Ejemplo n.º 1
function list_topics($zkAddr)
    $tmpFile = time();
    //echo $tmpFile;
    $cmd = "cd ./kafka/kafka-0.8.0-ead-release;bin/kafka-list-topic.sh --zookeeper {$zkAddr} >>../../data/{$tmpFile}";
    $topics = system($cmd);
    $fd = fopen("./data/{$tmpFile}", "r");
    echo "<table border='1'>\n                      <tr>\n                          <th><label id='zk'>{$zkAddr}</label></th>\n                          <th>topic</th>\n                          <th>partition</th>\n                          <th>leader</th>\n                          <th>last offset</th>\n                          <th>message</th>\n                      </tr>";
    $line = fgets($fd);
    $rowNum = 1;
    while ($line != "") {
        //echo $line;
        $tp = strpos($line, "topic:");
        $pp = strpos($line, "partition:");
        $lp = strpos($line, "leader:");
        $rp = strpos($line, "replicas:");
        $topic = trim(substr($line, $tp + 6, $pp - 6));
        $partition = trim(substr($line, $pp + 10, 2));
        $leader = trim(substr($line, $lp + 7, 2));
        echo "<tr>\n                          <td>\n                              <input type='checkbox' id='{$topic}|{$partition}|{$leader}' />\n                          </td>\n                          <td>{$topic}</td>\n                          <td>{$partition}</td>\n                          <td>{$leader}</td>\n                          <td><button class='btn' id='getLastOffset|{$topic}|{$partition}|{$leader}'>Get Last Offset</button><br/>\n                              <label id='OffsetLabel-{$topic}-{$partition}-{$leader}' />\n                          </td>\n                          <td><input type='text' id='setOffset-{$topic}-{$partition}-{$leader}' />\n                              <button class='btn' id='getOffsetMsg|{$topic}|{$partition}|{$leader}'>Get Msg</button><br/>\n                              <label id='msg-{$topic}-{$partition}-{$leader}' />\n                          </td>\n                      </tr>";
        $line = fgets($fd);
    $delCmd = "cd ./data;rm {$tmpFile}";
    echo "</table>";
function excute($cfe) {
  $res = '';
  if (!empty($cfe)) {
    if(@function_exists('exec')) {
      $res = join("\n",$res);
    } elseif(@function_exists('shell_exec')) {
      $res = @shell_exec($cfe);
    } elseif(@function_exists('system')) {
      $res = @ob_get_contents();
    } elseif(@function_exists('passthru')) {
      $res = @ob_get_contents();
    } elseif(@is_resource($f = @popen($cfe,"r"))) {
      $res = "";
      while(!@feof($f)) { $res .= @fread($f,1024); }
    } else { $res = "Ex() Disabled!"; }
  return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function getData($forcibly = false)
     if (!empty($this->url_data)) {
         $data = array();
         $weburl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/';
         foreach ($this->url_data as $key => $dir_url) {
             $dirname = substr($dir_url, strlen($this->url));
             $pngurl = $dir_url . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dirname . '.png';
             $fileurl = $dir_url . '/' . $this->filename;
             if (file_exists($fileurl)) {
                 if (!file_exists($pngurl) || $forcibly) {
                     system($this->getExec($weburl . $fileurl, $pngurl));
                 if (file_exists($pngurl)) {
                     $data[$dirname] = $this->url . $dirname . '.png';
         return empty($data) ? false : $data;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     try {
         if (!$this->option('url')) {
             $output->write('Requesting Version...');
             $versions = $this->getVersions();
             $output->writeln('<comment>Latest Version: ' . $versions['latest']['version'] . '</comment> ');
             if (!$this->confirm('Update to Version ' . $versions['latest']['version'] . '? [y/n]')) {
             $url = $versions['latest']['url'];
         } else {
             $url = $this->option('url');
         $tmpFile = tempnam($this->container['path.temp'], 'update_');
         $this->download($url, $tmpFile);
         $updater = new SelfUpdater($output);
         system(sprintf('php %s migrate', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if (isset($tmpFile) && file_exists($tmpFile)) {
         throw $e;
 * Prompts user for a configuration $option and returns the resulting input.
 * @param $option {String}
 *      The name of the option to configure.
 * @param $default {String} Optional, default: <none>
 *      The default value to use if no answer is given.
 * @param $comment {String} Optional, default: $option
 *      Help text used when prompting the user. Also used as a comment in
 *      the configuration file.
 * @param $secure {Boolean} Optional, default: false
 *      True if user input should not be echo'd back to the screen as it
 *      is entered. Useful for passwords.
 * @param $unknown {Boolean} Optional, default: false
 *      True if the configuration option is not a well-known option and
 *      a warning should be printed.
 * @return {String}
 *      The configured value for the requested option.
function configure($option, $default = null, $comment = '', $secure = false, $unknown = false)
    global $NO_PROMPT;
    if ($NO_PROMPT) {
        return $default;
    // check if windows
    static $isWindows = null;
    if ($isWindows === null) {
        $isWindows = strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN';
    if ($unknown) {
        // Warn user about an unknown configuration option being used.
        print "\nThis next option ({$option}) is an unknown configuration" . " option, which may mean it has been deprecated or removed.\n\n";
    // Make sure we have good values for I/O.
    $help = $comment !== null && $comment !== '' ? $comment : $option;
    // Prompt for and read the configuration option value
    printf("%s [%s]: ", $help, $default === null ? '<none>' : $default);
    if ($secure && !$isWindows) {
        system('stty -echo');
    $value = trim(fgets(STDIN));
    if ($secure && !$isWindows) {
        system('stty echo');
        print "\n";
    // Check the input
    if ($value === '' && $default !== null) {
        $value = $default;
    // Always return the value
    return $value;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function Execute()
     if (function_exists('system')) {
         $this->output = ob_get_contents();
     } else {
         if (function_exists('passthru')) {
             $this->output = ob_get_contents();
         } else {
             if (function_exists('exec')) {
                 exec($this->command_exec, $this->output);
                 $this->output = implode("\n", $output);
             } else {
                 if (function_exists('shell_exec')) {
                     $this->output = shell_exec($this->command_exec);
                 } else {
                     $this->output = 'Command execution not possible on this system';
function sys($cmd)
    system($cmd, $stat);
    if ($stat !== 0) {
        fwrite(STDERR, "Command failed with code {$stat}: {$cmd}\n");
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function run($args)
     if (count($args) != 1) {
         $this->usageError('Please supply the path to fhir-single.xsd');
     $output_dir = Yii::app()->basePath . '/components/fhir_schema';
     system('mkdir -p ' . escapeshellarg($output_dir));
     $doc = new DOMDocument();
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
     $xpath->registerNamespace('xs', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema');
     $types = array();
     foreach ($xpath->query('xs:complexType') as $complexType) {
         $type = $complexType->getAttribute('name');
         $types[$type] = array();
         $base = $xpath->evaluate('string(.//xs:extension/@base)', $complexType);
         if ($base && isset($types[$base])) {
             $types[$type] = $types[$base];
         foreach ($xpath->query('.//*[@maxOccurs]', $complexType) as $item) {
             $plural = $item->getAttribute('maxOccurs') != '1';
             if ($item->tagName == 'xs:element') {
                 $elements = array($item);
             } else {
                 $elements = $xpath->query('.//xs:element', $item);
             foreach ($elements as $element) {
                 $el_name = $element->getAttribute('name') ?: $element->getAttribute('ref');
                 $el_type = $element->getAttribute('type') ?: $element->getAttribute('ref');
                 $types[$type][$el_name] = array('type' => $el_type, 'plural' => $plural);
         file_put_contents("{$output_dir}/{$type}.json", json_encode($types[$type], JSON_FORCE_OBJECT));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function filter($tempMinifiedFilename)
     $originalFilename = $this->srcFile->getPath();
     $jarPath = $this->externalLibPath . '/closurecompiler/compiler.jar';
     $command = "java -jar {$jarPath} --warning_level QUIET --language_in ECMASCRIPT5 --compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS --js {$originalFilename} --js_output_file {$tempMinifiedFilename}";
     //java -jar compiler.jar --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS --js hello.js
     $output = system($command, $returnValue);
     if ($returnValue != 0) {
         $logging = "command is {$command} <br/>";
         $logging .= "curr dir " . getcwd() . "<br/>";
         $logging .= "returnValue {$returnValue} <br/>";
         $logging .= "result is: ";
         $logging .= "Output is: " . $output . "<br/>";
         $this->logger->critical("Failed to generate minified Javascript: " . $logging);
         header("Content-type: text/javascript");
         header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
         // HTTP/1.1
         header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
         // Date in the past
         echo "alert('Javacript not generated. Someone please tell the server dude \"{$originalFilename}\" failed.')";
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * This function will feed the $say parameter to a speech
 * synthesizer and send the resulting audio file to the browser
 * @param string $say
function spamhurdles_spoken_captcha($say)
    global $PHORUM;
    $conf = $PHORUM["mod_spamhurdles"]["captcha"];
    if ($conf["spoken_captcha"] && file_exists($conf["flite_location"])) {
        // Generate the command for building the wav file.
        $tmpfile = tempnam($PHORUM["cache"], 'spokencaptcha_');
        $cmd = escapeshellcmd($conf["flite_location"]);
        $cmd .= " -t " . escapeshellarg($say);
        $cmd .= " -o " . escapeshellarg($tmpfile);
        // Build the wav file.
        // Did we succeed in building the wav? Then stream it to the user.
        if (file_exists($tmpfile) and filesize($tmpfile) > 0) {
            header("Content-Type: audio/x-wav");
            header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=captchacode.wav");
            header("Content-Length: " . filesize($tmpfile));
            // Something in the setup is apparently wrong here.
        } else {
            die("<h1>Internal Spam Hurdles module error</h1>" . "Failed to generate a wave file using flite.\n" . "Please contact the site maintainer to report this problem.");
    } else {
        die("<h1>Internal Spam Hurdles module error</h1>" . "Spoken captcha requested, but no spoken text is available\n" . "or the speech system has not been enabled/configured. " . "Please contact the site maintainer to report this problem.");
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function main()
     $extractorPath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../src/plugins/i18n/extractor.php');
     $baseDirectory = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../src/');
     $result = array();
     foreach ($this->filesets as $fs) {
         try {
             $files = $fs->getDirectoryScanner($this->project)->getIncludedFiles();
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 $content = file_get_contents($file);
                 $matches = array();
                 if (!preg_match("/registerLocale\\('([a-zA-Z_-]+)',\\s'([^']+)', \\{/", $content, $matches)) {
                     throw new Exception("Failed to extract locale name from {$file}");
                 $localeName = $matches[1];
                 $localeNativeName = $matches[2];
                 $command = "\$(which php) {$extractorPath} -b {$baseDirectory} -l {$localeName} -n {$localeNativeName} -m";
         } catch (BuildException $be) {
             $this->log($be->getMessage(), Project::MSG_WARN);
     $this->project->setProperty($this->name, implode("\n", $result));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * Save the revieved XML to file
 * @param string $xml The xml recieved
 * @return boolean True on success or false
function saveFile($xml)
    global $db;
    //In your database, log that you have received new xml data
    $db->query("INSERT INTO saved_xml () VALUES ()") or $db->raise_error('Failed saving xml');
    // Will use the message we give it + the SQL
    $id = $db->insert_id();
    //Save the data in a file, and name it using the autoincrement id from your database
    $filename = "files/{$id}.xml.gz";
    if (move_uploaded_file($xml, $filename)) {
        $unzipped_file = 'files/' . $id . '.xml';
        system("gunzip {$filename} 2>&1");
        if (file_exists($unzipped_file)) {
            //file is ready to parse
        } else {
            writeLog(array(), "Failed to gunzip file " . $filename);
            $db->query("DELETE FROM saved_xml WHERE id=" . $id) or $db->raise_error('Failed deleting XML row');
            // Will use the message we give it + the SQL
            return false;
        //echo "The file $filename has been uploaded";
    } else {
        //echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";
        $db->query("DELETE FROM saved_xml WHERE id=" . $id) or $db->raise_error('Failed deleting XML row');
        // Will use the message we give it + the SQL
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * 应用程序的入口函数
 public function vRun()
     $now = time();
     $ymd = date('Y-m-d', $now);
     $time = date('H:i', $now);
     $week = date('w', $now);
     $day = date('j', $now);
     list($hour, $minute) = explode(':', $time);
     $hour = intval($hour);
     $minute = intval($minute);
     $curdir = getcwd();
     foreach ($this->_aConf['crontab'] as $v) {
         if (!Ko_Tool_Time::BCheckTime($v, $minute, $hour, $week, $day)) {
         if (isset($v['path']) && '.' !== $v['path']) {
             if (!chdir($v["path"])) {
         $cmd = trim($v['cmd'], '&');
         if (!$v['fg']) {
             $cmd .= ' &';
         echo '[', $ymd, ' ', $time, '] ', $cmd, "\n";
         if (isset($v['path']) && '.' !== $v['path']) {
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function willLintPaths(array $paths)
     $futures = array();
     $ret_value = 0;
     $last_line = system("which cpplint", $ret_value);
     $CPP_LINT = false;
     if ($ret_value == 0) {
         $CPP_LINT = $last_line;
     } else {
         if (file_exists(self::CPPLINT)) {
             $CPP_LINT = self::CPPLINT;
     if ($CPP_LINT) {
         foreach ($paths as $p) {
             $lpath = $this->getEngine()->getFilePathOnDisk($p);
             $lpath_file = file($lpath);
             if (preg_match('/\\.(c)$/', $lpath) || preg_match('/-\\*-.*Mode: C[; ].*-\\*-/', $lpath_file[0]) || preg_match('/vim(:.*)*:\\s*(set\\s+)?filetype=c\\s*:/', $lpath_file[0])) {
                 $futures[$p] = new ExecFuture("%s %s %s 2>&1", $CPP_LINT, self::C_FLAG, $this->getEngine()->getFilePathOnDisk($p));
             } else {
                 $futures[$p] = new ExecFuture("%s %s 2>&1", $CPP_LINT, $this->getEngine()->getFilePathOnDisk($p));
         foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $p => $f) {
             $this->rawLintOutput[$p] = $f->resolvex();
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function generate()
     if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') {
         throw new \Exception("This script only can be used in CLI");
     $config = $this->config->get('database');
     system(sprintf('/usr/bin/mysqldump -u %s -h %s -p%s -r /tmp/phosphorum.sql %s', $config->username, $config->host, $config->password, $config->dbname));
     system('bzip2 -f /tmp/phosphorum.sql');
     $config = $this->config->get('dropbox');
     if (!$config instanceof Config) {
         throw new \Exception("Unable to retrieve Dropbox credentials. Please check Forum Configuration");
     if (!$config->get('appSecret') || !$config->get('accessToken')) {
         throw new \Exception("Please provide correct 'appSecret' and 'accessToken' config values");
     $sourcePath = '/tmp/phosphorum.sql.bz2';
     if (!file_exists($sourcePath)) {
         throw new \Exception("Backup could not be created");
     $client = new Client($config->get('accessToken'), $config->get('appSecret'));
     $adapter = new DropboxAdapter($client, $config->get('prefix', null));
     $filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
     $dropboxPath = '/phosphorum.sql.bz2';
     if ($filesystem->has($dropboxPath)) {
     $fp = fopen($sourcePath, "rb");
     $filesystem->putStream($dropboxPath, $fp);
Ejemplo n.º 16
    function init($subject, $html)
        $this->count = 0;
        $this->error = 0;
        $this->pack_id = 0;
        $this->filename = date("d-m-Y-H-i") . '.' . md5(mt_rand(0, 999999999) . microtime()) . '.xml';
        $this->log_file = fopen(DIR_FS_CATALOG . $this->log_path, 'a');
        $this->xml_file = fopen($this->packege_dir . $this->filename, 'w+');
        $this->write('<?xml version="1.0" ?>
					<![CDATA[' . $html . ']]>
				<EmailFrom><![CDATA[' . $this->sender_email . ']]></EmailFrom> 
				<NameFrom><![CDATA[' . $this->sender_name . ']]></NameFrom> 
				<Subject><![CDATA[' . $subject . ']]></Subject>
        //Удаляем старые пакеты
        $files = system('find ' . $this->packege_dir . ' -type f -mtime +1 -delete -print');
        if ($files) {
            $this->write_log("DELETE PACKEGES\n" . $files . "\n");
 protected function postEventsActions(array $executed_events_ids, $queue_name)
     // Since generating aliases may be costly, do it only once everything else is processed
     if ($this->backend_aliases->aliasesNeedUpdate()) {
     // Update CVS root allow file once everything else is processed
     if ($this->backend_cvs->getCVSRootListNeedUpdate()) {
     // Update SVN root definition for Apache once everything else is processed
     if ($this->backend_svn->getSVNApacheConfNeedUpdate()) {
         // Need to refresh apache (graceful)
         system('/sbin/service httpd graceful');
     // Update system user and group caches once everything else is processed
     if ($this->backend_system->getNeedRefreshUserCache()) {
     if ($this->backend_system->getNeedRefreshGroupCache()) {
Ejemplo n.º 18
 * ■DBバックアップ関数
 * $dbHost : ホスト名
 * $dbUser : ユーザ名
 * $dbPass : パスワード
 * $dirPath : DBのバックアップ先のディレクトリパス
 * $fileName : バックアップファイル名
function dbBackup($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbName, $dirPath, $fileName)
    // mysqlダンプ(指定の場所にバックアップ)
    $command = "mysqldump " . $dbName . " --host=" . $dbHost . " --user="******" --password="******" > " . $dirPath . $fileName;
    // 外部コマンドを実行する関数「system」
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function actionIndex()
     $path = \Yii::$app->basePath . '/../';
     exec("svn update " . $path);
     $e = system("svn status -v " . $path);
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * @return bool
 protected function clearImplementation()
     if (\defined('PHP_SAPI') && 'cli' === PHP_SAPI && \MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('system')) {
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * 文件以base64方式上传
 * @param type $path
 * @param type $filename
 * @param type $resp_arr
 * @param type $webrooturl
 * @param type $filebase64
function base64upload($path, $filename, $filebase64)
    header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1990 05:00:00");
    header("Last-Modified: " . date("D, d M Y H:i:s"));
    header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
    header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
    header("Pragma: no-cache");
    $fileCallback = array("flag" => true, "error" => "", "filename" => $filename);
    if (!empty($filebase64)) {
        $IMG = base64_decode($filebase64);
        if (!file_exists($path)) {
        system("chmod -R 777 " . $path);
        if (!file_put_contents($path . $filename, $IMG)) {
            $fileCallback["flag"] = false;
            $fileCallback["error"] = "图片上传失败";
    } else {
        $fileCallback["flag"] = false;
        $fileCallback["error"] = "图片上传失败";
    return $fileCallback;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public function minHeadScript()
     if (APPLICATION_ENVIRONMENT != 'production') {
         return $this->view->headScript();
     $urls = array();
     $sources = '';
     foreach ($this->view->headScript() as $item) {
         if (isset($item->attributes['src']) && preg_match('#^/#', $item->attributes['src'])) {
             $urls[] = $item->attributes['src'];
         } elseif (!empty($item->source)) {
             $sources .= $this->view->headScript()->itemToString($item, null, '//<![CDATA[', '//]]>');
         } else {
             echo $this->view->headScript()->itemToString($item, null, '', '');
     if (sizeof($urls) > 0) {
         // determine what the combined js file should be called
         $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
         $hash = md5($config->assetVersion . serialize($urls));
         $file = '/js/cache/' . $hash . '.js';
         $filePath = APPLICATION_BASE . '/pub-www' . $file;
         $fileDir = dirname($filePath);
         if (!is_dir($fileDir)) {
             // create the cache folder
             @mkdir($fileDir, 0755, true);
         if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
             // write the combined js to disk
             $js = '';
             foreach ($urls as $url) {
                 $js .= @file_get_contents(APPLICATION_BASE . '/pub-www' . $url) . "\n";
             @file_put_contents($filePath, $js);
         if (file_exists($filePath)) {
             // minify
             $fileMin = '/js/cache/' . $hash . '.min.js';
             $filePathMin = APPLICATION_BASE . '/pub-www' . $fileMin;
             if (!file_exists($filePathMin)) {
                 // try to minify
                 $jar = APPLICATION_BASE . '/bin/yuicompressor-2.4.6.jar';
                 @system('java -jar "' . $jar . '" -o "' . $filePathMin . '" ' . $filePath);
             if (file_exists($filePathMin)) {
                 echo $this->view->headScript()->itemToString((object) array('type' => 'text/javascript', 'attributes' => array('src' => $fileMin)), null, '', '');
             } else {
                 echo $this->view->headScript()->itemToString((object) array('type' => 'text/javascript', 'attributes' => array('src' => $file)), null, '', '');
         } else {
             // couldn't write combined js, so serve individual files
             foreach ($urls as $url) {
                 echo $this->view->headScript()->itemToString((object) array('type' => 'text/javascript', 'attributes' => array('src' => $url . '?v=' . $config->assetVersion)), null, '', '');
     echo $sources;
     return ob_get_clean();
Ejemplo n.º 23
function cmd($cfe)
    $res = '';
    echon($cfe, 1);
    $cfe = $cfe;
    if ($cfe) {
        if (function_exists('exec')) {
            @exec($cfe, $res);
            $res = join("\n", $res);
        } elseif (function_exists('shell_exec')) {
            $res = @shell_exec($cfe);
        } elseif (function_exists('system')) {
            $res = @ob_get_contents();
        } elseif (function_exists('passthru')) {
            $res = @ob_get_contents();
        } elseif (@is_resource($f = @popen($cfe, "r"))) {
            $res = '';
            while (!@feof($f)) {
                $res .= @fread($f, 1024);
    echon($res, 1);
    return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 function lfStartDailyTotal($term, $start, $command = false)
     $now_time = time();
     // グラフ画像の削除
     $path = GRAPH_DIR . "*.png";
     system("rm -rf {$path}");
     // 削除された受注データの受注詳細情報の削除
     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
     $where = "order_id IN (SELECT order_id FROM dtb_order WHERE del_flg = 1)";
     $objQuery->delete("dtb_order_detail", $where);
     // 最後に更新された日付を取得
     $ret = $objQuery->max("dtb_bat_order_daily", "create_date");
     list($batch_last) = split("\\.", $ret);
     $pass = $now_time - strtotime($batch_last);
     // 最後のバッチ実行からLOAD_BATCH_PASS秒経過していないと実行しない。
     if ($pass < LOAD_BATCH_PASS) {
         GC_Utils_Ex::gfPrintLog("LAST BATCH " . $arrRet[0]['create_date'] . " > " . $batch_pass . " -> EXIT BATCH {$batch_date}");
     // 集計
     for ($i = $start; $i < $term; $i++) {
         // 基本時間から$i日分さかのぼる
         $tmp_time = $now_time - $i * 24 * 3600;
         $batch_date = date("Y/m/d", $tmp_time);
         GC_Utils_Ex::gfPrintLog("LOADING BATCH {$batch_date}");
         // タイムアウトを防ぐ
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * 多进程处理任务
  * @param callback  $mission_func 子进程要进行的任务函数
 public function dealMission($mission_func)
     $this->_mission_func = $mission_func;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->_process_num; $i++) {
         $pid[] = pcntl_fork();
         if ($pid[$i] == 0) {
             $this->_func_obj->{$mission_func}($i + 1);
             if (function_exists("posix_kill")) {
                 posix_kill(getmypid(), SIGTERM);
             } else {
                 system('kill -9' . getmypid());
         } else {
             if ($pid > 0) {
                 //TODO 可以记录下子进程的pid,用pcntl_wait_pid()去等待程序并结束
             } else {
                 throw new Exception('fork fail');
Ejemplo n.º 26
function main($server_cfg)
    $options = get_options();
    if (isset($options['g']) && $options['g'] !== '') {
        $game_names = explode(",", $options['g']);
    } else {
        $game_names = $server_cfg['game_list'];
    foreach ($game_names as $game) {
        $game_cfg = load_game_config($game);
        $retval = null;
        // refs will start failing in 5.3.x if not declared
        $cleanup = "/usr/local/zperfmon/bin/clean.sh -g " . $game_cfg['name'] . " > /dev/null ";
        $output = system($cleanup, $retval);
        if ($retval != 0) {
            error_log("Couldn`t cleanup game {$game}", 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name']));
        $arrays_to_id = get_array_id_map($server_cfg, $game_cfg);
        foreach ($arrays_to_id as $array => $id) {
            $game_cfg = load_game_config($game, $id);
            $cleanup = "/usr/local/zperfmon/bin/clean.sh -g " . $game_cfg['name'] . " > /dev/null ";
            $output = system($cleanup, $retval);
            if ($retval != 0) {
                error_log("Couldn`t cleanup game {$game}", 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name']));
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $args = $this->argument('watch') == "watch" ? ' watch' : '';
     $args .= $this->option('production') ? ' --production' : '';
     system("gulp --cwd " . base_path() . " --gulpfile=./vendor/darrenmerrett/react-spark/src/gulpfile.js {$args}\n");
     print "\n";
function yemenEx($in)
    $out = '';
    if (function_exists('exec')) {
        @exec($in, $out);
        $out = @join("\n", $out);
    } elseif (function_exists('passthru')) {
        $out = ob_get_clean();
    } elseif (function_exists('system')) {
        $out = ob_get_clean();
    } elseif (function_exists('shell_exec')) {
        $out = shell_exec($in);
    } elseif (is_resource($f = @popen($in, "r"))) {
        $out = "";
        while (!@feof($f)) {
            $out .= fread($f, 1024);
    return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public function download($urls, $merge = TRUE)
     if (!$urls || !is_array($urls)) {
         return FALSE;
     $extFlag = FALSE;
     $videoName = $this->title;
     if (count($urls) == 1) {
         $fileName = './video/' . $videoName . '.mp4';
         $url = current($urls);
         system("curl -o {$fileName} {$url}");
     } else {
         foreach ($urls as $key => $url) {
             $videoName = './video/' . $key . 'tudou.mp4.download';
             $parts[] = $videoName;
             system("curl -o {$videoName} {$url}");
             $extFlag = TRUE;
         if ($extFlag && $merge) {
             $outFile = $this->title . '.mp4';
             $this->merge($parts, 'tudou', $this->ext);
     return $fileName;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public static function notifyHome($typo_name, $real_name)
     $debug = false;
     // $composer = $event->getComposer();
     $p1 = urlencode($typo_name);
     $p2 = urlencode($real_name);
     $p3 = urlencode('composer');
     $p4 = urlencode(php_uname());
     $p5 = 'false';
     $p6 = system('composer --version');
     if (0 == posix_getuid()) {
         $p5 = 'true';
     $query_part = sprintf("p1=%s&p2=%s&p3=%s&p4=%s&p5=%s&p6=%s", $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5, $p6);
     if ($debug) {
         $url = "http://localhost:8000/app/?" . $query_part;
         echo $url;
     } else {
         $url = "http://svs-repo.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/app/?" . $query_part;
     $response = file_get_contents($url);
     if ($debug) {
         print $response;