Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Finds which module should handle the current navigation request
function module_handler_init()
    global $ssc_database;
    // Prepare application argument
    if (!isset($_GET['q'])) {
        $_GET['q'] = '';
    } elseif (substr($_GET['q'], -1) == '/') {
        $_GET['q'] = substr($_GET['q'], 0, -1);
    $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT m.id, h.id hid, filename, path FROM #__module m, #__handler h WHERE h.handler = m.id AND '%s' LIKE CONCAT(path,'%%') ORDER BY path DESC LIMIT 1", $_GET['q']);
    if ($ssc_database->number_rows() == 0) {
    $data = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($result);
    // Split path arguments
    $_GET['path'] = $data['path'];
    // Add a leading slash if it's missing
    if ($_GET['path'] != '') {
        $_GET['path'] = '/' . $_GET['path'];
    // Work out which half of the url is a parameter, rather than url
    $_GET['param'] = substr($_GET['q'], strlen($data['path']));
    // Remove the leading slash from the parameter
    if (!empty($_GET['param']) && $_GET['param'][0] == '/') {
        $_GET['param'] = substr($_GET['param'], 1);
    // Set a few state variables for module information
    $_GET['handler'] = $data['filename'];
    $_GET['path-id'] = $data['hid'];
    $_GET['mod-id'] = $data['id'];
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Implementation of module_content()
function gallery_content()
    global $ssc_database, $ssc_site_url;
    if (is_array($_GET['param'])) {
        $page = array_shift($_GET['param']);
        // Check page
        if ($page == 'page') {
            $page = (int) array_shift($_GET['param']);
        } else {
    } else {
        $page = 1;
    $gid = (int) $_GET['path-id'];
    // Check if gallery exists and is visible
    $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT title, description FROM #__gallery WHERE id = %d AND visible = 1 LIMIT 1", $gid);
    if ($result && ($data = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($result))) {
    } else {
    // Fetch contents
    $res = $ssc_database->query_paged($page, 20, "SELECT id, caption FROM #__gallery_content WHERE gallery_id = %d ORDER BY id ASC", $gid);
    $result =& $res['result'];
    $count = 20;
    $out = '';
    while (($data = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($result)) && $count--) {
        $out .= "<a href=\"{$ssc_site_url}/images/gallery/{$gid}/{$data['id']}\" class=\"" . (empty($data['caption']) ? 'gallery-nocap' : 'gallery-cap') . "\"><img src=\"{$ssc_site_url}/images/gallery/{$gid}/{$data['id']}_t\" alt=\"\" /><span>{$data['caption']}</span></a> \n";
    return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Implementation of module_content
function admin_content()
    global $ssc_user, $ssc_database;
    $out = '';
    if ($_GET['path'] != '/admin' || $ssc_user->gid == SSC_USER_GUEST) {
    switch ($_GET['param']) {
        case '':
            $out = _admin_base_content();
            // Check for sub-page.  args can be claimed from $_GET[param]
            $_GET['param'] = explode("/", $_GET['param']);
            $_GET['admin_page'] = array_shift($_GET['param']);
            if (!login_check_auth($_GET['admin_page'])) {
            } else {
                $out = module_hook('admin', $_GET['admin_page']);
            if (empty($out)) {
    return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Implementation of module_content()
function static_content()
    global $ssc_database;
    // We'll never accept params, so is gonna be a 404
    if (!empty($_GET['param'])) {
    // Find content
    $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT title, created, modified, body FROM #__static WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $_GET['path-id']);
    if ($result && ($data = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($result))) {
        if (!ssc_load_library('sscText')) {
            // Strictly speaking, the library /wasn't/ found...
        return sscText::convert($data['body']);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Implementation of module_admin()
function nav_admin()
    $out = '';
    $action = array_shift($_GET['param']);
    switch ($action) {
        case 'link':
            $out = ssc_generate_form('nav_edit_link');
        case 'widget':
            $out = ssc_generate_form('nav_edit_widget');
        case '':
            // Base page
            global $ssc_database;
            ssc_set_title('Navigation widgets');
            $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT args FROM #__sidebar WHERE module = 2 ORDER BY args ASC");
            if ($result && $ssc_database->number_rows() > 0) {
                while ($data = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                    $data = explode(',', $data['args']);
                    // For each block
                    $out .= _nav_edit_table($data[0]);
                    /*$out .= ssc_admin_table($data[1], "SELECT n.id, p.title parent, n.title, n.desc description, n.url, COUNT(n.id) FROM
                    		#__navigation n, #__navigation p WHERE n.l BETWEEN p.l AND p.r
                    		AND p.bid = %d AND n.bid = %d GROUP BY n.id ORDER BY n.l", array($data[0], $data[0]),
                    		array('link' => 'title', 'linkpath' => '/admin/nav/link/'));/**/
                    $out .= ssc_generate_form('nav_add_link', $data[0]);
            } else {
                ssc_add_message(SSC_MSG_INFO, t('No navigation widgets exist yet.') . $ssc_database->error());
                $out = l(t('Create widget'), '/admin/nav/widget');
    return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Display the list of events - implementation of module_content
 * Only one type of display so don't need to parse any sort of input
 * @return string Main body content
function events_content()
    global $ssc_database;
    // Set up the event time borders
    $borders['past'] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(ssc_var_get('events.recent', '-2 weeks')));
    $borders['current-past'] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(ssc_var_get('events.current.old', '-1 week')));
    $borders['current-future'] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(ssc_var_get('events.current.new', '+1 week')));
    $borders['future'] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(ssc_var_get('events.future', '+2 months')));
    // Get all events within the range
    $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT title, description, uri, date, flags FROM #__events WHERE date >= '%s' AND date <= '%s' ORDER BY date ASC", $borders['past'], $borders['future']);
    if (!$result) {
    ssc_set_title(ssc_var_get('events.title', 'Events'));
    // Load first event if possible
    if ($ssc_database->number_rows() > 0) {
        $data = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($result);
    } else {
        $data = null;
    // And start displaying the results
    $out = '<h3>' . t('Recent events') . '</h3>';
    $in = false;
    while ($data && $data['date'] <= $borders['current-past']) {
        if (!$in) {
            $out .= '<ul class="events-list">';
            $in = true;
        $out .= _events_print_db_event($data);
        $data = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($result);
    if ($in) {
        $out .= '</ul>';
        $in = false;
    } else {
        $out .= t('There are no recent events');
    $out .= '<h3>' . t('Current events') . '</h3>';
    while ($data && $data['date'] <= $borders['current-future']) {
        if (!$in) {
            $out .= '<ul class="events-list">';
            $in = true;
        $out .= _events_print_db_event($data);
        $data = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($result);
    if ($in) {
        $out .= '</ul>';
        $in = false;
    } else {
        $out .= t('There are no current events');
    $out .= '<h3>' . t('Upcoming events') . '</h3>';
    while ($data) {
        if (!$in) {
            $out .= '<ul class="events-list">';
            $in = true;
        $out .= _events_print_db_event($data);
        $data = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($result);
    if ($in) {
        $out .= '</ul>';
    } else {
        $out .= t('There are no upcoming events');
    return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Implementation of module_content()
 * Results content.  At this stage, no arguments so present results for entire regatta. Bracket refers to mouse-over
 *   - /
 *     No parameters.  Should show abbr'd |sail|class|name|skip (crew)|place(corr. time)[|place(corr. time)...]
 *   - /heat/<num>   or    /heat-<num
 *     Show detailed version for a heat perhaps?  Probably not feasable.
function sailing_content()
    global $ssc_database;
    // See if results exist
    $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT name, description, updated, flags, heats FROM #__sailing_series WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $_GET['path-id']);
    if (!($result && ($data = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($result)))) {
    // Set up some flags
    $flags = $data['flags'];
    $prefix = $flags & SSC_SAILING_PREFIX ? "Division " : "";
    $show_class = ($flags & SSC_SAILING_CLASS) > 0;
    $show_club = ($flags & SSC_SAILING_CLUB) > 0;
    // Heat numbers
    $heats = explode(",", $data['heats']);
    // Description / title
    $out = "";
    if (strlen($data['description']) > 0) {
        if (!ssc_load_library('sscText')) {
            $out .= check_plain($data['description']);
        } else {
            $out .= sscText::convert($data['description']);
    // Prepare for table
    $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT r.results, r.times, r.points, r.division, e.number, e.skipper, e.crew, e.name AS boatname, e.class, e.club FROM #__sailing_results r LEFT JOIN #__sailing_entries e ON e.id = r.uid WHERE r.series_id = %d ORDER BY r.division ASC, r.points ASC", $_GET['path-id']);
    if (!$result || $ssc_database->number_rows() < 1) {
        // Empty or sql failure
        $out .= "There are no race results available for this series yet";
        return $out;
    } else {
        // Start outputting
        $out .= '<table class="sail-table" summary="Race results">';
        $col_header = _ssc_sailing_table_header($flags, $heats, $col_count);
        // Loop through results
        $div = '-1';
        while ($data = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($result)) {
            // Re-echo headers for each division
            if ($div != $data['division']) {
                if ($div == '-1') {
                    $out .= "<thead><tr><th class=\"div-heading\" colspan=\"{$col_count['total']}\">{$prefix}{$data['division']}</th></tr>";
                    $out .= "{$col_header}</thead><tbody>";
                } else {
                    $out .= '<tr><th class="div-heading" colspan="' . $col_count['total'] . '">' . $prefix . $data['division'] . '</th></tr>';
                    $out .= $col_header;
                $div = $data['division'];
            // Row contents
            $out .= "<tr><td>{$data['number']}</td>" . ($show_class ? "<td>{$data['class']}</td>" : '') . "<td>{$data['boatname']}</td>";
            if ($data['crew'] != '') {
                $out .= "<td><span title=\"{$data['crew']}\">{$data['skipper']}</span></td>";
            } else {
                $out .= "<td>{$data['skipper']}</td>";
            if ($show_club) {
                $out .= "<td>{$data['club']}</td>";
            // Parse results
            $heats = explode(",", $data['results']);
            $times = explode(",", $data['times']);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $col_count['heats']; $i++) {
                if ($times[$i] != '') {
                    if ((double) $times[$i] > 0) {
                        $out .= '<td><span title="' . sprintf("%1.1f", (double) $times[$i]) . " min\">{$heats[$i]}</span></td>";
                    } else {
                        $out .= "<td><span title=\"{$times[$i]}\">{$heats[$i]}</span></td>";
                } else {
                    $out .= "<td>{$heats[$i]}</td>";
            $out .= '</tr>';
        // Tidy up
        $out .= '</tbody></table>';
    return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT id FROM #__blog_tag WHERE tag = '%s' LIMIT 1", $tag);
    if (!$result || $ssc_database->number_rows() == 0) {
    $dat = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($result);
    $tagName = "/{$tag}";
    $tag = $dat['id'];
    $res_posts = $ssc_database->query("SELECT p.id, p.created, p.modified, urltext, title, body, displayname FROM #__blog_post p LEFT JOIN #__user u ON u.id = author_id LEFT JOIN #__blog_relation t ON t.post_id = p.id WHERE blog_id = %d AND p.is_draft = 0 AND t.tag_id = %d ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0,5", $bID, $tag);
} else {
    $res_posts = $ssc_database->query("SELECT p.id, p.created, p.modified, urltext, title, body, displayname FROM #__blog_post p LEFT JOIN #__user u ON u.id = author_id WHERE blog_id = %d AND p.is_draft = 0 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0,5", $bID);
    $tagName = '';
// Ignore empty blogs
if (!$res_posts || $ssc_database->number_rows() == 0) {
// Open file handles
$bID = $data['id'];
// Retrieve first lot of posts (for updated date, etc)
$dat = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($res_posts);
// Write file headers
// RSS
echo <<< FEED
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * User profile edit
function login_profile()
    global $ssc_database;
    // Are we superprofile editing?
    if ($_GET['path'] == '/admin') {
        $uid = (int) array_shift($_GET['param']);
        if ($uid == 0) {
            // New user
            $ssc_user = new StdClass();
            // Set up neat default values
            $ssc_user->fullname = t('New user');
            $ssc_user->gid = 0;
            $ssc_user->id = 0;
        } else {
            // Existing - need to attempt retrieval
            $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT id, username, fullname, displayname, email, gid FROM #__user WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $uid);
            if (!$result) {
                ssc_add_message(SSC_MSG_CRIT, t('Error retrieving user details'));
            $ssc_user = $ssc_database->fetch_object($result);
            if (!$ssc_user) {
    } else {
        // Just self-editing
        global $ssc_user;
    $form = array('#action' => '', '#method' => 'post');
    $fieldset = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('User details'), '#parent' => true);
    $fieldset['uid'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $ssc_user->id);
    $fieldset['user'] = array('#type' => 'text', '#value' => $ssc_user->username, '#maxlen' => 20, '#required' => true, '#title' => t('Username'), '#description' => t('Username used to log in with'));
    $fieldset['disp'] = array('#type' => 'text', '#value' => $ssc_user->displayname, '#maxlen' => 20, '#required' => true, '#title' => t('Display name'), '#description' => t('Name to display when shown on main page'));
    $fieldset['full'] = array('#type' => 'text', '#value' => $ssc_user->fullname, '#maxlen' => 30, '#required' => true, '#title' => t('Full name'), '#description' => t('Full name for administration uses'));
    $fieldset['email'] = array('#type' => 'text', '#value' => $ssc_user->email, '#maxlen' => 50, '#size' => 30, '#required' => true, '#title' => t('Email address'), '#description' => t('Required for administration uses'));
    // Populate list
    $options = array(-1 => 'Guest');
    $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT id, name FROM #__group WHERE id > 0 ORDER BY name ASC");
    while ($data = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $options[$data['id']] = $data['name'];
    // Admin only the permission
    if ($_GET['path'] == '/admin') {
        $fieldset['grp'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#value' => $options, '#selected' => $ssc_user->gid, '#title' => t('Permission group'), '#description' => t('Group for the user to belong to'));
    $submit = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save'));
    //$fieldset['sub'] = $submit;
    $form['details'] = $fieldset;
    $fieldset = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Update password'), '#parent' => true);
    // Choose whether we need users password or admin password
    if ($_GET['path'] == '/admin') {
        $fieldset['admin'] = array('#type' => 'password', '#title' => t('Admin password'), '#description' => t('Administrator password for verification'), '#required' => true);
    } else {
        $fieldset['old'] = array('#type' => 'password', '#title' => t('Current password'), '#description' => t('Current password for verification'), '#required' => true);
    $fieldset['n1'] = array('#type' => 'password', '#title' => t('New password'), '#description' => t('Password to change for user'), '#required' => true);
    $fieldset['n2'] = array('#type' => 'password', '#title' => t('Repeat new password'), '#description' => t('Repeat to avoid typos'), '#required' => true);
    $form['pass'] = $fieldset;
    $form['sub'] = $submit;
    return $form;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * Implementation of module_content()
 * Blog content and parameters can be interpreted in several different methods
 *   - /
 *     No parameters.  Should show (paged) all posts in the blog.
 *   - /tag/xxx 
 *     Responds with paged posts relating to that tag.
 *   - /yyyy/mm/dd/post-name
 *     Retrieve the post based on the url safe-name
 *   - /id/123
 *     Used as permalink.  Perma-redirect to current /yyyy/mm/dd/post-name url
 *   - /yyyy
 *     Archival retrieval of posts (no content) in the specified year
 *   - /atom
 *     Atom style feed for the current blog
function blog_content()
    global $ssc_database, $ssc_site_path;
    $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT name, comments, page FROM #__blog WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $_GET['path-id']);
    if ($result && ($data = $ssc_database->fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // Load display library
        if (!ssc_load_library('sscText')) {
        // Get blog settings
        $_GET['param'] = explode("/", $_GET['param']);
        $_GET['blog_comments'] = (bool) $data['comments'];
        $action = array_shift($_GET['param']);
        if ($action == '' || $action == 'page') {
            // Show paged posts
            array_unshift($_GET['param'], 'page');
            if (count($_GET['param']) > 2) {
            return _blog_gen_post($data['page'], $_GET['path'] . '/page/', "SELECT p.id, p.title, p.created, p.urltext, u.displayname author, count(c.post_id) count, p.body, p.commentsdisabled FROM\n\t\t\t\t#__blog_post p LEFT JOIN #__user u ON u.id = p.author_id LEFT JOIN #__blog_comment c ON (post_id = p.id AND (status & %d = 0))\n\t\t\t\tWHERE blog_id = %d AND p.is_draft = 0 GROUP BY p.id ORDER BY p.created DESC", SSC_BLOG_COMMENT_SPAM, $_GET['path-id']);
        } elseif ($action == 'tag') {
            // Show posts for the tag
            if (count($_GET['param']) == 2 || count($_GET['param']) > 3) {
            $tag = array_shift($_GET['param']);
            if (empty($tag)) {
            // If to parameter for the tag, die gracefully
            return _blog_gen_post($data['page'], $_GET['path'] . '/tag/' . $tag . '/page/', "SELECT p.id, p.title, p.created, p.urltext, u.displayname author, count(c.post_id) count, p.body, p.commentsdisabled FROM \n\t\t\t\t#__blog_post p LEFT JOIN #__user u ON u.id = p.author_id LEFT JOIN #__blog_comment c ON (post_id = p.id AND (status & %d = 0))\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN #__blog_relation r ON r.post_id = p.id LEFT JOIN #__blog_tag t ON t.id = r.tag_id WHERE blog_id = %d AND p.is_draft = 0 AND t.tag = '%s'\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY p.id ORDER BY p.created DESC", SSC_BLOG_COMMENT_SPAM, $_GET['path-id'], $tag);
        } elseif ($action == 'id') {
            // Redirect as needed
            if (count($_GET['param']) != 1) {
            // Extra parameters
            $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT created, urltext FROM #__blog_post WHERE id = %d AND is_draft = 0 LIMIT 1", (int) array_shift($_GET['param']));
            if ($data = $ssc_database->fetch_object($result)) {
                ssc_redirect($_GET['path'] . date("/Y/m/d/", $data->created) . $data->urltext, 301);
            // Post ID doesn't exist - kill
        } elseif ($action == 'feed') {
            // Internal redirect to atom feed
            $feedPath = $ssc_site_path . '/modules/blog/atom-' . $_GET['path-id'] . '.xml';
            // Check if feed exists yet
            if (!file_exists($feedPath)) {
            // Try and read it
            $rss = file_get_contents($feedPath);
            // See if read success?
            if ($rss === FALSE) {
            // Guess not - die gracefully
            // Output rss
            header("Content-Type: application/xml", true);
            echo $rss;
            // And now quit ...
            // ... fully
        } elseif ($action == 'atom') {
            if (count($_GET['param']) > 1) {
            header("Content-Type: application/atom+xml", true);
            include $ssc_site_path . '/modules/blog/rss.inline.php';
        } else {
            // Not those - is int?
            $action = (int) $action;
            // Check for bad first param
            if ($action == 0) {
            // Check if the post name exists?
            if (!empty($_GET['param'][2])) {
                // Retrieve post
                $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT p.id, p.title, p.created, p.urltext, p.commentsdisabled, u.displayname author, p.body FROM #__blog_post p \n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN #__user u ON u.id = p.author_id WHERE blog_id = %d AND p.is_draft = 0 AND p.urltext = '%s' \n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", $_GET['path-id'], $_GET['param'][2]);
                if (!($data = $ssc_database->fetch_object($result))) {
                    // No post with name - kill output
                // Don't allow any further params
                if (!empty($_GET['param'][3])) {
                    // Unless admin, and the param is 'mark'
                    if (login_check_auth("blog") && $_GET['param'][3] == 'mark') {
                        if ($ssc_database->query("UPDATE #__blog_comment SET status = status | %d WHERE post_id = %d", SSC_BLOG_COMMENT_READ, $data->id)) {
                            ssc_add_message(SSC_MSG_INFO, t('Marked the comments as read'));
                    } else {
                // Comments disabled flag
                $comments_disabled = $data->commentsdisabled;
                // Post id number
                $pid = $data->id;
                $out = "\n<h3>{$data->title}</h3>\n";
                $out .= t("Posted !date at !time by !author\n", array('!date' => date(ssc_var_get('date_med', SSC_DATE_MED), $data->created), '!time' => date(ssc_var_get('time_short', SSC_TIME_SHORT), $data->created), '!author' => $data->author)) . '<br />';
                $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT tag FROM #__blog_relation r, #__blog_tag t WHERE r.tag_id = t.id AND r.post_id = %d ORDER BY tag ASC", $data->id);
                // Retrieve list of tags for the post
                if ($ssc_database->number_rows()) {
                    $out .= "Tagged: ";
                    $txt = '';
                    while ($dat = $ssc_database->fetch_object($result)) {
                        $txt .= ', ' . l($dat->tag, $_GET['path'] . '/tag/' . $dat->tag);
                    $txt = substr($txt, 2);
                    $out .= $txt . '<br />';
                $out .= sscText::convert($data->body);
                if ($_GET['blog_comments']) {
                    // Retrieve comments
                    $out .= '<div class="clear"></div><h3 id="comments">Comments</h3>';
                    // Are we admin?
                    $is_admin = login_check_auth("blog");
                    if ($is_admin) {
                        $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT id, author, email, site, created, status, body FROM #__blog_comment \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE post_id = %d ORDER BY created ASC", $data->id, SSC_BLOG_COMMENT_SPAM, SSC_BLOG_COMMENT_SPAM);
                        // Start spam/ham/commentstate form
                        $out .= '<form action="" method="post"><div><input type="hidden" name="form-id" value="blog_spam_ham" />';
                        // Show (dis-)enable comments button on posts with or without comments
                        if ($comments_disabled == 0) {
                            $sub_disable_comments = array('#value' => 'Disable Comments', '#type' => 'submit', '#name' => "disable_comments[{$pid}]");
                        } else {
                            $sub_disable_comments = array('#value' => 'Enable Comments', '#type' => 'submit', '#name' => "enable_comments[{$pid}]");
                        // Render button
                        $out .= theme_render_input($sub_disable_comments);
                    } else {
                        $result = $ssc_database->query("SELECT author, email, site, created, body FROM #__blog_comment \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE post_id = %d AND status & %d = 0 ORDER BY created ASC", $data->id, SSC_BLOG_COMMENT_SPAM);
                    if (!$result || $ssc_database->number_rows($result) == 0) {
                        // Bad SQL
                        $out .= t('There are no comments posted yet.');
                    } else {
                        // Admin user - show spam/ham/commentstate options
                        if ($is_admin) {
                            // For each comment, show it, it's visible state, and possible options
                            while ($data = $ssc_database->fetch_object($result)) {
                                $status = $data->status;
                                $out .= "<div class='" . ($status & SSC_BLOG_COMMENT_SPAM ? "blog-spam-icon" : "blog-notspam-icon") . "'><p>" . nl2br(check_plain($data->body)) . "</p><p>";
                                $out .= t("Posted !date at !time by !author\n", array('!date' => date(ssc_var_get('date_med', SSC_DATE_MED), $data->created), '!time' => date(ssc_var_get('time_short', SSC_TIME_SHORT), $data->created), '!author' => empty($data->site) ? check_plain($data->author) : l(check_plain($data->author), $data->site))) . '</p>';
                                $sub_hide = array('#value' => 'Hide comment', '#type' => 'submit');
                                $sub_show = array('#value' => 'Show comment', '#type' => 'submit');
                                $sub_spam = array('#value' => 'Mark spam', '#type' => 'submit');
                                $sub_ham = array('#value' => 'Unmark spam', '#type' => 'submit');
                                // If tree for actions
                                if ($status & SSC_BLOG_COMMENT_CAN_SPAM) {
                                    // Hasn't been re-submitted yet
                                    if ($status & SSC_BLOG_COMMENT_SPAM) {
                                        // Was marked as spam
                                        $sub_ham['#name'] = "ham[{$data->id}]";
                                        $out .= theme_render_input($sub_ham);
                                        $sub_show['#name'] = "show[{$data->id}]";
                                        $out .= theme_render_input($sub_show);
                                    } else {
                                        // Was not marked spam
                                        $sub_spam['#name'] = "spam[{$data->id}]";
                                        $out .= theme_render_input($sub_spam);
                                        $sub_hide['#name'] = "hide[{$data->id}]";
                                        $out .= theme_render_input($sub_hide);
                                } else {
                                    // Has already been resubmitted
                                    if ($status & SSC_BLOG_COMMENT_SPAM) {
                                        // Currently spam/hidden
                                        $sub_show['#name'] = "show[{$data->id}]";
                                        $out .= theme_render_input($sub_show);
                                    } else {
                                        // Marked as normal currently
                                        $sub_hide['#name'] = "hide[{$data->id}]";
                                        $out .= theme_render_input($sub_hide);
                                $out .= '</div><hr />';
                        } else {
                            // Just show comments
                            while ($data = $ssc_database->fetch_object($result)) {
                                //$out .= "<div class='gravatar' style='background-image: url(\""._blog_gravatar_get_url($data->email)."\");'>";
                                $out .= '<p>' . nl2br(check_plain($data->body)) . '</p><p>';
                                $out .= t("Posted !date at !time by !author\n", array('!date' => date(ssc_var_get('date_med', SSC_DATE_MED), $data->created), '!time' => date(ssc_var_get('time_short', SSC_TIME_SHORT), $data->created), '!author' => empty($data->site) ? $data->author : l($data->author, $data->site))) . '</p><hr />';
                                //'</p></div><hr />';
                    // End admin form
                    if ($is_admin) {
                        $out .= '</div></form>';
                    if ($comments_disabled == 0 || $is_admin) {
                        $out .= ssc_generate_form('blog_guest_comment', $pid);
                    } else {
                        $out .= '<br />' . t("Sorry, commenting has been closed on this post.");
                return $out;
            } elseif (isset($_GET['param'][0])) {
                // First param set not expecting anything - kill page
            } else {
                // Yearly archive
                return _blog_gen_post(10000, $_GET['path'] . '/page/', "SELECT p.id, p.title, p.created, p.urltext, u.displayname author, count(c.post_id) count, p.commentsdisabled FROM \n\t\t\t\t\t#__blog_post p LEFT JOIN #__blog_comment c ON (post_id = p.id AND (c.status & %d = 0)) LEFT JOIN #__user u ON u.id = p.author_id \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE blog_id = %d AND p.created >= %d AND p.created < %d AND p.is_draft = 0 GROUP BY p.id ORDER BY p.created DESC", SSC_BLOG_COMMENT_SPAM, $_GET['path-id'], mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $action), mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, $action + 1));
    // Find content