function check_this_year() { $year = date("Y"); for ($bln = 1; $bln <= 12; $bln++) { $period = $year . "-" . strzero($bln, 2); if (!$this->exist($period)) { $last_date = date("Y-m-t", strtotime($year . "-" . strzero($bln, 2) . "-01")); //lastday $this->save(array("period" => $period, "year_id" => $year, "sequence" => $bln, "startdate" => $year . "-" . strzero($bln, 2) . "-01 00:00:00", "enddate" => $last_date . " 23:59:59", "closed" => 0, "month_name" => date("M", strtotime($last_date)))); } } }
function updatex() { global $base; $c = 'amt'; $c1 = 'id_' . $c; $c2 = $c . '_codigo'; $c3 = 3; $sql = "update " . $this->tabela . " set \n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$c2} = lpad({$c1},{$c3},0) \n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere {$c2}='' "; if ($base == 'pgsql') { $sql = "update " . $this->tabela . " set {$c2} = trim(to_char(id_" . $c . ",'" . strzero(0, $c3) . "')) where {$c2}='' "; } $rlt = db_query($sql); }
function proses_kredit_save($data) { //param $data['old_loan_id'], $data['new_loan_id'], $data['loan_date'] $this->load->model("leasing/invoice_header_model"); $ok = false; $old = $data['old_loan_id']; $data['loan_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($data['loan_date'])); if ($data['new_loan_id'] == "") { $data['new_loan_id'] = "01630" . substr($old, -6); } $rs_loan['loan_id'] = $data['new_loan_id']; $rs_loan['loan_date'] = $data['loan_date']; $rs_loan['loan_date'] = $data['loan_date']; $rs_loan['status'] = 1; if ($query = $this->db->where("loan_id", $data['old_loan_id'])->update("ls_loan_master", $rs_loan)) { $this->db->query("update ls_loan_obj_items \n\t\t\t\tset loan_id='" . $data['new_loan_id'] . "' \n\t\t\t\twhere loan_id='" . $data['old_loan_id'] . "'"); if ($query = $this->db->query("select * from ls_loan_master lm\n\t\t\t\twhere lm.loan_id='" . $data['new_loan_id'] . "'")) { if ($row_loan = $query->row()) { $qspk = $this->db->query("select * from ls_app_master \n\t\t\t\t\twhere app_id='" . $row_loan->app_id . "'"); $spk = $qspk->row(); $rs_invoice = null; // hapus dulu data invoice yg ada $this->db->where("loan_id", $data['new_loan_id'])->delete("ls_invoice_header"); $tgl_tagih = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($data['loan_date'])); for ($tenor = 0; $tenor < $row_loan->max_month; $tenor++) { $faktur = $row_loan->loan_id . "-" . strzero($tenor + 1, 2); $rs_invoice['loan_id'] = $row_loan->loan_id; $rs_invoice['app_id'] = $spk->app_id; $rs_invoice['idx_month'] = strzero($tenor + 1, 2); $rs_invoice['invoice_number'] = $faktur; $rs_invoice['invoice_date'] = add_date($tgl_tagih, 0, $tenor + 1); $rs_invoice['invoice_type'] = "I"; $rs_invoice['amount'] = $spk->inst_amount; $rs_invoice['cust_deal_id'] = $row_loan->cust_id; $rs_invoice['cust_deal_ship_id'] = $spk->counter_id; $rs_invoice['gross_amount'] = $spk->inst_amount; $rs_invoice['insr_amount'] = $spk->insr_amount; $rs_invoice['pokok'] = $spk->inst_amount - $spk->rate_amount; $rs_invoice['bunga'] = $spk->rate_amount; $rs_invoice['disc_amount'] = 0; $rs_invoice['paid'] = 0; $rs_invoice['admin_amount'] = 0; $ok = $this->invoice_header_model->save($rs_invoice); } $this->db->where("app_id", $spk->app_id)->update("ls_app_master", array("status" => "Finish", "contract_id" => $row_loan->loan_id)); } } else { echo mysql_error(); } } return $ok; }
function comment_form() { global $dd, $ss; $us = strzero(round($ss->user_id), 7); $sx = ''; $sxf = ''; if (strlen($dd[1]) > 0) { if (strlen($dd[2]) == 0) { $sxf = '<script>' . chr(13); $sxf .= " alert('" . msg('need_comment_type') . "');"; $sxf .= '</script>' . chr(13); } else { $this->comment = $dd[1]; $this->avaliation = $dd[2]; $this->user = $us; $this->comment_save(); $dd[1] = ''; $dd[2] = ''; redirecina(page()); } } $disp1 = 'display: none;'; $disp2 = 'display: block;'; if (strlen($dd[1]) > 0) { $disp2 = 'display: none;'; $disp1 = 'display: block;'; } $sx .= '<div id="posted" style="' . $disp1 . '">'; $sx .= '<form method="post" action="' . page() . '">'; // $sx .= '<input type="hidden" name="dd0" value="'.$dd[0].'">'.chr(13); // $sx .= '<input type="hidden" name="dd90" value="'.$dd[90].'">'.chr(13); $sx .= '<table width="98%">'; $sx .= '<TR><TD>'; $sx .= msg('comment_post') . '<BR>'; $sx .= '<TR><TD><textarea name="dd1" cols="80" rows="5">'; $sx .= $dd[1]; $sx .= '</textarea>'; $sx .= '<TR><TD>'; /** Avaliation **/ /* $sx .= msg('comment_type').':'; $chk1 = ''; $chk2 = ''; if ($dd[2]=='1') { $chk1 = 'checked'; } if ($dd[2]=='0') { $chk2 = 'checked'; } /** Radio **/ /** com avalia��o $sx .= '<input type="radio" value="1" name="dd2" '.$chk1.'>'; $sx .= '<img src="img/icone_coment_ok.png">'; $sx .= '<input type="radio" value="0" name="dd2" '.$chk2.'>'; $sx .= '<img src="img/icone_coment_nook.png">'; **/ /** sem avalia��o **/ $sx .= '<input type="hidden" value="1" name="dd2" >'; /** **/ $sx .= '<BR><input type="submit" value="' . msg('comment_submit') . '">'; $sx .= '</table>'; $sx .= '</form>'; $sx .= '</div>'; /** **/ $sx .= '<input id="mst" type="button" value="' . msg('comment_add', 1) . '" onclick="mostrar();" style="' . $disp2 . '">'; $sx .= chr(13) . '<script> $("#mst").click(function () { $("#posted").fadeIn("slow"); $("#mst").fadeOut("slow"); }); '; $sx .= chr(13) . '</script>'; return $sx . $sxf; }
if (strlen($adm) == 0) { return 'admin.php'; } /* Admin Common */ $ok = ($perfil->valid('#ADM') or $perfil->valid('#SCR') or $perfil->valid('#COO')); if ($ok == 0) { redirecina('main.php'); } require "_class/_class_submit_manuscrito_field.php"; global $acao, $dd, $cp, $tabela; require $include . 'sisdoc_colunas.php'; require $include . '_class_form.php'; $form = new form(); require "form_css.php"; echo '<h1>' . msg('amendment_' . $adm) . '</h1>'; $dd[12] = strzero($adm, 5); $cl = new fields(); $cp = $cl->cp(); $tabela = $cl->tabela; $http_edit = 'admin_submit_ed.php'; $http_redirect = ''; /** Comandos de Edicao */ $tela = $form->editar($cp, $tabela); /** Caso o registro seja validado */ if ($form->saved > 0) { echo 'Salvo'; $cl->updatex(); redirecina('admin_submit_000.php'); } else { echo $tela; }
function updatex() { global $base; $c = 'us'; $c1 = 'id_' . $c; $c2 = $c . '_codigo'; $c3 = 7; $sql = "update " . $this->tabela . " set {$c2} = lpad({$c1},{$c3},0) ,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tus_login = lpad({$c1},{$c3},0) ,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tus_cracha = lpad({$c1},{$c3},0) \n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere {$c2}='' or 1=1"; if ($base == 'pgsql') { $sql = "update " . $this->tabela . " set {$c2} = trim(to_char(id_" . $c . ",'" . strzero(0, $c3) . "')) where {$c2}='' or {$c2} isnull "; } $rlt = db_query($sql); }
require "_class/_class_cep_submit.php"; require "_class/_class_team.php"; require $include . 'sisdoc_data.php'; require $include . 'sisdoc_email.php'; require '_class/_class_ic.php'; $ic = new ic(); $proj = new submit(); $proj->doc_autor_principal = $ss->user_codigo; require "_class/_class_ged.php"; require "_class/_class_cep.php"; $cep = new cep(); /****/ if (strlen($dd[91]) > 0) { $_SESSION['proj_page'] = $dd[91]; redirecina('submit.php?time' . date("dmYhis")); } $pag_id = round($_SESSION['proj_id']); $pag_page = round($_SESSION['proj_page']); //if ($pag_id == 0) { $pag_page = 1; } //if ($pag_page == 0) { $pag_page = 1; } $pag_id = $_SESSION['proj_id']; $dd[0] = $pag_id; $protocolo = strzero($dd[0], 7); echo '<H2>' . msg('submit_end_monitoreo_008') . '</h2>'; //echo msg('protocolo').' '.$protocolo; echo '<BR><BR>'; echo '<div style="text-align: justify; width: 80%">'; echo msg('submit_end_monitoreo_008_text'); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo $hd->foot();
function update12() { $new = 0; for ($r = 1; $r <= 10; $r++) { $cod = strzero($r, 3); $sql = "select * from cep_amendment_type \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere amt_codigo = '{$cod}' "; $rlt = db_query($sql); if ($line = db_read($rlt)) { } else { $sql = "insert into cep_amendment_type \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(amt_codigo, amt_descrip, amt_form, amt_ord,amt_ativo)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t('{$cod}','amendment_{$cod}','00{$cod}','{$r}',1);"; $rlt = db_query($sql); $new++; } } if ($new > 0) { echo '<br>' . msg('update') . ' 012 ' . msg('successful') . ' ' . $new . ' updated'; } else { echo '<br>' . msg('already update - 012'); } }
function protocolos_avaliacao($sta, $tipo = '') { global $ss; $us = strzero(round($ss->user_id), 7); if (strlen($tipo) > 0) { $wh = " and (cep_tipo = '{$tipo}' )"; } else { $wh = ''; } if ($sta == 'Z') { $sql = "select * from " . $this->tabela . " \n\t\t\t\t\t inner join cep_dictamen on pp_protocolo = cep_protocol \n\t\t\t\t\t where \n\t\t\t\t\t (cep_status = '@' or cep_status = 'A' or cep_status = 'B' or cep_status = 'C' or cep_status = 'D')\n\t\t\t\t\t and pp_avaliador = '{$us}' \n\t\t\t\t\t and (pp_status <> 'B' and pp_status <> 'X')\n\t\t\t\t\t {$wh}\n\t\t\t\t\t order by cep_reuniao "; } else { $sql = "select * from " . $this->tabela . " \n\t\t\t\t\t left join usuario on us_codigo = cep_pesquisador\n\t\t\t\t\t where cep_status = '{$sta}' \n\t\t\t\t\t {$wh}\n\t\t\t\t\t order by cep_reuniao \n\t\t\t\t\t "; } $rlt = db_query($sql); $dta = 19000101; $tot = 0; while ($line = db_read($rlt)) { $tot++; $data = $line['cep_reuniao']; if ($data != $dta) { $sx .= '<TR><TD colspan=4 align="center" class="lt2"><center>' . msg('meet_data') . ' ' . stodate($data); $dta = $data; } $sx .= $this->mostra($line); } $sa = '<table width=96% class="table_normal" border=0>'; $sa .= '<TR><TH>' . msg('protocol'); $sa .= '<TH>' . msg('project_title'); $sa .= '<TH>' . msg('status'); $sa .= $sx; $sa .= '<TR><TD colspan=5>' . msg('found') . ' ' . $tot . ' ' . msg('records'); $sa .= '</table>'; if ($tot == 0) { $sa = ''; } return $sa; }
function form_field($cp, $vlr) { global $dd, $ddi; /* Zera tela */ $tela = ''; $table = 1; if (!isset($dd)) { $dd = array(); $ddi = 0; } $type = $cp[0]; $label = $cp[2]; $required = $cp[3]; $placeholder = $label; $readonly = $cp[4]; $tt = substr($type, 1, 1); /* exessoes */ if (substr($type, 0, 4) == '$MES') { $tt = 'MES'; } if (substr($type, 0, 3) == '$SW') { $tt = 'SW'; } if (substr($type, 0, 3) == '$HV') { $tt = 'HV'; } if (substr($type, 0, 5) == '$LINK') { $tt = 'LINK'; } if (substr($type, 0, 3) == '$AA') { $tt = 'AA'; } /* form */ $max = 100; $size = 100; $dados = array(); $dn = 'dd' . $ddi; if ($table == 1) { $td = '<td>'; $tdl = '<td align="right">'; $tdn = '</td>'; $tr = '<tr valign="top">'; $trn = '</tr>'; } else { $td = ''; $tdl = ''; $tdn = ''; $tr = ''; $trn = ''; } //$dados = array('name'=>'dd'.$ddi, 'id'=>'dd'.$ddi,'value='.$dd[$ddi],'maxlenght'=>$max,'size'=>$size,$class=>''); switch ($tt) { case '{': $tela .= $tr; $tela .= '<td colspan=2>'; $tela .= '<fieldset class="border1"><legend class="lt3 bold">' . $label . '</legend>'; $tela .= '<table width="100%" class="tabela00">'; break; case '}': $tela .= '</table>'; $tela .= '</fieldset>'; $tela .= '</td></tr>'; $tela .= '<table width="100%" id="row">'; $tela .= '</td></tr>'; break; /* Select Box */ /* Select Box */ case '[': $ntype = trim(substr($type, 2, strlen($type))); $n1 = substr($ntype, 0, strpos($ntype, '-')); $n2 = sonumero(substr($ntype, strpos($ntype, '-'), strlen($ntype))); $n3 = substr($ntype, strlen($ntype) - 1, 1); $options = array('' => '::select an option::'); if ($n3 != 'D') { /* Crescente */ for ($r = $n1; $r <= $n2; $r++) { $options[$r] = $r; } } else { /* Descrecente */ for ($r = $n2; $r >= $n1; $r--) { $options[$r] = $r; } } /* recupera dados */ $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'size' => 1, 'class' => 'form_select'); $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } $tela .= '<TD>'; $tela .= form_dropdown($dados, $options, $vlr); break; /* Select Box - Autocomplete*/ /* Select Box - Autocomplete*/ case 'AA': $ntype = trim(substr($type, 2, strlen($type))); $ntype = troca($ntype, ':', ';') . ';'; $param = splitx(';', $ntype); /* TR da tabela */ $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } /* **/ $dados = array('name' => $dn . 'a', 'id' => $dn . 'a', 'value' => $vlr, 'maxlenght' => $max, 'size' => $size, 'placeholder' => $label, 'class' => 'form_string', 'autocomplete' => 'on'); $tela .= $td . form_input($dados); $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'value' => $vlr, 'maxlenght' => $max, 'size' => 10, 'placeholder' => $label, 'class' => 'form_string', 'autocomplete' => 'on'); if ($readonly == false) { $dados['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } $tela .= form_input($dados); $tela .= $tdn . $trn; $tela .= ' <script> $(function(){ var $sfield = $("#' . $dn . 'a").autocomplete({ source: function(request, response){ var url = "' . base_url("index.php/instituicao/autocomplete?term=") . '" + $("#' . $dn . 'a").val(); $.get(url, {}, function(data) { response($.map(data, function(rlt) { return { label: rlt.nome, value: }; })); }, "json"); }, select: function( event, ui ) { $( "#' . $dn . 'a" ).val( ui.item.label ); $( "#' . $dn . '" ).val( ui.item.value ); return false; } , minLength: 4, autofocus: true }); }); </script> '; break; /* Button */ /* Button */ case 'B': $tela .= $tr . $tdl . $td; $dados = array('name' => 'acao', 'id' => 'acao', 'value' => $label, 'class' => 'form_submit'); $tela .= form_submit($dados); $tela .= $tdn . $trn; break; case 'C': /* TR da tabela */ $tela .= $tr; $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'value' => '1', 'class' => 'onoffswitch-checkbox'); if ($readonly == false) { $dados['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } $tela .= '<td align="right">' . form_checkbox($dados, 'accept', $vlr); /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= '<td>' . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } $tela .= $tdn . $trn; break; /* Oculto */ /* Oculto */ case 'H': $dados = array($dn => $vlr); $tela .= form_hidden($dados); break; case 'HV': $vlr = $cp[2]; $dados = array($dn => $vlr); $tela .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $dn . '" id="' . $dn . '" value="' . $vlr . '">' . cr(); break; /* Select Box - Mes */ /* Select Box - Mes */ case 'MES': $options = array('' => '::select an option::'); /* recupera dados */ for ($r = date("Y") + 4; $r > 1990; $r--) { $vlra = $r; $options[$vlra] = '===' . $r . '==='; //array_push($options,array('2019')); $ar = array(); for ($y = 12; $y > 0; $y--) { $vlrs = $r . strzero($y, 2) . '01'; $cpt = $r . '/' . msg('mes_' . strzero($y, 2)); $op = array($vlr => $cpt); $ar[$vlrs] = $cpt; //array_push($options,$op); } $options[$vlra] = $ar; } $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'size' => 1, 'class' => 'form_select'); $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } if (strlen($vlr) == 0) { $vlr = date("Ym") . '01'; } else { $vlr = sonumero($vlr); } $tela .= '<TD>'; $tela .= form_dropdown($dados, $options, $vlr); break; /* Select Box */ /* Select Box */ case 'O': $ntype = trim(substr($type, 2, strlen($type))); $ntype = troca($ntype, '&', ';') . ';'; $param = splitx(';', $ntype); $options = array('' => '::select an option::'); for ($r = 0; $r < count($param); $r++) { if (count(trim($param[$r])) > 0) { $nterm = splitx(':', $param[$r] . ':'); $key = $nterm[0]; $valor = $nterm[1]; $options[$key] = $valor; } } /* recupera dados */ $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'size' => 1, 'class' => 'form_select'); $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } $tela .= '<TD>'; $tela .= form_dropdown($dados, $options, $vlr); break; /* Select Box */ /* Select Box */ case 'Q': $ntype = trim(substr($type, 2, strlen($type))); $ntype = troca($ntype, ':', ';') . ';'; $param = splitx(';', $ntype); $options = array('' => '::select an option::'); /* recupera dados */ $sql = "select * from (" . $param[2] . ") as tabela order by " . $param[1]; $CI =& get_instance(); $query = $CI->db->query($sql); foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { /* recupera ID */ $flds = trim($param[0]); $vlrs = trim($param[1]); $flds = $row[$flds]; $vlrs = $row[$vlrs]; $options[$flds] = $vlrs; } $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'size' => 1, 'class' => 'form_select'); $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } $tela .= '<TD>'; $tela .= form_dropdown($dados, $options, $vlr); break; /* String */ /* String */ case 'R': $ntype = trim(substr($type, 2, strlen($type))); $ntype = troca($ntype, '&', ';') . ';'; $param = splitx(';', $ntype); $form = '<table width="100%" border=0>'; for ($r = 0; $r < count($param); $r++) { if (count(trim($param[$r])) > 0) { $nterm = splitx(':', $param[$r] . ':'); $key = $nterm[0]; $valor = $nterm[1]; $options[$key] = $valor; $checked = false; if ($key == $vlr) { $checked = true; } $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'value' => $key, 'class' => 'form_select', 'checked' => $checked); $form .= '<tr valign="top"><td>' . form_radio($dados) . '</td>'; $form .= '<td class="form_radio">' . $valor . '</td>'; $form .= '</tr>'; } } $form .= '</table>'; /* recupera dados */ $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } $tela .= '<TD>'; //$tela .= form_radio($dados, $options, $vlr); $tela .= $form; break; /* String */ /* String */ case 'D': /* TR da tabela */ $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'value' => $vlr, 'maxlenght' => 12, 'size' => 12, 'placeholder' => $label, 'class' => 'form_string date'); if ($readonly == false) { $dados['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } $tela .= $td . form_input($dados) . ' (dd/mm/yyyy)'; $tela .= $tdn . $trn; $tela .= ' <script> $(function() { $( "#' . $dn . '" ).datepicker(); }); </script> '; break; /* String */ /* String */ case 'LINK': /* TR da tabela */ $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'value' => $vlr, 'maxlenght' => $max, 'size' => $size, 'placeholder' => $label, 'class' => 'form_string'); if ($readonly == false) { $dados['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } $tela .= $td . form_input($dados); $tela .= $tdn . $trn; break; case 'M': /* TR da tabela */ $tela .= $tr; /* label */ $tela .= '<td colspan=2>' . '<span class="lt1">' . $label . '</span>'; $tela .= $tdn . $trn; break; /* form_number */ /* form_number */ case 'N': /* TR da tabela */ $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'value' => $vlr, 'maxlenght' => 15, 'size' => 15, 'placeholder' => $label, 'class' => 'form_string money'); if ($readonly == false) { $dados['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } $tela .= $td . form_input($dados); $tela .= $tdn . $trn; break; /* String */ /* String */ case 'S': /* TR da tabela */ $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } $size = sonumero($type); $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'value' => $vlr, 'maxlenght' => $max, 'size' => $size, 'placeholder' => $label, 'class' => 'form_string'); if ($readonly == false) { $dados['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } $tela .= $td . form_input($dados); $tela .= $tdn . $trn; break; case 'SW': /* TR da tabela */ $tela .= $tr; $checked = False; /* label */ $tela .= ' <td class="lt4" colspan=2> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="onoffswitch"> '; /* cehcked */ if (trim($vlr) == '1') { $checked = True; } /* Monta lista */ $data = array('name' => $dn, 'checked' => $checked, 'class' => 'onoffswitch-checkbox', 'id' => $dn, 'value' => '1'); $tela .= form_checkbox($data); $tela .= ' <label class="onoffswitch-label" for="' . $dn . '"> <span class="onoffswitch-inner"></span> <span class="onoffswitch-switch"></span> </label> </div></td><td class="lt2"> ' . $label . ' </td> </tr> </table></td></tr>'; break; /* Update */ /* Update */ case 'U': if (round($vlr) == 0) { $vlr = date("Y-m-d"); } $dados = array($dn => $vlr); $tela .= form_hidden($dados); break; /* Textarea */ /* Textarea */ case 'T': $ntype = trim(substr($type, 2, strlen($type))); $ntype = troca($ntype, ':', ';') . ';'; $param = splitx(';', $ntype); /* TR da tabela */ $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } $data = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'value' => $vlr, 'rows' => $param[1], 'cols' => $param[0], 'class' => 'form_textarea'); $tela .= $td . form_textarea($data); $tela .= $tdn . $trn; break; /* Password */ /* Password */ case 'P': if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $label . ' '; } $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'value' => $vlr, 'maxlenght' => $max, 'size' => $size); $tela .= form_password($dados); break; } $ddi++; return $tela; }
$documents = new documents(); /* Sessao e pagina da Submissao */ $sx = '<H1>' . msg('documents_title_commite') . '</h1>'; $sx .= '<fieldset>'; $sx .= '<Table width="100%" class="tabela00" align="center" >'; $sx .= '<TR><TD>'; $sql = "select * from ged_documento_tipo \n\t\twhere (doct_publico = 1) "; /* Restricted documents to members */ if ($perfil->valid('#MEM')) { $sql .= " or (doct_publico = 0) "; } /* Executa busca */ $rlt = db_query($sql); $to = 0; while ($line = db_read($rlt)) { $ged->protocol = strzero(round($line['doct_codigo']), 7); $sf = '<h2>' . utf8_encode(msg(trim($line['doct_nome']))) . '</h2>'; $ged->table_class = "tabela01"; $sf .= $ged->filelist_download(); $to = $to + $ged->total_files; } $sx .= $sf; $sx .= '</table>'; $sx .= '</fieldset>'; if ($to > 0) { echo $sx; } echo '<BR>'; echo '<H1>' . msg('documents_title') . '</h1>'; echo '<fieldset>'; require "documents_proethos.php";
if ($dda < $dini) { $dini = $dda; } $dda = round("0" . $oline['cso_dt_fim']); if ($dda > $dfim) { $dfim = $dda; } } $meses = calcmeses($dini, $dfim); if ($meses > 0) { $wt = intval(80 / $meses); $wi = 120; for ($kr = 0; $kr < count($crono); $kr++) { ////////// nomear datas $mm1 = strzero($crono[$kr][1], 6); $mm2 = strzero($crono[$kr][2], 6); $mn = nomemes_short(intval(substr($mm1, 0, 2))) . '/' . substr($mm1, 2, 4); $crono[$kr][3] = $mn; $mn = nomemes_short(intval(substr($mm2, 0, 2))) . '/' . substr($mm2, 2, 4); $crono[$kr][4] = $mn; if ($crono_cab == false) { $crono_cab = true; $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, ' ', 1, 'L'); $pdf->Ln($ln); $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 12); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 8, msg('crono'), 0, 'L'); $orca_cab = true; $pdf->Ln(6); /////////////////qqq cabecalho orcamento $y = $pdf->GetY(); $pdf->SetLineWidth(0.3);
// restricts commercial use of the Software. // // ProEthos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ProEthos License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the ProEthos License along with the ProEthos // Software. If not, see // global $institution_name, $LANG, $messa; $line = $dic->line; require 'fphp-170/fpdf.php'; $versao_pdf = '0.0.38a'; $ln = 4; $caae = trim($line['cep_caae']); $nrp = strzero($dic->line['id_pr'], 5) . '/' . substr($dic->line['pr_data_emissao'], 0, 4); $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $ln = 0; $pdf->AddPage(); /* Logo Novo */ $img = 'document/proegthos_logo_1.jpg'; if (!file_exists($img)) { $img = 'img/logo_dictamen.jpg'; } $pdf->Image($img, 20, 10); $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 16); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 10, $institution_name, 0, 'R'); /* Research Project Evaluation Form */ $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 14); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 1, utf8_decode(msg('dictamen_title')), 0, 'R');
function form_field($cp, $vlr) { global $dd, $ddi; /* Zera tela */ $tela = ''; $table = 1; if (!isset($dd)) { $dd = array(); $ddi = 0; } $type = $cp[0]; $label = $cp[2]; $required = $cp[3]; $placeholder = $label; $readonly = $cp[4]; $tt = substr($type, 1, 1); /* exessoes */ if (substr($type, 0, 4) == '$MES') { $tt = 'MES'; } /* form */ $max = 100; $size = 100; $dados = array(); $dn = 'dd' . $ddi; if ($table == 1) { $td = '<td>'; $tdl = '<td align="right">'; $tdn = '</td>'; $tr = '<tr valign="top">'; $trn = '</tr>'; } else { $td = ''; $tdl = ''; $tdn = ''; $tr = ''; $trn = ''; } //$dados = array('name'=>'dd'.$ddi, 'id'=>'dd'.$ddi,'value='.$dd[$ddi],'maxlenght'=>$max,'size'=>$size,$class=>''); switch ($tt) { /* Button */ case 'B': $tela .= $tr . $tdl . $td; $dados = array('name' => 'acao', 'id' => 'acao', 'value' => $label); $tela .= form_submit($dados); $tela .= $tdn . $trn; break; /* Oculto */ /* Oculto */ case 'H': $dados = array($dn => $vlr); $tela .= form_hidden($dados); break; /* Select Box - Mes */ /* Select Box - Mes */ case 'MES': $options = array('' => '::select an option::'); /* recupera dados */ for ($r = date("Y") + 4; $r > 1990; $r--) { $vlra = $r; $options[$vlra] = '===' . $r . '==='; //array_push($options,array('2019')); $ar = array(); for ($y = 12; $y > 0; $y--) { $vlrs = $r . strzero($y, 2) . '01'; $cpt = $r . '/' . msg('mes_' . strzero($y, 2)); $op = array($vlr => $cpt); $ar[$vlrs] = $cpt; //array_push($options,$op); } $options[$vlra] = $ar; } $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'size' => 1, 'class' => 'form_select'); $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } if (strlen($vlr) == 0) { $vlr = date("Ym") . '01'; } $tela .= '<TD>'; $tela .= form_dropdown($dados, $options, $vlr); break; /* Select Box */ /* Select Box */ case 'Q': $ntype = trim(substr($type, 2, strlen($type))); $ntype = troca($ntype, ':', ';') . ';'; $param = splitx(';', $ntype); $options = array('' => '::select an option::'); /* recupera dados */ $sql = "select * from (" . $param[2] . ") as tabela "; $CI =& get_instance(); $query = $CI->db->query($sql); foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { /* recupera ID */ $flds = trim($param[0]); $vlrs = trim($param[1]); $flds = $row[$flds]; $vlrs = $row[$vlrs]; $options[$flds] = $vlrs; } $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'size' => 1, 'class' => 'form_select'); $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } $tela .= '<TD>'; $tela .= form_dropdown($dados, $options, $vlr); break; /* String */ /* String */ case 'S': /* TR da tabela */ $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'value' => $vlr, 'maxlenght' => $max, 'size' => $size, 'placeholder' => $label, 'class' => 'form_string'); if ($readonly == false) { $dados['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } $tela .= $td . form_input($dados); $tela .= $tdn . $trn; break; /* Update */ /* Update */ case 'U': if (round($vlr) == 0) { $vlr = date("Ymd"); } $dados = array($dn => $vlr); $tela .= form_hidden($dados); break; /* Textarea */ /* Textarea */ case 'T': $ntype = trim(substr($type, 2, strlen($type))); $ntype = troca($ntype, ':', ';') . ';'; $param = splitx(';', $ntype); /* TR da tabela */ $tela .= $tr; /* label */ if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $tdl . $label . ' '; } if ($required == 1) { $tela .= ' <font color="red">*</font> '; } $data = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'value' => $vlr, 'rows' => $param[1], 'cols' => $param[0], 'class' => 'form_textarea'); $tela .= $td . form_textarea($data); $tela .= $tdn . $trn; break; /* Password */ /* Password */ case 'P': if (strlen($label) > 0) { $tela .= $label . ' '; } $dados = array('name' => $dn, 'id' => $dn, 'value' => $vlr, 'maxlenght' => $max, 'size' => $size); $tela .= form_password($dados); break; } $ddi++; return $tela; }
} /* Redireciona se 008 */ if ($adm == '008') { redirecina('admin_submit_blocked.php'); exit; } require "_class/_class_submit_manuscrito_field.php"; /* Dados da Classe */ $clx = new fields(); $tabela = $clx->tabela; echo '<h1>' . msg('amendment_' . $adm) . '</h1>'; /* Nao alterar - dados comuns */ $label = msg($tabela); $http_edit = 'admin_submit_000_ed.php'; //$http_ver = 'pibic_bolsa_tipo_detalhe.php'; $editar = True; $http_redirect = page(); $clx->row(); $busca = true; $offset = 20; //$pre_where = " e_mailing = '".$cl->mail_codigo."' "; if ($order == 0) { $order = $cdf[1]; } $order = ' sub_pag, sub_pos, sub_ordem '; $pre_where = " sub_projeto_tipo = '" . strzero($adm, 5) . "' "; echo '<TABLE width="' . $tab_max . '" align="center"><TR><TD>'; require $include . 'sisdoc_row.php'; echo '</table>'; echo '</div>'; echo $hd->foot();
function dictamen_form() { global $dd, $acao, $cep, $messa, $LANG; $sx = ''; /* recupera tipo do projeto */ $tipo = $dd[41]; $sql = "select * from parecer_modelo where pm_type = '{$tipo}' "; $rlt = db_query($sql); $fmt = array(); array_push($fmt, array('', '---', '00000', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); while ($line = db_read($rlt)) { array_push($fmt, array(trim($line['pm_name']), $line['pm_decision'], $line['pm_codigo'], $line['pm_0'], $line['pm_1'], $line['pm_2'], $line['pm_3'], $line['pm_4'], $line['pm_5'], $line['pm_6'], $line['pm_7'], $line['pm_8'], $line['pm_accompaniment'])); } /* JavaScript */ $cpa = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'); $ja .= 'function mostra_fields(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) { ' . chr(13); for ($rr = 0; $rr < count($cpa); $rr++) { $ja .= 'if (' . $cpa[$rr] . ' == 1) { $("#dic' . strzero($rr, 3) . '").fadeIn("slow"); } else { $("#dic' . strzero($rr, 3) . '").fadeOut("slow"); } ' . chr(13); } $ja .= ' } ' . chr(13); /* Mostra formularios */ $pos = 0; /* monta formulario Select */ $sa .= '<input type="hidden" id="dd1" name="dd1" value="' . $dd[1] . '">'; $sa .= '<select id="dd27" name="dd27">'; $jb = ''; $jb2 = ''; for ($r = 0; $r < count($fmt); $r++) { $chk = ''; if ($dd[27] == $fmt[$r][1]) { $chk = 'selected'; } $sa .= '<option value="' . $fmt[$r][1] . '" ' . $chk . '>'; $sa .= msg($fmt[$r][0]); $sa .= '</option>'; /* monta comando java show */ $jb1 = 'if (ask == "' . $fmt[$r][1] . '") { mostra_fields('; for ($ra = 0; $ra < 9; $ra++) { $jb1 .= $fmt[$r][$ra + 3] . ','; } $jb1 .= $fmt[$r][12] . '); } ' . chr(13); if ($chk == 'selected') { $jb2 .= 'var x = mostra_fields('; for ($ra = 0; $ra < 9; $ra++) { $jb2 .= $fmt[$r][$ra + 3] . ','; } $jb2 .= $fmt[$r][12] . '); ' . chr(13); } $jb .= $jb1; } $sa .= '</select>'; $sx .= $sa; $sx .= '<table class="table_proj2" width="100%">'; for ($r = 0; $r < 9; $r++) { $stl = ''; if ($fmt[$pos][$r + 3] == 0) { $stl = 'style="display: none;"'; } $sx .= chr(13); $sx .= '<TR><TD colspan=2 class="lt0"><div id="dic' . strzero($r, 3) . '" ' . $stl . '>'; $sx .= msg('dic_pm_' . $r) . '<BR>'; $sx .= '<textarea rows=6 cols=80 style="width: 96%;" name="dd' . ($r + 20) . '" id="dd' . ($r + 20) . '">'; $sx .= $dd[$r + 20]; $sx .= '</textarea>'; $sx .= '</div>'; } /* Acompanhamento */ $sx .= chr(13); $acop = array(array('', ''), array(180, msg('semiannual')), array(365, msg('annual')), array(-1, msg('end_of_the_investigation')), array(0, msg('not_applied'))); $hd = 'style="display: none;"'; /* * Acompanhamento **/ $sx .= '<TR><TD colspan=2 class="lt0"><div id="dic009" ' . $hd . '>'; $sx .= msg('accompaniment') . ' '; $sx .= chr(13); $sx .= '<select id="dd29" name="dd29">'; for ($r = 0; $r < count($acop); $r++) { $chk = ''; $sx .= chr(13); if ($dd[29] == $acop[$r][0]) { $chk = 'selected'; } $sx .= '<option value="' . $acop[$r][0] . '" ' . $chk . '>'; $sx .= msg($acop[$r][1]); $sx .= '</option>'; } $sx .= chr(13) . '</select>'; /* Botao */ $sx .= chr(13); $sx .= '<TR><TD colspan=2 class="lt0"><div id="dicfim" style="' . $hid . '">'; $bto = msg('save_dictamen'); $sx .= '<BR>'; $sx .= '<input type="checkbox" value="1" id="dd31">'; $sx .= ' ' . msg('final_version'); $sx .= '<BR>'; $sx .= '<input type="button" value="' . $bto . '" id="save_dictamen" class="form_submit">'; $sx .= chr(13) . '</table>'; $sx .= chr(13) . chr(13); $sx .= '<script>' . chr(13); $sx .= $jb2; $ss .= ' var ask=2; ' . chr(13); $sx .= $ja; $sx .= chr(13); $sx .= '$("#dd27").change(function () { ' . chr(13); $sx .= 'var ask = $("#dd27").val(); ' . chr(13); $sx .= $jb; $sx .= '});' . chr(13); $sx .= '</script>' . chr(13); $sx .= ' <script> $("#save_dictamen").click(function() { var v1 = $(\'#dd1\').val(); var v20 = $(\'#dd20\').val(); var v21 = $(\'#dd21\').val(); var v22 = $(\'#dd22\').val(); var v23 = $(\'#dd23\').val(); var v24 = $(\'#dd24\').val(); var v25 = $(\'#dd25\').val(); var v26 = $(\'#dd26\').val(); var v27 = $(\'#dd27\').val(); var v28 = $(\'#dd28\').val(); var v29 = $(\'#dd29\').val(); var v30 = $(\'#dictamen\').val(); var v31 = $(\'#dd31\').is(":checked"); if (v31==true) { v31 = 1; } else { v31 = 0; } var ok = 1; /* if (v20.length == 0) { ok = 0; alert(\'Descriction is necessary\'); } if (v21.length == 0) { ok = 0; alert(\'Quant. is necessary\'); } if (v22.length == 0) { ok = 0; alert(\'Unit value is necessary\'); } */ ok = 1; if (ok == 1) { $.ajax({ url: "dictamen_ajax.php", type: "POST", data: { dd1: v1, dd20: v20, dd21: v21, dd22: v22, dd23: v23, dd24: v24, dd25: v25, dd26: v26, dd30: v30, dd31: v31, dd27: v27, dd28: v28, dd29: v29, dd30: v30, dd31: v31, dd1: v1, acao: "gravar" } }) .fail(function() { alert("error"); }) .success(function(data) { $("#dictame").html(data); }); } }); </script> '; return $sx; }
function mostra_todas_csf($aluno_id) { $sql = "select * from csf_view where id_us = " . round($aluno_id); $rlt = $this->db->query($sql); $rlt = $rlt->result_array($rlt); $sx = '<table width="100%" align="left" class="border1 tabela01" border=0>'; $sx .= '<tr> <th width="5%" align=left> protocolo</th> <th width="10%" align=left> situação</th> <th width="20%" align=left> edital</th> <th width="24%" align=left> universidade</th> <th width="10%" align=left> país</th> <th width="10%" align=left> parceiro</th> <th width="5%" align=center> saída</th> <th width="5%" align=center> retorno</th> <th width="1%" >-</th> </tr> '; $tot = 0; for ($r = 0; $r < count($rlt); $r++) { $tot++; $line = $rlt[$r]; $link = base_url('index.php/csf/ver/' . $line['id_csf'] . '/' . checkpost_link($line['id_csf'])); $link = '<A HREF="' . $link . '" class="lt4 link">'; $sx .= '<tr valign="top">'; $sx .= '<td class="borderb1" align="center">'; $sx .= $link . 'CF' . strzero($line['id_csf'], 5) . '</A>'; $sx .= '</td>'; $sx .= '<td class="borderb1">'; $sx .= $line['cs_descricao']; $sx .= '</td>'; $sx .= '<td class="lt1 borderb1">'; $sx .= $line['ed_titulo']; $sx .= '</td>'; $sx .= '<td class="borderb1">'; $sx .= $line['gpip_nome']; $sx .= '</td>'; $sx .= '<td class="borderb1">'; $sx .= $line['nome']; $sx .= '</td>'; $sx .= '<td class="borderb1">'; $sx .= $line['cp_descricao']; $sx .= '</td>'; $sx .= '<td class="borderb1" align="center">'; $dt1 = $line['csf_saida']; $prev = ''; if ($dt1 == '0000-00-00') { $dt1 = $line['csf_saida_previsao']; $prev = '<a ref="#" title="previsão de saída">*</A>'; } $sx .= stodbr($dt1); $sx .= '<span color="blue">' . $prev . '</span>'; $sx .= '</td>'; $sx .= '<td class="borderb1" align="center">'; $dt1 = $line['csf_retorno']; $prev = ''; if ($dt1 == '0000-00-00') { $dt1 = $line['csf_retorno_previsao']; $prev = '<a ref="#" title="previsão de retorno">*</A>'; } $sx .= stodbr($dt1); $sx .= '<span color="blue">' . $prev . '</span>'; $sx .= '</td>'; $sx .= '<td class="borderb1">'; $img = '<img src="' . base_url('img/icon/icone_editar.png') . '" border=0 height="24" onclick="mostra(\'csf' . $r . '\',' . $line['id_csf'] . ');" class="link">'; $sx .= $img; $sx .= '</td>'; $sx .= '<tr><td colspan=10>'; $sx .= '<div id="csf' . $r . '" style="display:none; width: 100%;">aguarde ...</div>'; $sx .= '</td></tr>'; } $sx .= '<tr><td colspan=10 class="lt0">* Previsão</td></tr>'; $sx .= '</table>'; $sx .= ' <script> function mostra($id,$reg) { $idr = "#"+$id; $($idr).fadeIn(); var $url = "' . base_url('index.php/csf/ajax/') . '/"+$reg+"/"+$id; $.ajax({ url: $url, type: "post", success: function(data){ $($idr).html(data); }, error:function(data){ $($idr).html(data); } }); } </script> '; return $sx; }
function keyid_form() { global $secu; $size = 10; $key = troca(microtime() + rand(), '.', ''); $key = substr($key, strlen($key) - $size, $size); $this->key_form = $key; $this->key_form_check = strzero(3 * $key, $size); return $key; }
// // You should have received a copy of the ProEthos License along with the ProEthos // Software. If not, see // $prj_nr = $protocolo; if (strlen($prj_nr) == 0) { $sql = "select * from cep_submit_documento where doc_id = '" . $prj_nr . "' "; $rlt = db_query($sql); if (!($line = db_read($rlt))) { $novo = true; } } /* SAVE */ $sql = "delete from cep_submit_documento_valor "; $sql .= " where spc_pagina = '" . strzero($pag, 3) . "' "; $sql .= " and spc_projeto = '" . $protocolo . "' "; $sql .= " and spc_autor = '" . $proj->doc_autor_principal . "' "; $rlt = db_query($sql); $xsql = ''; for ($k = 0; $k < count($cops); $k++) { $xsql = "insert into cep_submit_documento_valor "; $xsql .= "(spc_codigo,spc_projeto,spc_content,"; $xsql .= "spc_pagina,spc_autor,spc_ativo) "; $xsql .= " values "; $xsql .= "('" . $cops[$k][0] . "','" . $protocolo . "','" . $cops[$k][1] . "',"; $xsql .= "'" . strzero($pag, 3) . "','" . $proj->doc_autor_principal . "','1') "; $rlt = db_query($xsql); } $sql = "update cep_submit_documento set doc_status = '@', doc_dt_atualizado = " . date("Ymd") . "\n\t\t\t\twhere doc_protocolo = '{$protocolo}' "; $rlt = db_query($sql); $sql .= '';
$op = msg("top_submit_menu_" . $r); } $name = "item" . $r; $class_name = "topmenu_off"; if ($ini == $r) { $class_name = 'topmenu_on'; } echo '<TD align="center" class="' . $class_name . '" height=30>'; if ($protocolo != '0000000') { echo '<A HREF="submit.php?dd91=' . $r . '">'; } echo '<center><font class="' . $class_name . '">'; echo $op; echo '</A></center>'; echo '<TD class="' . $class_name . '" width="20">'; echo '<img src="img/topmenu_sp.png">'; } echo '</table>'; $edit_mode = $edit_mode_old; /* Omite título se não for projeto */ if ($doc_tipo == 'PROJE') { echo '<H1>' . msg("submit_process") . '</h1>'; } /* Le dados do protocolo */ $proj->le($protocolo); /* Classe que mostra os dados do protocolo */ echo $proj->protocolo_mostrar(); $proto_cep = strzero($_SESSION['proto_cep'], 7); // print "<pre>"; // var_dump($proj); $clinic = round($proj->doc_clinic);
function report_001c($ano = '') { if (strlen($ano) == 0) { $ano = date("Y"); } $sql = "select cep_data, count(*) as total from (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tselect round(pr_data/100) as cep_data\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom cep_parecer \n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere pr_status = 'F'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand pr_data > 20000101\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand round(pr_data/10000) = {$ano}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) as tabela\n\t\t\t\t\t\tgroup by cep_data\n\t\t\t\t\t\torder by cep_data\n\t\t\t\t"; $rlt = db_query($sql); $max = 10; /* Calcula o maximo */ while ($line = db_read($rlt)) { if ($line['total'] > $max) { $max = $line['total']; } } $rlt = db_query($sql); $sx = '<table width="100%" class="table_proj">'; $sx .= '<TR><TH width="8%">' . msg('year'); for ($r = 1; $r <= 12; $r++) { $sx .= '<TH width="8%">'; $sx .= msg('month_' . strzero($r, 2)); } $xano = -1; $xmes = 0; $sa = ''; $sb = ''; while ($line = db_read($rlt)) { $ano = round($line['cep_data'] / 100); $mes = round(substr($line['cep_data'], 4, 2)); if ($ano != $xano) { $sx .= $sb; $sx .= $sa; $sa = ''; $sb = ''; $sa = '<TR><TD align="center">' . $ano; $xano = $ano; $xmes = 1; $sb = '<TR><TD> '; } for ($r = $xmes; $r < $mes; $r++) { $sa .= '<TD align="center">-'; $sb .= '<TD align="center">-'; } $xmes = $mes + 1; $sa .= '<TD align="center">'; $sb .= '<TD align="center" valign="bottom" height="80">'; $sa .= $line['total']; $hg = round(30 * $line['total'] / $max); $sb .= '<img src="img/gr_point_blue.png" width="30" height="' . $hg . '">'; } $sx .= $sb . $sa; $sx .= '</table>'; echo $sx; }
function calcmeses($df1, $df2) { $dxm = substr($df1, 4, 2); $dxa = substr($df1, 0, 4); $dym = substr($df2, 4, 2); $dya = substr($df2, 0, 4); while ($dxa * 100 + $dxm <= $dya * 100 + $dym) { // echo '<BR>'.($dxa*100+$dxm).'=='.($dafim*100+$dmfim).', '.$meses; $dxm = intval($dxm) + 1; if ($dxm > 12) { $dxa++; $dxm = 1; } $dxm = strzero($dxm, 2); $meses = $meses + 1; } return $meses; }
*/ require 'cab.php'; /* Admin Common */ $ok = ($perfil->valid('#ADM') or $perfil->valid('#SCR') or $perfil->valid('#COO')); if ($ok == 0) { redirecina('main.php'); } $ln = new message(); global $acao, $dd, $cp, $tabela; require $include . 'sisdoc_colunas.php'; require $include . 'sisdoc_data.php'; require $include . 'sisdoc_debug.php'; require "_ged_documents.php"; /* Excluir Arquivo */ if ($dd[21] == 'DEL') { $chk = checkpost($dd[20] . $secu); if ($dd[22] == $chk) { $ged->id_doc = $dd[20]; $ged->file_delete(); } } $ged->protocol = strzero($dd[0], 7); $type = strzero($dd[0], 5); $protocol = $ged->protocol; //file_delete echo '<h2>' . msg('documents_title') . '</h2>'; echo $ged->file_list(); echo $ged->upload_botton_with_type($protocol, '_ged_documents.php', $type, ''); echo '</div>'; /** Caso o registro seja validado */ echo $hd->foot();
function resume_adhoc() { global $tab_max, $message, $ss, $perfil; $tp = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $us = strzero(round($ss->user_id), 7); $sql = "select count(*) as total from cep_dictamen \n\t\t\t\t\tinner join cep_protocolos on pp_protocolo = cep_protocol\n\t\t\t\t\twhere \n\t\t\t\t\t (cep_status = '@' or cep_status = 'A' or cep_status = 'B' or cep_status = 'C' or cep_status = 'D')\n\t\t\t\t\t and pp_avaliador = '{$us}' \n\t\t\t\t\t and (pp_status <> 'B' and pp_status <> 'X') \n\t\t\t\t\t"; $rlt = db_query($sql); while ($line = db_read($rlt)) { $tp[9] = $line['total']; } $sx .= '<font class="lt4">' . msg('resume_adhoc') . '</font>'; $sx .= '<Table width="100%" class="table_resume" align="center" >'; $sx .= '<TR><TD>'; $sx .= '<fieldset><legend>' . msg('research') . '</legend>'; $sx .= '<Table width="120" class="table_resume" border=1 >'; /* Protocolo em Submissao */ $size = 15; $sx .= '<TR class="table_resume_th" align="center"> '; if ($tp[9] > 0) { $sx .= '<TD width="' . $size . '%" align="center" class="table_resume_td_sel"><B>' . msg('pesq_relate'); } if ($tp[9] > 0) { $link[9] = '<A HREF="protocols.php?dd1=Z" class="table_resume_td">'; } $sx .= '<TR class="table_resume_td">'; if ($perfil->valid("#ADC")) { $sx .= '<TD align="center">' . $link[9] . round($tp[9]) . '</A>'; } $sx .= '</table>'; $sx .= '</fieldset>'; $sx .= '</table>'; if ($tp[9] == 0) { $sx = ''; } return $sx; }
function upload_form() { global $_FILES, $dir_atual, $dir_dest, $fechar, $quota_mb, $path_info; $num_uploads = 5; html_header(); echo "<body marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\">"; if (count($_FILES) == 0) { echo "\r\n <table height=\"100%\" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 align=center>\r\n <form name=\"upload_form\" action=\"" . $path_info["basename"] . "\" method=\"post\" ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\">\r\n <input type=hidden name=dir_dest value=\"{$dir_atual}\">\r\n <input type=hidden name=action value=10>\r\n <tr><th colspan=2>" . et('Upload') . "</th></tr>\r\n <tr><td align=right><b>" . et('Destination') . ":<td><b><nobr>{$dir_atual}</nobr>"; for ($x = 0; $x < $num_uploads; $x++) { echo "<tr><td width=1 align=right><b>" . et('File') . ":<td><nobr><input type=\"file\" name=\"file{$x}\"></nobr>"; $test_js .= "(document.upload_form.file{$x}.value.length>0)||"; } echo "\r\n <input type=button value=\"" . et('Send') . "\" onclick=\"test_upload_form()\"></nobr>\r\n <tr><td> <td><input type=checkbox name=fechar value=\"1\"> <a href=\"JavaScript:troca();\">" . et('AutoClose') . "</a>\r\n <tr><td colspan=2> </td></tr>\r\n </form>\r\n </table>\r\n <script language=\"Javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n <!--\r\n function troca(){\r\n if(document.upload_form.fechar.checked){document.upload_form.fechar.checked=false;}else{document.upload_form.fechar.checked=true;}\r\n }\r\n foi = false;\r\n function test_upload_form(){\r\n if(" . substr($test_js, 0, strlen($test_js) - 2) . "){\r\n if (foi) alert('" . et('SendingForm') . "...');\r\n else {\r\n foi = true;\r\n document.upload_form.submit();\r\n }\r\n } else alert('" . et('NoFileSel') . ".');\r\n }\r\n window.moveTo((window.screen.width-400)/2,((window.screen.height-200)/2)-20);\r\n //-->\r\n </script>"; } else { $out = "<tr><th colspan=2>" . et('UploadEnd') . "</th></tr>\r\n <tr><th colspan=2><nobr>" . et('Destination') . ": {$dir_dest}</nobr>"; for ($x = 0; $x < $num_uploads; $x++) { $temp_file = $_FILES["file" . $x]["tmp_name"]; $filename = $_FILES["file" . $x]["name"]; if (strlen($filename)) { $resul = save_upload($temp_file, $filename, $dir_dest); } else { $resul = 7; } switch ($resul) { case 1: $out .= "<tr><td><b>" . strzero($x + 1, 3) . ".<font color=green><b> " . et('FileSent') . ":</font><td>" . $filename . "</td></tr>\n"; break; case 2: $out .= "<tr><td colspan=2><font color=red><b>" . et('IOError') . "</font></td></tr>\n"; $x = $upload_num; break; case 3: $out .= "<tr><td colspan=2><font color=red><b>" . et('SpaceLimReached') . " ({$quota_mb} Mb)</font></td></tr>\n"; $x = $upload_num; break; case 4: $out .= "<tr><td><b>" . strzero($x + 1, 3) . ".<font color=red><b> " . et('InvExt') . ":</font><td>" . $filename . "</td></tr>\n"; break; case 5: $out .= "<tr><td><b>" . strzero($x + 1, 3) . ".<font color=red><b> " . et('FileNoOverw') . "</font><td>" . $filename . "</td></tr>\n"; break; case 6: $out .= "<tr><td><b>" . strzero($x + 1, 3) . ".<font color=green><b> " . et('FileOverw') . ":</font><td>" . $filename . "</td></tr>\n"; break; case 7: $out .= "<tr><td colspan=2><b>" . strzero($x + 1, 3) . ".<font color=red><b> " . et('FileIgnored') . "</font></td></tr>\n"; } } if ($fechar) { echo "\r\n <script language=\"Javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n <!--\r\n window.close();\r\n //-->\r\n </script>\r\n "; } else { echo "\r\n <table height=\"100%\" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 align=center>\r\n {$out}\r\n <tr><td colspan=2> </td></tr>\r\n </table>\r\n <script language=\"Javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n <!--\r\n window.focus();\r\n //-->\r\n </script>\r\n "; } } echo "</body>\n</html>"; }
function autonumber($varname, $step = 0, $default = '') { $varvalue = $this->getvar($varname); if ($varvalue == "") { $varvalue = $default; if ($varvalue == '') { return $varvalue; } $this->insert($varname, $varvalue, 'Numbering'); } $arRomawi = array("", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X", "XI", "XII"); $aa = explode("~", $varvalue); $sFlagAdaCounter = false; $nCtrPos = 0; $nCtrLen = 0; $sVal = ""; $sLF = ""; $sMD = ""; $sRG = ""; $nextkode = ""; $autoKey = -1; foreach ($aa as $a) { $code = substr($a, 0, 1); $nilai = substr($a, 1, strlen($a)); $pj = strlen($nilai); $nextkode .= $code; //echo "<br>code: ".$code." nilai: ".$nilai." nextkode: ".$nextkode; switch ($code) { case "!": $sVal .= $nilai; //echo "<br>val ! ".$sVal; break; case "@": $sVal .= $nilai; //echo "<br>val @ ".$sVal; break; case "#": $sFlagDDMMYY = $nilai; if ($nilai == "MM") { $sNew = date("m"); } elseif ($nilai == "YY") { $sNew = date("y"); } elseif ($nilai == "DD") { $sNew = date("d"); } else { $sFlagDDMMYY = ""; $sNew = $arRomawi[strval(date("m"))]; } $sVal .= $sNew; break; case "\$": $nCurCounter = strval($nilai); $nCtrPos = strlen($sVal); $nCtrLen = $pj; $sVal .= strzero(strval($nilai), $pj); $nilai = strzero(strval($nilai) + $step, $pj); //echo 'nilai='.$nilai; $sFlagAdaCounter = True; //echo "<br>val $ ".$nilai ; break; case "?": //reset if (($sFlagAdaCounter and strlen($sFlagDDMMYY)) > 0) { $nOldMM = strval(substr($a, 4)); $nl = substr($nilai, 2, strlen($nilai)); if ($nl == "MM") { if (strval(date("m")) != strval($nOldMM)) { $sLF = substr($sVal, $nCtrPos); $sMd = strzero(1, $nCtrLen); $sRG = substr($sVal, $nCtrPos + $nCtrLen + 1, strlen($sVal)); $sVal = $sLF . $sMd . $sRG; } } elseif ($nl == "DD") { if (strval(date("d")) != strval($nOldMM)) { $sLF = substr($sVal, $nCtrPos); $sMd = strzero(1, $nCtrLen); $sRG = substr($sVal, $nCtrPos + $nCtrLen + 1, strlen($sVal)); $sVal = $sLF . $sMd . $sRG; } } elseif ($nl == "YY") { if (strval(date("Y")) - 2000 != strval($nOldMM)) { $sLF = substr($sVal, $nCtrPos); $sMd = strzero(1, $nCtrLen); $sRG = substr($sVal, $nCtrPos + $nCtrLen + 1, strlen($sVal)); $sVal = $sLF . $sMd . $sRG; } } } break; } //end switch $nextkode .= $nilai . "~"; } /// for each if ($step != 0) { if (substr($nextkode, -1, 1) == "~") { $nextkode = substr($nextkode, 0, strlen($nextkode) - 1); } //echo "<br>NextKode: ".$nextkode; $this->save($varname, $nextkode); } return $sVal; }
* @version v.0.13.46 * @package Proethos * @subpackage Protocol */ /* Add Styles */ $style_add = array('proethos_form.css'); require "cab.php"; require $include . 'sisdoc_data.php'; require '_class/_class_cep.php'; $cep = new cep(); require '_class/_class_cep_submit.php'; $submit = new submit(); require '_class/_class_cep_email.php'; $comm = new comunication(); /* recupara ID do projeto */ $ID = strzero($dd[0], 7); $submit->le($ID); $doc_tipo = $submit->doc_tipo; /* Action */ $acao = $dd[5]; if ($acao == 'TO_SUBMIT') { $submit->protocolo_to_submit(); redirecina('submit.php?dd0=' . $dd[0] . '&dd90=' . checkpost($dd[0])); } if ($acao == 'TO_AMED') { $submit->protocolo_to_submit(); redirecina('submit_amendment.php?dd0=' . $dd[0] . '&dd90=' . checkpost($dd[0])); } echo '<h1>Protocolo: ' . $submit->status_show($submit->doc_status) . '</h1>'; echo $submit->protocolo_mostrar(); $status = trim($submit->doc_status);
// You should have received a copy of the ProEthos License along with the ProEthos // Software. If not, see // require "db.php"; require $include . 'sisdoc_colunas.php'; require $include . 'sisdoc_email.php'; require "_class/_class_message.php"; $file = 'messages/msg_' . $LANG . '.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { require $file; } else { echo 'message not found ' . $file; } $LANG = $lg->language_read(); $edit_mode = round($_SESSION['editmode']); $pag_id = strzero(round($_SESSION['proj_id']), 7); require "_class/_class_team.php"; $tm = new team(); $tm->protocol = $pag_id; if ($dd[10] == 'con') { $id = $dd[12]; $tm->team_contact($id, $tm->protocol); } if ($dd[10] == 'del') { $id = $dd[12]; $tm->team_delete_member($id, $tm->protocol); } if ($dd[10] == 'add') { $email = $dd[12]; if (checaemail($email)) { $author = $tm->author_exist($email);
function format_fld($zq1, $zq2) { global $hd, $LANG; $zqr = ''; if (strlen($zq2) > 0) { if (substr($zq2, 0, 1) == '(') { $zqr = substr($zq2, strpos($zq2, $zq1 . ':') + 2, 100); // echo '['.strpos($zq2,$zq1.':').']'; if (strpos($zqr, '&') > 0) { $zqr = substr($zqr, 0, strpos($zqr, '&')); } $zqr = $zq1 . '-' . $zqr; } ////////////////////// $ if ($zq2 == 'M') { $zqr = msg($zq1); } if ($zq2 == '$') { $zqr = Number_format($zq1 / 100, 2); } ////////////////////// $R if ($zq2 == '$R' or $zq2 == '2') { $zqr = Number_format($zq1, 2); if ($LANG == 'en_US') { $zqr = $zqr; } if ($LANG == 'pt_BR' or $zq2 == '2') { $zqr = troca(troca(troca($zqr, '.', '#'), ',', '.'), '#', '.'); } } ////////////////////// C if (substr($zq2, 0, 1) == 'C') { $zqr = '<CENTER>'; $zqr = $zqr . $zq1; } ////////////////////// # if (substr($zq2, 0, 1) == '#') { $zqr = '<CENTER>'; $zqr = $zqr . $zq1; } ////////////////////// @ if ($zq2 == 'SHORT') { $zqr = $zqr . SubStr($zq1, 0, 1) . LowerCase(SubStr($zq1, 1, strpos($zq1, ' '))); } if ($zq2 == '@') { $zqr = UpperCase(SubStr($zq1, 0, 1)); if (substr($zq1, 1, 1) == ' ') { $zqr = $zqr . ' '; } $zqr = $zqr . LowerCase(SubStr($zq1, 1, 200)); } ////////////////////// Bold if ($zq2 == 'B') { $zqr = $zqr . '<B>' . $zq1 . '</B>'; } ////////////////////// CB if ($zq2 == 'CB') { $varf = $vars[$varf]; $vvvt = ''; $vvvt = $vars['chk' . $zq1]; if ($vvvt == "1") { $vvvt = "checked"; } $zqr = $zqr . '<input type="checkbox" name="chk' . $zq1 . '" ' . $vvvt . ' value="1">'; } ////////////////////// CEP if ($zq2 == 'CEP') { $xxcep = sonumero($zq1); if (strlen($xxcep) == 8) { $xxcep = substr($xxcep, 0, 2) . '.' . substr($xxcep, 2, 3) . '-' . substr($xxcep, 5, 3); } $zqr = $zqr . $xxcep; } ////////////////////// D if ($zq2 == 'D') { $zqr = '<CENTER>'; $dta = trim($zq1); if ($dta == '19000101') { $zqr = $zqr . '-'; } else { $zqr = $zqr . stodbr($zq1); } } ////////////////////// DR if ($zq2 == 'DR') { $zqr = '<CENTER>'; $dta = trim($zq1); if ($dta == '19000101') { $zqr = $zqr . '-'; } else { $zqr = $zqr . substr(stodbr($zq1), 0, 5); } } ////////////////////// H if (substr($zq2, 0, 1) == 'H' and $zq2 != 'H1' and $zq2 != 'H2') { $zqr = ''; if ($hd != trim($zq1)) { $zq1v = $zq1; if (substr($zq2, 1, 1) == 'D') { $zq1v = stodbr($zq1); } // $zqr .= '<TR><TD colspan="15" height="1" bgcolor="#c0c0c0"></TD></TR>'; $zqr .= '<TR><TD bgcolor="#FFFFFF" colspan="15" class="lt2" align="left"><HR size="1"><B>' . $zq1v . '</TD></TR>'; $hd = trim($zq1); $zqr = $zqr . '<TR><TD></TD>'; } } if ($zq2 == 'H1') { $zqr = $zqr . '<h1>' . $zq1 . '</h1>'; } if ($zq2 == 'H2') { $zqr = $zqr . '<h2>' . $zq1 . '</h2>'; } ////////////////////// Italic if ($zq2 == 'I') { $zqr = $zqr . '<I>' . $zq1 . '</I>'; } if (${$zq2} == 'NL') { $zqr = $zqr . '<TR ' . $xcol . '><TD><TD>' . $linkv . $zq1; } if ($zq2 == 'SHORT') { $zqr = $zqr . LowerCase(SubStr($zq1, 1, strpos($zq1, ' '))); } ////////////////////// SN if ($zq2 == 'SN') { $zqr = '<CENTER>'; $dta = trim($zq1); if ($dta == '1' or $dta == true or $dta == 'S') { $zqr = $zqr . 'SIM'; } else { $zqr = $zqr . 'NAO'; } } ////////////////////// C if (substr($zq2, 0, 2) == 'OB') { $zqr = '<CENTER>'; if ($zq1 == '1') { $zqr .= msg('yes'); } else { $zqr .= msg('no'); } } if ($zq2 == 'Z') { $zqr = '<CENTER>'; $zqr = $zqr . strzero($zq1, '0' . substr($zq2, 1, 2)); } } else { $zqr = $zq1; } return $zqr; }
/************************************************************** DATAS */ $op_data_1 = ''; $op_data_2 = ''; for ($r = 2015; $r < date("Y") + 4; $r++) { for ($m = 1; $m <= 12; $m++) { $select = ''; $mes = $r . strzero($m, 2) . '01'; if ($dd24 == $mes) { $select = ' selected '; } $op_data_1 .= '<option value="' . $mes . '" ' . $select . '>' . strzero($m, 2) . '/'.$r.'</option>' . cr(); $select = ''; if ($dd25 == $mes) { $select = ' selected '; } $op_data_2 .= '<option value="' . $mes . '" ' . $select . '>' . strzero($m, 2) . '/'.$r.'</option>' . cr(); } } ?> <!---- cabeclaho -----> <h1>Página 1/3 - Dados da proposta</h1> <form method="post"> <table width="80%"> <!---- Parte 1 -----> <tr> <td class="lt4 bold">1) Título do projeto do professor</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <textarea name='dd1' rows=5 cols=80 style="width: 98%"><?php echo $dd1; ?>