Ejemplo n.º 1
     if (is_string($bookmark)) {
         $href = $bookmark;
     } elseif (is_object($bookmark) && property_exists($bookmark, 'type') && in_array('h-cite', $bookmark->type)) {
         $href = $bookmark->properties->url[0];
         if (property_exists($bookmark->properties, 'name')) {
             $data['title'] = $bookmark->properties->name[0];
         // TODO: Parse the bookmark URL and find the canonical post title
     // If this is a submission of a bookmark, set the post author to the bookmark website.
     // For now, just set it to the domain of the bookmark. Later we could parse the bookmark for an h-card.
     if ($href != $sourceURL) {
         $data['post_author'] = parse_url($href, PHP_URL_SCHEME) . '://' . parse_url($href, PHP_URL_HOST);
 $indieNewsPermalink = Config::$baseURL . '/' . $lang . '/' . slugForURL($href);
 # If there is no existing post for $source, update the properties
 $post = ORM::for_table('posts')->where('lang', $lang)->where('href', $href)->find_one();
 if ($post != FALSE) {
     if ($data['date']) {
         $post->post_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['date']);
     $post->post_author = $data['post_author'];
     $post->title = $data['title'];
     if ($inReplyTo) {
         $post->in_reply_to = $inReplyTo;
     if ($data['body']) {
         $post->body = $data['body'];
Ejemplo n.º 2

use Cake\I18n\I18n;
// Redirect old feed URLs
$app->get('/:path(.:format)', function ($path, $format = 'html') use($app) {
    $app->redirect(Config::$baseURL . '/en' . ($format == 'json' ? '.json' : ''), 301);
})->conditions(array('format' => 'json', 'path' => '(home|newest)'));
// Redirect post IDs to the post URL version
$app->get('/post/:id(.:format)', function ($id, $format = 'html') use($app) {
    $post = ORM::for_table('posts')->where('id', $id)->find_one();
    if (!$post) {
        // Will trigger a 404 error
    $app->redirect(Config::$baseURL . '/post/' . slugForURL($post->href) . ($format == 'html' ? '' : '.' . $format), 302);
})->conditions(array('id' => '\\d+', 'format' => 'json'));
// Redirect old "/post/" permalinks
$app->get('/post/:slug', function ($slug) use($app) {
    $app->redirect(Config::$baseURL . '/en/' . $slug, 301);
})->conditions(array('slug' => '.+\\..+?'));
// Language-specific feeds
$app->get('/:lang(.:format)', function ($lang = 'en', $format = 'html') use($app) {
    $req = $app->request();
    $res = $app->response();
    $res['X-Pingback'] = 'https://webmention.io/webmention?forward=' . Config::$baseURL . '/' . $lang . '/webmention';
    $res['Link'] = '<' . Config::$baseURL . '/' . $lang . '/webmention>; rel="webmention"';
    // Get posts ordered by date submitted
    $posts = ORM::for_table('posts')->where('lang', $lang)->order_by_desc('date_submitted');
    if (array_key_exists('before', $req->params())) {
        $before = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', b60to10($req->params()['before']));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        $post->post_author = $data['post_author'];
        $post->title = $data['title'];
        if ($inReplyTo) {
            $post->in_reply_to = $inReplyTo;
        if ($data['body']) {
            $post->body = $data['body'];
        $post->href = $href;
        $post->source_url = $sourceURL;
        $update = false;
    $res['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
    $responseData = array('title' => $data['title'], 'body' => $data['body'] ? true : false, 'author' => $data['post_author'], 'date' => $data['date'] ? date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP', $data['date']) : false);
    if ($inReplyTo) {
        $responseData['in-reply-to'] = $inReplyTo;
    $response = array('result' => 'success', 'notices' => $notices, 'data' => $responseData, 'source' => $req->post('source'), 'href' => Config::$baseURL . '/post/' . slugForURL($post->href));
    $res['Location'] = Config::$baseURL . '/post/' . slugForURL($post->href);
$app->post('/webmention-error', function () use($app) {
    $req = $app->request();
    $res = $app->response();
    $res['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
    $res->body(json_encode(array('error' => 'no_link_found')));