if ($space_released >= $diskQuotaDropbox/10) { break; } } $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-success'>".sprintf($langDropboxFreeSpaceSuccess, $space_released/1024/1024)."</div>"; } else { //provide option to free some space $tool_content .= "<div id='operations_container'> <ul id='opslist'> <li><a onclick=\"return confirm('".sprintf($langDropboxFreeSpaceConfirm, $space_to_free)."');\" href='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?course=$course_code&showQuota=TRUE&free=TRUE'>".sprintf($langDropboxFreeSpace, $space_to_free)."</a></li> </ul> </div>"; } } $backPath = "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]" . (($course_id != 0)? "?course=$course_code" : ""); $tool_content .= showquota($diskQuotaDropbox, $diskUsed-$space_released, $backPath); draw($tool_content, 2); exit; } if (isset($_REQUEST['upload']) && $_REQUEST['upload'] == 1) {//new message form if ($course_id == 0) { if (isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] == 'cm') { $type = 'cm'; } else { $type = 'pm'; } } if ($course_id == 0 && $type == 'pm') {
} else { $type = $subsystem == GROUP ? 'group_quota' : 'doc_quota'; $d = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT {$type} as quotatype FROM course WHERE id = ?d", $course_id); $diskQuotaDocument = $d->quotatype; } if (isset($_GET['showQuota'])) { if ($subsystem == GROUP) { $navigation[] = array('url' => 'index.php?course=' . $course_code . '&group_id=' . $group_id, 'name' => $langDoc); } elseif ($subsystem == EBOOK) { $navigation[] = array('url' => 'index.php?course=' . $course_code . '&ebook_id=' . $ebook_id, 'name' => $langDoc); } elseif ($subsystem == COMMON) { $navigation[] = array('url' => 'commondocs.php', 'name' => $langCommonDocs); } else { $navigation[] = array('url' => 'index.php?course=' . $course_code, 'name' => $langDoc); } $tool_content .= showquota($diskQuotaDocument, $diskUsed); draw($tool_content, $menuTypeID); exit; } // --------------------------- // download directory or file // --------------------------- if (isset($_GET['download'])) { $downloadDir = $_GET['download']; if ($downloadDir == '/') { $format = '.dir'; $real_filename = remove_filename_unsafe_chars($langDoc . ' ' . $public_code); } else { $q = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT filename, format, visible, extra_path, public FROM document\n WHERE {$group_sql} AND\n path = ?s", $downloadDir); if (!$q) { not_found($downloadDir);
$tool_content .= action_bar(array( array('title' => $langBack, 'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?course=$course_code", 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'level' => 'primary-label'))); } } $diskQuotaVideo = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT video_quota FROM course WHERE code=?s", $course_code)->video_quota; $updir = "$webDir/video/$course_code"; //path to upload directory $diskUsed = dir_total_space($updir); if (isset($_GET['showQuota']) and $_GET['showQuota'] == TRUE) { $pageName = $langQuotaBar; $navigation[] = array('url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?course=$course_code", 'name' => $langVideo); $tool_content .= showquota($diskQuotaVideo, $diskUsed); draw($tool_content, $menuTypeID); exit; } // visibility commands if (isset($_GET['vis'])) { $table = select_table($_GET['table']); Database::get()->query("UPDATE $table SET visible = ?d WHERE id = ?d", $_GET['vis'], $_GET['vid']); $action_message = "<div class='alert alert-success'>$langViMod</div>"; } // Public accessibility commands if (isset($_GET['public']) or isset($_GET['limited'])) { $new_public_status = isset($_GET['public']) ? 1 : 0; $table = select_table($_GET['table']);