Ejemplo n.º 1
function ecmsShowInfoTop($query, $where, $field, $topnum, $day)
    global $empire, $dbtbpre, $class_r;
    if ($day) {
        $and = $where ? ' and ' : ' where ';
        $query .= $and . "newstime>=" . time() . "-" . $day * 24 * 3600;
    if ($field == 'plnum') {
        $word = '评论数';
    } elseif ($field == 'totaldown') {
        $word = '下载数';
    } elseif ($field == 'onclick') {
        $word = '点击数';
    $query .= " order by " . $field . " desc limit " . $topnum;
    echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' class='tableborder'><tr><td width='85%'>标题</td><td width='15%'>{$word}</td></tr>";
    $sql = $empire->query($query);
    while ($r = $empire->fetch($sql)) {
        $classurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($r, 9);
        $titleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($r);
        echo "<tr bgcolor='#ffffff' height='23'><td>[<a href='" . $classurl . "' target='_blank'>" . $class_r[$r[classid]][classname] . "</a>] <a href='{$titleurl}' target='_blank' title='发布时间:" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $r[newstime]) . "'>" . stripSlashes($r[title]) . "</a></td><td>" . $r[$field] . "</td></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
Ejemplo n.º 2
} else {
    $copyclassidshowiframe = '';
    $copyclassids = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#DBEAF5">
                <td height="25" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" id="copyinfoshowclassnav">本信息已同步发布到其他栏目,信息ID:<br>' . $r[copyids] . '</td>
$modfile = "../data/html/" . $modid . ".php";
$getcurlr['classid'] = $classid;
$classurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($getcurlr, 9);
$thegid = GetDoTempGid();
$phpmyself = urlencode($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
echo $word;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="adminstyle/<?php 
echo $loginadminstyleid;
/adminstyle.css" type="text/css">
Ejemplo n.º 3
require "../../data/dbcache/class.php";
$link = db_connect();
$empire = new mysqlquery();
$editor = 1;
$lur = is_login();
$logininid = $lur['userid'];
$loginin = $lur['username'];
$loginrnd = $lur['rnd'];
$loginlevel = $lur['groupid'];
$loginadminstyleid = $lur['adminstyleid'];
$ecms_hashur = hReturnEcmsHashStrAll();
$classid = (int) $_GET['classid'];
$r['classid'] = $classid;
$url = sys_ReturnBqClassname($r, 9);
$jspath = $public_r['newsurl'] . 'd/js/class/class' . $classid . '_';
<link href="../adminstyle/<?php 
echo $loginadminstyleid;
/adminstyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<title>调用地址</title><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="tableborder">
  <tr class=header> 
    <td height="25">&nbsp;</td>
    <td height="25">调用地址</td>
    <td height="25"> <div align="center">预览</div></td>
  <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> 
    <td width="22%" height="25">栏目地址:</td>
Ejemplo n.º 4
function DtGetHtml($add, $newstemp_r, $mid, $tbname, $line, $page_line, $start, $page, $search)
    global $public_r, $class_r, $class_zr, $class_tr, $fun_r, $empire, $dbtbpre, $emod_r, $level_r;
    $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . " set onclick=onclick+1 where id='{$add['id']}' limit 1");
    $add['onclick'] = $add['onclick'] + 1;
    $newstemptext = $newstemp_r[temptext];
    $formatdate = $newstemp_r[showdate];
    $pagetitle = ehtmlspecialchars($add[title]);
    $url = ReturnClassLink($add[classid]);
    $newstemptext = DtInfo_ReplaceSvars($newstemptext, $url, $add[classid], $pagetitle, $add[keyboard], $pagetitle);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--other.link--]')) {
        $keyboardtext = GetKeyboard($add[keyboard], $add[keyid], $add[classid], $add[id], $class_r[$add[classid]][link_num]);
    $ptitle = $add['title'];
    $truepage = '';
    $titleselect = '';
    $expage = '[!--empirenews.page--]';
    $pf = $emod_r[$mid]['pagef'];
    if ($pf && strstr($add[$pf], $expage)) {
        $n_r = explode($expage, $add[$pf]);
        $thispagenum = count($n_r);
        if ($page < 0 || $page > $thispagenum - 1) {
            $page = 0;
        $add[$pf] = $n_r[$page];
        if ($page) {
            $ti_r = explode('[/!--empirenews.page--]', $n_r[$page]);
            if (count($ti_r) >= 2) {
                $ptitle = $ti_r[0];
                $add[$pf] = $ti_r[1];
            } else {
                $ptitle = $add['title'] . '(' . ($page + 1) . ')';
        $pagefunr = eReturnRewriteInfoUrl($add['classid'], $add['id'], 0);
        $pagefunr['repagenum'] = 0;
        $truepage = InfoUsePage($thispagenum, $line, $page_line, $start, $page, $search, $pagefunr);
        if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--title.select--]')) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < $thispagenum; $j++) {
                $spurl = eReturnRewritePageLink($pagefunr, $j);
                if ($j == 0) {
                    $sptitle = $add[title];
                } else {
                    $ti_r = explode('[/!--empirenews.page--]', $n_r[$j]);
                    $sptitle = count($ti_r) >= 2 ? $ti_r[0] : $add[title] . '(' . ($j + 1) . ')';
                $select = '';
                if ($page == $j) {
                    $ptitle = $sptitle;
                    $select = ' selected';
                $titleselect .= '<option value="' . $spurl . '"' . $select . '>' . $sptitle . '</option>';
            $titleselect = '<select name="titleselect" onchange="self.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">' . $titleselect . '</select>';
        if ($page == $thispagenum - 1) {
            $thisnextlink = eReturnRewritePageLink($pagefunr, 0);
        } else {
            $thisnextlink = eReturnRewritePageLink($pagefunr, $page + 1);
    $docheckrep = ReturnCheckDoRepStr();
    if ($add[newstext]) {
        if (empty($public_r['dorepword']) && $docheckrep[3]) {
            $add[newstext] = ReplaceWord($add[newstext]);
        if (empty($public_r['dorepkey']) && $docheckrep[4] && !empty($add[dokey])) {
            $add[newstext] = ReplaceKey($add['newstext'], $add['classid']);
        if ($public_r['opencopytext']) {
            $add[newstext] = AddNotCopyRndStr($add[newstext]);
    $tempf = $emod_r[$mid]['tempf'];
    $fr = explode(',', $tempf);
    $fcount = count($fr) - 1;
    $newstempstr = $newstemptext;
    for ($i = 1; $i < $fcount; $i++) {
        $f = $fr[$i];
        $value = $add[$f];
        if ($f == 'downpath') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--downpath--]')) {
                $value = ReturnDownSoftHtml($add);
        } elseif ($f == 'onlinepath') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--onlinepath--]')) {
                $value = ReturnOnlinepathHtml($add);
        } elseif ($f == 'morepic') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--morepic--]')) {
                $value = ReturnMorepicpathHtml($add);
        } elseif ($f == 'newstime') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--newstime--]')) {
                $value = date($formatdate, $value);
        } elseif ($f == 'befrom') {
            if ($docheckrep[1] && strstr($newstemptext, '[!--befrom--]')) {
                $value = ReplaceBefrom($value);
        } elseif ($f == 'writer') {
            if ($docheckrep[2] && strstr($newstemptext, '[!--writer--]')) {
                $value = ReplaceWriter($value);
        } elseif ($f == 'titlepic') {
            if (empty($value)) {
                $value = $public_r[newsurl] . 'e/data/images/notimg.gif';
        } elseif ($f == 'title') {
        } else {
            if (!strstr($emod_r[$mid]['editorf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
                if (strstr($emod_r[$mid]['tobrf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
                    $value = nl2br($value);
                if (!strstr($emod_r[$mid]['dohtmlf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
                    $value = RepFieldtextNbsp(ehtmlspecialchars($value));
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--' . $f . '--]', $value, $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--id--]', $add[id], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--classid--]', $add[classid], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--class.name--]', $class_r[$add[classid]][classname], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--ttid--]', $add[ttid], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--tt.name--]', $class_tr[$add[ttid]][tname], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--tt.url--]', sys_ReturnBqInfoTypeUrl($add['ttid']), $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--onclick--]', $add[onclick], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--userfen--]', $add[userfen], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--username--]', $add[username], $newstempstr);
    if ($add[ismember] == 1 && $add[userid]) {
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--linkusername--]', "<a href='" . $public_r[newsurl] . "e/space/?userid=" . $add[userid] . "' target=_blank>" . $add[username] . "</a>", $newstempstr);
    } else {
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--linkusername--]', $add[username], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--userid--]', $add[userid], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--other.link--]', $keyboardtext, $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--news.url--]', $public_r[newsurl], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--plnum--]', $add[plnum], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--totaldown--]', $add[totaldown], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--keyboard--]', $add[keyboard], $newstempstr);
    $titleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($add);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--titleurl--]', $titleurl, $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--page.stats--]', '', $newstempstr);
    $classurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($add, 9);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--class.url--]', $classurl, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--info.next--]')) {
        $next_r = $empire->fetch1("select isurl,titleurl,classid,id,title from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " where id>{$add['id']} and classid='{$add['classid']}' order by id limit 1");
        if (empty($next_r[id])) {
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $classurl . "'>" . $fun_r['HaveNoNextLink'] . "</a>";
        } else {
            $nexttitleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($next_r);
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $nexttitleurl . "'>" . $next_r[title] . "</a>";
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--info.next--]', $infonext, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--info.pre--]')) {
        $next_r = $empire->fetch1("select isurl,titleurl,classid,id,title from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " where id<{$add['id']} and classid='{$add['classid']}' order by id desc limit 1");
        if (empty($next_r[id])) {
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $classurl . "'>" . $fun_r['HaveNoNextLink'] . "</a>";
        } else {
            $nexttitleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($next_r);
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $nexttitleurl . "'>" . $next_r[title] . "</a>";
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--info.pre--]', $infonext, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--info.vote--]')) {
        $myvotetext = sys_GetInfoVote($add[classid], $add[id]);
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--info.vote--]', $myvotetext, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--pinfopfen--]')) {
        $pinfopfen = $add[infopfennum] ? round($add[infopfen] / $add[infopfennum]) : 0;
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--pinfopfen--]', $pinfopfen, $newstempstr);
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--infopfennum--]', $add[infopfennum], $newstempstr);
    $string = $newstempstr;
    $string = str_replace('[!--p.title--]', strip_tags($ptitle), $string);
    $string = str_replace('[!--next.page--]', $thisnextlink, $string);
    $string = str_replace('[!--page.url--]', $truepage, $string);
    $string = str_replace('[!--title.select--]', $titleselect, $string);
    return $string;
Ejemplo n.º 5
$cr = $empire->fetch1("select classid,classpagekey,intro,classimg,cgroupid,islist,classtempid,listdt,bdinfoid,repagenum,islast,infos from {$dbtbpre}enewsclass where classid='{$classid}'");
if (empty($cr['classid'])) {
    printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
if ($class_r[$classid][islast] && $cr['bdinfoid']) {
    printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
if (Moreport_ReturnMustDt()) {
    $class_r[$classid]['listdt'] = 1;
    $cr['repagenum'] = 0;
    $cr['listdt'] = 1;
if (empty($class_r[$classid]['listdt']) && !$cr['repagenum']) {
    $classurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($cr, 9);
if ($cr['cgroupid']) {
    $mgroupid = (int) getcvar('mlgroupid');
    if (!strstr($cr[cgroupid], ',' . $mgroupid . ',')) {
        printerror('NotLevelToClass', 'history.go(-1)', 1);
$GLOBALS['navclassid'] = $classid;
$url = ReturnClassLink($classid);
$pagetitle = $class_r[$classid]['classname'];
$pagekey = $cr['classpagekey'];
$pagedes = $cr['intro'];
Ejemplo n.º 6
function espace_eloop_sp($r)
    global $class_r;
    $sr['titleurl'] = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($r);
    $sr['classname'] = $class_r[$r[classid]][bname] ? $class_r[$r[classid]][bname] : $class_r[$r[classid]][classname];
    $sr['classurl'] = sys_ReturnBqClassname($r, 9);
    return $sr;
Ejemplo n.º 7
function ReplaceShowClassVars($no, $listtemp, $r, $num, $ecms = 0, $subnews = 0)
    global $public_r, $class_r;
    if ($ecms == 1) {
        $classurl = sys_ReturnBqZtname($r);
        $r['classname'] = $r['ztname'];
        $r['classid'] = $r['ztid'];
        $r['classimg'] = $r['ztimg'];
    } else {
        $classurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($r, 9);
    if ($subnews) {
        $r[intro] = sub($r[intro], 0, $subnews, false);
    $listtemp = str_replace("[!--classurl--]", $classurl, $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace("[!--classname--]", $r[classname], $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace("[!--classid--]", $r[classid], $listtemp);
    if (empty($r[classimg])) {
        $r[classimg] = $public_r[newsurl] . "e/data/images/notimg.gif";
    $listtemp = str_replace("[!--classimg--]", $r[classimg], $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace("[!--intro--]", nl2br($r[intro]), $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace("[!--num--]", $num, $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace("[!--no--]", $no, $listtemp);
    return $listtemp;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    $classid = RepPostVar($classid);
    if (strstr($classid, ',')) {
        $son_r = sys_ReturnMoreClass($classid, 1);
        $trueclassid = $son_r[0];
        $add .= ' and (' . $son_r[1] . ')';
    } else {
        $trueclassid = intval($classid);
        if ($class_r[$trueclassid][islast]) {
            $add .= " and classid='{$trueclassid}'";
        } else {
            $add .= ' and ' . ReturnClass($class_r[$trueclassid][sonclass]);
        $pagetitle = $class_r[$trueclassid]['classname'];
        $this_r['classid'] = $trueclassid;
        $pageurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($this_r, 9);
        $pageecms = 0;
        $pageclassid = $trueclassid;
    if (empty($class_r[$trueclassid]['tbname'])) {
    if (empty($tbname)) {
        $tbname = $class_r[$trueclassid][tbname];
        $mid = $class_r[$trueclassid][modid];
        $yhid = $class_r[$trueclassid][yhid];
$truettid = 0;
$ttid = $_GET['ttid'];
Ejemplo n.º 9
function GetHtml($add, $fields, $doall = 0)
    global $public_r, $class_r, $class_zr, $fun_r, $empire, $dbtbpre, $emod_r, $class_tr, $level_r, $etable_r;
    if (empty($doall)) {
        if ($add['titleurl'] || $add['checked'] == 0 || $class_r[$add[classid]][showdt] == 2 || strstr($public_r['nreinfo'], ',' . $add['classid'] . ',')) {
            return '';
    $mid = $class_r[$add[classid]]['modid'];
    $tbname = $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname];
    if ($emod_r[$mid]['tbdataf'] && $emod_r[$mid]['tbdataf'] != ',') {
        $selectdataf = substr($emod_r[$mid]['tbdataf'], 1, -1);
        $addr = $empire->fetch1("select " . $selectdataf . " from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_data_" . $add[stb] . " where id='{$add['id']}'");
        $add = array_merge($add, $addr);
    $iclasspath = ReturnSaveInfoPath($add[classid], $add[id]);
    $doclasspath = ECMS_PATH . $iclasspath;
    $createinfopath = $doclasspath;
    $newspath = '';
    if ($add[newspath]) {
        $createpath = $doclasspath . $add[newspath];
        if (!file_exists($createpath)) {
            $r[newspath] = FormatPath($add[classid], $add[newspath], 1);
        $createinfopath .= $add[newspath] . '/';
        $newspath = $add[newspath] . '/';
    if ($class_r[$add[classid]][filename] == 3) {
        $createinfopath .= ReturnInfoSPath($add['filename']);
        $fn3 = 1;
    if ($emod_r[$mid]['savetxtf']) {
        $stf = $emod_r[$mid]['savetxtf'];
        if ($add[$stf]) {
            $add[$stf] = GetTxtFieldText($add[$stf]);
    $GLOBALS['navclassid'] = $add[classid];
    $GLOBALS['navinfor'] = $add;
    $add[newstempid] = $add[newstempid] ? $add[newstempid] : $class_r[$add[classid]][newstempid];
    $newstemp_r = GetNewsTemp($add[newstempid]);
    $newstemptext = $newstemp_r[temptext];
    $formatdate = $newstemp_r[showdate];
    $pagetitle = htmlspecialchars($add[title]);
    $url = ReturnClassLink($add[classid]);
    $newstemptext = Info_ReplaceSvars($newstemptext, $url, $add[classid], $pagetitle, $add[keyboard], $pagetitle);
    if ($add[groupid] || $class_r[$add[classid]]['cgtoinfo']) {
        if (empty($add[newspath])) {
            $include = '';
        } else {
            $pr = explode('/', $add[newspath]);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($pr); $i++) {
                $include .= '../';
        if ($fn3 == 1) {
            $include .= '../';
        $pr = explode('/', $iclasspath);
        $pcount = count($pr);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $pcount - 1; $i++) {
            $include .= '../';
        $include1 = $include;
        $include .= 'e/class/CheckLevel.php';
        $filetype = '.php';
        $addlevel = "<?php\r\n\t\tdefine('empirecms','wm_chief');\r\n\t\t\$check_tbname='" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . "';\r\n\t\t\$check_infoid=" . $add[id] . ";\r\n\t\t\$check_classid=" . $add[classid] . ";\r\n\t\t\$check_path=\"" . $include1 . "\";\r\n\t\trequire(\"" . $include . "\");\r\n\t\t?>";
    } else {
        $filetype = $class_r[$add[classid]][filetype];
        $addlevel = '';
    if ($class_r[$add[classid]][classurl] && $class_r[$add[classid]][ipath] == '') {
        $dolink = $class_r[$add[classid]][classurl] . '/' . $newspath;
    } else {
        $dolink = $public_r[newsurl] . $iclasspath . $newspath;
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--other.link--]')) {
        $keyboardtext = GetKeyboard($add[keyboard], $add[keyid], $add[classid], $add[id], $class_r[$add[classid]][link_num]);
    $onclick = "<script src='" . $public_r[newsurl] . "e/public/onclick?enews=donews&classid={$add['classid']}&id=" . $add[id] . "'></script>";
    $docheckrep = ReturnCheckDoRepStr();
    if ($add[newstext]) {
        if (empty($public_r['dorepword']) && $docheckrep[3]) {
            $add[newstext] = ReplaceWord($add[newstext]);
        if (empty($public_r['dorepkey']) && $docheckrep[4] && !empty($add[dokey])) {
            $add[newstext] = ReplaceKey($add[newstext]);
        if ($public_r['opencopytext']) {
            $add[newstext] = AddNotCopyRndStr($add[newstext]);
    $expage = '[!--empirenews.page--]';
    $pf = $emod_r[$mid]['pagef'];
    $tempf = $emod_r[$mid]['tempf'];
    if ($pf && strstr($add[$pf], $expage)) {
        $tempf = str_replace(',' . $pf . ',', ',', $tempf);
    $fr = explode(',', $tempf);
    $fcount = count($fr) - 1;
    $newstempstr = $newstemptext;
    for ($i = 1; $i < $fcount; $i++) {
        $f = $fr[$i];
        $value = $add[$f];
        if ($f == 'downpath') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--downpath--]')) {
                $value = ReturnDownSoftHtml($add);
        } elseif ($f == 'onlinepath') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--onlinepath--]')) {
                $value = ReturnOnlinepathHtml($add);
        } elseif ($f == 'morepic') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--morepic--]')) {
                $value = ReturnMorepicpathHtml($add);
        } elseif ($f == 'newstime') {
            if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--newstime--]')) {
                $value = date($formatdate, $value);
        } elseif ($f == 'befrom') {
            if ($docheckrep[1] && strstr($newstemptext, '[!--befrom--]')) {
                $value = ReplaceBefrom($value);
        } elseif ($f == 'writer') {
            if ($docheckrep[2] && strstr($newstemptext, '[!--writer--]')) {
                $value = ReplaceWriter($value);
        } elseif ($f == 'titlepic') {
            if (empty($value)) {
                $value = $public_r[newsurl] . 'e/data/images/notimg.gif';
        } elseif ($f == 'title') {
        } else {
            if (!strstr($emod_r[$mid]['editorf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
                if (strstr($emod_r[$mid]['tobrf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
                    $value = nl2br($value);
                if (!strstr($emod_r[$mid]['dohtmlf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
                    $value = RepFieldtextNbsp(htmlspecialchars($value));
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--' . $f . '--]', $value, $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--id--]', $add[id], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--classid--]', $add[classid], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--class.name--]', $class_r[$add[classid]][classname], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--ttid--]', $add[ttid], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--tt.name--]', $class_tr[$add[ttid]][tname], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--onclick--]', $add[onclick], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--userfen--]', $add[userfen], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--username--]', $add[username], $newstempstr);
    if ($add[ismember] == 1 && $add[userid]) {
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--linkusername--]', "<a href='" . $public_r[newsurl] . "e/space/?userid=" . $add[userid] . "' target=_blank>" . $add[username] . "</a>", $newstempstr);
    } else {
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--linkusername--]', $add[username], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--userid--]', $add[userid], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--other.link--]', $keyboardtext, $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--news.url--]', $public_r[newsurl], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--plnum--]', $add[plnum], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--totaldown--]', $add[totaldown], $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--keyboard--]', $add[keyboard], $newstempstr);
    $titleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($add);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--titleurl--]', $titleurl, $newstempstr);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--page.stats--]', $onclick, $newstempstr);
    $classurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($add, 9);
    $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--class.url--]', $classurl, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--info.next--]')) {
        $next_r = $empire->fetch1("select titleurl,groupid,classid,newspath,filename,id,title from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " where id>{$add['id']} and classid='{$add['classid']}' and checked=1 order by id limit 1");
        if (empty($next_r[id])) {
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $classurl . "'>" . $fun_r['HaveNoNextLink'] . "</a>";
        } else {
            $nexttitleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($next_r);
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $nexttitleurl . "'>" . $next_r[title] . "</a>";
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--info.next--]', $infonext, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--info.pre--]')) {
        $next_r = $empire->fetch1("select titleurl,groupid,classid,newspath,filename,id,title from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " where id<{$add['id']} and classid='{$add['classid']}' and checked=1 order by id desc limit 1");
        if (empty($next_r[id])) {
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $classurl . "'>" . $fun_r['HaveNoNextLink'] . "</a>";
        } else {
            $nexttitleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($next_r);
            $infonext = "<a href='" . $nexttitleurl . "'>" . $next_r[title] . "</a>";
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--info.pre--]', $infonext, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--info.vote--]')) {
        $myvotetext = sys_GetInfoVote($add[classid], $add[id]);
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--info.vote--]', $myvotetext, $newstempstr);
    if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--pinfopfen--]')) {
        $pinfopfen = $add[infopfennum] ? round($add[infopfen] / $add[infopfennum]) : 0;
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--pinfopfen--]', $pinfopfen, $newstempstr);
        $newstempstr = str_replace('[!--infopfennum--]', $add[infopfennum], $newstempstr);
    if ($pf && strstr($add[$pf], $expage)) {
        $n_r = explode($expage, $add[$pf]);
        $thispagenum = count($n_r);
        $thefun = $public_r['textpagefun'] ? $public_r['textpagefun'] : 'sys_ShowTextPage';
        if (strstr($newstemptext, '[!--title.select--]')) {
            $dotitleselect = sys_ShowTextPageSelect($thispagenum, $dolink, $add, $filetype, $n_r);
        for ($j = 1; $j <= $thispagenum; $j++) {
            $string = $newstempstr;
            $truepage = '';
            $titleselect = '';
            if ($thispagenum == $j) {
                $thisnextlink = $dolink . $add[filename] . $filetype;
            } else {
                $thisj = $j + 1;
                $thisnextlink = $dolink . $add[filename] . '_' . $thisj . $filetype;
            $k = $j - 1;
            if ($j == 1) {
                $file = $doclasspath . $newspath . $add[filename] . $filetype;
                $ptitle = $add[title];
            } else {
                $file = $doclasspath . $newspath . $add[filename] . '_' . $j . $filetype;
                $ti_r = explode('[/!--empirenews.page--]', $n_r[$k]);
                if (count($ti_r) >= 2) {
                    $ptitle = $ti_r[0];
                    $n_r[$k] = $ti_r[1];
                } else {
                    $ptitle = $add[title] . '(' . $j . ')';
            if ($thispagenum != 1) {
                $truepage = $thefun($thispagenum, $j, $dolink, $add, $filetype, '');
                $titleselect = str_replace("?" . $j . "\">", "?" . $j . "\" selected>", $dotitleselect);
            $newstext = $n_r[$k];
            if (!strstr($emod_r[$mid]['editorf'], ',' . $pf . ',')) {
                if (strstr($emod_r[$mid]['tobrf'], ',' . $pf . ',')) {
                    $newstext = nl2br($newstext);
                if (!strstr($emod_r[$mid]['dohtmlf'], ',' . $pf . ',')) {
                    $newstext = htmlspecialchars($newstext);
                    $newstext = RepFieldtextNbsp($newstext);
            $string = str_replace('[!--' . $pf . '--]', $newstext, $string);
            $string = str_replace('[!--p.title--]', $ptitle, $string);
            $string = str_replace('[!--next.page--]', $thisnextlink, $string);
            $string = str_replace('[!--page.url--]', $truepage, $string);
            $string = str_replace('[!--title.select--]', $titleselect, $string);
            WriteFiletext($file, $addlevel . $string);
    } else {
        $file = $doclasspath . $newspath . $add[filename] . $filetype;
        $string = $newstempstr;
        $string = str_replace('[!--p.title--]', $add[title], $string);
        $string = str_replace('[!--next.page--]', '', $string);
        $string = str_replace('[!--page.url--]', '', $string);
        $string = str_replace('[!--title.select--]', '', $string);
        WriteFiletext($file, $addlevel . $string);
    if (empty($add['havehtml'])) {
        $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " set havehtml=1 where id='{$add['id']}' limit 1");
Ejemplo n.º 10
function DoInfoSendNotice($userid, $username, $to_userid, $to_username, $causetext, $infor, $ecms = 0)
    global $empire, $dbtbpre, $class_r;
    if (!$infor['ismember']) {
        return '';
    $user_r = $empire->fetch1("select truename from {$dbtbpre}enewsuser where userid='{$userid}'");
    $dousername = $user_r['truename'] ? $user_r['truename'] : $username;
    if ($ecms == 1) {
        $doing = '删除';
        $title = '您的信息被删除';
    } elseif ($ecms == 2) {
        $doing = '审核通过';
        $title = '您的信息已审核通过';
    } elseif ($ecms == 3) {
        $doing = '取消审核';
        $title = '您的信息被取消审核';
    } elseif ($ecms == 4) {
        $doing = '转移';
        $title = '您的信息被转移';
    $title = RepPostStr($title);
    $causetext = RepPostStr($causetext);
    $dotime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $titleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($infor);
    $infotitle = $infor['title'];
    $infotime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $infor[truetime]);
    $classname = $class_r[$infor[classid]]['classname'];
    $classurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($infor, 9);
    $isadmin = $infor['ismember'] == 1 ? 0 : 1;
    $msgtext = "您发布的信息被 <strong>{$dousername}</strong> 执行 <strong>{$doing}</strong> 操作<br>\n<br>\n<strong>信息标题:</strong><a href='" . $titleurl . "'>" . $infotitle . "</a><br>\n<strong>发布时间:</strong>" . $infotime . "<br>\n<strong>所在栏目:</strong><a href='" . $classurl . "'>" . $classname . "</a><br>\n<strong>操作时间:</strong>{$dotime}<br>\n<strong>操作理由:</strong>" . $causetext . "<br>";
    eSendMsg(addslashes($title), addslashes($msgtext), $to_username, 0, '', 1, 1, $isadmin);
Ejemplo n.º 11
		{$showtitlepic="<a href='".$r[titlepic]."' title='预览标题图片' target=_blank><img src='../data/images/showimg.gif' border=0></a>";}
  <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF" id=news<?php 
echo $r[id];
    <td height="25"> <div align="left"> 
echo $st;
echo $showtitlepic;
Ejemplo n.º 12
function GetInfoNewsBq($classid, $newstemp_r, $ecms_gr, $docheckrep)
    global $empire, $dbtbpre, $public_r, $emod_r, $class_r, $class_zr, $fun_r, $navclassid, $navinfor, $class_tr, $level_r, $etable_r;
    if (!defined('EmpireCMSAdmin')) {
        $_GET['reallinfotime'] = 0;
    if ($_GET['reallinfotime']) {
        $file = ECMS_PATH . DASHBOARD . '/data/tmp/tempnews' . $newstemp_r['tempid'] . '_all.php';
    } else {
        $file = ECMS_PATH . DASHBOARD . '/data/tmp/tempnews' . $newstemp_r['tempid'] . '.php';
    $grurl = ReturnClassLink($ecms_gr['classid']);
    $grpagetitle = ehtmlspecialchars($ecms_gr['title']);
    $grbclassid = $class_r[$ecms_gr['classid']]['bclassid'];
    $grtitleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($ecms_gr);
    $grclassurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($ecms_gr, 9);
    if ($_GET['reallinfotime'] && file_exists($file)) {
        $filetime = filemtime($file);
        if ($_GET['reallinfotime'] <= $filetime) {
            include $file;
            $string = ob_get_contents();
            $string = RepExeCode($string);
            return $string;
    $formatdate = $newstemp_r['showdate'];
    $newstemp_r['temptext'] = stripSlashes($newstemp_r['temptext']);
    $newstemp_r['temptext'] = ReplaceTempvar($newstemp_r['temptext']);
    $newstemp_r['temptext'] = DoRepEcmsLoopBq($newstemp_r['temptext']);
    $newstemp_r['temptext'] = RepBq($newstemp_r['temptext']);
    $indextext = GetHtmlRepVar($newstemp_r, $ecms_gr['classid']);
    WriteFiletext($file, AddCheckViewTempCode() . $indextext);
    include $file;
    $string = ob_get_contents();
    $string = RepExeCode($string);
    return $string;
Ejemplo n.º 13
function ShowClass_ListInfoClass($bclassid, $exp)
    global $empire, $class_r, $fun_r, $dbtbpre, $ecms_hashur;
    if (getcvar('displayinfoclass', 1)) {
        $display = " style=display=none";
    if (empty($bclassid)) {
        $bclassid = 0;
        $exp = "";
    } else {
        $exp = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $exp;
    $sql = $empire->query("select * from {$dbtbpre}enewsinfoclass where bclassid='{$bclassid}' order by classid desc");
    $returnstr = "";
    while ($r = $empire->fetch($sql)) {
        $pager = explode("\r\n", $r[infourl]);
        $infourl = $pager[0];
        $divonclick = "";
        $start_tbody = "";
        $end_tbody = "";
        $img = "../data/images/dir.gif";
        if (empty($r[bclassid])) {
            $bgcolor = "#DBEAF5";
            $divonclick = " language=JScript onMouseUp='turnit(classdiv" . $r[classid] . ");' style='CURSOR: hand' title='open'";
            $start_tbody = "<tbody id='classdiv" . $r[classid] . "'" . $display . ">";
            $end_tbody = "</tbody>";
        } else {
            $bgcolor = "#ffffff";
        if ($r[newsclassid]) {
            $lastcjtime = !$r['lasttime'] ? '从未采集' : date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $r['lasttime']);
            $cj = "<a href='DoCj.php?enews=CjUrl&classid[]=" . $r[classid] . $ecms_hashur['href'] . "' title='最后采集时间:" . $lastcjtime . "'><u>" . $fun_r['StartCj'] . "</u></a>";
            $emptydb = "&nbsp;[<a href=ListInfoClass.php?enews=EmptyCj&classid={$r['classid']}" . $ecms_hashur['href'] . " onclick=\"return confirm('" . $fun_r['CheckEmptyCjRecord'] . "');\">" . $fun_r['EmptyCjRecord'] . "</a>]";
            $loadoutcj = "&nbsp;[<a href=ecmscj.php?enews=LoadOutCj&classid={$r['classid']}" . $ecms_hashur['href'] . " onclick=\"return confirm('确认要导出?');\">导出</a>]";
            $checkbox = "<input type=checkbox name=classid[] value={$r['classid']}>";
        } else {
            $cj = $fun_r['StartCj'];
            $emptydb = "";
            $loadoutcj = "";
            $checkbox = "";
        $getcurlr['classid'] = $r[newsclassid];
        $classurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($getcurlr, 9);
        $returnstr .= "<tr bgcolor=" . $bgcolor . ">\n\t<td height=25 align='center'>" . $checkbox . "</td>\n    <td height=25" . $divonclick . ">" . $exp . "<img src=" . $img . " width=19 height=15></td>\n    <td height=25><div align=center>" . $cj . "</div></td>\n    <td height=25><a href='" . $infourl . "' target=_blank>" . $r[classname] . "</a></td>\n    <td height=25><div align=center><a href=ecmscj.php?enews=ViewCjList&classid=" . $r[classid] . $ecms_hashur['href'] . " target=_blank>" . $fun_r['view'] . "</a></div></td>\n    <td height=25><div align=center><a href='" . $classurl . "' target=_blank>" . $class_r[$r[newsclassid]][classname] . "</a></div></td>\n    <td height=25><div align=center><a href=CheckCj.php?classid=" . $r[classid] . $ecms_hashur['ehref'] . ">" . $fun_r['CheckCj'] . "</a></div></td>\n    <td height=25><div align=center>[<a href=AddInfoClass.php?enews=AddInfoClass&docopy=1&classid=" . $r[classid] . "&newsclassid=" . $r[newsclassid] . $ecms_hashur['ehref'] . ">" . $fun_r['Copy'] . "</a>]&nbsp;[<a href=AddInfoClass.php?enews=EditInfoClass&classid=" . $r[classid] . $ecms_hashur['ehref'] . ">" . $fun_r['edit'] . "</a>]&nbsp;[<a href=ListInfoClass.php?enews=DelInfoClass&classid=" . $r[classid] . $ecms_hashur['href'] . " onclick=\"return confirm('" . $fun_r['CheckDelCj'] . "');\">" . $fun_r['del'] . "</a>]" . $emptydb . $loadoutcj . "</div></td>\n  </tr>";
        $returnstr .= $start_tbody . ShowClass_ListInfoClass($r[classid], $exp) . $end_tbody;
    return $returnstr;
Ejemplo n.º 14
function ReplaceListVars($no, $listtemp, $subnews, $subtitle, $formatdate, $url, $haveclass = 0, $r, $field, $docode = 0)
    global $empire, $public_r, $class_r, $class_zr, $fun_r, $dbtbpre, $emod_r, $class_tr, $level_r, $navclassid, $etable_r;
    if ($haveclass) {
        $add = sys_ReturnBqClassname($r, $haveclass);
    if (empty($r[oldtitle])) {
        $r[oldtitle] = $r[title];
    if ($docode == 1) {
        $listtemp = stripSlashes($listtemp);
    $ylisttemp = $listtemp;
    $mid = $field['mid'];
    $fr = $field['fr'];
    $fcount = $field['fcount'];
    for ($i = 1; $i < $fcount; $i++) {
        $f = $fr[$i];
        $value = $r[$f];
        $spf = 0;
        if ($f == 'title') {
            if (!empty($subtitle)) {
                $value = sub($value, 0, $subtitle, false);
            $value = DoTitleFont($r[titlefont], $value);
            $spf = 1;
        } elseif ($f == 'newstime') {
            $value = format_datetime($value, $formatdate);
            $spf = 1;
        } elseif ($f == 'titlepic') {
            if (empty($value)) {
                $value = $public_r[newsurl] . 'e/data/images/notimg.gif';
            $spf = 1;
        } elseif (strstr($emod_r[$mid]['smalltextf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
            if (!empty($subnews)) {
                $value = sub($value, 0, $subnews, false);
        } elseif ($f == 'befrom') {
            $spf = 1;
        } elseif ($f == 'writer') {
            $spf = 1;
        if ($spf == 0 && !strstr($emod_r[$mid]['editorf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
            if (strstr($emod_r[$mid]['tobrf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
                $value = nl2br($value);
            if (!strstr($emod_r[$mid]['dohtmlf'], ',' . $f . ',')) {
                $value = RepFieldtextNbsp(ehtmlspecialchars($value));
        $listtemp = str_replace('[!--' . $f . '--]', $value, $listtemp);
    $titleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($r);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--id--]', $r[id], $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--classid--]', $r[classid], $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--class.name--]', $add, $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--ttid--]', $r[ttid], $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--tt.name--]', $class_tr[$r[ttid]][tname], $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--tt.url--]', sys_ReturnBqInfoTypeUrl($r['ttid']), $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--userfen--]', $r[userfen], $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--titleurl--]', $titleurl, $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--no.num--]', $no, $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--plnum--]', $r[plnum], $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--userid--]', $r[userid], $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--username--]', $r[username], $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--onclick--]', $r[onclick], $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--oldtitle--]', $r[oldtitle], $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--totaldown--]', $r[totaldown], $listtemp);
    if (strstr($ylisttemp, '[!--this.classlink--]')) {
        $thisclasslink = sys_ReturnBqClassname($r, 9);
        $listtemp = str_replace('[!--this.classlink--]', $thisclasslink, $listtemp);
    $thisclassname = $class_r[$r[classid]][bname] ? $class_r[$r[classid]][bname] : $class_r[$r[classid]][classname];
    $listtemp = str_replace('[!--this.classname--]', $thisclassname, $listtemp);
    return $listtemp;