  * Method to send SQL query
  * @param   resource    $res_conn
  * @return  void
 private function sendQuery($res_conn)
     // checking query type
     // if the query return recordset or not
     if (preg_match("/^(SELECT)\\s/i", $this->sql_string)) {
         $this->res_result = @sqlite_query($res_conn, $this->sql_string);
         // error checking
         if (!$this->res_result) {
             $this->errno = sqlite_last_error($res_conn);
             $this->error = "Query failed to executed. Please check your query again. \n" . sqlite_error_string($this->errno);
         } else {
             // count number of rows
             $this->num_rows = @sqlite_num_rows($this->res_result);
     } else {
         $_query = @sqlite_unbuffered_query($res_conn, $this->sql_string);
         $this->insert_id = sqlite_last_insert_rowid($res_conn);
         // error checking
         if (!$_query) {
             $this->errno = sqlite_last_error($res_conn);
             $this->error = "Query failed to executed. Please check your query again. \n" . sqlite_error_string($this->errno);
         } else {
             // get number of affected row
             $this->affected_rows = @sqlite_changes($res_conn);
         // nullify query
         $_query = null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function get_masters()
    $db = sqlite_open("database.db") or die("failed to open/create the database");
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM master";
    $res = sqlite_query($db, $sql);
    return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function prepareDB($bWithData = true)
     if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/unittest.db')) {
         unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/unittest.db');
     $db = sqlite_open(dirname(__FILE__) . '/unittest.db');
     $res = sqlite_query($db, 'CREATE TABLE people (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, firstName TEXT, lastName TEXT)', $sError);
     if ($res === false) {
         throw new Exception($sError);
     if ($bWithData) {
         $res = sqlite_query($db, 'INSERT INTO people (id,firstName,lastName) VALUES (1, \'Jerome\', \'Piochet\')', $sError);
         if ($res === false) {
             throw new Exception($sError);
         $res = sqlite_query($db, 'INSERT INTO people (id,firstName,lastName) VALUES (2, \'Tadao\', \'Poichet\')', $sError);
         if ($res === false) {
             throw new Exception($sError);
         $res = sqlite_query($db, 'INSERT INTO people (id,firstName,lastName) VALUES (3, \'A\', \'B\')', $sError);
         if ($res === false) {
             throw new Exception($sError);
         $res = sqlite_query($db, 'INSERT INTO people (id,firstName,lastName) VALUES (4, \'C\', \'D\')', $sError);
         if ($res === false) {
             throw new Exception($sError);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function executeNoresSQL($a_query)
     if (!$this->db) {
         return NULL;
     sqlite_query($this->db, $a_query);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function __construct()
     if (!defined("WebOrbServicesPath")) {
         $dom = new DomDocument();
         $dom->load(WebOrb . "weborb-config.xml");
         $servicePath = $dom->documentElement->getAttribute('servicePath');
         define("WebOrbServicesPath", realpath(WebOrb . $servicePath) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     if (file_exists(WebOrbServicesPath . "Weborb/Examples/Security/datbase.db")) {
         if (!($this->link = sqlite_open(WebOrbServicesPath . "Weborb/Examples/Security/datbase.db", 0666, $sqliteerror))) {
             throw new Exception($sqliteerror);
     } else {
         if (!($this->link = sqlite_open(WebOrbServicesPath . "Weborb/Examples/Security/datbase.db", 0666, $sqliteerror))) {
             throw new Exception($sqliteerror);
         sqlite_query($this->link, "CREATE TABLE Security ( Id INT, UserName VARCHAR(20), Password VARCHAR(20), Role VARCHAR(20) )");
         sqlite_query($this->link, "INSERT INTO Security (Id, UserName, Password, Role) VALUES ( 1, 'joe', 'flexrocks', 'examplesuser' )");
         sqlite_query($this->link, "INSERT INTO Security (Id, UserName, Password, Role) VALUES ( 2, 'bob', 'weborb', 'administrator' )");
         sqlite_query($this->link, "CREATE TABLE Products ( Id INT, Name VARCHAR(20), Price NUMERIC )");
         sqlite_query($this->link, "INSERT INTO Products (Id, Name, Price) VALUES ( 1, 'Laptop', 499 )");
         sqlite_query($this->link, "INSERT INTO Products (Id, Name, Price) VALUES ( 2, 'Mouse', 20 )");
         sqlite_query($this->link, "INSERT INTO Products (Id, Name, Price) VALUES ( 3, 'Keyboard', 10 )");
Ejemplo n.º 6
function populate_sqlite_db($database, $db)
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_user (cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_passwd VARCHAR(32), cal_lastname VARCHAR(25), cal_firstname VARCHAR(25), cal_is_admin CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N',cal_email VARCHAR(75) NULL,cal_enabled CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y',cal_telephone VARCHAR(50) NULL,cal_address VARCHAR(75) NULL,cal_title VARCHAR(75) NULL,cal_birthday INT,cal_last_login INT, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "INSERT INTO webcal_user ( cal_login, cal_passwd, cal_lastname, cal_firstname, cal_is_admin ) VALUES ( 'admin', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', 'Administrator', 'Default', 'Y' );");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_entry ( cal_id INT NOT NULL, cal_group_id INT NULL, cal_ext_for_id INT NULL,  cal_create_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_date INT NOT NULL, cal_time INT NULL, cal_mod_date INT, cal_mod_time INT, cal_duration INT NOT NULL, cal_due_date INT default NULL, cal_due_time INT default NULL, cal_location varchar(100) default NULL, cal_url varchar(100) default NULL, cal_completed INT default NULL, cal_priority INT DEFAULT 5, cal_type CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'E', cal_access CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'P', cal_name VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL, cal_description TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_id ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_entry_repeats ( cal_id INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, cal_type VARCHAR(20), cal_end INT, cal_frequency INT DEFAULT 1, cal_days CHAR(7), cal_endtime int(11) default NULL, cal_bymonth varchar(50) default NULL, cal_bymonthday varchar(100) default NULL, cal_byday varchar(100) default NULL, cal_bysetpos varchar(50) default NULL, cal_byweekno varchar(50) default NULL, cal_byyearday varchar(50) default NULL, cal_wkst char(2) default 'MO', cal_count int(11) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (cal_id))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_entry_repeats_not ( cal_id INT NOT NULL, cal_date INT NOT NULL, cal_exdate INT NOT NULL default '1', PRIMARY KEY ( cal_id, cal_date ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_entry_user ( cal_id INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_status CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'A', cal_category INT DEFAULT NULL, cal_percent INT NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY ( cal_id, cal_login ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_entry_ext_user ( cal_id INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, cal_fullname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, cal_email VARCHAR(75) NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_id, cal_fullname ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_user_pref ( cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_setting VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_value VARCHAR(100) NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login, cal_setting ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_user_layers ( cal_layerid INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_layeruser VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_color VARCHAR(25) NULL, cal_dups CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N', PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login, cal_layeruser ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_site_extras ( cal_id INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, cal_name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_type INT NOT NULL, cal_date INT DEFAULT 0, cal_remind INT DEFAULT 0, cal_data TEXT)");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_reminders (cal_id INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,cal_date INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,cal_offset INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,cal_related CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'S' NOT NULL,cal_before CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL,cal_last_sent INT DEFAULT NULL,cal_repeats INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,cal_duration INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,cal_times_sent INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,cal_action VARCHAR(12) DEFAULT 'EMAIL' NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY ( cal_id ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_group ( cal_group_id INT NOT NULL, cal_owner VARCHAR(25) NULL, cal_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, cal_last_update INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_group_id ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_group_user ( cal_group_id INT NOT NULL, cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_group_id, cal_login ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_view ( cal_view_id INT NOT NULL, cal_owner VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, cal_view_type CHAR(1), cal_is_global CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_view_id ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_view_user ( cal_view_id INT NOT NULL, cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_view_id, cal_login ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_config ( cal_setting VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, cal_value VARCHAR(100) NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_setting ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_entry_log ( cal_log_id INT NOT NULL, cal_entry_id INT NOT NULL, cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_user_cal VARCHAR(25) NULL, cal_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL, cal_date INT NOT NULL, cal_time INT NULL, cal_text TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_log_id ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_categories ( cat_id INT NOT NULL, cat_owner VARCHAR(25) NULL, cat_name VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,cat_color VARCHAR(8) NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cat_id ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_asst ( cal_boss VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_assistant VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_boss, cal_assistant ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_nonuser_cals ( cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_lastname VARCHAR(25) NULL, cal_firstname VARCHAR(25) NULL, cal_admin VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_is_public CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, cal_url VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_import ( cal_import_id INT NOT NULL, cal_name VARCHAR(50) NULL, cal_date INT NOT NULL, cal_type VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, cal_login VARCHAR(25) NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_import_id ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_import_data ( cal_import_id INT NOT NULL, cal_id INT NOT NULL, cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_import_type VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, cal_external_id VARCHAR(200) NULL, PRIMARY KEY  ( cal_id, cal_login ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_report ( cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_report_id INT NOT NULL, cal_is_global CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, cal_report_type VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, cal_include_header CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL, cal_report_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, cal_time_range INT NOT NULL, cal_user VARCHAR(25) NULL, cal_allow_nav CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y', cal_cat_id INT NULL, cal_include_empty CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N', cal_show_in_trailer CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N', cal_update_date INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_report_id ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_report_template ( cal_report_id INT NOT NULL, cal_template_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL, cal_template_text TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_report_id, cal_template_type ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_access_user ( cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_other_user VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_can_view INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', cal_can_edit INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', cal_can_approve INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', cal_can_invite CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', cal_can_email CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', cal_see_time_only CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login, cal_other_user ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_access_function ( cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_permissions VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_user_template ( cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL default '', cal_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL default '', cal_template_text text, PRIMARY KEY  (cal_login,cal_type))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_entry_categories (cal_id INT NOT NULL default '0', cat_id INT NOT NULL default '0', cat_order INT NOT NULL default '0', cat_owner VARCHAR(25) default NULL)");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_blob ( cal_blob_id INT NOT NULL, cal_id INT NULL, cal_login VARCHAR(25) NULL, cal_name VARCHAR(30) NULL, cal_description VARCHAR(128) NULL, cal_size INT NULL, cal_mime_type VARCHAR(50) NULL, cal_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL, cal_mod_date INT NOT NULL, cal_mod_time INT NOT NULL, cal_blob BLOB, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_blob_id ))");
    sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_timezones (tzid varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', dtstart varchar(25) default NULL, dtend varchar(25) default NULL, vtimezone text, PRIMARY KEY  ( tzid ))");
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function run_query($sql)
     if (!$this->conn) {
     return sqlite_query($sql, $this->conn);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function query_start($query)
     // For reg expressions
     $query = trim($query);
     // Query was an insert, delete, update, replace
     if (preg_match("/^(insert|delete|update|replace)\\s+/i", $query)) {
         return false;
     $this->savedqueries[] = $query;
     // Flush cached values..
     // Log how the function was called
     $this->func_call = "\$db->query_start(\"{$query}\")";
     // Keep track of the last query for debug..
     $this->last_query = $query;
     $this->result = @sqlite_query($query, $this->dbh);
     // If there is an error then take note of it..
     if (!$this->result) {
         return false;
     // =======================================================
     // Take note of column info
     #foreach(@sqlite_fetch_field_array($handle) as $name)
     #   $this->col_info[$i++]->name = $name;
     $this->last_result = array();
     $this->num_rows = 0;
     // If debug ALL queries
     $this->trace || $this->debug_all ? $this->debug() : null;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * 执行mysql query()操作
  * @param string $sql
  * @return mixed
 public function query($sql)
     // 是否记录 SQL log
     if (true == C('sql_log')) {
         wlog('SQL-Log', $sql);
     $error_msg = '';
     $_key = strtolower(substr($sql, 0, 6));
     if ($_key == 'select') {
         $rs = sqlite_query($this->db, $sql, SQLITE_BOTH, $error_msg);
     } else {
         $rs = sqlite_exec($this->db, $sql, $error_msg);
     if (!empty($rs)) {
         return $rs;
     } else {
         if (C('show_errors')) {
             show_error('执行sqlite_query()出现错误: ' . $error_msg . '<br />原SQL: ' . $sql);
         } else {
             exit('db_sqlite2::query() error.');
     //return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
function increase_nb_play($id)
    global $db;
    $id = (int) $id;
    $query = "UPDATE fuu SET nb_play=nb_play + 1 WHERE id='{$id}'";
    return sqlite_query($db, $query);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 protected function _query($query = '')
     if ($this->_conexion == null) {
     return sqlite_query($query, $this->_conexion, SQLITE_ASSOC);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function set($key, $val, $immutable = false)
     if ($immutable) {
         $this->immutableSet($key, $val);
     } else {
         if (empty($val)) {
             sqlite_query($this->db, "DELETE FROM is4c_local WHERE keystr='{$key}'");
         } else {
             if (is_array($val)) {
                 $temp = "";
                 foreach ($val as $v) {
                     $temp .= $v . chr(255);
                 $val = substr($temp, 0, strlen($temp) - 1);
             } elseif ($val === false) {
                 $val = 'FALSE';
             } elseif ($val === true) {
                 $val = 'TRUE';
             $check = sqlite_query($this->db, "SELECT valstr FROM is4c_local WHERE keystr='{$key}'");
             if (sqlite_num_rows($check) == 0) {
                 sqlite_query($this->db, "INSERT INTO is4c_local VALUES ('{$key}','{$val}')");
             } else {
                 sqlite_query($this->db, "UPDATE is4c_local SET valstr='{$val}' WHERE keystr='{$key}'");
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function request($s)
     $h = sqlite_query($this->c, $s, SQLITE_BOTH, $this->e);
     if ($h === false) {
         throw new HException("Error while executing " . $s . " (" . $this->e . ")");
     return new php_db__Sqlite_SqliteResultSet($h);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 protected function _doExec($query)
     if ($qI = sqlite_query($query, $this->_connection)) {
         return sqlite_changes($this->_connection);
     } else {
         throw new jException('jelix~db.error.query.bad', sqlite_error_string($this->_connection) . '(' . $query . ')');
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function query($query)
     if ($resource = sqlite_query($this->handle, $query)) {
         return new SQLResult_sqlite2($resource);
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Constructs a new SqliteResultSet
  * \param $sql
  *   The sql query to execute.
  * \param $backend
  *   A reference to the used backend.
 function SqliteResultSet($sql, &$backend)
     $this->sql = $sql;
     $this->backend =& $backend;
     $this->rs = sqlite_query($this->backend->handle, $sql) or trigger_error(sprintf('Query failed (%s)', sqlite_error_string(sqlite_last_error($this->backend->handle))), E_USER_ERROR);
     $this->rows_affected = sqlite_changes($this->backend->handle);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function query($sql)
     if ($sql) {
         return sqlite_query($this->openObj, $sql, 'SQLITE_ASSOC');
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 function execute($sql)
     $result = sqlite_query($this->getConnectionId(), $sql);
     if ($result === false) {
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function real_execute_sql($sql)
     $result_set_handle = sqlite_query($this->connection_handle, $sql);
     if (!$result_set_handle) {
         throw new AnewtDatabaseQueryException('SQLite error: %s', sqlite_error_string(sqlite_last_error($this->connection_handle)));
     return new AnewtDatabaseResultSetSQLite($sql, $this->connection_handle, $result_set_handle);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public function query($sql)
     $res = sqlite_query($this->connection, $sql);
     if ($res === false) {
         throw new Exception("SQLLite - sql execution failed\n" . sqlite_error_string(sqlite_last_error($this->connection)));
     return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Method which runs queries. Returns a class on success and false on error
  * @param string $sql The SQL query to run
  * @return class
  * @uses lastfmApiDatabase_result
 function &query($sql)
     if (!($queryResource = sqlite_query($this->dbConn, $sql, SQLITE_BOTH, $this->error))) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $result = new SqliteResult($this, $queryResource);
         return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * 执行一个SQL语句
  * @param sql 需要执行的SQL语句
 public function exec($sql)
     $this->arrSql[] = $sql;
     if ($result = sqlite_query($this->conn, $sql, SQLITE_ASSOC, $sqliteerror)) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         spError("{$sql}<br />执行错误: " . $sqliteerror);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 function query($query)
     $this->error = "";
     if ($this->versi == 3) {
         return $this->db->query($query);
     } else {
         return sqlite_query($this->{$db}, $query, SQLITE_ASSOC, $this->error);
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * 执行数据库查询
  * @param string $query
  * @param mixed $handle
  * @param int $op
  * @param null $action
  * @return resource|SQLiteResult
  * @throws Typecho_Db_Query_Exception
 public function query($query, $handle, $op = Typecho_Db::READ, $action = NULL)
     if ($resource = @sqlite_query($query instanceof Typecho_Db_Query ? $query->__toString() : $query, $handle)) {
         return $resource;
     /** 数据库异常 */
     $errorCode = sqlite_last_error($this->_dbHandle);
     throw new Typecho_Db_Query_Exception(sqlite_error_string($errorCode), $errorCode);
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * query 
  * @param mixed $query 
  * @access public
  * @return mixed
  * @throws AdapterException
 public function query($query)
     $handle = @sqlite_query($query, $this->_dbHandle);
     if (!$handle) {
         $errorCode = sqlite_last_error($this->_dbHandle);
         throw new AdapterException(sqlite_error_string($errorCode), $errorCode);
     return $handle;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public function query($sql)
     if ($this->lnk) {
         $query_result = sqlite_query($this->lnk, $sql);
         return $query_result;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 27
Archivo: vdict.php Proyecto: n2i/xvnkb
function vdict_get($db, $word)
    if ($db instanceof PDO) {
        $res = $db->query('SELECT * FROM dict WHERE word = ' . $db->quote($word));
        return $res->fetch();
    $res = sqlite_query($db, "SELECT * FROM dict WHERE word = '{$word}'");
    return sqlite_fetch_array($res);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 function query($sql)
     if ($result = sqlite_query($this->link, $sql)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Executes the given query and returns the resource. If an error has occured, passes the error data to $Sql->_error()
  * Argument : $query - SQL query
  * Return   : The SQL Resource of the given query
 function getSql($query)
     $this->_resource = sqlite_query($this->_db_connection, $query);
     if (!$this->_resource) {
         return false;
     return $this->_resource;
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Method which runs queries. Returns a class on success and false on error
  * @param string $sql The SQL query to run
  * @return class
  * @uses lastfmApiDatabase_result
 function &query($sql)
     if (!($queryResource = sqlite_query($this->dbConn, $sql, SQLITE_BOTH, $this->error))) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $return = new lastfmApiDatabase_result($this, $queryResource);
         return $return;