function addOneStatistic($statisticFile) { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- global $lists; global $WHERE, $sinceDateHtml, $sinceDateMysql, $sinceDateCondition; startTimer(); require "{$statisticFile}.php"; stopTimer("STATISTIC: {$statisticFile}"); }
function computeRanks ( $valueSource, $valueName ) { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- startTimer(); echo "<br />Building table Ranks$valueName...<br />\n"; #--- Create empty table dbCommand( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Ranks$valueName" ); dbCommand( "CREATE TABLE Ranks$valueName ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `personId` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `eventId` VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `best` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `worldRank` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `continentRank` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `countryRank` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `fk_persons` (`personId`), KEY `fk_events` (`eventId`)) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci " ); #--- Determine everybody's current country and continent $persons = dbQuery( " SELECT personId, countryId, continentId FROM Persons person, Countries country WHERE AND person.subId=1 " ); foreach( $persons as $person ) { extract( $person ); $currentCountry [$personId] = $countryId; $currentContinent[$personId] = $continentId; } unset( $persons ); #--- Get all personal records (note: country-switchers appear once for each country) $personalRecords = dbQueryHandle( " SELECT personId, countryId, continentId, eventId, min($valueSource) value FROM Concise${valueName}Results WHERE eventId <> '333mbo' GROUP BY personId, countryId, eventId ORDER BY eventId, value " ); #--- Process the personal records $missingPersonIDs = false; while( $row = mysql_fetch_row( $personalRecords )){ list( $personId, $countryId, $continentId, $eventId, $value ) = $row; if( ! $personId ){ $missingPersonIDs = true; continue; } #--- At new event, store the ranks of the previous and reset if ( isset($latestEventId) && $eventId != $latestEventId ) { storeRanks( $valueName, $latestEventId, $personRecord, $personWR, $personCR, $personNR ); unset( $ctr, $rank, $record, $ranked, $personRecord, $personWR, $personCR, $personNR ); } #--- Update the region states (unless we have ranked this person there already, for #--- example 2008SEAR01 twice in North America and World because of his two countries) foreach( array( 'World', $continentId, $countryId ) as $region ){ if ( ! isset($ranked[$region][$personId]) ) { $ctr[$region] = isset($ctr[$region]) ? $ctr[$region] + 1 : 1; # ctr always increases if ( !isset($record[$region]) || $value > $record[$region] ) # rank only if value worse than previous $rank[$region] = $ctr[$region]; $record[$region] = $value; $ranked[$region][$personId] = true; } } #--- Set the person's data (first time the current location is matched) if ( ! isset($personRecord[$personId]) ) { $personRecord[$personId] = $value; $personWR[$personId] = $rank['World']; } if ( $continentId==$currentContinent[$personId] && ! isset($personCR[$personId]) ) $personCR[$personId] = $rank[$continentId]; if ( $countryId==$currentCountry[$personId] && ! isset($personNR[$personId]) ) $personNR[$personId] = $rank[$countryId]; $latestEventId = $eventId; } #--- Free the result handle mysql_free_result( $personalRecords ); #--- Store the ranks of the last event storeRanks( $valueName, $latestEventId, $personRecord, $personWR, $personCR, $personNR ); if( $missingPersonIDs ) noticeBox3( 0, 'Warning: some results are ignored because they are missing a personId' ); stopTimer( "Ranks$valueName" ); echo "... done<br /><br />\n"; }
function deleteCaches () { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- startTimer(); cacheLog( "delete all" ); global $config; $cacheFiles = glob( $config->get('filesPath') . 'generated/cache/*.cache' ); echo "Deleting " . count($cacheFiles) . " cache files...<br />\n"; foreach ( $cacheFiles as $cacheFile ) { #echo "deleting cache file [$cacheFile]<br />"; unlink( $cacheFile ); } stopTimer( "deleteCaches" ); echo "... done<br /><br />\n"; }
function dbCommand ( $command ) { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if( wcaDebug() ){ startTimer(); global $dbCommandCtr; $dbCommandCtr++; $commandForShow = strlen($command) < 1010 ? $command : substr($command,0,1000) . '[...' . (strlen($command)-1000) . '...]'; echo "\n\n<!-- dbCommand(\n$commandForShow\n) -->\n\n"; stopTimer( 'printing the database command' ); } #--- Execute the command. startTimer(); $dbResult = mysql_query( $command ) or showDatabaseError( "Unable to perform database command." ); global $dbCommandTotalTime; $dbCommandTotalTime += stopTimer( "executing database command" ); }
function exportPublic ( $sources ) { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- #--- No time limit set_time_limit( 0 ); #--- We'll work in the /admin/export directory chdir( 'export' ); #------------------------------------------ # PREPARATION #------------------------------------------ #--- Get old and new serial number $oldSerial = file_get_contents( 'serial.txt' ); $serial = $oldSerial + 1; file_put_contents( 'serial.txt', $serial ); #--- Build the file basename $basename = sprintf( 'WCA_export%03d_%s', $serial, wcaDate( 'Ymd' ) ); $oldBasenameStart = sprintf( 'WCA_export%03d_', $oldSerial ); #------------------------------------------ # SQL + TSVs #------------------------------------------ #--- Build SQL and TSV files echo "<p><b>Build SQL and TSV files</b></p>"; #--- Start the SQL file $sqlFile = "WCA_export.sql"; file_put_contents( $sqlFile, "--\n-- $basename\n-- Also read the README.txt\n--\n" ); #--- Walk the tables, create SQL file and TSV files foreach ( $sources as $tableName => $tableSource ) { startTimer(); echo "$tableName "; #--- Get the query $query = ($tableSource != '*') ? $tableSource : "SELECT * FROM $tableName"; #--- Add the SQL for creating the table file_put_contents( $sqlFile, getTableCreationSql( $tableName, $query ), FILE_APPEND ); #--- Do the query $dbResult = mysql_unbuffered_query( $query ) or die( '<p>Unable to perform database query.<br/>\n(' . mysql_error() . ')</p>\n' ); #--- Start the TSV file $tsvFile = "WCA_export_$tableName.tsv"; file_put_contents( $tsvFile, getTsvHeader( $dbResult ) ); #--- Add data rows $sqlStart = "INSERT INTO `$tableName` VALUES "; $tsv = ''; $sqlInserts = array(); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $dbResult, MYSQL_NUM ) ) { // Polish the whitespace (especially remove characters that would break the tsv file format) $niceValues = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', array_map( 'trim', $row ) ); // Data to write $tsv .= implode( "\t", $niceValues ) . "\n"; $sqlInserts[] = "('" . implode( "','", array_map( 'addslashes', $niceValues ) ) . "')"; // Periodically write data so variable size doesn't explode if ( strlen($tsv) > 200000 ) { $sql = $sqlStart . implode( ",\n", $sqlInserts ) . ";\n"; file_put_contents( $tsvFile, $tsv, FILE_APPEND ); file_put_contents( $sqlFile, $sql, FILE_APPEND ); $tsv = ''; $sqlInserts = array(); echo '.'; # shows both Apache and the user that the script is doing stuff and not hanging } } //Check if any sql need to be exported if ($sqlInserts !== array()) { $sql = $sqlStart . "\n" . implode( ",\n", $sqlInserts ) . ";\n"; file_put_contents( $tsvFile, $tsv, FILE_APPEND ); file_put_contents( $sqlFile, $sql, FILE_APPEND ); } #--- Free the query result mysql_free_result( $dbResult ); echo "<br />\n"; stopTimer( $tableName ); } #------------------------------------------ # README #------------------------------------------ #--- Build the README file echo "<p><b>Build the README file</b></p>"; instantiateTemplate( 'README.txt', array( 'longDate' => wcaDate( 'F j, Y' ) ) ); #------------------------------------------ # ZIPs #------------------------------------------ #--- Build the ZIP files echo "<p><b>Build the ZIP files</b></p>"; $sqlZipFile = "$"; $tsvZipFile = "$"; mySystem( "zip $sqlZipFile README.txt $sqlFile" ); mySystem( "zip $tsvZipFile README.txt *.tsv" ); #------------------------------------------ # HTML #------------------------------------------ #--- Build the HTML file echo '<p><b>Build the HTML file</b></p>'; instantiateTemplate( 'export.html', array( 'sqlZipFile' => $sqlZipFile, 'sqlZipFileSize' => sprintf( '%.1f MB', filesize( $sqlZipFile ) / 1000000 ), 'tsvZipFile' => $tsvZipFile, 'tsvZipFileSize' => sprintf( '%.1f MB', filesize( $tsvZipFile ) / 1000000 ), 'README' => file_get_contents( 'README.txt' ) ) ); #------------------------------------------ # DEPLOY #------------------------------------------ #--- Move new files to public directory echo '<p><b>Move new files to public directory</b></p>'; mySystem( "mv $sqlZipFile $tsvZipFile ../../misc/" ); mySystem( "mv export.html ../../misc/" ); #------------------------------------------ # CLEAN UP #------------------------------------------ #--- Delete temporary and old stuff we don't need anymore echo "<p><b>Delete temporary and old stuff we don't need anymore</b></p>"; mySystem( "rm README.txt $sqlFile *.tsv" ); mySystem( "rm ../../misc/$oldBasenameStart*" ); #------------------------------------------ # FINISHED #------------------------------------------ #--- Tell the result noticeBox ( true, "Finished $basename.<br />Have a look at <a href='../misc/export.html'>the results</a>." ); #--- Return to /admin chdir( '..' ); }
$result['regionName'] = 'World'; if ($value == $bestValueOfWorld) { $bestOfWorld[] = $result; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the table. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- startTimer(); $regionName = preg_replace('/^_/', '', $chosenRegionId); $eventName = eventName($chosenEventId); $headerSources = $chosenAverage ? 'Result Details' : ''; tableBegin('results', 5); tableCaption(true, spaced(array($eventName, $chosenShow, $regionName, $chosenYears))); tableHeader(explode('|', "Region|Result|Person|Competition|{$headerSources}"), array(0 => 'class="L"', 1 => "class='R2'", 4 => 'class="f"')); if (isset($bestOfCountry)) { $all = array_merge($bestOfWorld, array(0), $bestOfContinent, array(0), $bestOfCountry); foreach ($all as $row) { if (!$row) { tableRowEmpty(); continue; } extract($row); $isNewRegion = !isset($previousRegionName) || $regionName != $previousRegionName; $previousRegionName = $regionName; tableRow(array($isNewRegion ? $regionName : '', $isNewRegion ? formatValue($value, $valueFormat) : '', personLink($personId, $personName), competitionLink($competitionId, $competitionName), formatAverageSources($chosenAverage, $row, $valueFormat))); } } tableEnd(); stopTimer("printing the table");
<?php showDatabaseStatistics(); stopTimer("whole page generation"); ?> <?php if (!$standAlone) { ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </body> </html> <?php finishCache();
function showCompetitionResultsByPerson($resultsTable = 'Results') { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- global $chosenByPerson, $chosenAllResults, $chosenTop3, $chosenWinners; global $chosenCompetitionId; #--- Get the results. $competitionResults = getCompetitionResults($resultsTable); startTimer(); tableBegin('results', 8); foreach ($competitionResults as $result) { extract($result); $isNewPerson = !isset($previousPersonId) || $personId != $previousPersonId; $isNewEvent = !isset($previousEventId) || $eventId != $previousEventId || $isNewPerson; #--- Welcome new persons. if ($isNewPerson) { if (isset($previousPersonId)) { tableRowBlank(); } $bo3_as_mo3 = $formatId == '3' && ($eventId == '333bf' || $eventId == '333fm' || $eventId == '333ft'); $headerAverage = $formatId == 'a' || $formatId == 'm' || $bo3_as_mo3 ? 'Average' : ''; $headerAllResults = $formatId != '1' ? 'Result Details' : ''; tableCaptionNew(false, $personId, spaced(array(personLink($personId, $personName), $countryName))); tableHeader(explode('|', "Event|Round|Place|Best||{$headerAverage}||{$headerAllResults}"), array(2 => 'class="r"', 3 => 'class="R"', 5 => 'class="R"', 7 => 'class="f"')); } #--- One result row. tableRowStyled($isNewEvent ? '' : 'color:#AAA', array($isNewEvent ? eventLink($eventId, $eventCellName) : '', $roundCellName, $isNewEvent ? "<b>{$pos}</b>" : $pos, formatValue($best, $valueFormat), $regionalSingleRecord, formatValue($average, $valueFormat), $regionalAverageRecord, formatAverageSources($formatId != '1', $result, $valueFormat))); $previousPersonId = $personId; $previousEventId = $eventId; } tableEnd(); stopTimer("printing the huge table"); }
function showResults() { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- global $chosenEventId, $chosenRegionId, $chosenYears, $chosenShow, $chosenSingle, $chosenAverage; #--- Try the cache tryCache('event', $chosenEventId, preg_replace('/ /', '', $chosenRegionId), $chosenYears, preg_replace('/ /', '', $chosenShow), $chosenSingle, $chosenAverage); #------------------------------ # Prepare stuff for the query. #------------------------------ $eventCondition = eventCondition(); $yearCondition = yearCondition(); $regionCondition = regionCondition('result'); $limitCondition = ''; if (preg_match('/^10+/', $chosenShow, $matches)) { $limitNumber = $matches[0]; $limitCondition = 'LIMIT ' . 2 * $limitNumber; } $valueSource = $chosenAverage ? 'average' : 'best'; $valueName = $chosenAverage ? 'Average' : 'Single'; #------------------------------ # Get results from database. #------------------------------ if ($chosenShow == 'By Region') { require 'includes/events_regions.php'; return; } if ($chosenShow == '100 Results' || $chosenShow == '1000 Results') { require 'includes/events_results.php'; } else { require 'includes/events_persons.php'; } #------------------------------ # Show the table. #------------------------------ startTimer(); $event = getEvent($chosenEventId); tableBegin('results', 6); tableCaption(true, spaced(array($event['name'], chosenRegionName(), $chosenYears, $chosenShow))); $headerSources = $chosenAverage ? 'Result Details' : ''; tableHeader(explode('|', "Rank|Person|Result|Citizen of|Competition|{$headerSources}"), array(0 => "class='r'", 2 => "class='R2'", 5 => 'class="f"')); $ctr = 0; foreach ($results as $result) { extract($result); $ctr++; $no = isset($previousValue) && $value == $previousValue ? ' ' : $ctr; if ($limitCondition && $no > $limitNumber) { break; } tableRow(array($no, personLink($personId, $personName), formatValue($value, $event['format']), htmlEntities($countryName), competitionLink($competitionId, $competitionName), formatAverageSources($chosenAverage, $result, $event['format']))); $previousValue = $value; } tableEnd(); stopTimer("printing the table"); }