Ejemplo n.º 1
// Loading SAML library
require_once '../openssophp/config/config.php';
require_once '../openssophp/lib/saml-lib.php';
// Needs a function to get the token from the php session
require_once '../openssophp/spi/sessionhandling/' . $LIGHTBULB_CONFIG['spi-sessionhandling'] . '.php';
// Needs a function to get the token from the php session
require_once '../openssophp/spi/namemapping/' . $LIGHTBULB_CONFIG['spi-namemapping'] . '.php';
// Load functions...
require_once "example-lib.php";
// URL to return user to after authentication. Will be this page :D
$return_url = selfURL();
// URL initiating SSO with lighbulb, contains some configuration parameters.
$ssoinit_url = $LIGHTBULB_CONFIG['baseurl'] . "spSSOInit.php?" . "metaAlias=/sp&" . "RelayState=" . urlencode($return_url);
// Logout URL. Also a openssophp service with some parameters and a return url.
$logout_url = $LIGHTBULB_CONFIG['baseurl'] . "spSLOInit.php?" . "metaAlias=/sp&" . "RelayState=" . urlencode($return_url);
$userid = $_POST["username"];
$password = $_POST["password"];
$username = authenticateLocalUser($userid, $password);
if (is_null($username)) {
    echo "Error login, probably bad credentials. Sorry.";
} else {
    if (!is_null(spi_sessionhandling_getNameID())) {
        // The user is already authenticated to an IdP so we federate the accounts..
        $nameId = getNameID(spi_sessionhandling_getResponse());
        spi_namemapping_mapNameIdToLocalId($nameId["NameQualifier"], $nameId["SPNameQualifier"], spi_sessionhandling_getNameID(), $userid);
    header("Location: " . urldecode($_POST["goto"]));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
error_log("Entering spSingleLogoutInit.php");
// Loading configuration
require_once 'config/config.php';
require_once $LIGHTBULB_CONFIG['basedir'] . 'config/saml-metadata-SP.php';
require_once $LIGHTBULB_CONFIG['basedir'] . 'config/saml-metadata-IdP.php';
require_once $LIGHTBULB_CONFIG['basedir'] . 'spi/sessionhandling/' . $LIGHTBULB_CONFIG['spi-sessionhandling'] . '.php';
// Loading libraries
require 'lib/saml-lib.php';
//    require 'samlSpMetadata.php';
//    require 'samlIdpMetadata.php';
//    require 'saml-lib.php';
//    require 'localUserManagement.php';
$token = spi_sessionhandling_getResponse();
$binding = $_GET["binding"];
$RelayStateURL = $_GET["RelayState"];
error_log("binding = " . $binding);
error_log("RelayState = " . $RelayStateURL);
$idpEntityID = getIssuer($token);
if (!isset($idpMetadata[$idpEntityID])) {
    $error = "400 No IdP configured for " . $idpEntityID;
    header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " " . $error);
    echo $error;
$nameId = getNameId($token);
$sessionIndex = getSessionIndex($token);
$idpTargetUrl = $idpMetadata[$idpEntityID]["SingleLogOutUrl"];
$id = randomhex(42);