Ejemplo n.º 1
function synved_option_page_link_url($id, $name, $item = null)
    if ($item == null) {
        $item = synved_option_item($id, $name);
    $type = synved_option_item_type($item);
    $parent = synved_option_item_parent($item);
    $slug = synved_option_page_slug($id, $name, $item);
    if ($type == 'options-page') {
        if ($slug != null) {
            return $parent . '?page=' . $slug;
    return null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function synved_option_wp_upgrader_source_selection($source, $remote_source, $object = null)
    if (is_wp_error($source)) {
        return $source;
    if ($object != null && $object instanceof Plugin_Upgrader && method_exists($object, 'check_package')) {
        $result = $object->check_package($source);
        if (is_wp_error($result)) {
            $folder_name = basename($source);
            $addon_item = synved_option_item_query(null, array(array('type' => 'addon'), array('folder' => $folder_name)));
            if ($addon_item != null) {
                // XXX fix this $id/$name retrieval...ugly
                $id = $addon_item['_synved_option_id'];
                $name = $addon_item['_synved_option_name'];
                $addon_page = synved_option_item_page($id, $name);
                $page_item = synved_option_item($id, $addon_page);
                $page_label = synved_option_item_label($page_item);
                $page_url = synved_option_item_page_link_url($id, $name);
                $source = new WP_Error('synved_option_invalid_plugin_is_addon', sprintf(__('<b>This addon must be installed through the <a href="%s">%s settings page</a>.</b>'), $page_url, $page_label), '');
    return $source;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    function form($instance)
        $defaults = $this->get_defaults();
        $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $defaults);
        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('title');
        echo __('Title', 'social-media-feather');
        <input type="text" class="widefat" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('title');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('title');
" value="<?php 
        echo $instance['title'];
" />
        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('icon_skin');
        echo __('Icon Skin', 'social-media-feather');
        $params = array('tip' => '', 'output_name' => $this->get_field_name('icon_skin'), 'value' => $instance['icon_skin'], 'set_before' => array(array('default' => __('Use Default'))));
        $item = synved_option_item('synved_social', 'icon_skin');
        if ($item != null) {
            // XXX a bit unorthodox...
            if (is_object($item)) {
                $item = clone $item;
            synved_option_render_item('synved_social', 'icon_skin', $item, true, $params, 'widget');
        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('icon_size');
        echo __('Icon Size', 'social-media-feather');
        $params = array('tip' => '', 'output_name' => $this->get_field_name('icon_size'), 'value' => $instance['icon_size'], 'set_before' => array(array('default' => __('Use Default'))));
        synved_option_render_item('synved_social', 'icon_size', null, true, $params, 'widget');
        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('icon_spacing');
        echo __('Icon Spacing', 'social-media-feather');
        <input type="text" size="3" class="" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('icon_spacing');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('icon_spacing');
" value="<?php 
        echo $instance['icon_spacing'];
" />
Ejemplo n.º 4
function synved_social_init()
    if (current_user_can('edit_posts') || current_user_can('edit_pages')) {
        if (get_user_option('rich_editing') == 'true') {
            //add_filter('mce_external_plugins', 'synved_social_wp_tinymce_plugin');
            //add_filter('mce_buttons', 'synved_social_wp_tinymce_button');
    $priority = defined('SHORTCODE_PRIORITY') ? SHORTCODE_PRIORITY : 11;
    if (synved_option_get('synved_social', 'shortcode_widgets')) {
        remove_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode', $priority);
        add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode', $priority);
    if (function_exists('synved_shortcode_add')) {
        synved_shortcode_add('feather_share', 'synved_social_share_shortcode');
        synved_shortcode_add('feather_follow', 'synved_social_follow_shortcode');
        $size_set = '16,24,32,48,64,96';
        $size_item = synved_option_item('synved_social', 'icon_size');
        if ($size_item != null) {
            $item_set = synved_option_item_set($size_item);
            if ($item_set != null) {
                $set_items = array();
                foreach ($item_set as $set_item) {
                    $item_keys = array_keys($set_item);
                    $set_items[] = $item_keys[0];
                $size_set = implode(',', $set_items);
        $providers_share = array_keys(synved_social_service_provider_list('share'));
        $providers_follow = array_keys(synved_social_service_provider_list('follow'));
        $providers_params = array('show' => __('Specify a comma-separated list of %1$s providers to show and their order, possible values are %2$s', 'social-media-feather'), 'hide' => __('Specify a comma-separated list of %1$s providers to hide, possible values are %2$s', 'social-media-feather'));
        $common_params = array('skin' => __('Specify which skin to use for the icons', 'social-media-feather'), 'size' => sprintf(__('Specify the size for the icons, possible values are %s', 'social-media-feather'), $size_set), 'spacing' => __('Determines how much blank space there will be between the buttons, in pixels', 'social-media-feather'), 'container' => __('Determines whether to wrap the buttons in a container', 'social-media-feather'), 'container_type' => sprintf(__('Determines what type of container to use, possible values are %1$s', 'social-media-feather'), 'basic, block'), 'class' => __('Select additional CSS classes for the buttons, separated by spaces', 'social-media-feather'));
        $share_params = array('url' => __('URL to use for the sharing buttons, default is the current post URL', 'social-media-feather'), 'title' => __('Title to use for the sharing buttons, default is the current post title', 'social-media-feather'));
        $follow_params = array();
        $share_params = array_merge($common_params, $share_params);
        $follow_params = array_merge($common_params, $follow_params);
        foreach ($providers_params as $param_name => $param_value) {
            $share_params[$param_name] = sprintf($param_value, 'share', implode(', ', $providers_share));
            $follow_params[$param_name] = sprintf($param_value, 'follow', implode(', ', $providers_follow));
        synved_shortcode_item_help_set('feather_share', array('tip' => __('Creates a list of buttons for social sharing as selected in the Social Media options', 'social-media-feather'), 'parameters' => $share_params));
        synved_shortcode_item_help_set('feather_follow', array('tip' => __('Creates a list of buttons for social following as selected in the Social Media options', 'social-media-feather'), 'parameters' => $follow_params));
    } else {
        add_shortcode('feather_share', 'synved_social_share_shortcode');
        add_shortcode('synved_feather_share', 'synved_social_share_shortcode');
        add_shortcode('feather_follow', 'synved_social_follow_shortcode');
        add_shortcode('synved_feather_follow', 'synved_social_follow_shortcode');
    //add_action('wp_ajax_synved_social', 'synved_social_ajax_callback');
    //add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_synved_social', 'synved_social_ajax_callback');
    if (!is_admin()) {
        add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'synved_social_enqueue_scripts');
        add_action('wp_head', 'synved_social_print_styles');
    if (synved_option_get('synved_social', 'automatic_share') || synved_option_get('synved_social', 'automatic_follow')) {
        add_filter('the_content', 'synved_social_wp_the_content', 10, 2);
function synved_option_render_item($id, $name, $item = null, $render = false, $params = null, $context = null)
    if ($item == null) {
        $item = synved_option_item($id, $name);
    if ($item == null) {
        return null;
    $value = synved_option_get($id, $name);
    $type = synved_option_item_type($item);
    $style = synved_option_item_style($item);
    $label = synved_option_item_label($item);
    $tip = synved_option_item_tip($item);
    $hint = synved_option_item_hint($item);
    $default = synved_option_item_default($item);
    $set = synved_option_item_set($item);
    $set_is_linear = false;
    if ($set != null) {
        $set_is_linear = true;
        foreach ($set as $set_it) {
            if (count($set_it) > 1) {
                $set_is_linear = false;
    $out_name = synved_option_render_field_name($id, $name);
    $out_id = synved_option_render_field_id($id, $name);
    $out = null;
    if (isset($params['output_name'])) {
        $out_name = $params['output_name'];
    if (isset($params['output_id'])) {
        $out_id = $params['output_id'];
    if (isset($params['tip'])) {
        $tip = $params['tip'];
    if (isset($params['default'])) {
        $default = $params['default'];
    if (isset($params['value'])) {
        $value = $params['value'];
    $new_value = $value;
    $error_list = synved_option_item_validate_value($id, $name, $value, $new_value, $item);
    if ($new_value != $value && ($context == null || $context == 'settings')) {
        synved_option_set($id, $name, $new_value);
        $value = synved_option_get($id, $name);
    if ($error_list != null) {
        foreach ($error_list as $error) {
            $out .= '<div id="message" class="error"><p>For "<i>' . $label . '</i>": ' . $error['message'] . '</p></div>';
    if ($set_is_linear) {
        $out .= '<select name="' . $out_name . '" id="' . $out_id . '">';
        // XXX exception...remove at some point
        if (isset($params['set_before'])) {
            $set_before = $params['set_before'];
            $set = array_merge($set_before, $set);
        foreach ($set as $set_it) {
            $set_it_keys = array_keys($set_it);
            $selected = $set_it_keys[0] == $value ? ' selected="selected"' : null;
            $out .= '<option value="' . $set_it_keys[0] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $set_it[$set_it_keys[0]] . '</option>';
        $out .= '</select>';
    } else {
        $placeholder = null;
        if ($hint != null) {
            $placeholder = ' placeholder="' . esc_attr($hint) . '"';
        switch ($type) {
            case 'boolean':
                $checked = $value == true ? ' checked="checked"' : null;
                $out .= '<fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span>' . $label . '</span></legend><label for="' . $out_id . '"><input type="hidden" name="' . $out_name . '" value="0" /><input name="' . $out_name . '" id="' . $out_id . '" type="checkbox" value="1" class="code" ' . $checked . $placeholder . ' /> ' . $label . '</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="description" style="vertical-align:middle;">' . $tip . '</span></fieldset>';
            case 'text':
            case 'style':
            case 'script':
            case 'image':
            case 'video':
            case 'media':
                $atts = array('name' => $out_name, 'type' => 'text', 'id' => $out_id, 'value' => $value, 'class' => 'regular-text');
                $att_style = array();
                $content = null;
                $tag = 'input';
                $extended = false;
                if ($style != null) {
                    if (in_array('wide', $style)) {
                        $atts['class'] = 'wide-text';
                    if (in_array('extend', $style)) {
                        $extended = true;
                if (in_array($type, array('style', 'script'))) {
                    $extended = true;
                    $att_style['width'] = '450px';
                    $att_style['height'] = '250px';
                if ($extended) {
                    $tag = 'textarea';
                    if (isset($atts['value'])) {
                        $content = $atts['value'];
                    if ($content == null) {
                        $content = '';
                if ($hint != null) {
                    $atts['placeholder'] = $hint;
                if ($att_style != null) {
                    $att_css = null;
                    foreach ($att_style as $style_name => $style_value) {
                        $att_css .= $style_name . ':' . $style_value . ';';
                    $atts['style'] = $att_css;
                $out .= '<' . $tag;
                foreach ($atts as $att_name => $att_value) {
                    $out .= ' ' . $att_name . '="' . esc_attr($att_value) . '"';
                if ($content !== null) {
                    $out .= '>' . esc_html($content) . '</' . $tag . '>';
                } else {
                    $out .= ' />';
                if (in_array($type, array('image', 'video', 'media'))) {
                    $out .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . esc_attr(synved_option_render_field_name($id, $name . '_info_')) . '" value="' . esc_attr($type) . '" />';
                    $out .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" class="synved-option-upload-button" value="' . esc_attr(__('Select File', 'synved-option')) . '"' . $placeholder . ' />';
            case 'color':
                $out .= '<div style="position:relative; float: left;">';
                $out .= '<input name="' . $out_name . '" id="' . $out_id . '" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($value) . '" class="code medium-text color-input"' . $placeholder . ' />';
                $out .= '<div class="synved-option-color-input-picker" style="background:white;border:solid 1px #ccc;display:none;position:absolute;top:100%;left:0;z-index:10000;"></div>';
                $out .= '</div>';
            case 'integer':
            case 'decimal':
                $out .= '<input name="' . $out_name . '" id="' . $out_id . '" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($value) . '" class="code small-text"' . $placeholder . ' />';
            case 'user':
            case 'author':
            case 'category':
            case 'page':
                $args = array('echo' => false, 'name' => $out_name, 'id' => $name, 'selected' => $value, 'show_option_all' => __('Every', 'synved-option') . ' ' . ucfirst($type));
                $drop_out = null;
                switch ($type) {
                    case 'author':
                        $args['who'] = 'author';
                    case 'user':
                        $drop_out = wp_dropdown_users($args);
                    case 'category':
                        $drop_out = wp_dropdown_categories($args);
                    case 'page':
                        $args['show_option_no_change'] = $args['show_option_all'];
                        $drop_out = wp_dropdown_pages($args);
                $out .= $drop_out;
            case 'tag-list':
                $out .= '<input name="' . $out_name . '" id="' . $out_id . '" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($value) . '" class="regular-text synved-option-tag-selector"' . $placeholder . ' />';
            case 'addon':
                if (function_exists('synved_option_render_type_addon')) {
                    $out .= synved_option_render_type_addon($id, $name, $item, $out_name, array('out_id' => $out_id, 'label' => $label));
        if ($hint != null) {
            $out .= ' <span class="snvdopt"><a class="button synved-option-reset-button" title="' . __('Set value to default hinted background value', 'synved-option') . '" style="display: inline-block; padding: 0; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer;"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-w"> </span></a></span>';
    $item_render = synved_option_item_render($item);
    if ($item_render != null) {
        $error = null;
        $new_out = null;
        try {
            $params = array('output_name' => $out_name, 'output_id' => $out_id, 'output' => $out, 'set' => $set, 'label' => $label);
            $new_out = $item_render->Invoke(array($value, $params, $name, $id, $item));
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            $new_out = null;
            $error = $ex->getMessage();
        if ($new_out !== null) {
            $out = $new_out;
    if ($out != null) {
        if ($tip != null && $type != 'boolean') {
            $tip_class = ' description-' . $type;
            $out .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="description' . $tip_class . '">' . $tip . '</span>';
        if ($render) {
            echo $out;
        } else {
            return $out;
    return null;
 function synved_option_ajax_type_addon($action, $params)
     $response = null;
     if (current_user_can('upload_files') && current_user_can('install_plugins')) {
         $id = isset($params['id']) ? $params['id'] : null;
         $name = isset($params['name']) ? $params['name'] : null;
         if ($id != null && $name != null) {
             $item = synved_option_item_find($id, $name);
             if ($item != null) {
                 $return = null;
                 $error_list = array();
                 try {
                     $page_name = synved_option_item_page($id, $name);
                     $page = synved_option_item($id, $page_name);
                     $parent = synved_option_item_parent($page);
                     $url = wp_nonce_url($parent . '?page=' . $page_name, 'synved-option');
                     $old_err = error_reporting(0);
                     $credentials = request_filesystem_credentials($url);
                     $form = ob_get_clean();
                     $posted = ob_get_clean();
                     if ($credentials === false) {
                         $response['result'] = 'ERROR';
                         $response['error'] = 'NO_CREDS';
                         $response['creds_form'] = $form;
                         $response['posted'] = $posted;
                     } else {
                         if (WP_Filesystem($credentials)) {
                             $return = synved_option_item_addon_install($id, $name, $item);
                 } catch (Exception $ex) {
                     $return = null;
                 if ($return != null) {
                     $response['result'] = 'OK';
     return $response;
function synved_option_item_sanitize_value($id, $name, $value, array $item = null)
    if ($item == null) {
        $item = synved_option_item($id, $name);
    if ($item == null) {
        return null;
    $type = synved_option_item_type($item);
    $default = synved_option_item_default($item);
    $set = synved_option_item_set($item);
    $sanitize = synved_option_item_sanitize($item);
    $sanitize_raw = synved_option_item_sanitize_raw($item);
    if ($sanitize_raw != null) {
        return $sanitize_raw->Invoke(array($value, $name, $id, $item));
    $value = synved_option_item_sanitize_value_basic($item, $value, $default);
    $is_valid = true;
    if ($set != null) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
            $is_valid = false;
            $new_value = array();
            foreach ($value as $single_key => $single_value) {
                if (synved_option_item_set_check_value($item, $set, $single_value)) {
                    $new_value[$single_key] = $single_value;
            if ($new_value != null) {
                $is_valid = true;
                $value = $new_value;
        } else {
            if (!synved_option_item_set_check_value($item, $set, $value)) {
                $value = $default;
    if ($is_valid) {
        if ($sanitize != null) {
            $value = $sanitize->Invoke(array($value, $name, $id, $item));
        return $value;
    return null;