function printing_choose_pos($from_bill_print = false) { global $tpl; if (!takeaway_is_set($_SESSION['sourceid'])) { $tmp = '<font color="Red">' . ucfirst(phr('SET_TAKEAWAY_SURNAME_FIRST')) . '</font>'; $tpl->append('messages', $tmp); orders_list(); return 0; } $user = new user($_SESSION['userid']); if (table_is_closed($_SESSION['sourceid']) && (!$user->level[USER_BIT_CASHIER] || $from_bill_print)) { table_closed_interface_pos(); return 0; } $tpl->set_waiter_template_file('printing'); $tmp = printing_commands_pos(); $tpl->append('commands', $tmp); $tmp = navbar_empty_pos(); $tpl->assign('navbar', $tmp); }
function orders_list() { global $tpl; // use session to decide wether to show the orders list or not // TODO: add get_conf here if (!isset($_SESSION['show_orders_list'])) { $_SESSION['show_orders_list'] = false; } $show_orders = $_SESSION['show_orders_list']; unset($_SESSION['select_all']); $_SESSION['go_back_to_cat'] = 0; $user = new user($_SESSION['userid']); if (table_is_closed($_SESSION['sourceid']) && !$user->level[USER_BIT_CASHIER]) { table_closed_interface(); return 0; } $_SESSION['order_added'] = 0; $tpl->set_waiter_template_file('orders'); if (table_is_takeaway($_SESSION['sourceid'])) { $tpl->set_waiter_template_file('orders_takeaway'); takeaway_form(); } $table = new table($_SESSION['sourceid']); $table->fetch_data(true); if ($cust_id = $table->data['customer']) { $cust = new customer($cust_id); $tmp = ucphr('CUSTOMER') . ': ' . $cust->data['surname']; $tmp .= ' <a href="orders.php?command=customer_search">' . ucphr('EDIT') . '</a>/'; $tmp .= '<a href="orders.php?command=set_customer&data[customer]=0">' . ucphr('REMOVE') . '</a>'; $tmp .= '<br/>'; } else { $tmp = '<a href="orders.php?command=customer_search">' . ucfirst(phr('INSERT_CUSTOMER_DATA')) . '</a><br/>'; } $tpl->append('commands', $tmp); if (!orders_service_fee_exists() && get_conf(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'service_fee_use')) { $tmp = '<a href="orders.php?command=create&dishid=' . SERVICE_ID . '">' . ucfirst(phr('CREATE_SERVICE_FEE')) . '</a><br/>'; $tpl->append('commands', $tmp); } $associated_waiter = table_is_associated(); if (get_conf(__FILE__, __LINE__, "disassociation_allow") && $associated_waiter && ($associated_waiter == $_SESSION['userid'] || $user->level[USER_BIT_CASHIER])) { $tmp = '<a href="orders.php?command=dissociate">' . ucfirst(phr('DISSOCIATE')) . '</a><br/>'; $tpl->append('commands', $tmp); } if ($user->level[USER_BIT_CASHIER]) { $tmp = '<a href="orders.php?command=ask_move">' . ucfirst(phr('MOVE_TABLE')) . '</a><br/>'; $tpl->append('commands', $tmp); } if ($user->level[USER_BIT_CASHIER] && table_is_closed($_SESSION['sourceid'])) { $tmp = '<a href="orders.php?command=reopen_confirm">' . ucfirst(phr('REOPEN_TABLE')) . '</a><br/>'; $tpl->append('commands', $tmp); } if ($_SESSION['show_orders_list'] == false) { $desc = ucfirst(phr('SHOW_ORDERS')); } else { $desc = ucfirst(phr('HIDE_ORDERS')); } $tmp = '<a href="orders.php?command=set_show_orders">' . $desc . '</a><br/>'; $tpl->append('commands', $tmp); $tmp = categories_list(); $tpl->assign('categories', $tmp); $tmp = letters_list(); $tpl->assign('letters', $tmp); if (CONF_FAST_ORDER) { $tmp = order_fast_dishid_form(); $tpl->assign('fast_order_id', $tmp); } else { $tmp = keys_orders(); $tpl->append('scripts', $tmp); } // use session to decide wether to show the orders list or not if (!isset($_SESSION['show_toplist'])) { $_SESSION['show_toplist'] = get_conf(__FILE__, __LINE__, "top_list_show_top"); } if ($_SESSION['show_toplist']) { toplist_show(); } elseif (get_conf(__FILE__, __LINE__, "top_list_show_top")) { $tmp = '<a href="orders.php?command=set_show_toplist">' . ucphr('SHOW_TOPLIST') . '</a><br/>'; $tpl->assign('toplist', $tmp); } $tmp = command_bar_table_vertical(); $tpl->assign('vertical_navbar', $tmp); if ($show_orders) { $table->list_orders(); } if (get_conf(__FILE__, __LINE__, "show_summary")) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `orders`WHERE `sourceid`='" . $_SESSION['sourceid'] . "' AND `id`=`associated_id` ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 1"; $res = common_query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!$res) { return ERR_MYSQL; } $arr = mysql_fetch_array($res); $mods = get_conf(__FILE__, __LINE__, "show_mods_in_summary"); $table->list_orders('last_order', $arr['id'], $mods); } return 0; }
function table_ask_close_pos() { global $tpl; if (!takeaway_is_set($_SESSION['sourceid'])) { $tmp = '<font color="Red">' . ucfirst(phr('SET_TAKEAWAY_SURNAME_FIRST')) . '</font>'; $tpl->append('messages', $tmp); orders_list_pos(); return 0; } if (table_is_closed($_SESSION['sourceid'])) { table_closed_interface_pos(); return 0; } $tpl->set_waiter_template_file('question'); $tmp = ' <FORM ACTION="orders.php" METHOD=POST name="form1"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="command" VALUE="close"> ' . ucfirst(phr('CLOSE_TABLE_ASK')) . ' </FORM> '; $tpl->assign('question', $tmp); $tmp = navbar_form_pos('form1', 'orders.php?command=list'); $tpl->assign('navbar', $tmp); return 0; }