Ejemplo n.º 1
     $colornamedest_endtag = "</FONT>";
 } else {
     $colorname_tag = "";
     $colornamedest_tag = "";
     $colorname_endtag = "";
     $colornamedest_endtag = "";
 $NewMsg = "<tr align=texttop valign=top>";
 $Time = strftime(L_SHORT_DATETIME, $Time + C_TMZ_OFFSET * 60 * 60);
 if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'win') && (strstr($L, "chinese") || strstr($L, "korean") || strstr($L, "japanese"))) {
     $Time = str_replace(" ", "", $Time);
 $NewMsg .= "<td width=\"1%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">" . $Time . "</td><td width=\"1%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">" . $Room . "</td>";
 if ($Dest != " *" && $User != "SYS room" && $User != "SYS image" && $User != "SYS video" && $User != "SYS utube" && $User != "SYS math" && $User != "SYS topic" && $User != "SYS topic reset" && substr($User, 0, 8) != "SYS dice") {
     $User = $colorname_tag . "[" . special_char($User, $Latin1) . "]" . $colorname_endtag;
     if ($Dest != "") {
         $Dest = ">" . $colornamedest_tag . "[" . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($Dest)) . "]" . $colornamedest_endtag;
     $NewMsg .= "<td width=\"1%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><B>{$User}{$Dest}</B></td><td>{$Message}</td>";
 if ($User == "SYS image") {
     $NewMsg .= "<td width=\"1%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><B>[{$Dest}]</B></td><td>" . L_PIC . " {$Dest}: <A href=" . $Message . " onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . sprintf(L_CLICK, L_FULLSIZE_PIC) . ".'; return true\" title=\"" . sprintf(L_CLICK, L_FULLSIZE_PIC) . "\" target=_blank>" . $Message . "</A></td>";
 if ($User == "SYS video" || $User == "SYS utube") {
     $NewMsg .= "<td width=\"1%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><B>[{$Dest}]</B></td><td>" . L_VIDEO . " {$Dest}: <A href=" . $Message . " onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . sprintf(L_CLICK, L_ORIG_VIDEO) . ".'; return true\" title=\"" . sprintf(L_CLICK, L_ORIG_VIDEO) . "\" target=_blank>" . $Message . "</A></td>";
 if ($User == "SYS announce") {
     if ($Message == 'L_RELOAD_CHAT') {
         $Message = L_RELOAD_CHAT;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        list($password, $perms, $rooms) = $DbLink->next_record();
        if ($password != $PWD_Hash || $perms != "moderator" && $perms != "admin" && $perms != "topmod" || $perms == "moderator" && (!room_in(stripslashes($R), $rooms, $Charset) && !room_in("*", $rooms, $Charset))) {
            $Error = L_NO_MODERATOR;
        } else {
            // Ensure the user to be promoted is a registered one
            $DbLink->query("SELECT latin1,perms,rooms FROM " . C_REG_TBL . " WHERE username='******' LIMIT 1");
            if ($DbLink->num_rows() == 0) {
                $Error = sprintf(L_NONREG_USER, stripslashes($UU));
            } else {
                list($Latin1_UU, $perms, $rooms) = $DbLink->next_record();
                // Promote the user if is not already moderator for the current room or admin
                if ($perms == "admin" || $perms == "topmod") {
                    $Error = sprintf(L_ADMIN, stripslashes($UU));
                } elseif (!room_in($R, addslashes($rooms), $Charset) && !room_in("*", addslashes($rooms), $Charset)) {
                    $rooms .= stripslashes($rooms == "" ? $R : ",{$R}");
                    $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_REG_TBL . " SET perms='moderator', rooms='" . addslashes($rooms) . "' WHERE username='******'");
                    $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_USR_TBL . " SET status='m' WHERE username='******'");
                    $DbLink->query("INSERT INTO " . C_MSG_TBL . " VALUES ({$T}, '{$R}', 'SYS promote', '{$Latin1}', " . time() . ", '', 'sprintf(L_MODERATOR, \"" . special_char($UU, $Latin1_UU) . "\")', '', '')");
                    $IsCommand = true;
                    $RefreshMessages = true;
                    $CleanUsrTbl = 1;
                } else {
                    $Error = sprintf(L_IS_MODERATOR, stripslashes($UU));
Ejemplo n.º 3
function traducir($lineas, $origen, $destino)
    $traduccion = array();
    //Client ID of the application.
    $clientID = "TU ID DE CLIENTE";
    //Client Secret key of the application.
    //OAuth Url.
    $authUrl = "https://datamarket.accesscontrol.windows.net/v2/OAuth2-13/";
    //Application Scope Url
    $scopeUrl = "http://api.microsofttranslator.com";
    //Application grant type
    $grantType = "client_credentials";
    //Create the AccessTokenAuthentication object.
    $authObj = new AccessTokenAuthentication();
    //Get the Access token.
    $accessToken = $authObj->getTokens($grantType, $scopeUrl, $clientID, $clientSecret, $authUrl);
    //Create the authorization Header string.
    $authHeader = "Authorization: Bearer " . $accessToken;
    //Set the Params.
    $fromLanguage = $origen;
    $toLanguage = $destino;
    $user = '******';
    $category = "general";
    $uri = null;
    $contentType = "text/html";
    $maxTranslation = 5;
    //Input text Array.
    $inputStrArr = array(utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(special_char($lineas[0]))), utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(special_char($lineas[1]))), utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(special_char($lineas[2]))), utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(special_char($lineas[3]))), utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(special_char($lineas[4]))));
    //HTTP GetTranslationsArray Method Url.
    $getTranslationUrl = "http://api.microsofttranslator.com/V2/Http.svc/GetTranslationsArray";
    //Create the Translator Object.
    $translatorObj = new HTTPTranslator();
    //Get the Request XML Format.
    $requestXml = $translatorObj->createReqXML($fromLanguage, $toLanguage, $category, $contentType, $user, $inputStrArr, $maxTranslation);
    //Call HTTP Curl Request.
    $curlResponse = $translatorObj->curlRequest($getTranslationUrl, $authHeader, $requestXml);
    // Interprets a string of XML into an object.
    $xmlObj = simplexml_load_string($curlResponse);
    $translationResponse = $xmlObj->GetTranslationsResponse;
    $y = 0;
    foreach ($translationResponse as $translationArr) {
        $translationMatchArr = $translationArr->Translations->TranslationMatch;
        echo $inputStrArr[$y] . " = ";
        foreach ($translationMatchArr as $translationMatch) {
            echo $translationMatch->TranslatedText . '<br>';
            $traduccion[] = $translationMatch->TranslatedText;
    return $traduccion;
Ejemplo n.º 4

  Copyright 2010, Exosec
  Licensed under GPL Version 2.
require_once "config.php";
session_name(str_replace(" ", "", $CODENAME));
if (!isset($_SESSION['USER'])) {
require_once "lang.php";
require_once "query-history.php";
require_once "utils.php";
if (!isset($_GET['id']) || !is_numeric($_GET['id']) || !isset($_GET['type']) || !isset($_GET['host']) || !isset($_GET['svc'])) {
    die('bad arguments');
$id = $_GET['id'];
$type = $_GET['type'];
$host = $_GET['host'];
$svc = $_GET['svc'];
$MY_GET = "&id=" . $id . "&type=" . $type . "&host=" . $host . "&svc=" . $svc;
if (!isset($_SESSION['STEP'])) {
    $MY_STEP = 100;
} else {
if (isset($_GET['first']) && is_numeric($_GET['first']) && $_GET['first'] >= 0) {
    $MY_FIRST = $_GET['first'];
Ejemplo n.º 5
                } else {
                    // end R Dickow /away command modification addition.
                    AddMessage(stripslashes($Cmd[3]), $T, $UR, $U, $C, $Cmd[2], $Read, $R, $Charset);
                    if (stristr(mb_convert_case(trim($Cmd[2]), MB_CASE_LOWER, $Charset), mb_convert_case(C_BOT_NAME, MB_CASE_LOWER, $Charset))) {
                        include "lib/bot_priv.lib.php";
                    $IsCommand = true;
                    $RefreshMessages = true;
            } elseif (stristr(mb_convert_case(trim($Cmd[2]), MB_CASE_LOWER, $Charset), mb_convert_case(C_BOT_NAME, MB_CASE_LOWER, $Charset))) {
                $Error = sprintf(L_NOT_ONLINE, special_char($Cmd[2], $Latin1));
            } else {
                $Read = "Neww";
                AddMessage(stripslashes($Cmd[3]) . " (Offline)", '1', 'Offline PMs', $U, $C, $Cmd[2], $Read, $R, $Charset);
                $IsCommand = true;
                $RefreshMessages = true;
                if (C_PRIV_POPUP) {
                    $Error = sprintf(L_PRIV_NOT_ONLINE, special_char($Cmd[2], $Latin1));
                } else {
                    $Error = sprintf(L_NOT_ONLINE, special_char($Cmd[2], $Latin1));
            if (C_EN_STATS) {
                $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_STS_TBL . " SET pms_sent=pms_sent+1 WHERE stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_in,'%Y-%m-%d') AND room='{$R}' AND username='******'");
            unset($Found, $b);
            $M1 = $Cmd[0];
Ejemplo n.º 6
					<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="user_<?php 
        echo $usrHash;
" VALUE="1">
					<INPUT type=checkbox name="selected_<?php 
        echo $usrHash;
" value="1">
        echo $CellAlign;
        echo special_char($username, $Latin1) . "" . $bannished_user;
					<FONT size=-2><?php 
        echo $login_counter;
        echo $CellAlign;
        $regTime1 = strftime(L_SHORT_DATETIME, $regTime + C_TMZ_OFFSET * 60 * 60);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 } elseif ($User == stripslashes($U)) {
     $User = "******"window.parent.userClick('" . special_char($User, $Latin1, 1) . "',false,'" . special_char($U, $Latin1, 1) . "'); return false\" title='" . L_USE_NAME . "' onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . L_USE_NAME1 . "'; return true\" CLASS=\"sender\">" . $colorname_tag . "[" . special_char($User, $Latin1, 0) . "]" . $colorname_endtag . "</a>";
 } elseif ($User == C_QUOTE_NAME) {
     $User = "******"window.parent.userClick('" . special_char($User, $Latin1, 1) . "',false); return false\" title='" . L_USE_NAME . "' onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . L_USE_NAME1 . "'; return true\" CLASS=\"sender\">" . $colorname_tag . "[" . special_char($User, $Latin1, 0) . "]" . $colorname_endtag . "</a>";
 if ($Dest != "" && $Dest != stripslashes($U) && $Dest != C_QUOTE_NAME) {
     $Dest = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($Dest));
     if (C_ENABLE_PM && C_PRIV_POPUP && $allowpopupu) {
         $Dest = "<a onClick=\"window.parent.send_popup('/to " . special_char($Dest, $Latin1, 1) . "');\" title='" . L_SEND_PM_1 . "' onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . L_SEND_PM_2 . "'; return true\" CLASS=\"sender\">" . $colornamedest_tag . "[" . special_char($Dest, $Latin1, 0) . "]" . $colornamedest_endtag . "</a>";
     } elseif (C_ENABLE_PM) {
         $Dest = "<a onClick=\"window.parent.userClick('" . special_char($Dest, $Latin1, 1) . "',true);\" title='" . L_SEND_PM_1 . "' onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . L_SEND_PM_2 . "'; return true\" CLASS=\"sender\">" . $colornamedest_tag . "[" . special_char($Dest, $Latin1, 0) . "]" . $colornamedest_endtag . "</a>";
     } else {
         $Dest = "<a onClick=\"window.parent.userClick('" . special_char($Dest, $Latin1, 1) . "',false); return false\" title='" . L_USE_NAME . "' onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . L_USE_NAME1 . "'; return true\" CLASS=\"sender\">" . $colornamedest_tag . "[" . special_char($Dest, $Latin1, 0) . "]" . $colornamedest_endtag . "</a>";
 } elseif ($Dest == stripslashes($U)) {
     $Dest = "<a onClick=\"window.parent.userClick('" . special_char($Dest, $Latin1, 1) . "',false,'" . special_char($U, $Latin1, 1) . "'); return false\" title='" . L_USE_NAME . "' onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . L_USE_NAME1 . "'; return true\" CLASS=\"sender\">" . $colornamedest_tag . "[" . special_char($Dest, $Latin1, 0) . "]" . $colornamedest_endtag . "</a>";
 if ($Dest != "") {
     $Dest = "</B><BDO dir=\"{$textDirection}\"></BDO></td><td width=\"1%\" valign=\"top\"><B>></B></td><td width=\"1%\" valign=\"top\"><B>" . $colornamedest_tag . $Dest;
 // Avatar System Start:
     $avatar = "<a onClick=\"window.parent.runCmd('whois','" . special_char2(stripslashes($Userx), $Latin1) . "'); return false\" onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . L_PROFILE . ".'; return true\" title=\"" . L_PROFILE . "\"><img align=\"center\" src=\"{$avatar}\" width=" . C_AVA_WIDTH . " height=" . C_AVA_HEIGHT . " alt=\"" . L_PROFILE . "\" border=0></a>";
     if ($ST != 1) {
         $NewMsg .= "</td><td width=\"1%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" valign=\"top\">" . $avatar . "</td><td width=\"1%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" valign=\"top\"><B>" . $colorname_tag . "{$User}{$Dest}" . $colornamedest_endtag . "</B><BDO dir=\"{$textDirection}\"></BDO></td><td valign=\"top\">" . $Message . "</td></tr></table>";
     } else {
         $NewMsg .= $avatar . "</td><td width=\"1%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" valign=\"top\"><B>" . $colorname_tag . "{$User}{$Dest}" . $colornamedest_endtag . "</B><BDO dir=\"{$textDirection}\"></BDO></td><td valign=\"top\">" . $Message . "</td></tr></table>";
 } else {
     if ($ST != 1) {
         $NewMsg .= "</td><td width=\"1%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" valign=\"top\"><B>" . $colorname_tag . "{$User}{$Dest}" . $colornamedest_endtag . "</B><BDO dir=\"{$textDirection}\"></BDO></td><td valign=\"top\">" . $Message . "</td></tr></table>";
Ejemplo n.º 8
        echo $usrHash;
" VALUE="1">
					<INPUT type=checkbox name="selected_<?php 
        echo $usrHash;
" value="1">
        echo $CellAlign;
        echo special_char($username, $Latin1);
        echo $CellAlign;
        echo date("M j, Y - h:i a", $lastTime + C_TMZ_OFFSET * 60 * 60);
        echo $IP;
Ejemplo n.º 9
     //if user is using a swear word (defined in swearing.lib.php), the font color will resets to default. this is to keep your database as well as our computer clean of swearing (no swear into your cookies on your local computer).
     $M = checkwords($M, false, $Charset);
     if (C_EN_STATS && isset($Found) && $b > 0) {
         $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_STS_TBL . " SET swears_posted=swears_posted+{$b} WHERE stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_in,'%Y-%m-%d') AND room='{$R}' AND username='******'");
     unset($Found, $b);
 // Bob Dickow Custom code for /away command modification - modified by Ciprian for Plus behaviour.:
 $DbLink->query("SELECT awaystat FROM " . C_USR_TBL . " WHERE username='******'");
 if ($DbLink->num_rows() != 0) {
     list($awaystat) = $DbLink->next_record();
 if ($awaystat == 1) {
     $Msg = "sprintf(L_BACK, \"" . special_char($U, $Latin1) . "\")";
     $time_back = time() - 1;
     $awaystat = 0;
     $DbLink->query("INSERT INTO " . C_MSG_TBL . " VALUES ({$T}, '{$R}', 'SYS away', '{$Latin1}', '{$time_back}', '', '" . addslashes($Msg) . "', '', '{$RF}')");
     $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_USR_TBL . " SET awaystat='0' WHERE username='******'");
     if (C_EN_STATS) {
         $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_STS_TBL . " SET seconds_away=seconds_away+(" . time() . "-last_away), longest_away=IF(" . time() . "-last_away < longest_away, longest_away, " . time() . "-last_away), last_away='' WHERE (stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_away,'%Y-%m-%d') OR stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_in,'%Y-%m-%d')) AND room='{$R}' AND username='******'");
 AddMessage(stripslashes($M), $T, $R, $U, $C, "", "", $RF, $Charset);
 // END Bob Dickow custom code for /away command modification - modified by Ciprian for Plus behaviour..
 $RefreshMessages = true;
 if (C_EN_STATS) {
     $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_STS_TBL . " SET posts_sent=posts_sent+1 WHERE stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_in,'%Y-%m-%d') AND room='{$R}' AND username='******'");
 if (C_EN_STATS && $IsCommand) {
Ejemplo n.º 10
		<TD CLASS="whois" nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo special_char($country, $Latin1);
if ($slang) {
		<TD CLASS="whois" nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo L_PRO_1a;
: </TD>
		<TD CLASS="whois" nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo special_char($slang, $Latin1);
if ($showemail || $power != "weak" && $email != '*****@*****.**' && $email != '*****@*****.**') {
		<TD CLASS="whois" nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo L_REG_8;
: </TD>
		<TD nowrap="nowrap"><A HREF="mailto:<?php 
    echo htmlspecialchars($email);
     $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_USR_TBL . " SET room='{$R}',u_time='{$current_time}', ip='{$IP}', country_code='{$COUNTRY_CODE}', country_name='{$COUNTRY_NAME}' WHERE username='******'");
 } else {
     $DbLink->query("INSERT INTO " . C_USR_TBL . " VALUES ('{$R}', '{$U}', '{$Latin1}', '{$current_time}', '{$status}', '{$IP}', '0', '{$current_time}', '{$email}', '{$COUNTRY_CODE}', '{$COUNTRY_NAME}')");
     // Ghost Control mod by Ciprian
     if (C_SPECIAL_GHOSTS != "") {
         $sghosts = "";
         $sghosts = str_replace("'", "", C_SPECIAL_GHOSTS);
         $sghosts = str_replace(" AND username != ", ",", $sghosts);
     if ($sghosts != "" && ghosts_in(stripslashes($U), $sghosts, $Charset) || C_HIDE_ADMINS && ($status == "a" || $status == "t") || C_HIDE_MODERS && $status == "m") {
     } else {
         // next line WELCOME SOUND feature altered for compatibility with /away command R Dickow:
         if (ALLOW_ENTRANCE_SOUND == "1" || ALLOW_ENTRANCE_SOUND == "3") {
             $DbLink->query("INSERT INTO " . C_MSG_TBL . " VALUES ({$T}, '{$R}', 'SYS enter', '{$Latin1}', '{$current_time}', '', 'stripslashes(sprintf(L_ENTER_ROM, \"" . special_char($U, $Latin1) . "\"))', '', '')");
         } else {
             $DbLink->query("INSERT INTO " . C_MSG_TBL . " VALUES ({$T}, '{$R}', 'SYS enter', '{$Latin1}', '{$current_time}', '', 'stripslashes(sprintf(L_ENTER_ROM_NOSOUND, \"" . special_char($U, $Latin1) . "\"))', '', '')");
         if (C_EN_STATS) {
             $DbLink->query("SELECT room FROM " . C_STS_TBL . " WHERE stat_date='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND username='******' AND room='{$R}'");
             if ($DbLink->num_rows() != 0) {
                 $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_STS_TBL . " SET logins=logins+1,last_in='{$current_time}' WHERE stat_date='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND room='{$R}' AND username='******'");
             } else {
                 $DbLink->query("INSERT INTO " . C_STS_TBL . " VALUES ('" . date("Y-m-d") . "', '{$R}', '{$U}', '{$reguser}', '{$current_time}', '', '', '', '', '', '', '1', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '{$IP}', '{$COUNTRY_CODE}', '{$COUNTRY_NAME}')");
     if (C_WELCOME) {
         // Delete old welcome messages sent to the current user
         $DbLink->query("DELETE FROM " . C_MSG_TBL . " WHERE username LIKE 'SYS welcome' AND address = '{$U}'");
         // Insert a new welcome message in the messages table
         $current_time_plus = $current_time + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 12
                        if (COLOR_NAMES) {
                            echo "<a onClick=\"window.parent.send_popup('/wisp " . special_char2($OtherUsera, $Latin1) . "');\" " . userClass($status, $OtherUsera) . " title='" . L_WHSP . "' onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . L_SEND_WHSP . "'; return true\"><span style=color:" . userColor($status, $colorname) . ";>" . special_char($OtherUser, $Latin1, $status) . "</span></a><br />\n";
                        } else {
                            echo "<a onClick=\"window.parent.send_popup('/wisp " . special_char2($OtherUsera, $Latin1) . "');\" " . userClass($status, $OtherUsera) . " title='" . L_WHSP . "' onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . L_SEND_WHSP . "'; return true\">" . special_char($OtherUser, $Latin1, $status) . "</a><br />\n";
                    } elseif (C_ENABLE_PM) {
                        if (COLOR_NAMES) {
                            echo "<a onClick=\"window.parent.userClick2('" . special_char2($OtherUsera, $Latin1) . "',true);\" " . userClass($status, $OtherUsera) . " title='" . L_WHSP . "' onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . L_SEND_WHSP . "'; return true\"><span style=color:" . userColor($status, $colorname) . ";>" . special_char($OtherUser, $Latin1, $status) . "</span></a><br />\n";
                        } else {
                            echo "<a onClick=\"window.parent.userClick2('" . special_char2($OtherUsera, $Latin1) . "',true);\" " . userClass($status, $OtherUsera) . " title='" . L_WHSP . "' onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . L_SEND_WHSP . "'; return true\">" . special_char($OtherUser, $Latin1, $status) . "</a><br />\n";
                    } else {
                        if (COLOR_NAMES) {
                            echo "<a onClick=\"window.parent.userClick2('" . special_char2($OtherUsera, $Latin1) . "',false);\" " . userClass($status, $OtherUsera) . " title='" . L_USE_NAME . " ({$OtherUser})' onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . L_USE_NAME . " ({$OtherUser})'; return true\"><span style=color:" . userColor($status, $colorname) . ";>" . special_char($OtherUser, $Latin1, $status) . "</span></a><br />\n";
                        } else {
                            echo "<a onClick=\"window.parent.userClick2('" . special_char2($OtherUsera, $Latin1) . "',false);\" " . userClass($status, $OtherUsera) . " title='" . L_USE_NAME . " ({$OtherUser})' onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . L_USE_NAME . " ({$OtherUser})'; return true\">" . special_char($OtherUser, $Latin1, $status) . "</a><br />\n";
                echo "</DIV>\n";
// Display all rest default rooms
for ($k = 0; $k < count($DefaultChatRooms); $k++) {
    $tmpRoom = stripslashes($DefaultChatRooms[$k]);
    $tmpDispRoom = $tmpRoom;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    if (stripos(mb_convert_case($Cmd[3], MB_CASE_LOWER, $Charset), mb_convert_case($U, MB_CASE_LOWER, $Charset)) !== false) {
        $Cmd[31] = str_replace($U, '', $Cmd[3]);
        $Cmd[31] = str_replace(',,', ',', $Cmd[31]);
        $Cmd[31] = rtrim($Cmd[31], ',');
        $Cmd[3] = ltrim($Cmd[31], ',');
        $Error = L_ERR_USR_19;
    // Get all addressee and insert a message for each one
    $NotInvited = "";
    $Invited = explode(",", $Cmd[3]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($Invited); $i++) {
        $Invited[$i] = trim($Invited[$i]);
        if ($Invited[$i] == "") {
        $DbLink->query("SELECT username FROM " . C_USR_TBL . " WHERE username='******' || username='******'");
        if ($DbLink->num_rows() != 0) {
            $DbLink->query("INSERT INTO " . C_MSG_TBL . " VALUES ({$T}, '{$R}', 'SYS inviteTo', '{$Latin1}', '{$TimeSend}', '{$Invited[$i]}', 'sprintf(L_INVITE, \"" . special_char($U, $Latin1) . "\", \"join\", \"{$T} #" . addslashes(special_char($R, 0)) . "\", \"" . special_char($R, 0) . "\"){$ReqRegist}', '', '')");
            // Insert a message for the sender
            $DbLink->query("INSERT INTO " . C_MSG_TBL . " VALUES ({$T}, '{$R}', 'SYS inviteFrom', '{$Latin1}', '{$TimeSend}', '{$U}', 'sprintf(L_INVITE_DONE, \"" . special_char($Invited[$i], 0) . "\")', '', '')");
        } else {
            if ($NotInvited == "") {
                $NotInvited = $Invited[$i];
            } else {
                $NotInvited .= "," . $Invited[$i];
            $Error = sprintf(L_NOT_ONLINE, special_char($NotInvited, $Latin1));
    unset($Invited, $NotInvited);
Ejemplo n.º 14
                         if ($COUNTRY_CODE != "LAN") {
                         if ($PROXY || substr($IP, 0, 1) == "p") {
                             $COUNTRY_NAME .= " (Proxy Server)";
                     $c_flag = "&nbsp;<img src=\"./plugins/countryflags/flags/" . strtolower($COUNTRY_CODE) . ".gif\" alt=\"" . $COUNTRY_NAME . "\" title=\"" . $COUNTRY_NAME . "\" border=\"0\">&nbsp;(" . $COUNTRY_CODE . ")";
                 // GeoIP country flags Mod End.
                 $room_time = strftime(L_SHORT_DATETIME, $room_time + C_TMZ_OFFSET * 60 * 60);
                 if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'win') && (strstr($L, "chinese") || strstr($L, "korean") || strstr($L, "japanese"))) {
                     $room_time = str_replace(" ", "", $room_time);
                 echo "-&nbsp;<a " . userClass($status, $Username) . ";>" . special_char($Username, $Latin1, $status) . "</a><BDO dir=\"{$textDirection}\"></BDO><font size=1>&nbsp;(" . $room_time . ")" . (isset($c_flag) ? $c_flag : "") . "</font><br />";
                 // GeoIP Country flags initialization
             echo "</DIV>";
             $ChildNb[$id] = $j;
 // GeoIP mode for country flags
 if (isset($gi) && $gi != "") {
Ejemplo n.º 15
     if ($DbLink->num_rows() == 0) {
         $Error = sprintf(L_NONEXIST_USER, stripslashes($UU));
     } else {
         list($status) = $DbLink->next_record();
         // Ensure the user to be kicked is not a more powerfull user (admin>moderator)
         if ($status == "a" || $status == "t" || $status == "m" && ($perms != "admin" && $perms != "topmod")) {
             $Error = sprintf(L_NO_KICKED, stripslashes($UU));
         } else {
             $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_USR_TBL . " SET u_time='" . time() . "', status='k' WHERE " . $Query4Moder . "username='******'");
             if ($Cmd[3] != "") {
                 $Reason = trim($Cmd[3]);
                 $DbLink->query("INSERT INTO " . C_MSG_TBL . " VALUES ({$T}, '{$R}', 'SYS exit', '{$Latin1}', " . time() . ", '', 'sprintf(L_KICKED_REASON, \"" . special_char($UU, $Latin1) . "\", \"" . $Reason . "\")', '', '')");
             } else {
                 $DbLink->query("INSERT INTO " . C_MSG_TBL . " VALUES ({$T}, '{$R}', 'SYS exit', '{$Latin1}', " . time() . ", '', 'sprintf(L_KICKED, \"" . special_char($UU, $Latin1) . "\")', '', '')");
             // Statistics mod by Ciprian
             if (C_EN_STATS) {
                 $curtime = time();
                 $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_STS_TBL . " SET seconds_away=seconds_away+({$curtime}-last_away), longest_away=IF({$curtime}-last_away < longest_away, longest_away, {$curtime}-last_away), last_away='' WHERE (stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_away,'%Y-%m-%d') OR stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_in,'%Y-%m-%d')) AND room='{$R}' AND username='******' AND last_away!='0'");
                 $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_STS_TBL . " SET seconds_in=seconds_in+({$curtime}-last_in), longest_in=IF({$curtime}-last_in < longest_in, longest_in, {$curtime}-last_in), last_in='', kicks_rcvd=kicks_rcvd+1 WHERE stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_in,'%Y-%m-%d') AND room='{$R}' AND username='******' AND last_in!='0'");
                 $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_STS_TBL . " SET kicks_sent=kicks_sent+1 WHERE stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_in,'%Y-%m-%d') AND room='{$R}' AND username='******'");
             $IsCommand = true;
             $RefreshMessages = true;
             $CleanUsrTbl = 1;
 } elseif ($UU == "*") {
     $DbLink->query("SELECT username FROM " . C_USR_TBL . " WHERE username!='{$U}' AND room='{$R}'");
Ejemplo n.º 16
$DbLink->query("SELECT awaystat FROM " . C_USR_TBL . " WHERE username='******'");
if ($DbLink->num_rows() != 0) {
    list($awaystat) = $DbLink->next_record();
if ($awaystat < 2) {
    if ($awaystat == 0) {
        $msgstr = 'L_AWAY';
        $awaystat = 1;
        $time = time() - 1;
    } else {
        $msgstr = 'L_BACK';
        $awaystat = 0;
        $time = time() + 1;
    $msg = "sprintf(" . $msgstr . ", \"" . special_char($U, $Latin1) . "\")";
    $xtra = $Cmd[2];
    if ($xtra != "") {
        // Text formating tags
        if (C_HTML_TAGS_KEEP == "none") {
            if (!C_HTML_TAGS_SHOW) {
                // eliminates every HTML like tags
                #			$xtra = ereg_replace("<[^>]+>", "", $xtra);
                $xtra = preg_replace("/<[^>]+>/", "", $xtra);
            } else {
                // or keep it without effect
                $xtra = str_replace("<", "&lt;", $xtra);
                $xtra = str_replace(">", "&gt;", $xtra);
        } else {
            // then C_HTML_TAGS_KEEP == "simple", we keep U, B and I tags