $css) . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('selected_by_default') . '?') . td(yesnoradio('is_default', $is_default) . popHelp('section_is_default'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('on_front_page') . '?') . td(yesnoradio('on_frontpage', $on_frontpage) . popHelp('section_on_frontpage'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('syndicate') . '?') . td(yesnoradio('in_rss', $in_rss) . popHelp('section_syndicate'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('include_in_search') . '?') . td(yesnoradio('searchable', $searchable) . popHelp('section_searchable'), '', 'noline'), tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox'), ' colspan="2" style="border:0"')) . endTable() . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('old_name', $name);
            $form = form($form);
            $out[] = tr(td($name) . td($form) . td($deletelink));
    echo startTable('list') . join('', $out) . endTable();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function header()
     $out[] = '<table id="pagetop" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . n . '<tr id="branding"><td><h1 id="textpattern">Textpattern</h1></td><td id="navpop">' . navPop(1) . '</td></tr>' . n . '<tr id="nav-primary"><td align="center" class="tabs" colspan="2">';
     if (!$this->is_popup) {
         $out[] = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">' . n . '<tr><td id="messagepane">&nbsp;' . $this->announce($this->message) . '</td>';
         $secondary = '';
         foreach ($this->menu as $tab) {
             $tc = $tab['active'] ? 'tabup' : 'tabdown';
             $atts = ' class="' . $tc . '"';
             $hatts = ' href="?event=' . $tab['event'] . '" class="plain"';
             $out[] = tda(tag($tab['label'], 'a', $hatts), $atts);
             if ($tab['active'] && !empty($tab['items'])) {
                 $secondary = '</td></tr><tr id="nav-secondary"><td align="center" class="tabs" colspan="2">' . n . '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">' . n . '<tr>';
                 foreach ($tab['items'] as $item) {
                     $tc = $item['active'] ? 'tabup' : 'tabdown2';
                     $secondary .= '<td class="' . $tc . '"><a href="?event=' . $item['event'] . '" class="plain">' . $item['label'] . '</a></td>';
                 $secondary .= '</tr></table>';
         $out[] = '<td id="view-site" class="tabdown"><a href="' . hu . '" class="plain" target="_blank">' . gTxt('tab_view_site') . '</a></td>';
         $out[] = '</tr></table>';
         $out[] = $secondary;
     $out[] = '</td></tr></table>';
     return join(n, $out);
Ejemplo n.º 4
function areatab($label, $event, $tarea, $area)
    $tc = $area == $event ? 'tabup' : 'tabdown';
    $atts = ' class="' . $tc . '" onclick="window.location.href=\'?event=' . $tarea . '\'"';
    $hatts = ' href="?event=' . $tarea . '" class="plain"';
    return tda(tag($label, 'a', $hatts), $atts);
Ejemplo n.º 5
function areatab($label, $event, $tarea, $area)
    $tc = $area == $event ? 'tabup' : 'tabdown';
    $atts = ' class="' . $tc . '"';
    $hatts = ' href="?event=' . $tarea . '" class="plain"';
    return n . t . t . t . tda(tag($label, 'a', $hatts), $atts);
Ejemplo n.º 6
function discuss_list($message = '')
    pagetop(gTxt('list_discussions'), $message);
    extract(doSlash(gpsa(array('page', 'crit'))));
    $total = safe_count('txp_discuss', "1=1");
    $limit = max(@$comment_list_pageby, 25);
    $numPages = ceil($total / $limit);
    $page = !$page ? 1 : $page;
    $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
    $nav[] = $page > 1 ? PrevNextLink("discuss", $page - 1, gTxt('prev'), 'prev') : '';
    $nav[] = sp . small($page . '/' . $numPages) . sp;
    $nav[] = $page != $numPages ? PrevNextLink("discuss", $page + 1, gTxt('next'), 'next') : '';
    $criteria = $crit ? "message like '%{$crit}%'" : '1=1';
    $rs = safe_rows_start("*, unix_timestamp(posted) as uPosted", "txp_discuss", "{$criteria} order by posted desc limit {$offset}, {$limit}");
    echo pageby_form('discuss', $comment_list_pageby);
    if ($rs) {
        echo '<form action="index.php" method="post" name="longform" onsubmit="return verify(\'' . gTxt('are_you_sure') . '\')">', startTable('list'), assHead('date', 'name', 'message', 'parent', '');
        while ($a = nextRow($rs)) {
            $dmessage = $visible == SPAM ? short_preview($message) : $message;
            $date = "" . date("M d, g:ia", $uPosted + tz_offset()) . "";
            $editlink = eLink('discuss', 'discuss_edit', 'discussid', $discussid, $date);
            $cbox = fInput('checkbox', 'selected[]', $discussid);
            $tq = fetch('Title', 'textpattern', 'ID', $parentid);
            $parent = !$tq ? gTxt('article_deleted') : $tq;
            echo assRow(array($editlink => 100, $name => 100, $dmessage => 250, $parent => 100, $cbox => 20), ' class="' . ($visible == VISIBLE ? 'visible' : ($visible == SPAM ? 'spam' : 'moderate')) . '"');
        echo tr(tda(select_buttons() . discuss_multiedit_form(), ' colspan="5" style="text-align:right;border:0px"'));
        echo endTable() . '</form>';
        echo startTable('edit'), tr(td(form(fInput('text', 'crit', '', 'edit') . fInput('submit', 'search', gTxt('search'), 'smallbox') . eInput("discuss") . sInput("list"))) . td(graf(join('', $nav)))) . tr(tda(graf('<a href="index.php?event=discuss' . a . 'step=ipban_list">' . gTxt('list_banned_ips') . '</a>'), ' colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle"')), endTable();
    } else {
        echo graf(gTxt('no_comments_recorded'), ' align="center"');
Ejemplo n.º 7
function page_edit($message = '')
    global $step;
    pagetop(gTxt('edit_pages'), $message);
    extract(gpsa(array('name', 'div', 'newname', 'copy')));
    $name = (!$name or $step == 'page_delete') ? 'default' : $name;
    $name = $copy && trim(preg_replace('/[<>&"\']/', '', $newname)) ? $newname : $name;
    echo startTable('edit') . tr(tda(n . hed(gTxt('tagbuilder'), 2) . n . n . hed('<a href="#article-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'article-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('page_article_hed') . '</a>', 3, ' class="plain"') . n . '<div id="article-tags">' . taglinks('page_article') . '</div>' . n . n . hed('<a href="#article-nav-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'article-nav-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('page_article_nav_hed') . '</a>', 3, ' class="plain"') . n . '<div id="article-nav-tags" style="display: none;">' . taglinks('page_article_nav') . '</div>' . n . n . hed('<a href="#nav-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'nav-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('page_nav_hed') . '</a>', 3, ' class="plain"') . n . '<div id="nav-tags" style="display: none;">' . taglinks('page_nav') . '</div>' . n . n . hed('<a href="#xml-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'xml-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('page_xml_hed') . '</a>', 3, ' class="plain"') . n . '<div id="xml-tags" style="display: none;">' . taglinks('page_xml') . '</div>' . n . n . hed('<a href="#misc-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'misc-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('page_misc_hed') . '</a>', 3, ' class="plain"') . n . '<div id="misc-tags" style="display: none;">' . taglinks('page_misc') . '</div>' . n . n . hed('<a href="#file-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'file-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('page_file_hed') . '</a>', 3, ' class="plain"') . n . '<div id="file-tags" style="display: none;">' . taglinks('page_file') . '</div>', ' class="column"') . tda(page_edit_form($name), ' class="column"') . tda(hed(gTxt('all_pages'), 2) . page_list($name), ' class="column"')) . endTable();
Ejemplo n.º 8
function page_edit($message = '')
    global $step;
    pagetop(gTxt('edit_pages'), $message);
    extract(gpsa(array('name', 'div')));
    $name = (!$name or $step == 'page_delete') ? 'default' : $name;
    $divline = $step == "div_edit" ? graf(gTxt('you_are_editing_div') . sp . strong($div)) : '';
    echo startTable('edit') . tr(td() . td(graf(gTxt('you_are_editing_page') . sp . strong($name)) . $divline) . td()) . tr(tda(hed(gTxt('useful_tags'), 2) . graf(gTxt('page_article_hed') . br . small(taglinks('page_article')), ' class="column"') . graf(gTxt('page_article_nav_hed') . br . small(taglinks('page_article_nav')), ' class="column"') . graf(gTxt('page_nav_hed') . br . small(taglinks('page_nav')), ' class="column"') . graf(gTxt('page_xml_hed') . br . small(taglinks('page_xml')), ' class="column"') . graf(gTxt('page_misc_hed') . br . small(taglinks('page_misc')), ' class="column"') . graf(gTxt('page_file_hed') . br . small(taglinks('page_file')), ' class="column"')) . tda(page_edit_form($name), ' class="column"') . tda(hed(gTxt('all_pages'), 2) . page_list($name), ' class="column"')) . endTable();
Ejemplo n.º 9
function list_list($message = "", $post = '')
    $lvars = array("page", "sort", "dir", "crit", 'method');
    global $statuses, $step;
    pagetop("Textpattern", $message);
    $total = getCount('textpattern', "1");
    $limit = $article_list_pageby ? $article_list_pageby : 25;
    $numPages = ceil($total / $limit);
    $page = !$page ? 1 : $page;
    $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
    if (!$sort) {
        $sort = "Posted";
    if (!$dir) {
        $dir = "desc";
    if ($dir == "desc") {
        $linkdir = "asc";
    } else {
        $linkdir = "desc";
    if ($crit) {
        $critsql = array('title_body' => "Title rlike '{$crit}' or Body rlike '{$crit}'", 'author' => "AuthorID rlike '{$crit}'", 'categories' => "Category1 rlike '{$crit}' or Category2 rlike '{$crit}'", 'section' => "Section rlike '{$crit}'", 'status' => "Status rlike '{$crit}'");
        $criteria = $critsql[$method];
        $limit = 500;
    } else {
        $criteria = 1;
    $rs = safe_rows("*, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted", "textpattern", "{$criteria} order by {$sort} {$dir} limit {$offset},{$limit}");
    echo !$crit ? list_nav_form($page, $numPages, $sort, $dir) : '', list_searching_form($crit, $method);
    if ($rs) {
        echo '<form action="index.php" method="post" onsubmit="return verify(\'' . gTxt('are_you_sure') . '\')">', startTable('list'), '<tr>', column_head('posted', 'Posted', 'list', 1, $linkdir), column_head('title', 'Title', 'list', 1, $linkdir), $use_sections ? column_head('section', 'Section', 'list', 1, $linkdir) : '', $use_categories ? column_head('category1', 'Category1', 'list', 1, $linkdir) . column_head('category2', 'Category2', 'list', 1, $linkdir) : '', hCell(gTxt('Author')), column_head(gTxt('status'), 'Status', 'list', 1, $linkdir), td(), '</tr>';
        foreach ($rs as $a) {
            if ($use_categories == 1) {
                $cat1 = $Category1;
                $cat2 = $Category2;
            $stat = !empty($Status) ? $statuses[$Status] : '';
            if ($use_sections == 1) {
                $sect = $Section;
            $adate = date("d M y", $uPosted + $timeoffset);
            $alink = eLink('article', 'edit', 'ID', $ID, $adate);
            $tlink = eLink('article', 'edit', 'ID', $ID, $Title);
            $modbox = fInput('checkbox', 'selected[]', $ID);
            echo "<tr>" . n, td($alink), td($tlink, 200), $use_sections ? td($sect, 75) : '', $use_categories ? td($cat1, 75) . td($cat2, 75) : '', td($AuthorID), td($stat, 45), td($modbox), '</tr>' . n;
        echo tr(tda(list_multiedit_form(), ' colspan="8" style="text-align:right;border:0px"'));
        echo "</table></form>";
        echo pageby_form('list', $article_list_pageby);
Ejemplo n.º 10
function page_edit($message = '')
    global $step;
    pagetop(gTxt('edit_pages'), $message);
    extract(gpsa(array('name', 'newname', 'copy')));
    if (!$name or $step == 'page_delete') {
        $name = safe_field('page', 'txp_section', "name = 'default'");
    $name = $copy && trim(preg_replace('/[<>&"\']/', '', $newname)) ? $newname : $name;
    echo startTable('edit') . tr(tda(n . hed(gTxt('tagbuilder'), 2) . n . n . hed('<a href="#article-tags">' . gTxt('page_article_hed') . '</a>', 3, ' class="plain lever expanded"') . n . '<div id="article-tags" class="toggle on" style="display:block">' . taglinks('page_article') . '</div>' . n . n . hed('<a href="#article-nav-tags">' . gTxt('page_article_nav_hed') . '</a>', 3, ' class="plain lever"') . n . '<div id="article-nav-tags" class="toggle" style="display:none">' . taglinks('page_article_nav') . '</div>' . n . n . hed('<a href="#nav-tags">' . gTxt('page_nav_hed') . '</a>', 3, ' class="plain lever"') . n . '<div id="nav-tags" class="toggle" style="display:none">' . taglinks('page_nav') . '</div>' . n . n . hed('<a href="#xml-tags">' . gTxt('page_xml_hed') . '</a>', 3, ' class="plain lever"') . n . '<div id="xml-tags" class="toggle" style="display:none">' . taglinks('page_xml') . '</div>' . n . n . hed('<a href="#misc-tags">' . gTxt('page_misc_hed') . '</a>', 3, ' class="plain lever"') . n . '<div id="misc-tags" class="toggle" style="display:none">' . taglinks('page_misc') . '</div>' . n . n . hed('<a href="#file-tags">' . gTxt('page_file_hed') . '</a>', 3, ' class="plain lever"') . n . '<div id="file-tags" class="toggle" style="display:none">' . taglinks('page_file') . '</div>', ' class="column"') . tda(page_edit_form($name), ' class="column"') . tda(hed(gTxt('all_pages'), 2) . page_list($name), ' class="column"')) . endTable();
Ejemplo n.º 11
function list_plugins($message = '')
    pagetop(gTxt('edit_plugins'), $message);
    echo startTable('list') . tr(tda(plugin_form() . plugin_form_old(), ' colspan="5" style="border:0;height:50px"')) . assHead('plugin', 'author', 'version', 'description', 'active', '');
    $rs = safe_rows("*", "txp_plugin", "1 order by name");
    foreach ($rs as $a) {
        // nice to have eval() do a syntax check on the plugin here
        echo tr(td(eLink('plugin', 'edit', 'name', $name, $name), 150) . td('<a href="' . $author_uri . '">' . $author . '</a>', 100) . td($version, 10) . td($description, 260) . td(status_link($status, $name, yes_no($status)), 30) . td(dLink('plugin', 'delete', 'name', $name), 30));
        unset($name, $page, $deletelink);
    echo endTable();
Ejemplo n.º 12
function sec_section_list($message = '')
    global $wlink;
    pagetop(gTxt('sections'), $message);
    $default = safe_row('page, css', 'txp_section', "name = 'default'");
    $pages = safe_column('name', 'txp_page', "1 = 1");
    $styles = safe_column('name', 'txp_css', "1 = 1");
    echo n . n . startTable('list') . n . n . tr(tda(n . n . hed(gTxt('section_head') . sp . popHelp('section_category'), 1) . n . n . form(fInput('text', 'name', '', 'edit', '', '', 10) . fInput('submit', '', gTxt('create'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_create')), ' colspan="3"')) . n . n . tr(td(gTxt('default')) . td(form('<table>' . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pages, $default['page']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline')) . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styles, $default['css']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline')) . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('name', 'default'), ' colspan="2" class="noline"')) . endTable())) . td());
    $rs = safe_rows_start('*', 'txp_section', "name != 'default' order by name");
    if ($rs) {
        while ($a = nextRow($rs)) {
            echo n . n . tr(n . td($name) . n . td(form('<table>' . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_name') . ':') . fInputCell('name', $name, 1, 20)) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_longtitle') . ':') . fInputCell('title', $title, 1, 20)) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pages, $page) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styles, $css) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('selected_by_default')) . td(yesnoradio('is_default', $is_default, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_is_default'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('on_front_page')) . td(yesnoradio('on_frontpage', $on_frontpage, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_on_frontpage'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('syndicate')) . td(yesnoradio('in_rss', $in_rss, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_syndicate'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('include_in_search')) . td(yesnoradio('searchable', $searchable, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_searchable'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('old_name', $name), ' colspan="2" class="noline"')) . endTable(), '', '', 'post', '', 'section-' . $name)) . td(dLink('section', 'section_delete', 'name', $name, '', 'type', 'section')), " id=\"section-{$name}\"");
    echo n . n . endTable();
Ejemplo n.º 13
function switch_tool()
    global $vars, $event, $step, $tools;
    pagetop(gTxt('txp_import'), '');

<script type="text/javascript">
function showHideFields($sel)
		document.getElementById('mtblogid').style.display = ($sel=='mtdb') ? 'block': 'none';
		document.getElementById('wponly').style.display =  ($sel=='wp') ? 'block': 'none';
		document.getElementById('databased').style.display = ($sel=='wp' || $sel=='mtdb' || $sel=='b2')? 'block':'none';

    $content = startTable('edit');
    $content .= tr(tdcs(hed(gTxt('txp_import'), 3), 2));
    //Select tool
    $content .= tr(fLabelCell('select_tool', 'import', 'from') . td(tag(type_options($tools), 'select', " name=\"import_tool\" onchange=\"showHideFields(this.value);\""), '', 'from'), ' class="import-from"');
    //Some data we collect
    $content .= tr(fLabelCell('import_section', 'import_section', 'section') . td(import_section_popup(''), '', 'section'), ' class="import-section"');
    $status_options = array(4 => gTxt('live'), 1 => gTxt('draft'), 2 => gTxt('hidden'), 3 => gTxt('pending'));
    $content .= tr(fLabelCell('import_status', 'import_status', 'status') . td(type_select($status_options), '', 'status'), ' class="import-status"');
    $content .= tr(fLabelCell('import_invite', 'import_invite', 'comment-invite') . td(fInput('text', 'comments_invite', gTxt('comments'), 'edit'), '', 'comment-invite'), ' class="import-comment"');
    //DataBase imports only
    $databased = tr(tdcs(hed(gTxt('database_stuff'), 3), 2)) . tr(fLabelCell('import_database', 'import_database', 'database') . td(fInput('text', 'importdb', '', 'edit'), '', 'database'), ' class="import-database"') . tr(fLabelCell('import_login', 'import_login', 'login') . td(fInput('text', 'importdblogin', '', 'edit'), '', 'login'), ' class="import-login"') . tr(fLabelCell('import_password', 'import_password', 'password') . td(fInput('text', 'importdbpass', '', 'edit'), '', 'password'), ' class="import-password"') . tr(fLabelCell('import_host', 'import_host', 'host') . td(fInput('text', 'importdbhost', '', 'edit'), '', 'host'), ' class="import-host"');
    //Ugly, but a way to present a clean screen with only required fields
    //while we keep JavaScript code at minimum
    $content .= tr(tda(tag($databased, 'table', ' id="databased" style="display: none; border: none;"'), ' colspan="2"'));
    //MT-DB Specific
    $mtblogid = tr(fLabelCell('import_blogid', 'import_blogid', 'blog-id') . td(fInput('text', 'blog_id', '', 'edit'), '', 'blog-id'), ' class="import-blog-id"');
    $content .= tr(tda(tag($mtblogid, 'table', ' id="mtblogid" style="display: none;  border: none;"'), ' colspan="2"'));
    //WordPress specific option
    $wponly = tr(fLabelCell('import_wpprefix', 'import_wpprefix', 'wp-prefix') . td(fInput('text', 'wpdbprefix', 'wp_', 'edit'), '', 'wp-prefix'), ' class="import-wp-prefix"');
    $content .= tr(tda(tag($wponly, 'table', ' id="wponly" style="display: none;  border: none;"'), ' colspan="2"'));
    $content .= endTable();
    $content .= tag(fInput('submit', 'choose', gTxt('continue'), 'publish'), 'p', ' style="text-align:center"');
    $content .= sInput('start_import') . eInput('import');
    echo '<div id="' . $event . '_container" class="txp-container txp-edit">' . form($content, '', '', 'post', '', '', 'import') . '</div>';
Ejemplo n.º 14
function sec_section_list($message = '')
    global $wlink;
    pagetop(gTxt('sections'), $message);
    $default = safe_row('page, css', 'txp_section', "name = 'default'");
    $home = safe_row('page, css', 'txp_section', "name = 'home'");
    $pages = safe_column('name', 'txp_page', "1 = 1");
    $styles = safe_column('name', 'txp_css', "1 = 1");
    echo n . n . startTable('list') . n . n . tr(tda(n . n . hed(gTxt('section_head') . sp . popHelp('section_category'), 1) . n . n . form(fInput('text', 'name', '', 'edit', '', '', 10) . fInput('submit', '', gTxt('create'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_create')), ' colspan="3"')) . n . n . tr(tda(gTxt('home'), ' onclick="toggleDisplay(\'section_home\'); return false;"') . td(form('<table id="section_home">' . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pages, $home['page']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline')) . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styles, $home['css']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline')) . pluggable_ui('section_ui', 'extend_detail_form', '', $home) . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('name', 'home'), ' colspan="2" class="noline"')) . endTable())) . td()) . n . n . tr(tda(gTxt('default'), ' onclick="toggleDisplay(\'section_default\'); return false;"') . td(form('<table id="section_default">' . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pages, $default['page']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline')) . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styles, $default['css']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline')) . pluggable_ui('section_ui', 'extend_detail_form', '', $default) . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('name', 'default'), ' colspan="2" class="noline"')) . endTable())) . td());
    $rs = safe_rows_start('*', 'txp_section', "name != 'default' AND name != 'home' order by name");
    if ($rs) {
        while ($a = nextRow($rs)) {
            echo n . n . tr(n . tda($name, ' onclick="toggleDisplay(\'section_' . $name . '\'); return false;"') . n . td(form('<table id="section_' . $name . '">' . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_name') . ':') . fInputCell('name', $name, 1, 20)) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_longtitle') . ':') . fInputCell('title', $title, 1, 20)) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pages, $page) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styles, $css) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('selected_by_default')) . td(yesnoradio('is_default', $is_default, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_is_default'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('on_front_page')) . td(yesnoradio('on_frontpage', $on_frontpage, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_on_frontpage'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('syndicate')) . td(yesnoradio('in_rss', $in_rss, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_syndicate'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('include_in_search')) . td(yesnoradio('searchable', $searchable, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_searchable'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_descr') . ':') . fTextCell('descr', $descr, 1, 4, 20)) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_metakey') . ':') . fInputCell('metakey', $metakey, 1, 20)) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_metadesc') . ':') . fTextCell('metadesc', $metadesc, 1, 4, 20)) . pluggable_ui('section_ui', 'extend_detail_form', '', $a) . n . n . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('old_name', $name), ' colspan="2" class="noline"')) . endTable(), '', '', 'post', '', 'section-' . $name)) . td(dLink('section', 'section_delete', 'name', $name, '', 'type', 'section')), " id=\"section-{$name}\" class=\"jsection\" ");
    echo n . n . endTable();
Ejemplo n.º 15
function page_edit($message = '')
    global $event, $step;
    pagetop(gTxt('edit_pages'), $message);
    extract(gpsa(array('name', 'newname', 'copy', 'savenew')));
    if ($step == 'page_delete' || empty($name) && $step != 'page_new' && !$savenew) {
        $name = safe_field('page', 'txp_section', "name = 'default'");
    } elseif (($copy || $savenew) && trim(preg_replace('/[<>&"\']/', '', $newname))) {
        $name = $newname;
    // Format of each entry is popTagLink -> array ( gTxt() string, class/ID)
    $tagbuild_items = array('page_article' => array('page_article_hed', 'article-tags'), 'page_article_nav' => array('page_article_nav_hed', 'article-nav-tags'), 'page_nav' => array('page_nav_hed', 'nav-tags'), 'page_xml' => array('page_xml_hed', 'xml-tags'), 'page_misc' => array('page_misc_hed', 'misc-tags'), 'page_file' => array('page_file_hed', 'file-tags'));
    $tagbuild_options = '';
    foreach ($tagbuild_items as $tb => $item) {
        $tagbuild_options .= n . n . '<div class="' . $item[1] . '">' . hed('<a href="#' . $item[1] . '">' . gTxt($item[0]) . '</a>', 3, ' class="plain lever' . (get_pref('pane_page_' . $item[1] . '_visible') ? ' expanded' : '') . '"') . n . '<div id="' . $item[1] . '" class="toggle" style="display:' . (get_pref('pane_page_' . $item[1] . '_visible') ? 'block' : 'none') . '">' . taglinks($tb) . '</div></div>';
    echo '<div id="' . $event . '_container" class="txp-container txp-edit">' . startTable('edit', '', 'edit-pane') . tr(tda('<div id="tagbuild_links">' . n . hed(gTxt('tagbuilder'), 2) . $tagbuild_options . n . '</div>', ' class="column"') . tda(page_edit_form($name), ' class="column"') . tda('<div id="content_switcher">' . hed(gTxt('all_pages'), 2) . graf(sLink('page', 'page_new', gTxt('create_new_page')), ' class="action-create smallerbox"') . page_list($name) . '</div>', ' class="column"')) . endTable() . '</div>';
Ejemplo n.º 16
function pCell($item, $var, $format, $size = "", $nohelp = "")
    $var = stripslashes($var);
    $out = tda(gTxt($item), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"');
    switch ($format) {
        case "radio":
            $in = yesnoradio($item, $var);
        case "input":
            $in = text_input($item, $var, $size);
        case "timeoffset":
            $in = timeoffset_select($item, $var);
        case 'commentmode':
            $in = commentmode($item, $var);
        case 'cases':
            $in = cases($item, $var);
        case 'dateformats':
            $in = dateformats($item, $var);
        case 'weeks':
            $in = weeks($item, $var);
        case 'logging':
            $in = logging($item, $var);
        case 'languages':
            $in = languages($item, $var);
        case 'text':
            $in = text($item, $var);
        case 'urlmodes':
            $in = urlmodes($item, $var);
    $out .= td($in);
    $out .= $nohelp != 1 ? tda(popHelp($item), ' style="vertical-align:middle"') : td();
    return tr($out);
Ejemplo n.º 17
function sec_section_list($message = '')
    global $wlink, $event;
    pagetop(gTxt('sections'), $message);
    $default = safe_row('page, css', 'txp_section', "name = 'default'");
    $pages = safe_column('name', 'txp_page', "1 = 1");
    $styles = safe_column('name', 'txp_css', "1 = 1");
    echo n . '<div id="' . $event . '_container" class="txp-container txp-list">';
    echo n . n . startTable('list') . n . n . tr(tda(n . n . hed(gTxt('section_head') . sp . popHelp('section_category'), 2) . n . '<div id="' . $event . '_control" class="txp-control-panel">' . n . n . form(fInput('text', 'name', '', 'edit', '', '', 10) . fInput('submit', '', gTxt('create'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_create'), '', '', 'post', 'edit-form', '', 'section_create') . n . '</div>', ' colspan="3"')) . n . n . tr(td(gTxt('default'), '', 'label') . td(form('<table>' . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pages, $default['page']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline'), ' class="uses-page"') . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styles, $default['css']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline'), ' class="uses-style"') . pluggable_ui('section_ui', 'extend_detail_form', '', $default) . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('name', 'default'), ' colspan="2" class="noline"')) . endTable())) . td(), ' class="section default"');
    $rs = safe_rows_start('*', 'txp_section', "name != 'default' order by name");
    if ($rs) {
        $ctr = 1;
        while ($a = nextRow($rs)) {
            echo n . n . tr(n . td($name, '', 'label') . n . td(form('<table>' . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_name') . ':') . fInputCell('name', $name, 1, 20), ' class="name"') . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_longtitle') . ':') . fInputCell('title', $title, 1, 20), ' class="title"') . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pages, $page) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline'), ' class="uses-page"') . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styles, $css) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline'), ' class="uses-style"') . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('selected_by_default')) . td(yesnoradio('is_default', $is_default, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_is_default'), '', 'noline'), ' class="option is-default"') . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('on_front_page')) . td(yesnoradio('on_frontpage', $on_frontpage, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_on_frontpage'), '', 'noline'), ' class="option on-frontpage"') . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('syndicate')) . td(yesnoradio('in_rss', $in_rss, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_syndicate'), '', 'noline'), ' class="option in-rss"') . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('include_in_search')) . td(yesnoradio('searchable', $searchable, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_searchable'), '', 'noline'), ' class="option is-searchable"') . pluggable_ui('section_ui', 'extend_detail_form', '', $a) . n . n . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('old_name', $name), ' colspan="2" class="noline"')) . endTable(), '', '', 'post', '', 'section-' . $name), '', 'main') . td(dLink('section', 'section_delete', 'name', $name, '', 'type', 'section'), '', 'actions'), ' id="section-' . $name . '" class="section ' . ($ctr % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd') . '"');
    echo n . n . endTable() . '</div>';
Ejemplo n.º 18
function link_edit($message = "")
    global $vars, $step;
    pagetop(gTxt('edit_links', $message));
    $id = gps('id');
    if ($id && $step == 'link_edit') {
        extract(safe_row("*", "txp_link", "id = {$id}"));
    if ($step == 'link_save' or $step == 'link_post') {
        foreach ($vars as $var) {
            ${$var} = '';
    $textarea = '<textarea name="description" cols="40" rows="7" tabindex="4">' . $description . '</textarea>';
    $selects = linkcategory_popup($category);
    $editlink = ' [' . eLink('category', 'list', '', '', gTxt('edit')) . ']';
    $out = startTable('edit') . tr(fLabelCell('title') . fInputCell('linkname', $linkname, 1, 30)) . tr(fLabelCell('sort_value') . fInputCell('linksort', $linksort, 2, 15)) . tr(fLabelCell('url', 'link_url') . fInputCell('url', $url, 3, 30)) . tr(fLabelCell('link_category', 'link_category') . td($selects . $editlink)) . tr(fLabelCell('description', 'link_description') . tda($textarea, ' valign="top"')) . tr(td() . td(fInput("submit", '', gTxt('save'), "publish"))) . endTable() . eInput('link') . sInput($step == 'link_edit' ? 'link_save' : 'link_post') . hInput('id', $id);
    echo form($out);
    echo link_list();
Ejemplo n.º 19
function form_list($curname)
    global $step;
    $out[] = startTable('list');
    $out[] = tr(tda(sLink('form', 'form_create', gTxt('create_new_form')), ' colspan="3" style="height:30px"'));
    $out[] = assHead('form', 'type', '');
    $methods = array('delete' => 'delete');
    $rs = safe_rows("*", "txp_form", "1 order by name");
    if ($rs) {
        foreach ($rs as $a) {
            $editlink = $curname != $name ? eLink('form', 'form_edit', 'name', $name, $name) : $name;
            $modbox = $name != 'comments' && $name != 'comment_form' && $name != 'default' && $name != 'Links' ? '<input type="checkbox" name="selected_forms[]" value="' . $name . '" />' : sp;
            $out[] = tr(td($editlink) . td(small($type)) . td($modbox));
        $out[] = endTable();
        $out[] = eInput('form') . sInput('form_multi_edit');
        $out[] = graf(selectInput('method', $methods, '', 1) . sp . gTxt('selected') . sp . fInput('submit', 'form_multi_edit', gTxt('go'), 'smallerbox'), ' align="right"');
        return form(join('', $out), '', "verify('" . gTxt('are_you_sure') . "')");
Ejemplo n.º 20
function form_list($curname)
    global $step, $essential_forms;
    $out[] = startTable('list');
    $out[] = tr(tda(sLink('form', 'form_create', gTxt('create_new_form')), ' colspan="3" style="height:30px"'));
    $out[] = assHead('form', 'type', '');
    $methods = array('delete' => gTxt('delete'));
    $rs = safe_rows_start("*", "txp_form", "1 order by type asc, name asc");
    if ($rs) {
        while ($a = nextRow($rs)) {
            $editlink = $curname != $name ? eLink('form', 'form_edit', 'name', $name, $name) : htmlspecialchars($name);
            $modbox = !in_array($name, $essential_forms) ? '<input type="checkbox" name="selected_forms[]" value="' . $name . '" />' : sp;
            $out[] = tr(td($editlink) . td(small($type)) . td($modbox));
        $out[] = endTable();
        $out[] = eInput('form') . sInput('form_multi_edit');
        $out[] = graf(selectInput('edit_method', $methods, '', 1) . sp . gTxt('selected') . sp . fInput('submit', 'form_multi_edit', gTxt('go'), 'smallerbox'), ' align="right"');
        return form(join('', $out), '', "verify('" . gTxt('are_you_sure') . "')");
Ejemplo n.º 21
function image_list($message = '')
    global $txpcfg, $extensions, $path_from_root, $img_dir;
    $pfr = $path_from_root;
    pagetop(gTxt('image'), $message);
    echo pageby_form('image', $article_list_pageby);
    echo startTable('list'), tr(tda(upload_form(gTxt('upload_file'), gTxt('upload'), 'image_insert'), ' colspan="4" style="border:0"')), tr(hCell(ucfirst(gTxt('name'))) . hCell(gTxt('image_category')) . hCell(gTxt('tags')) . hCell(gTxt('author')) . hCell(gTxt('thumbnail')) . hCell());
    $page = gps('page');
    $total = getCount('txp_image', "1");
    $limit = 15;
    $numPages = ceil($total / $limit);
    $page = !$page ? 1 : $page;
    $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
    $nav[] = $page > 1 ? PrevNextLink("image", $page - 1, gTxt('prev'), 'prev') : '';
    $nav[] = sp . small($page . '/' . $numPages) . sp;
    $nav[] = $page != $numPages ? PrevNextLink("image", $page + 1, gTxt('next'), 'next') : '';
    $rs = safe_rows("*", "txp_image", "1 order by category,name limit {$offset},{$limit}");
    if ($rs) {
        foreach ($rs as $a) {
            $thumbnail = $thumbnail ? '<img src="' . $pfr . $img_dir . '/' . $id . 't' . $ext . '" />' : gTxt('no');
            $elink = eLink('image', 'image_edit', 'id', $id, $name);
            $txtilelink = '<a target="_blank" href="?event=tag' . a . 'name=image' . a . 'id=' . $id . a . 'ext=' . $ext . a . 'alt=' . $alt . a . 'h=' . $h . a . 'w=' . $w . a . 'type=textile" onclick="window.open(this.href, \'popupwindow\', \'width=400,height=400,scrollbars,resizable\'); return false;">Textile</a>';
            $txplink = '<a target="_blank" href="?event=tag' . a . 'name=image' . a . 'id=' . $id . a . 'type=textpattern" onclick="window.open(this.href, \'popupwindow\', \'width=400,height=400,scrollbars,resizable\'); return false;">Textpattern</a>';
            $xhtmlink = '<a target="_blank" href="?event=tag' . a . 'name=image' . a . 'id=' . $id . a . 'ext=' . $ext . a . 'h=' . $h . a . 'w=' . $w . a . 'type=xhtml" onclick="window.open(this.href, \'popupwindow\', \'width=400,height=400,scrollbars,resizable\'); return false;">XHTML</a>';
            $dlink = dLink('image', 'image_delete', 'id', $id);
            echo tr(td($elink) . td($category) . td($txtilelink . ' / ' . $txplink . ' / ' . $xhtmlink) . td($author) . td($thumbnail) . td($dlink, 10));
        echo tr(tdcs(graf(join('', $nav)), 4));
    echo endTable();
    $imgdir = $doc_root . $path_from_root . $img_dir;
    if (!is_dir($imgdir) or !is_writeable($imgdir)) {
        echo graf(str_replace("{imgdir}", $imgdir, gTxt('img_dir_not_writeable')), ' style="text-align:center;color:red"');
Ejemplo n.º 22
function rss_admin_editlink($event, $step)
    global $rss_ae_cookie;
    include txpath . '/include/txp_prefs.php';
    if (!isset($rss_ae_cookie)) {
        $rss_ae_cookie = "rss_article_edit";
        $rs = safe_insert('txp_prefs', "name='rss_ae_cookie', val='{$rss_ae_cookie}', prefs_id='1'");
    if (gps("add")) {
        safe_update("txp_prefs", "val = '" . addslashes(ps('rss_ae_cookie')) . "'", "name = 'rss_ae_cookie' and prefs_id ='1'");
        setcookie($rss_ae_cookie, $rss_ae_cookie, time() + 31536000, "/");
        header("Location: index.php?event=editlink");
    } else {
        if (gps("rem")) {
            safe_update("txp_prefs", "val = '" . addslashes(ps('rss_ae_cookie')) . "'", "name = 'rss_ae_cookie' and prefs_id ='1'");
            setcookie($rss_ae_cookie, $rss_ae_cookie, time() - 3600, "/");
            header("Location: index.php?event=editlink");
    pagetop("Edit Link");
    $aeset = isset($_COOKIE[$rss_ae_cookie]) ? "" : " not";
    $tdaStyle = ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"';
    echo form(startTable("list") . tr(tdcs(hed("Add/Remove Public Site Article Edit Link", 1), 2)) . tr(tda(graf('Cookie ' . $rss_ae_cookie . ' is' . $aeset . ' set.', ' align="center"'), ' colspan="2"')) . tr(tda(gTxt('Cookie Name:'), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"') . tda(text_input("rss_ae_cookie", $rss_ae_cookie, '20'), ' ')) . tr(tda(graf(fInput("submit", "add", gTxt("Add Edit Link"), "publish") . fInput("submit", "rem", gTxt("Remove Edit Link"), "publish") . eInput("editlink"), ' align="center"'), ' colspan="2"')) . endTable());
function customers_list($event = '', $step = '', $message = '')
    global $statuses, $comments_disabled_after, $step, $txp_user;
    pagetop("Customers", $message);
    extract(gpsa(array('page', 'sort', 'dir', 'crit', 'qty', 'search_method')));
    $sesutats = array_flip($statuses);
    $dir = $dir == 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
    switch ($sort) {
        case 'RealName':
            $sort_sql = 'RealName ' . $dir;
        case 'orders':
            $sort_sql = 'orders ' . $dir;
            $dir = 'desc';
            $sort_sql = 'user_id ' . $dir;
    $switch_dir = $dir == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
    $criteria = "privs = 0";
    if ($search_method and $crit) {
        $crit_escaped = doSlash($crit);
        $critsql = array('id' => "ID = '{$crit_escaped}'", 'title_body' => "Title rlike '{$crit_escaped}' or Body rlike '{$crit_escaped}'", 'section' => "Section rlike '{$crit_escaped}'", 'categories' => "Category1 rlike '{$crit_escaped}' or Category2 rlike '{$crit_escaped}'", 'status' => "Status = '" . @$sesutats[gTxt($crit_escaped)] . "'", 'author' => "AuthorID rlike '{$crit_escaped}'");
        if (array_key_exists($search_method, $critsql)) {
            $criteria = $critsql[$search_method];
            $limit = 500;
        } else {
            $search_method = '';
            $crit = '';
    } else {
        $search_method = '';
        $crit = '';
    $total = safe_count('txp_users', "{$criteria}");
    if (isset($qty)) {
        $customers_list_pageby = $qty;
    } else {
        $customers_list_pageby = 15;
    $limit = max(@$customers_list_pageby, 15);
    list($page, $offset, $numPages) = pager($total, $limit, $page);
    $rs = safe_rows_start('*', 'txp_users', "{$criteria} order by {$sort_sql} limit {$offset}, {$limit}");
    $customersOnPage = $offset + $limit;
    if ($rs) {
        echo n . n . '<form name="longform" method="post" action="index.php" onsubmit="return verify(\'' . gTxt('are_you_sure') . '\')">' . n . startTable('list', '', '', '', '700') . n . tr(n . tda("Displaying {$offset} - {$customersOnPage} of {$total} customers", ' colspan="2" style="border: none; padding-bottom: 15px;"') . n . tda('<a href="?event=customers&step=edit_customer" class="navlink">Add a new customer</a> <a href="?event=customers&step=export_customer" class="navlink">Export customers</a>', ' colspan="2" style="text-align: right; border: none; padding-bottom: 15px;"')) . n . tr(n . column_head('Customer', 'RealName', 'customers', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method) . column_head('Phone', 'shipping_phone', 'customers', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method) . column_head('Email', 'email', 'customers', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method) . column_head('Orders', 'order_num', 'customers', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method));
        include_once txpath . '/publish/taghandlers.php';
        while ($a = nextRow($rs)) {
            $order_num = safe_count("orders", "user_id = {$user_id}");
            $RealName = eLink('customers', 'edit_customer', 'user_id', $user_id, $RealName);
            $Orders = eLink('order', 'edit', 'customer', $name, $order_num);
            echo n . n . tr(n . td($RealName, "25%") . td($billing_phone, "25%") . td($email, "25%") . td($Orders, "25%"));
        echo n . endTable() . n . '</form>' . n . nav_form('customers', $page, $numPages, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method) . n . pageby_form('customers', $customers_list_pageby);
Ejemplo n.º 24
function getTxpLogin()
    $carry = postDecode(ps('carry'));
    $GLOBALS['textarray'] = setup_load_lang($lang);
    @(include txpath . '/config.php');
    if (!isset($txpcfg) || $txpcfg['db'] != $ddb || $txpcfg['table_prefix'] != $dprefix) {
        echo graf(strong(gTxt('before_you_proceed')) . ', ' . gTxt('create_config', array('{txpath}' => txpath))), '<textarea style="width:400px;height:200px" name="config" rows="1" cols="1">', makeConfig($carry), '</textarea>', '<form action="' . $GLOBALS['rel_siteurl'] . '/textpattern/setup/index.php" method="post">', fInput('submit', 'submit', gTxt('did_it'), 'smallbox'), sInput('getTxpLogin'), hInput('carry', postEncode($carry)), '</form>';
    echo '<form action="' . $GLOBALS['rel_siteurl'] . '/textpattern/setup/index.php" method="post">', startTable('edit'), tr(tda(graf(gTxt('thanks')) . graf(gTxt('about_to_create')), ' width="400" colspan="2" align="center"')), tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('your_full_name')) . fInputCell('RealName')), tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('setup_login')) . fInputCell('name')), tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('choose_password')) . fInputCell('pass')), tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('your_email')) . fInputCell('email')), tr(td() . td(fInput('submit', 'Submit', gTxt('next'), 'publish'))), endTable(), sInput('createTxp'), hInput('lang', htmlspecialchars($lang)), hInput('siteurl', htmlspecialchars($siteurl)), '</form>';
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * Generates a &lt;table&gt; of every language that Textpattern supports.
 * If requested with HTTP POST parameter 'force' set anything other than 'file',
 * outputs any errors in RPC server connection.
 * @param string|array $message The activity message
function list_languages($message = '')
    require_once txpath . '/lib/IXRClass.php';
    $active_lang = safe_field("val", 'txp_prefs', "name = 'language'");
    $lang_form = tag(form(tag(gTxt('active_language'), 'label', array('for' => 'language')) . languages('language', $active_lang) . eInput('lang') . sInput('save_language')), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-control-panel'));
    $client = new IXR_Client(RPC_SERVER);
    //    $client->debug = true;
    $available_lang = array();
    $rpc_connect = false;
    $show_files = false;
    // Get items from RPC.
    // TODO: 90 seconds: seriously?
    if ($client->query('tups.listLanguages', get_pref('blog_uid'))) {
        $rpc_connect = true;
        $response = $client->getResponse();
        foreach ($response as $language) {
            $available_lang[$language['language']]['rpc_lastmod'] = gmmktime($language['lastmodified']->hour, $language['lastmodified']->minute, $language['lastmodified']->second, $language['lastmodified']->month, $language['lastmodified']->day, $language['lastmodified']->year);
    } elseif (gps('force') != 'file') {
        $msg = gTxt('rpc_connect_error') . "<!--" . $client->getErrorCode() . ' ' . $client->getErrorMessage() . "-->";
    // Get items from Filesystem.
    $files = get_lang_files();
    if (is_array($files) && !empty($files)) {
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            if ($fp = @fopen(txpath . DS . 'lang' . DS . $file, 'r')) {
                $name = preg_replace('/\\.(txt|textpack)$/i', '', $file);
                $firstline = fgets($fp, 4069);
                if (strpos($firstline, '#@version') !== false) {
                    @(list($fversion, $ftime) = explode(';', trim(substr($firstline, strpos($firstline, ' ', 1)))));
                } else {
                    $fversion = $ftime = null;
                $available_lang[$name]['file_note'] = isset($fversion) ? $fversion : 0;
                $available_lang[$name]['file_lastmod'] = isset($ftime) ? $ftime : 0;
    // Get installed items from the database.
    // We need a value here for the language itself, not for each one of the rows.
    $rows = safe_rows("lang, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MAX(lastmod)) AS lastmod", 'txp_lang', "1 = 1 GROUP BY lang ORDER BY lastmod DESC");
    $installed_lang = array();
    foreach ($rows as $language) {
        $available_lang[$language['lang']]['db_lastmod'] = $language['lastmod'];
        if ($language['lang'] != $active_lang) {
            $installed_lang[] = $language['lang'];
    $list = '';
    // Create the language table components.
    foreach ($available_lang as $langname => $langdat) {
        $file_updated = isset($langdat['db_lastmod']) && @$langdat['file_lastmod'] > $langdat['db_lastmod'];
        $rpc_updated = @$langdat['rpc_lastmod'] > @$langdat['db_lastmod'];
        $rpc_install = tda($rpc_updated ? strong(eLink('lang', 'get_language', 'lang_code', $langname, isset($langdat['db_lastmod']) ? gTxt('update') : gTxt('install'), 'updating', isset($langdat['db_lastmod']), '')) . n . span(safe_strftime('%d %b %Y %X', @$langdat['rpc_lastmod']), array('class' => 'date modified')) : (isset($langdat['rpc_lastmod']) ? gTxt('up_to_date') : '-') . (isset($langdat['db_lastmod']) ? n . span(safe_strftime('%d %b %Y %X', $langdat['db_lastmod']), array('class' => 'date modified')) : ''), isset($langdat['db_lastmod']) && $rpc_updated ? ' class="highlight lang-value"' : ' class="lang-value"');
        $lang_file = tda(isset($langdat['file_lastmod']) ? strong(eLink('lang', 'get_language', 'lang_code', $langname, $file_updated ? gTxt('update') : gTxt('install'), 'force', 'file', '')) . n . span(safe_strftime(get_pref('archive_dateformat'), $langdat['file_lastmod']), array('class' => 'date ' . ($file_updated ? 'created' : 'modified'))) : '-', ' class="lang-value languages_detail' . (isset($langdat['db_lastmod']) && $rpc_updated ? ' highlight' : '') . '"');
        $list .= tr(hCell(gTxt($langname), '', isset($langdat['db_lastmod']) && $rpc_updated ? ' class="highlight lang-label" scope="row"' : ' class="lang-label" scope="row"') . n . $rpc_install . n . $lang_file . tda(in_array($langname, $installed_lang) ? dLink('lang', 'remove_language', 'lang_code', $langname, 1) : '-', ' class="languages_detail' . (isset($langdat['db_lastmod']) && $rpc_updated ? ' highlight' : '') . '"')) . n;
    // Output table and content.
    pagetop(gTxt('tab_languages'), $message);
    echo n . tag(hed(gTxt('tab_languages'), 1, array('class' => 'txp-heading')), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-layout-2col-cell-1')) . n . tag_start('div', array('class' => 'txp-layout-1col', 'id' => 'language_container'));
    if (isset($msg) && $msg) {
        echo graf('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick"></span> ' . $msg, array('class' => 'alert-block error'));
    echo $lang_form, n . tag(toggle_box('languages_detail'), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-list-options')) . n . tag_start('div', array('class' => 'txp-listtables')) . n . tag_start('table', array('class' => 'txp-list')) . n . tag_start('thead') . tr(hCell(gTxt('language'), '', ' scope="col"') . hCell(gTxt('from_server') . popHelp('install_lang_from_server'), '', ' scope="col"') . hCell(gTxt('from_file') . popHelp('install_lang_from_file'), '', ' class="languages_detail" scope="col"') . hCell(gTxt('remove_lang') . popHelp('remove_lang'), '', ' class="languages_detail" scope="col"')) . n . tag_end('thead') . n . tag_start('tbody') . $list . n . tag_end('tbody') . n . tag_end('table') . n . tag_end('div') . hed(gTxt('install_from_textpack'), 2) . n . tag(form('<label for="textpack-install">' . gTxt('install_textpack') . '</label>' . popHelp('get_textpack') . n . '<textarea class="code" id="textpack-install" name="textpack" cols="' . INPUT_LARGE . '" rows="' . TEXTAREA_HEIGHT_SMALL . '" dir="ltr"></textarea>' . fInput('submit', 'install_new', gTxt('upload')) . eInput('lang') . sInput('get_textpack'), '', '', 'post', '', '', 'text_uploader'), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-control-panel')) . n . tag_end('div');
Ejemplo n.º 26
function plugin_help()
    global $event;
    $name = gps('name');
    $help = $name ? safe_field('help', 'txp_plugin', "name = '" . doSlash($name) . "'") : '';
    echo '<div id="' . $event . '_container" class="txp-container txp-view">' . startTable('edit', '', 'plugin-help') . tr(tda($help, ' width="600"')) . endTable() . '</div>';
Ejemplo n.º 27
function log_list($message = '')
    global $event, $log_list_pageby, $expire_logs_after;
    pagetop(gTxt('visitor_logs'), $message);
    extract(gpsa(array('page', 'sort', 'dir', 'crit', 'search_method')));
    if ($sort === '') {
        $sort = get_pref('log_sort_column', 'time');
    if ($dir === '') {
        $dir = get_pref('log_sort_dir', 'desc');
    $dir = $dir == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
    $expire_logs_after = assert_int($expire_logs_after);
    safe_delete('txp_log', "time < date_sub(now(), interval {$expire_logs_after} day)");
    switch ($sort) {
        case 'ip':
            $sort_sql = 'ip ' . $dir;
        case 'host':
            $sort_sql = 'host ' . $dir;
        case 'page':
            $sort_sql = 'page ' . $dir;
        case 'refer':
            $sort_sql = 'refer ' . $dir;
        case 'method':
            $sort_sql = 'method ' . $dir;
        case 'status':
            $sort_sql = 'status ' . $dir;
            $sort = 'time';
            $sort_sql = 'time ' . $dir;
    set_pref('log_sort_column', $sort, 'log', 2, '', 0, PREF_PRIVATE);
    set_pref('log_sort_dir', $dir, 'log', 2, '', 0, PREF_PRIVATE);
    $switch_dir = $dir == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
    $criteria = 1;
    if ($search_method and $crit) {
        $crit_escaped = doSlash(str_replace(array('\\', '%', '_', '\''), array('\\\\', '\\%', '\\_', '\\\''), $crit));
        $critsql = array('ip' => "ip like '%{$crit_escaped}%'", 'host' => "host like '%{$crit_escaped}%'", 'page' => "page like '%{$crit_escaped}%'", 'refer' => "refer like '%{$crit_escaped}%'", 'method' => "method like '%{$crit_escaped}%'", 'status' => "status like '%{$crit_escaped}%'");
        if (array_key_exists($search_method, $critsql)) {
            $criteria = $critsql[$search_method];
            $limit = 500;
        } else {
            $search_method = '';
            $crit = '';
    } else {
        $search_method = '';
        $crit = '';
    $total = safe_count('txp_log', "{$criteria}");
    echo '<div id="' . $event . '_control" class="txp-control-panel">';
    if ($total < 1) {
        if ($criteria != 1) {
            echo n . log_search_form($crit, $search_method) . n . graf(gTxt('no_results_found'), ' class="indicator"') . '</div>';
        } else {
            echo graf(gTxt('no_refers_recorded'), ' class="indicator"') . '</div>';
    $limit = max($log_list_pageby, 15);
    list($page, $offset, $numPages) = pager($total, $limit, $page);
    echo n . log_search_form($crit, $search_method) . '</div>';
    $rs = safe_rows_start('*, unix_timestamp(time) as uTime', 'txp_log', "{$criteria} order by {$sort_sql} limit {$offset}, {$limit}");
    if ($rs) {
        echo n . '<div id="' . $event . '_container" class="txp-container txp-list">';
        echo n . n . '<form action="index.php" id="log_form" method="post" name="longform" onsubmit="return verify(\'' . gTxt('are_you_sure') . '\')">' . startTable('list', '', 'list', '', '90%') . n . '<thead>' . n . tr(n . column_head('time', 'time', 'log', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('time' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'date time') . column_head('IP', 'ip', 'log', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('ip' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'log_detail ip') . column_head('host', 'host', 'log', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('host' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'host') . column_head('page', 'page', 'log', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('page' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'page') . column_head('referrer', 'refer', 'log', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('refer' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'refer') . column_head('method', 'method', 'log', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('method' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'log_detail method') . column_head('status', 'status', 'log', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('status' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'log_detail status') . hCell('', '', ' class="multi-edit"')) . n . '</thead>';
        $tfoot = n . '<tfoot>' . tr(tda(toggle_box('log_detail'), ' class="detail-toggle" colspan="2" style="text-align: left; border: none;"') . tda(select_buttons() . log_multiedit_form($page, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method), ' class="multi-edit" colspan="6" style="text-align: right; border: none;"')) . n . '</tfoot>';
        echo $tfoot;
        echo '<tbody>';
        $ctr = 1;
        while ($a = nextRow($rs)) {
            extract($a, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'log');
            if ($log_refer) {
                $log_refer = 'http://' . $log_refer;
                $log_refer = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($log_refer) . '" target="_blank">' . htmlspecialchars(soft_wrap($log_refer, 30)) . '</a>';
            if ($log_page) {
                $log_anchor = preg_replace('/\\/$/', '', $log_page);
                $log_anchor = soft_wrap(substr($log_anchor, 1), 30);
                $log_page = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($log_page) . '" target="_blank">' . htmlspecialchars($log_anchor) . '</a>';
                if ($log_method == 'POST') {
                    $log_page = '<strong>' . $log_page . '</strong>';
            echo tr(n . td(gTime($log_uTime), 85, 'date time') . td($log_ip, 20, 'log_detail ip') . td(soft_wrap($log_host, 30), '', 'host') . td($log_page, '', 'page') . td($log_refer, '', 'refer') . td(htmlspecialchars($log_method), 60, 'log_detail method') . td($log_status, 60, 'log_detail status') . td(fInput('checkbox', 'selected[]', $log_id), '', 'multi-edit'), ' class="' . ($ctr % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd') . '"');
        echo '</tbody>' . n . endTable() . n . '</form>' . n . '<div id="' . $event . '_navigation" class="txp-navigation">' . n . nav_form('log', $page, $numPages, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method, $total, $limit) . n . pageby_form('log', $log_list_pageby) . n . '</div>' . n . '</div>';
Ejemplo n.º 28
function assRow($array, $atts = '')
    foreach ($array as $a => $b) {
        $o[] = tda($a, ' width="' . $b . '"');
    return tr(join(n . t, $o), $atts);
Ejemplo n.º 29
function doDiagnostics()
    global $files, $txpcfg, $step;
    $urlparts = parse_url(hu);
    $mydomain = $urlparts['host'];
    $is_apache = ($server_software and stristr($server_software, 'Apache')) or is_callable('apache_get_version');
    $real_doc_root = isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) ? realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) : '';
    // ini_get() returns string values passed via php_value as a string, not boolean
    $is_register_globals = (strcasecmp(ini_get('register_globals'), 'on') === 0 or ini_get('register_globals') === '1');
    $fail = array('path_to_site_missing' => !isset($path_to_site) ? gTxt('path_to_site_missing') : '', 'dns_lookup_fails' => @gethostbyname($mydomain) == $mydomain ? gTxt('dns_lookup_fails') . cs . $mydomain : '', 'path_to_site_inacc' => !@is_dir($path_to_site) ? gTxt('path_to_site_inacc') . cs . $path_to_site : '', 'site_trailing_slash' => rtrim($siteurl, '/') != $siteurl ? gTxt('site_trailing_slash') . cs . $path_to_site : '', 'index_inaccessible' => (!@is_file($path_to_site . "/index.php") or !@is_readable($path_to_site . "/index.php")) ? "{$path_to_site}/index.php " . gTxt('is_inaccessible') : '', 'dir_not_writable' => trim((!@is_writable($path_to_site . '/' . $img_dir) ? str_replace('{dirtype}', gTxt('img_dir'), gTxt('dir_not_writable')) . ": {$path_to_site}/{$img_dir}\r\n" : '') . (!@is_writable($file_base_path) ? str_replace('{dirtype}', gTxt('file_base_path'), gTxt('dir_not_writable')) . ": {$file_base_path}\r\n" : '') . (!@is_writable($tempdir) ? str_replace('{dirtype}', gTxt('tempdir'), gTxt('dir_not_writable')) . ": {$tempdir}\r\n" : '')), 'cleanurl_only_apache' => ($permlink_mode != 'messy' and !$is_apache) ? gTxt('cleanurl_only_apache') : '', 'htaccess_missing' => ($permlink_mode != 'messy' and !@is_readable($path_to_site . '/.htaccess')) ? gTxt('htaccess_missing') : '', 'mod_rewrite_missing' => ($permlink_mode != 'messy' and is_callable('apache_get_modules') and !apache_module('mod_rewrite')) ? gTxt('mod_rewrite_missing') : '', 'file_uploads_disabled' => !ini_get('file_uploads') ? gTxt('file_uploads_disabled') : '', 'setup_still_exists' => @is_dir($txpcfg['txpath'] . DS . 'setup') ? $txpcfg['txpath'] . DS . "setup" . DS . ' ' . gTxt('still_exists') : '', 'no_temp_dir' => empty($tempdir) ? gTxt('no_temp_dir') : '', 'warn_mail_unavailable' => !is_callable('mail') ? gTxt('warn_mail_unavailable') : '', 'warn_register_globals_or_update' => $is_register_globals && (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.4.0', '<=') or version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0', '>=') and version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.5', '<=')) ? gTxt('warn_register_globals_or_update') : '');
    if ($permlink_mode != 'messy') {
        $rs = safe_column("name", "txp_section", "1");
        foreach ($rs as $name) {
            if (@file_exists($path_to_site . '/' . $name)) {
                $fail['old_placeholder_exists'] = gTxt('old_placeholder') . ": {$path_to_site}/{$name}";
    $missing = array();
    foreach ($files as $f) {
        if (!is_readable($txpcfg['txpath'] . $f)) {
            $missing[] = $txpcfg['txpath'] . $f;
    if ($missing) {
        $fail['missing_files'] = gTxt('missing_files') . cs . join(', ', $missing);
    foreach ($fail as $k => $v) {
        if (empty($v)) {
    # Find the highest revision number
    $file_revs = array();
    $rev = 0;
    foreach ($files as $f) {
        $lines = @file($txpcfg['txpath'] . $f);
        if ($lines) {
            foreach ($lines as $line) {
                if (preg_match('/^\\$LastChangedRevision: (\\w+) \\$/', $line, $match)) {
                    $file_revs[$f] = $match[1];
                    if ($match[1] > $rev) {
                        $rev = $match[1];
    echo pagetop(gTxt('tab_diagnostics'), ''), startTable('list'), tr(td(hed(gTxt('preflight_check'), 1)));
    if ($fail) {
        foreach ($fail as $help => $message) {
            echo tr(tda(nl2br($message) . popHelp($help), ' style="color:red;"'));
    } else {
        echo tr(td(gTxt('all_checks_passed')));
    echo tr(td(hed(gTxt('diagnostic_info'), 1)));
    $fmt_date = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S';
    $out = array('<textarea style="width:500px;height:300px;" readonly="readonly">', gTxt('txp_version') . cs . txp_version . ' (' . ($rev ? 'r' . $rev : 'unknown revision') . ')' . n, gTxt('last_update') . cs . gmstrftime($fmt_date, $dbupdatetime) . '/' . gmstrftime($fmt_date, @filemtime(txpath . '/update/_update.php')) . n, gTxt('document_root') . cs . @$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . ($real_doc_root != @$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ? ' (' . $real_doc_root . ')' : '') . n, '$path_to_site' . cs . $path_to_site . n, gTxt('txp_path') . cs . $txpcfg['txpath'] . n, gTxt('permlink_mode') . cs . $permlink_mode . n, ini_get('open_basedir') ? 'open_basedir: ' . ini_get('open_basedir') . n : '', ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') ? 'upload_tmp_dir: ' . ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') . n : '', gTxt('tempdir') . cs . $tempdir . n, gTxt('web_domain') . cs . $siteurl . n, getenv('TZ') ? 'TZ: ' . getenv('TZ') . n : '', gTxt('php_version') . cs . phpversion() . n, $is_register_globals ? gTxt('register_globals') . cs . $is_register_globals . n : '', gTxt('server_time') . cs . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . n, 'MySQL' . cs . mysql_get_server_info() . n, gTxt('locale') . cs . $locale . n, isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ? gTxt('server') . cs . $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] . n : '', is_callable('apache_get_version') ? gTxt('apache_version') . cs . apache_get_version() . n : '', $fail ? n . gTxt('preflight_check') . cs . n . ln . join("\n", $fail) . n . ln : '', is_readable($path_to_site . '/.htaccess') ? n . gTxt('htaccess_contents') . cs . n . ln . join('', file($path_to_site . '/.htaccess')) . n . ln : '');
    if ($step == 'high') {
        $mysql_client_encoding = is_callable('mysql_client_encoding') ? mysql_client_encoding() : '-';
        $out[] = n . 'Charset (default/config)' . cs . $mysql_client_encoding . '/' . @$txpcfg['dbcharset'] . n;
        $result = safe_query("SHOW variables like 'character_se%'");
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
            $out[] = $row[0] . cs . $row[1] . n;
            if ($row[0] == 'character_set_connection') {
                $conn_char = $row[1];
        $table_names = array(PFX . 'textpattern');
        $result = safe_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . PFX . "txp\\_%'");
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
            $table_names[] = $row[0];
        $table_msg = array();
        foreach ($table_names as $table) {
            $ctr = safe_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE " . $table . "");
            if (!$ctr) {
            $ctcharset = preg_replace('#^CREATE TABLE.*SET=([^ ]+)[^)]*$#is', '\\1', mysql_result($ctr, 0, 'Create Table'));
            if (isset($conn_char) && !stristr($ctcharset, 'CREATE') && $conn_char != $ctcharset) {
                $table_msg[] = "{$table} is {$ctcharset}";
            $ctr = safe_query("CHECK TABLE " . $table);
            if (in_array(mysql_result($ctr, 0, 'Msg_type'), array('error', 'warning'))) {
                $table_msg[] = $table . cs . mysql_result($ctr, 0, 'Msg_Text');
        if ($table_msg == array()) {
            $table_msg = count($table_names) < 18 ? array('-') : array('OK');
        $out[] = count($table_names) . ' Tables' . cs . implode(', ', $table_msg) . n;
        $extns = get_loaded_extensions();
        $extv = array();
        foreach ($extns as $e) {
            $extv[] = $e . (phpversion($e) ? '/' . phpversion($e) : '');
        $out[] = n . gTxt('php_extensions') . cs . join(', ', $extv) . n;
        if (is_callable('apache_get_modules')) {
            $out[] = n . gTxt('apache_modules') . cs . join(', ', apache_get_modules()) . n . n;
        foreach ($files as $f) {
            $rev = '';
            $checksum = '';
            if (is_callable('md5_file')) {
                $checksum = md5_file($txpcfg['txpath'] . $f);
            if (isset($file_revs[$f])) {
                $rev = $file_revs[$f];
            $out[] = "{$f}" . cs . ($rev ? "r" . $rev : gTxt('unknown')) . ' (' . ($checksum ? $checksum : gTxt('unknown')) . ')' . n;
    $out[] = '</textarea>' . br;
    $dets = array('low' => gTxt('low'), 'high' => gTxt('high'));
    $out[] = form(eInput('diag') . n . gTxt('detail') . cs . selectInput('step', $dets, $step, 0, 1));
    echo tr(td(join('', $out))), endTable();
function _sed_list_plugins_from_cache($message = '')
    pagetop(gTxt('edit_plugins'), $message);
    echo startTable('list');
    $filenames = array();
    if (!empty($GLOBALS['prefs']['plugin_cache_dir'])) {
        $dir = dir($GLOBALS['prefs']['plugin_cache_dir']);
        while ($file = $dir->read()) {
            if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
                $fileaddr = $GLOBALS['prefs']['plugin_cache_dir'] . DS . $file;
                if (!is_dir($fileaddr)) {
                    $filenames[] = $fileaddr;
        ($filenames and count($filenames) > 0) ? natcasesort($filenames) : '';
    echo tr(tda(tag('Plugins found in the plugin cache directory: ' . $GLOBALS['prefs']['plugin_cache_dir'], 'h1'), ' colspan="1" style="border:0;height:50px;text-align:left"'));
    echo assHead('plugin');
    if (count($filenames) > 0) {
        foreach ($filenames as $filename) {
            $fileext = array_pop(explode('.', $filename));
            if ($fileext === 'php') {
                $elink = '<a href="?event=sed_plugin_help_viewer&#38;step=view_help&#38;filename=' . $filename . '">' . (isset($plugin['name']) ? $plugin['name'] : $filename) . '</a>';
                echo tr(td(strong($elink)));
    echo endTable();