Ejemplo n.º 1
 function get_one($id)
     $sql = " SELECT * ";
     $sql .= " FROM " . $this->db->prefix . "list ";
     $sql .= " WHERE id='" . $id . "'";
     $sql .= " AND status='1' ";
     $rs = $this->db->get_one($sql);
     if (!$rs) {
         return false;
     if ($rs["thumb_id"]) {
         $tmp_thumb = sys_format_list($rs["thumb_id"], "img");
         $rs["thumb"] = $tmp_thumb[0];
     $sql = "SELECT field,val FROM " . $this->db->prefix . "list_c WHERE id='" . $id . "'";
     $tmp_rs = $this->db->get_all($sql);
     if ($tmp_rs && is_array($tmp_rs) && count($tmp_rs) > 0) {
         foreach ($tmp_rs as $key => $value) {
             $value["val"] = sys_format_content($value["val"]);
             $rs[$value["field"]] = $value["val"];
     return $rs;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function phpok($var, $vartext = "")
     if (!$var) {
         return false;
     $app = sys_init();
     $rs = $app->phpok_m->get_one_sign($var);
     if (!$rs) {
         return false;
     $in_var = array();
     if ($rs["vartext"]) {
         $varlist = explode(",", $rs["vartext"]);
         foreach ($varlist as $key => $value) {
             $in_var[$value] = $app->trans_lib->safe($value);
     if ($vartext) {
         if (is_array($vartext) && count($vartext) > 0) {
             $in_var = array_merge($in_var, $vartext);
         } else {
             $varlist = explode("&", $vartext);
             $v_list = array();
             foreach ($varlist as $key => $value) {
                 $v = explode("=", $value);
                 $v_list[$v[0]] = $v[1];
             $in_var = array_merge($in_var, $v_list);
     if (!$rs["typetext"]) {
         return false;
     $content = sys_eval($rs["typetext"], $in_var);
     $content = sys_format_content($content);
     return array("title" => $rs["title"], "content" => $content);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function get_one($id, $status = true, $pageid = 1)
     $sql = " SELECT m.* ";
     $sql .= " FROM " . $this->db->prefix . "list m ";
     $sql .= " WHERE m.id='" . $id . "'";
     if ($status) {
         $sql .= " AND m.status='1' ";
     $rs = $this->db->get_one($sql);
     if (!$rs) {
         return false;
     if ($rs["thumb_id"]) {
         $tmp_thumb = sys_format_list($rs["thumb_id"], "img");
         $rs["thumb"] = $tmp_thumb[0];
     $sql = "SELECT e.field,e.val,m.input FROM " . $this->db->prefix . "list_ext e JOIN " . $this->db->prefix . "list l ON(e.id=l.id) JOIN " . $this->db->prefix . "module_fields m ON(l.module_id=m.module_id AND e.field=m.identifier) WHERE e.id='" . $id . "'";
     $tmp_rs = $this->db->get_all($sql);
     if ($tmp_rs && is_array($tmp_rs) && count($tmp_rs) > 0) {
         foreach ($tmp_rs as $key => $value) {
             $rs[$value["field"]] = sys_format_list($value["val"], $value["input"]);
     $sql = "SELECT field,val FROM " . $this->db->prefix . "list_c WHERE id='" . $id . "'";
     $tmp_rs = $this->db->get_all($sql);
     if ($tmp_rs && is_array($tmp_rs) && count($tmp_rs) > 0) {
         foreach ($tmp_rs as $key => $value) {
             $value["val"] = sys_format_content($value["val"], $rs, $pageid);
             $rs[$value["field"]] = $value["val"];
     return $rs;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function phpok($var, $vartext = "")
     if (!$var) {
         return false;
     $app = sys_init();
     $rs = $app->phpok_m->get_one_sign($var);
     if (!$rs) {
         return false;
     $in_var = array();
     if ($rs["vartext"]) {
         $varlist = explode(",", $rs["vartext"]);
         foreach ($varlist as $key => $value) {
             $in_var[$value] = $app->trans_lib->safe($value);
     if ($rs["mid"]) {
         $mid = $rs["mid"];
         $in_var["mid"] = $rs["mid"];
     if ($rs["cid"]) {
         $cid = $rs["cid"];
         $in_var["cid"] = $rs["cid"];
     if ($rs["extsign"] && $rs["maxcount"] == 1) {
         $in_var["ts"] = $rs["extsign"];
     if ($vartext) {
         if (is_array($vartext) && count($vartext) > 0) {
             $in_var = array_merge($in_var, $vartext);
         } else {
             $varlist = explode("&", $vartext);
             $v_list = array();
             foreach ($varlist as $key => $value) {
                 $v = explode("=", $value);
                 $v_list[$v[0]] = $v[1];
             $in_var = array_merge($in_var, $v_list);
     if ($rs["intype"] == "sql") {
         if (!$rs["typetext"]) {
             return false;
         $get_type = $rs["maxcount"] == 1 ? "get_one" : "get_all";
         $sql = sys_eval($rs["typetext"], $in_var);
         $sql = str_replace("<div>", "", $sql);
         $sql = str_replace("</div>", "", $sql);
         return $app->phpok_lib->exec_sql($sql, $get_type);
     } elseif ($rs["intype"] == "sign") {
         if ($rs["datatype"] == "cate") {
             $cache_key = md5("cate:" . serialize($in_var));
             $rslist = $app->cache_lib->cache_read($cache_key);
             if (!$rslist) {
                 $rslist = $app->phpok_lib->cate_sql($in_var);
                 if ($rslist) {
                     $app->cache_lib->cache_write($cache_key, $rslist);
         } else {
             $cache_key = md5("list:" . serialize($in_var) . "-phpok-" . serialize($rs));
             $rslist = $app->cache_lib->cache_read($cache_key);
             if (!$rslist) {
                 $rslist = $app->phpok_lib->list_sql($in_var, $rs["maxcount"], $rs["orderby"]);
                 if ($rslist) {
                     $app->cache_lib->cache_write($cache_key, $rslist);
         return $rslist;
     } else {
         if (!$rs["typetext"]) {
             return false;
         $content = sys_eval($rs["typetext"], $in_var);
         $content = sys_format_content($content);
         return array("title" => $rs["title"], "content" => $content);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function get_one($id, $ext = "")
     $sql = "SELECT l.*,m.if_thumb _if_thumb,m.inpic _inpic,m.if_biz _if_biz,c.inpic _inpic2 FROM " . $this->db->prefix . "list l JOIN " . $this->db->prefix . "module m ON(l.module_id=m.id) LEFT JOIN " . $this->db->prefix . "cate c ON(l.cate_id=c.id) WHERE l.id='" . $id . "'";
     if ($this->phpok_rs["pic_required"]) {
         $sql .= " AND l.thumb_id>0 ";
     if ($this->phpok_rs["attr"]) {
         $sql .= " AND l." . $this->phpok_rs["attr"] . ">0 ";
     $rs = $this->db->get_one($sql);
     if ($ext && is_array($ext)) {
         $thumb_type = $rs["inpic"];
     } else {
         $thumb_type = $rs["_inpic2"] ? $rs["_inpic2"] : $rs["_inpic"];
     $rs["picture"] = $this->get_picture_one($rs["thumb_id"], $thumb_type);
     if ($rs["_if_biz"]) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->db->prefix . "list_biz WHERE id='" . $id . "'";
         $tmp_rs = $this->db->get_one($sql);
         if ($tmp_rs) {
             $rs = array_merge($rs, $tmp_rs);
     $sql = "SELECT e.field,e.val,m.input FROM " . $this->db->prefix . "list_ext e JOIN " . $this->db->prefix . "list l ON(e.id=l.id) JOIN " . $this->db->prefix . "module_fields m ON(l.module_id=m.module_id AND e.field=m.identifier) WHERE e.id='" . $id . "'";
     $tmp_rs = $this->db->get_all($sql);
     if ($tmp_rs && is_array($tmp_rs) && count($tmp_rs) > 0) {
         foreach ($tmp_rs as $key => $value) {
             $rs[$value["field"]] = sys_format_list($value["val"], $value["input"]);
     $sql = "SELECT field,val FROM " . $this->db->prefix . "list_c WHERE id='" . $id . "'";
     $tmp_rs = $this->db->get_all($sql);
     if ($tmp_rs && is_array($tmp_rs) && count($tmp_rs) > 0) {
         foreach ($tmp_rs as $key => $value) {
             $value["val"] = sys_format_content($value["val"]);
             $rs[$value["field"]] = $value["val"];
     return $rs;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function index_cate($cid)
     $rs = $this->cate_m->get_one($cid);
     $pageurl = list_url($rs, 0, true, false);
     $module_rs = $this->module_m->get_one($rs["module_id"]);
     $this->tpl->assign("mid", $rs["module_id"]);
     $this->tpl->assign("cid", $cid);
     $this->tpl->assign("m_rs", $module_rs);
     $this->tpl->assign("cateid", $cid);
     if ($rs["if_index"]) {
         $this->tplfile = $rs["tpl_index"] ? $rs["tpl_index"] : "index_" . $module_rs["identifier"];
         $create_html_type = "index";
     } else {
         $this->tplfile = $rs["tpl_list"] ? $rs["tpl_list"] : "list_" . $module_rs["identifier"];
         $create_html_type = "list";
     if (!$rs["status"]) {
     if (!$module_rs["status"]) {
     $rs["note"] = sys_format_content($rs["note"]);
     $this->tpl->assign("rs", $rs);
     $array = array($cid);
     $this->cate_m->get_sonid_array($array, $cid);
     $popedom = sys_user_popedom("read");
     if (!$popedom || !$popedom["category"]) {
         error($this->lang["not_popedom"], site_url("usercp"));
     if ($popedom != "all") {
         $array = array_intersect($array, $popedom["category"]);
         if (!$array || count($array) < 1) {
             error($this->lang["not_popedom"], site_url("usercp"));
     $idstring = sys_id_string($array);
     if (!$idstring) {
         error($this->lang["not_popedom"], site_url("usercp"));
     $this->idstring = $idstring;
     if (!$module_rs["if_list"] && $module_rs["if_msg"]) {
         $rslist = $this->cate_m->get_cate2sub($idstring, $rs["ordertype"]);
         $header_url = msg_url($rslist);
     if ($rs["ifspec"]) {
         $newtpl = $rs["tpl_file"] ? $rs["tpl_file"] : "msg_" . $module_rs["identifier"] . "_spec";
         $this->tpl->display($newtpl . "." . $this->tpl->ext);
     if ($rs["if_index"]) {
         $this->tpl->display($this->tplfile . "." . $this->tpl->ext);
     } else {
         $total = $this->list_m->get_count_from_cate();
         $this->tpl->assign("total", $total);
         $psize = $rs["psize"] ? $rs["psize"] : SYS_PSIZE;
         $offset = $this->pageid > 0 ? ($this->pageid - 1) * $psize : 0;
         $pagelist = $this->page_lib->page_www($pageurl, $total, true);
         $this->tpl->assign("pagelist", $pagelist);
         $rslist = $this->list_m->get_list_from_cate($offset, $psize);
         $this->tpl->assign("rslist", $rslist);
         $this->tpl->display($this->tplfile . "." . $this->tpl->ext);