} ?> </strong><br /> </td><?php } else { ?> <td colspan=2></td> <?php } ?> <td class="manage-column column-author"><?php if ($comment->id != NULL) { ?> <div id="submitted-on"><?php echo sk_avatar($comment->id, 40); echo $comment->alias . " | " . sprintf("<a href='http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=%s' target='_BLANK'>%s</a>", $comment->ip, $comment->ip) . " <br> " . $comment->date . " <br> "; if ($comment->email != "") { echo $comment->email; } else { _e('No e-mail registry', 'sk'); } ?> </div><div><p><img src='../wp-content/plugins/schreikasten/img/<?php $img = 'ham.png'; if ($comment->status == SK_SPAM) { $img = 'spam.png'; } if ($comment->status == SK_BLACK) { $img = 'black.png'; }
/** * Format a comment to be displayed in the shoutbox * * @access public * @param objetc comment The comment * @param sending Is this the comment we are sending? */ function sk_format_comment($comment, $sending = false, $rand = false, $hide = false) { global $current_user; if (!$rand) { $rand = mt_rand(111111, 999999); } $answer = ""; $for = ""; $av_size = 32; get_currentuserinfo(); //check if this user can administrate $sk_canmannage = false; if (current_user_can(SK_CAP)) { $sk_canmannage = true; } $options = get_option('sk_options'); //If we can reply a message, create the reply system if (sk_canReply()) { $for = " "; if (!$sending) { if ($comment->email != "") { $for .= "<a href='#sk_top' onclick='javascript:for_set{$rand}(" . $comment->id . ", \"" . $comment->alias . "\");'> " . __("[reply]", "sk") . "</a>"; } else { $for .= "<span class='sk-for'>" . __("[no sender]", "sk") . "</span>"; } } } //The classes for coloring the comments (used only if we are sending this comment) $class = "sk-userdata-user"; $divClass = 'sk-comment'; if ($comment && $comment->status == SK_SPAM) { $divClass .= '-spam'; $class .= "-spam"; } if ($comment && $comment->status == SK_MOOT) { $divClass .= '-moot'; $class .= "-moot"; } $mannage = ""; //If the user can mannage, set the mannage system inside the comment if ($sk_canmannage) { $class = "sk-userdata-admin"; if ($comment->status == SK_SPAM) { $class .= "-spam"; } if ($comment->status == SK_MOOT) { $class .= "-moot"; } $av_size = 41; $id = $comment->id; $edit = "<a href='" . htmlspecialchars(admin_url("edit-comments.php?page=skmanage&paged=1&mode=edit&id={$id}")) . "'>" . __('[edit]', 'sk') . "</a>"; $mannage .= "<br/><a style='cursor: pointer;' onclick='sk_confirm_action(\"delete\", {$rand}, {$id}, sk_semaphore{$rand});'>" . __('Delete', 'sk') . "</a> | "; if ($comment->user_id != 0) { $mannage .= "<a style='cursor: pointer;' onclick='sk_confirm_action(\"set_black\", {$rand}, {$id}, sk_semaphore{$rand});'>" . __('Reject', 'sk') . "</a> | "; } $mannage .= "<a style='cursor: pointer;' onclick='sk_confirm_action(\"set_spam\", {$rand}, {$id}, sk_semaphore{$rand});'>" . __('Spam', 'sk') . "</a><br/>"; if ($sending) { $mannage = "<br/>"; $edit = "[ " . __('Sending', 'sk') . " ]"; } } $avatar = ""; $item = ""; //Get the avatar using the specific size if ($options['avatar']) { $avatar = sk_avatar($comment->id, $av_size); } $comment_text = sk_format_text($comment->text); $comment_text = str_replace("<p>", "", $comment_text); $comment_text = str_replace("</p>", "", $comment_text); //If we have to hide this comment it's because this is the //section that would display the message while we ask if it's spam. //Then we have to set the comment part as the section that would have //the message and the alias. $th_alias_id = $th_text_id = ""; if ($hide) { $th_alias_id = " id='th_sk_alias{$rand}'"; $th_text_id = " id='th_sk_text{$rand}'"; } //Create the comment text $item .= "<div style='min-height: " . $av_size . "px;' class='{$class}'>" . $avatar . "<strong{$th_alias_id}>" . $comment->alias . "</strong>\r\n\t\t\t<br/><div class='sk-little'>(" . $comment->date . "){$mannage}</div>\r\n\t\t</div>\r\n\t\t<div class='sk-widgettext'>\r\n\t\t\t<div class='skwidget-comment'{$th_text_id}>" . $comment_text . "</div>\r\n\t\t\t<div class='skwidget-edit'>{$for} {$edit}</div>\r\n\t\t\t<div style='clear: both;'></div>\r\n\t\t</div>"; if ($options['layout'] == SK_LAYOUT_QA) { if ($replies = sk_format_replies($comment->id, $sk_canmannage, $rand)) { $item .= $replies; } } //if we show avatars, use the images $id = $comment->id; $user_id = $comment->user_id; //Set the comment owner type $usertype = 'sk-user-user'; if ($user_id > 0) { $comment_user = get_userdata($user_id); $capabilities = $comment_user->wp_capabilities; //->administrator; if (isset($capabilities['author']) && $capabilities['author'] == 1) { $usertype = 'sk-user-author'; } if (isset($capabilities['editor']) && $capabilities['editor'] == 1) { $usertype = 'sk-user-editor'; } if (isset($capabilities['administrator']) && $capabilities['administrator'] == 1) { $usertype = 'sk-user-admin'; } } $sk_id = "id='sk-{$rand}-{$id}'"; $class = "class='{$divClass} {$usertype}'"; if ($hide) { $class = "class='throbber-img-off' style='visibility: hidden;'"; $sk_id = "id='throbber-img{$rand}'"; } if ($options['avatar']) { $answer .= "\n<div {$class} {$sk_id}><a name='sk-comment-id{$id}'></a>\r\n\t\t{$item}\r\n\t\t</div>"; } else { //else, it's a list item $answer .= "\n<li {$class} {$sk_id}><a name='sk-comment-id{$id}'></a>\r\n\t\t\t\t{$item}\r\n\t\t\t\t</li>"; } return $answer; }
</span><?php } ?> <?php if($data->status==SK_MOOT || $data->status==SK_HAM) { ?><span> | <a href="<?php echo add_query_arg( array('paged'=>$page, 'mode_x' => 'set_spam_x', 'id' => $data->id, 'tid' => $tid ) );?>" class="edit" onclick="javascript:check=confirm( '<?php printf($status_message, $act_message, $spam_message); ?>');if(check==false) return false;"><?php _e('Spam', 'sk'); ?></a> </span><?php } ?> <span class='tracking'> | <a href="<?php echo add_query_arg( array( 'mode' => 'tracking', 'tid' => $data->id) ); ?>" class="tracking"><?php _e('Tracking', 'sk') ?></a></span><?php if($select==SK_BLACK) { ?> <?php if($block_id=sk_is_blacklisted($data->user_id)) { ?><span> | <a href="<?php echo add_query_arg( array('paged'=>$page, 'mode_x' => 'unlock_x', 'id' => $block_id, 'tid' => $tid) ); ?>" class="edit" onclick="javascript:check=confirm( '<?php _e("Are you sure you want to unlock this PC?",'sk')?>');if(check==false) return false;"><?php _e('Unlock PC', 'sk') ?></a></span><?php } else { ?> <span> | <a href="<?php echo add_query_arg( array('paged'=>$page, 'mode_x' => 'lock_x', 'id' => $data->id, 'tid' => $tid) ); ?>" class="edit" onclick="javascript:check=confirm( '<?php _e("Are you sure you want to lock this PC?",'sk')?>');if(check==false) return false;"><?php _e('Lock PC', 'sk') ?></a></span> <?php } } ?> </div> </td> </tr><? foreach($comments as $comment) { ?> <tr id='comment-<?php echo $comment->id; ?>'> <td class="column-author"> <?php echo sk_avatar($comment->id, 32); echo "<strong>{$comment->alias}</strong>"; ?> <br /><?php if($comment->email!="") echo $comment->email; else _e('No e-mail registry', 'sk'); if($comment->user_id>0) { echo "<br/>"; printf(" (".__('registered user', 'sk').")"); } printf("<br><a href='http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=%s' target='_BLANK'>%s</a>", $comment->ip, $comment->ip); ?> </td> <td class="comment column-comment"><div id="submitted-on"><?php echo $comment->date; ?></div><p><img src='../wp-content/plugins/schreikasten/img/<?php $img='ham.png'; if($comment->status==SK_SPAM) $img='spam.png'; if($comment->status==SK_BLACK) $img='black.png'; if($comment->status==SK_MOOT) $img='moot.png'; echo $img; ?>'> <?php echo $comment->text; ?></p><?php $act_message=""; $spam_message=strtolower( _n('Spam', 'Spam', 1, 'sk') );