Ejemplo n.º 1
 /* 模板赋值 */
 $goods_ur = array('' => $_LANG['01_goods_list'], 'virtual_card' => $_LANG['50_virtual_card_list']);
 $smarty->assign('ur_here', '特产商品列表');
 $action_link = array('href' => 'goods.php?act=add', 'text' => '添加商品');
 $smarty->assign('action_link', $action_link);
 $smarty->assign('code', $code);
 //$smarty->assign('cat_list',     cat_list(0, $cat_id));// 注释 2015-03-19 代理商跟主站的分类分开
 /*ccx 2015-03-18 代理商显示代理商自己的商品分类 start */
 $smarty->assign('cat_list', cat_list_ccx(0, $cat_id));
 /*ccx 2015-03-18 代理商显示代理商自己的商品分类 end */
 $smarty->assign('brand_list', get_brand_list());
 $smarty->assign('intro_list', get_intro_list());
 $smarty->assign('lang', $_LANG);
 $smarty->assign('list_type', $_REQUEST['act'] == 'list' ? 'goods' : 'trash');
 $smarty->assign('use_storage', empty($_CFG['use_storage']) ? 0 : 1);
 $suppliers_list = suppliers_list_info(' is_check = 1 ');
 $suppliers_list_count = count($suppliers_list);
 $smarty->assign('suppliers_list', $suppliers_list_count == 0 ? 0 : $suppliers_list);
 // 取供货商列表
 $goods_list = goods_list(0, 1, ' AND is_special=1 ');
 $smarty->assign('goods_list', $goods_list['goods']);
 $smarty->assign('filter', $goods_list['filter']);
 $smarty->assign('record_count', $goods_list['record_count']);
 $smarty->assign('page_count', $goods_list['page_count']);
 $smarty->assign('full_page', 1);
 /* 排序标记 */
 $sort_flag = sort_flag($goods_list['filter']);
 $smarty->assign($sort_flag['tag'], $sort_flag['img']);
 /* 获取商品类型存在规格的类型 */
 $specifications = get_goods_type_specifications();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * 供货商名
 * @return  array
function suppliers_list_name()
    /* 查询 */
    $suppliers_list = suppliers_list_info(' is_check = 1 ');
    /* 供货商名字 */
    $suppliers_name = array();
    if (count($suppliers_list) > 0) {
        foreach ($suppliers_list as $suppliers) {
            $suppliers_name[$suppliers['suppliers_id']] = $suppliers['suppliers_name'];
    return $suppliers_name;
Ejemplo n.º 3
     include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_captcha.php';
     /* 检查验证码是否正确 */
     $validator = new captcha();
     if (!empty($_POST['captcha']) && !$validator->check_word($_POST['captcha'])) {
         sys_msg($_LANG['captcha_error'], 1);
 $_POST['username'] = isset($_POST['username']) ? trim($_POST['username']) : '';
 $_POST['password'] = isset($_POST['password']) ? trim($_POST['password']) : '';
 /* 检查密码是否正确 */
 $sql = "SELECT user_id, user_name, password, last_login, action_list, last_login, suppliers_id" . " FROM " . $ecs->table('admin_user') . " WHERE user_name = '" . $_POST['username'] . "' AND password = '******'password']) . "'";
 $row = $db->getRow($sql);
 if ($row) {
     // 检查是否为供货商的管理员 所属供货商是否有效
     if (!empty($row['suppliers_id'])) {
         $supplier_is_check = suppliers_list_info(' is_check = 1 AND suppliers_id = ' . $row['suppliers_id']);
         if (empty($supplier_is_check)) {
             sys_msg($_LANG['login_disable'], 1);
     // 登录成功
     set_admin_session($row['user_id'], $row['user_name'], $row['action_list'], $row['last_login']);
     $_SESSION['suppliers_id'] = $row['suppliers_id'];
     if ($row['action_list'] == 'all' && empty($row['last_login'])) {
         $_SESSION['shop_guide'] = true;
     // 更新最后登录时间和IP
     $db->query("UPDATE " . $ecs->table('admin_user') . " SET last_login='******', last_ip='" . real_ip() . "'" . " WHERE user_id='{$_SESSION['admin_id']}'");
     if (isset($_POST['remember'])) {
         $time = gmtime() + 3600 * 24 * 365;
         setcookie('ECSCP[admin_id]', $row['user_id'], $time);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_captcha.php';
        /* 检查验证码是否正确 */
        $validator = new captcha();
        if (!empty($_POST['captcha']) && !$validator->check_word($_POST['captcha'])) {
            show_api_message('验证码错误', '管理员登录', $php_self . '?act=login', 'error');
    $_POST['username'] = isset($_POST['username']) ? trim($_POST['username']) : '';
    $_POST['password'] = isset($_POST['password']) ? trim($_POST['password']) : '';
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $ecs->table('admin_user') . "WHERE user_name = '" . $_POST['username'] . "'";
    $admin_user = $db->getRow($sql);
    $is_suc = isset($admin_user['ec_salt']) ? $admin_user['password'] == md5(md5($_POST['password']) . $admin_user['ec_salt']) : $admin_user['password'] == md5($_POST['password']);
    if ($is_suc) {
        // 检查是否为供货商的管理员 所属供货商是否有效
        if (!empty($row['suppliers_id'])) {
            $supplier_is_check = suppliers_list_info(' is_check = 1 AND suppliers_id = ' . $admin_user['suppliers_id']);
            if (empty($supplier_is_check)) {
                show_api_message('您输入的帐号暂时不可用。', '管理员登录', $php_self . '?act=login', 'error');
        // 登录成功
        set_admin_session($admin_user['user_id'], $admin_user['user_name'], $admin_user['action_list'], $admin_user['last_login']);
        $_SESSION['suppliers_id'] = $admin_user['suppliers_id'];
        // 更新最后登录时间和IP
        $db->query("UPDATE " . $ecs->table('admin_user') . " SET last_login='******', last_ip='" . real_ip() . "'" . " WHERE user_id='{$_SESSION['admin_id']}'");
        show_api_message('登录成功', '开始配置接口参数', $php_self . '?act=config', 'info');
    } else {
        show_api_message('登录失败', '重新登录', $php_self . '?act=login', 'error');
} elseif ($act == 'config') {