$this->_tag_stack[] = array('WFForm', array('id' => 'form'));
$_block_repeat = true;
smarty_block_WFForm($this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack) - 1][1], null, $this, $_block_repeat);
while ($_block_repeat) {
Email: <?php 
    echo smarty_function_WFTextField(array('id' => 'email'), $this);
<br /> <?php 
    echo smarty_function_WFShowErrors(array('id' => 'email'), $this);

Subject: <?php 
    echo smarty_function_WFTextField(array('id' => 'subject'), $this);
<br /> <?php 
    echo smarty_function_WFShowErrors(array('id' => 'subject'), $this);

Message: <?php 
    echo smarty_function_WFTextArea(array('id' => 'message'), $this);
<br />
    echo smarty_function_WFSubmit(array('id' => 'submit'), $this);

    $_block_content = ob_get_contents();
    $this->_tag_stack[] = array('WFForm', array('id' => 'loginForm'));
    $_block_repeat = true;
    smarty_block_WFForm($this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack) - 1][1], null, $this, $_block_repeat);
    while ($_block_repeat) {
        echo smarty_function_WFHidden(array('id' => 'continueURL'), $this);

        <table border="0">
        echo smarty_function_WFTextField(array('id' => 'username'), $this);
        echo smarty_function_WFPassword(array('id' => 'password'), $this);
                <td colspan="2" align="center"><?php 
        echo smarty_function_WFSubmit(array('id' => 'login'), $this);


<div class="exampleBox">
    <h3>Example: Enabled (AND mode) via Multiple Value Boolean Binding</h3>
    <p>In this example, two values are bound to the "enabled" property. You can see from this example that both values must be TRUE for the item to be enabled.</p>
echo smarty_function_WFTextField(array('id' => 'multMultEnabledOn'), $this);
<br />
echo smarty_function_WFTextField(array('id' => 'multMultEnabledOff'), $this);
<br />
echo '
    {WFTextField id="multMultEnabledOn"}
    {WFTextField id="multMultEnabledOff"}
	\'multMultEnabledOn\' => array(
		\'bindings\' => array(
			\'value\' => array(
				\'instanceID\' => \'person\',