Ejemplo n.º 1
function strDBValueConvert_DateTime($dteValue)
    if (is_null($dteValue)) {
        $strValue = 'null';
    } else {
        $strValue = strPrepDateTime($dteValue);
    return $strValue;
function tf_getDateRanges($opts, &$formDates)
    global $gdteNow, $gbDateFormatUS;
    $formDates = new stdClass();
    $formDates->bError = false;
    $formDates->strRptRange = $_REQUEST[$opts->strCTRL_Prefix . 'rdo_TimePeriod'];
    $formDates->strDateRange = '';
    $bAddTextDate = true;
    switch ($formDates->strRptRange) {
        case 'DDL':
            $bAddTextDate = false;
            $formDates->bUseDateRange = true;
            $formDates->sDDL = $_REQUEST[$opts->strCTRL_Prefix . 'ddl_TimeFrame'];
            determineDateRange((int) $formDates->sDDL, $gdteNow, $formDates->dteStart, $formDates->dteEnd, $formDates->strDateRange);
        case 'User':
            $formDates->bUseDateRange = true;
            $strDate = trim($_POST[$opts->strSDateFN]);
            MDY_ViaUserForm($strDate, $lMon, $lDay, $lYear, $gbDateFormatUS);
            $formDates->dteStart = strtotime($lMon . '/' . $lDay . '/' . $lYear);
            $strDate = trim($_POST[$opts->strEDateFN]);
            MDY_ViaUserForm($strDate, $lMon, $lDay, $lYear, $gbDateFormatUS);
            $formDates->dteEnd = strtotime($lMon . '/' . $lDay . '/' . $lYear . ' 23:59:59');
        case 'None':
            $formDates->bUseDateRange = false;
            $formDates->dteStart = strtotime('1/1/1970');
            $formDates->dteEnd = strtotime('1/18/2038');
            // end of Unix epoch
            $formDates->strDateRange = "No Date Range";
            $bAddTextDate = false;
            $formDates->bError = true;
            <br><font color="red">Please click on a <b><i>radio button</b></i> (<input type="radio">)
            from the data selection list to run your search.<br><br></font>
            You can click on your browser\'s <b><i>back</b></i> button and try again.<br><br>');
    if ($formDates->bUseDateRange) {
        $formDates->strBetween = ' BETWEEN ' . strPrepDate($formDates->dteStart) . ' AND ' . strPrepDateTime($formDates->dteEnd) . ' ';
    } else {
        $formDates->strBetween = ' BETWEEN "0000-00-00" AND "9999-00-00" ';
    if ($bAddTextDate) {
        if ($gbDateFormatUS) {
            $formDates->strDateRange = date('m/d/Y', $formDates->dteStart) . ' - ' . date('m/d/Y', $formDates->dteEnd);
        } else {
            $formDates->strDateRange = date('d/m/Y', $formDates->dteStart) . ' - ' . date('d/m/Y', $formDates->dteEnd);
function strMonthBetween($lMonth, $lYear)
    // return a string that represents the timespan encompased by a month
    // in mySQL date format
    $strStartDate = strPrepDateTime(dteMonthStart($lMonth, $lYear));
    $strEndDate = strPrepDateTime(dteMonthEnd($lMonth, $lYear));
    return $strStartDate . ' AND ' . $strEndDate;
 public function sponsorPaymentHistory($bViaSponID)
     $clsACO = new madmin_aco();
     if ($bViaSponID) {
         if (is_null($this->lSponID)) {
             screamForHelp('CLASS NOT INITIALIZED<br></b>error on <b>line: </b>' . __LINE__ . '<br><b>file:</b> ' . __FILE__ . '<br><b>function:</b> ' . __FUNCTION__);
         $strWhere = " gi_lSponsorID = {$this->lSponID} ";
     } else {
         if (is_null($this->lFID)) {
             screamForHelp('CLASS NOT INITIALIZED<br></b>error on <b>line: </b>' . __LINE__ . '<br><b>file:</b> ' . __FILE__ . '<br><b>function:</b> ' . __FUNCTION__);
         $strWhere = " gi_lForeignID = {$this->lFID} ";
     if ($this->bUseDateRange) {
         $strWhereDate = ' AND (sd_dteDonation BETWEEN ' . strPrepDate($this->dteStartDate) . '
                                    AND ' . strPrepDateTime($this->dteEndDate) . ') ';
     } else {
         $strWhereDate = '';
     $this->paymentHistory = array();
     $sqlStr = "SELECT\n               gi_lKeyID,\n\n               gi_lForeignID, gi_lSponsorID, gi_curAmnt, gi_lACOID,\n               gi_dteDonation,\n               gi_strCheckNum,\n               gi_lPaymentType, listPayType.lgen_strListItem AS strPaymentType,\n               gi_bRetired,\n\n               gi_lOriginID, gi_lLastUpdateID,\n               UNIX_TIMESTAMP(gi_dteOrigin)    AS dteOrigin,\n               UNIX_TIMESTAMP(gi_dteLastUpdate) AS dteLastUpdate,\n\n               aco_strFlag, aco_strName, aco_strCurrencySymbol,\n\n               pDon.pe_bBiz  AS bDonorBiz, pDon.pe_strFName  AS strDonorFName, pDon.pe_strLName  AS strDonorLName,\n\n               usersC.us_strFirstName AS strCFName, usersC.us_strLastName AS strCLName,\n               usersL.us_strFirstName AS strLFName, usersL.us_strLastName AS strLLName\n\n            FROM gifts\n               INNER JOIN admin_aco               ON gi_lACOID         = aco_lKeyID\n               INNER JOIN people_names AS pDon    ON gi_lForeignID     = pDon.pe_lKeyID\n\n               INNER JOIN admin_users AS usersC   ON gi_lOriginID      = usersC.us_lKeyID\n               INNER JOIN admin_users AS usersL   ON gi_lLastUpdateID  = usersL.us_lKeyID\n\n               LEFT  JOIN lists_generic AS listPayType ON gi_lPaymentType  = listPayType.lgen_lKeyID\n            WHERE {$strWhere} {$strWhereDate} AND NOT gi_bRetired;";
     $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr);
     $this->lPayTot = $this->lPayHistoryACOCnt = $numRows = $query->num_rows();
     if ($numRows == 0) {
         $this->payHistory = null;
     } else {
         $idx = 0;
         foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
             $this->payHistory[$idx] = new stdClass();
             $this->payHistory[$idx]->lKeyID = $row->gi_lKeyID;
             $this->payHistory[$idx]->lPayerID = $row->gi_lForeignID;
             $this->payHistory[$idx]->lSponsorID = $row->gi_lSponsorID;
             $this->payHistory[$idx]->curPayment = $row->gi_curAmnt;
             $this->payHistory[$idx]->lACOID = $row->gi_lACOID;
             $this->payHistory[$idx]->dtePayment = dteMySQLDate2Unix($row->gi_dteDonation);
             $this->payHistory[$idx]->bDonorBiz = $row->bDonorBiz;
             $this->payHistory[$idx]->strPayerFName = $row->strDonorFName;
             $this->payHistory[$idx]->strPayerLName = $row->strDonorLName;
             $this->payHistory[$idx]->strPayerSafeNameFL = htmlspecialchars($row->strDonorFName . ' ' . $row->strDonorLName);
             $this->payHistory[$idx]->strACO = $row->aco_strName;
             $this->payHistory[$idx]->strCurSymbol = $row->aco_strCurrencySymbol;
             $this->payHistory[$idx]->strFlag = $row->aco_strFlag;
             $this->payHistory[$idx]->strFlagImage = $clsACO->strFlagImage($row->aco_strFlag, $row->aco_strName);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function strActivelyEnrolledDuringTimeFrameWhere(&$cprog, $dteStart, $dteEnd)
     // find the enrollees whose start date is before the end of the month
     // and whose inactive date is either null or after the first of the
     // month.
     //      $lMaxDays = lDaysInMonth($lMonth, $lYear);
     //      $dteLastSecOfMonth = mktime(23, 59, 59, $lMonth, $lMaxDays, $lYear);
     $mdteLastSec = strPrepDateTime($dteEnd);
     $mdteFirstSec = strPrepDateTime($dteStart);
     $strEFNPre = $cprog->strETableFNPrefix;
     $strDateStart = $strEFNPre . '_dteStart';
     $strDateEnd = $strEFNPre . '_dteEnd';
     return " AND ({$strDateStart} <= {$mdteLastSec})\n               AND (({$strDateEnd} IS NULL) OR ({$strDateEnd} >= {$mdteFirstSec})) \n";
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function scheduleExport(&$sRpt)
     global $gclsChapterVoc;
     $strDateFormat = strMysqlDateFormat(false);
     $this->entireEventInfo($sRpt->lEventIDs, $lNumEvents, $events);
     $strTempTable = 'tmpExp';
     foreach ($events as $event) {
         $rowFields = array();
         $fieldIDX = 0;
         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_lEventID', (string) $event->lKeyID);
         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strEventName', strPrepStr($event->strEventName));
         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strDescription', strPrepStr($event->strDescription));
         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_dteEventStartDate', strPrepDate($event->dteEventStart));
         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_dteEventEndDate', strPrepDate($event->dteEventEnd));
         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strLocation', strPrepStr($event->strLocation));
         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strContact', strPrepStr($event->strContact));
         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strPhone', strPrepStr($event->strPhone));
         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strEmail', strPrepStr($event->strEmail));
         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strWebSite', strPrepStr($event->strWebSite));
         if ($event->lNumDates > 0) {
             foreach ($event->dates as $edate) {
                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_lDateID', (string) $edate->lKeyID);
                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_dteEventDate', strPrepDate($edate->dteEvent));
                 if ($edate->lNumShifts > 0) {
                     foreach ($edate->shifts as $shift) {
                         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_lShiftID', (string) $shift->lKeyID);
                         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strShiftName', strPrepStr($shift->strShiftName));
                         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strShiftDescription', strPrepStr($shift->strDescription));
                         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_dteShiftStartTime', strPrepDateTime($shift->dteEventStartTime));
                         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_enumDuration', strPrepStr($shift->enumDuration));
                         $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_lNumVolsNeeded', (string) $shift->lNumVolsNeeded);
                         if ($shift->lNumVols > 0) {
                             foreach ($shift->vols as $vol) {
                                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_lVolID', (string) $vol->lVolID);
                                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_lPeopleID', (string) $vol->lPeopleID);
                                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strFName', strPrepStr($vol->strFName));
                                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strLName', strPrepStr($vol->strLName));
                                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strAddr1', strPrepStr($vol->strAddr1));
                                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strAddr2', strPrepStr($vol->strAddr2));
                                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strCity', strPrepStr($vol->strCity));
                                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strState', strPrepStr($vol->strState));
                                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strCountry', strPrepStr($vol->strCountry));
                                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strZip', strPrepStr($vol->strZip));
                                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strVolPhone', strPrepStr($vol->strPhone));
                                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strCell', strPrepStr($vol->strCell));
                                 $this->setExportField($rowFields, $fieldIDX, 'texp_strVolEmail', strPrepStr($vol->strEmail));
                                 $this->writeTempScheduleExportRow($strTempTable, $rowFields);
                         } else {
                             $this->writeTempScheduleExportRow($strTempTable, $rowFields);
                 } else {
                     $this->writeTempScheduleExportRow($strTempTable, $rowFields);
         } else {
             $this->writeTempScheduleExportRow($strTempTable, $rowFields);
     $sqlStr = "SELECT\n            texp_lEventID              AS `event ID`,\n            texp_strEventName          AS `Event Name`,\n            texp_strDescription        AS `Event Description`,\n            DATE_FORMAT(texp_dteEventStartDate, {$strDateFormat}) AS `Event Start Date`,\n            DATE_FORMAT(texp_dteEventEndDate,   {$strDateFormat}) AS `Event End Date`,\n            texp_strLocation           AS `Event Location`,\n            texp_strContact            AS `Event Contact`,\n            texp_strPhone              AS `Contact Phone`,\n            texp_strEmail              AS `Contact Email`,\n            texp_strWebSite            AS `Event Web Site`,\n            texp_lDateID               AS `event date ID`,\n            DATE_FORMAT(texp_dteEventDate, {$strDateFormat}) AS `Event Date`,\n            DATE_FORMAT(texp_dteEventDate, '%W')           AS `Event Day of Week`,\n            texp_lShiftID              AS `shift ID`,\n            texp_strShiftName          AS `Shift Name`,\n            texp_strShiftDescription   AS `Shift Description`,\n            DATE_FORMAT(texp_dteShiftStartTime, '%l:%i %p') AS `Shift Start Time`,\n            texp_enumDuration          AS `Duration`,\n            texp_lNumVolsNeeded        AS `Num. Vols Needed`,\n            texp_lVolID                AS `volunteer ID`,\n            texp_lPeopleID             AS `people ID`,\n            texp_strFName              AS `Vol. First Name`,\n            texp_strLName              AS `Vol. Last Name`,\n            texp_strAddr1              AS `Vol. Address 1`,\n            texp_strAddr2              AS `Vol. Address 2`,\n            texp_strCity               AS `Vol. City`,\n            texp_strState              AS `Vol. {$gclsChapterVoc->vocState}`,\n            texp_strCountry            AS `Vol. Country`,\n            texp_strZip                AS `Vol. {$gclsChapterVoc->vocZip}`,\n            texp_strVolPhone           AS `Vol. Phone`,\n            texp_strCell               AS `Vol. Cell`,\n            texp_strVolEmail           AS `Vol. Email`\n\n         FROM {$strTempTable}\n         WHERE 1\n         ORDER BY texp_lKeyID;";
     $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr);
     return $this->dbutil->csv_from_result($query);
 function setGiftsToDeposit($lDepositID)
     if (!bTestForURLHack('showFinancials')) {
     $displayData = array();
     // models/helpers
     $this->load->model('donations/mdonations', 'clsGifts');
     $this->load->model('financials/mdeposits', 'clsDeposits');
     $this->load->model('admin/madmin_aco', 'clsACO');
     $params = array('enumStyle' => 'enpRptC');
     $this->load->library('generic_rpt', $params);
     // load deposit
     $this->clsDeposits->strWhereExtra = " AND dl_lKeyID={$lDepositID} ";
     $displayData['deposit'] = $deposit =& $this->clsDeposits->deposits[0];
     // load qualifying donations
     $this->clsGifts->sqlExtraWhere = " AND gi_lACOID={$deposit->lACOID}\n             AND gi_lDepositLogID IS NULL\n             AND NOT gi_bGIK\n             AND gi_dteDonation BETWEEN " . strPrepDate($deposit->dteStart) . ' AND ' . strPrepDateTime($deposit->dteEnd) . ' ';
     $this->clsGifts->sqlExtraSort = ' ORDER BY listPayType.lgen_strListItem, gi_dteDonation, gi_curAmnt, gi_lKeyID ';
     $displayData['gifts'] =& $this->clsGifts->gifts;
     $displayData['lNumGifts'] = $this->clsGifts->lNumGifts;
     $displayData['lDepositID'] = $lDepositID;
     // breadcrumbs
     $displayData['contextSummary'] = $this->clsDeposits->depositHTMLSummary();
     $displayData['pageTitle'] = anchor('main/menu/financials', 'Financials/Grants', 'class="breadcrumb"') . ' | ' . anchor('financials/deposit_log/view', 'Deposit Log', 'class="breadcrumb"') . ' | ' . anchor('financials/deposits_add_edit/addDeposit', 'Add Deposit Report', 'class="breadcrumb"') . ' | Select Donations';
     $displayData['title'] = CS_PROGNAME . ' | Financials';
     $displayData['nav'] = $this->mnav_brain_jar->navData();
     $displayData['mainTemplate'] = 'financials/deposit_gifts_select_view';
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function strVolHoursDetailReportPage(&$sRpt, $bReport, $lStartRec, $lRecsPerPage, $lVolID, $lEventID)
     global $genumDateFormat;
     $cEvent = new mvol_events();
     $strEventName = $cEvent->events[0]->strEventName;
     $dteEventStart = $cEvent->events[0]->dteEventStart;
     $cVol = new mvol();
     $cVol->loadVolRecsViaVolID($lVolID, true);
     $strName = htmlspecialchars($cVol->volRecs[0]->strLName . ', ' . $cVol->volRecs[0]->strFName);
     if ($bReport) {
         $strOut = $this->strVolHrsDetailLabel($sRpt, $lEventID, $strEventName, $lVolID, $strName);
         $strLimit = " LIMIT {$lStartRec}, {$lRecsPerPage} ";
     } else {
         $strExport = '';
         $strLimit = '';
     $sqlStr = 'SELECT
         vsa_dHoursWorked, vs_strShiftName, vs_enumDuration,
         ved_lKeyID, ved_dteEvent,
         TIME_FORMAT(vs_dteShiftStartTime, \'%l:%i %p\') AS dteStartTime
      FROM vol_events_dates_shifts_assign
         INNER JOIN vol_events_dates_shifts ON vsa_lEventDateShiftID = vs_lKeyID
         INNER JOIN vol_events_dates ON vs_lEventDateID = ved_lKeyID
      WHERE NOT vsa_bRetired
         AND NOT vs_bRetired
         AND (ved_dteEvent BETWEEN ' . strPrepDate($sRpt->dteStart) . ' AND ' . strPrepDateTime($sRpt->dteEnd) . " )\n            AND vsa_lVolID={$lVolID}\n            AND vsa_dHoursWorked > 0\n            AND ved_lVolEventID={$lEventID}\n         ORDER BY ved_dteEvent, vs_dteShiftStartTime\n         {$strLimit};";
     $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr);
     $lNumRows = $query->num_rows();
     if ($lNumRows == 0) {
         return $strOut . '<br><br><i>There are no records that match your search criteria.</i>';
     if ($bReport) {
         $strOut .= $this->strVolHoursDetailRptHTML($query, $sRpt->reportID);
         return $strOut;
     } else {
         $strExport = $this->strVolHoursDetailRptExport($query, $sRpt->reportID);
         return $strExport;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function lAddNewDeposit()
     global $glUserID;
     $deposit =& $this->deposits[0];
     $sqlStr = 'INSERT INTO deposit_log
       SET ' . $this->strSqlCommonAddEdit() . ",\n             dl_lACOID    = {$deposit->lACOID},\n             dl_lOriginID = {$glUserID},\n             dl_dteStart  = " . strPrepDate($deposit->dteStart) . ',
          dl_dteEnd    = ' . strPrepDateTime($deposit->dteEnd) . ',
          dl_dteOrigin = NOW(),
          dl_bRetired  = 0;';
     return $this->db->insert_id();
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private function strRptTimeFrameWhere($sRpt)
     $this->extractTimeFrameRptOpts($sRpt, $lACO, $bUseACO, $enumInc, $dteStart, $dteEnd, $enumSort, $curMin, $curMax, $lYear);
     $strOut = ' AND NOT gi_bRetired ' . "\n";
     if (!is_null($dteStart)) {
         $strOut .= '
               AND gi_dteDonation BETWEEN ' . strPrepDate($dteStart) . ' AND ' . strPrepDateTime($dteEnd) . "\n";
     if (!is_null($curMin)) {
         $strOut .= "\n                  AND gi_curAmnt     BETWEEN {$curMin} AND {$curMax}  \n";
     if ($bUseACO) {
         $strOut .= " AND gi_lACOID={$lACO} \n";
     if (!is_null($enumInc)) {
         switch ($enumInc) {
             case 'all':
             case 'spon':
             case 'gift':
                 $strOut .= ' AND gi_lSponsorID IS ' . ($enumInc == 'spon' ? ' NOT ' : '') . " NULL \n";
                 screamForHelp($enumInc . ': invalid report option<br>error on line <b>-- ' . __LINE__ . ' --</b>,<br>file ' . __FILE__ . ',<br>function ' . __FUNCTION__);
     if (!is_null($lYear)) {
         $strOut .= " AND YEAR(gi_dteDonation)={$lYear} \n";
     if ($sRpt->rptName == CENUM_REPORTNAME_GIFTACCOUNT) {
         $strOut .= ' AND ga_lKeyID IN (' . implode(',', $sRpt->acctIDs) . ') ';
     } elseif ($sRpt->rptName == CENUM_REPORTNAME_GIFTCAMP) {
         $strOut .= ' AND gc_lKeyID IN (' . implode(',', $sRpt->campIDs) . ') ';
     return $strOut;