Ejemplo n.º 1
function main()
    $form = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
    // All callbacks we get will have the "action" form key. If we don't see
    // that key, then return the static page (a user is visiting this script
    // directly in a browser
    if (!in_array("action", array_keys($form))) {
        return static_page();
    // If we see the "action" form key, then hookbox is making a request to our
    // script. Check to secret to make sure the request is from hookbox.
    if ($form["secret"] != $HOOKBOX_SECRET) {
        print "[ false, { \"error\": \"Invalid secret\" } ]";
    switch ($form["action"]) {
        // Allow all users to connect; assign them a random name;
        case "connect":
            $name = uniqid();
            echo "[ true, {\"name\": \"{$name}\" } ]";
            // Only allow hookbox to create one channel, specified by $CHANNEL_NAME
        // Only allow hookbox to create one channel, specified by $CHANNEL_NAME
        case "create_channel":
            if ($form["channel_name"] == $CHANNEL_NAME) {
                $output = array();
                $output[0] = true;
                $output[1] = array();
                // our channel will acquire data by having hookbox poll this script
                // (and then rebroadcast it to subscribers)
                $output[1]["polling"] = array();
                $output[1]["polling"]["url"] = $SCRIPT_EXTERNAL_URL . "?action=poll&secret=" . $HOOKBOX_SECRET;
                $output[1]["polling"]["interval"] = $POLL_INTERVAL;
                $output[1]["polling"]["mode"] = "simple";
                // We'll have hookbox store 30 data points
                $output[1]["history_size"] = 30;
                $output[1]["history"] = array();
                // Those 30 data points should start out pre-populated as the value 0.
                for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) {
                    $output[1]["history"][$i] = array(0 => "PUBLISH", 1 => array("payload" => 0));
                // returning json: [true, { "polling": { ... }, "history": [ .. ], ... } ]
            } else {
                $chan = $form["channel_name"];
                echo "[ false, {\"error\": \"Cannot create channel {$chan}\"} ]";
            // Let anyone subscribe to that one channel
        // Let anyone subscribe to that one channel
        case "subscribe":
            echo "[ true, {} ]";
            // If the server is polling then print out the server load;
        // If the server is polling then print out the server load;
        case "poll":
            // NOTE: If you aren't on a system with an uptime command then
            //       try replacing this with some other integer. Perhaps
            //	 something random...
            $cpu_usage = explode(',', substr(exec('uptime'), -14));
            print $cpu_usage[0];
        case "destroy_channel":
            // By allowing destroy channel we prevent hookbox from polling this
            // script when their are no users watching. On the other hand, we lose
            // the graph's history of the last 30 values...
            echo "[ true, {} ]";
            // Don't allow any other actions, such as publish
        // Don't allow any other actions, such as publish
            echo "[ false, {} ]";
Ejemplo n.º 2
                <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
include "./include/nav_menu.php";
            <!-- /.navbar-collapse -->
        <!-- /.container -->

<!-- Page Content -->
<div class="container textarea">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
$page_blob = static_page($db, $page);
#echo "<h1>".$page_blob["title"]."</h1>";
echo "<h2 class=\"text-left\">" . $page_blob["callout"] . "</h2>";
echo "<br>";
#echo "<div class=\"container text\">";
echo $page_blob["content"];
#echo "</div>";