Ejemplo n.º 1
function filterInput($value)
    if (is_array($value)) {
        return array_map('filterInput', $value);
    do {
        $output = $value;
    } while ($output != ($value = strip_selected_tags($value)));
    return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 2
                                                This link will become accessible <strong><?php 
                            echo date(DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, $result["valid_from"]);
</strong>.<br /><br />
                        } elseif ((int) $result["valid_until"] && $result["valid_until"] < time()) {
                                                This link was only accessible until <strong><?php 
                            echo date(DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, $result["valid_until"]);
</strong>. Please contact the primary teacher for assistance if required.<br /><br />
                        if (clean_input($result["link_notes"], array("notags", "nows")) != "") {
                            echo "<div class=\"clearfix\">" . trim(strip_selected_tags($result["link_notes"], array("font"))) . "</div>";
                                    <td class="date">
                        echo (int) $result["updated_date"] ? date(DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, $result["updated_date"]) : "Unknown";
                } else {
					<td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
					<td style="vertical-align: top">
						Required Preparation
						<div class="content-small" style="margin-top: 10px">
							<strong>Note:</strong> You can use this to provide your learners with instructions or information they need for this class.
						<textarea id="session_message" name="session_message" style="width: 90%; height: 80px" cols="70" rows="10"><?php 
            echo html_encode(trim(strip_selected_tags($PROCESSED["event_message"], array("font"))));
					<td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
					<td><input type="checkbox" value="1" id="include_parent_message" name="include_parent_message"<?php 
            echo !isset($PROCESSED["include_parent_message"]) || $PROCESSED["include_parent_message"] ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "";
					<td colspan="2">
						<label for="include_parent_message" class="form-nrequired">Include <strong>Required Preparation</strong> from parent event</label>
Ejemplo n.º 4
			<div class="form-actions">
				<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Login">
                <strong style="margin-left: 5px">or</strong> <a href="<?php 
/password_reset">Forgot your password?</a>
$public_notices = Models_Notice::fetchPublicNotices();
if ($public_notices) {
		<div class="span6">
			<h2>Public Notices</h2>
			<ul class="public-notices">
    foreach ($public_notices as $notice) {
        echo "<li>";
        echo "\t<span class=\"label label-info\">" . date(DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, $notice["updated_date"]) . "</span>\n";
        echo "\t<p>" . trim(strip_selected_tags(clean_input($notice["notice_summary"], "html"), "p")) . "</p>";
        echo "</li>";
Ejemplo n.º 5
                                Delay the release of all objectives
                            <div id="delay_release_controls" class="space-below">
                echo generate_calendar("delay_release_option", "Delay release until", true, $PROCESSED["objectives_release_date"], true, false, false, false, false);

                        <h2 title="Freetext Objectives Section">Free-Text Objectives</h2>
                        <div id="freetext-objectives-section">
                            <textarea id="event_objectives" name="event_objectives" style="width: 100%; height: 100px" cols="70" rows="10"><?php 
                echo html_encode(trim(strip_selected_tags($event_info["event_objectives"], array("font"))));

                $query = "\tSELECT a.* FROM `global_lu_objectives` a\n                                    JOIN `objective_audience` b\n                                    ON a.`objective_id` = b.`objective_id`\n                                    AND b.`organisation_id` = " . $db->qstr($ENTRADA_USER->getActiveOrganisation()) . "\n                                    WHERE (\n                                            (b.`audience_value` = 'all')\n                                            OR\n                                            (b.`audience_type` = 'course' AND b.`audience_value` = " . $db->qstr($COURSE_ID) . ")\n                                            OR\n                                            (b.`audience_type` = 'event' AND b.`audience_value` = " . $db->qstr($EVENT_ID) . ")\n                                        )\n                                    AND a.`objective_parent` = '0'\n                                    AND a.`objective_active` = '1'";
                $objectives = $db->GetAll($query);
                if ($objectives) {
                    $objective_name = $translate->_("events_filter_controls");
                    $hierarchical_name = $objective_name["co"]["global_lu_objectives_name"];
                            <style type="text/css">
                                    padding-left: 30px!important;
Ejemplo n.º 6

// Get the Word infested input
$text = $output;
// Remove font tags
$text = strip_selected_tags($text, "<font>");
// Remove weird quotes and accents
// http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php#64828
$text = preg_replace('/([\\xc0-\\xdf].)/se', "'&#' . ((ord(substr('\$1', 0, 1)) - 192) * 64 + (ord(substr('\$1', 1, 1)) - 128)) . ';'", $text);
$text = preg_replace('/([\\xe0-\\xef]..)/se', "'&#' . ((ord(substr('\$1', 0, 1)) - 224) * 4096 + (ord(substr('\$1', 1, 1)) - 128) * 64 + (ord(substr('\$1', 2, 1)) - 128)) . ';'", $text);
// Strip inline styles
$text = strip_styles($text);
// Remove  class="MsoNormal"
$text = str_replace('class="MsoNormal"', '', $text);
// Return it
return $text;
* strip_selected_tags ( string str [, string strip_tags[, strip_content flag]] )
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Like strip_tags() but inverse; the strip_tags tags will be stripped, not kept.
* strip_tags: string with tags to strip, ex: "<a><p><quote>" etc.
* strip_content flag: TRUE will also strip everything between open and closed tag
* http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php#71266
function strip_selected_tags($str, $tags = "", $stripContent = false)
    preg_match_all("/<([^>]+)>/i", $tags, $allTags, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
    foreach ($allTags[1] as $tag) {
        $replace = "%(<{$tag}.*?>)(.*?)(<\\/{$tag}.*?>)%is";
        if ($stripContent) {
            $str = preg_replace($replace, '', $str);
Ejemplo n.º 7
                                <h2>Assignment Drop Box</h2>
                                <div class="control-group">
                                    <label class="control-label form-required">Assignment Name:</label>
                                    <div class="controls">
                                        <input type="text" name="assignment_title" class="span10" value="<?php 
                            echo isset($PROCESSED["assignment_title"]) && $PROCESSED["assignment_title"] ? $PROCESSED["assignment_title"] : "";
" />

                                <div class="control-group">
                                    <label class="control-label form-nrequired">Assignment Description:</label>
                                    <div class="controls">
                                        <textarea id="assignment_description" class="span10 expandable" name="assignment_description"><?php 
                            echo isset($PROCESSED["assignment_description"]) && $PROCESSED["assignment_description"] ? html_encode(trim(strip_selected_tags($PROCESSED["assignment_description"], array("font")))) : "";

                                <div class="control-group">
                                    <label class="control-label form-nrequired">Additional Instructors:</label>
                                    <div class="controls">
                                        <input type="text" id="director_name" name="fullname" size="30" autocomplete="off" style="width: 203px; vertical-align: middle" onkeyup="checkItem('director')" onblur="addItemNoError('director')" />
                                        <script type="text/javascript">
                                            $('director_name').observe('keypress', function(event){
                                                if (event.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN) {
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Hooks into the {@the_content} of each posts and breaks the text into an array.
 * *
 * @since 3.0.0
 * @param string $html Required. Comment amount in post if > 0, else total comments blog wide.
 * @param string $tags Optional
 * @return array An array of each text block with the proper html tags for comment count and extra tags for adding javascript hooks
function standard_digressit_content_parser($html, $tags = 'div|table|object|p|ul|ol|blockquote|code|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|h7|h8', $return_paragraphs = false)
    global $post;
    $matches = array();
    $html = strip_selected_tags($html, '<hr>');
    //we need to do this twice in case there are empty tags surrounded by empty p tags
    $html = preg_replace('/<(?!input|br|iframe|object|param|embed|img|meta|hr|\\/)[^>]*>\\s*<\\/[^>]*>/ ', '', $html);
    $html = preg_replace('/<(?!input|br|iframe|object|param|embed|img|meta|hr|\\/)[^>]*>\\s*<\\/[^>]*>/ ', '', $html);
    $html = str_replace("</iframe>", "&nbsp;</iframe>", $html);
    $digressit_options = get_option('digressit');
    $blocks = array();
    $text_signatures = null;
    $permalink = get_permalink($post->ID);
    $defaults = array('post_id' => $post->ID);
    $total_comments = get_comments($defaults);
    $total_count = count($total_comments);
    if ($digressit_options['parse_list_items'] == 1) {
        $html = preg_replace('/<(\\/?ul|ol)>/', '', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('/<li>/', '<p>*   ', $html);
    $html = wpautop(force_balance_tags($html));
    $html = str_replace('&nbsp;', '', $html);
    $html = str_replace('&copy;', '(c)', $html);
    //    $html = preg_replace("/&#?[a-z0-9]{2,8};/i","",$html);
    if ($result = @simplexml_load_string(trim('<content>' . $html . '</content>'))) {
        $xml = $result->xpath('/content/' . $tags);
        foreach ($xml as $match) {
            $matches[] = $match->asXML();
    } else {
        if (current_user_can('edit_posts')) {
            $matches[] = "There was a problem parsing your content. Please make sure that every HTML tag is properly nested and closed. \n            To validate your text, and to try and repair it, use the <a href='https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/tidy-up/'>Tidy Up</a> plugin for WordPress.";
            if (!$result) {
                $errors = libxml_get_errors();
                foreach ($errors as $error) {
                    $error_messages .= display_xml_error($error, $xml) . "<br>";
            $matches[] = $error_messages;
        } else {
            $matches[] = "Sorry! There was a problem loading the contents of this post. Please notify the site administrator.";
    if ($return_paragraphs) {
        return $matches;
    foreach ($matches as $key => $paragraph) {
        $text_signature = $key + 1;
        $text_signatures[] = $text_signature;
        $paranumber = $number = $key + 1;
        $comment_count = 0;
        foreach ($total_comments as $c) {
            if ($c->comment_text_signature == $paranumber) {
        $paragraphnumber = '<span class="paragraphnumber">';
        $numbertext = $comment_count == 1 ? 'is one comment' : 'are ' . $comment_count . ' comments';
        $numbertext = $comment_count == 0 ? 'are no comments' : $numbertext;
        $digit_count = strlen($comment_count);
        $commenticon = '<span  title="There ' . $numbertext . ' for this paragraph" class="commenticonbox"><small class="commentcount fff commentcount' . $digit_count . '">' . $comment_count . '</small></span>' . "\n";
        $morelink = null;
        if ($number == 1) {
            //$morelink = '<span class="morelink"></span>';
        } else {
            $morelink = null;
        $matches = null;
        preg_match_all('/class=\\"([^"]+)\\"/is', $paragraph, $matches);
        if (count($matches)) {
            foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                if (strstr($match, 'wp-image')) {
                    $paragraph = str_replace($match, 'lightbox lightbox-images ' . $match, $paragraph);
                $paragraph = str_replace(" class=\"{$matches}\" ", " class=\"lightbox lightbox-images {$classes}\" ", $paragraph);
        $block_content = "<div id='textblock-{$number}' class='textblock'>\n            <span class='paragraphnumber'><a href='{$permalink}#{$number}'>{$number}</a></span>";
        if ($digressit_options['enable_citation_button'] == 1) {
            $block_content .= "<span class='paragraphembed'>\n                <a href='#' rel='{$number}'>&ldquo;</a>\n                <span class='embedcode' id='embedcode-{$number}'>\n                    <a href='#' class='closeme'>x</a>\n                    <b>Cite</b> <input type='text' value='" . $post->guid . "&digressit-embed={$number}&format=html'><br>\n                    <b>Embed</b><br>\n                    <textarea><blockquote cite='{$permalink}#{$number}'>" . force_balance_tags($paragraph) . "</blockquote></textarea>\n                    <span class='text-copied'>Text copied</span>\n                </span>\n            </span>";
        $block_content .= "<span  title='There {$numbertext} for this paragraph' class='commenticonbox'><small class='commentcount commentcount" . $digit_count . "'>" . $comment_count . "</small></span>\n            <span class='paragraphtext'>" . force_balance_tags($paragraph) . "</span>\n        </div>" . $morelink;
        $blocks[$paranumber] = $block_content;
    global $post_paragraph_count;
    $post_paragraph_count = count($blocks);
    return $blocks;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function set_note($value)
     if (is_string($value)) {
         //$value = strip_tags($value, '<p><a><b><strong><i><table><tbody><tr><th><td><thead><tfoot><img><span><div><li><ul><ol><br /><object>');
         $value = strip_selected_tags($value, array('script', 'style'));
         //$value = addslashes($value);
         //$value = strip_tags($value);
         $value = trim($value);
     if (is_null($value) || $value == '') {
         return $this->unset_field('note');
     } else {
         return $this->set_field('note', $value);
Ejemplo n.º 10
                                        <h2>Assignment Drop Box</h2>
                                        <div class="control-group">
                                            <label class="control-label form-required">Assignment Name:</label>
                                            <div class="controls">
                                                <input type="text" name="assignment_title" class="span10" value="<?php 
                                    echo isset($PROCESSED["assignment_title"]) && $PROCESSED["assignment_title"] ? $PROCESSED["assignment_title"] : "";

                                        <div class="control-group">
                                            <label class="control-label form-nrequired">Assignment Description:</label>
                                            <div class="controls">
                                                <textarea id="assignment_description" class="span10 expandable" name="assignment_description"><?php 
                                    echo html_encode(trim(strip_selected_tags($PROCESSED["assignment_description"], array("font"))));

                                        <div class="control-group">
                                            <label class="control-label form-nrequired">Additional Instructors:</label>
                                            <div class="controls">
                                                <input type="text" id="director_name" name="fullname" size="30" autocomplete="off" style="width: 203px; vertical-align: middle" onkeyup="checkItem('director')" onblur="addItemNoError('director')" />
                                                <script type="text/javascript">
                                                    $('director_name').observe('keypress', function(event){
                                                        if (event.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN) {
Ejemplo n.º 11
function filter(&$string,$item="",$density=false,$replace=false,$statistic=null)
	static $filter,$filter_keyword_list,$replace_rule_list,$replace_config;
	if($string) {
		if(false!==strpos($string,'<')) {
		if (empty($string)) {
			return __('不能包含特殊字符!');
		if($filter===null) {
			$filter=(array) ConfigHandler::get('filter');

		if(!$filter['enable']) {
			return false;

			foreach ($filter_keyword_list as $keyword)
					if($keyword_len>2 && $keyword_len<40)
						return __("含有禁止发布的内容");

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
function __filter(&$string, $verify = 1, $replace = 1, $shield = 0)
    static $filter = null;
    $rets = array();
    $string = trim($string);
    if ($string) {
        if (false !== strpos($string, '<')) {
            $string = strip_selected_tags($string, "<script><iframe><style><link><meta>");
            if ($string) {
                $string = remove_xss($string);
        if (empty($string)) {
            $rets['error'] = 1;
            $rets['type'] = 'xss';
            $rets['msg'] = "含有禁止提交的代码,请修改后重新提交!";
            return $rets;
        if ($filter === null) {
            $filter = (array) jconf::get('filter');
        if (!$filter['enable']) {
            return false;
        if ($replace && $filter['replace_list']) {
            foreach ($filter['replace_list'] as $search => $replace) {
                $strpos = jstrpos($string, $search);
                if ($strpos !== false) {
                    $string = str_replace($search, $replace, $string);
        if (!empty($filter['keywords'])) {
            if ($filter['keyword_list'] === null) {
                $filter['keyword_list'] = explode("|", str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", "\\|"), "|", trim($filter['keywords'])));
            foreach ($filter['keyword_list'] as $keyword) {
                $strpos = jstrpos($string, $keyword);
                if ($strpos !== false) {
                    $rets['error'] = 1;
                    $rets['type'] = 'filter';
                    $rets['keyword'] = $keyword;
                    $rets['msg'] = "含有禁止的内容 " . ($filter['keyword_disable'] ? "" : " {$keyword} ") . ",请修改后重新提交!";
                    return $rets;
        if ($verify && $filter['verify_list']) {
            foreach ($filter['verify_list'] as $keyword) {
                $strpos = jstrpos($string, $keyword);
                if ($strpos !== false) {
                    $rets['verify'] = 1;
                    $rets['type'] = 'verify';
                    $rets['keyword'] = $keyword;
                    $rets['msg'] = "含审核内容 " . ($filter['keyword_disable'] ? "" : " {$keyword} ") . "需管理员审核后才会对外显示,<a href='index.php?mod=" . MEMBER_ID . "&type=my_verify'>点此查看</a>";
                    return $rets;
        if ($shield && $shield != 0 && $filter['shield_list']) {
            foreach ($filter['shield_list'] as $keyword) {
                $strpos = jstrpos($string, $keyword);
                if ($strpos !== false) {
                    $rets['shield'] = 1;
                    $rets['type'] = 'shield';
                    $rets['keyword'] = $keyword;
                    $rets['msg'] = "含有屏蔽的内容 " . ($filter['keyword_disable'] ? "" : " {$keyword} ");
                    return $rets;
    return false;
                            echo trim(strip_selected_tags($result["course_description"], array("font"))) . "\n";
                        } else {
                            echo "No course aim or goals have been provided.";
                        echo "\t</td>\n";
                        echo "</tr>\n";
                        echo "<tr>\n";
                        echo "\t<td colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
                        echo "</tr>\n";
                        echo "<tr>\n";
                        echo "\t<td colspan=\"2\"><h2>Course Objectives</h2></td>\n";
                        echo "</tr>\n";
                        echo "<tr>\n";
                        echo "\t<td colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align: justify\">\n";
                        if (clean_input($result["course_objectives"], array("notags", "nows")) != "") {
                            echo trim(strip_selected_tags($result["course_objectives"], array("font"))) . "\n";
                        } else {
                            echo "No course objectives have been provided.";
                        echo "\t</td>\n";
                        echo "</tr>\n";
                    echo "</table>\n";
				<h2>Course Event Types</h2>
				<table style="width: 100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0">
					<col style="width: 33%" />
					<col style="width: 34%" />
					<col style="width: 33%" />
Ejemplo n.º 14
                echo $module_singular_name . " Description";
							<div class="controls">
								<textarea id="course_description" name="course_description" cols="70" rows="10"><?php 
                echo isset($PROCESSED["course_description"]) ? html_encode(trim(strip_selected_tags($PROCESSED["course_description"], array("font")))) : "";

						<div class="control-group">
							<label for="course_message" class="form-nrequired control-label">Director's Message</label>
							<div class="controls">
								<textarea id="course_message" name="course_message" cols="70" rows="10"><?php 
                echo isset($PROCESSED["course_message"]) ? html_encode(trim(strip_selected_tags($PROCESSED["course_message"], array("font")))) : "";
						<div class="pull-right clearfix">
							<input type="submit" value="Save" class="btn btn-primary"/>

                $query = "\tSELECT COUNT(*) FROM course_objectives WHERE course_id = " . $db->qstr($COURSE_ID);
                $result = $db->GetOne($query);
                if ($result) {
Ejemplo n.º 15
								<input type="text" id="report_title" name="report_title" value="<?php 
            echo isset($PROCESSED["report_title"]) && $PROCESSED["report_title"] ? html_encode($PROCESSED["report_title"]) : "";
" maxlength="255" style="width: 99%; font-size: 150%; padding: 3px" />
							<td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
							<td style="vertical-align: top"><label for="report_description" class="form-nrequired">Report Description</label></td>
								<textarea id="report_description" name="report_description" style="width: 100%; height: 150px" cols="70" rows="10"><?php 
            echo html_encode(trim(strip_selected_tags($event_info["event_description"], array("font"))));
							<td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
							<td><label for="report_supporting_link" class="form-nrequired">Supporting Link</label></td>
								<input type="text" id="report_supporting_link" name="report_supporting_link" value="<?php 
            echo isset($PROCESSED["report_supporting_link"]) && $PROCESSED["report_supporting_link"] ? html_encode($PROCESSED["report_supporting_link"]) : "http://";
" maxlength="255" style="width: 99%;" />