$rulesFids['body_page_type'] = intval($newArray['page']['page_type']); $sql = $NBS->add($rulesFids); $db = new MySQL(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); $db->query($sql); $NBS->setTable(TB_FILTER); $ruleID = $db->lastid(); if ($newArray['filter_list']['filter']) { if ($newArray['filter_list']['filter'][0]) { foreach ($newArray['filter_list']['filter'] as $val) { $tmpFilterFids['filter_multi'] = intval($val['filter_multi']); $tmpFilterFids['filter_enter'] = intval($val['filter_enter']); $tmpFilterFids['filter_rule'] = addslashes(encodestring($val['filter_area'])); $tmpFilterFids['filter_name'] = addslashes($val['filter_name']); $tmpFilterFids['rule_id'] = $ruleID; $sql = $NBS->add($tmpFilterFids); $db->query($sql); } } else { $tmpFilterFids['filter_multi'] = intval($newArray['filter_list']['filter']['filter_multi']); $tmpFilterFids['filter_enter'] = intval($newArray['filter_list']['filter']['filter_enter']); $tmpFilterFids['filter_rule'] = addslashes(encodestring($newArray['filter_list']['filter']['filter_area'])); $tmpFilterFids['filter_name'] = addslashes($newArray['filter_list']['filter']['filter_name']); $tmpFilterFids['rule_id'] = $ruleID; $sql = $NBS->add($tmpFilterFids); $db->query($sql); } } showloading('?module=listRules', '导入采集器配置', '采集器: ' . $_POST['ruleName'] . ' 导入成功,现在返回采集器列表.'); $tpShowBody = false; } }
$time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $NBS = new NEATBulidSql(TB_DB2DB); $configFids['id'] = ''; $configFids['db_type'] = trim($_GET['type']); $configFids['rules'] = @implode(',', $_POST['rulesID']); $configFids['name'] = $name; $configFids['host'] = $_SESSION['TARGET_DB_HOST']; $configFids['user'] = $_SESSION['TARGET_DB_USER']; $configFids['password'] = $_SESSION['TARGET_DB_PASS']; $configFids['db_name'] = $_SESSION['TARGET_DB_NAME']; $configFids['article_table'] = $tableList; $configFids['field_list'] = $fieldList; $configFids['value_list'] = $dataList; $configFids['recount_fields_list'] = $countFieldsList; $configFids['recount_fields_value_list'] = $countFieldsValueList; $configFids['recount_rules_list'] = $countRulesList; $configFids['recount_rules_value_list'] = $countRulesValueList; $configFids['date'] = $time; $sql = $NBS->add($configFids); $db = new MySQL(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); $db->query($sql); $db->disconnect(); showloading('index.php?module=listDB', '添加成功', '导入配置: ' . $name . ' 添加成功,现在返回采集器列表.'); $tpShowBody = false; } } } } } } }
} if (!is_numeric($_GET['ID'])) { error('采集器编号只能是数字!'); } $sql = 'SELECT * '; $sql .= 'FROM ' . TB_RULES . ' '; $sql .= 'WHERE id = ' . $_GET['ID']; $db = new MySQL(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); $rs = $db->query($sql); if (!$rs->next_record()) { error('找不到编号为' . $_GET['ID'] . '的采集器规则!'); } $NBS = new NEATBulidSql(TB_RULES); $rulesFids['id'] = $_GET['ID']; $sql = $NBS->del($rulesFids); $db->query($sql); $NBS->setTable(TB_FILTER); $filterFids['rule_id'] = $_GET['ID']; $sql = $NBS->del($filterFids); $db->query($sql); $NBS->setTable(TB_LINKS); $linksFids['rules'] = $_GET['ID']; $sql = $NBS->del($linksFids); $db->query($sql); $NBS->setTable(TB_DATA); $dataFids['rules'] = $_GET['ID']; $sql = $NBS->del($dataFids); $db->query($sql); $db->disconnect(); showloading('?module=listRules', '删除成功', '编号为 ' . $_GET['ID'] . ' 的采集器删除成功,现在返回采集器列表.'); $tpShowBody = false;
if (!$_POST['configName']) { error('请输入数据库配置的名称'); } $contents = base64_decode($_SESSION['content']); $NX = new NEAT_XML(); $NX->parse_document($contents); $newArray = $NX->xml_array['nc_dbexport_config']; $time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $NBS = new NEATBulidSql(TB_DB2DB); $configFids['name'] = $_POST['configName']; $configFids['db_type'] = addslashes(trim($newArray['access']['access_type'])); $configFids['rules'] = @implode(',', $_POST['rulesID']); $configFids['host'] = addslashes($_SESSION['TARGET_DB_HOST']); $configFids['user'] = addslashes($_SESSION['TARGET_DB_USER']); $configFids['password'] = addslashes($_SESSION['TARGET_DB_PASS']); $configFids['db_name'] = addslashes($_SESSION['TARGET_DB_NAME']); $configFids['article_table'] = addslashes(trim($newArray['otherdb']['otherdb_table'])); $configFids['field_list'] = addslashes(trim($newArray['otherdb']['otherdb_fields'])); $configFids['value_list'] = addslashes(trim($newArray['otherdb']['otherdb_rules'])); $configFids['date'] = $time; $sql = $NBS->add($configFids); $db = new MySQL(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); $db->query($sql); $db->disconnect(); session_destroy(); showloading('index.php?module=listDB', '导入成功', '导入配置: ' . $_POST['configName'] . ' 导入成功,现在返回配置列表.'); $tpShowBody = false; } } } }
<?php if (!$_GET['ID']) { error('导入配置编号不能为空!'); } if (!is_numeric($_GET['ID'])) { error('导入配置编号只能是数字!'); } $sql = 'DELETE '; $sql .= 'FROM ' . TB_DB2DB . ' '; $sql .= 'WHERE id = ' . $_GET['ID']; $db = new MySQL(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); $rs = $db->update($sql); $db->disconnect(); showloading('?module=listDB', '删除成功...', '编号为' . $_GET['ID'] . '的导入规则已经被成功删除,现在返回导入规则列表'); $tpShowBody = false;
$nextStart = $start + $eachTimes; $geted = $nextStart - 1; $leaveTotal = $total - $geted; if ($leaveTotal < $eachTimes) { $eachTimes = $leaveTotal; } if ($total < $nextStart) { if ($_GET['mark'] and $_GET['marktype'] == 'image') { @unlink($markImage); } $url = '?module=listRules'; showloading($url, '文章图片采集任务完成...', '文章图片已经全部采集到本地目录'); $tpShowBody = false; } else { $url = '?module=bodyImgCollection&action=processing&total=' . $total . '&rulesID=' . $rulesID . '&eachTimes=' . $eachTimes . '&savePath=' . $savePath . '&start=' . $nextStart . '&maxsize=' . $maxSize . '&minsize=' . $minSize; if ($_GET['mark']) { if ($_GET['marktype'] == 'text') { $url .= '&mark=1&marktype=text&mark_text_text=' . $_GET['mark_text_text'] . '&mark_text_tran=' . $_GET['mark_text_tran'] . '&mark_text_fontsize=' . $_GET['mark_text_fontsize']; } else { if ($_GET['marktype'] == 'image') { $url .= '&mark=1&marktype=image&mark_image_image=' . $_GET['mark_image_image'] . '&mark_image_tran=' . $_GET['mark_image_tran']; } } } $message = '当前已经采集 : ' . $geted . ' 条,还有 ' . $leaveTotal . ' 条在任务队列中. (一共 ' . $total . ' 条)'; showloading($url, '文章图片采集任务进行中...', $message, 1); $tpShowBody = false; } } } }
break; case '1week': $savetime = 604800; break; case '1year': $savetime = 31536000; break; default: $savetime = 0; } $cookieSaveTime = !$savetime ? 0 : $savetime + time(); if ($_POST['username'] == NEAT_USERNAME and $_POST['password'] == NEAT_PASSWORD) { setcookie(COOKIE_PREFIX . 'neatusername', $_POST['username'], $cookieSaveTime, COOKIE_PATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN); setcookie(COOKIE_PREFIX . 'neatpassword', md5($_POST['password']), $cookieSaveTime, COOKIE_PATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN); showloading('index.php', '登陆成功', '登陆成功,现在返回首页'); $tpShowBody = false; } else { error('用户或密码错误,请返回重试!'); } } else { if ($_GET['logout']) { setcookie(COOKIE_PREFIX . 'neatusername', time() - 31536000, $cookieSaveTime, COOKIE_PATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN); setcookie(COOKIE_PREFIX . 'neatpassword', time() - 31536000, $cookieSaveTime, COOKIE_PATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN); showloading('index.php', '退出成功', '退出成功,现在返回首页'); $tpShowBody = false; } else { $tpShowBody = false; $tp->set_templatefile('templates/login.html'); $tp->output(); } }
<?php if (!$_GET['ID']) { error('采集器编号不能为空!'); } if (!is_numeric($_GET['ID'])) { error('采集器编号只能是数字!'); } if (!$_GET['action']) { showloading('?module=testBody&action=get&ID=' . $_GET['ID'] . '&url=' . rawurlencode($_GET['url']), '测试采集内容中...'); $tpShowBody = false; } else { if ($_GET['action'] == 'get') { $sql = 'SELECT * '; $sql .= 'FROM ' . TB_RULES . ' '; $sql .= 'WHERE id = ' . $_GET['ID']; $db = new MySQL(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); $rs = $db->query($sql); $filterSql = 'SELECT * '; $filterSql .= 'FROM ' . TB_FILTER . ' '; $filterSql .= 'WHERE rule_id = ' . $_GET['ID']; $rsFilter = $db->query($filterSql); $i = 0; while ($rsFilter->next_record()) { $filter[$i] = $rsFilter->get('filter_rule'); ++$i; } $db->disconnect(); if (!$rs->next_record()) { error('找不到编号为' . $_GET['ID'] . '的采集器规则!'); }
$nextStart = $start + $eachTimes; $geted = $nextStart - 1; $leaveTotal = $total - $geted; if ($leaveTotal < $eachTimes) { $eachTimes = $leaveTotal; } if ($total < $nextStart) { $countSql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS total '; $countSql .= 'FROM ' . TB_DATA . ' '; $countSql .= 'WHERE rules = ' . $_GET['rulesID']; $rs = $db->query($countSql); $rs->next_record(); $importTotal = $rs->get('total'); $NBS = new NEATBulidSql(TB_RULES); $conditionFids['id'] = $_GET['rulesID']; $rulesFids['import_num'] = $importTotal; $sql = $NBS->update($rulesFids, $conditionFids); $db->update($sql); $url = $_GET['rulesID'] ? '?module=updateRulesCount&ID=' . $_GET['rulesID'] : 'index.php'; showloading($url, '数据入库任务完成...', '文章已经全部采集到本地数据库'); $tpShowBody = false; } else { $url = '?module=import&action=processing&total=' . $total . '&rulesID=' . $rulesID . '&eachTimes=' . $eachTimes . '&start=' . $nextStart; $message = '当前已经入库 : ' . $geted . ' 条,还有 ' . $leaveTotal . ' 条在任务队列中. (一共 ' . $total . ' 条)'; showloading($url, '数据入库任务进行中...', $message, 1); $tpShowBody = false; } } } } $db->disconnect();
<?php if (!$_GET['ID']) { error('采集器编号不能为空!'); } if (!is_numeric($_GET['ID'])) { error('采集器编号只能是数字!'); } if (!$_GET['action']) { showloading('?module=testLink&action=get&ID=' . $_GET['ID'], '测试采集连接中...', '这会根据您的网络速度以及目标站的网络速度来决定消耗时间.请耐心等待! ', 1); $tpShowBody = false; } else { if ($_GET['action'] == 'get') { $sql = 'SELECT * '; $sql .= 'FROM ' . TB_RULES . ' '; $sql .= 'WHERE id = ' . $_GET['ID']; $db = new MySQL(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); $rs = $db->query($sql); $db->disconnect(); if (!$rs->next_record()) { error('找不到编号为' . $_GET['ID'] . '的采集器规则!'); } $NC = new NEAT_COLLECTOR(); $NIA = new NEAT_IMPORT_ARTICLE($NC); switch ($rs->get('index_type')) { case 1: $method = 'GET'; $param['cookie'] = $rs->get('cookies'); $referer = $rs->get('referer'); $useragent = $rs->get('useragent'); $replaceRNT = $rs->get('replaceRNT');
$time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $NBS = new NEATBulidSql(TB_DB2DB); $configFids['name'] = $name; $configFids['db_type'] = trim($_GET['type']); $configFids['rules'] = @implode(',', $_POST['rulesID']); $configFids['host'] = $_SESSION['TARGET_DB_HOST']; $configFids['user'] = $_SESSION['TARGET_DB_USER']; $configFids['password'] = $_SESSION['TARGET_DB_PASS']; $configFids['db_name'] = $_SESSION['TARGET_DB_NAME']; $configFids['article_table'] = $tableList; $configFids['field_list'] = $fieldList; $configFids['value_list'] = $dataList; $configFids['recount_fields_list'] = $countFieldsList; $configFids['recount_fields_value_list'] = $countFieldsValueList; $configFids['recount_rules_list'] = $countRulesList; $configFids['recount_rules_value_list'] = $countRulesValueList; $configCondition['id'] = intval($_GET['ID']); $sql = $NBS->update($configFids, $configCondition); $db = new MySQL(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); $db->query($sql); $db->disconnect(); session_destroy(); showloading('index.php?module=listDB', '修改成功', '导入配置: ' . $name . ' 修改成功,现在返回配置列表.'); $tpShowBody = false; } } } } } } }
$tmpFilterFids['filter_rule'] = $_POST['filter_rule'][$key]; $tmpFilterFids['filter_name'] = $_POST['filter_name'][$key]; $sql = $NBS->update($tmpFilterFids, $tmpConditionFids); $db->query($sql); continue; } else { $tmpDelFids['id'] = $key; $sql = $NBS->del($tmpDelFids); $db->query($sql); continue; } } } if ($_POST['add_filter_rule']) { foreach ($_POST['add_filter_rule'] as $k => $v) { if ($v) { $tmpFilterFids['filter_multi'] = $_POST['add_filter_multi'][$k]; $tmpFilterFids['filter_enter'] = $_POST['add_filter_enter'][$k]; $tmpFilterFids['filter_rule'] = $_POST['add_filter_rule'][$k]; $tmpFilterFids['filter_name'] = $_POST['add_filter_name'][$k]; $tmpFilterFids['rule_id'] = $_GET['ID']; $sql = $NBS->add($tmpFilterFids); $db->query($sql); continue; } } } showloading('?module=listRules', '编辑成功', '采集器: ' . $_POST['name'] . ' 编辑成功,现在返回采集器列表.'); $tpShowBody = false; } $db->disconnect();
$sql .= 'WHERE id '; $sql .= 'IN (' . $sqlIDList . ')'; $rs = $db->query($sql); $count = array(); while ($rs->next_record()) { $rulesID = $rs->get('rules'); ++$count[$rulesID]; } $NBS = new NEATBulidSql(TB_RULES); foreach ($count as $k => $v) { $updateFids['import_num'] = 'num'; $conditionFids['id'] = $k; $config['import_num']['method'] = '-'; $config['import_num']['num'] = $v; $sql = $NBS->update($updateFids, $conditionFids, $config); $db->update($sql); } $sql = 'DELETE '; $sql .= 'FROM ' . TB_DATA . ' '; $sql .= 'WHERE link_id '; $sql .= 'IN (' . $sqlIDList . ')'; $db->update($sql); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TB_LINKS . ' '; $sql .= 'SET import = 0 '; $sql .= 'WHERE id '; $sql .= 'IN (' . $sqlIDList . ')'; $db->update($sql); $db->disconnect(); $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ? $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ($url = '?module=listImport'); showloading($url, '数据删除成功', '有 ' . $idNum . ' 条数据被成功删除.现在返回数据列表'); $tpShowBody = false;
<?php if (!$_GET['ID']) { error('采集器编号不能为空!'); } if (!is_numeric($_GET['ID'])) { error('采集器编号只能是数字!'); } $db = new MySQL(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); $countSql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS total '; $countSql .= 'FROM ' . TB_LINKS . ' '; $countSql .= 'WHERE rules = ' . $_GET['ID']; $rs = $db->query($countSql); $rs->next_record(); $linkTotal = $rs->get('total'); $countSql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS total '; $countSql .= 'FROM ' . TB_DATA . ' '; $countSql .= 'WHERE rules = ' . $_GET['ID']; $rs = $db->query($countSql); $rs->next_record(); $importTotal = $rs->get('total'); $NBS = new NEATBulidSql(TB_RULES); $conditionFids['id'] = $_GET['ID']; $rulesFids['link_num'] = $linkTotal; $rulesFids['import_num'] = $importTotal; $sql = $NBS->update($rulesFids, $conditionFids); $db->update($sql); $db->disconnect(); showloading('?module=listRules', '更新计数成功', '编号为 ' . $_GET['ID'] . ' 的采集器更新计数,现在返回采集器列表.'); $tpShowBody = false;
$alertTitle = $finishAlertTitle; $alertMessage = $finishAlertMessage; } } else { if ($_GET['start'] < $pageTotal) { $alertTitle = $nextAlertTitle; $alertMessage = '当前任务:第' . $_GET['start'] . '页,一共' . $pageTotal . '页在任务队列中.' . $nextAlertMessage; $gotoURL = $baseURL . '3&start=' . ++$_GET['start'] . '&dataCount=' . $dataCount . '&existsCount=' . $existsCount; } else { $gotoURL = $finishBaseURL . '&dataCount=' . $dataCount . '&existsCount=' . $existsCount; $alertTitle = $finishAlertTitle; $alertMessage = $finishAlertMessage; } } } showloading($gotoURL, $alertTitle, $alertMessage, 1); $tpShowBody = false; } else { if ($_GET['action'] == 'finish') { if (0 < $_GET['dataCount']) { $NBS = new NEATBulidSql(TB_RULES); $updateFids['link_num'] = 'link_num'; $conditionFids['id'] = $_GET['ID']; $config['link_num']['method'] = '+'; $config['link_num']['num'] = $_GET['dataCount']; $sql = $NBS->update($updateFids, $conditionFids, $config); $db->update($sql); } $tp->set_templatefile('templates/link_collection_result.html'); $tp->assign('existsCount', $_GET['existsCount']); $tp->assign('dataCount', $_GET['dataCount']);
} } $updateSql = 'UPDATE ' . TB_LINKS . ' SET '; $updateSql .= $adoptSql; $updateSql .= ' WHERE id IN (' . $sqlIDList . ')'; $db->update($updateSql); $sql = 'DELETE '; $sql .= 'FROM ' . TB_DATA . ' '; $sql .= 'WHERE link_id '; $sql .= 'IN (' . $sqlIDList . ')'; $db->update($sql); } else { $totalSql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM ' . TB_LINKS . ' '; $totalSql .= ' WHERE rules = ' . $_GET['rules'] . ' '; $totalrs = $db->query($totalSql); $totalrs->next_record(); $idNum = $totalrs->get('total'); $updateSql = 'UPDATE ' . TB_LINKS . ' SET '; $updateSql .= $adoptSql; $updateSql .= ' WHERE rules = ' . $_GET['rules'] . ' '; $db->update($updateSql); $sql = 'DELETE '; $sql .= 'FROM ' . TB_DATA . ' '; $sql .= 'WHERE rules '; $sql .= '= ' . $_GET['rules'] . ' '; $db->update($sql); } $db->disconnect(); $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ? $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ($url = '?module=listLink'); showloading($url, '编辑成功', '有 ' . $idNum . ' 条连接更新为 ' . $message[$_GET['adopt']] . ' ,现在返回连接列表.', 1); $tpShowBody = false;
while ($rsFilter->next_record()) { $filterSource[] = $rsFilter->getarray(); } if (is_array($filterSource)) { foreach ($filterSource as $val) { $insertSql = ''; $sqlFids = ''; $sqlValue = ''; $sign = ''; foreach ($val as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'id' or $k == 'rule_id') { continue; } else { $sqlFids .= $sign . $k; $sqlValue .= $sign . '\'' . addslashes($v) . '\''; $sign = ', '; continue; } } $sqlFids .= ', rule_id'; $sqlValue .= ' , \'' . $ruleID . '\''; $insertSql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TB_FILTER . ' '; $insertSql .= '(' . $sqlFids . ') '; $insertSql .= 'VALUES (' . $sqlValue . ') '; $db->query($insertSql); } } showloading('?module=listRules', '复制采集器成功', '新的采集器: ' . $newRuleName . ' 复制成功,现在采集器列表.'); $tpShowBody = false; $db->disconnect(); }
if ($NEAT_SWF->saved['remotePath']) { foreach ($NEAT_SWF->saved['remotePath'] as $key => $val) { $newPathReplace = $newPath . $val; $bodyContent = str_replace($key, $newPathReplace, $bodyContent); } } $conditionFids['id'] = $rs->get('id'); $datasFids['body'] = addslashes($bodyContent); $datasFids['swf_geted'] = 1; $sql = $NBS->update($datasFids, $conditionFids); $db->query($sql); } $nextStart = $start + $eachTimes; $geted = $nextStart - 1; $leaveTotal = $total - $geted; if ($leaveTotal < $eachTimes) { $eachTimes = $leaveTotal; } if ($total < $nextStart) { $url = '?module=listRules'; showloading($url, '文章FLASH采集任务完成...', '文章FLASH已经全部采集到本地目录'); $tpShowBody = false; } else { $url = '?module=bodySwfCollection&action=processing&total=' . $total . '&rulesID=' . $rulesID . '&eachTimes=' . $eachTimes . '&savePath=' . $savePath . '&start=' . $nextStart . '&maxsize=' . $maxSize . '&minsize=' . $minSize; $message = '当前已经采集 : ' . $geted . ' 条,还有 ' . $leaveTotal . ' 条在任务队列中. (一共 ' . $total . ' 条)'; showloading($url, '文章FLASH采集任务进行中...', $message, 10); $tpShowBody = false; } } } }
'; continue; } else { $item .= 'item' . $val['pid'] . '.add(item' . $val['id'] . '); '; continue; } } $tp->set_templatefile('templates/category_add.html'); $tp->assign('tree', $tree); $tp->assign('root', $root); $tp->assign('item', $item); $tp->assign('option', $option); $moduleTemplate = $tp->result(); $moduleTitle = '添加采集器分类'; } else { if (!$_POST['title']) { error('分类名称不能为空!'); } !$_POST['orderid'] ? $maxOrderID = $NC->getNodeMaxOrderID($_POST['pid']) : ($maxOrderID = $_POST['orderid']); $data['id'] = ''; $data['pid'] = $_POST['pid']; $data['title'] = $_POST['title']; $data['orderid'] = $maxOrderID; $NC->addCategory($data); $catearray = $NC->getCategory(); $getarray = $NC->getTree($catearray, 0, 0, 'category'); $NC->doCategoryCache($getarray); showloading('?module=listCategory', '分类添加', '分类添加完毕,现在返回分类列表', 1); $tpShowBody = false; }
' . 'define(\'COOKIE_DOMAIN\', \'' . COOKIE_DOMAIN . '\'); ' . 'define(\'COOKIE_PATH\', \'' . COOKIE_PATH . '\'); ' . '// num of onepage ' . 'define(\'NUM_RULES_ONEPAGE\', ' . $_POST['page_rules'] . '); ' . 'define(\'NUM_LINK_ONEPAGE\', ' . $_POST['page_link'] . '); ' . 'define(\'NUM_IMPORT_ONEPAGE\', ' . $_POST['page_import'] . '); ' . '// registration information ' . 'define(\'REG_NAME\', \'' . $_POST['reg_name'] . '\'); ' . 'define(\'REG_TYPE\', ' . $_POST['reg_type'] . '); ' . 'define(\'REG_SERVER_SN\', \'' . $_POST['reg_server_sn'] . '\'); ' . 'define(\'REG_LOCAL_SN\', \'' . $_POST['reg_local_sn'] . '\'); ' . '// username password ' . 'define(\'NEAT_USERNAME\', \'' . $_POST['username'] . '\'); ' . 'define(\'NEAT_PASSWORD\', \'' . $_POST['password'] . '\'); ' . '$configIgnoreExt = array(' . $ignoreExtArray . '); ' . '?>'; $fp = fopen('includes/config.inc.php', 'w+'); fwrite($fp, $configContents); fclose($fp); $url = '?module=sysConfig'; showloading($url, '配置参数编辑成功', '配置文件已经更新,现在返回配置参数页.', 1); $tpShowBody = false; }
$tp->assign('id', $rs->get('id')); $tp->assign('cfgname', $rs->get('name')); $moduleTemplate = $tp->result(); $moduleTitle = '复制导入配置'; $db->disconnect(); } else { $configName = trim($_POST['configname']); if (!$_POST['configname']) { error('请输入配置名称'); } $sourceArray = $rs->getarray(); foreach ($sourceArray as $key => $val) { if ($key == 'name' or $key == 'id') { continue; } else { $sqlFids .= $sign . $key; $sqlValue .= $sign . '\'' . addslashes($val) . '\''; $sign = ', '; continue; } } $sqlFids .= ', name'; $sqlValue .= ' , \'' . addslashes($configName) . '\''; $insertSql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TB_DB2DB . ' '; $insertSql .= '(' . $sqlFids . ') '; $insertSql .= 'VALUES (' . $sqlValue . ') '; $db->query($insertSql); showloading('?module=listDB', '复制导入配置成功', '新的导入配置: ' . $configName . ' 复制成功,现在导入配置列表.'); $tpShowBody = false; $db->disconnect(); }
$sql .= 'WHERE id '; $sql .= 'IN (' . $sqlIDList . ')'; $rs = $db->query($sql); $count = array(); while ($rs->next_record()) { $rulesID = $rs->get('rules'); ++$count[$rulesID]; } $NBS = new NEATBulidSql(TB_RULES); foreach ($count as $k => $v) { $updateFids['link_num'] = 'num'; $conditionFids['id'] = $k; $config['link_num']['method'] = '-'; $config['link_num']['num'] = $v; $sql = $NBS->update($updateFids, $conditionFids, $config); $db->update($sql); } $sql = 'DELETE '; $sql .= 'FROM ' . TB_DATA . ' '; $sql .= 'WHERE link_id '; $sql .= 'IN (' . $sqlIDList . ')'; $db->update($sql); $sql = 'DELETE '; $sql .= 'FROM ' . TB_LINKS . ' '; $sql .= 'WHERE id '; $sql .= 'IN (' . $sqlIDList . ')'; $db->update($sql); $db->disconnect(); $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ? $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ($url = '?module=listLink'); showloading($url, '连接删除成功', '有 ' . $idNum . ' 条连接被成功删除.现在返回连接列表'); $tpShowBody = false;